Saturday, November 30, 2013

Kicking four Telia bosses -


Stockholm (NTB-TT): Fire personer i toppledelsen i svenske TeliaSonera har fått sparken som følge av korrupsjonsanklager i forbindelse med selskapets virksomhet i Usbekistan.

En av dem som må ta sin hatt og gå er telekomselskapets finansdirektør Per-Arne Blomquist.

Styreleder Marie Ehrling skriver i en pressemelding fredag at Blomquist og de tre andre ikke lenger har styrets tillit og at de derfor forlater selskapet med øyeblikkelig virkning.

TeliaSonera inngikk i 2007 en lisensavtale i Usbekistan med et lokalt selskap som kalte seg Takilant. Dette selskapet viste seg imidlertid å være et «postboksselskap» registrert på Gibraltar, som på papiret ble ledet av en assistent til diktatordatteren Gulnara Karimova.

Ifølge svensk påtalemyndighet betale TeliaSonera store summer til Takilant, som på sin side skal ha tjent om lag to milliarder svenske kroner på affæren, penger som svenske etterforskere mener er bestikkelser. Både TeliaSonera og Karimova benekter at det er snakk om korrupsjon og bestikkelser.

Saken førte uansett til at TeliaSoneras administrerende direktør Lars Nyberg måtte ta sin hatt og gå tidligere i år. Også hele styret ble byttet ut. Nå får Nyberg altså følge av fire andre fra den gamle toppledelsen.

– Dårlig håndtert
Det nye styret og selskapets nye administrerende direktør Johan Dennelind konstaterer at transaksjonene mellom TeliaSonera og Takilant ikke har blitt håndtert på en god måte.

– Sammen med styret har jeg trukket den konklusjon at den måten som enkelte transaksjoner har blitt håndtert på, ikke har levd opp til de høye kravene om god etikk og åpenhet som TeliaSonera vil stå for, sier Dennelind. (©NTB)

    Les også:
  • [17.04.2013] TeliaSonera kan bli svartelistet
  • [01.02.2013] Korrupsjonsskandale feller teletopp
  • [01.11.2012] Mistenkt for 3G-korrupsjon
  • [11.10.2012] Krise i TeliaSonera
  • [20.09.2012] – Stemmer dette går jeg av
  • [18.04.2012] Åpner mobilnett for avlytting

Les mer om: lederskifte, korrupsjon, TeliaSonera

The large konsollkrigen - Aftenposten

Playstation 4 is ready for Norway. The dealers are reporting strong interest and demand for secure stream segment and its clients in a maximum number of consoles.

Marius Steen is a product manager at Nordisk Film which markets and distributes PlayStation in Norway.

He will not røpe number PS4 consoles will become ut sent to dealers before Christmas elf comes, but continued or that focused mainly on the river provide for a maximum number of paths consoles.

– Interest is undoubtedly great. Mobile and nettbrettspillene have bidratt to it gets more and more players in the world, and we believe many av they also want å try konsollopplevelsen, says Steen, who do not deny that utsettelsen av Xbox One-lance ring in Norway over Christmas has bidratt to stream øke banquets ask belt ytterligere.

Small forskjeller

– It’s Bunn and grunn small forskjeller-operation between the Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Both the Machine is so y si like sterke and burdens on many av the same funksjonene, says Alexander Lange, editor in spillnettstedet

Lange fort or Microsoft opprinnelig had plans for a quite annerledes machine enn Playstation 4 with, amongst other things påkrevd internett-arming and Kaeser for bruktspill, but dropped this banquets bad tilbakemeldinger from the audience.

– Sweets it looks ut reach is hovedforskjellene Microsoft litt greater focus on bevegelses sensor Kinect and Sony’s greater focus on uavhengige and less spillutviklere.

Nintendo decided recently å legge down produksjonen av Nintendo Wii, and has Slitt with low sales stall on his new konsoll Wii U banquets lance ringing in one years ago.

– Nintendo has first and foremost been lacking many and good enough play on the new console. But titles like Super Mario 3D World and helpf spill on the time of Zelda series may indicate that things are going. Nintendo has dessuten many dedikerte fans, and I therefore think Nintendo will survive for a long time, says Lange.

He believes spillmarkedet is still Edit functions and spilling on mobiles and nettbrett initially has now been activated a competitor to handheld consoles like the Nintendo 3DS and Playstation Vita.

Home Consoles burden for a completely one else spillopplevelse enn mobiles and nettbrett, says Lange.

Sony with its own ‘deleknapp’

Sony introduserer its own såkalt deleknapp on Playstation 4 to give the players able to exert share his spillprestasjoner on ulike sosiale media.

– Delefunksjonen Sony will certainly contribute to myeloma bruk at the beginning and økt social care activity and informasjonsutveksling amongst players since it is a litt new Maate y parts Informasjon on. But it will probably normalize seg pans each, says spillforsker and Associate Professor at the Norwegian University College Informasjonsteknologiske, Faltin Karlsen.

The extent to which it gives noe økt visibility amongst non-gamers think Faltin avhenger av how this samkjøres with other technologies, and correspond to the following ques objective of closer integration with sosiale media could affect spillavhengighet:

– Avhengighetslignende to technology is usually caused by a number of factors and is also about other things myeloma enn technology. A single technological Edit functions plains mean usually lite, but must be seen in a larger sammenheng.

What konsoll suitable for whom?

Editor in spillnettstedet, Alexander Lange, has the following recommendations:

Sony Playstation 4

Sony rates more in child even just titles and uavhengige and less spillutviklere enn main competitor Microsoft, but also has a large spillbibliotek group consisting of spill for adults and great rate entries from etablerte utviklere.

Price: approx. 4000 kroner.

Microsoft Xbox One

Related contentEn larger proportion of the Xbox Ones spill is hovedsakelig layer for adults in also calling to many believe that their network service Xbox Live will forbli see a more stable and dedikert service enn Playstation Network has hosted.

Xbox One also has a greater focus on bevegelses sensor Kinect.

Price: about 4000 pounds.

Nintendo Wii U

Related content this is the alternative for those seeking to enjoy one konsoll delegating focus more on good, childish and familievennlige spillopplevelser, although it also will be launched more adults play this console. Bakoverkompatibel with Wii spill.

Price: Ca 2500 crowns.

knew you …

finnes also Android baserte spillkonsoller as Madcatz MOJO and Ouya, and the speculation that Google has its own Console during development will.

Growing mustache has become the new Birkenhead - Technology Magazine

Published: 29 November 2013 at. 12:27 – Updated: 29 November 2013 at. 2:08 p.m.

task is simple:

grow mustache throughout November. You create a profile for your mustache on and get everyone you know to vote and donate money to your mustache.

money goes to research on men’s health – prostate and testicular cancer, and mental health.


competitive spirit and social responsibility has received over 20,000 men to grow mustache throughout November, as part of the Movember campaign.

date, the Norwegian participants and their mustaches collected about four million.

Internationally, in 2012 collected over 839 million dollars. This year, an even larger sum.

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Bart + money + technologists

Technologists are important contributors.

both international and Norwegian headliners are the technology companies that have generated the most engagement and collected the most money.

– We have no statistics on which occupations are most active, but in Norway it is particularly engineering and IT industry that stands out, says campaign manager for Movember, Fredrik Bjørlo.

mustaches have not only contributed to greater social responsibility, but also a good working environment at work.

– It’s really great to see Movember trigger competitive nature of men, both in terms of who can collect the most money and who grow the best mustache. In many businesses have Movember has become a more important international cultural than strategy sessions, Friday the beer and coffee machine, says Bjørlo.

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scorer this year Rambøll mustache

editor in Ramboll, Jarle Stokland, is one of the 120 employees who participate in Movember. The entire company has a total of seven different bartelag spread across the country.

– We compete both internally and externally about who can collect the most money and who has the best mustache. Today, we publish also who has this year Rambøll feasible.

Stokland points out that competition is taken very seriously.

– Engineers are the very keen competition, so it’s really fun to be part of Movember. There is much talk about the campaign here at work, even in customer facing functions mustache as a positive icebreaker. Normally we are all scattered in every our department, but the competition has meant that we work together and become better known across departments.

According Stokland has large purchases of releasable made the competition more equal. Some women in business have also made a profile on Movember and raising money for the teams.

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initiative came from an employee

Stokland says that the initiative to join last year came from Joachim Viktil, one of the employees at the Oslo office. Employee commitment Movember has also led to the lead started to grow a mustache.

A total collected 35,000 dollars, and this sum will lead to Ramboll to double.

– Our CEO Ole-Petter Thune is part of the competition through the layer of Bergen. The senior management of the company has also decided to join in their regionslag.

Employees will be more involved

BI researcher Caroline Ditlev-Simonsen has asked 700 employees in four Norwegian companies about corporate responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility.

She has discovered that employees feel more committed to their business if they feel that this is responsible and cares about them.

Employees also wanted to be more involved in the design of corporate social responsibility activities. She says that it is relatively easy to involve the employees, but that management can easily overlook the employee’s desire to help.

– Decisions CSR is often taken high up in the corporate hierarchy, and managers assume that employees have the same view of what is right to do on site. It is not always the case.

She says that Movember is a very good example of where employees take the initiative for a good cause and manages to mobilize colleagues. Studies show that when management has taken has been responsible for the selection of good cause to support, it is often employees are not aware of this at all.

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Should get breast bare

Tom Huuse clan leader GE MO & Tash that comes from Company GE Oil & Gas. As of today, made number one on the top list of all teams in Norway.

– It is amazing how much unity and positive, we have gotten out of the competition. It has also led to many crazy antics, says Huuse.

One of them is Brazilian waxing one of the leaders in the company. Each of the 12 has been dealt a collection shaker that employees could put money in. The manager who gets the most money “wins” Brazilian waxing of the entire chest.

– The only hair that will be left will look like mustache, says Huuse adding that he currently are lagging behind in this competition.

He and CFO Espen Ogne have in various ways made a bet that the counterparty will make the most money in their jar. This money also goes on to Movember campaign.

Besides it has the toughest chest bare-competition handed out flyers in the neighborhood and been actively fundraising from both family and friends. Last Saturday arranged GE bartelag a so-called Show Your Mo Event, a charity event in the center of Stavanger.

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Collected 120.000 million

team has so far managed to collect 120,867 million, while the team model from Dell is currently in second place with 103,990 kroner in Norway.

– We’re a global company that works extensively with health sector and research. Social responsibility is one of the most important values ??for us. So it was natural for us to be part of Movember, says Huuse, who is also Regional Director for Subsea Systems for GE Oil & Gas.

It will be possible to donate money for a time, but 9 December freeze leaderboards and team that has managed to collect the most money will be chosen.

There are top 10 teams in Norway

  1. GE Oil & Gas – 120,867 €
  2. Dell – 103.990 €
  3. Archer Norway – 90,435 €
  4. Stavanger Oilers – 78,534 €
  5. BP Norway – 71,902 €
  6. HP Norway – 66,161
  7. Statoil ASA – 65,760 €
  8. RWE – 64,730 €
  9. Kongsberg Protech Systems – 63.230 €
  10. Evry – 56,011 €

figures are taken from the top 29 lists November 2013.

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A half-billion extra defense missile development - Aftenposten

The major role changed

In this week’s financial center debate Jens Stoltenberg stage as opposition leader. Impressive fort he has forgotten what it is to govern the country.

You sell yourself cheap - Northern Lights

Atte you nordmenn av er mer eller mindre bekymret for hvordan personopplysninger håndteres Når handler på de nettet, viser en ny undersøkelse between Forbrukerrådet.

Tallene ble presentert på et seminar om nye betalingsløsninger; arrangerte sammen med Næringsforeningen the Trondheim torsdag.

– There selger billig og gir oss oss between you Når for mange opplysninger handler, mener Forbrukerrådets Direktor Randi Flesland ( bildet ).

Hun Spar kamp om eierskap til og kontroll over Persondata the arenas framover.

  • Les OGSA: Sikker handel between sofaen

Til Tross for at fleste de av oss er bekymret, you ofte between gir oss mer enn personopplysninger you burde, mener Flesland.

– En kan være free app å laste ned. Men ofte er den virkelige Betalingen et inngrep the personvernet ditt. Det er en forbløffende Hvor ubegrenset tilgang app has skal på deg for informasjon om å kunne Virke, sier hun.

OGSA see andre betalingsformer samles store mengder opplysninger om oss selv, så som til brukes målrettet markedsføring.

– Spørsmålet er HVA Slags kontroll you selv skal has over Vare egne date. HVEM has eierskap skal til personopplysningene, you selv eller den kommersielle aktøren, Spor Flesland.

  • Les OGSA: Ni av på handler you nettet

Forbrukerrådet ønsker å bevisstgjøre forbrukerne og ansvarliggjøre aktørene, sier Flesland.

– I vil vise fram muligheter farer og, og rises for at forbrukernes interesser blir ivaretatt. Det må være en Rimelig Balanse Mellom HVA between you gir oss og HVA will make you, sier hun.

Spørreundersøkelsen OGSA viser en viss skepsis til å Bruke mobilen som lommebok. Nesten halvparten av de spurte er ikke å interessert the Bruke mobilen som betalingsmiddel.

skepsisen Den er på trolig vikende front, TROR trendanalytiker Ole Petter Nyhaug, OGSA innledet som på seminaret. Han viser til 60 at the prosent aldersgruppen 20-24 år jevnlig Bruker mobilbank.

Vil has kontroll

OGSA Nyborg Spar kamp om til eierforholdet personopplysninger.

– Dagens greasy trendsettere tilhører en ‘skikkelig »generasjon, opptatt trygghet av og kontroll over egne liv. There gir oss masses between date om oss selv hver gang there handler. Poenget er selv at you skal eie Vare egne date. Dersom en butikkjede har mange Samlet opplysninger om oss, but there selv ago tilgang til said opplysningene – og selv eventuelt tjene penger på dem, sier Nyborg. (ANB-NTB)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Back to the roots for Playstation - Aftenposten

When Sony introduced the Playstation game console in 1994 they turned upside down on the games industry.

Playstation was specially designed to run 3D games, used contemporary CD-ROM technology and aimed at an audience voksnere than competitors Nintendo and Sega.

Sony gained a foothold in youth clubs and in the British trend magazines. Developers also threw himself over the console that was far easier to make games for than competitors’ game machines.

few years got the machine so solid footing that the phrase “to play Playstation” was synonymous with “playing video games”.

Blinded by technology

Sony today release its Playstation 4 on the Norwegian market is in many ways a console that looks back to the roots from the 90s.

Free up your Playstation 3 Sony was dazzled by technology and their own success.

They made a powerhouse of a machine with proprietary processors and focus on Linux installation, networking and media sharing features. Playstation 3 would be the place where you saved your photos and music, in addition to the market’s most advanced game machine.

console struggled with primitive network solutions and architecture that differed markedly from competing hardware, making game development complicated and time consuming. Playstation dad Ken Kutaragi got lost in features and technology and the result was a costly and far too ambitious multimedia machine.

Free up the Playstation 4 is enough once the games are in focus.

Media features are toned down and the tank is no longer the Playstation console is used to store music, photos and movies. The games are in focus again and it makes the console a more tangible action.

The inside consists of custom computer components with enough memory and processing power to produce graphics that are identical to a good gaming PC.

Detailed lighting and particle effects create a marked distinction to the existing game consoles, although the leap in graphics may not be as large as many had expected.

Essential mains

Online features are now an essential part of the console experience.

You can connect the user to the Facebook profile and follow what your friends are doing on their game machines. Games achievements of you and your friends posted in a separate activity stream and one can share their own screenshots and videos.

console automatically records video when you play so you can edit and publish highlights and praised videos. You can even pour their gaming alive.

Playstation 4 feels like a far more focused and concentrated gaming machine than its predecessor.

It is obvious that Sony now return to the roots of recapturing players from tablets and mobile phones.

It’s no longer about reaching the trendy young adults as it did in the 90s. The challenge is to prove that a dedicated game machine still has a future, when everyone already has its own game console in your pocket.

technological foundation is solid and creating excitement among game developers. Interface and features are also more than approved in the Playstation 4 Now it is up to the games to convince.

The year's best mobile phones 2013 - It’s been a good year. At least for us mobile enthusiasts.
  • • 2013 was the year when we got our first mobile with full HD 1080p Xperia Z .
  • • The year we got something so strange that a mobile with dual front speakers, in HTC One .
  • • The year when Nokia gave us the best camera phone we’ve seen, Lumia 1020 .
  • • The year when Apple dared to put a fingerprint reader in the middle of his iPhone 5S .
  • • The year when Samsung tried to get us to use their mobile phones in entirely new ways with Galaxy S4 .
  • • And the year that LG would convince us that the buttons should be behind mobile, with LG G2 .

Not everything was just as successful, but of the 34 models tested DinSide year, we are left with less than 17 dice five or six.

And here is thus our favorites, divided into three price categories.

top models

iPhone 5S (iOS): Whether the iPhone is the best phone on the market are discussed up and down among the mobile enthusiasts.

neat design, rapid performance, fingerprint reader that actually works, and iOS 7 with its interface and app selection still makes this phone a winner. We gave it six out of six, and the reason you get in our test of the iPhone 5S .

Sony Xperia Z1 (Android) : Back in February we were impressed by the Sony Xperia Z, and later that year came Z1 and impressed us even more.

This beast of a phone can be both great for many, and user comfort are not always on top. But the fact that you get steaming fast performance and a great camera in a waterproof body makes this one of the year’s best mobiles. We gave it a strong five stars in our test of the Sony Xperia Z1.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Android) : We at DinSide have been skeptical about this year’s trend: “phablet”, ie mobiles that are so large that they move into the tablet segment.

We gave as Sony Xperia Z1 Ultra, Samsung Galaxy Mega and HTC One Max lukewarm dice four.

But Samsung Galaxy Note 3 deserves praise. Much because it actually can be used without wearing you out , then the in this segment must be called both thin and light. It also offers a lot of performance, good battery life, great screen and a fun board pen, and certainly deserves a spot on this list. The reason you get in our test of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Samsung Galaxy S4 (Android) : If you want to have a slightly smaller Samsung model than Note 3, on the other hand Galaxy S4 answer.

You get a thin and light mobile that can handle most things, but at the same time we think it has lots of unnecessary features that smells more hype than real innovation. It did not so well in our camera test, showing that the model is already starting to become somewhat outdated. In our test ended S4 at dice 5

Samsung Ativ S (Windows Phone) : The first Windows Phone-top model from Samsung was also the last from the edge, for there is no doubt that Android is Samsung’s favorite.

But Samsung Ativ S impressed us with its great screen, good battery life and occasionally gorgeous body.

camera was though not quite in style, and Samsung’s own software can not compete with Nokia’s. According there are now few shops that still have the model, so the price has now become stiffer. Also, this amounted to a dice 5 in our test .

Nokia Lumia 1020 (Windows Phone): Nokia has poured in with the new Lumia models in throughout the year, and in Norway the feast was ended with the Nokia Lumia 1020. And a close.

Lumia 1020 is gigantic in both good and bad, depending on how you see it. It was won by the DinSides camera test and thus can rightly be called the year’s best camera phone. We also think Nokia makes the best Windows Phone experience software wise, you’re looking for the best Windows Phone has to offer, this is the phone for you. Nokia Lumia 1020 got dice 5 in our test.

HTC One (Android): HTC surprised everyone when the year showed off its new One- series, with HTC One leading the way.

design of the HTC One is so nicely that we are tempted to call it the year’s prettiest mobile and designed gives you something as unique as dual internal speakers pour loud sound right in your face.

We were sadly disappointed by the battery life, but HTC One is nevertheless one of the year’s most exciting Android Phones. And now it is available for example in an incredibly luscious red. HTC One got dice 5

LG G2 (Android): LG has recently proved to be a worthy competitor to giants like Samsung, also on the mobile front.

LG G2 is the year’s top model from the edge and has a weird button solution that places everything you need on your phone backing . We were not entirely convinced, but enjoyed the rest of the phone so well that we gave it both five dice and Recommended product stamp. LG G2 had thus a strong 5 in our test.

Nexus 5 (Android): The latest top model we tested this year, the Nexus 5, made by LG Google. Nexus phones always keeps premiere party for the latest Android version, this time Android 4.4 and runs råversjonen without modifications from the manufacturer.

And this party, we like good.

Nexus 5 has a lot Nexus 4 missing, as 1080p display, 4G and the latest in processing power, but unfortunately lacked a bit on both the camera and the battery side. Still a very interesting mobile, and all reasoning can be found in our test of the Google Nexus 5

The intermediate layer

5C iPhone (iOS): For the first time in history, Apple launched this year two iPhone versions of the same: a top iPhone 5S and the somewhat cheaper iPhone 5C.

5C offers lower price, more color choice and iOS with all the advantages and / or disadvantages the software offers, depending on how you look at it. But the price was not as low as we had hoped for, and you are therefore not particularly good value. Read the test of iPhone 5C here.

Sony Xperia Z (Android): Although Sony Xperia Z has already got its successor in the Z1, you should still not forget the first edition in series. For Z now has a far lower price than big brother, and fits slim wallets better.

Xperia Z was the first cell phone in this country with a 1080p display, which still looks good. And it is still waterproof, and still supports 4G memory card and can still be a good choice if you do not want to use the entire salary inga on new mobile. We gave Sony Xperia Z dice 5

Nokia Lumia 925 (Windows Phone): Lumia 925 was Nokia’s Lumia top model until 1020 came on. But 925 still deserves its place in the Windows Phone universe.

Lumia 925 is actually smaller and lighter than giant in 1020 and offers a lot of phone for the money, now that the cost of 3,500 dollars. Among other things, the camera is cracking, and the screen and the performance is unlikely to disappoint anyone. Nokia Lumia 925 is tested here.

HTC One Mini (Android): One series came this year with three models, in order of size: One HTC Max, HTC One One and HTC Mini.

Max version we did not like particularly well, but the Mini edition has something for themselves. HTC One Mini is not very much smaller than the HTC One, but the price has dwindled and gives you value for crowns. Just be aware that the camera is so-so and the battery can not handle anything. The whole rationale you get here.

Budget Models

ZTE Nubia Z5 (Android): The manufacturer ZTE has not exactly blown us off the chairs of this year, but they did a good job with ZTE Nubia Z5.

We liked the design, we liked snapshots it took and we liked how Android shell looked like. However, the Android version was old, and the camera struggled unfortunately with video. It is nevertheless worth considering, and the reason you get our test.

LG Optimus G (Android): Before LG G2 came LG Optimus G, which in many ways was last year’s Nexus 4 in a new guise. But we liked what we saw.

performance, Android version, battery, and memory gives you a lot of money now that the price tag is less than 3,000 dollars. But do not expect a very good camera, or hardware that will withstand the test of time in a very long time. Test our getting here.

Sony Xperia V (Android): The third Sony Xperia model on this list are also the weakest, but in return the cheapest Sony Xperia V .

Like the other Xperia models, this waterproof, offering a good camera and Memory Cards. On the minus side, we note that the battery life is weak and the internal memory does not give you much space. More details can be found in the test.

Nokia Lumia 620 (Windows Phone) : Nokia gets into three Lumia models among the year’s best phones, and the Nokia Lumia 620 is the cheapest of mobile everyone on the entire list.

under 1500 NOK get a mobile that does a good job in most areas, without impressing in any of them. Something more particularly can not expect in this price range, so we give thumbs up. Read the full test here.

case was originally published on DinSide Read here.

Also check out the following matters:

Which mobile phone has the best camera? We have found out of here!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Concerned about privacy - Smaalenes Journal

, according to a survey done for the Consumer Council.

All eight of ten respondents are more or less concerned about how personal data is handled when they shop online, according to the survey.

It also shows some skepticism to use mobile payment. Almost half of the respondents are not interested in using mobile phones as payment. Interest is highest among men and in the age group under 40.

  • Read also: Secure shopping from the couch

figures presented at a seminar on security in the new payment Consumer Council is organizing together with the Chamber of Commerce in Trondheim Thursday.

relationship between privacy and new payment gateways are among the issues discussed. How much information about ourselves do we really need to give us to pay a bill?

survey was conducted in November and is based on 1,000 interviews. (AFP)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

NSA monitored porn use among Islamists -

It shows a document that the American intelligence analyst Edward Snowden has leaked to the press.

document are six Muslim people designated as examples of how “personal vulnerabilities” can be uncovered using monitoring and how this information can be exploited to undermine people’s influence, writes Huffington Post.

NSA stresses in the document that radical Islamists reputation can have serious scratches if it is revealed that they are visiting pornographic websites or use a sexualized language when communicating with “inexperienced young women.”

Among the six persons designated in the document, one from the United States, according to the Huffington Post.

All six should have been living abroad and none of them are suspected of terrorist activities.


Men: Ideal Woman has this age -

Even though we live in one of the most equal countries, there are still wild that determines who to be with. According to a new study from the Department of Psychology, writes

Students in Trondheim participated in the study and were asked about age, gender and status.

In addition, the question of the age to what they saw as an ideal short-term partner as well as the age of the ideal long-term partner.

– We found that men choose and want younger partner than themselves, while women choose and want the older partner than themselves, says doctoral fellow Trond Viggo Grøntvedt.

study shows that men, regardless of age, seeking women with ideal age of 21.

– This is the year of life the woman is most fertile. Younger men searched up until the age of 21, but after that they sought down through the ages, says Grøntvedt.

Signals fertility

Grøntvedt, together with Professor Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair been behind the study. They think the explanation can be obtained from the theory of evolution.

Partner our preferences may be due to the different problems men and women have faced in evolutionary time.

– A man can potentially have more offspring than females over different time periods because the men do not go pregnant, give birth or give offspring food the first time of the child’s life. A solution to the problem of obtaining a fertile partner, having preferences for traits that signal fertility. One of these traits is age, says Grøntvedt.

– Since women have a higher degree of fertility around 20-22 years of age, it is expected from an evolutionary perspective that men will seek and have preferences for partners around this age, he adds.

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– Reality is more complex

- The first thing I think is that there is something the press, and possibly some research love, it’s evolution, says Bente Træen, professor of health psychology at the University of Oslo, as a commentary on the study.

– It might be something with the simplicity of explanations that really appeals, this back to the Stone Age man. But I think the reality is more complex, we are not on the cave level. We can control how we live, such as the time when it is convenient to have children. Although the woman is biologically most fertile at age 21, it is the first ten years later she has a child, she adds.

Træen think rather that evolutionary perspective will have a strong fucked in the years to come.

– That’s because today’s women do not need a parent as it was before. Besides, when I look around me, women who are academics, intellectuals and artists, these chooses love to younger men. When opportunities are open to both women and men prefer a young and virile partner if it is about it, she says .

– Not representative

Træen think the study needs to be understood for what it is, a study among students.

– This is not a representative group study, student population is indeed becoming more and more heterogeneous, but is also fairly homogeneous when compared with the general population. I also believe that people in this age largely carries with it much of the romantic and mythical adventure stories where the structure and role of the characters are so he must be older than her , says Træen.

Træen believe that as we live and experience to walk on the face, we will reconsider these hooks and code of conduct.

– What to look for in a partner is about more than sex and number of offspring, the head and the heart must follow. A relationship today, and glue in it, not as it could be before: A working partnership where the woman was responsible for the private and caring for children and the elderly, while the man was the boss in the public domain. now requires much more from both individuals, intimacy and recognition. It is too easy to think that just because someone is young and vital, so will the relationship be happy. Here comes the evolution of short, says Træen.

Reference of study:

Grøntvedt & Kennair: Age preferences in a gender egalitarian society (pdf), Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 2013, 7 (3), 239-249.

- NSA mapping Islamist porn habits - Aftenposten

are U.S. Huffington Post who has written about how the U.S. Intelligence National Security Agency (NSA) monitors Islamists suspected of being extreme.

journalist Glenn Greenwald is one of the people behind the case.

you have any tips or suggestions about surveillance? Contact Aftenposten journalist by e-mail, please send tips to our encrypted alert service or use old-fashioned mail.

of documents originating from Edward Snowden shows how the NSA considers the vulnerabilities of Islamist leaders could lead to it being questioned how dedicated they are in jihad (holy war), and that this could undermine their authoritarian.

promiscuous online

look at porn or using sexual language when talking with young girls, are among the points mentioned. Therefore monitors NSA ie Islamist porn.

use money from donations to the matter in itself, is another point NSA lists.

See also

We can still rely on Snowden documents

But we should be more skeptical of anyone who claims to be able to interpret them.

Another document shows a form with information about various Islamists and “vulnerabilities” is one field. “Online promiscuity” is mentioned as vulnerabilities in two of the people.

So that they have been “promiscuous online” – has looked at porn or behaved in inappropriate communications with others.

Other documents in the frame at the bottom.

– Should not be surprising

One of the two is in prison, while the other – according to the NSA – is a respected academic who also supports Al-Qaeda propaganda.

Shawn Turner, who is Chief of the office of National Intelligence, told the Huffington Post that it “should not be surprising that U.S. authorities use all legal means to stop the terrorists who want to harm the nation or to incite others to violence Using radicalization. “

documents say nothing about or possibly how the NSA has used this information against these people.


Men wish young and fertile women -

Menn, uansett alder, søker kvinner med idealalderen 21 år. (Illustrasjonsfoto:

Sjølv om vi lever i eit av verdas mest likestilte land, er det framleis naturen som avgjer kven vi skal vere saman med.

Det viser ein ny studie frå Psykologisk institutt ved NTNU. Studentar i Trondheim deltok i studien, og vart spurt om alder, kjønn og status.

I tillegg fekk dei spørsmål om alderen til det dei såg på som ein ideell korttidspartnar samt alderen på den ideelle langtidspartnaren.

– Vi fann ut at menn vel og ynskjer yngre partnar enn seg sjølv, medan kvinner vel og ynskjer seg eldre partnar enn seg sjølv, seier doktorgradsstipendiat Trond Viggo Grøntvedt.

Han har gjennomført studien saman med professor Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair.

Evolusjonen bestemmer

Så kvifor vel menn yngre kvinner, og kvinner eldre menn? Er det noko vi har med oss i bevisstheita vår når vi skal velje kven vi vil vere saman med?

Truleg ikkje, ifølgje Grøntvedt, som har konkludert med at evolusjonsteorien kan gje oss best mogleg svar på den mystiske aldersgåta.

– Truleg er ikkje dette med alder heilt bevisst hos det enkelte individet når ein vel partnar. Kvifor vi vel slik vi gjer derimot, trur vi kan forklarast ut i frå evolusjonsteorien. Den seier at partnarpreferansane våre kan skuldast dei ulike problema menn og kvinner har stått overfor i evolusjonær tid, seier han.

Søkjer idealalderen

Langtidspartnarar vart i studia definert som ein du kunne hatt noko seriøst og langvarig med, og som du kanskje kunne flytta inn saman med og gifta deg med, og korttidspartnarar som ein du ville hatt sex med ein eller fleire gonger.

I studien kom det fram at det var veldig liten aldersskilnad mellom den faktiske partnaren og ein sjølv hos menn i aldersgruppa 18–20. Det var litt større skilnad i gruppa mellom 21–23, men størst skilnad i aldersgruppa 24–30.

  • Les også: Krangler om kjønnsforskjeller

Same trend kom også til syne når det kom til kva alder ein ynskja at ein korttids- og langtidspartnar skulle ha.

– Dette viser oss at menn, uansett alder, søker kvinner med idealalderen 21 år. Det er dette året i livet kvinna er mest fruktbar. Yngre menn søkte oppover før dei fylte 21 år, men etter det søkte dei nedover i alder, seier han.

Auka med alderen

Medan menn byrja med å søke litt opp i aldersgruppa mellom 18 og 20 hjå ein potensiell partnar, og så søkte lenger ned i alder, søkte kvinna stadig eldre menn. I høve ynskje om alderen til ein potensiell korttidspartnar var menn i alderen 24–30 villig til å gå ned tre år, medan kvinna ville gå opp med tre år i same aldersgruppe.

Kvinnene hadde generelt sett ein eldre partnar enn seg sjølv, og størst skilnad mellom partnaren og ein sjølv var i aldersgruppa 24–30. Når det kom til ynskje om korttids- og langtidspartnar, var kvinna generelt villig til å gå endå lenger opp i alder.

Resultata synte med andre ord at menns ynskje om yngre partnarar auka med alderen på mannen, medan kvinner i alle aldre ynskte seg eldre menn.

At kvinner vert tiltrekt av eldre menn, forklarar Grøntvedt med eit ynskje om ressursar og eit forsterka behov for at partnaren har potensial for å vere flink med pengane.

Endring i sosial struktur

Det finnes fleire forklaringar på kva dette skuldast. Ein er den såkalla sosial rolle-teorien.

– Her vert det hevda at i eit fullstendig likestilt samfunn vil ein ikkje kunne observere kjønnsskilnader i til dømes partnarpreferansar, då rollene for menn og kvinner er like, seier Grøntvedt.

  • Les også: Like partnere leker best

Ut i frå sosial rolle-teorien antok Grøntvedt og Kennair på førehand at det vart nedgang i kjønnsskilnadane mellom menn og kvinner i partnarpreferansar som følgje av meir likestilling i det norske samfunnet samanlikna med andre land.

– Studien gav oss likevel svar som synte at det er lite støtte for hypotesen om at likestilling fører til mindre kjønnsskilnader i høve alderspreferanse og val av partnar, seier Grøntvedt.

Ynskjer fertile partnarar

Trond Viggo Grøntvedt. (Foto: NTNU)

Grøntvedt viser til at dei fann støtte for ein evolusjonær tilnærming, og at denne best kan forklare kvifor det er slik.

Den tek utgangspunkt i biologiske skilnader mellom menn og kvinner. Menn er til dømes biologisk sett meir enn kvinner avgrensa av fertile partnarar.

– Ein mann kan potensielt få fleire avkom enn kvinner over ulike tidsperiodar som følgje av at menn ikkje går gravid, føder eller gir avkommet næring den første tida av barnet sitt liv. Ei løysning på problemet med å skaffe ein fertil partar, er å ha preferansar for trekk som signaliserer fertilitet. Eitt av desse trekka er alder.

– Sidan kvinner har ein høgare grad av fertilitet rundt 20–22-årsalderen, forventast det frå eit evolusjonært perspektiv at menn vil søke og ha preferansar for partnarar rundt denne alderen, seier han.

Ynskjer snill partnar

Grøntvedt legg likevel til at det er viktig å påpeike at ein i deira studie kun tek utgangspunkt i ei side av kvifor vi vel partnar slik vi gjer. Han seier at det er mange andre trekk som er viktige for begge kjønn når vi skal ta ei avgjerd.

– Det kjem fram av ei rekkje studiar at begge kjønn søkjer ein partnar som først og fremst er snill og forståingsfull. Vi søkjer også ein person med ein spanande og relativt stabil personlegdom, som ein kan dele interesser og verdiar saman med.

  • Les også: Sjøfugl snuser seg fram til god partner

– Sidan alder er knytt til fertilitet hos kvinner i større grad enn hos menn er det likevel ei forventning ut i frå den evolusjonære teorien at dei vil finne ein kjønnsskilnad i preferansar og i faktisk partnarval når det kjem til alder, seier Grøntvedt.


Grøntvedt & Kennair: Age preferences in a gender egalitarian society (pdf), Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 2013, 7(3), 239-249.

Doktorgradsstipendiat Trond Viggo Grøntvedt ved Psykologisk institutt.

Kvinner hadde ein tendens til å stadig opp i alder, og menn ned. Figur: Journal of social, evolutionary, and cultural psychology

How did the electric car as a taxi - Technology Magazine

Trøndertaxi will focus on electric cars from Tesla. Taxi company acquired useful knowledge last year when five electric cars were tested in urban areas and on the route Trondheim – Vaernes.


Green Highway project took place from 2011-2013. It is owned / controlled by Trondheim, Östersund and Sundsvall Municipality

Partners: Trøndertaxi, Stjørdal Taxi, SINTEF, EV Power and NTE

Budget: Approximately 4.8 million including the establishment of three fast-charging stations

Financing: Transnova kr. 1525 000

See also:

Convection keeps the Swedish premium bridge snow-free

In cooperation with Trøndertaxi stood SINTEF for the testing of five Nissan Leaf electric vehicle and logged 1,500 trips on the three-mil stretch out to Værnes airport.

Taxi industry had as a separate requirement that the use of electric cars on this stretch had to be profitable for them.

Suitable for short trips

While the electric car was well placed in the center and in urban areas Byneset, Byåsen and Heimdal, researchers could quickly establish that stretch with 80-90 zones and climbs out to Vaernes was not the optimum for an electric vehicle.

While power consumption locati driving dropped to 153 Wh / km, the energy consumption on a trip to the airport, up to 195 Wh / km.

– The driver had to constantly have in your head how much power was available. Could he, for example, using the air conditioner, or it was too little power to it? Such judgments are not lucky, says Astrid Bjoergen Sund at SINTEF who have helped to quantify both the power consumption and the amount of power regenerated during braking.

– Another reason why electric cars are better suited for more bynær driving, is that we break more in these areas and thereby restoring much energy, explains Sund.

Read also: Airport Technology can reduce road salt by 80 percent

Through testing of the Nissan Leaf, found Trøndertaxi out in cooperation with SINTEF that stretches with high speed and climbs were less profitable for this type of vehicle. Photo: Green Highway

Better earnings required

Taxi owners listed on its site that driving with electric gave them reduced operating and maintenance costs, the cost of the tire went down and having satisfied customers.

same time as the earnings were insufficient and they should run into 2000-3000 dollars more per car a month to get to profitability.

– We believe such a price earnings can be achieved by fast-charge operators are reducing their prices, and we have established two additional fast-charging stations in Trondheim, says Bjørn-Ove Berthelsen Trondheim municipality that has led the project under the direction of Green Highway.

Read also: No brake for electric car yet

Useful knowledge about electric cars

Green Highway project ended last summer, but Tom Rune Arns in Trøndertaxi can state that electric cars from Nissan will be used throughout the year.

in November cab company will also use the first electric cars from the car manufacturer Tesla. These have far greater reach and can be applied at longer distances.

Nissan Leaf cars can be used to deal more driving and jams as school transport, etc.

Arns believes that the most important aspect of electric vehicle project and collaborated with researchers, has been obtaining Trøndertaxi knowledge of the electric vehicle.

– We have learned that in order to operate efficiently with electric vehicles requires more planning and traffic management on our part. We must, for example, could bore trips to get to the good economy. Such knowledge is useful when we’re going to add about data traffic management system and ours.

Read also: SINTEF: It should cost more to drive on busy roads

Increased sales

A thought behind the electric car project to the municipality, was that if passengers so that electric vehicle worked as a taxi, more would pursue this type of vehicle.

According to Tom Rune Arns, this seems to have turned to as the Nissan Leaf in Trondheim recorded record sales last year.

Bjørn Ove Berthelsen believes the project has had an impact in terms of selling the environmentally friendly transportation to the city’s population, and that there has been a lot of useful information out of this.

This case was originally published on – a site for Research news from NTNU and SINTEF. The author is affiliated with SINTEF.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

EV is currently no perfect cab -

Åse Dragland
editor in

Wednesday 27 November 2013
pm. 05:00

 In collaboration with

electric car is well suited as a taxi in sentrum and in urban areas. (Photo: Green Highway)

In collaboration with Trøndertaxi researchers at Sintef tested five Nissan Leaf electric cars, and loggført 1500 scores on the three-mil long strekningen from Trondheim sentrum and ut to Vaernes flyplass.

While the electric car was well suited to sentrum and in peri-urban areas as Byneset, Byåsen and Heimdal, researchers could briskly establish that strekningen with 80 – and 90 persons and motbakker ut to Vaernes it was not optimal for an electric car.

While strømforbruket on sentrumsnær kjøring was down 153 Wh / km, gikk energiforbruket on a trip to flyplassen, opp to 195 Wh / km.

– Sjåføren had to constantly have in my head where myeloma power which was tilgjengelig. Could he, for example bruke the air conditioner, or it was too lite power to it? Slike reviews are not lucky, says Astrid Bjørgen Healthy at Sintef.

– A one else årsak to electric car more suitable for systems close to urban kjøring is that we brake systems in these areas, countries and gjenskaper thus myeloma energy, explains Healthy.

Better inntjening required

Drosjeeierne noterte segment in turn to kjøring with electric car ga them reduserte operating and vedlikeholdskostnader that diet nader on dekk gikk down and that they had Fornøyde customers.

  • Les also: electric car gives good conscience
  • At the same time they saw that inntjeningen was bad and that they should drive along inn 2000-3000 kroner more per car in the month of y get to lønnsomhet.

    – We believe a candy prisinntjening can oppnås by rapid charging the operators setter down its prizes, and we get ytterligere has set up two hurtigladestasjoner in Trondheim, says Bjørn-Ove Berthelsen in Trondheim municipality, who conducted the joint project.

    Larger Range The

    Tom Rune Arnsen in Trøndertaxi can opplyse to elbilene from Nissan will become brukt ut year.

    Well in November will drosjeselskapet also take into bruk the first elbilene from bilprodusenten Tesla. These are far more Range The and can be current on lengre strekninger.

    Nissan Leaf Bilene can become used by it more avtalekjøring and fastkjøring such as skoleskyss.

    Sintef have tested five Nissan Leaf electric cars in collaboration with Trøndertaxi. (Photo: Green Highway)

    Arnsen think it’s most important to elbilprosjektet and co-operation with scientists, the host å provide Trøndertaxi sharing of knowledge about electric cars.

    – We erfart to the stream running efficiently with electric cars, kreves the more planlegging and trafikkstyring from the spring side of the river to get good economy.

    Økt sale

    thought bak EV joint project with the municipality, was on flypassasjerer so that electric cars fungerte as drosje would more focus on this type of car. According Arnsen see this ut the y ha slått to as the Nissan Leaf in Trondheim noterte sales record last year.

  • Les also: Are electric cars bra for byene
  • Bjørn Ove Berthelsen think The project has hatt significant considering y selge inn environmentally-friendly transportation to the city’s population, and that it has come myeloma useful sharing of knowledge ut av this.

    What contrive Apple now? - The online newspaper

    HVA BLIR DET NESTE? Apple får kritikk for å ikke ha funnet opp noe nytt på en stund. Oppkjøpet av 3D-teknologiselslapet PrimeSense kan gi nettbrett, TV-er og telefoner med nye bruksområder.

    Foto: Feng Li ( Getty Images ) HVA BLIR DET NESTE? Apple får kritikk for å ikke ha funnet opp noe nytt på en stund. Oppkjøpet av 3D-teknologiselslapet PrimeSense kan gi nettbrett, TV-er og telefoner med nye bruksområder.

    Apple har kjøpt selskap som leverer en helt ny type teknologi til mobiltelefoner.

    Etter måneder med forhandlinger har Apple nå kjøpt selskapet PrimeSense, en av verdens ledende tilbydere av teknologi som kan registrere omgivelser i 3D.

    - Oppkjøpet gir Apple et lite overtak på rivaler som Microsoft, Google og Samsung mens konkurransen om å utvikle det neste gjennombruddet innen forbrukerteknologi skjerpes, skriver kommentator Elise Ackerman på

    Det var PrimseSense som stod bak 3D-sensoren Kinect til Xbox 360, og oppkjøpet kan gi Apple muligheten til å være de første som tilbyr telefoner med 3D-kamera.

    Det kan være selskapets CAPRI 1.25-chip som fikk Apple til å åpne både øyne og lommebok. PrimeSense skriver om brikken at den skal være «den mest allsidige plattformen for 3D-sensorer» og er «ideell for å bygges inn i forbrukerelektronikk som nettbrett, TV-er og mobiltelefoner».

    3D på en smarttelefon kan gi en ny generasjon programvare som strekker seg fra spill – hvor den virkelige omgivelser kan skannes og brukes i spillverdenen – til nettshopping skreddersydd til shopperens størrelse og kropp.

    På en TV kan en forestille seg teknologi som kjenner igjen folk, og velger innhold utifra brukerens preferanser.

    Nyheten om oppkjøpet ble først rapportert av israelske og bekreftet av Wall Street Journal-bloggen All Things D.

    - Apple kjøper mindre teknologiselskap fra tid til annen, og vi diskuterer generelt ikke grunnen eller planene våre, sier talsperson Kristin Hugueti Apple til bloggen.

    - Vi kan bekrefte avtalen med Apple. Utover det har vi ingen kommentarer nå, sier PrimeSense.

    3D-SENSOR: Denne brikken kan være hva Apple higer etter når de nå har betalt 2,2 milliarder kroner for PrimeSense.

    3D-SENSOR: Denne brikken kan være hva Apple higer etter når de nå har betalt 2,2 milliarder kroner for PrimeSense.

    Apple skal ha betalt 360 millioner dollar, om lag 2,2 milliarder kroner, for PrimeSense.

    Ackerman kommenterer at selv om Apple makter å lage en telefon eller nettbrett med 3D-kamera, er sensorteknologien bare en del av et større økosystem som må til for å gjøre 3D til suksess. Apple må også løse utfordringene rundt brukeropplevelsen av 3D, og det inkluderer å knytte det til skytjenesten iCloud samt effektive utviklerverktøy slik at appene kan komme på løpende bånd.

    Samtidig puster konkurrentene Apple i nakken. Gründerfirmaet Pelican Imaging hevder de har utviklet liknende teknologi som skal være plukket opp av minst en større produsent. Google sitter på en rekke patenter knyttet til 3D og Microsoft har som kjent investert enorme summer i 3D-teknologi.

    - Oppkjøpet av PrimeSense gir Apple en fordel, men overtaket kan være kortvarig dersom Apple ikke makter å følge opp med forbedringer, skriver Forbes-kommentatoren.

    Shoppingguiden Shoppingguiden

    Xbox One-invasion on the charts - Gamereactor Norway

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    Monday, November 25, 2013

    Xbox One will soon have sold more than the Wii U in the UK - Gamereactor Norway

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    Made his own headphone adapter for Xbox One - Gamereactor Norway

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    Test the Retina iPad mini-skjerm -

    Apple’s new iPad Mini with Retina display is not far away from being the perfect tablet.

    iPad mini as it should have been from the start.

    Design, screen and menus

    Form: Tablets
    Size: 134.7 x 200 x 7.5

    Weight: 331 grams (Wi-Fi) / 341 g (Wi-Fi + 4G + GPS)
    Screen: 7.9 in.
    Shortcut Keys: on / off / screen lock, volume up / down, home, lock switch screen orientation
    Input and output: Lightning, 3.5mm audio
    Interface: No
    Menu System: iOS 7
    Firmware: 7.0.4 (11B554a)

    Price: Between 3290 and 6690 depending on the storage and 4G support

     Stylish design
     Very good screen

    Lightweight and compact

    Fast and redesigned menus

    Improved app switching

    Readily available Quick Settings


    New and old iPad mini. The new one is at the top. Difference you see is due to the last test product also has 4G support. Otherwise they are equal. New and old iPad mini. The new one is at the top. The difference you see is due to the last test product also has 4G support. Otherwise they are identical. Photo: Finn Jarle Kvalheim, In the bottom of the iPad mini will find Lightning connector, and a powerful set speakers. the bottom of the iPad mini can You Lightning connector, and a powerful set of speakers. Photo: Finn Jarle Kvalheim,

    It’s about a year since the original iPad mini model came on the market. At that time, the inferior the big issue at most show – it was primarily the size that was beneficial. Now the new iPad mini on the market. It changes the relative strength of the series drastically.

    The new iPad Air and iPad Mini with Retina display parts namely the specification and thus retain mini-model only little brother status in size.

    For those who know the iPad mini before, there is little new to report about from the outside of the board – at least until we turn it on. The design is quite similar to the one we know from the previous generation, which is still on sale as a cheaper version.

    Stylish design

    As usual in Apple-land is the minimalism that apply. There are no large, variegated antics, just a simple unibody construction in aluminum, with the name and the usual, stylized apple printed on the back.

    That board is built in one large piece of aluminum, making it feel very sturdy compared to many of the other portable tablets on the market. The issue we test the variant with 4G, and thus terminated the aluminum cover on the top, to the benefit of a small plastic field. It’s hard to get great mobile coverage through a thick aluminum cover, so it is behind the plastic field antennas hiding.

    bottom of the board has a set of powerful speakers, and Apple’s own Lightning connector for charging. On the upper right side you will find those buttons – volume keys, a slide switch, and is on top a lock key.

    Turn it on and see the difference

    There is of course the screen is the most visible evidence that something has happened recently. Gone is the old, low-resolution screen with 1024 x 768 pixels. Here is the Retina display with 2048 x 1536 pixels. This means that pixel density has gone from 164 to 324 pixels per inch. It marked.

    The original iPad mini model had a relatively good display to have such a low resolution that it had. It did also a decent compromise for people who have more use for a tablet on the go than the sofa.

    When we measure the monitor’s color reproduction we discover, however, that both the original iPad mini model, and LG’s far less expensive G Pad shows considerably more accurate colors than the new iPad Mini with Retina display. LG tray is somewhat less bright than the two iPad models.

    You see the results of all measurements display in the photo gallery on page three of the test

    you first noticed the pixels …

    The new Retina display gives you cake and eat it, and you will hardly miss the old iPad mini screen. I love high-resolution screens, but let strictly speaking never really notice the low resolution of the previous generation iPad mini.

    There is a big difference on the screens in the first and second generation iPad mini. View full size for best impression of the differences. There is a big difference between the screens first and second generation iPad mini. View full size for best impression of the differences. Photo: Finn Jarle Kvalheim, The right long side can buttons for volume, and a sliding switch to turn on and off screen rotation. lock key is as common on the upper short side. On the right long side you will find buttons volume, and a sliding switch to turn on and off screen rotation. Lock key is as common on the upper short side.

    It was after all only a short time ago the same resolution had worked just fine on 10-Tommern the iPad series. However, with the two boards side by side, it seems almost impossible to go back to IgE generation without fretted over the grid and the visible pixels of the screen on the previous generation.

    screen otherwise perceived as bright and good, with good viewing angle from all directions. The fact that the colors are not as appropriate as on LG’s tablet was not noticeable during practical use, before we got the two screens side by side.

    To see appmenyen in iOS 7 out. To see appmenyen in iOS 7 Out. Photo: Finn Jarle Kvalheim, Pull your finger up from the bottom of the screen, you get quick access p & # xE5; most important settings. Trekker your finger up from the bottom of the screen, you get quick access to the main settings. Photo: Finn Jarle Kvalheim, This is what the task switching out the new iOS 7 . To see task switching into new iOS 7 Photo: Finn Jarle Kvalheim,

    New menus

    We have already had several opportunities to become acquainted with the new iOS 7 The operating system has undergone its biggest change since it was first released and it is only occasionally recognizable if you compare with the previous editions.

    the new menus are faux leather and wood completely gone. It is not 3D perspective on the icons anymore. Instead icons flat, stylized symbols. It looks modern and fresh out, and works well.

    iOS 7 dress big screen

    Some allow ourselves irritate that electronics manufacturers not taking advantage of increased screen resolution or good enough. In a way, Apple also goes in this trap, by not having more icons on the screen of an iPad than on a tiny iPhone screen. Nonetheless, we believe that iOS 7 server on the extra air in the menus.

    Use wise, the new iPad mini is still a pleasure. Almost all on-screen action happening at lightning speed. The only exception is the keyboard, which sometimes takes a little time when you activate it.

    Most of this is intuitive and easy to use. One part of iOS that were particularly affected by the transition to iOS 7 is setting menu. It used to be neat and simple but has gradually become more cluttered as Apple began adding more features into its operating system. We will not say it is difficult to use, but it had enough earned an overhaul next time Apple makes changes.

    Approaching Android

    All electronics manufacturers steal a little of each other, and over the years, Apple has approached the Android universe in some areas. The company introduced a drop down menu for notifications, all in the previous version of iOS, and also this has been an update in iOS 7

    place to cover some of the screen covering the now full. It provides information about calendar events and new alerts that have come. It also provides weather information for your area, if you have enabled Location Services in the tablet.

    Unlike what we know from Android’s drop-down menu in iOS hidden during normal use. You pick it up by swiping your finger down from the top of the screen. When it pops up a small arrow that allows you to pull down the rest of the menu.

    Quick Settings at the bottom

    Apple has split up menu, just as Google has Android which runs on the tablet. The phones have notoriously Android both notifications and settings from the menu.

    Quick Settings you can now reach by swiping up from the bottom of the tablet. Here’s a small menu, which covers the most important settings you need, such as brightness, airplane mode and volume level. This is also where you enable AirPlay easiest if you use Apple’s wireless technology flow.

    Read more about Apple iOS 7 of this guide

    Greatly improved app switching

    The way you switch between apps is also updated. Previously, two taps on the home button will give you a narrow strip at the bottom, with a number of icons for apps that ran. Beyond this, did you get any indication of what is hidden behind the app icons.

    Now you get a delicious preview of what lies behind the icons, and it is much easier to quit every running app, you swipe only preview up, then it ended. Again similar to the solution much on what we know from Android, but here Apple has made some more beautiful view, in our opinion.

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    Sunday, November 24, 2013

    Municipalities must take more refugees - Dagsavisen

    Local authorities should be more proactive and forward-thinking when it comes to the reception of refugees. And if despite increased support does not receive more, the state could impose it.

    municipalities must accept more refugees

    By Kirsten Hasvoll (SV), country director in KS, and Ivar Johansen (SV) Board member of KS

    Local authorities should be more proactive and forward-thinking when it comes to the reception of refugees. And if despite increased support does not receive more, the state could impose it.

    4,500 refugees who have been granted a residence permit in Norway waiting in reception. They need to start their new life in Norway. An ordinary life, which involves staying in a home, learn Norwegian, go to school, get a job and new acquaintances. Today they live “in the state”.

    this basis adopted national executive in KS a statement about how municipalities can more refugees. The statement had two main objectives, lack of housing and lack of money. A straightforward statement, but we think enough municipal Norway should be more proactive and forward thinking. Both residential and money is important but not sufficient.

    It’s time to focus on other reasons why municipalities do not accept more refugees. And it’s time for asking why and how so many municipalities successful in the settlement and integration of refugees, while others will not even try. Why are there such large differences between relatively similar municipalities and counties in terms of how many refugees they settle?

    While refugees waiting and waiting and waiting, they fill up the seats in state reception centers, which means that the State must establish even more reception centers. Or they live in decentralized reception centers, that is, in ordinary homes in the municipality where the reception centers compete for rental housing in the open market. It is the state that pays their stay, just as the state provides cost recovery to the municipalities that receive refugees for settlement.

    The Old Maid game is mainly the state and municipalities pushing responsibility and money between themselves. The state pays, but has no right to instruct the municipalities that all municipalities must receive a certain number.

    Many municipalities claim that there is a housing shortage that is the reason why they do not accept refugees. But 10 to 15 refugees may not be essential that there are no vacant homes a municipality. On the contrary, it seems that to be a correlation between the lack of housing for refugees and other groups who are struggling in the housing market, for example. first time buyers, socially disadvantaged and students. If lack of housing really is the real reason, one must ask why the local authorities have not focused on residential construction in the past, or why they have not taken care of various disadvantaged groups in the housing market.

    Now one must stop playing Black Peter. Many municipalities have received a large number of refugees over many years, and the success of the integration of these. Why not take a closer look at what they have done? Does the example. used grants from the Housing Bank in a different way than the other, or found other models for the construction of rental housing? Do they have expertise in school, day care, with nurses MCA makes sure they are safe on the challenge of accepting refugees? How are the grants they receive from the state? Do they have a NAV office actively working to refugees in the job? And they have a good adult education that teaches people to speak Norwegian? Is there a local labor market that fits the expertise refugees? Do municipalities opportunity in this labor of their own business? Municipalities need new hands in the healthcare sector in the coming years, new residents help cover this? Many municipalities require new residents of working age to sustain the population and municipal services. Can new residents contribute to it?

    There are a lot of knowledge about the local government settlement work in IMDI ??- Integration and Diversity. KS should now put up with IMDI ??and analyze good practice, create a “cookbook” for the successful settlement of refugees and spread them to other municipalities, so that others can make the right moves. So, a new agreement with the state on receiving refugees built on this.

    Maybe the new settlement policy should be based on capacity building, training of teachers and health professionals, strengthening NAV’s services and a general increased focus on vulnerable groups in the housing market. Better quality of language teaching both children and adults. And focus on NGOs as one does in many other countries. In the budget proposal for 2014 is integration grants increased. Thus, should the discussion about money being finalized and municipalities ready to accept more refugees.

    And if municipalities still do not accept refugees, the state could impose it, as they do in all other cases.
