Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Must work one hour more daily – Dagens Næringsliv

Kalle and Bolla (2 months) must work almost an hour more than their parents – every day – if they are to finance today’s welfare when they grow up.

The article is added to your reading list.

Coverage Needs For the two-month-old boys Anne Lauri (38), all existence for reimbursement primary needs. Food, sleep and security. Gemini, which until further goes under the names Kalle and Bolla know naturally little about what challenges their generation will face.

– I think it will be much tougher demands on them than to us. We are a fairly demanding generation, really, and things have been adapted. I do not think they can wait the same growth that we have experienced. I think they are getting tougher, says Lauri.

The Golden Age


Three powerful digital trends in 2015 – Nettavisen

Reisetips med annonselenker

Gjør deg klar for tilværelsen som levende del av internett.

2015 blir året hvor du vil kle deg med nett-teknologi og bli en levende del av internett, skriver Netlife Research.

Netlife Research har gjort det til nyttårstradisjon å spore digitale trender på vei inn i det nye året. For 2015 trekker digitalbyrået frem tre mektige trender:

– Fremtiden har vært her en stund, men i 2015 vil den nå de store folkemengdene. «Wearables» og «insideables» er buzzordene. Millioner av fysiske ting er allerede koblet opp mot internett og antallet vil eksplodere med uante muligheter for funksjoner og helsemålinger. Trenden vi kaller delingsøkonomien legger til rette for at vi kan dele ressurser vi disponerer og tjene penger på det, sier interaksjonsdesigner Martha Lyngnes i Netlife Research. 

Martha Lyngnes, NetLife Research.

Delingsøkonomien skyter fart når private tjenesteytere konkurrerer med tradisjonelt næringsliv. Innen helse hjelper teknologien oss fra pleie til forebygging og virker livsforlengende.

Kundene blir konkurrenter
Mange bedrifter har knapt registrert trendene og langt mindre forberedt seg på dem. Mens mange virksomheter innenfor for eksempel transport- og logistikkbransjen sliter med å se brukbare ut på nett, etablerer kundene deres seg som konkurrenter med topp moderne nettsteder og apper.

– Mange virksomheter må tenke helt nytt i møte med kundene. De må se på organiseringen av kundedialogen sin og få opp tempoet i sin egen utvikling. Den digitale sfære er blitt en drivkraft for utvikling som samsvarer med den industrielle revolusjon på 1800-tallet, sier rådgiver Sesilie Urkegjerde Halland.

Sesilie Urkegjerde Halland, NetLife Research

Myndighetene neppe klare
Netlife Research tror ikke myndighetene er forberedt på fleksible løsninger for privatpersoner til å drive næringsdrift så de enkelt kan rapportere og skatte av inntektene.

Massiv datafangst og -flyt fra smarte dingser stiller også krav til tydelige personvernregler. Dog er EU på ballen med sin personvernforordning. Den pan-europeiske loven for beskyttelse av data fastslår blant annet at brukerne selv eier sine data inkludert retten til sletting.

– Dette må også norske bedrifter forberede seg på, sier Lyngnes.

Trend 1: Delingsøkonomien inntar alle bransjer
I Norge har vi Nimber som transporterer pakker i privatbiler i konkurranse med etablerte aktører. Vi har dessuten nylig fått Uber som konkurrerer kraftfullt nok med drosjenæringen til å skape frykt og medieoppslag. Bed & breakfast-tjenesten Airbnb har flere rom i Oslo enn hotellet Plaza.

Vi har bare sett begynnelsen. Samkjøringstjenester som BlaBlaCar og Lyft har stor suksess i andre land, og vi vil få en fremvekst av slike tjenester på områder som helse og velferd, næringsvirksomhet og opplæring.

Trend 2: Teknologien gjør inntog på helseområdet
Fokuset på helse skifter fra pleie til forebygging. Vi er mer bevisste på egen helse, trener mer og spiser sunnere. Teknologien gjør det enklere for oss. Mens vi venter i legekøen kan vi overvåke egen utvikling gjennom dingser vi kjøper selv. Legenes verktøy vil bli digitale, smartere og kunne behandle data fra dingsene våre. I 2015 forventer Netlife Research en strøm av produkter på markedet som er enkle å ta i bruk.

Helseapp på Apple iPhone.

Artiklene med slanketips som kommer i januar 2015 vil fortsatt handle om utallige dietter. Men, i januar 2016 vil de handle om appene som styrer hele slankeprosessen basert på data om kroppen din. I følge Gartner vil forventet levealder øke med 0,5 år innen 2020 på grunn av utbredt overvåking av vår egen helse.

Trend 3: Du vil kle på deg teknologi uten at den synes
Nike fuel band, Fit bit, Google glasses. Vi har tatt på oss teknologi en stund allerede og vil ikle oss mer etter hvert som prisen blir lavere. En nylig lansert Forrester-rapport viser at 45 prosent av amerikanerne og 32 prosent av europeerne er klare til å kle seg teknologisk.

Ikke bare blir teknologien allemannseie, men mer usynlig. Det vil ikke lenger handle så mye om hvilken form disse tingene vil ha – smartbriller, smartklokker eller noe annet smart. Stadig flere gjenstander vil være koblet opp og sende og motta informasjon. Hver ting vil være dedikert en oppgave. Det vil gjøre interaksjonen enklere og designet mindre teknisk.

Klokkene vil se helt normale ut, men ha flere funksjoner, klærne vil få innebygd teknologi og GPS-en vil være i skosålen, ikke på telefonen. Smarttelefonen vil fortsatt være navet og brukes til å styre det hele. Og menneskene ikledd alt dette vil i realiteten være en mellomting mellom menneske og digital robot.

Lik Nettavisen her og få flere ferske nyheter og friske meninger!


The boss of all bosses – Dagens Næringsliv


Ingen innrømmer å være kandidat til en av Norges viktigste sjefsjobber.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Da Helge Lund annonserte sin umiddelbare avgang som Statoil-sjef i oktober, kom det som en stor overraskelse. Det ligger i sakens natur. Du sitter ikke på toppen av store børsnoterte selskaper og tenker høyt på om du kanskje skal se deg om etter noe annet å gjøre. Du sitter pal på den toppen til du brått er hundre prosent gått av.

Derfor behøver det heller ikke bety noe som helst at DNB-sjef Rune Bjerkes kommunikasjonsdirektør så kategorisk avviser Bjerkes kandidatur. Det samme bedyrer Jon Erik Reinhardsen i Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS). Et raskt blikk bakover i arkivene viser at Helge Lund uttalte seg på veldig lignende vis før han tiltrådte jobben i 2003. Alle er de ivrige etter å understreke at de trives svært godt der de er.

Fire nøkkelkompetanser blinker seg ut når sjefsjobben i Statoil skal besettes: kunnskap om petroleumsbransjen, forståelse av internasjonale markeder, toppledererfaring og politisk innsikt.

Blant grunnene til at Rune Bjerke er et så hett eksternt navn er hans tunge toppledererfaring fra en statlig eid, børsnotert bedrift. Også hans politiske erfaring og temmelig unike nettverk i den norske makteliten taler til hans fordel. Verre er det med kunnskap om petroleumsbransjen nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Bjerke er derfor en kandidat for dem som sverger til at en god sjef kan lede hva som helst. De som ønsker seg Bjerke kan dessuten argumentere med at han ser ut til å ha lært seg bank fra scratch, så hvorfor ikke olje?

Det er langt mellom kvinnene som nevnes i spekulasjonene. En av svært få som er blitt nevnt mer enn én gang er konserndirektør for teknologi og boring Margareth Øvrum i Statoil. Hun sier som seg hør og bør til DN at hun er veldig fornøyd der hun er. Hun opplyser imidlertid at hun har meldt fra hva hun ønsker seg i Statoil fremover, men at dette ikke er noe hun har tenkt til å dele med DNs lesere.

Så spørs det hvem som egentlig ønsker seg en av kongerikets tyngste og viktigste sjefsjobber og hva styret velger å legge mest vekt på. Ingen har alt. Og har man først blinket seg ut en yndling, hjelper gjerne den menneskelige psyken til. Vil man for eksempel ha en Bjerke, så spiller man ned betydningen av bransjeerfaring og opp betydning av toppledererfaring, politisk teft og nettverk. Og dessverre er det slik at uten svært bevisste og aktive motstrategier, så ender yndlingene gjerne opp med å ligne på en selv. Dette er svært godt dokumentert i forskningen. Derfor er det overhengende fare for at denne type ansettelsespsykologi ennå ikke spiller på lag med damene.

Et annet kvinnenavn som har vært nevnt i spekulasjonene er konserndirektør Kari Olerud Moen i DNB. Med erfaring fra McKinsey og finansdepartementet har hun en cv som ligner Lunds, påpeker analytikerne. Imidlertid trekkes det frem to betydelige minus. Hun mangler både bransje- og toppledererfaring. Lund selv hadde ikke all verdens av dette da han tok over Statoil-jobben med kun ett år som toppleder og null erfaring fra bransjen. Men om det sitter langt inne for styrer å vurdere noe som helst levende vesen utenfor kategorien «hvit mann 50-55» til en toppstilling i et børsnotert selskap, så sitter det ihvertfall langt inne å fremme en kvinne som ikke er superkvalifisert på absolutt alle bauger og kanter. Derfor vil det fortsatt være en stor – om enn gledelig – overraskelse om en kvinne blir ny toppsjef i Statoil.

Eva Grinde

Les hele avisen.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

- 75 percent of the companies we support do not live in five years – NRK

The journey takes albeit only 14 minutes by tube from Waterloo station to Canary Wharf station, but it almost feels like a journey through at least one century, maybe two.

You start in the familiar traditional London and ends up in the most modern “new” London.

One of London’s most prominent skyscrapers and the second highest stands here, Canada Square One, the one with the pyramid on top.

It is thus here, up in the floors, it happens. A new Silicon Valley in London.

Photo: Espen Aas / NRK

In 39-floor Level39, a kind of nirvana for startup businesses.

Here sits many of the companies we may come to talk about the future, here they make themselves ready for investors , here you may complete their dreams.

Ruger on Norwegian ideas

The list of entrepreneurs who have applied for membership in Level39 is mile long, 800 managed to apply for a place before they had to say stop for a while. Of them have received 150 workplace in the coveted floor. A couple of them are Norwegian, including company Penetrace.

– It really is a sense of having ten exams at once, says founder and CEO Henning Tunsli about being Level39.

Penetrace have brief developed a software that measures what companies get in return for advertising their investments. Not what the advertising industry says you can earn, but what you actually earn on advertising.

Until recently, Norway and the Nordic countries have been the focus area, but now wish Tunsli bigger playground.

– There is a great potential there, and the interesting thing is that when you settle in London, so it is not an establishment in the UK, but in Europe. The companies are international, and the boundaries are not there anymore, he said.

Norwegian plastic adventure ready for the world

The other Norwegian company that has gained a foothold in the highly exclusive floor is Thin Film Electronics, an established and listed company in Norway, but with international ambitions.

The second is Penetrace and Henning Tunsli, specializing in technology-based advertising analysis.

Photo: Espen Aas / NRK

Thin Film Electronics and Davor P. Sutja is one of two Norwegian companies that have gained access to Level 39.

Photo: Espen Aas / NRK

The company is working to replace expensive electronics solutions today are based on silicon, discount electronics, based on plastic.

CEO Davor Peter Sutja demonstrates willing to roll out a huge plastic roll full of barcodes which according to him can put both circuits and memory at the very most, “Internet of things” as it is called.

– Correct information at the right time, not only large amounts of it, but precise information you can act on summarizes he eagerly.

Thin Films technology will make it possible to place the electronics on more or less everything in the home and outside, because the costs will be dramatically lower than today.

The milk in the fridge can tell that the expiration date approaches, the cheese can tell that it is in the wrong temperature and so on. With current solutions are limited technology of computers, phones, cars and other høykostprodukter.

Norwegian state aid success exploration

The two Norwegian companies have not come here without any help. Innovation Norway has through its London office helped them on their way with contacts and funds.

Innovation Norway’s new CEO Anita Krohn Traaseth is currently on a kind of inspection tour to see what all the billions used and now tour reached London and the companies that may be involved in creating what we will live after oil.

– We manage between 27 and 28 billion, and the measuring what we do, we come to to be even better in the future. But we must also remember that we are in the business of “failures,” says Traaseth.

– We know that 75-80 percent of the companies we support, they’re not going to live the next five years. That is why we exist, to take the risks the private market did not dare take in, she said.

On the journey through Level39 takes Traaseth eager photos with your mobile phone, ask questions and record answers. This is one of Europe’s most high tech places, in a very short time, many drawn towards Canary Wharf area of ​​East London to take part in what is happening here.

Looking for those with the highest potential

Although Innovation Norway must assume that many of the companies they provide starting help does not come on, there are stately with them that creates growth and earnings. In this environment the way be short of success.

As the guide has “innovation manager” man who largely decide who gets to be here or not, Eric van der Klej, Level39s boss.

A very energetic gentleman who at one moment demonstrates how their super-smart coffee machine controlled from a tablet, then showcase an ultramodern sleep pod (!) where people can find the perfect sleep for themselves. (See picture of sleep-pod’en in the picture gallery.) In a furious pace blaring through his premises and tries to explain everything that is produced and conceivably out.

Eric van der Klej is the man who decides who is allowed to enter Level 39. Here with the popular cake clock each afternoon alerts 150 entrepreneurial companies that it is freshly baked cakes to get.

Photo: Espen Aas / NRK

The most important time of the day is still not as high tech, it’s 15 o’clock where he rings a little bell, then served piping hot cookies to entrepreneurs.

There is such a sacred time that is as far as he dare demonstrate bell for us.

– What we are doing here is to speed up the startup companies with the highest potential to make them so successful as possible, he said eagerly.

– How do you pick out the right companies?

Carefully, he laughs and smiles. But adds that entrepreneurs must have something to show off, a prototype. They can not just come up with an idea. Investors need to know what kind of products they put money in.

“Monetary helpers”

In the same building there namely also those who will invest in what you believe may be something that meets the founders and considering their ideas. For example Mattias Ljungman company Atomico.

Ljungman and Atomico lives by investing in promising technology companies worldwide, and Ljungman hoping to sniff out new successes in London. One of the partners founded his in his time Skype, now they look forward into the future.

– How do you pick out the right companies, and you do it? NRK will know.

I think we do, says Ljungman and lists a number of companies, both in Scandinavia and beyond as Atomico has invested in.

– The most important entrepreneurial companies is that they are trying to develop the current technology, taking it into the next generation and strive to become a leader in the selected area. It’s tough to get to, he adds.

(The article continues below.)

A separate so-called ‘søvnpod’ where hardworking entrepreneurs can take a power nap. They choose a color that gives a subdued light inside the pod.

Photo: Espen Aas / NRK

Those who have survived

Three floors up in the iconic skyscraper, there Level42, who has nothing with the British funkpopgruppen 80s to do. Where holding companies that have managed to evolve into.

Many thence both helps and invests in companies three floors further down. One of them is Bill Chute, director of a company by the name Acadiant while he operates as a mentor for startup companies.

While Bill Chute, who has experience in both the financial and technology companies, helping startup companies to understand how large investors think.

Photo: Espen Aas / NRK

Swedish Mattias Ljungman lives by discovering success companies.

Photo: Espen Aas / NRK

– Because I have a lot of experience from the financial world, I help young companies to understand how to communicate with the major investors, I can “translate” the language for them.

I help them to behave like a more established company, explains Chute.

– How can you pick out which companies who survives and who does not?

– It is almost impossible to say exactly, it’s neither about statistics or numbers. I play on both sides with my own startup company, to see how it will survive.

– I try to keep a finger in both the financial part, but even more exciting is the innovative is happening down on Level39. Every time you introduce a new sensor in IT environment introduces simultaneously a new business opportunity, so it’s fun to see what comes out of it, says Chute.

And just “see what coming out of it “is largely the all about the Level39, they try to find out what we will be concerned, long before we know it yourself.

Battling forward Norwegian width

From a Norwegian perspective, this is just a part of Norway’s future, according to Innovation Norway boss.

– The main thing for us is to create a much greater breadth of innovation culture in Norway . But we must do as they do here in London, decide clearly on WHAT we should be good at.

– We will not replace oil and gas industry with one new industry, we should have several industries stand on. Is there anything we have learned about the Norwegian economy over the last 40 years is that it is very vulnerable to be dependent on a product, concludes Anita Krohn Traaseth.

The last 40 Norwegian years has undoubtedly been well oiled, and while oil revenues shrink, increasing the pressure on to find out what we should be good at. It may lie in the tech community in London, it can be home in Norway.


It will be easier to track down missing aircraft – Aftenposten

But the equipment is expensive, and still arguing airlines, governments and legislators about standards, costs and deadlines for implementation of the equipment.

It took over two days to find Air Asia plane disappeared from radar screens Saturday night, although it was found only ten miles from the place where it disappeared from the radar.

Why it took so long, when people can retrieve cellphones and cars with only a meter margin, with current GPS and satellite technology ?, queried from several sources.

Read more: At least 40 bodies were recovered of water – the number rises

Today used only EPIRB

Today is a traditional EPIRB centrally when exploration crews searching for missing aircraft. Press Officer Henrik Edström at SAS Sweden confirmed to Aftenposten that its aircraft only have equipment that is built from aircraft manufacturers.

– We are not associated with other tracking systems than ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter), all make use of says Edström.

There are far better equipment

But there are equipment and technology that can make it far easier to find plane disappears from radar systems. It claims multiple sources to Reuters news agency.

According to Reuters are available technology with high accuracy can follow an aircraft movements also after it had vanished from the radar screens. And that this technology would have helped to narrow the search area. But these systems are not implemented.

Pulls out because of disagreements and costs

According to Paul Hudson, a member of a group that works with regulatory changes in the US civil aviation authority, the Federal Aviation Authority, has over ten years criticized that there has been little change in the way aircraft are monitored. And that recommendations regarding changes have not been successful.

According to article upgrades from radar via GPS and satnav withdrawn as a result of disagreement between the airlines, governments and regulators about standards, costs and deadlines for implementation of the equipment.

Kevin Mitchell, founder and chairman of the Business Travel Coalition, said the organization will push to implement this type of equipment.

While Charles Leocha, chairman of interest group Travellers United, predicts that such a solution is at least ten years away, just as a result of reluctance among aircraft manufacturers to implement this type of equipment, and difficulty making standards.

Requirements set by Malaysian Airlines disappearance

The requirement for better monitoring of aircraft movements were erected after the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeared in March with 239 people on board. It is believed to have the board in a remote part of the Indian Ocean.

According to IATA, the international organization for airlines headquartered in Montreal, Canada, it is decided that all aircraft must be traceable to an accuracy of one nautical mil.

A workgroup is impaired, led by IATA, which will look at tracking systems. The group has recommended a deadline of 12 months to spread knowledge about existing tracking systems, but the recommendation is not acted upon by IATA central.

Better boxes or new system

In Norway CAA as follows developments with new tracking systems. Former pilot and flight operative inspector in the supervision, Frode Lenning says that

European Air Safety Agency, EASA started work to improve aircraft tracking signals after Air France accident in 2009, where 228 died when the plane board in the Atlantic.

The new rules will apply to aircraft that will be used over large ocean areas, and operate more more than 180 nautical mil, or about 330 km from land.

– First, it was made a proposal to rule change that aircraft black boxes must get stronger signal and increase battery life from 30 to 90 days.

– Now it’s come In an alternative proposal, that airlines instead obtain a new tracking system that detects aircraft position every minute. With this, a wrecked airplane could be located within an area of ​​six nautical mil or 10 km in a few hours, says Lenning.

He believes that most companies will choose the option to modify the black boxes in their long-haul.

In European aircraft first from 2018/2019

To begin with, the plan was that the rules would apply aircraft built after 2005. But after Malaysian accident will EASA that all aircraft must upgrade the black box the sending or obtaining new tracking system.

When will these changes be implemented?

– After Malaysian accident was work intensified and EASA has three to four year deadline to finalize the rule change. It will probably be adopted by the EU in 2015, and it will take time to develop, approve and install the equipment, but the changes will be conducted on all commercial aircraft from 2018-19, said Lenning.

– Complicated technology

Is not that long to wait for security requirements called for already in 2009?

– It can be the agree, but one must remember that this is equipment for aircraft traveling over large areas. It is nothing but a mobile that works only over a very limited area.

Published: 30.des. 2014 10:43 p.m.


Cheering for Working Environment – Dagsavisen

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Monday, December 29, 2014

Business Cheers for more flexible labor laws – Dagens Næringsliv


Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Et stort flertall av kunnskaps- og teknologibedriftene mener endringene i arbeidsmiljøloven er positive. Det viser en undersøkelse blant Abelias medlemsbedrifter.

Ifølge Abelias medlemsundersøkelse jubler 86 prosent av kunnskaps- og teknologibedriftene for de varslede endringene i arbeidsmiljøloven.

– Kunnskap og teknologi vokser, og er det vi må leve av i framtiden. Da tror jeg fleksibilitet er noe flere vil ha nytte og glede av. Noen må ha mer definert arbeidstid, spesielt i offentlig sektor som sykehus. Men på arbeidsplasser der fleksibilitet er mulig bør også lovverket være tilpasset den virkeligheten de skal regulere, sier direktør for næringspolitikk i Abelia, Hilde Widerøe Wibe, til Dagsavisen.


Hun viser til at arbeidslivet i denne bransjen har endret måten folk jobber på, og at mange arbeider på vei til og fra jobb og utenfor kontoret.

Kun 3 prosent av Abelias medlemsbedrifter mener det er negativt at arbeidsmiljøloven blir mer fleksibel.

Arbeidsminister Robert Erikssons (Frp) endringer av loven har skapt debatt i fagforeningene, og hovedsammenslutningene i LO, YS og Unio streiker etter nyttår i protest.

Les også: Ypper til mer bråk med fagbevegelsen

Åtte av ti toppledere fornøyd med arbeidsmiljøloven

Regjeringen vil fjerne «vetoretten» for turnus  


We give police power over cellular –

(Dagbladet) In a hearing on new legislation proposes Justice and Ministry major expansions of police to block cellular and radio signals and set up false base stations for mobile phones.

The ministries led by two FRP ministers, respectively Anders Anundsen and Ketil Solvik Olsen.

The bill applies “mobile regulated zones”, geographical areas where the police can have full control of what they want of radio and mobile traffic going in and out of the area.

The technological developments in recent years have done both blocking and monitoring of signals easier, and cheaper equipment.

Today is the general rule that a court must approve monitoring. In the proposal the police commissioners and Operations when necessary, to determine whether monitoring or blocking signals to be initiated. Police do not have specific suspects.

Vide authorizations

In the consultation document proposes two alternative amendments. One a police can make mobile regulated zones in all cases where they will prevent or investigate crimes on with sentencing of three years and upwards. Ministry also proposes that the police can use the tools in the following scenarios:

• prevent and eliminate serious nuisance
• arrests and warrants
• when it is necessary to protect the life and health
• accumulations of people that can end with violence
• serious threats
• use of drones
• illegal handling of firearms with sentencing under three years
• to implement other police operational measures


A main amendment proposed is to give the police the opportunity to jam the electronic communication in an area.

“The proposal means that for example would be to restrict public mobile communication systems working (jam) and to identify the identity of the communication device “, according to the proposal.

Ministries realize that jamming is not without immediate disadvantages:

“Jamming of cellular, for example, imply that it is not possible to make emergency calls, trigger violence alarms and transmit fire and burglar alarms via cellular within the geographic area for the time jamming occurs” .

– Concerns

Lawyers, activists and ICT experts reacted strongly Ministry publishers.

– There are major gaps in knowledge. There is almost no empirical basis for consultative bodies to say someone about how they authorizations they have today, which came last year, works. And therefore we do not know whether there is a need to extend them, says lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas Dagbladet.

Wessel Aas have freedom of speech, privacy and human rights expertise.

– It is risky to open this outside the criminal procedural track, pure prevention activities. That is no requirement for concrete suspicion and without courts prior approval, says Wessel-Aas.

– Police States

ICT Norway also reacts on the proposals from the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Transport.

– It is clear that the police and the rule of law must be able to make use of such methods, but it must be done in a way that does not harm confidence in the digital services and authorities to use instruments, says director of new media ICT Norway, Torgeir Waterhouse.

– The proposal of the Ministry of Justice is precisely the kind of legislation police states. But it’s about how to use it in practice. Should this be means police can use, so they must be cautious. There is a big problem that such measures shall be decided by the police master and operations manager. Polite must go through the courts and it must be reported and logged.

– The Minister of Justice should think that if the trust among people decreases, then it will lead to more heavily encrypted services and that the information the police want, becomes less available, Waterhouse.

He shouts warning for privacy, if legislative proposals in the consultation document goes through.

– The proposed legislation says that in practice the police can listen to a call when they feel the need . And so we can not have it. Both for the sake of those who own net to break into and out of consideration for the privacy of those being monitored.

Fears for width mobilization

Under several large demonstrations in recent years has small violent groups met up and challenged the police or used violence. Norwegian Peace Council fears the legislation will do that people will stop coming in demonstrations because electronic surveillance of a small minority affects all who are present.

– We have good experiences with the police and other authorities in the demonstrations we hold today. But with such legislation can be too easy to use monitoring in situations where it could have been avoided. One should ask for clearer definitions of the Ministry, said general manager Hedda Langemyr Dagbladet.

– Such legislation could destroy width mobilization, because people will take into account that they are being watched if they show up at markings and demonstrations. Also organizers may be unsure whether they will mobilize people, says Langemyr.

More ambiguities

Dagbladet has asked the Justice Department to clarify several aspects of the consultation letter. Ministry Communications Department has repeatedly declined to put Dagbladet in touch with professionals who can comment content of the document.

This includes the use of the word “riots.” “Typically, this will apply to large illegal organized riots with potentially violent outcomes where it is absolutely necessary to implement measures to ensure health and life and values ​​of great social importance”

“Riots” describes itself which is violent, and Dagbladet has asked the Ministry whether one has meant accumulations of people or demonstrations, which may end with violence.

– We will not go into a discussion about the definition of riots. But it can play in response, says Trond kommuniksjonsrådgiver Øvstedal.

Dagbladet has spoken with police in Oslo about the proposal. After that Dagbladet understands it organized crime division at Oslo police such a large part to answer the proposal, but they want at the present time not to discuss how they will sit for the suggested amendments.

– brakes is

– There is a trend that increasingly criminalize and investigator preparation actions. Now the brakes, says Heidi Mork Lomell, head of the Department of Criminology and Sociology at the University of Oslo.

– General people choose security over freedom. It is because they think that there is freedom of others they sacrifice to ensure their own safety. They believe that they will go free from surveillance, while only other affected states Lomell Dagbladet.

– But it does not always. In situations like demonstrations are not always so easy for the police to advance distinguish between what is or may evolve to become legally and illegally and who then should be affected by surveillance and investigation.


EU suspect European truck cartel – Dagens Næringsliv


De største lastebilprodusentene i Europa har i 14 år drevet det som minner om kartellvirksomhet, melder Financial Times.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Avisen skriver at den har fått tak i et dokument som viser at produsentene sammen forsøkte å stoppe overgangen til teknologi som gir lavere utslipp.

EU etterforsker blant annet Scania og Volvo. Ifølge Financial Times pågikk kartellvirksomheten mellom 1997 og 2011.

- Alle konkurrenter deltok i kartellet direkte hele tiden, skriver avisen.

De seks produsentene som er mistenkt kontrollerer i praksis hele det europeiske markedet. EU har etterforsket saken siden 2011, og etterforskningen pågår fortsatt. Ingen av selskapene vil kommentere saken overfor Financial Times.


- The US should help Norway to find out who has set out eavesdropping equipment – Aftenposten

Det amerikanske teletilsynet, The Federal Communications Commission, har startet etterforskning for å avdekke ulovlig bruk av falske basestasjoner i USA.

I juli sendte Alan M. Grayson, som representerer Florida i Representantenes hus, et brev der han spurte myndighetene om hva de gjør for å forhindre at folks mobiltelefoner blir ulovlig overvåket av kriminelle grupper og utenlandske aktører.

Jeg kjenner bare til én produsent av disse «boksene», og det er et amerikansk selskap

Utstyret han stilte seg kritisk til, såkalte IMSI-catchere, er det samme som Aftenposten har funnet signaler fra på flere steder i Oslo.

- Det er veldig enkelt å få tak i disse boksene, som vi kaller Stingray her i USA, på det private markedet. Jeg kan ikke skjønne hvorfor det skal være så enkelt, sier Grayson.

Vil ha strengere regulering

56-åringen har fulgt med på Aftenpostens avsløringer om bruken av slike IMSI-catchere i Oslo, og mener at saken vitner om svært alvorlige lovbrudd.

- Dere har antispionasjelover i Norge, og jeg kan ikke skjønne annet enn at disse er brutt. Jeg kjenner bare til én produsent av disse «boksene», og det er et amerikansk selskap. USA bør derfor hjelpe Norge med å finne ut av hvem som har satt ut avlyttingsutstyret, sier Grayson.

- Hvordan kan amerikanske myndigheter hjelpe?

- Man kan for eksempel kontakte produsenten og be om en oversikt over hvem de har solgt dette utstyret til, sier kongressrepresentanten.

Selskapet det er snakk om, Harris Corporation, har hovedkvarter i Melbourne i Florida – i nabodistriktet til Grayson.

Etter at Grayson sendte sitt brev til det amerikanske teletilsynet i juli, tok myndighetene affære. En måned senere kunngjorde The Federal Communications Commission at etaten nå har satt i gang en etterforskning for å avdekke i hvor stor grad dette avlyttingsutstyret blir brukt av kriminelle grupper og utenlandske etterretningsfolk.

- Vi har strenge regler når det gjelder radioaktivt materiale. Vi lar ikke private borgere kjøpe stridsvogner eller atomvåpen. Hvorfor skulle de ha muligheten til å kjøpe en Stingray til 1800 dollar? Hvilken legitim bruk kan de tenkes å ha for dette utstyret? spør Grayson.

Ønsker åpen debatt

Han ønsker ikke å spekulere rundt hvem som kan ha plassert IMSI-catcherne i Oslo, men sier at det sannsynligvis er noen med både kunnskap og store ressurser.

- Dette er avansert teknologi som du trenger mye kunnskap for å operere, spesielt dersom du skal ha flere utplassert i et spesielt område. Jeg vil tro at det står enten en utenlandsk statsmakt bak eller en kommersiell aktør med store økonomiske interesser i Norge, sier Grayson.

Politikeren tror at norske sikkerhetsmyndigheter raskt kan få en idé om hvem som står bak, men legger til at det ikke er sikkert at myndighetene deretter ønsker å gå ut offentlig med denne informasjonen.

- Det er så mye som er hemmelig i dette spillet. Derfor er det viktig at folk undersøker hva som faktisk skjer og at vi får en skikkelig debatt om hvorvidt vi synes det er greit at disse overvåkingsboksene blir brukt så mye som de gjør. Det er veldig bra at Aftenposten har avslørt denne saken i Norge, sier Grayson.

Les også:

• PST: – Det er knapphet på ressurser

• PST ber om å få utlevert Aftenpostens materiale

• Derfor vil de overvåke mobilen din – og dette kan de finne ut



EU think all the major truck manufacturers cooperate –

The largest truck manufacturers in Europe for 14 years operated the reminiscent cartels, reports the Financial Times.

The newspaper writes that it has obtained a document showing that manufacturers together tried to stop the transition to technology with lower emissions.

EU investigator including Scania and Volvo.

According to the Financial Times unfolded cartel activity between 1997 and 2011.

– All competitors participated in the cartel directly all the time, the newspaper said.

The six producers who are suspected control in practice throughout the European market. The EU has investigated the case since 2011, and the investigation is still ongoing. None of the companies would comment on the matter to the Financial Times.



Liv Ullmann to Riksteatret – Aftenposten

65-year-old takes first over as national theater by Ellen Horn 1 April, but has knocked repertoire for his first season as manager, ie autumn 2015 and spring 2016.

– It has been very fun to add the first season’s program. Riksteatret have a very good reputation, and has really only one challenge – the actors must be so long on the road. They have a privacy to take into account and also other obligations, so it comes to be early, a few the best, says Remlov.

Called Life

The program for next fall, First released in June, but it is already clear that Remlov’ve got Liv Ullmann to create theater of his own film “Confidential conversations”, built on Ingmar Bergman’s script. The play will also be displayed at the National Theatre and probably also on Swedish Dramaten.

– It’s fantastic that Liv said yes. Liv represents some of what I believe Riksteatret must and will do: ensure that athletes get the finest opportunities. There I want to add very heavy weight, says Remlov.

– Fire and flames

He says there is a limit to how many musicians, how advanced scenography and how much equipment Riksteatret can take out on tour.

– But we should be able to bid on the ultimate. When it’s partly about getting hold of the best directors and collaborate with those who respect actor subject. Liv Ullmann is an ace at that point. Therefore, I wished that she would be one of the directors in my opening season, says Remlov.

He says Ullmann spent a summer think before she said yes.

– She had whatsoever not thought of that “Confidential conversations” could give substance to the scene. Now she is on fire, says Remlov.

premiere in spring 2016. Ullmann know Riksteatret well after she in 2010 was on tour with “Long Day’s Journey into Night.”

First with Fosse

Tom Remlov is a veteran in Norwegian culture. 65-year-old was until 1 August Managing Director of The Norwegian Opera & amp; Ballet. He has been head of the Norwegian Film and was for ten years a theater at Den Nationale Scene in Bergen, from 1986 to 1996. During that period he wagered heavily on new Norwegian drama and launched among others a playwright who currently plays worldwide – Jon Fosse.

– Half of productions in Bergen in the years I was chief, was premieres. It was a molt, risky and met much opposition, but gradually we won aural says Remlov.

He says he national theater hopes to send more Norwegian drama out of the way.

– Both my predecessors have been good when it comes it. I want to continue, but the first season will probably not be characterized by it, he said.

Peripherals to the center

The incoming boss also has a dream to stream Rikstheatre premieres, such that they may be seen by people throughout the country.

– The technology and expertise are in place, then this is certainly within reach, says Remlov.

Today streamed such performances from the Metropolitan -operaen in New York and the National Theatre in London directly to cinemas worldwide.

– My royal mind is turning traffic from periphery to the center. By having premiered in Kolvereid, distributed live to the rest of the country, made sudden Kolvereid the country center. I have a special pleasure of trying to get to, says Tom Remlov. (© NTB)

Also read: “Miss Julie” takes the sting out of Strindberg

See also: Liv Ullmann (75) -Yes, I have allowed to be nervous.

See also: Kåre Conradi rejoices with the National Theatre tour

Published: 29.des. 2014 11:47


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Life Leader fear missed AirAsia plane has crashed in the ocean – VG

Many resources are put into the search for the missing plane from AirAsia, but the Indonesian rescue leader acknowledges that there probably have sunk into the sea.

– Based on the coordinates we have received, and calculations of how the accident site is located, we work on the basis of a hypothesis that the plane is on the ocean floor, said the head of the national search and rescue Indonesian, Bambang Soelistyo, during a press conference on Monday night Norwegian time, according to the AFP news agency.

 & lt; p & gt; RESCUE EDITORIAL: Bambang Soelistyo. & lt; / p & gt;

RESCUE EDITORIAL: Bambang Soelistyo.

Photo: Screenshot

Over a day has passed since AirAsia flight QZ8501 disappeared from the radar of Java Sea on way from Indonesia’s second largest city Surabaya to Singapore.

162 people – 155 passengers and seven crew members, most Indonesian citizens – was supposedly on board when they lost contact with the cockpit clock 00.24 Norwegian time .

ALSO READ: Aviation safety expert fears for the safety of the air

Extensive exploration action

Admiral Sigit Setiayana at airforce base in Surabaya says AP news agency that 12 naval vessels, five aircraft, three helicopters and warships participating in the search. Moreover, the Indonesian government assistance both in the air and on the sea from Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea.

According to the Wall Street Journal should also be sought after the plane land at the island of Borneo, as well as in the waters north of the largest exploration area.

In addition has the Australian Air Force also sent a AP-3C Orion surveillance aircraft to spot.

US and China also offered to assist in the extensive exploration campaign.

– Thinking of the relatives

VISIBLE CEO: AirAsia Tony Fernandes top has made himself available and visible both physically and through social media after QZ8501 disappeared over Java Sea.

Photo: Trisnadi , AP

The disappearance have sent AirAsia share sharply on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in the morning hours Monday but CEO Tony Fernandes has bigger concerns to deal with.

The prolific businessman held yesterday evening a press conference in Surabaya before the trip proceeded to the Indonesian capital Jakarta, to assist in the coordination of our exploration campaign. Now he is on his way back to Surabaya, where AirAsia has established a kin center, which they did in Singapore, QZ8501s destination.

– Remain positive and try to be strong . My heart bleeds for all the relatives of my crew and our passengers. Nothing is more important for us, writes Fernandes on Twitter.

Bad weather

It was bad weather in the area vanishing point and the crew should have asked to change cruising altitude of 32,000 feet to 38,000 feet. This was denied by the air traffic controllers due to other air traffic in the area.

Around five minutes later was not AirAsia aircraft of type Airbus A320-200 longer looking at the radar.

After searching by plane in difficult conditions in poor visibility and wave heights of almost three meters, was set search when darkness fell. At dawn – around midnight Norwegian time – was the search resumed, but the emergency management team is therefore pessimistic.


Søks- and rescue leader Soelistyo says Indonesia lacks the necessary tools to possibly bring up the plane from the water, but that one has asked for help from outside.

– Due to lack of technology, I have coordinated with the Foreign Minister so that we could borrow the necessary equipment from countries that have offered to help. This is initially Britain, France and the United States, he said.

In a press release Monday night, underlines AirAsia that it was an experienced duo who sat behind the controls in the cockpit. The captain was listed with a 20,537 flight hours, of which 6100 of them at AirAsia Indonesia on the same aircraft type. First officer had on his side in 2275 flying hours in the company.

The six year old aircraft, which have now disappeared, underwent last scheduled service on November 16 this year and has carried around 13,600 flights.

Multiple plane crash

– We will assist as best we can within the wreck is found. This is no mystery as MH370-disappearance, nor an atrocity that MH17, said Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, according to the BBC, referring to the other two tragedies that have struck a Malaysian airlines during 2014.

For eight months since disappeared Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 from radar somewhere over the Indian Ocean, with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board.

The plane, a Boeing 777, disappeared trace just after midnight on March 8 and disappearance has since been a mystery.

In July, another plane from the same company shot down over Ukraine. All the 298 people on board, of whom two-thirds were from the Netherlands, was killed.

Western countries believe it was prorussiske insurgents shot down the plane, while the authorities in Russia have argued that the plane was hit by a rocket fired from a Ukrainian fighters.


Something wonder out there in the dark in this strange podcast –

(RIGHT ON SITE): Podcast format provides a world straight in the ear, and allows you to become intimately familiar with the people who populate it. It can be addictive documentary journalism about a fifteen year old criminal. Or it could, for example, be a kind surreal hørespill from a small town in a parallel, American universe.

Welcome to Night Vale has been one of my favorite podcasts since it appeared sometime in 2012. It is the story of a fictional city ​​somewhere in the desert in the southwest United States, with mysterious lights in the sky and something dangerous lurking in the shadows.

Here goes charm, surreal humor and horror hand in hand.

As stated in the introduction: “A friendly desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep.”

It’s a little “Twin Peaks,” a little “The Twilight Zone,” a little “Beetlejuice.”

Imagine a radio play written by David Lynch and Tim Burton. Or imagine that Stephen King and Neil Gaiman builds a town in The Sims and entrust it to themselves, as some have described it.

The series is created and written by Joseph Fink Jeffrey Cranor. Similar to the “Serial” -Lockers Sarah Koenig demonstrates the podcast format’s elasticity. Here is one very far from the original “two people, a Mac and a microphone” format, and far from anything that might be called radio drama.

The story is conveyed in a “fake news” format through voice of news top browser Cecil. He delivers official radio bulletins to city residents, with a mesmerizing, sonorous voice. The format is the very local local radio, with news, weather, information on cultural events and other trivial matter from nærmlijøet.

But Cecil also talks about mysterious, disturbing and quite horrifying things. Night Vale is the city where most conspiracy theories prove to be true.

Cecil conveys mysterious messages from the sheriff’s secret police, reports of glowing clouds, warnings about looming figures dressed in black hoods, a dog park nobody talks about angels that does not exist (and which consequently is forbidden to talk about), swarms of yellow helicopters, and areas of the city it is safest to steer clear of after dark.

Or, for that matter, the recipe for how to saws and cut out your own heart and eat it for dinner.

The hypnotic background music is also very important. It is signed composer and artist Disparition. A separate segment called “the weather” in each episode is not forecast, but a piece of music or a song from a new and unknown artist.

“Welcome to Night Vale” can certainly be read as a satirical comment on xenophobia and oppressive conformity pressures in small town America. But first and foremost it is burlesque, smart and witty imagination.

The podcast took off in earnest in 2013, including via Twitter and Tumblr. Compared with “Serial”, which reached a publkum on 1.5 million weekly listeners through his first season, is “Welcome to Night Vale» something more of a cult phenomenon. But it is a cult with great impact. It made lots of fanart, user-generated visualizations of Night Vale universe. Some take it too out of dress; there is a separate Night Vale cosplay environment.

The series is a regular in the top 10 in the podcast list to iTunes. New episodes are released every other week, and the people behind have traveled on tour in the US and internationally, with performances of specially written episodes alive. In October last year performed the episode “The Librarian” for a greatly anticipated in Oslo.

It is not only in Night Vale they know that there’s something scary out there in the shadows where the street lights not when .

For “Welcome to Night Vale” here in iTunes. Begin at the beginning!


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Facebook gives you a look back at the year – but not everyone will relive it –

(Dagbladet): Are you on Facebook, you’ve probably seen it: cavalcade website has put together with pictures you have posted from the year that has passed.

The images or flashback as Facebook calls it, is accompanied with nice line drawings and are selected automatically based partly on how popular image is.

Basically, you just cavalcade, but if you want you you choose to share it with others, so many do. Doing so suggests Facebook following text: “It’s been a great year. Thank you’ve been a part of it. “

Lost daughter

For US Eric Meyer has not 2014 been a great year. In June he lost his daughter. She was only six years old.

When Facebook wanted him to see through his years in pictures, it was a picture of his daughter they had illustrated the advertising service. Around picture drawings of happy people and balloons. It ripped further into grief.

In a post on his blog dated Christmas Eve, he writes about the incident, which also among others, The Washington Post has mentioned.

– Grief found me

– I did not ease after grief in the afternoon but sorrow found me anyway and I can thank designers and program for it. In this case, designers and programmers at Facebook, he writes in the introduction.

Furthermore, he writes:

– I know, of course, that this is not done intentionally. This unintended cruelty is a result of markup language that works for an overwhelming majority.

For all the others who have not had a “great year” may not remind help, the essence of the post.

Regretted personal

It also has Facebook understanding, they say to The Washington Post. The newspaper reveals that they have apologized to Meyer.

– The service was awesome for many, but in this case we brought him clear sorrow instead of joy, says Jonathan Gheller, boss of service.

He says that he has been in contact with Meyer.

– The developers behind the service should look for opportunities to improve the service next year. We’ll take Meyers feedback into account.


Nine out of ten large companies cut clear –

(Finansavisen): Cost-cutting measures are no longer just something you do when an urgent need arises. It is part of the daily operations. The survey shows that eight out of ten businesses have implemented cost-cutting measures in the past two years. Among the bigger companies are the numbers nine out of ten, Finance writes newspaper.

– In a high-cost as Norway, there is a persistent requirement to conduct cost to keep productivity up, says Joachim Gullaksen at Deloitte, which conducted the study, told the newspaper .

The 130 businesses surveyed are also asked whether they have plans to introduce cost-cutting measures in the future.

On this question answer 70 percent said they plan this during the next 24 months. Increased price competition and a reduction in demand is the most decisive factors to initiate cost-saving measures.

The most common target for cost cuts were 10 percent and interestingly enough answered 84 percent of those that targets was obtained.

– In a corresponding global survey was success rate provided to 50 percent, as Norwegian companies are pretty good, says Gullaksen Finansavisen.

The industries that are most affected by cost cuts are services / consultancy and media industry. Here 100 percent of respondents introduced measures. Then follows production / industry with 85 percent and retail / wholesale and technology with 82 percent. At the opposite end of the scale oil production, which only one of four companies had implemented measures. It has surely changed after the sharp fall in oil prices.

– Yes, it would be interesting to run a new analysis today says Gullaksen Finansavisen.


Friday, December 26, 2014

New hacker attacks against Sony – Dagens Næringsliv

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Datahackere har angrepet nettverkene som benyttes av spillkonsollene Playstation og Xbox i julen. Sony og Microsoft, som står bak tjenestene, innrømmer at det er problemer med tilgangen. Hackerangrepene består av å skape kø mot nettjenesten (Ddos) hvor et stort antall datamaskiner prøver å få tilgang. Dette er en form for primitivt angrep mot datasystemer som er enkelt å igangsette.

Sony ble utsatt for et langt mer alvorlig angrep i november. USA og Sony mener Nord-Korea sto bak og prøvde å stoppe distribusjon av filmen «The Interview». Sony har valgt å gjøre filmen tilgjengelig online og på noen kinoer i USA.


Commemorate the Norwegian tsunami victims – VG

– We have an expression called that time heals all wounds. It is not quite true, but time does something to us, says Jonas Gahr Støre.

Former Secretary and head of the Red Cross, Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor), current Foreign Minister Brende (H) and Crown Prince and Princess are among those in the afternoon attending the commemoration in Paradisbukta at Bygdøy.

Both Støre and Brende speeches at the ceremony, which will honor the memory of the 84 Norwegian lives lost in the tsunami disaster ten years ago.

– You are not alone. We see you and we are together. Share grief half, part pleasure double.

– I wish that this moment and will primarily be for you who carry the largest missed, that you know the care of people who are around you, says Minister in his appeal.

spoken to those who survived

Seaman’s priest Stein Vangen said in his obituary that those who survived the disaster also should be allowed to to be excited about it, while we mourn all the lives that were lost.

– Had another ten years to meet us and make us even fuller and richer life and love, so that death forces of the tsunami did not get as much space in our lives, he says.

Foreign Brende admitted that Norwegian authorities were not well enough prepared for such an event, that they lacked the necessary emergency organization to handle the disaster, and that foreign ministry subsequently worked painstakingly to strengthen their preparedness.

– The wave took 230,000 people into death. Whole communities were blamed away. The same was hundreds of thousands of hopes, dreams and future plans. Among the victims were 84 Norwegians, 26 children. Like so many other tragedies lacks meaning.

– Most of us are looking to able to grasp the scale of the grief and loss that still feels among you among us who lost the dearest in life, says Brende.

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit laid flowers at the memorial in Paradisbukta. It also made and the leader of the support group, Trond T. Kallenberg. Then there was lit a candle for each of the Norwegian victims, while all the 84 names were read aloud.

Trumpeter Arne Kollandsrud stood for marking musical performances. He also played as the coffins with tsunami victims came home ten years ago.

– Hope we are prepared

– We have an expression called that time heals all wounds. It is not quite true, but the time doing something with us. We are not in the violent mood we were in, during Christmas 2004, but ten years after. It gives us time to think about what grief does to us, and that people grieve in different ways, says Jonas Gahr Støre told VG.

As Secretary General of the Red Cross from 2003 to 2005 he was involved in starting a support group that opened doors and helped with the practical. Red Cross also had people in the field in the countries concerned, and experienced a tremendous mobilization and donor willingness in Norway.

– I experienced that we stood in the middle of it, and it gave very meaningful to allowed to help, says Minister.

– How well prepared we were on a disaster of this magnitude?

– It came forward that we were not well enough prepared. I want to emphasize that people did their very best, but UD was not set up for it. My predecessor Petersen started an important work as I continued when I became Secretary, he says and continues:

– Today I hope we are prepared for the unthinkable. Now we have an emergency 24 hours a day, we have teams that are prepared to scramble and we have a completely different technological layouts, so that we can follow the action.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

We rigs us for the future and offers HF + – Hitra Freya

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