Saturday, August 30, 2014

The thousands who build the country – VG

OIL FAIR, LONDON (AP): Luck, wisdom and predictability have made the Norwegian oil adventure so successful. Therefore, it is serious when Jonas Gahr Støre creates uncertainty about Aps oil policy.

The oil show in Stavanger is any doubt convinced of the importance of oil for Norwegian industry. The pumping up oil and gas is only part – equally important are all large and small companies that make everything from valves to booms for new ship designs.

Drawings garden is sunnmøring and has a fierce skepticism central power . He strolling around the fair and muttering “Makers and takers” – those who create and those who take the opposite. He believes that western Norway Norway creates values ​​live on, while the central power user.

But of course it is not quite so. Rather, the former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland always said: Everything is connected to everything. Revenues from oil makes it possible to maintain the welfare state, with the peace of mind it gives citizens. This contributes to more dares to throw himself into new challenges. They fear not to starve if a daring project fails.

The oil has created jobs in Norway – especially along the coast. Technologically advanced – it made such good things that the world wants it, even if it costs a lot. Norwegian industrial borne by the oil. But it does to other areas as well. For example, inventions used in the oil industry in medical contexts. An advanced valve can be just as useful in a vein on an oil platform.

Disaster Labor

Many of the ONS is concerned about Labor is in the process of obtaining a new oil policy. They never doubted Jens Stoltenberg on these issues. But the new party leader, Jonas Gahr Støre, has created unrest. The AUF summer camp, he was vague about what he really thinks about the recovery of oil – and gas resources. He said that a lot of resources must be lying.

Subsequently, the Minister tried to clean up in ambiguities. But he has put a scare in many. In Stavanger ask themselves what still Labor leader really mean.

The support from western voters is a disaster for Labor. Party organization has been poorly taken care of in recent years. The last Labor politicians in Western Norway needed now, was that people got the impression that the party does not care about manufacturing jobs in the district.


It did not have to be so . Historically, wise and farsighted politicians and bureaucrats a large part of the credit for the Norwegian oil adventure. Many, also from Labor, has done much to secure Norwegian ownership over natural resources.

the United States led the then international law already in 1958 gave each coastal state rights to natural resources in or under the seabed off its coast, the so-called continental shelf. Some years later cut Norway with the Danes and British that border the sea should go in the middle. Fluke was that at this time were not found oil and gas in our areas. There was not much to argue about.

Through the new conventions and agreements, Norway has gotten more and more areas offshore. Norwegian waters is now nearly seven times larger than mainland Norway. There are still large areas where there may be undiscovered oil and gas.


We can thank stable society stop that oil has come all the Norwegian society. Through changing governments enshrine the principles of Norwegian oil: It should be under national governance. It would be built up Norwegian oil environments, including a separate, state-owned oil company. And most of the proceeds would go to the state.

Still – stories of money wasted and huge budget overruns are many. The money still sits loosely in the oil industry, that we can clearly see here in Stavanger. Part of the reason is paradoxically enough that oil companies pay so much tax; 78 percent of all profits go to the Norwegian state. This means that an extra penny spent is really just 22 cents for the company – the rest of the crown to the matter paid in taxes.

This means that unions can be both greedy and little willingness to change. It costs too little to give in to their demands. They are well accustomed. Top managers are also well accustomed. Statoil’s results are dependent on the oil price. The price can not affect the company. Therefore surprised if the bosses get extra well paid in the form of bonus when oil prices are high, so the company makes more money.


The world will need fossil fuels many decades to come. It made the chief of the International Energy Agency, Maria van der Hoeven, clearly when she was in Winnipeg this week. When the agency estimates that two-thirds of fossil fuels should be left in the ground, it is mainly a question of coal. Norwegian oil and gas is very clean compared.

– The world needs more oil and gas. And Norway is part of the supply countries. We can not do without oil, she told Today’s Market this week.

Norway can not do without oil. But we are dependent on oil wealth is managed sensibly – so that both jobs and prosperity can be secured.

In a large and sensitive industry, with such large values, the industry must plan decades ahead. They are very sensitive to wobbles and obscurity. Norwegian oil industry is simply too severe to allow room for agile political points in the face of AUF. It must be kept a steady rate, so that today’s youth also get a good old age.


Back to the Future – Universitetsavisa

Internet gave us all the world’s knowledge at the touch of a button. Now the former NTNU students give you access to the offline.

Published: 8/30/2014 at. 8:00

– Where have you all as well as all text from the English Wikipedia, says CEO Amund Tveit Memkite and put in place the last lego block.

Wikipedia field counts twelve tags. Thus, the 1012 fields in the green lego board that represent a single square centimeter large memory chip of RRAM – future data memory.

Add to rad publications from the last ten years, and anyone who is quoted throughout history, half a million textbooks, the largest question-and-answer services, descriptions of all the apps offered by the three major suppliers and Twitter messages from the last ten days, and you will still not have reached half board.

woodpecker book on a square centimeter

In 1954 appeared Woodchuck book for the first time in the Donald Duck universe. A book that, even in the pocket edition, containing all the world’s knowledge. In 1978 appeared The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on radio in the science fiction series of the same name. “Travel Guide” had not only all the world’s knowledge, but all knowledge in the universe and a search tool that made it easy to find.

The basic idea is to Memkite to do the same, only in real life.

– I’ve always liked mobile stuff, so it is difficult to pinpoint when the idea was born, but by the end of 2013, things began to be more specific. Technological all our idea about two things: Databases with seamless offline and online search and a new combination of image recognition and search, said Tveit.

– Online flops

Yeah, wait a minute: Is not the idea woodpecker book already solved through what we call the Internet?

Yes and no, according to the founders. If the tank is fast and secure access to knowledge, there are some limitations and challenges of the Internet may never overcome. Leif Osvold legendary chronicle “Internet a flop” stirring feebly in memory. Is there a web skepticism to bottom in Memkites project?

– It is rather an absence of nettnaivitet, answer Amund Tveit.

And not to be naive, there are at least four reasons, according Memkite:

1. Response time

– If you look historically at it, thin clients always had a poorer user experience than thick clients, said Tveit.

A thin client is a computer program or something similar that is largely dependent on being connected with another computer, a server, to perform essential tasks. A good example of a thin client will be a web browser. A tykklient perform, however their tasks independently.

– If you use the mobile network, it is very difficult to get response times below 100 milliseconds (ms). It sounds fast, but you go over it, it feels fast slow. A mobile that this has a SSD disk with a seek time of 100 microseconds (ĩS), a thousand times faster, Tveit said, holding up his iPhone.

In addition to that computer power has increased, mathematics also helped.

– developments in both technology and algorithms allows mobile phones today can do things in image recognition you need large data centers to a few years ago, says Thorbjørn Morland is responsible for technology development company.

apps as an example

In just five years, the search time on hard disks decreased dramatically, and the trend accelerated faster than the development of the network speed.

A term that we prefer tykklienter is that apps displaces Internet use on the mobile phone, said Tveit.

our time spent on the mobile phone is dominated increasingly by apps. The split between time spent on apps and the mobile web has gone from 80 percent of the apps in 2013 to 86 percent this year, according to Flurry Analytics

2. Access

4G and 3G network covers increasingly larger parts of the country and you get wifi in every cafe in Norwegian cities.

– Although network access is being developed more and more in the western countries, it is not certain that the capacity automatically goes up. And although you might think that you get more and better coverage as well as faster networks, it is in practice not that way for everyone, said Tveit.

At sea, the mountains and other places far from the beaten track. And what happens when natural disasters occur and sets the base stations out of operation as generators run out?

– Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning has said that it is only a matter of time before we are nut to be able to cope with a crisis without power, said Morland.

To offer solutions for the crisis management as well as businesses that are dependent searchable database technology that works seamlessly between offline and online because they operate in areas without network access, is Memkites first goal.

Developing countries not online

Another potential target could be parts of the world where the majority still do not use the internet.

– If you offer a product with Wikipedia installed in developing countries, it could be a selling point, said Morland.

39 percent of the world’s population used the Internet in 2013 for developed countries the figure is 77 percent, while in developing countries is 31 percent.

The argument is, however, not long-term, then use the same time just goes on and on. But it is also an interesting question whether access our online grows fast enough to keep up with the growth in the extent to which we make ourselves dependent on the internet.

– There are more and more situations where you need technology that had not before, but do not have access to it, argues Thorbjørn Morland.

3. Capacity development

If you store all information and knowledge available on the internet, it would still have been cramped for space. But the part that you will need throughout life, is far less. Thus, one can shave off a large part of the data.

– In information theory, there are some laws exponential degrees of information needs. Have 20 percent of the data, have you ever 95 percent of the information you need, says Morland.

Nine years ago, a sd memory cards have 128 megabytes of storage. Today has a similar card 128 gigabytes of storage, 1,000 times as much. The storage technology is some years away, one can begin to sense a measure that relatively small areas can be enough to hold all the essentials.

– As of today, we will not necessarily make a distribution of the world’s information, so it is not an interesting target for us, but says nothing about what is technically possible, says Morland.

Cramped for space

Lego board to gang Memkite represents one memory chip on one terabyte, or a thousand gigabytes. For things that take more space than text, it is still scarce on whether to hold the entire part of the internet we use.

If, for example, saved all Netflix would be needed six such minnechipper, according Memkites calculations. But there can change quickly. In June this year, Hewlett pacard out and said that with future memory technologies aimed at smartphones with 100 terabytes of storage.

New compression technology

An important part of the work has also focused on making data as compressed as possible, without compromising speed to retrieve them.

– Search technology is all about finding the best compression algorithms and to use them in the best possible way, so it is very small and at the same time is very fast, says Morland.

The development work has focused on investing a lot of time in speed and komprimitering. Tveit also serves on four patents on new search technologies.

4. Security

– Should we take the sci-fi hat, which I like to do, so this is about privacy, says Tveit.

The fourth argument to Memkite about that we find ourselves in a world where algorithms now make it possible for companies like Facebook to put together increasingly valuable information about each of us in what already has been a impenetrable sea of ​​big data.

In addition we get the technology increasingly on the body, sometimes almost under the skin when earphones, heart rate monitors and glasses will start to record our vital signs. A backlash that others do know more about us through the data we send more or less voluntary online, you can be sure offline solutions are attractive.

– Have things offline, and only seeks offline, no one can see what you are looking for, said Tveit.

Crisis step one

Although the initial business idea is to aim at market crisis, tells entrepreneurs that if they find an opportunity to target the general consumer market, has they wanted to try a miniature.

– Should we deliver woodpecker book, make it into a product that is prefabricated, said Tveit.

The first year has agreed to develop the technology that lies at the bottom, now they’re looking for a market for its product.

– Now we are in a phase where we try to get prospects on the hook. Initially, all of which have a critical need for information when they are offline. When we talk for example about delivering applications to maintenance, shipping industry, oil and gas industry and the like, said Morland.

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Will remove controllers – Daily Commercial

Avinor har med tre kontrollsentraler rundt 220 flyveledere. Nho Luftfart town fjerne Badè sentraler flyveledere OGG, OGG Heller samarbeide meds for Europa FA ned kostnadene.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

-í dag har life kontrollsentraler milked. View trenger kanskje en halv, Sier direktør i Nho Luftfart, Torbjorn Lothe.

Han har ingen forståelse hefty breakfast statlige Avinor organiserer luftsikringsvirksomheten not. Med i tre kontrollsentraler henholdsvis Bodø, Stavanger Sola utenfor og i Røyken, conducting Lothe at Avinor driver for dyrt.

to the SLA sammen two Nordiske flysikringstjenestene er én løsning.

– But strengt tatt hadde holdt det med i én kontrollsentral Nederland, OGG kanskje en i Malmö. Da hadde ment kunnet dekke hele Nord-Europa, Sier Lothe.


Such as the farmer out after falling down three floors – TV 2

‘); } else { googletag.cmd.push(function() { var doubleClickMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([500,0], [[1000,150],[1000,300]]). addSize([0, 0], [[300,90],[468,115],[468,200],[468,300],[468,400],[468,600]]).build(); var slot; if(false) { slot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(‘/5374/TV2no/nyheter/utenriks’, “wdXklmbi”); $ (‘#wdXklmbi’).parent().hide(); } else { slot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/5374/TV2no/nyheter/utenriks’, [[1000,150],[1000,300]], “wdXklmbi”); slot.defineSizeMapping(doubleClickMapping); } if (lab_ad_isMobile || (“1000″ == “980″ && !lab_ad_isMobile)) { if (!(typeof(doubleClickAdPosition) === “undefined”)) { $ (‘#wdXklmbi’).addClass(“adPosition”+doubleClickAdPosition); slot.setTargeting(‘p’, doubleClickAdPosition); doubleClickAdPosition++; } } var wf = getParameterByName(‘wf’); var appid = getParameterByName(‘appid’); if ((wf.length > 0 && (wf == ‘iphoneapp’ || wf == ‘androidapp’ || wf == ‘ipadapp’)) || appid.length > 0) { slot.setCategoryExclusion(‘disabledForApps’); if(wf.length > 0) slot.setTargeting(‘wf’, wf); if(appid.length > 0) slot.setTargeting(‘appid’, appid); } slot.addService(googletag.pubads()); }); } $ (‘#wdXklmbi’).parents(‘.lab-bdz-left-small, .lab-bdz-right-small’).addClass(‘ad-dz’); });

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Requires up to 80 percent talk on prime time – Today Corporate

Etterbørs NRK

P4 kommer med en rekke konkrete forslag hefty gjøre konkurrenten mindre kommersiell.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

P4 er Norges største kommersielle radiokanal. But i 2013 denier likevel hadde ikke mer one prosent 20 BC all her radiolytting i landet.

NRK Radio er helt dominerende, med 64 prosent markedsandel fordelt milked by two hovedkanalene P1, P2 P3 OGG.

I forbindelse med kulturminister Thorhild Widveys gjennomgåelse av NRK-plakaten, P4-sjef Trygve Rønningen kommer med Foil forslag til detaljregulering av NRKs radiokanaler.

Han conducting NRK Radio mÅ gis konkrete, kvantitative innholdskrav, slicks of kommersielle kanalene har hatt Siden of SLAPP til ved Siden av NRK begynnelsen av på 1990-Tallet.

Mer kommersiell

Bakgrunnen er at NRK Radio, ifølge P4 , har beveget seg og mer mer i kommersiell retning. P4 skriver blant annet i høringsuttalelsen at P4 spilte mer Norsk Musikk one P1 i 2013, og at «musikken rate of 80% kanalene spilte var i av tilfellene helt licks.”

Rønningen conducting NRK og med syn lisensfinansiering Forst fremst edges konsentrere seg om å released radioinnholdet som det ikke camp tilbys av kanaler som har kommersiell finansiering gjennom salg av radioreklame.

I høringsuttalelsen Stiller tunnel opp følgende konkrete forslag til innholdsmandat hefty two sentrale NRK-kanalene by Radio:

  • Krav om en norskandel by 50% av den som spilles Musikk på hver av de Mest sentrale kanalene, av med overvekt norskspråklig Musikk. Leveranse av musikkravene critical stop være jevnt fordelt over alle sendeflater.
  • Kvantitative chough ohms bredde i musikktilbudet, incl smale musikkgenre Musikk og laget spesielt hefty barn.
  • Krav om en prosentandel Unwritten Andel-i two sentrale kanalenes Primetime (65% -80%)
  • Krav om dagen antall nyhetssendinger gjennom – samt lengre nyhets / aktualitetsmagasiner.
  • Overordnet, kvantitative chough hefty denier største kanalen – NRK P1 – not innholdsområdene Nyheter / aktualitet, intercropping, barn / unge, samisk, livssyn, flerkulturelt, eldre, vitenskap / technology, forbrukerstoff og sport. På dette har området two kommersielle aktørene vært regulert ned på om alt fra antall innslag bildende Kunst og til klassisk Litteratur andelen av utenrikssaker i Nyhetene ogg ogg antall lengde nyhetssendinger gjennom på dagen. Det er ingen grunn til å være tilbakeholdne Med Stille lignende chough til en lisensdrevet aktör.


– er P4 egentlig motstander av å ha det hele tatt en statsfinansiert radiokringkaster i

– P4 er ikke å ha en av motstander statsfinansiert radiokringkaster. Poenget vårt er at det mÅ Folge Noen konkrete innholdsforpliktelser til en finansiering slicks. I would tillegg til NRK mÅ avstå HRF hente andre, kommersielle inntekter fra markedet, Sier-P4 sjef Trygve Rønningen.

– I høringsuttalelsen Stiller P4 opp som en rekke konkrete chough dere til conducting edges stilles NRK Radio. Er det ikke debt motsatte av å sweetened NRKs uavhengighet av politisk stýring

– som har life skrevet i vår høringsuttalelse, forutsetter Views selvsagt at NRK Drives etter prinsippene redaksjonell uavhengighet ohms. But det å sette kulturpolitiske rammer for mediebedrift er ikke en Noah nytt. Faktksk er det siste slicks at kommesielle P4 of 20 arena har hatt Foil konkrete  <- [yew! ((lte IE 9) & (! IEMobile))] > <->


innholdskrav til det syn virksomhet one statsfinasierte NRK radio har hatt, uten at Noen av den har grunn skreket Hoyt ohms Noah myndighetsovergrep overfor P4. Hvorfor critical stop fellesskapets Midler Gå til å finansiere en kringkaster dersom det ikke til stilles Noen overordnede chough virksomheten?

– Drømmer dere egentlig om en-radio NRK Somme caught får lov til å sende Prat og beste sendetid hardingfele i

– Nei, lifestyle har større Respekt for Norsk Musikk og kultur one sum. Spørsmålet blir som om Hvem critical stop bære Fram vår egenart, om det ikke et statsfinansiert gjør midrange. P4 har sagt at life for eksempel gjerne påtar oss å released online 24 timers nyhetskanal, urn Views fikk lisensmidler til dette, Sier Trygve Rønningen.

Widveys gjennomgåelse

Kulturminister Thorhild Widvey har startet en av den full gjennomgåelse lisensfinansierte statskringkasteren NRK. Derfor hun har sendt NRK-plakaten ut på høring. Plakaten Danner grunnlag hefty Stortingets regjeringens stýring av og NRK. Fristen hefty med å komme høringsinnspill utsatt er til september 3.

Kommersielle konkurrenter Somme VG, Schibsted TV 2 og har i sine høringsuttalelser vært opptatt av å tøyle NRK Somme slagkraftig konkurrent.

Les hele til høringsuttalelsen P4 her.

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også Pros:

Cities kvitte seg med Widvey

critical stop forandre NRK-plakaten

Cities ikke at NRK critical stop være nettavis

Stores søknad

Millioninntekter til Kass Furuseth

Kritisk til momsskisse

Costume insulators PFU i

Drar inn på strikkeoppskrifter million


Today’s newspapers in 1-2-3 – Today’s Business

Nyheter Næringsliv

Mexicos statlige oljeselskap Pemex conducting Staoil er en ideell partner.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

TDN Finance ‘presseklipp fra Dagens aviser:

Beilere Star ikke å kjøpe i heart for it-giganten Evry. – Jeg town at Heathrow aktuelle kandidater ikke på vokser TRAER, Sier tillitsvalgt Eirik Borno. (DN side 8-9)

Mexicos statlige oljeselskap Pemex tror betingelsene town være cup NOC for Statoil når landet Neste år inviterer utenlandske oljeselskaper Finne og til å produsere olje. (FA side 12)

Danske Bank setter frem Foil Stoler.
Danske Bank-sjef Thomas Borgen løfter nordmenn inn i konsernledelsen. OG fortsetter blah opp for a sweetened bankens meglerhus i Oslo. Na hentes Håkon Bones fra Pareto. (FA Side 18-19)

cAMP bli NY «VIKINGTID» by Børsen.
Christen Sveaas kjøpte Viking Supply Ships TILBAKE i 1992 na camp offshore-Rederiet være på vei mot TILBAKE Oslo Borse. (FA Side 26-27)

Miljøargumenter vinner stadig denies markeder hefty aluminiumsprodusentene, ifølge Sapa-toppsjef Svein Tore Holsether. Selv leverer han til deler Tesla. (DN Side 10-11)

Danske Maresk Oil skjøt Blink med i eierandelen Johan Sverdrup. Na town selskapet vokse kraftig i Norge gjennom oppkjøp. (DN 11 side)

HAR Tapt 7.5 MRD.
Seadrill-kursen har falt 22 prosent det siste groin, John Fredriksen og har mistet papirverdier hefty 7,5 milliarder Kröner. Like fullt vurderer selskapet oppkjøp. (DN 18 side)

taper Mest Norge på på norsk importforbudet sjømat, conducting administrerende direktør Azamat Yusupov i La Maree. (DN Side 20-21)

Hösten 2011 Badet Agrinos-toppene Kjetil Bohn, Karl Fick OGG Aaron Powers i kjempegevinster sammen Thorleif enger og med Morten Bergesen. Alt er na nesten borte. (FA side 6-7)

Leveranser til norsk sokkel er et verdifullt kvalitetsstempel hefty kinesiske leverandører. Thomas Poetzsch i DaKai Partners town apnea opp sokkelen hefty aktører fra Kina. (FA side 8-9)

Norske brønndrepere blir kalt opp når oljebrønner LOPER løpsk rundt ohms i verden. Det ikke lenger Dreier seg om å være tøffest but urn avansert technology. (FA Side 10-11)

også Pros:
Tyske Kvinner har halve inntekten til tyske Menn


Found pubic hair, boogers, urine, blood, toenails and semen on Norwegian hotel – TV 2

‘); } else { googletag.cmd.push(function() { var doubleClickMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([500,0], [[1000,150],[1000,300]]). addSize([0, 0], [[300,90],[468,115],[468,200],[468,300],[468,400],[468,600]]).build(); var slot; if(false) { slot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(‘/5374/TV2no/underholdning’, “PEakEVeu”); $ (‘#PEakEVeu’).parent().hide(); } else { slot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/5374/TV2no/underholdning’, [[1000,150],[1000,300]], “PEakEVeu”); slot.defineSizeMapping(doubleClickMapping); } if (lab_ad_isMobile || (“1000″ == “980″ && !lab_ad_isMobile)) { if (!(typeof(doubleClickAdPosition) === “undefined”)) { $ (‘#PEakEVeu’).addClass(“adPosition”+doubleClickAdPosition); slot.setTargeting(‘p’, doubleClickAdPosition); doubleClickAdPosition++; } } var wf = getParameterByName(‘wf’); var appid = getParameterByName(‘appid’); if ((wf.length > 0 && (wf == ‘iphoneapp’ || wf == ‘androidapp’ || wf == ‘ipadapp’)) || appid.length > 0) { slot.setCategoryExclusion(‘disabledForApps’); if(wf.length > 0) slot.setTargeting(‘wf’, wf); if(appid.length > 0) slot.setTargeting(‘appid’, appid); } slot.addService(googletag.pubads()); }); } $ (‘#PEakEVeu’).parents(‘.lab-bdz-left-small, .lab-bdz-right-small’).addClass(‘ad-dz’); });

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Insufficient technology –

In order to ensure that those who have paid for IntraFish protected against non-subscribers will get free access to news and other material, we have created a safety system to stop the electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


ABB has power contract by Statoil – Today’s Business

Energi Johan Sverdrup

Statoil har tildelt ABB en kontrakt verdt lag om 60 Millioner Kröner hefty forbindelse med i en STUDIE likestrøms kraftforsyning fra til moor Johan Sverdrup-feltet.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

Kontrakten mellom ABB og Statoil blue inngått i 2014 og har en verdi på andre kvartal rundt 60 Millioner Kröner.

Avtalen innebærer at ABB utarbeide critical stop en-STUDIE såkalt FEED (Front-End Engineering and Design), if det town et et concept for 100 megawatts likestrøms kraftsystem Kårstø fra i Rogaland til på Johan Sverdrup-feltet Utsirahøyden. Studien omfatter kraftløsningen fra hele nettet Kårstø til på distribusjonsanlegget offshore.

Formålet Studien er med å videreutvikle konseptet hefty elektrifisering av Johan Sverdrup-sweetened feltet og et Statoil best mulig beslutningsgrunnlag dokumentasjon og på med sented technology, OGG kostnadsbilde fremdriftsplan i arbeidet debt.

Dette er en stor kontrakt setter lifestyle caught by. Forstudien til Johan Sverdrup-utbyggingen styrker vår posisjon som på ledende kraft-fra-moor-prosjekter Badè på norsk og internasjonalt sokkel, Sier hefty olje- leder og til gassvirksomheten ABB i Norge, Borghild Lunde.

ABB har vært hovedleverandør av samtlige elektrifiseringsprosjekter basert likestrøm på på norsk sokkel til ya, rate prosjekter på ett Troll og på Valhall. I tillegg som er ABB valgt leverandør av vekselstøms sjøkabler til Gjøa, Goliat og Martin Linge.


- Technology is key – Today’s Business

Energy WED

How will the boss of the world’s largest oil company, Khalid A. Al-Falih, meeting the growing energy needs.

Article has been added to your reading list.

The world’s need for energy is increasing rapidly, underlined CEO Khalid A. Al-Falih, Saudi Aramco, when he Monday spoke on oil and energy conference in Stavanger.

He demonstrated that the industry is struggling to keep up the pace, partly because of the increasing costs.

  • 48.000 billion needs to be invested until 2035 the energy demand will be covered, refer to the International Energy Agency (IEA) firmly.
  • At the same time require major revisions in the entire energy sector to achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Al-Falih pointed then the threat of climate change, which has been given a central place at this year’s ONS conference.

– We believe technology is the key. Therefore we triples the number of people working in research and development. And we quintupled our costs for research and development. This will increase our already large oil reserves with 100 billion barrels, he said.

– We will invest 40 billion dollars every year for the next ten years. We do this to keep up our capacity of 12 million barrels of oil per day. It will also make it possible to double our production of natural gas, told Al-Falih.

Fear not

The audience got Saudi Aramco-ssjefen Asked if he fears unconventional oil from the United States.

– No, by no means. Unconventional oil has been good for both consumers and producers. Without unconventional oil would oil market was very tight given all the loss of another oil production, he said.

– What makes Saudi Arabia when everyone runs Tesla, sounded another question.

– When we drive Tesla we also black Al-Falih.

Are optimist

The cost in Saudi Aramco has roughly doubled over the last ten years.

– industry experiencing bottlenecks associated with drilling capacity, shipyards and engineering expertise. We see that the projects are deferred and lower investment growth, says CEO.

Al-Falih still look forward to the future, he assured on Monday.

– For the oil industry is the best time ahead us, he said.

You can follow any DN cases ONS ONS


Monday, August 25, 2014

Costly techno party – Today’s Business

Oljebransjen har å aldri klart bruke technology ny til å kutte kostnader, bare til å gjøre mer ekstreme ting. Det conducting McKinsey-topp Svein Harald Øygard.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

Utenfor vinduet ligger supplyskip OGG oljerigger tett i i havnen Rio de Janeiro. Her OPPE Star Svein Harald Øygard, McKinseys sjef for Global oljeresearch OGG sjef hefty olje og Gass konsulentselskapets i Sør-Amerika-kontor. Han funderer over bransjens problemer. I Kapitalavkastningen Store oljeselskapene er mer one halvert Siden 2008, til tross hefty stabilt Hoy oljepris.

PROFIL- Oljebransjen har på primært tenkt technology Somme et Middel til Ga etter muligheter undeniable. Jeg conducting technology nå særlig edges være et Middel til å forfølge two mulighetene ment har i dag, på lavere kostnadsbase – ikke bare Gå etter enda mer spektakulære ressursgrupper, Sier Øygard.

om denne uken critical stop han holde innlegg temaet Under oljemessen ONS i Stavanger.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

The oil needs a climate deal – Today’s Business

<- [if (lte IE 9) & (! IEMobile)]>  Oseberg feltsenter i Nordsj & oslash; wholesale fyller 25 & aring; r. i & aring; r. Photo: Gunnar BLT & ouml; ndal <- [yew! ((lte IE 9) & (! IEMobile))]> <->


Oseberg feltsenter i Nordsjøen fyller 25 år. i år. Photo: Gunnar Blöndal

gass- Norsk og oljebransje edges heie frem en strengest mulig klimaavtale i Paris i 2015 Industrien tjent er med en politikk Somme camp utløse denier energirevolusjonen kloden trenger.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

Under forrige oljemesse var det Hoy stemning i utstillingshallene i Stavanger, OGG full fart i norsk oljebransje etter gigantfunnet Johan Sverdrup. Temaet hefty Årets Offshore Northern Seas-er konferanse endringer. Tre dyptgripende endringer preger energiverden i 2014:

  • USA Reiser igjen seg som en energigigant. Ny sørger technology for online massiv økning i produksjonen fra fastlandet, av og Gass Badè olje.
  • Iraq er i ferd med Ga i doze oppløsning stat. Usikkerheten er stor ohms landet camp levere denier ventede veksten i oljeproduksjonen i fremover arena.
  • Russlands Rolle gassleverandør til Europa som er en stor blitt politisk hodepine for EU-landene. Landets militære innblanding i Ukraina skaper grunnleggende tvil om i Europa fremtiden edges basere seg på Russisk Gass.

Overraskende stabilt

Prisene på og Gass olje har vært ekstremt Stabile til tross for two omveltningene store. Nordsjøolje har variert veldig wrestle i caught. Snittet over two siste fem arena er i ferd med å krype over 100 dollar fatet. Fremtidsprisene indikerer også at markedsaktørene Legger grunn til på en oljepris rundt 100 dollar i fremover arena.

Lese mer? Kjøp dagspass Eller digitalt subscribing

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Here is Google’s solkraftverk – Daily Commercial

Energy WED

Google is not only the world’s largest search company. There is also the major investor in solar power.

The article is added to your reading list.

-Don’t stare at Tower! It can damage your eyes.

He asks us to turn the gaze down where we stand in a sea of ​​polished mirror. 350,000 mirrors, each the size of a garage door, addressing three towers. Inside the towers, which is higher than the Oslo Plaza, heat from the sun is converted into steam. The steam drives turbines, which generate electricity for 140,000 homes.

This story is from DN energy supplements as follows Monday’s edition of DN.

Ivanpah plant in the Mojave Desert outside the gambling city of Las Vegas is the world’s first and largest of its kind. The bill came 15 billion.

Google has invested nearly one billion dollars on the project. It is the search company’s largest solar investment so far, but far from the only one. To date, the IT company invested over six billion on 15 different wind and solar project in the United States. The goal? To create a better tomorrow while earning good money, according to their website.

You can follow any DN cases from oil and gas ONS

 SOLAR COLLECTORS. Glen Knox (for h & Oslash; swarm) and Steve Weathers supervising Ivanpah plant in the Mojave & Oslash; desert.

Two one

– Google has been a wonderful partner. It really understand what this is, says director Mitchell Samuelian.

Behind him sits screens from ceiling to floor in Ivanpah circular control. The engineers are still trying to tweak the system.

 SOLAR COLLECTORS. Glen Knox (for h & Oslash; swarm) and Steve Weathers supervising Ivanpah plant in the Mojave & Oslash; desert.

SOLAR COLLECTORS. Glen Knox (right) and Steve Weathers supervising Ivanpah plant in the Mojave Desert.

– This is in fact two systems in one: a giant solar power plant with lots of new technology as well as a large power plant. It makes it very complex to operate, but fortunately we are getting better, says Samuelian, who is ultimately responsible for Ivanpah.

65 people currently work at the-clock shifts at the plant that spreads out over an area which is almost two times larger than the Frogner district in Oslo. The plant has an installed capacity of 392 MW, greater than, for example power plant at Tyin in Sogn og Fjordane. One-third of California’s commercial solar energy comes from Ivanpah.

Uncertain future

America’s Energy facility called a turning point for America’s solar industry at the opening in the winter. Approximately one percent of the country’s electricity needs are met by solar power, but officials expect that percentage will rise sharply in the future. Whether it is due to a number of such enormous facilities, is still doubtful. High cost, limited transmission capacity and the climate targets met with many power companies argue against.

– outlook is mixed in the short term. The order book has been more or less the same since 2012, says solanalytiker Cory Honeyman in GTM Research to industry website Greentech Media.


Swine Expensive to order food on the phone – Osloby

I forrige Uke skrev Aftenposten at Grünerløkka og andre Foil bydeler har innskrenket praksisen meds at hjemmetjenesten kjøper dull hefty Syke eldre. Two eldre mÅ i stedet bestille matvarer by phone Eller internett.

Tidligere denne uken uttalte eldrebyråd Aud Kvalbein (KrF) at hun conducting nettsidene til leverandørene bydelen anbefaler gir en dildos oversikt.

– Innkjøpene blir ikke this better dyrere, hvis ment planlegger riktig, this Kvalbein.

En av de anbefalte dagligvarebutikkene gjort prissjekk Aftenposten har på NETT, aim at hun tarball Feil.

Ost, kjøttpålegg, melk, Kaviar OGG leverpostei KOSTER 118.70 Kröner i en vanlig Rema 1000 butikk. Bestiller tallied two samme varene hos «Rett Hjem», som er en av leverandørene bydelen anbefaler, KOSTER det 220 Kröner – 86 prosent mer på one Rema. I tillegg kommer på kjøretillegg mellom 45 og 124 Kröner.

Matvarene i Jokers nettbutikk er omtrent 10 prosent dyrere one morning i Jokerbutiken får du på hjørnet. I tillegg krever two at du bestiller hefty 500 minst Kröner, samt et kjøretillegg mellom 79 og 129 Kröner.

Bunnpris er som ikke har two eneste dyrere matvarepriser når du bestiller hjemmefra but du mÅ betale 98 Kröner i leveringstillegg .

Rasende OGG fortvilet

Det får Elisabeth Weidemann (61) til å toss. I 17 år og har hun besøkt pleiet syn slagrammede ekssamboer Nils Petter Nyrén (66). Aftenposten motër Il i Nyréns leilighet på Grünerløkka.

Les også: – Hvordan these camps fed eldre plutselig bli «friske»?

Han trenger hjelp til det meste but takket være Weidemann, samt bistand fra hjemmehjelper som har handlet for han har 66-åringen klart Bo alene. Fortvilelsen var derfor Stor da han i mottok Sommer et breve med beskjed ohms at han ikke lenger får hjelp hjemmetjenesten fra til å handle matvarer.

– etter hjerneslaget camp Nils Petter nesten ikke snakke. Han har med store problemer Ga av og er avhengig skinne. Jeg brukte rate år på å lære tunnel tractor Kaffe på en kopp EGEN hånd but nå conducting Kommunen at han er til hefty frisk at hjemmehjelpen camp handle hefty ham. Det gjør rasende og meg fortvilet, Sier Weidemann.

Hun Bruker daglig timer hos den hjelpetrengende 66-åringen, OGG lager blant annet all dull ferdig til tunnel. Na handler hun også inn alle varene – hver Uke.

– But jeg har har selv en kronisk revmatisk sykdom Somme gjør at jeg ikke camp bære tungt. Vi tar derfor TT-drosje til Rema 1000 og hver handler Uke. Også betaler Views sjåføren litt extra hefty bære varene inn. Og det er tungvint dyrt but fortsatt rimeligere one of nettbutikkene Kommunen anbefaler, Sier hun.

Foil svakheter

Weidemann conducting ordningen der eldre critical stop bestille varer NETT eller på tel har mange svakheter. Nils Petter Nyrén har internett, but klarer bruke det ikke. Han klarer Heller ikke å snakke i phoning til andre one Weidemann.

– Han vet ikke hva Heller jo han av trenger dull når han blir spurt. Ofte Sier han nei til meg selv om han trenger dull. FA Ogg store innkjøp blir også vanskelig når ment drikker milked liter i uken melk. Den blir jo sur, akkurat Somme pålegg, OGG frukt grønnsaker Ratner.

Weidermann Nyrén og har på klaget vedtaket but foreløpig ikke non fatt svar.

– At ordningen kuttes er uholdbart. Kommunen kaller arbeidet jeg det med driver for frivillig. Jeg det kaller tvang. Dersom jeg å slutter hjelpe Nils Petter town independents han på sykehjem Noe som er hans største mareritt. Og han trenger der ikke independents. Det holder med extra hjelp i hverdagen, Sier Weidemann.

– Hjemmetjenesten er ikke HELLER free

Eldrebyråd Aud Kvalbein conducting ment ikke til å critical stop undervurdere eldres evne bestille Mat by NETT.

– er det GREIT at two eldre mÅ betale dyrt hefty matlevering, når fleste two edges i nærheten av en som er butikk langt billigere

– Brukerne Star selvfølgelig Fritt til å bruke andre leverandører one of bydelen har nevnt. Det finnes tilbud på mange NETT caught Noen dry OGG tastetrykk Unna. Hos for eksempel Somme holder til i Oslo og leverer, er det en fried frakt over Viss Sum, OGG prisene ser hefty mitt skjønn Somme vanlig forbruker il ut å være tilnærmet licks butikkpriser.

– Det alltid være slicks at Noen varer billigere er, er dyrere thin andre, som i akkurat fysiske dagligvarebutikker. Handling av dagligvarer gjennom Hjemmetjenesten Heller er ikke free. Brukerne betaler egenandel etter inntekt. Ved en vanlig inntekt town debt bli Noen hundrelapper i uken regnet ut fra hjelp 100 timer i groin.

at alle som ikke er Kvalbein understreker i stand til å ringe inn bestilling, bruke PC og internett, Eller would imot varene, critical stop FA bistand fra hjemmetjenesten.

– Enkelte av butikkene har ikke tilgjengelig på engang prisliste NETT. Man mÅ sende mail spørre og på om prisene forhånd. Blir det ikke mye ekstraarbeid hefty doze hjemmehjelpen critical stop Bista med bestilling

– Det er for øvrig Foil bydeler i Oslo som har henvist brukere netthandel til i lengre tid, og det har fungert GREIT. Netthandel gir muligheter og mange et enklere book. Jeg reagerer når mediene fremstiller alle som eldre skrøpelige ute av og til å Stands lære denies ting. Jeg er det synes uverdig omtale av eldre mennesker.

– Jeg lurer hvorfor yngre opposisjonspolitikere og på oss journalister town forhindre eldre, jeg er 66 år, fordelene det er å å lære bruke nettet til Handling? Også Views eldre town ha del i dette Cup livet som gir teknologien.

Publisert: 23.aug. 2014 21:52


Labor chief Raymond Johansen is an editor at the Nobel Peace Center – ABC News

How does social media for democracy? asks Nobel Peace Center exhibition BeDemocracy. They have asked Raymond Johansen be an editor Twitter account their Monday morning.

– Social media is like Alfred Nobel invention of gunpowder. They can be used for something useful – or something harmful. We want people to explore how social media works in society and democracy.

It says exhibition manager Liv Astrid Sverdrup at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, as she welcomes Labour’s Party Secretary Raymond Johansen. He will be known in the interactive exhibition BeDemocracy, who declared on November 23.

Not enough, Monday morning and in a week’s Johansen has been appointed as editor of BeDemocracys account on micro-blogging network Twitter. And there it flows steadily messages from many countries.

– net change Norway and the world

– Why set up as editor of The Peace Center

– I do both because it is an important project for our future, and because it gives me the opportunity to focus on social media – that has changed and is changing Norway and the relationship between regimes and people in the world, says Raymond Johansen told ABC News.

He joins the comparison between social media and gunpowder – they can be both useful and harmful. The last thing we clearly been demonstrated by the Islamic State (IS) professionals use social media to spread propaganda and terror.

Peace Center exhibition BeDemocracy also raises questions about the use of social media makes you more subjected to monitoring. The public can also touch a screen and respond to the whistleblower Edward Snowden is a hero or a traitor.

Also read: Solvik Olsen promise nothing despite EU ruling

35 percent of us are discussing

The case continues below MORE OR LESS DEMOCRACY WITH INTERNET? Raymond Johansen challenged the Exhibition Manager Life Astrid Sverdrup at the Nobel Peace Center. Foto: Thomas Vermes. MORE OR LESS DEMOCRACY WITH THE INTERNET? Raymond Johansen is challenged by exhibition boss Liv Astrid Sverdrup at the Nobel Peace Center. Photo: Thomas Vermes. – Internet and social media can help create a violent democratization in the sense that you get a much closer contact with voters, says Johansen front of a very picture of Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

During all visitors can touch a screen and send their message directly to her.

– Use these tools properly, they can reduce the threshold for most people to take up political issues, says Johansen .

Communications Director Toril Rokseth tells the lap of the Nobel Peace Center that 35 percent of Norwegians participate in political debate online. But many young people are reluctant to express political opinions online for fear of being bullied.

Ap from house printing to online experts

– Social media also provides political parties opportunities to build up direct channels to the voters, without going through the media editing. We also see the new power several popular movements have been using Twitter and Facebook in countries like Egypt and Ukraine, said Raymond Johansen.

Labor as an organization adapts to the new digital reality.

– One example is that we stick with its own in-house printing. Many talented people have worked there for years. Now we employ more people with knowledge of technology and social media, said Raymond Johansen.

Ap lent network helps to EU

APs WEB EXPERT: Raymond Johansen lent Marte Ingul one year to the EU -sosialdemokratenes campaigning on social media. Foto: Thomas Vermes. APs WEB EXPERT: Raymond Johansen lent Marte Ingul one year to the European Social Democrats campaigning on social media. Photo: Thomas Vermes.

At his side he has an example of the new generation of party hire experts in.

The counselor Marte Ingul is one that can be a lot of political use Social Media – yes party secretary lent her out to Brussels and the social democratic grouping PES last year.

There, she ran the digital campaign for the German president Martin Schulz before the European Parliament in the spring.

– We in Norway and Norwegian politicians, is far ahead of many of the politicians in the second European countries and in Brussels when to use social media to engage in dialogue with voters, says Ingul.

Also read: The Social Democrats struggling ahead of elections to the European Parliament

– The network may hinder reconciliation

– But the web is obviously a great strength for the Islamic State (IS) and other black powers?

– Totally agree. Unfortunately, IS gain great power through these tools. We also see evidence that repressive regimes fear these tools so much, that they close access to them. An example is the Turkish President Erdogan throttled citizens’ access to social media when his government was corruption sank made just before the elections in spring.

– There are two challenges that we have to talk about. The first is the first social media are used in propaganda. IS professional web users and bestiality are much closer to the publication of the murder of the American journalist James Foley.

– The second is that reconciliation in conflict can be difficult. I have a long political life, particularly in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working on peace and reconciliation. I see that the split media reality social media can create possibly make it even more difficult to create peace, said party secretary.

– One example is the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The danger is that through social media grow polarization makes it harder to find common ground for reconciliation, he adds.

To distinguish wheat from the chaff

A positive example is however the Arab Spring who used the net to folkebevegelsers mobilization.

– On the other hand, we see how it is being used for propaganda of the extreme groups. But this is the reality, says Johansen and concludes:

– Our ability to separate the wheat from the chaff, is essential. The network is part of the new democracy, although it has several biases.

So the moment of truth comes for Raymond Johansen:

Helps network to democracy? It is one of the questions BeDemocracy set to public, which can touch a screen and choose numbers from 1 (very weakens democracy) to 5 (very forces).

Raymond Johansen press 3 and grinning

– I am the social democrat.

Most people, at least those who until Friday had participated in BeDemocracys poll, looks brighter for it. 1,922 people (38 percent) said 4 985 people (19 percent) went up to 5, said Liv Astrid Sverdrup.

So it was monitoring as

The tour took place on BeDemocracy Friday, the same day police surveillance PST went out with the desire to monitor and store the data, if all Norwegians web use – almost indistinguishable from the EU’s controversial Data Retention Directive DLD. DLD wanted Ap as known to introduce in Norway.

The small group is left at the section of the exhibition problematisrer opportunity online technology allows for the monitoring of an entire population.

– What do you think in retrospect the Data Retention Directive, Parliament adopted, but that was so roughly that the European Court stopped it?

– I understand the question. But most important are the opportunities the major players like Facebook and Google have to monitor you. They combine information, answer Johansen.

Also read: The Minister of Justice shall not monitoring support within their own youth party

slipped away view of DLD

– But what do you think about government surveillance and data storage

– Yes, you see how little the rebellion it was when it was revealed that the United States secret service NSA had monitored over 100 heads of state and diplomats. I think there was little noise compared with the reactions in the 80s with the surveillance scandal in Norway, he said.

– What would you on a scale from 1 to 5 pressure on the EU Data Retention Directive, DLD?

– I’m good social democrat, i. I would have pressed 3 again, smiling Raymond Johansen.

BeDemocracy engages a guest editor each week. Here you can see the list of those who have controlled your Twitter account.


The “eternal” refugees dearest possessions – Aftenposten

What is your girlfriend asset? For us here in Norway it may be difficult to answer, since we own so much. For the refugees in Darfur, there are plenty easier. Aftenposten has been hitting a series of shots that the humanitarian organization Norwegian Church Aid and their party ones ACT Alliance and Caritas Internationalis has made. All photos are taken by photographer Annie Bungeroth. Interviews with refugees made by Nana Anto-Awuakye.

NCA has helped people in the area since 1985, in 2003 shook the suffering in Darfur whole world. Militias who acted on behalf of the regime in Khartoum drove millions of civilians while fighting local insurgents. It has proved difficult to achieve a peace agreement and refugees have been living in camps that were created. According to the UN, up to 4 million people have been driven from their homes. The last six months have violence flared up and 390,000 new refugees are forced to flee.


There are not many ways to make money in the camps, but local traditions and festivals live on . This requires the music. Hooran (40), has a weak leg and are known as people people in Hassa Hissa camp as “the trembling man” because he is a little unstable.

– I can not work because of my leg but at weddings, christenings and funerals, so asking people me to play music. While I play the drums, lift the emotions of the music myself to a happier and more peaceful time, says Hooran. – Fortunately I earn some money playing the drums. So can I take care of my family.

The midwife

The harsh realities of working conditions midwife Toma becomes clear that one goes into the small dark room where she receives patients health clinic in Hassa Hissa camp. There is no squeaking baby-monitoring equipment, only a bed with a cloth screen around.

– We do not have the equipment to monitor the mother and baby, all I do is based on experience and training I got.

The midwife Tomas midwife stethoscope in silver and her trained hands is the only technology in the room while she knows for how the fetus is and listen to your heartbeat through jordmorstetoskopet.

– This jordmorstetoskopet is magical. That tells me all I need to know. If all goes well, it feels good. – This clinic and the equipment is very important for women; I can detect if there will be complications in early pregnancy and teach women about the danger signs to look for.

The young woman with three boilers

17-year-old Halima made food for the young siblings when she heard that there was uproar in the market. But it was only the other day, when the village was set on fire, she brought his siblings and three boilers and escaped.

The mother died in childbirth a few years before, so she has been responsible for six children aged 7 to 15 years. She is unsure what the future holds in Hamadi new camp for newly arrived refugees.

– These three boilers was all I managed to get with me. I hid them and my siblings forest in the fighting started. It is very good boilers and I am glad that I have them because I have to make a lot of food to feed my brothers and sisters.

Woman with a prayer mat

Hawa is uncertain how old she is, but to make the perilous journey to safety in the camp for newly arrived refugees along with about 300 others. They created a profile of whatever they may have available plastic, blankets and sticks.

– I’m an old woman. The only energy I have left is the one I need to ask my prayer mat. – I pray to God that things will get better for me and the family, there will be peace, so that we can return to the village.

After each prayer is prayer mat placed carefully among Hawas few possessions.

The woman with the yellow bag

Tiba (34) hold good hold in its yellow-green liquid. Along with the family, she had to make the difficult choice to pack up what they could carry their belongings and leave the village because of the war.

– We packed up our things in a car late at night and early morning when the men with guns prayed the morning prayer, so we hurried off, saying Tiba. – I did not lose sight of your bag. I kept it inside of my garment. In case I have two important things; ID card and mobile phone.

– ID card is proof that I am resident in Darfur, and the phone will one day bring me the news and the peace of the village and the day I will return.

The boy with plastic bottle car

Macrame (13) love cars. His family has been in the refugee camp for newly arrived over two months. Macrame holding up plastic car which he has made of a used water bottle. He smiles broadly as he proudly shows off the great he has created.

– It was difficult to make and it took me a long time, but I love cars and I love my toy.

The construction worker

55-year-old Khamis has escaped for the second time in eight years, with his wife and their nine children. He came to the edge of Hamadi camp for new arrivals.

– I am a construction worker. I was about to make a house in the village. When they started shooting, we had to escape. It took us two days to get here. I kept these two tools near me all the time. Hopefully they will help me get a job so I can take care of the family.

– I have learned some of the local guys and people in the camp how to build with bricks. It is my contribution to the local community.

Sheik (with radio)

Shiek Abdul (56) fled to Khamsa Dgaig camp for more than ten years ago at the beginning of the Darfur conflict. Along with other commanders in the camp he camp “eyes and ears” – and handles issues of security and citizens’ needs. When he walks around he brings his beloved radio.

– I heard on the radio as much as possible so that I know what is happening around the world. I also hear on the radio because I find it relaxing and a way to forget all problems we have here in the camp.

Youth Worker (with red motorcycle)

Alshify (35) is a proper bundle of energy and is constantly approached. He works as a youth leader in Hamadi camp that housed 68,000 people. He is all too aware that young people feel trapped and frustrated and they are easy prey for those who recruit militias.

– My life’s work is youth. I depend on the motorcycle to get around; when a young person is in trouble, so I have to get there quickly and attempt to resolve the situation. The motorcycle is like a real companion and I spend most of the day in the “saddle” to get me around the camp. I’d be lost without it.

Bicycle Man

Yousif now lives in Aslam camp with his wife and three children. He was forced to flee the conflict in 2003 and came to Hassa Hissa camp with his parents and siblings without anything. – We slept on the ground with the sky above us, says Yousif.

He learned to bake bread while living in Hassa Hissa, which meant that he could make a living, but when he met his wife and moved to another camp, so it was difficult to continue as a baker.

– My bike is beautiful; I’m saving up money and buy things to decorate it with over time. I am really proud when I look at it. – All admiring my bike, so I have to take good care of it. It is valuable and many have probably wanted to steal it. If I ever lose it, so I’m going to cry.

The girl with water bottle and cup

12-year-old Sara goes to a school that operated in the Hassa Hissa camp and like most young girls she likes to play with friends. She has created her own drinking, using a piece of a knitted sweater.

– When I’m out playing so I can recognize my bottle, and I make sure that no one takes it.

– Sometimes it is very hot and there are no trees to shade under and the dusty ground makes me thirsty. Therefore I take my water bottle while I play with my friends. – My cup is dirty because I helped my brother with mixing mud to his football.

The boy with soccer ball

Mohammed Hassa Hissa live in camp along with six siblings who are cared for by his grandmother while his mother is out to look for work. – She washes the dishes or ironing clothes in town Zalingei, located nearby.

Like all eight year old boys he’s crazy about football.

– I made this soccer of mud and dried it in a rag. It’s small, but it bounces a bit. I put on my Ronaldo trousers and shirt and asked my friends to come and play. – When I grow up I’m going to travel from this camp and play professional football.

Aquarius with mobile

20-year-old Karim, is a volunteer guard at water tank Hamadi camp. The water tank is penned up in a corner of the camp. Karim is responsible for turning on the water once each day and to test the chlorine content.

– Everyone has a phone in the camp, but mine is very important to me. I need to be in contact with aid workers from the NCA from Norway and tell them things are going well or badly.

– Everyone knows that I have this important role. Sometimes they kidding with that my phone stuck in my ear. But they know that without clean water so it would be very difficult in the camp.

Published: 23.Aug. 2,014 11:37 p.m.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Our average IQ plummet: – Technology is getting better, but people are … –

(Dagbladet): – Human IQ is declining – and some experts claim it is because we have reached our intellectual state, writes the British newspaper The Daily Mail.

IQ has greatly increased since the 1930s, thanks to better living conditions and education – a trend called Flynn effect. But “IQ test results” suggest that people in the UK, Denmark, Norway and Australia have received a lower IQ in the last decade.

These countries is also randomly selected on the basis of tests carried out by scientists in that country.

Several studies have shown that the average IQ of the residents of “the West” has plunged by ten points or more, since the Victorian era and many believe that this number will continue to plunge, writes the British newspaper.

– People are stupid

At the same claim other experts that better health care and better technology makes that “the problem” will regulate itself.

– Technology is getting better and better, but people are stupid, warn several researchers.

A study at the University of Hartford argues that The bigger the global population becomes, the less intelligent people will be, and that “IQ scores” will fall by around eight points by the year 2110.

Another IQ test conducted to determine whether Danish men is fit for service in the Armed Forces, has revealed that the rating has dropped by 1.5 points since 1998

These “standard tests” is also conducted in the UK and Australia, with the same results as in Denmark – namely lower points score, claims journalist in New Scientist, Bob Holmes.

“Flynn effect”

Between 1930 and 1980 increased the average “IQ score” in the United States with three points, and in postwar Japan and Denmark, higher test scores significantly – a trend known as ” Flynn effect “.

This increase in intelligence is due to better nutrition and living conditions – as well as better education, says James Flynn of the University of Otago, man effect is named after.

Now some experts argue that we are beginning to see the end of the “Flynn effect” in other countries – and that IQ is not only flattens out, but it is declining, writes Daily Mail.

Dr. Flynn believes better education can reverse the trend, but other scientists are not so optimistic.

Some people think, “Flynn effect” has masked a decline in the genetic basis of intelligence, so that while more people have reached their full potential, this potential itself been declining for a long time.

Can drop further

Disputed Richard Lynn, a psychologist at the University of Ulster, the estimated decline in human genetic potential.

He used data from “average IQ” around the world in 1950 and 2000 and found that our collective IQ has dropped by one “IQ points.”

Dr. Lynn predict that if this trend continues, we may lose an additional 1.3 “IQ Score” by the year 2050

Jan te Nijenhuis, a psychology professor at the University of Amsterdam, says that the West has lost an average of 14 “IQ points” since Victorian times.

Controversial Link

He claims this is because the more intelligent women have fewer children than those who are less smart, reports The Huffington Post. The perceived link between IQ and fertility is a hotly link.

Dr. Nijenhuis studied the results of 14 intelligence studies conducted between 1884 and 2004 to reach its conclusion. Each study measured people’s reaction times – just how long it took to press a button after being prompted.

It is claimed that the reaction time reflects the mental processing speed – which means that it reflects IQ.

The researchers found that the visual reaction times were on average 194 milliseconds in the late 19th century, but in 2004 it had increased to 275 milliseconds.

Other theories

Professor Fynn argues again that the results may be the result of a “general less intelligent youth.” He used data collected in IQ tests on British children and found that children between five and ten years earlier increased their IQ by half a point per year – over three decades.

– Other studies have shown how the teenage youth culture is, and what we see is that parental influence on IQ slowly is diminishing with age, he claims.

He also claims that increased video game playing among adolescents may be the reason that “IQ scores” that are measured in several surveys have declined in recent years.

– ( …) What we know is that youth culture is now more visually orientated around computer games than they were earlier in the form of reading and conversations, he said.

Fall in Norway

Dagbladet previously written about the performance of the retired professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo, Jon Martin Sundet, and psychologists D. Barlaug and T. Torjussen where you can see the number of military service itself tested on 18 year old boys that Norwegian children born after 1975 had lower IQ than those who were born before 1975, the same trend has been seen in Denmark.

– An explanation may be that they are not as good at calculation as before and that they teach things in school than what you did earlier. Thus, the Norwegian youths other skills, said Sundet Dagbladet at the time, which was not very – but some – concerned about the development.

Difference between Intelligence and IQ

Mensa in Norway has also emphasized the importance that even though you have a lot of knowledge, need, simply put, do not necessarily have a high IQ and “Vice Versa.”

“A common misconception is that people with a lot of knowledge or depth and skill has a high IQ, but it is not necessarily the case, even if high intelligence is a good spot for it. Put simply describes the intelligence quotient (IQ) logical sense and ability to learn. “Writes Mensa on their websites.

At the same time the other way, of course. Even if you have a high IQ does not mean nødvendigvs “being smart.”

“There are many who equate having a high IQ and being smart, but it has not necessarily a direct correlation. IQ is first and foremost about your potential to learn, and the ability to analyze, understand and see connections. (…) A person’s personality and abilities are extremely complex, and one should be careful not to describe themselves as very much smarter than others, just on the basis of a measured high IQ. An IQ of only describes your potential and is only a small part of the picture. “Writes Mensa.


Friday, August 22, 2014

British police have revealed masked faces former – TV 2

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