Sunday, October 2, 2016

Three steps toward self-propelled ships on the oceans – ABC News

Ny-Ålesund:, you Set the captain and crew of the land, is it possible to construct the ships differently, let sensors and stordataløsninger assume the information was collected and develop a skipsintelligens that is able to make decisions for yourself.

– We believe it is possible to bring down the cost of transport by sea by 22 percent by implementing a transition to unmanned ships, endorsed president Mikael Mäkinen in skipskonstruksjons and motorgiganten Rolls-Royce Marine as business leaders, scientists, politicians and environmentalists recently discussed the the future, uk during the Ny-Ålesund-the symposium.

step by Step

Unmanned ships will be lighter in weight, have reduced wind resistance, and do not need the cartridge. Liquified natural gas (LNG) in combination with batteries replaces the heavy oil and diesel as fuel and also makes the future shipping traffic more environmentally friendly, think Rolls-Royce.

But it is far up there, and Mäkinen believe in a step-by-step development towards the self-propelled (autonomous) ships that take complicated decisions by themselves out on the open sea. Rolls Royces roadmap into the future suggests that the ocean-going unmanned ship is about 20 years ahead in time.

Before we get there, we must undergo three stages of development, ” says Mäkinen to the NTB. He leads the Rolls-Royce Marine, which has more than 5,000 employees in 35 countries., together with DNV GL and SINTEF has launched concepts for the unmanned uk.

In the first step reduced the staffing on board for the benefit of the support and control functions which can be controlled from the land. This is typically all that is happening in the engine room. Sensors that detect and report operating data may provide better analyses of maskindriften. Robots can perform physical work and adjustment.

Control center

In the second step is introduced unmanned ship where the crew controls the ship from a control center on land.

– the Machines taking over is not total. I think that the human element will be there for a long time. But the mariners will no longer be on board. They will be able to deliver their children to school, go to work in the control center and leave the kveldsskiftet to the other, instead of being several weeks at sea away from family, ” says Mäkinen.

Limited management

This reality is not far away, according to Rolls-Royce director. He suggests that we are in the course of 4-5 years, launching the first automated ships. They will operate in strictly defined areas with simple tasks.

– We will be able to see it in a bukserbåt that operates inside a harbor and know exactly what to do, or a ferry that does not have other tasks than to go from A to B, ” says Mäkinen.


It is only after this technology is developed and taken in use that we can go out on to the trend towards autonomous ocean-going vessels. It is much more difficult, complicated, and requires far more advanced solutions than the automotive industry tests out with their førerløse cars. It takes something close to artificial intelligence.

– In automated cars be programmed each and every decision. Then select the computer in the car which preprogrammed decision to be taken. It does not take its own independent decisions. There is it still far ahead, ” says Mäkinen.

Rapid development

Chairman of the board Kjersti Kleven of Kleven group emphasizes the opposite NTB that it is just as natural to discuss the unmanned ships to see on self-propelled vehicles.

– These technologies seem to go faster than we can imagine. A shift in technology, may be we will see pretty quickly. But I do not believe in any revolution over night. Shipping are a very regulated area. Not only must the technology work. But also all the infrastructure around must be adapted to the new technology. This is something the up and up, but very exciting ” says Kleven.


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