Monday, September 30, 2013

The brand Coca-Cola is 'only' third most worthwhile - Aftenposten

iPhone has replaced Coca-Cola as a symbol of the global consumer society, says New York Times in its coverage of analyst firm Interbrand’s annual ranking of brands.

Graham Hales from Interbrand said, according to the British The Times that the technology sector has the most buoyancy. Seven of the top ten companies on the ranking is IT giants. Besides Coca-Cola is the only McDonald’s and Japanese Toyota will fit among the ten most valuable brands next IT giants.

Blackberry out

An exception to IT success stories is the ailing Canadian mobile phone company Blackberry, which has disappeared from the top 100 list. And Finnish Nokia was a few years ago among the world’s best brands, but this time fell more than any other company down to a 57 place at this year’s edition.

the first time in 13 years that Coca-Cola has lost the top spot in the rankings “Best Global Brands Report” from Interbrand. The manufacturer of lesekedrikker is now down to third.

The same international brands which are also cited by students in a variety of rich countries when they pull up the most popular employers they can think of.

end rings on top is also an indication that the consumer society is less affected by physical brands, such as cars or food and drink. Instead, the digital services indirectly flagship international brands, according to executives and analysts in international media.

American analyst follows the major brands closely. The rating has received considerable attention, particularly in the U.S., but the results are too broad coverage in European media. Interbrand owned by Omnicom Group, which is considered among one of the four major groups in advertising, media advertising and agency operations in the world.


There are a number of international and national measures of brand strength. In Norway, the annual Norwegian Customer Barometer attention. It is an annual measure of consumer satisfaction which is being conducted by BI.

See also

Nobody has looked unhappy customers Dagbladet

– Sad reading, says BI professor, after the newspaper lands on the bottom for the third time in five years.

In May this year he was also reputation measurement RepTrak Norway in 2013 of the 50 most visible companies in Norway which showed a sharp drop for NRK.

Internet Brands analysts look at both companies ‘financial ratios and brands’ impact on consumer purchasing decisions.

Apple gets a value of 98.32 billion dollars (nearly 600 billion) in this calculation. There is an increase of 28 percent. In the first Interbrand ranking Apple received a value of its brand at just $ 6 billion. In 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the company’s first iPhone.

Then Apple got wind in its sails. As late as 2011, the Apple still down in eighth place.

Google included 93.29 billion dollars, while the brand Coca-Cola has a value of almost 80 billion dollars.

The ranking of Apple and Google in this ranking is the reverse compared with the current market share in the global mobile phone market. It is Google’s Android system dominates the market for smart phones, not least through the Korean Samsung’s large market share worldwide.


Samsung is also on the rise in the rankings and has increased its value by 20 percent to eighth place in this year’s edition.

Among European brands is the German cargiants Daimler and BMW best positioned respectively 11 space and 12 space. Luxury goods from Louis Vuitton contributes to a strong 17 space for this storefront for French industry.

Swedish giant Hennes & Mauritz and Ikea has the best brands from Scandinavia, according to Interbrand. They have respectable positions on the list, respectively 21 and 26 space.

Read more:

  • Internet Brands 2013 Rank
  • This is the students’ dream jobs

EU wants one type of charger with every mobile phone -

Mobile manufacturers may be forced to stick to the micro-USB connectors on all mobile phones and tablets sold in Europe.

requirement for a standard charging cable that works across all devices is said to prevent electronic waste, and to make it cheaper for consumers.

EU has for several years been working to get all the mobile manufacturers to use the same type of charge, to reduce the amount of electronic waste and costs for end users. Over the last few years the industry has more or less by itself largely gone over to Micro-USB as the common charging standard, just as the EU has wanted, writes Daily Mail.

Apple has chosen to stick to their own solutions, and last year launched a new charging connector called Lightning. This is not compatible with other non-Apple devices, and there’s even an electronic chip in it that will make it impossible for others to make copies of the cable without paying a licensing fee to Apple.

Now have a majority in Committee of the EU internal market voted for a new law that obliges mobile manufacturers to ensure that mobile phones sold in the EU can be used with a universal charger that goes to all phones.

– We urge member states and manufacturers finally to introduce a universal charger, to put an end to cable chaos that prevails in mobile phones and tablets, says committee member Barbara Weiler according

Since virtually all manufacturers have long since passed to Micro-USB, there is much to suggest that this proposal into practice is aimed at Apple. The company sells albeit a Lightning to Micro USB adapter, but this is obviously not good enough for the EU.

Lightning cable is supposed to transfer files faster when connecting to a computer, and it can also plugs in both ways as opposed to a usb.kontakt.

Consumers can still use Lightning connector, but must purchase a separate adapter.

Norwegian giants will win the Asia and South America -

Publisert 30.09.13 08:15

Vil kopiere suksessen

Telenor, Schibsted Media Group og Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) etablerer en felles satsing på digitale rubrikkannonser. De nye selskapene skal levere høykvalitets-tjenester til brukere i Asia og Sør-Amerika.

Telenor og Schibsted har etablert SnT Classifieds (SnT C), et selskap som skal satse på det digitale rubrikk-annonsemarkedet i sentrale, utvalgte land i Sør-Amerika og Asia. Samtidig vil Telenor også gå inn som likeverdig partner i 701 Search (701), selskapet Schibsted og SPH fram til nå sammen har utviklet innenfor rubrikk-annonsemarkedet i Sørøst Asia. Det skriver selskapene i en felles pressemelding mandag.

Mens Schibsted har omfattende kunnskap og erfaring fra den digitale rubrikkannonse-bransjen, har Telenor betydelig erfaring fra vekstmarkeder og bred kunnskap om mobil Internett-teknologi og bruken av denne. Gjennom sin tilstedeværelse på medie-siden i Singapore og Sørøst Asia, vil SPH bringe stor verdi til partnerskapet gjennom sin innsikt i lokale forhold og ikke minst sitt betydelige nettverk i regionen.

- Vi har stor tro på at vi skal kunne levere våre populære produkter og overføre sterke forretningsmodeller til raskt voksende økonomier i Sør-Amerika og Asia. Dette samarbeidet mellom tre selskap som alle er meget kunnskaps- og kompetanseorienterte, gjør oss enda bedre rustet både finansielt og operasjonelt til å gå for de attraktive nummer 1-posisjonene. Vi kan utrette mer – enda raskere. Sjansene for og lykkes er derfor mye større, sier konsernsjef Rolv Erik Ryssdal i Schibsted Media Group.

Ifølge de to selskapene forventes det at I løpet av de neste seks-sju årene vil nær tre milliarder mennesker kommer til å ha mobilen som sitt viktigste eller eneste medium for å koble seg på internett.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Xbox One gives training app -

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fixes embarrassing weakness - BergensAvisen

[] The mobile operating system iOS 7 came out recently, and it was not long before people were able to sneak past the various security measures. The fingerprint reader on the iPhone 5S was circumvented without much difficulty, and a relatively simple method allowed unauthorized access to your photos from the lock screen.

Now Apple has released iOS 7.0.2 update for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, thus eliminating the latter weakness. iOS 7.0.2 places besides all iDingser the same way again, after the previous update, iOS 7.0.1, only available for iPhone and iPhone 5S 5C.

Lock Screen Improvement’s not all iOS 7.0.2 has to offer. Greek lovers can also rejoice, as it now becomes possible to write passwords on Greek again.

iOS 7.0.2 must be downloaded over wireless networks, and file sizes are between 17 and 20 MB – depending iding you. You can find download links at 9to5Mac.

  • Android users also get their: Want iOS 7 on your Android phone?


Saturday, September 28, 2013

- Apple fingerprint reader hacked -


Apple har markedsført sin nye fingeravtrykk-sensor som en «praktisk og svært sikker» metode for adgang til mobiltelefonen.

Men den biometriske løsningen, Touch ID, introdusert med nye iPhone 5S på fredag, skal være enkel å omgå, hvis vi skal tro Chaos Computer Club (CCC).

Allerede lørdag meldte den legendariske tyske hackerforeningen at de har funnet en metode for å lure sensoren, med det de kaller «lett tilgjengelige midler».

– Apples sensor skulle tilsynelatende være mye sikrere enn eldre fingeravtrykkslesere. Mange falske spekulasjoner om hvor utrolig denne teknologien skulle være, og hvor vanskelig det ville være å beseire den, har dominert internasjonal teknologipresse i dagesvis, skriver gruppen i en tørr kommentar.

Kopierer avtrykk
Touch ID har i realiteten bare litt høyere oppløsning sammenlignet med tidligere sensorer. Dermed var det nok å øke oppløsningen på et falsk fingeravtrykk for å omgå løsningen, hevder de.

At de angivelig lykkes med å lure løsningen er demonstrert i et videoklipp delt på YouTube.

Slik CCC beskriver metoden har de først avfotografert et fingeravtrykk med 2400 dpi oppløsning. Bildet er deretter renset noe i et bildebehandlingsprogram, invertert og deretter skrevet ut med 1200 dpi oppløsning på et gjennomsiktig ark med tykke toner-innstillinger.

Til slutt har de smurt rosa latex-melk eller hvitt trelim over mønsteret på transparenten. Når dette har tørket løftes det tynne laget vekk fra arket, fuktes så vidt ved å ånde på avtrykket, før det plasseres på sensoren for å låse opp mobiltelefonen.

Metoden har vært brukt med hell også tidligere, og har bekjempet langt på vei de fleste fingeravtrykksensorer på markedet, skriver hackerkollektivet.

Chaos Computer Club håper at deres tilsynelatende suksess med å omgå løsningens sikkerhet vil fungere som en vekker.

– Vi håper at dette fjerner de illusjonene folk måtte ha om biometriske fingeravtrykk. Det er rett og slett tåpelig å bruke noe du ikke kan endre, og som du etterlater overalt hver dag, som del av en sikkerhetløsning, sier CCC-talsmann Frank Rieger i en kunngjøring.

Dersom påstandene om hvor enkelt det er å omgå Touch ID-sikkerheten kan bekreftes, vil det være pinlig for Apple, poengterer nyhetsbyrået Reuters.

Flere anerkjente sikkerhetseksperter, deriblant Charlie Miller, sier til Reuters at de tror det stemmer at Chaos Computer Club faktisk har klart det.

    Les også:
  • [23.09.2013] Aksjeras etter finger-hack
  • [23.09.2013] Ring fra låst iPhone

Les mer om: biometri, iphone 5s, apple, fingeravtrykksleser

Adobe Elements 12 shows the way -

The new versions of Photoshop and Premiere Elements hold your hand through advanced features.

Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements Photoshop and Premiere CC CCs less sophisticated siblings.

now is version 12 of the most popular photo and video editing programs out there and this time they will make it even easier to create effects

Tour Guide

For example, to add motion blur? Will For example, to add motion blur? Photo: Adobe

The new feature, which is available in both Photoshop and Premiere Elements, has been named “Guided Edits” and is exactly what it sounds like: a Step-by-step guide on how to add the different effects to photos and video.

Photoshop Elements is the added instructions on how to create a so-called Zoom burst, one puzzle effect, as well as repair of old photos.

Premiere Elements has in turn been given guidance on how to adjust the frames, add music, transitions, titles and picture-in-picture, to name a few.

See also: Photoshop and Lightroom to under a hundred tag

Photoshop News

Photoshop Elements 12 Adobe has added several features previously requested by users. One of the more interesting, the “Content-Aware Move”, a feature borrowed from big brother Photoshop CC.

With this you can move elements in an image (such as a human) and the program will fill the hole with background. The feature also allows you to correct the horizons of the image, where any edges are filled with the same “Content-Aware” technology.

Which version do you like best? Which version do you like best? Photo: Adobe

Another new feature is that Adobe has called “Auto Smart Tone”. To open an image, you get the function and will see four different versions of the picture in every corner of the original image.

Between these brings up a field with a small ball. It is not easy to explain, but the ball moving words around on an imaginary X-and Y-axis, where the four extremes representing each of the four different versions of the image. Everything after that where you drag the ball to, and displayed in real time, adjust the original image.

Auto Smart Tone will eventually remember what adjustments you make most often and will adapt the four different versions then.

See also: – Creative Cloud is here to stay

Premiere News

Fix old, weary traveler. Fix the old, tired images. Photo: Adobe

As with imaging brother, Premiere Elements 12 also received “Auto Smart Tone”. The function can be applied to both individual clips or entire movie session.

In addition, Adobe added over 50 audio tracks that can be used as background music. This customizable length of the clip and you decide how intense the music should be: the add or remove instruments according to how much sound you want.

Other news is fresh film filters and motion tracking, where you can add graphics, text, and effects that follow a person or object.

Connected to the cloud

New in the new versions, a connection to the Adobe cloud service, Revel. With this you should be able to sync photos and video clips across what you might have platforms – PC, tablet or mobile. Revel can also automatically sync the photos.

Revel available for iOS and Windows device support, and can be used free of charge up to 50 pictures per month. However, if you want to upload multiple pictures or videos, make out with 42 dollars a month for the premium edition.

Price and Availability

Both Photoshop Elements 12 and Premiere Elements 12 are available from the website of Adobe now. If you want both programs, a package cost you £ 1112.50, while applications can be purchased individually for 737.50.

programs can be tested free for 30 days.

Do you test other image editing programs? Here’s our guide to the wallet-friendly alternatives free »

Adobe Elements - new releases! - DinSide


DinSide We take immense myeloma pictures og video, but resultatene becomes ikke always we trades considered. The solution s coefficient on hand to take several pictures og filme more, or edit the Statutory material egnet program either. Lift as you egnet programs either varies with interested og budsjett, derfor have Adobe sine svært rimelige kjerneprogrammer as også you enkle in use.

Dette s Photoshop Elements og Premiere Elements, which reach has come in versjon 12.

>> Adobe has Lansert creative cloud

Nye muligheter – three levels

Programmene consists of till hovedmoduler, one for organizing photos / video og one for editing henholdsvis pictures og film.

Begge programmene introduserer Adobe Elements Mobile Albums, which sammen with online tjenesten Adobe Revel gives fast access til images og videoer tatt with smartphone og nettbrett.

Images og videoer your smartphone becomes via Adobe skytjeneste Revel automatic synkronisert. Have Elements 12 installation allert on PC or Mac you by Direct fast access og can edit gere og so lagre them on mobile or nettbrettet. Adobe Revel s an app for iOS og Windows devices og s free for opplasting of inntil 50 images or videoer in måneden. Revel Premium diets kr. 42 – måned og gir ubegrenset opplasting.

It smarte with redigeringsverktøyene you at the inn you attended one of three levels: Quick, Guided og Expert. You can reach any Velge mellom Disse three nivåene, flick you selv becomes kjent with the mills of verktøyene.

In Quick mode gjør you grunnleggende endringer as påvirker hele bildet with enkle seized. Simultaneous you gain access til venstre margs detaljverktøy for blant annet on Merke of områder, fjerne røde øyne, fjerne flekker og endre Slicer. A fiks detail you reach at you også can fjerne whites og grønne øyne as Blitz properties on kjæledyrene, at the same enkle mate you fjerner the røde on man made.

Guided mode, you valg mellom et utvalg endringer contained householder veiledninger trinn for trinn.

In Expert mode, you et Åpent grensesnitt with by Direct fast access til hele verktøykassa, omtrent in proffutgavene of programmene.

Simultaneous you også by Direct fast access til Auto verktøyene as reduserer omfattende redigeringsprosesser with enkle, inter-active verktøy.

Interactive er et nøkkelord, you can see the bare Velge endringene, or original wood silk of endringene for the all-time kunne sammenligne.

Les også: Photoshop Touch til iPhone?

Nye verktøy

Most important elements nye verktøyene in Photoshop Elements you, “Content-aware move” as lar deg flytte on man made or gjenstander in the above image og et konstruerer a new bakgrunn in stedet.

Auto SmartTone lar deg endre general farge og lyssetting in bildet bare wood the trekke a marker mellom miniature eksemplene in hjørnene. So Vil bildet endre tough more or less irritation of the valgte eksemplene.

Automatic oppretting retter bildet opp og fill out the tomme feltene in kantene with new informasjon Basert on innholdet in bildet.

In Premiere Elements, you reach with Guided Edits that visa dough trinn for trinn hvordan you wil get forskjellige endringer, over times, teksting, musikk og annet.

Bakgrunnsmusikk levert free fra Adobe can reach tilpasses both lengde intensity og til your film, with mange sjangere on Velge mellom.

Auto SmartTone fungerer også movies, og også you can get video til the ligne more on “ekte movie” Tegnefilm og andre effects.

You can også legge inn elementer as følger a person in bildet, who went eksempel snakkebobler.

Sample selv – free

Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 og Adobe Premiere Elements 12 s Utlånt og can Proves Free 30 light.

Samlepakken with both Photoshop Elements 12, Premiere Elements 12 og diets kr. 1112.50 og one can oppgradere fra tidligere Verse ions for kr. 937,50.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 og Adobe Premiere Elements 12 can også kjøpes enkeltvis for kr. 737,50 og as Oppgradering fra tidligere Verse ions for kr. 612.50. It s term sales prices og tilbud for students, skoler og utdanningsinstitusjoner.

Her you can see også opplæringsfilmer for Photoshop Elements og Premiere Elements :

Valve laws eigen controller -

It has been a great week for Valve. They started on Monday to announce that they will launch SteamOS, a separate operating system tailored for driving games best possible. On Wednesday they announced that they will produce their own computers, and tonight they have shown us their vision of how to play games in the future.

Steam Controller is a new hand control Valve claims could do everything you can do with a mouse and keyboard. It has a familiar shape, but you will not see long before you see that it differs very significantly from other regulatory printers on the market.

This is what Valve's new hand control out.

To see Valve’s new hand control out.

Haptic feedback

Instead of using the traditional analog sticks as both Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo user to control their abusers, the Steam kontrollaren come with a printable area on each side of kontrollaren. This believe Valve will provide much more precise control than the traditional joysticks, and they tell further that the precision is not far from the one we find in a mouse.

Under these pressure surfaces, we find a new form of physical feedback. Rather shaker we find in many control transmitters will Steam kontrollaren offer haptic feedback. Through electromagnetic couplings tell Valve that you can get information from, with everything from speed and heaviness of textures and borders.

mid kontrollaren we find a touch screen that can be used individually of each game. This can be used to browse everything from menus to serve as extra buttons. In order to avoid having to take your eyes away from the screen while you play the contents of this screen also appear on the big screen in front of you.

Beyond this we find a total of 16 buttons on kontrollaren where half of them will be available without the need to move a single finger. Alongside this is kontrollaren completely symmetrical so that it will not be a problem for left-handed players.

An example of how the traditional mouse and keyboard setup will work with Steam Controller.

An example of how the traditional mouse and keyboard setup will work with Steam Controller.

Can be used as a mouse and keyboard

As neither play the Steam directory was created with Steam kontrollaren in mind Valve will offer a mode where kontrollaren in practice function as a mouse and keyboard. When will a pressure surfaces function as a mouse, while the other will act as a traditional WASD setup. The remaining buttons on kontrollaren will be used for the most common functions we find in the game.

Steam kontrollaren in consequence Valve designations to be open to hacking. In fact, they invite people to experiment with it and explore it, and on Valve says that they are excited to see what people will find.

If you are interested to get your hands on a Steam controller will initially only be available through a beta test that will go in time later this fall. This will apply to both Steam and Steam kontrollaren machines Valve announced on Wednesday. For more information on how you can join to test Valves innovations you can take a look at Valve’s information page.

Also read: Soon you can share Steam play your
Read also: Valve opens new CCG system on Steam

Water whatsoever - Dagsavisen

If I had said that there is 95 percent chance that you die from reading this comment – would you still do it?

Water whatsoever

If I had said that there is 95 percent chance that you die from reading this comment – would you still do it?

There are two ways to be a climate skeptic. One variant is the few who constantly insist that climate change is man-made. No matter how much scientific facts they are served. For them, this is not science. It is religion masquerading as science. There is little point in spending time on them. IPCC presented its fifth report in Stockholm yesterday. It states that climate change is man-made with 95 percent certainty – a scientific context in crazy high number. It hardly makes an impression on these guys (it is mostly men, yes). On the contrary, we can expect a lot of mobilization and an onslaught against the new report. If you are in doubt – stay tuned in a comment field near you.

The other way to be climate skeptic is far more serious and far more sinister. This variant is not a small sect, but many large and key decision makers. They manage some of the world’s largest companies and most powerful countries. They see that the climate is changing. They know it’s going Tues be very dangerous, very fast. They understand that it is human emissions are the cause. None of this is the skeptical. But for some mysterious reason they are reluctant to do anything about it.

This group will not run any onslaught against the IPCC report, which was presented yesterday. They’re not going to try to pull the findings into question. They are contrary to put their faces in severe folds and repeat that this is the greatest challenge. That urgency. That it is the planet’s survival is at stake. They’re going to quote Thomas Stocker, vice chairman of the IPCC. At the press conference yesterday he said about climate change: “They threaten our planet. The only home we have. “

report, which was presented yesterday is the first of three volumes and up to the climate summit in Paris in 2015. The next two will deal respectively what will be the consequences of climate change and what we can do to reduce greenhouse gases. They come next year. Yesterday’s report describes and predicts climate change. It includes four different scenarios of what might happen. In summary, the main message that it is not going to go well. It can either go pretty little bad, not so good, very bad – or so it can go straight to hell, which of course is a terrible warm place.

Both rabid climate skeptics and handlingsvegrende politicians may be tempted by a seemingly sparkles in the new report. It turns out that the warming is slower than previously estimated. It is a wonderful good news. On paper. But one of the reasons for that is that the oceans have been able to absorb more heat, deeper than previously thought. The air temperature rises more slowly than predicted, but the warming of the planet as a whole occurs equally cursed. It’s just that much of it takes place at sea. Temperature and climate change is not something that only happens in the air. It also occurs in the water. The problem is that it is virtually impossible to know how long this can continue. At some point, the oceans cease to function as a global air bag. Therefore, it is irresponsible to directly read yesterday’s report that the message that we have bought time or that climate change is just unsubstantiated rumor.

It now looks like now, the IPCC horror scenario is the most likely. It requires that we continue as before, without doing anything special. Estimates in the report is that the atmosphere as a whole can tolerate a spill of 1,000 Gt CO2 and still sneak under a temperature increase of two degrees Celsius, an increase that clearly will be felt, but, hopefully, to live with, quite well. This “quota” of one million tonnes has already used up a little over half.

Yesterday was otherwise well known that the group has become the world champion. A discovery outside Canada makes the oil company is the’ve found most oil and gas this year. It is inspiring, obviously. Now is explored more. Not for climate solutions or smart renewable technologies, but for more oil and gas. The Norwegian climate paradox is about to take the step from tragicomedy to the absurd theater world.

Taking the water over your head means you will embark on a task that is too big, too hard, as you can possibly manage. But in this case there is no way around it. It is so serious that civilization as we know it is going to collapse if we do not bursts loose on the seemingly insurmountable right away. The report predicts that the IPCC sea level will rise. Depending on how high the temperature gets, the IPCC estimates that by 2100 we can expect a sea level that is between 26 and 98 cm higher than today. The choice is basically very simple: Either we take water over his head, figuratively – or so we get in over his head, literally.

hege.ulstein @

Friday, September 27, 2013

fixes embarrassing weakness -

[] The mobile operating system iOS 7 came out recently, and it was not long before people were able to sneak past the various security measures. The fingerprint reader on the iPhone 5S was circumvented without much difficulty, and a relatively simple method allowed unauthorized access to your photos from the lock screen.

Now Apple has released iOS 7.0.2 update for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, thus eliminating the latter weakness. iOS 7.0.2 places besides all iDingser the same way again, after the previous update, iOS 7.0.1, only available for iPhone and iPhone 5S 5C.

Lock Screen Improvement’s not all iOS 7.0.2 has to offer. Greek lovers can also rejoice, as it now becomes possible to write passwords on Greek again.

iOS 7.0.2 must be downloaded over wireless networks, and file sizes are between 17 and 20 MB – depending iding you. You can find download links at 9to5Mac.

  • Android users also get their: Want iOS 7 on your Android phone?


- Game developers have begun to take older players seriously - Bergens Tidende

video games mixed with narrative techniques from film and TV opportunities arise.

creators of the game series “Grand Theft Auto” (“GTA”) has stated that their goal is to create the first interactive gangster movie, and several reviewers now believe that the company has achieved just that.


– interactivity in games makes it possible to obtain very strong experiences, while it can be as much action as in a television series. The pace of “GTA V” similar to a television series, and each mission is seen as an incident, says Rune Fjeld Olsen, game reviewer in VG.

Console Player Magnus Iversen believes the latest “GTA” game is the equal of television entertainment, terms of story and content.

– This is the closest we have been an interactive TV series. If I had to choose between the series “Breaking Bad” and “GTA”, so either I reach the latter, he says.

lampoons the pop culture

Jon Cato Lorentzen, game reviewer in Aftenposten, says “GTA V” is more than a playpen for destruction – even though it may be that too.

– developers have managed to create three memorable lead characters, who all have a story to tell. There are good voice actors and good direction of the sequences, he said.

– The game will be a satire of the world we live in. It is a greedy and power-hungry space, where capitalism has gone way out of hand. There is no compassion, and everyone is looking to paint their own cake, says Lorentzen.

“Grand Theft Auto V” is about assuming the role of one of the three main characters, and then carry out various missions. But you can also walk freely around the city and do almost anything you want.

Superficial reality series and America’s use of torture are among the topics covered in the game’s history, but also phenomena such as Twitter, Facebook and Apple mocked, says Lorentzen.

Adults games

– It seems that there is a need to tell more mature stories in the genre now. “The Last Of Us,” which came out earlier this year, about how far you are willing to go to save the people you love in. You are presented tricky dilemma you must decide, he said.

Rune Fjeld Olsen, game reviewer in VG, believes the new depth of video games are here to stay.

– The past year has been very important for this development. Games like “The Walking Dead,” “Bioshock Infinite” and “GTA V” have all been important steps in this direction, says Olsen.

He believes developers have begun to take older players seriously.

– All the above mentioned games, you will get more out of if you are an adult. Earlier appealed games with 18-year age limit for most 15 year olds, but there has been a separation. The last year is growing games become more adult, he said.

“GTA V” shapes to play the dysfunctional ex-villain Michael, torpedo Franklin and drug dealer Trevor. Despite his quiet life in peaceful Norway can play Contributor Lorentzen recognize themselves in the characters.

– “GTA V” is in a sense a mid-life crisis for the three main characters. What have they actually achieved, and why should they continue? As a 41-year-old, I can understand where the crisis comes from, says Lorentzen. There is a lot of vulnerability in which we have not seen in “GTA” before, he said.

Waiting classic

Rune Fjeld Olsen still believe the ultimate gaming experience on hold.

– “GTA V” has received very strong reviews, including me. But it has also introduced a debate about the history and the characters in the game, if they are as strong as they could have been.

Olsen highlighted several example:

– The treatment of women, and the little superficial treatment of the war on terror. This is taken up in the game, but many had wished for a more thorough treatment of these topics.

Games reviewer think this debate will benefit the genre.

– If you put a TV series like “Breaking Bad” against “GTA V”, I mean “Breaking Bad” still makes a bigger impression. But this will come. The question is when we’ll see games genre’s Citizen Kane: a game that is widely applicable, and that teaches us something about ourselves and about life. I think it could happen any time now, he says.

- The screen is still smaller than other top models -

Like the iPhone already, you’re going to love this. Or?

Design, screen and menus

Form: Touch sensitive keys without
Size: 123.8 x 58.6 x 7.6 mm
Weight: 112 grams
Screen: 4 inches, IPS TFT with LED backlit, 640 x 1136 pixels, capacitive touch screen, 16 million colors
Shortcut keys: No
Input and output: Lightning Dock Connector, mini-phone
Interface: No
Remote Antenna socket: No
Menu System: iOS6.0

Price: ca. 6,000 million (32 GB)


– Very good screen resolution
– Super-fast menu navigation
– Good design

– Some sharp edges to keep in
– is reported lakkflassing on the frame of the black version
– Screen is still less than other top models

There are several reasons to choose iPhone 5 But there are also some reasons to leave. We have tested Apple’s new mobile phone that never puts a line of discussion about which mobile phone is king of the hill.

Minor design changes

design of the iPhone 5 are similar to the iPhone 4 It is well enough made slightly larger changes than was the case said the iPhone 4 was the iPhone 4S. Design language is still the same, with frame in metal – glass surface that covers the front and a circular backspace middle of the screen. Looking at the back of the phone however, you’ll notice that the glass is replaced by an aluminum plate with a plastic bars on the top and bottom. The phone also has Apple’s famous logo placed in the same location as the previous models.

antennas is that the iPhone 4S, including the phone’s frame, separated by narrow plastic strip at the top and bottom of each side of the phone.

iPhone 5 (above) is a bit thinner than the iPhone 4 iPhone 5 (above) is a bit thinner than the iPhone 4 Photo: Espen Irwing Swang,

But the most obvious difference between iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 is the length of the phone. Now, Apple also launched a mobile phone with screen movie 16:9, which made the phone a number higher than before. Screen width is still the same, but now the diagonal measures 4 inches, from the previous 3.5 inches.

phone is also becoming thinner and lighter, without compromising on quality feeling. iPhone 5 seems like the earlier models sturdy composite, with metal back and a smooth cutting edge on the otherwise dull frame looks fairly exclusive iPhone 5 out. Unfortunately, many will probably sacrifice the sleek look of the benefit of various protective covers. It is a paradox when someone puts on an ugly cover for the phone to stay pretty. If you really want to spoil the look of your phone, add a protective film that prevents the screen from getting scratched.

It’s been some reports that the paint on the frame of the black variant of the iPhone 5 could easily wander off. Our sample is white, and we have not noticed any problems described on the website

New Bottom plug

The bottom plug is new. Pity for you that made iPhone dock for Christmas. bottom plug is new. Too bad for you that made iPhone dock for Christmas. Photo: Espen Irwing Swang,

Besides changes in size and weight, it’s also been a few more significant changes on the phone. Most importantly, the new drain plug. Here it is not only the look and size changed. Apple also cut out the analog video signal lyd-/og the drain plug and run entirely digitally. This means that many of the existing docks for iPhone can not be used even if you buy the transition Apple has announced. The analog audio signal from the headphone jack is moved from the top to the bottom of the phone.

The new plug is much smaller than the old one. Otherwise it is the same on both sides, so it does not matter which way you put it into the phone.

The back is now in the metal, and not glass like the iPhone 4 back is Now the metal and not the glass on the iPhone 4 Photo: Espen Irwing Swang,

screen impresses

screen is absolutely stunning to look at, with a pixel density so that the picture appears to be quite sharp. It is hardly possible to detect individual pixels with the naked eye. The size of the new screen is referred to four inches.

Are you first won with 4.3 inch screens or larger, the screen on the iPhone 5 seem small. The width is the same and it is only when you read the phone in width format that you get more information on each line, or alternatively – you can keep the amount of text, but get larger font. The icons also has the same size as before, but there has been room for a fifth row on the bottom of the home screen.

Another thing is that many apps have not yet support the new display format. When you get a black bar at the top and bottom of the screen while the window is used exactly as little as before.

Most trefjepartsapplikasjoner can not accept that the display is increased. Thus the black edges of the screen. Most trefjepartsapplikasjoner can not relate to the display is increased. Thus, the black edges of the screen. Photo: Espen Irwing Swang,

A new screen technology with sensors located on the surface of the glass allows the display of the iPhone 5 is thinner than on the previous screens. This contributes to the telephone is both thinner and lighter. About the new screen is as strong / weak as the old remains to be seen.

iPhone 5 on the left. iPhone 5 to the left. Photo: Espen Irwing Swang,

measurements performed by claims that the screen of the iPhone 5 has better contrast, better color rendering and ambient tackles than any other mobile screen on the market. In practice, we are also experiencing the screen on the iPhone 5 as very good, with a more accurate color reproduction than what we see on phones with AMOLED displays. Another thing is that many people actually prefer the brighter colors AMOLED gladly provide.

still easy to use

user interface of the iPhone 5 is the same as you know from previous generations of the iPhone, with the difference that now you can have five lines of icons, while the former was only room for four. Back button below the screen is unchanged. You can find the same volume keys and the same toggle button that can be set to mute the sound or prevent automatic screen rotation.

Apple has over the last five years added several new features in the user interface, without leaving the basics. Possibly besides Windows Phone phones, there is not any other smart phones that are easier to use. Other smart phones provide proper enough greater scope for individual adaptations, but this also requires that you first teach you the structure of the user interface. The iPhone 5 is basically simple, and the more advanced features which you can learn gradually.

iPhone 5 also has a further developed version of the voice assistant “Siri.” The new version came with iOS6, which is also available for iPhone 4 “Siri” can now perform more functions than before, and she can get with local recommendations. More on this on the next page, where we look at the technology and features of the iPhone 5

in the box:

  • iPhone 5
  • Charger
  • Charging Cable
  • Earpods earphones
  • Tools for SIM switch
  • Documentation
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Live: Microsoft has released a brand new Surface -

New Surface Pro 2

Surface Pro 2 and my little brother is launched with loads of new enhancements.

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There have long been rumors that a successor to Microsoft’s first tablet, Surface, is coming, and Monday night the company held a big event below street level in New York where they got a lot of news in this regard.

A new docking station, several different types of keyboards upgraded and new covers are just some of the things that several journalists at the site reported even before the event started, but it was obvious that the main focus was on a bigger news: The launch of sequels to Surface RT and Surface Pro.

Surface Manager starts the show with Pro 2

New Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 is released from Microsoft. New Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 is released from Microsoft. Photo: Microsoft

Panos Panay, Microsoft’s vice president of Surface initiative, took care of the actual launch. He says that the company’s developers have worked in eighteen months with a next-generation Surface – and everything seems able to tip in favor of the rumors involving new hardware.

Surface Pro 2 has been upgraded its ClearType HD display with around 50 percent better color reproduction, and the company says even the least reflective display in the industry.

graphics performance of the compact machine will be 50 percent more intense than before, and overall performance, according to Microsoft also got a bump. Surface Pro 2 will be on the regular 20 percent faster than its predecessor.

Haswell inside, extra power out

The new Power Cover will offer a juicy upgrade of battery life in Surface Pro 2 The new Power Cover will offer a juicy upgrade of battery life in Surface Pro 2 Photo: Microsoft

With the launch of Surface Pro 2 also takes a new Intel’s Haswell-family of processors into hyper mobile computers, in the form of an Intel Core i5 processor.

According to Panay help improve battery life by as much as 75 percent, thus will not affect the performance it delivers. In addition, the machine according to Microsoft will be both cooler and quieter.

Surface Pro 2 has also been far more storage capacity than its predecessor and boasts up to 512 GB of the greatest variety, along with 8 GB of flash memory. It therefore means that you get a virtually full-featured PC in the same form factor as a tablet.

the external changes, the stand on the back of Surface Pro 2 now has the ability to lock in a second position, and the machine has been equipped with Dolby sound. In addition, it is now possible to machine a little thicker cover than before, Surface Power Cover, which in itself offers 30 percent extra life – because it comes with a built-in battery.

Custom pros

A brand new docking station will also help to emphasize the “Pro” part of the name, in that it allows business users connecting to their normal desktop drive. This will have three USB 2.0 ports, one USB 3.0 port, mini-DsiplayPort, nettverkskobal, inputs and outputs for audio, as well as of course a power plug.

The new Microsoft Surface Pro 2 can also dock you can connect to PC monitor, speakers and other devices. The new Microsoft Surface Pro 2 also get the docking station to connect to PC monitor, speakers and other devices. Photo: Microsoft

new keyboard covers, in the form of a continuation of a seating Type cover from the original Surface-release is also in place. This is one millimeter thinner than the old version, but both will have better switches, and also get backlit keys.

Towards the end of the Surface Pro 2 launch, it was also demonstrated that the device is able to play video with extremely high resolution, called 6K video on the fly. Thus, a mean apparent that this is a machine that may be suitable for editing in the field, whether now not quite so effectively that of an actual full-scale workstation.

Should get people “away from the iPad»

Junior version is not forgotten. Until today, Surface RT come with ARM processor and Windows RT, and thus have not been able to run popular Windows applications – unlike Surface Pro. This continues with the new version.

Microsoft’s new clean tablet will go by the name Surface 2, and the company emphasizes a major upgrade of hardware when the sequel launches.

The new stand, which can be locked in two positions, received a great deal of attention. Stand is the same on both Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 The new stand, which can locked in two positions, received a great deal of attention. The frame is the same on both Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 Photo: Microsoft

screen should be upgraded from 1366 x 768 pixels, a full HD ClearType display – ie 1920 x 1080 pixels. In addition, the speed of the processor – which will now be an Nvidia Tegra 4 – be significantly upgraded, bus speed for wireless network will be doubled, and the unit now has USB 3.0.

unit must also be lighter and thinner, Microsoft has been able by constructing it with fewer parts. Battery life is increased by 25 percent compared to the Surface RT, which will provide full 12-hour operational use.

Panay says that a lighter tablet, with more speed, less glare screen and better battery life are meant to get people off to just go out and buy something to consume it. Instead, the idea is to get people to go away from the iPad and other tablets, and “rather be more productive.”

Surface 2 will continue with RT

Windows 8.1 is not far away, Microsoft has also released the mobile version of the operating system an overhaul. This should come Surface 2 for good, and even though the tablet will no longer get “RT” in the name, the Windows version that comes with that.

Surface 2 will therefore launch with Windows RT 8.1. Pro model we call higher up in the case, however, the full version of Windows 8.1, and thus could drive the familiar PC applications you can on any computer.

shall nevertheless not be a lack of software compatibility with Surface 2 either, and the scene demonstrates the Panay Office RT-pack at work on the tablet. This follows the way of the bargain when one picks up a Microsoft Surface 2 available.

Better camera, more services

Both cameras on Surface 2 is yet upgraded. Front camera now boasts 3.5 megapixels, while the rear camera is adjusted up to 5 megapixels. Both will also have upgraded your ability to shoot in low light.


services is in this respect more to boast of. Both units are according to Microsoft’s Panos one year of free international calls to phones via Skype, in addition to two years with 200 GB of storage on Microsoft’s cloud service, which is still referred to as SkyDrive.

This will allow you to restore everything you had on your computer to a brand new unit, if the old is stolen or lost. However, we are not sure if these offers are for customers outside the United States.

Norwegian prices confirmed

The Norwegian prices for both types Surface machines are also confirmed by Microsoft:

computer variant, Surface Pro 2, will be recommended retail price of 7299 dollars. This comes in four configurations: variant with 4GB of flash memory available with 64 GB or 128 GB of storage, while a more well-grown version with 8 GB of flash memory is available with 256 GB or 512 GB of storage.

tablet, Surface 2, on the other hand come with either 32GB or 64GB of storage. Suggested retail price starts at 3599 dollars.

More news on the sly

addition to hardware upgrades, enhanced displays, and a newer version of the operating systems on board, it is even more up in the sleeve of Microsoft today. Much has been about the accessories supplied, and we know that keyboards and covers the devices will also work on old Surface machines.

This will be good news for the Land-owners who find it brand new Land Touch 2 case seems tempting. This has in fact been given an upgrade from just 80 in 1092 to the sensors, and are pressure sensitive.

This means that you should try “finger paint” on the device will be able to press down harder to smear the paint more than, say a boss – before transforming it into a pressure sensitive mixers and demonstrate how to mix music the device.

There seems to be everything, and a round launch of telling the new Surface models will be on the market 22 October.

Read tests of the old models:
Surface Pro – not a tablet, it’s a PC »
Surface RT – The tablet would be PC »

(Sources: The Verge, Tom’s Live, Phone Arena, press release)

Problems with the battery? - The newspaper Nordland

[] The new operating system for iPhone, iOS 7 is now available for everyone. While the new phones iPhone iPhone 5S and 5C probably is tailored to use the brand new OS one can possibly users of the older iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPad experience problems with performance and battery life.

site ExtremeTech has therefore thrown together six quick tips on what you can do to possibly increase the battery life of your old iDingser.

Here are some simple tricks to give longer life to the iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S :

Turn off 3D effect

iOS 7 has a fancy effect that makes the icons to “float” over the background, but this costs system resources. You turn off the power by going into Settings? General? Accessibility and pressing the “Reduce Motion.”

Turn down the brightness

The screen is the biggest battery bandit, and you can turn down the brightness by going into Settings? Wallpaper & Brightness and turn off the “Auto-Brightness”. Thus, you have full control.

Turn off radios

Radio Functionality also draws power, so you need to turn off what you do not use. “Airplane Mode” in the control center turns off all radios, and you can also dabbling with individual settings (PS: turn off Bluetooth also).

Turn off background refresh

Applications can update itself automatically in the background, but this requires energy. You can choose which apps are allowed to do this under Settings? General and “Background App Refresh”.

Screw the search function

Spotlight search function is a relatively powerful engine for iOS 7, but it is also hungry for resources as the need to search through and list all the files on your iDingsen. You can turn the whole thing or individual categories in General? “Spotlight Search”.

Turn off the “Raise to Speak”

voice assistant Siri has a feature called “Raise to Speak”, which means that you can lift up the phone to speak – rather than holding a button. The sensor that detects this stifles the battery, so this feature you can turn off in the settings menu to Siri app.

  • Considering the new models instead? Verdict: iPhone 5S and 5C iPhone

(Source: ExtremeTech)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

- Sold "only" three million iPhone 5s -


Apple kunngjorde mandag at selskapet hadde solgt ni millioner eksemplarer til sammen av de nye iPhone 5S- og 5C-telefonene den første helgen etter telefonene kom på markedet. Det ble også fortalt at samtlige iPhone 5S-telefoner som var tilgjengelige, ble solgt. Det er ingen grunn til å tro at dette ikke stemmer.

De fleste vil mene at dette er svært imponerende. Men flere analytikere har i ettertid uttalt at bildet ikke er så entydig som det kan framstå.

Det mest avgjørende er jo at Apple denne gang lanserte ikke bare én, men to nye iPhone-modeller. Tallet fra Apple sier ingenting om hvor mange som ble solgt av hver av de to modellene. Det betyr at tallet uansett ikke kan sammenlignet med tidligere lanseringer.

Det som er klart, er at iPhone 5C ikke ble utsolgt i helgen som gikk. Derfor befant det seg etter helgen et stort antall enheter av denne typen på lageret til distributører og forhandlere. Ifølge analytikere som Katy Huberty i Morgan Stanley og Gene Munster hos Piper Jaffray har Apple inkludert disse telefonene i tallet på 9 millioner. Selskapet har jo solgt dem, men ikke alle er videresolgt til faktiske brukere.

Hvor mange telefoner som fortsatt lå på lager etter helgen, er de to analytikerne slett ikke enige om. Munster mener at det faktiske salget til sluttbrukere var på 5,5 millioner enheter, noe som tilsier at de var igjen 3,5 millioner iPhone 5C-telefoner på lager.

Huberty går mer i detalj. Hun mener det gjenværende lageret var på omtrent to millioner iPhone 5c-telefoner, omtrent halvparten som så mange som det forhandlerne solgte i helgen. I tillegg mener hun at det ble solgt omtrent tre millioner eksemplarer av iPhone 5S før beholdningen tok slutt.

Huberty mener forøvrig også at bare halvparten av de som faktisk ønsket å kjøpe seg en iPhone 5S-telefon, rakk å gjøre dette før alle de tilgjengelige enhetene var blitt utsolgt. Det vil si at etterspørselen var på 6 millioner enheter.

I så fall var etterspørselen etter 5S større enn etterspørselen etter 5C i de elleve landene hvor telefonene nå er tilgjengelig, mens tilgjengeligheten var dårligere. Munster sier at det trolig er tilgangen på fingeravtrykkleseren som er årsaken til at Apple ikke greide å levere flere telefoner så raskt.

Sannsynligvis kan ikke salgstallene for iPhone 5S alene sammenlignes med tilsvarende tall for iPhone 5 i fjor, siden lanseringen av 5C-modellen er en ny faktor. I den første helgen etter salgsstarten for iPhone 5 ble det solgt drøyt 5 millioner enheter den første helgen, før også denne telefonen ble utsolgt. Den gang forventet nevnte Munster at det ville bli solgt 10 millioner enheter den første helgen.

Tilsvarende tall for iPhone 4S og iPhone 4 var henholdsvis 4 millioner og 1,7 millioner.

    Les også:
  • [23.09.2013] Apple knuste salgsrekorden
  • [24.09.2012] Solgte færre enn ventet
  • [18.10.2011] Rekord for ny iPhone

Les mer om: iphone 5s, iphone 5c, apple iphone, markedsanalyse

Digitizer pen with 1,024 points of pressure sensitivity - Technology Magazine

class=”label”> Published: 23 September 2013 at. 6:22 p.m.

After 18 months’ work, Microsoft is ready with the second generation Surface. The first generation of portable tablets was not a success, although they had some interesting design points.

Now they are back with new editions, Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2, powered by a new version of Windows; 8.1, which will answer a lot of the criticism of the operating system.

Surface Pro 2

New Surface Pro 2 has got a better screen with probably more color resolution. It has better sound with new speakers and with technology from Dolby. And it’s fast. Faster than 95 percent of the modern laptops, according to the company.

– Graphics performance is also increased by 50 percent, says Microsoft Surface-chief, Panos Panay.

of Surface innovations brought to the table was the Kick Stand. The original could precipitate and support the tablet in a 22 degrees angle. Now it can be in two different waves.

TEST: Macbook Air: While holding new Air

Better Battery

Battery life was one of the things that disappointed with the original. It has a fixed through using the new Haswell release of the Intel Core i5, but also through other measures.

promise 60 percent longer lifespan. With what they call Surface Pro with Power Cover, ie extra battery increases battery life to 2.5 times the original. The new covers come in several colors, and they will have built-in keyboard illumination.

tablet device has three USB 2.0 connectors, one USB 3.0, one Mini DisplayPort, Ethernet, and audio in and out.

Even with a dock have a thought, and here they can drive two monitors, one in 4K resolution.

– This is the most productive professional tablet contained, laws Panay.

Surface 2

It is not only the Pro edition is now being replaced. The thin ARM-equipped variant also comes in new clothes.

It is lighter, thinner and is designed for people who want something more than a tablet they consume data. A mean form factor is ideal for production as well.

New Surface 2 has got a massive upgrade of speed. Now there is a 2 GB RAM and a quad-core Nvidia Tegra processor at 1.7 GHz which constitute the machinery.

same time, the screen resolution has been increased to 1920 times 1080 pixels. The same as the previous and the new Pro model.

The previous model was made of magnesium and painted black. It is this, too, minus the black paint. Now the choice of materials to light.

TEST: Sony Vaio Duo 13: Stylish slider PC from Sony

New: Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 Photo: Microsoft

To further sweeten the offer and create publicity for its own solution for cloud storage are the two new portable tablets with two years of free SkyDrive storage on the 200GB.

But Microsoft has more sugar in stock. With the acquisition follows a years supply of Skype fixed to 60 countries around the world.

And ditto for free using Skype Wi-Fi where available.

According to the press release from Microsoft, the new products will be available in Norway from 22 October. A Surface 2 with 32GB of flash memory will cost 3599 dollars, while a doubling of the stock price will increase to 4399 million.

is smaller than the iPad, but there is a big difference. None of Surface models come with a SIM card. But since both have full-size USB ports, you can use a modem, or they can be connected to mobile via bluetooth.

Big Brother Pro cheapest version will cost 7299 million with 64 GB and digitizer pen. It’s probably a bit small, but a doubling of memory costs $ 800 extra.

Selecting issue with max memory, the 512 GB, you must enter 14 599 million.

Dreaded wolf-howl about loss - NRK

class=”publish-date” title=”26.09.2013, Cl. 09.22.”> 26.09.2013, at. 09.22.


How much wolf howls is more about the relationship with other wolves than about stress reactions.

shows new findings recently published in the journal Current Biology.

May vary howling

researchers would investigate why wolves howl as they do.

Is it stress hormones in the body that determines how much they howl and the loud, as when they are protecting their territory? Or Ulen vary from those social situations wolf is?

It appears that the wolf, who is also a social creature, player aware of their index. Among other uses howling to express the loss.

– Wolves can to some extent be able to vary the sounds, says researcher Friederike Range of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria.

not stressed

When a close friend is removed from the pack howling becomes more powerful, the study shows.

researchers have admittedly not been out in the wild nature in their attempts to find out how much wolves can check howling.

Instead, they studied nine wolves from two herds of Austrian Wolf Science Center in Ernstbrunn, 4 mil north of Vienna.

researchers measured including what happened to the wolves, when one of his friends were taken out of the herd to go alone. Such walks are some zookeepers will arrange to quite often.

results show in fact that there was no correlation between the levels of the stress hormone cortisol and the amount hoot.

– Covering mechanisms are not completely

Wolf Scientist Petter Wabakken at Hedmark University College researching wolves in the wild nature, including animal social behavior.

– It is previously known that wolf howl linked to rank, and I think therefore it is so surprised that wolves howl extra when they are attached to, removed from the herd, he says to

Although Wabakken are most concerned about wolves in the wild, he understands the desire to distinguish the purely physical from the emotional in an experiment in a controlled environment.

– The starting point for the study is intriguing. Researchers attempting to demonstrate that the physiological, stress hormones, have secondary importance. But they fail to reveal the mechanisms behind the sounds in its totality, says Wabakken.

objected that the frames can affect

his objection against experiments on animals in captivity is that there are people who put together the animals in herds and not the animals themselves.

– When researchers in their attempts in the park takes out one of the dominant parent pair in a wolf pack, so they make a sort of dissension which almost never occurs naturally.

– Except when the pups are young, parents are together 99 percent of the time, and both parents usually leave offspring together, says Wabakken.

Wolves that kill each other

From previous studies, scientists have found out a good deal about ulehyl.

– Hoot is primarily a way to keep in touch over long distances. A wolf can hear at least 8 to 10 kilometers as the crow flies.

– How can the wolves stay in contact with flock members whose herd is split, but they can also communicate with other herds, and say that we have a territory that we will defend, he said.

In North America, where it is larger and denser wolf populations, is howling especially on territorial control. Not infrequently it happens that wolves kill each other in territorial boundaries, when it becomes stressful because of food shortages.

In Scandinavia, the wolf food, such as elk and deer in abundance. It belongs therefore to the favors that wolves kill each other here.

Communicates well with odor

wolves howl thus both to protect the territory, but also to meet or do not meet each other.

– Next to howl at range, which has a short duration, so also communicates wolves by scent marking.

– The animal emits odor from glands in their paws and can hang again in an area for months, says Wabakken.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Outdated concern from Norwegian - Aftenposten

“The disputed violence game series Grand Theft Auto . ‘ Here presented the prestigious Norwegian action game Rockstar Games on Saturday evening news at the weekend.

Broadcasting Corporation follows the article by 11-year-old news that the Christian Democrats of his time would prohibit any of the games in the series – and a decade old publicity stunt from retail expert who decided to remove the game from their database after selling it in a year.

Outdated claims

Norwegian runner for a horse who is beaten to death. Ever since the 80s have concerns about violence and war games have been a popular topic in the media.

After over 30 years of research, there is no clear conclusion that one is violent by playing violent games.

The Concerned Scientist booth has shrunk steadily in recent years. Norwegian had to resort to the last ace up its sleeve, the almost 70-year-old violence researcher Ragnhild Bjørnebekk, which is about the only scientist in Norway who still believe violent games make people more violent.

That she reportage sitting and experiencing the game via YouTube clips while her counterpart, Professor Faltin Karlsen at NITH, actually sits and plays, says it all.

As in all other cultural expressions are also games violence and anti-heroes.

Two days ago the TV series Breaking Bad honored with the coveted Emmy Award. Breaking Bad is a series where we will witness how an ordinary school teacher ends up in a violent spiral that makes him a cynical, cunning and violent anti-hero.

We let ourselves be fascinated by the outdated masculinity and the explosive violence of Sopranos and the freezing Patrick Bateman in American Psycho .

Movies, TV series and literature are not afraid to explore the dark side of humanity, it should also be allowed to video games.

Old Brave

Games played no longer exclusively of children, they have become a cultural expression one becomes familiar with as children and as many bring with them on into adulthood.

It is a medium that has matured in recent years where themes, stories and expressions have become more complex and personal.

good computer games are not only pastime, but cultural experiences that enrich us and lets us grow as people. There is talk about experiences that are open to interpretations, and that challenge us on multiple levels.

Norwegian brings up the old debate violence-stick horse from his deathbed in his report on Grand Theft Auto V , the result is outdated and old-fashioned.

In addition, there is an embarrassing under consideration and concern to millions of older people who now sit and play the game.

Buy the official GTA V soundtrack - Gamereactor Norway

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Sneak update of Imac - Computerworld

The new iMac is equipped with the fourth-generation of Intel quad-core Core i5 and i7 processors.

Moreover, they have received much faster graphics, both on models with integrated graphics and dedicated graphics cards.

also supports iMac family now PCIe-based flash storage. This will help ensure that both Fusion Drive – combined solution with flash and disk-based storage – and pure flash based storage is up to 50 percent faster than the previous generation.

And on the network side comes iMac family now with 802.11ac-based wireless network, allowing MacBook Air family got a while ago. This will mean much faster wireless transfer between iMac and Apple Time Capsule router – Apple talking about up to three times the performance.

Fast graphics

input machine to the iMac family’s iMac 21.5-inch 2.7GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 processor. This machine uses Intel’s Iris Pro graphics, which should be a lot faster integrated graphics solution than the integrated Nvidia graphics solution that was used on the cheapest iMac earlier.

See also: Stylish but controversial iMac

top model in 21.5 inch format and the two models with 27-inch screen is however equipped with dedicated graphics Nvidia GeForce 700 Series.

These cards have twice as much video memory as the previous generation and offers up to 40 percent higher performance, according to Apple.

If you want even more performance, you can special order iMac with quad-core Intel Core i7 processor up to 3.5 GHz and graphics card Nvidia GeForce GTX 780m series with up to four gigabytes of video memory.

Faster Wireless Network

iMac now supports the next generation 802.11ac Wi-Fi. When the machine is connected to an 802.11ac base station, iMac delivers wireless performance that is up to three times faster than the previous generation, according to Apple.

See also: Test: 21.5-inch iMac – the slimmest PC desktop

iMac comes standard with eight gigabytes of memory and a hard disk of one terabyte. During the ordering customer can configure iMac with up to 32GB of memory and hard drive up to 3 TB, in addition to flash-based solutions.

iMac also comes with two Thunderbolt ports and four USB 3.0 ports for connection to external storage devices and other peripheral devices with high performance.

Start Price

Starting price of the new iMac family is at 10 990 NOK including VAT. When you get a 21.5-inch machine with a 2.7GHz Core i5 processor with Turbo Boost speeds up to 3.2GHz and Intel Iris Pro-based integrated graphics.

If you want the same screen with 2.9 GHz Core i5 processor that can be pushed up to 3.6 GHz via Turbo Boost and have Nvidia GeForce GT 750M graphics processor-, the price is 12 990 million.

See also: HBO coming to Apple TV

27-inch iMac starts at 15,490 dollars. When specifications are 3.2 GHz Core i5 processor with Turbo Boost speeds up to 3.6GHz and Nvidia GeForce GTX 755m graphics processor-.

Those who are willing to fork out 16 990 dollars, get a 3.4GHz Core i5 processor capable of Turbo Boost running up to 3.8 GHz with Nvidia GeForce GTX 775m- graphics.

All standard models have thus Core i5 processor. To get the powerful i7 processor, make special order a 27-inch machine with i7 processor at 3.5 GHz and Nvidia GeForce GTX 780m graphics with 4 GB of video memory.

In addition, all iMac configured with different storage solutions and various combinations of flash memory and disk.

Previous iMac update took place last October, when the new slim design was introduced.

The new iMac is available from today at the Apple Online Store and select retailers.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Touch ID is hacked. And what then? - Computerworld

Apple launched its Iphone 5S September 10 and IOS 7 was made available the following day. The big news with 5S was integrated fingerprint reader, called ‘Touch ID’, which should give a much better security than the use of four-digit PIN code according to the advertising.

Since launch, hackers have shown via Youtube how they get access to your photos and videos even your iPhone or iPad with iOS 7 is locked. It was due to a function for the user that could be turned off.

Then hackers have figured out how they can call whoever they want to bypass the security lock screen on an Iphone with IOS 7 The recipe is of course on Youtube.

is expected a security update from Apple to get rid of vulnerability. Thursday, September 19 announced the two men a cash prize to the first one who managed to pick up a fingerprint from a glass and use it to get in on an iPhone 5S. The competition was suddenly “crowdsource” on Twitter. People put a little money in the pot, and suddenly there were some tens of thousands.

Sunday, September 22 announced the German Chaos Computer Club that they have done it. The first video is on Youtube, and a new video will be created to show the whole process from A to Z.

All this for months before before the hold of the phone here in Norway. What does that mean in practice?

Nice little.

With the deployment of Iphone 5s we get the biggest global roll-out of a consumer gadget that offers the use of biometric authentication.

weaknesses of images and telephony solved through software updates. The weaknesses of the physical fingerprint sensor can not resolve as easily. Hackers screaming their wits’ end, and some say that biometrics has no future as a replacement for passwords.

Most people forget to make a reasonable assessment. Most phones that are lost are found by honest souls who wish to return them. Therefore it is important that you have ownership information on the phone, and like the lock screen. Theft of phones because usually someone who will use or resell the unit itself. There is no desire or need to access the information stored there.

In the worst case you are the victim of a targeted attack, the attacker must have some information you have. There are many ways to achieve it, most of which do not involve the use of violence or threats against you as a person.

use of fingerprints in Iphone 5S increases usability by the need to remember and enter a PIN code every time you want to unlock your phone or buy an app attacker must make a complicated piece of work to hold your finger (all fingers) in order to succeed in achieving physical access to the data on your phone. Not least attacker obtain your phone at some point too. There are much easier ways to finish.

I’m not at all worried that security is demonstrably circumvented Apple’s latest product. As a replacement for missing or bad PIN codes, there is no doubt that “Touch ID” is a good, friendly and most importantly, safe enough solution for us consumers in general.

Just be sure not to fall asleep on the couch with the phone on the table beside. Then it becomes a little too easy for kids to buy new apps with your sleeping consent.

iPhone Update cutting capacity - Telemarksavisa

Apple has released updates to the iPhone at irregular intervals since the phone was first launched in 2007, but the update released last week – iOS 7 – is perhaps the single biggest upgrade phone has got some time.

operating system is a result of Apple’s design guru Jonathan Ive – the genius designer behind the design of almost all iconic Apple products – now also taken over responsibility for the software company.

not universally loved

The new chief software has gotten a serious makeover. Ive dropped almost all the design elements that have tried to imitate the real world, such as leather edges, and he has also removed most of shadowing.

Kongstanken to Ive always been things to be pure, and iOS 7 is therefore flatter and whiter than what we already know.

The update seems to be on everyone’s lips these days, and general tone is that the operating system simply does not look particularly good. Below are just some of the feedback we have seen and heard in recent days:

  • Hubba bubba operating system
  • Looks like something made for children
  • Should be possible to switch between several “themes”
  • Have not found anything I like yet
  • For many animations and slow

ZDNet believes that Apple seems to go through a kind of midlife crisis cell, where one has cast on unnecessary animations and background gyroskoptilpasset, but points out that the shell appears to be the same mature operating system.

Other media highlights mostly the same things, but points out that iOS 7 has received some very essential features – in particular when the new control center – which makes it worth upgrading

Pros and Cons

After using the new update in a few days, we have not quite decided whether we like it or not.

On the one hand, the new user interface given parts of the phone a bit more elegant feel, and has included a number of new features which we appreciate.

On the other hand, there are not any upgrades that feels like a step in the right direction. Something is more cumbersome, and something does not work as well as a plan. Not least, there are some elements that have physically diminished, and thus a bit harder to hit.

Ars Technica reported include a decrease in battery life of an iPad 2 with over ten percent by upgrading. Worse still, with their test on the iPhone 5 – which we have tested – where battery capacity has dropped by 30 percent crazy.

Are Apple's fingerprint lock - NRK

class=”publish-date” title=”23.09.2013, Cl. 09.28.”> 09/23/2013, at. 09.28.

Chaos Computer Club recently put out a video showing that it is possible to get into another person’s iPhone 5S, copy fingerprint.

– We hope this kills the stupid illusion people have about the security of fingerprint readers. It’s stupid to use anything you leave you anywhere to unlock things, said CCC spokesman Frank Rieger in a blog post.

  • Read Fingerprints replace passwords on new iPhone

Wood glue and latex

Touch identification mechanism was launched with Apple’s latest phone – iPhone 5s – last week, and will replace the four-basis code you have been accustomed to use to unlock your phone.

“A very convenient and secure way to access to the phone,” according to Apple itself.

  • Read: Your body can be your new password

CCC disagree with this statement, and demonstrates in the video how the safety lock can be tricked by using the correct fingerprint, camera, printer, glue and a thin latex sheet.

– No biggie

Vidar Sandland in Norwegian Centre for Information Security does not seem CCC video is particularly remarkable.

– if you bothered to put down so much work, there are several ways to get into a locked phone on, so this is not really a big deal, he says to

Sandland points out that the disadvantage of biometrics is that it will always be possible to manipulate, but that it is still working well enough to immediately protect a phone.

– In this case, the fingerprint lock make it easier for the user. And if you lose it in the classroom or cab it is not just for anyone to use it.

He explains that fingerprint examiners have to find a balance between functionality and security.

– Doing biometric accuracy, you may want to struggle even to get into the phone, a wound on the finger may be enough.