Friday, May 30, 2014
From today you can ask Google to delete – TV 2
Rare Iron Age finds in Jong – Asker og Bærum Budstikke
The plan is to build residential homes in Damveien 3 Now Bærum municipality pause for thought after this week found a cooking pit, several postholes and a wall rough dating back to the Iron Age on the undeveloped grassy area.
- This is a surprising and fun finds. It is rare that we find evidence for settlement from the Iron Age in Bærum, which is then downsized, confirming Øystein Amundsen, archaeologist and Head of Unit in Akershus County Council.
Have blocked area
The discoveries were made as part of plans to expand care homes for the mentally retarded at the intersection Damveien and Solhaugveien with multiple units. The county has requested an archaeological survey of the site between Jong School, Southern Jong farm and a plethora of housing.
– When we took off the top layer of topsoil on the site, got traces of settlement clearly visible, says Amundsen.
The excavated area is now fenced with cordons and findings covered with a thin cloth after archaeologists had finished the survey on Wednesday.
Found residential Iron Age in Føyka
Prevents not Føyka-development
Findings sent to the lab in London
The ancient samples are on the way to a laboratory in London for thorough investigations.
- About six weeks we will know more about what we have found. Then we can say more about when the Iron Age the settlement originated, says archaeologist.
- We have made discoveries from as far back as the Stone Age in Bærum, but it is very rare.
– What happens to the plot?
- Whether municipality must add the area of conservation – is found on the edge of the plot, so it should go without preventing the building plans. Or it may apply for exemption from the Cultural Heritage Act and ensure that the findings are excavated.
The community awaits Report
Archaeologist does not believe it will mean long delays for development if Bærum municipality decides to build.
- We arrived early in the planning, construction has not yet started. The area is small, so it does not take long to bring out the findings, says Øystein Amundsen.
Bærum municipality is now awaiting the report of the county council.
- It’s not often we do archaeological discoveries in connection with municipal developments. At the same time desire to extend care property in Damveien to provide housing for more and to be more effectively heated. We will deal with the report when it is completed, says Kristine Horne, property director in Bærum municipality.
Do you see the tiny difference between Google logos? – TV 2
This is the future of car tires – ABC News
Soon think the tires for you – and they are not far away.
tires are so much more than a game black stuff at the bottom of the car.
This is perhaps the car’s most important parts
. They have many very important tasks. They are the ones who ensure that the car actually “stuck” on the surface during braking, cornering, acceleration, when you up the steep hill and draining off water while driving – just to name a few.
While they are important to more mundane things such as comfort, noise and fuel consumption.
Now the electronics in the process of adopting conventional tires too. Soon the embedded sensors in the tires could read by both air pressure, weight load and tread depth.
deck is perhaps the car’s most important part. There are those that keep you on the road whatever the weather and the .
year rim trend: It’s black as regards
Important safety factor
A close collaboration between electronics and tire developers at Continental continues to bear fruit. The international car equipment supplier is currently developing special sensors which shortly will be able to gauge tread depth of tires.
monitor the tread depth is an important safety factor, says Andreas Wolf, head of the business unit Body & Security at Continental.
– It is not without reason that the worldwide define a minimum limit for tread depth for safe driving. With the new technology we will soon be able to easily read the tread depth online using sensors embedded in the tires, says Wolf, in a statement.
software measure tread depth following the gradual changes in tire rotation. This is done by using sensors that measure the tire’s shape and considers himself until the wear of the tire.
pressure sensors, which have long been tested, is scheduled to be completed and available on the market from 2017 for car models with air pressure monitoring system (TPMS) installed.
Tires are intelligent
With the introduction of the first air pressure sensors in 2002, the Continental is the first step towards making car tires intelligent. Since then, motorists have been able to electronically monitor tire pressure, a technology that from 1 November 2014 will be mandatory for newly registered passenger cars in the EU.
sensors helps to ensure optimal pressure, which prolongs the life of a tire, reduce fuel consumption and improve driving safety.
industry currently works with vehicle manufacturers worldwide to expand the features pressure sensors provide. Another property that is under development, registration of the load.
Check tire prices – save thousands patches
Changes the handling
software can register here load tires are exposed and compare this with GVW vehicle. This is important because the driving characteristics change radically when the load is not in accordance with the tire pressure and capacity.
In the future, sensors of this type provide safer and more environmentally friendly driving.
Summer: Here are this year’s winners test
Cuba wants rich people welcome –
Mariel outside Havana lured now the world’s monetary people with lucrative tax rules, hand picked and inexpensive labor and a modern port.
Mariel / Mayabeque / Havana (Dagbladet): Here capital gain breeding and market forces flourish. Investors loves value for money and Cuba aims to create jobs, replacing an overly large food imports, increase exports and ensure technology and industrial development that the country so badly needs.
To read the rest please log in or sign up (49, – per month) .
Thursday, May 29, 2014
You try driving the car that has neither the steering or brakes – TV 2
Monday, May 26, 2014
Will check all Western technology –
China equals in our control.
Fri, 23. Mai 2014 – 15:09China Vil fra reach of sjekke vestlige technology products considering Spionasje og sikkerhet.
Melder it statskontrollerte Chinese nyhetsbyrået Xinhua.
Vil become utestengt
– check skjer for the hindre at leverandører Bruker sine products til the kontrollere, ødelegge or stenge sine customers Systemer, or on the samle inn. lagre og prosessere informasjon as tilhører kundene says the et notat fra Chinese authorities.
Leverandører as ikke consists sikkerhetstesten Vil become utestengt fra the Chinese land united, ifølge regjeringsnotatet.
U.S. control
Hörer with til the story at USA og andre vestlige country in a long time has made it the same with Chinese products.
Blant annet have the guard bekymring at the Chinese telecom -giant Huawei has gained great CONTRACTED reaches the gjelder infrastructure, blant annet on the Norwegian mobilnettet.
Et «takk for last»
Chinese Næringsliv s adduced sammenvevd with myndighetene in the country.
Derfor Foles nok skepticism deres selskaper as a provokasjon. Sikringstiltakene fra Chinese silk tolkes derfor of mange li «takk for last.”
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
- Old technology alarms victims – Asker og Bærum Budstikke
- In the course of about one hour, we spent 11 or 12 times to check alarm systems are knocked out by lightning lit Lars Anton ice at the 110 call center to Asker and Bærum firefighters Monday night.
ALSO READ: Lightning struck knockout of residential alarms
Fire Chief Anne Hjort said Tuesday afternoon that the correct number is five, of which one plant owned by a private alarm company.
- In addition, there were some cases where the situation was clarified by telephone, said Deer.
GSM smoothly
She acknowledges, however, that thunderstorms with heavy lightning activity is a challenge for alarm systems of the older type.
- It is the older alarm systems that have problems. These plants send out analog signals in terms of tone signals. The new plants send out digital signals via a GSM transmitter and is not affected by lightning and thunder to the same extent, says Deer.
Asker and Bærum fire department is now responsible for around 3,500 fire and burglar alarms. Around 2,000 of these are of the older type that transmits analog signals.
- This is about old versus new technology. Oh would replace all the old alarm transmitters would be costly for customers. Our installers deliver no alarms with analog signals, and eventually they will be replaced entirely new, says fire chief Anne Hjort. Thus, it appears that customers with old alarm transmitters have to live with the problem.
False alarm, not quite dead
She emphasizes that lightning does not paralyze the alarms altogether, but getting them to send out “false alarm”. This means that the fire department is going to have to spend time to clarify the situation.
Verisure, the country’s largest provider of private fire and burglar alarms, had no breakdowns Monday night. The company alarms are mainly based on broadband and GSM, according to communications director Cecilie Knudsen.
Read more news in event log
Monday, May 19, 2014
Want cut of plug-in hybrid cars – Sunnmørsposten
NAFs utspill urn at ladbare hybrider edges betydelig ned i prism støttes av en rekke importører.
Skrevet av Øivind Skar (NTB)
class=”label”> Publisert: 19.05 2014 09:41 system oppdatert: 19.05 2014 10:36
FOR A markere holdning for høstes budsjettframleggelse flagger NAF allerede Na at two mener ladbare hybrider MA bli billigere. Priskutt by 50,000 kroner for MA til å gjøre L’konkurransedyktige, mener NAF.
Bakteppet er selvfølgelig luggage urn at biler solgt etter 2020 skal ikke i gjennomsnittlig slippe UT mer av klimagassen one 85 grams CO2 per kilometer kjørte.
– Supermiljøbiler
Miljøstiftelsen Zero Har lansert Badè redusert moms Og redusert firmabilskatt Som virkemidler for a lighthouse prisen ned by two ladbare hybridbilene.
Administrerende direktør Terje Male i Harald A. Moller, landets klart største bilimportør, støttet tankegangen Da miljøstiftelsen Zero nylig debatterte elbilens Og de ladbare hybridenes framtid.
– Two ladbare hybridene er two undeniable supermiljøbilene for folk flest fordi et de biler rate is a. Med 50 km from Har rekkevidde elbilens fordeler der er debt viktig å være utslippsfri, samtidig bilen Som Har ikke noen rekkeviddebegrensninger. Ladbare hybrider camp derfor Badè være bile nummer en Og for dinning familier, eneste bubble, framholdt Malé.
camping bli for kostbare
Naturligvis snakker også tunnel for “sin syke Moorish» ved at Audi VW Og i av løpet groin lanserer hver sin ladebare Hybrid. Problemet bilene er med at two – i likhet med alle andre ladbare hybrider – trolig blir for kostbare til å oppnå et volum Som monner for klimaet.
Uten at Malé city ga inn by concrete prisms, these debt ligger i kortene at differansen mellom hva produsenten forlanger for bilen Og hva importøren mener two edges come together for a kunne selges i stort volum, fortsatt altfor er stor. Trolig MA prisen ned mot 330,000 kroner for ladbar Golf Hybrid, Golf fordi online helelektrisk Koster rundt 250,000 kroner.
Idebt regnestykket teller Full moms by moms for ladehybriden contract null elbilen tungt.
Miljøet ikke prioritert
– Vi hadde sett gjerne lavere moms by ladehybridene but tror debt er ikke å realistisk Og velger derfor HELLER fronte halv firmabilskatt Og fritak for bompenger, sier Anita Svanes, VWs informasjonssjef.
Ladbare hybrider Koster HRF fabrikk nesten debt dobbelte av samme hva med bills Koster konvensjonell technology.
Det Som UT campus is urn insentivene driver elbilsalget i Norge Og ikke til hensynet miljøet. Highlights undersøkelse MediaCom Har gjort for VW-importør Harald A. Moller viser at miljøet Forst rangeres Som nummer femten i av valget bubble. Økonomi Og sikkerhet Star øverst not listen.
– Kundene innretter sec rasjonelt Og Og slett rett er ikke til å villige betale pristillegget for ladbare hybrider, sier Svanes.
Tungt for Ampera
Det er ikke første gang Svanes Har med å ladbare hybrider gjøre. Hos hennes forrige arbeidsgiver, Opel Norge, frontet hun Opel Ampera hybrid i Norge Som var første ladbare. Også debt tungt var.
Saken er med ladbare hybrider online through i debatten urn bilavgiftene Og NAF Folger egentlig unobstructed etter of største miljøorganisasjonene, hvor særlig Zero Og Bellona Har frontet ladbare hybrider i pean languages.
Ole Henrik Hannisdahl i Grønn Bill skriver Internet systems nummer i av bladet bile at Ohm nåværende årlige salgstakt not rundt 140,000 personbiler også gjelder i 2020, MA mellom Og 40,000 70,000 av dem ha stikkontakt, altså være elektriske biler Eller ladbare hybrider, for å oppfylle klimamålet.
Lite drahjelp
Vanlige biler skattlegges etter hvor awareness of slipper UT av CO2 NOX Og, samt hvor awareness of veier Og hvor stor effekt motoren Har. Elektriske biler slipper unna alle formed for bilavgifter Og kjøperne betaler HELLER ikke moms by verken bilene Eller fabrikkmontert, luksusbetont tilleggsutstyr.
Hybrider Og ladbare hybrider slipper avgift not elmotoreffekten Og GIS 15 prosent fradrag i vektkomponenten for å kompensere for vekten av batterier Og elmotor. But avgiftsreduksjonen veier ikke noen Mate by OPP for merkostnadene ved å produsere ladbare hybrider.
Etter Press Badè HRF bile-Og miljøorganisasjonene vred myndighetene mer av avgiftsgrunnlaget bort HRF effekt Og over by CO2 i inneværende Ars statsbudsjett. Heller debt var ikke til særlig hjelp.
Fortsatt Koster eksempelvis rimeligste ladbare Opel Ampera med ca. 50 km batterirekkevidde 50,000 kroner mer one dyreste Toyota Auris stasjonsvogn med vanlig hybridteknologi.
Skiller 40,000 kroner
For Mitsubishi Outlanders vedkommende utgjør prisforskjellen is negative for retning denier ladbare varianten 40,900 kroner, sammenlignet med online tilsvarende utstyrt dieselvariant, 29,900 kroner urn sammenligningen gjøres med bensinmodellen.
debt mener NAF er helt urimelig. Two town ha prisene for ladbare hybrider ned by Som et nivå gjør dem til actual alternativer for vanlige familier.
Volvos Øystein Herland blir også taletrengt når spørsmålet urn effektavgift not ladbare hybrider gjørs til Tema.
– Her er ikke henger by Noah Som greip, this Herland lettere forarget Under årets bilmesse i Geneve.
Eksempelvis Koster ladbar Volvo V60 18 grams CO2-utslipp/km med hele 41,000 kroner mer one samme med bills utslipp 0.59 grams, but 68 hk mindre motoreffekt.
Insentiver for ladbare hybrider:
* Ingen effektavgift not elmotoren.
15 *
prosent fradrag i vektkomponenten i avgiften.
camping parkere not ladeplass for elbiler når den lades.
De mest kjøpte ladehybridene:
1. Mitsubishi Outlander: 651
2. Toyota Prius: 18
3. Volvo V60: 16
4. Opel Ampera: 12
Sum: 697
(OFV per 12. Mai)
- * Betaler ingen engangsavgift.
- Betaler ikke moms, ei HELLER not fabrikkmontert ekstrautstyr.
- Betaler ikke bompenger.
- camping kjøre i kollektivfeltet.
- parkering not offentlige parkeringsplasser.
- Redusert årsavgift.
- Ofte free lading.
- Bilen free ferger i riksveisamband.
- Halv firmabilskatt.
* Free
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Have locked to ski for many years – Moss Avis
– When you decide to move a 150 year old company, does not a choice for the next three years, That we chose Skiing, was a long-term choice, stressing Leif Lippestad CEO of TrioVing.
Recent additions to the business community in Ski has roots that go back 150 years. The exact date of creation is unknown, but the anniversary will be celebrated in the autumn.
– we wanted in the new local first, says Lippestad.
Gathered in the Ski
The new premises in Anolitveien Ski industrial park covers some 9,000 square meters. Of the 230 employees working around 50 production and storage, the rest is sales and administration.
– We have applied Ski Municipality approximately 180 office jobs they had before, the Director ascertains.
Last weekend went flyttelassene Moss and Oslo.
– Collecting business at one location was key. Then, to get closer to customers, and there is a capital hub. And also to get into the new, modern premises, says Leif Lippestad.
Hoegh Property has emerged as the builder and owner, and rent out the premises TrioVing and sister now VingCard Elsafe.
TrioVing turnover of 510 million last year.
– And we’re growing. We grew in 2012 and 2013, and so far this year we have grown by 12 percent, you TrioVing boss divulge.
ALSO READ: 15 companies place on TrioVing area
ALSO READ: From keys and locks to plastic surgery
67 security centers
– How are the future prospects?
– Store! ASSO ABLOY, which we are a part, is a very fast growing group. Recently, the company was ranked higher than Apple on the Forbes list of the world’s most innovative companies. The reason we are on this list, is what the group plowing into research and development, and what we take forward new, innovative technology, says Lippestad proud.
The largest customer group is trioving 67 security centers around the country. This is locksmiths with shops. Then comes the door and window manufacturers in Norway.
The third major market stores Jernia, Bauhaus and Maxbo, which sells do-it-yourself solutions.
– Norwegians are handymen. Two years ago, we launched a new, electronic door lock, and it has so far sold 25,000 copies. By the time we enter July, every fiftieth Norwegian home such electronic lock.
Large Customers
Project market also poses a great deal of turnover. TrioVing got tender at both the Opera, new Ahus and Østfold hospital, delivery of everything relating to locks and hinges. In addition, TrioVing large customers that defense, Telenor and Statoil.
– Change locks
Still, most of us one or more keys in your pocket. Slowly but surely we are moving into a world of electronic solutions. Council of Leif Lippestad is anyway:
– Change locks when you move houses, because you never know who has keys to the house or apartment – if you have not built again.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
The technology that makes life easier – Tønsberg Blad
At the newly opened Innovatoriet at University College Buskerud and Vestfold appears around 100 products from 30 manufacturers in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, which helps people with disabilities in everyday life.
The 350 square meter exhibition space appear more products not shown in Norway earlier.
Bed that lifts
- This bed helps the user to get up, telling Development Torill Lønningdal and shows “Rotoflex” which is made by a Danish manufacturer.
It is made for people who have difficulty getting into and out of bed without help. By pressing a button promises the bed located in the up into a sitting position – making it easy to move into a wheelchair or join the conversation in the room.
– Many people live much of their life in bed, so that many can benefit, says Renate Solstad is a group of Nøtterøy on a tour.
■ Common RV did not fit – so they made their own
■ Empty the grill Saturday – today caught fire
■ Investigating whether municipal employees took the double charge
Planned The
In addition to the bed department appears kitchen aids, personal care products and aids in the group “activities” in the exhibition. In the department of personal hygiene we find a bathtub that can entres from the side through a door. Thus, only a small threshold that must be overcome before it is in place in the tub.
For people with little or no arm strength, there are a lot of products – including a machine that lifts a spoon for people with no arm strength, and little utilities that make it easier to open the lid and milk cartons, squeeze tubes, snap buttons, cut nails and put on socks.
There are also machines that open the doors, the front and from the curtains using voice control and robots that vacuum. The products can be used at home, in care homes and institutions. The exhibition will be for twelve months, and next year it is planned viewing aids for children and youth with disabilities.
For all
- Innovatoriet is first and foremost a learning context, to increase knowledge about welfare technology and innovation processes, says Lønningdal.
The center will be used by students in several subjects. The School Health Sciences students will be updated on the latest technologies welfare, but also, among others, engineering students can have a lot to learn here.
– We will also invite all interested parties in the region here. It may be professionals, carers, users, councils of elders, councils for the disabled and so on, says Lønningdal.
Director of Health Education on College Anne Marie Gran Brown says health and technology are two concepts that many do not harmonize so well, and many people’s immediate thought is that technology will lead to less human contact with users.
– It is totally foreign to us that the hands are being replaced by technology. The technology is a supplement that makes life easier for both patients and caregivers, she said.
“Kill Robots’ concern – ABC News
Under en konferanse i Genève nylig ble muligheten for drapsroboter med en egen vurderingsevne diskutert. Kanskje drapsroboten fra den kjente filmen Terminator kan bli virkelighet om noen få tiår? Foto: NTB scanpix
Muligheten for at såkalte drapsroboter kan bli utviklet, vakte bekymring på en FN-konferanse i Genève denne uken.
Lørdag 17.05.2014, kl. 08:48
Konferansen, som ble avsluttet fredag, var den første noensinne på regjeringsnivå som utelukkende handlet om denne typen roboter.
Militære roboter som brukes i dag, blir styrt av mennesker. Deltakerne på konferansen diskuterte roboter som selv kan gjøre vurderinger på slagmarken og ta liv uten å ha fått klarsignal først.
Slike maskiner finnes ikke i dag, men det er ventet at det vil bli teknisk mulig å produsere dem i løpet av noen tiår.
– Den eneste riktige responsen er å innføre et forbud i forkant, sa Kathleen Lawand fra Den internasjonale Røde Kors-komiteen da samtalene begynte tirsdag.
– Kan true fred og sikkerhet
Kun fem land tok til orde for et absolutt forbud mot såkalte autonome våpensystemer, ifølge paraplyorganisasjonen Stop Killer Robots. Et av dem var Pakistan, som uttalte at dødelige autonome våpensystemer – også kalt drapsroboter – kan true fred og sikkerhet i verden.
En rekke andre land vektla imidlertid betydningen av at mennesker alltid må ha kontroll over robotenes beslutninger om hvorvidt de skal angripe.
USA mener det er for tidlige å si nå hva som bør bli konklusjonen på diskusjonene om denne typen roboter. Men supermakten har tidligere innført et krav om menneskelig kontroll over automatiske våpensystemer som skal vare i minst ti år.
– Bør ikke hindre forskning
Frankrike og Japan pekte på at teknologi som kan brukes i autonome våpensystemer, også kan brukes til fredelige formål. De er derfor skeptiske til å hindre forskning på denne typen teknologi.
Diskusjonene i Genève skal etter planen danne grunnlag for en ny konferanse i november hvor mer konkrete tiltak skal vurderes. Konferansen denne uken var formelt et møte for land som har undertegnet Våpenkonvensjonen (CCW).
Malala-murder trial used in “humorous” advertising –
(Dagbladet): Freedom advocate Malala Yousafzai is used in a humorous element in an Indian mattress commercials.
Advertising, which is made by the Indian company Kurl On, Malala gets shot in the face, as she was by the Taliban when she was only 14 year.
The attack occurred on 9 October 2012 on a school bus. Armed people from the Taliban shot and injured Malala and two classmates who were on the bus.
– A twisted world
commercial shows an animated Malala figure falling, bloody and unconscious, down on a mattress – until she pops up in the air and receive the peace prize, as she was nominated last year. The motto is “Bounce back” (bounce back).
Breeds contempt among many.
– Instead of showing Malala who practice the exam on the mattress, they show rather Malala falling down on the mattress after being shot in the face at close range by a Taliban gun, writes The Telegraph.
“We live in a twisted world,” “she was asked if it was okay?” And “reprehensible” is some of the feedback on Twitter.
The Pakistani girl is now 16 and a symbol of survival and a champion girls ‘and boys’ right to education. She is one of three famous people who are used to illustrate how to “bounce back”.
Steve Jobs and Ghandi
Mahatma Ghandi and the late Apple founder Steve Jobs has also received their advertisements in the same style.It shows however how they both got fyken very start of their careers, respectively liberation activist and technology entrepreneur. Advertising should illustrate that, despite the hardship, did it finally.
Patricio Vergara Calderón Lamano Studio, which has made commercials for the company, told the Huffington Post that it’s about to fight.
– The advertisement shows a true event, an example of heroism which is very strong, especially in the East – and therefore the company had in mind when we started making commercials, he said.
Calderón says that he has been afraid that advertising would focus too much on the net.
– But it’s about overcoming violence, he said.
wrote about the Taliban
Malala was shot by Taliban after having expressed himself on his blog about what it was like to live in the Swat area of Pakistan.
Even as a 13 year old girl began blogging for the BBC under the pen name ‘Gul Makai “, where she talked about the Taliban:
” I’m in a bad mood because winter break starts tomorrow. Rector announced the holiday, but does not mention when school opens again afterwards. This is the first time that this has happened. Earlier opening date is always made known clearly. Rector did not explain the reason why the opening is not announced this time, but I’m guessing it’s because the Taliban have banned girls’ education as of January 15. “