Thursday, December 24, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
How will NPRA prevent landslide disasters – NRK
Using gas guns mounted on the mountainside trigger engineers NPRA even avalanche goes over county road 883.
How modern technology, which was first tried out in Norway on December 18, can make winter roads in Norway far safer in the future, says engineering geologist Trond Joran Nilsen, who works with avalanches in NPRA Region North:
– In such a method, we take control instead of waiting that landslides might come. How can we avoid injuries, while we do not need to keep the road closed for a long time because of avalanche danger, says Nilsen to NPRA’s own website.
Both Altaposten, iFinnmark and Nordlys has discussed this matter today.
In the video at the top of the case shows what happens when the avalanche is triggered in Differentiating fjord north of Alta.
Heavy snowfall plummet mountainside, and exceeded is measured to have a width of 400 meters over the county road 883.
If the test results are satisfactory from Divide fjord may be appropriate to use the technology elsewhere in the country. Triggering using gas is common in several resorts in central Europe.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Ap-ras on measurements mobiles not Støre – ABC News
He reminded at a press conference Friday that Labor not for many years has been as high in the polls that year.
Labor has fallen 7.8 percentage points since February in the national parliamentary polls, according to Poll of polls. In December, the average is 34.1 percent.
– Remember that 35 percent is far above the election results in 2013. We did a municipal elections of 33 percent which was the best in almost 30 years, says Støre said.
– I’m not upset over this for our part. However, when refugees become the big issue and there is a lot of turmoil, mobilizes Progress their core voters and takes from the Conservatives, he says.
During 2015 also the coalition bloc solid majority of the four non-socialist parties reversed. In February, the government and the support portions 9.1 percentage points behind the coalition. So far in December, the bourgeois 4,8 percentage points ahead.
Attacks FRP
Labor leader spent Friday a lot of time criticizing FRP and accused party to mislead by saying that Labor will raise taxes.
– It is wrong. We did not go in to cut them, says Støre.
FRP were also undergo double communicate in asylum policy, and Støre believes the Conservatives have “undertaken a huge responsibility” by making Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) to immigration and integration minister.
– FRP has been responsible for this field in two years. The influx has happened on their watch. For the new minister I would say that she has two detailed roadmap, broad settlement in Parliament. We want every week hold her responsible for it, argues Minister.
Unemployment in the shadow
Minister reiterates the requirement that the government must clarify what Paris agreement means for mitigation in Norway in the areas not is comprised of the current quota arrangements.
– There must be negotiated on how Norway should make cuts outside industry, oil and gas, he demands.
The refugee crisis has all autumn dominated Norwegian politics. But Labor leader predicts that unemployment, which has reached its highest level in 20 years, over the New Year will come back fully on the agenda. Friday showed new Nav numbers that registered unemployment has increased to 3.0 per cent in Norway.
– We must support industries that are struggling, especially along the coast of southern Norway, says Støre.
Ap will underpin activity with missions to the shipyards, maintenance in the North Sea and support to corporate investment in new technology. The party will also increase the layoff period from the current 30 weeks to 52 weeks.
Not hijab ban
Party leader Minister was also asked whether he supports deputy Hadia Tajik proposal hijab ban in elementary school.
– I believe children should not have to suffer garments, traditions and performances that make it difficult to be a child in Norway, said Minister.
He supports Tajik argument that elementary school children should not have to get Questions about capping and sexuality at a young age, but believes a ban is not the way to go.
– Adopts one promise, one must also ensure that they are followed. I think we do ourselves a disservice if we get a law which will decide what people should wear, believes the party leader.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Ap-ras on measurements mobiles not Støre – ABC News
He reminded at a press conference Friday that Labor not for many years has been as high in the polls that year.
Labor has fallen 7.8 percentage points since February in the national parliamentary polls, according to Poll of polls. In December, the average is 34.1 percent.
– Remember that 35 percent is far above the election results in 2013. We did a municipal elections of 33 percent which was the best in almost 30 years, says Støre said.
– I’m not upset over this for our part. However, when refugees become the big issue and there is a lot of turmoil, mobilizes Progress their core voters and takes from the Conservatives, he says.
During 2015 also the coalition bloc solid majority of the four non-socialist parties reversed. In February, the government and the support portions 9.1 percentage points behind the coalition. So far in December, the bourgeois 4,8 percentage points ahead.
Attacks FRP
Labor leader spent Friday a lot of time criticizing FRP and accused party to mislead by saying that Labor will raise taxes.
– It is wrong. We did not go in to cut them, says Støre.
FRP were also undergo double communicate in asylum policy, and Støre believes the Conservatives have “undertaken a huge responsibility” by making Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) to immigration and integration minister.
– FRP has been responsible for this field in two years. The influx has happened on their watch. For the new minister I would say that she has two detailed roadmap, broad settlement in Parliament. We want every week hold her responsible for it, argues Minister.
Unemployment in the shadow
Minister reiterates the requirement that the government must clarify what Paris agreement means for mitigation in Norway in the areas not is comprised of the current quota arrangements.
– There must be negotiated on how Norway should make cuts outside industry, oil and gas, he demands.
The refugee crisis has all autumn dominated Norwegian politics. But Labor leader predicts that unemployment, which has reached its highest level in 20 years, over the New Year will come back fully on the agenda. Friday showed new Nav numbers that registered unemployment has increased to 3.0 per cent in Norway.
– We must support industries that are struggling, especially along the coast of southern Norway, says Støre.
Ap will underpin activity with missions to the shipyards, maintenance in the North Sea and support to corporate investment in new technology. The party will also increase the layoff period from the current 30 weeks to 52 weeks.
Not hijab ban
Party leader Minister was also asked whether he supports deputy Hadia Tajik proposal hijab ban in elementary school.
– I believe children should not have to suffer garments, traditions and performances that make it difficult to be a child in Norway, said Minister.
He supports Tajik argument that elementary school children should not have to get Questions about capping and sexuality at a young age, but believes a ban is not the way to go.
– Adopts one promise, one must also ensure that they are followed. I think we do ourselves a disservice if we get a law which will decide what people should wear, believes the party leader.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Let robots take over bank job – NRK
You might think of robots as metallklumpar with armar and bones. But bankrobotane is actually only computer program that makes tasks Human previously made.
– To provide An example, let’s say that ein customer Adviser align hjå us. Former black customers då moved manually adds a new kunderdågjevar. This lasted gladly done along with other issues, and it could be that customers became misplaced. No, we provide robot EiT Excel spreadsheet, and the job is done within a couple of hours, without the customer notices something, victory Reiel Haugland, who is Head of Business Development.
Digital co-workers
Above two large screens on an small office in the bank in Forde can they control and monitoring the robot’s job.
– It’s Actually neither a computer that makes a job in the same way that one person would Having done that, says Arne Solheim.
– You enter ein order and then ordnar robot rest?
– In advance tells you robot that here is the Start button, Here is an search field where you will enter information. So you can tell it that the search box in which it shall enter for example customer number. Ein can train dei up to acquaint various predefined tasks, says Solheim.
Demands for faster services
When Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane com has got Some new, but quite special co-workers are there to offer customers better service.
– we adapt to the future. Customers have greater demands for speed and user give us heit. As customers we would like to get things done when’d like to make it, and without having to think too Much on it, says Haugland.
Fear not robots: Marie Heieren customer Adviser and officers of the bank. Photo: Marie Stafsnes Osland / NRK
The employees of the bank is not worried that dei digital co-workers should stele job deira. The win customer Adviser and officers of the bank, Marie Heieren.
– Eg think the employees are positive and want to discover vere developing bank. The robot then ein get freed time to work with customers, win Heieren.
And ifølgje newly appointed managing director, Trond Teigene, have the employees reason to relax. Instead of this leading to nedskjeringar it nor allowing it to holding a consequence of technology makes that they can retain the positions they have, as well as create new ones, he says.
several want robots
Also, several banks in the county is no trying to “add” robots. In the first quarter of next year core the first robot to Sparebanken Vest.
– This means that ein good part arbeidsoppgåver no becomes automated. For example, when you change the payment date on your loan in your bank. It looks like it’s automatic, but is a task which hosted done manually afterwards, says Olav Hjelle, who is regional vice president at Sparebanken Vest Sogn og Fjordane.
– And I who believed this happened automatically already today?
WOULD ALSO HAVE ROBOT: is regional general manager in Sparebanken Vest Sogn og Fjordane. Photo: Marie Stafsnes Osland / NRK
– No, it makes enough not there. There is ein great deal of manual operations that occur afterwards. And there are such tasks we want to discover entrust robots.
– What about the employees?
– We can do these tasks unless resources, but instead of click so we try to take care of its employees. We try to develop new jobs to offer its employees. Not least, we need ein new type of expertise innan IT and IT development victory Hjelle.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Study: Smartphones are outdated technology in five years –
(Dagbladet A study conducted by Ericsson ConsumerLab comes with news about consumers’ faith in the smartphone.
Half of the respondents believe that smart phones will not exist in five years, because they are not as easily manageable as research participants believe that artificial intelligence is going to be.
A total of 100,000 people were asked in the study, both from the Swedish Ericsson Consumer Labs homeland and other countries. Rebecka Cedering angstroms from Ericsson Consumer Labs report, according to The Telegraph that the smartphone impractical is the main reason why people think they are replaced about five years.
– Just imagine it watching football and having the opportunity to choose where the stands to see this match, or maybe even from the path. Shopping is also a field where you will be able to virtually try on shoes and see how they fit your own feet, says Angstrom according to The Telegraph.
– Some rusa on future
Yet there Not everyone is quite so confident that the AI will take over the phone’s place in our lives so quickly.
Magnus Brøyn, technology expert and manager in Coxit PR, think it will take more than five years to replace smart phones. The way he sees it is not representative study, and it does not give an accurate picture of when the technology will come.
– Here, people have been a little coked in the future. It is easy to respond that we know about quite a few years are going to be in a completely different reality than we do today, but all experience indicates that it often takes a little longer than we think. Especially when we stand before the quantum leap that is that we are going to dress up in technology, and hand over more and more of our lives to it, says Brøyn Dagbladet.
Brøyn is currently in Silicon Valley to hear about what plans Google has for the future of technology. He says that just artificial intelligence and how this affects our lives is one of the relevant themes.
Technology in clothes
Brøyn believes it will take time to get used to technology we get dressed, technology we entrust our lives and that will help us make decisions. Many feel such spectacles Google Glass as invasive, it is technology that comes too close.
Brøyn think it is about changing people’s habits, and that even though we are heading towards an era where technology is in our own clothes, so it will take more than five years to get there.
Among the reasons the study claimed that smart phones will soon be here, is that screens on smartphones are not always ideal, in addition to that receiving an important phone call can cause problems if you run the car simultaneously. Therefore believes half of survey participants that artificial intelligence will take over the smartphone market.
According to a study from March 2015 can be a challenge to get people to put away the phone. The desire to check what’s happening on social media, who is calling and who sends mail and contact person in other ways, can make people become poorer at performing tasks they have.
The smartphone Simon
The world’s first smartphone was not an Iphone, but IBM Simon Personal Communicator, which came a full 15 years before Apple launched its first telephone.
When IBM came telephone, called no it for a “smartphone”. This term first came a few years later. However it had many features that we find in modern phones: a calendar, ability to take notes and send emails and messages, as well as the ability to call.
IBM sold about 50 000 copies of the phone, which was only possible to buy in the US.
Still lasted not particularly long before it was pulled from the market: after only two years, it has been found that only one hour of battery life and a price of $ 899 was not particularly lucrative.
In addition lacked phone the very few with mobile phones today can do without: the internet.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
32 million to research on salmon, cod and technology –
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Vincent (3) is not like any other cats –
(Dagbladet): Cat Vincent (3) was delivered to an animal hostel for around two years ago. Mistress Cindy Jones (57), who works at the center, immediately fell in love with the little rascal.
– He was delivered to us by a lady who was camping in the area. He lacked both hind feet, and it was clear that the woman who delivered him was quite worried, says Jones told ABC News.
According mistress would not keep her husband Vincent. But Cindy Jones opened their home for Vincent, who now lives with three other cats, four children and Cindy’s husband.
Jones had tried physical therapy to save one leg unsuccessfully. By veterinary education at the University of Iowa, decided therefore vet Mary Sarah Bergh that Vincent would get a unique operation.
As one of probably fewer than 25 animals in the world, Vincent now received bone prostheses, manufactured using 3D printer technology.
The first operation was carried out in February 2014. Just days after the surgery he took his first steps, before a new operation expected in February this year.
– The leg his looks great, the implants are stable and he is very good at them. I could not have been happier with how he’s doing at the present time, says Bergh to ABC News.
– Vincent can not jump quite yet, but it’s probably only a matter of time before he bounces around, she continues.
– A great guy
Although Vincent not can jump up on the couch just yet, the quality of life of the little cat improved significantly after the operations.
– He runs around and plays with my dog Oliver. He lies in a bed, he dresses himself, and is simply a great guy. At most other expensive hostels he would have been killed. He would not have had a future, says Jones.
Bergh and her colleagues at Iowa State University hope the successful operation to Vincent, the term kanhjelpe researchers to improve implants and prostheses for other animals in the future.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Welcome to the new! – TU today launched a new design.
Our main aim of the changes are:
- tidier surfaces to give increased visibility for the main content
- Design adapted mobile platforms
- Shorter load times
In order to achieve this we have removed a number of content items from front and article pages, we have gone away from the right column to create more dynamism in the sides, and we have cut down on the number of cases on the front.
Responsive design also provides better utilization of the surfaces of the tablet, and load time the mobile version will be significantly better than in the past.
New profile
In parallel with the introduction of new design tips we profile on find themselves in a rather special position in that we cover news in a variety technologist dominated industries, while we strive to spread knowledge and involvement in the technology to most people.
Structural engineers that engulf all news in the industry may not be as interested in small news in the oil and gas – and vice versa. And readers who primarily are curious exciting, new technology do not want to read about Officer hiring and placing contracts of medium importance.
short is no interested in everything we write about, but The common denominator for readers is that they are interested in technology.
This reality we try to approach through a new priority on front.
The idea is that face a greater extent should cultivate widely interesting articles about new technologies and issues of great social importance, while more industry internal news published in their respective sections:, and so on. Thus know construction engineers that they can find everything about its industry on, while issues that are exposed on the front must take a broader group of our readers.
This will necessarily entail that the front of being updated somewhat less frequent than before, but that stuff lying there in return perceived as important for many of our readers.
At the same time, we have chosen to list the latest industry news directly under substantially the, for providing an additional input to issues that are not exposed with big headlines on the front, and to show the whole range of our editorial coverage.
Also remember that you can get an overview of all our new items in a daily newsletter.
Clarity and new content
In the new design, we also tried to give dissimilar types of content different identity, to make it clearer for readers what’s what, and avoid that we make a soup of news, consumer issues and opinions.
All consumer affairs front will now get a beige background. All feature articles, opinion leaders and other matters are blue.
Opinions is also a new section on, we contextually will gearing up for summer. The goal is to create an important arena for the exchange of views within the niches we cover.
Consumer Technology also get a more prominent place on the Internet than on paper. Our own reader survey, in which more than 4,000 readers responded, showing that this is a fabric areas that most readers are demanding more of, along with matters concerning new technologies and deeper insight into the complex technological issues.
Image below shows how different topics scored in the reader survey. The scale shows the ranks 1-5 for what readers want more or less of. The longer columns to the right, the greater the demand.
Under development
We are fully aware that all is not quite perfect yet, but still choose to launch an early version of a new design and rather spend a quiet summer to turn on the details. The biggest changes in the next phase will see the article views, which at launch is almost equal to the old design, but that will be further developed.
We hope you appreciate new expressions!
Please share criticism and praise in the comments below.
Friday, December 4, 2015
How can technology facilitate health care – Aftenposten
- Hverdagen vår er blitt mye enklere, teknologien medfører også en større trygghet for pasientene, sier sykepleier Cecilie Eknes.
Østsiden sykehjem utenfor Gamlebyen i Fredrikstad sto ferdig i juni i år, og er de første til å ta i bruk velferdsteknologi i kommunen.
- Sykepleierne er utstyrt med hver sin mobiltelefon. Via denne får vi meldinger om ulike alarmer som utløses fra rommene, for eksempelvis hvis en pasient har falt. Det ville ikke blitt fanget opp like raskt uten denne teknologien, sier Eknes.
Sensorstyrte rom
I tillegg til vanlig snoralarm på soverom og bad, er sengene til pasientene utstyrt med ulike sensorer.
- Hvis en pasient skal på toalettet om natten, vil en sensor registrere at vedkommende står opp. I det pasienten reiser seg opp, vil lyset automatisk slå seg på inne på badet. Mange av fallene skjer nettopp mens brukerne leter etter lysbryteren, det unngår vi nå, sier Lillian Rosten, virksomhetsleder ved Østsiden sykehjem.
Rommene er også utstyrt med vandrealarmer. Hvis en beboer bestemmer seg for å forlate rommet på natten, får de ansatte automatisk en melding om dette på sine mobiltelefoner.
- Vi har også sensorer som forteller oss når Fru Olsen eller Herr Hansen forlater sengen om natten og når de er tilbake. Hvis det går lenger enn ti minutter får vi beskjed, da kan det ha skjedd noe. Vi har også lydsensorer i taket, hvis en beboer skulle falle. Disse vil oppfatte rop fra pasienten, sier Rosten.
1. desember starter Fredrikstad også uttestingen av sensorer som blant annet via ultralyd kan registrere tilstanden på beboere som har falt i sine omsorgsboliger.
Omfordeler ressursene
- Dette betyr kanskje ikke de store besparelsene i kroner og øre, men det betyr mye i form av omfordeling av ressursene. De ansatte kan jobbe smartere nå de er på jobb, sier Ulf Harry Evensen, IKT rådgiver innen velferdsteknologi i Fredrikstad kommune.
I dag er over 30 prosent av alle trygghetsalarmer som utløses til hjemmehelsetjenesten tekniske eller falske alarmer.
- Mange av brukerne er kontaktsøkende, eller de utløser alarmen for å etterspørre en tjeneste. Uansett så rykker vi ut. Nå kan vi via toveiskommunikasjon med brukerne undersøke hva alarmen gjelder. Det personlige møte blir ikke borte, men kanskje det kan samkjøres med et planlagt besøk, avhengig av hva det gjelder, sier Evensen.
Han understreker at den nye teknologien ikke skal erstatte den personlige kontakten mellom helsevesenet og brukerne. Derimot handler det om å frigjøre ressurser.
– Det blir blant annet lettere å danne seg en oversikt over situasjonen før vi rykker ut, sier han.
Nå får også omsorgsleilighetene elektroniske dører.
- I dag håndterer hjemmesykepleier nøkler til over 1000 boligenheter. Målinger har vist at denne nøkkelhåndteringen i tid utgjør åtte årsverk eller 5,6 millioner kroner. Hvis noe uforutsett skjer, og det skjer et bytte mellom to kolleger, så må de tilbake sin base for å hente nøkler. Elektroniske låser gjør at hjemmehjelptjenesten kan låse opp dørene ved hjelp av mobiltelefonen, sier Evensen.
I desember starter utrullingen av smartteknologi i 500 omsorgsboliger i Fredrikstad, spesialtilpasset hver bruker, alt fra vandrealarm, automatisk lys og varmestyring, kameraovervåking, toveiskommunikasjon med hjemmehjelptjenesten og andre tekniske løsninger som skal bedre tryggheten til beboerne.
Holmen eldresenter i sentrum av Fredrikstad har kommet lengst. Hver gang en beboer skal forlate leiligheten, vil en skjerm på veggen ved ytterdøren gi et varsel til beboeren hvis enten kjøleskapsdøren eller et vindu står åpent. Det samme varselet kan også sendes til enten pårørende elle hjemmehjelptjenesten.
- Hvis en beboer nettopp har hatt besøk av hjemmehjelptjenesten, og skulle falle og bli liggende, så hadde vedkommende i verste fall ikke blitt funnet før dagen etter. Nå vil disse sensorene sørge for at dette blir fanget opp raskt, sier Tone Myrvold, som har mange år bak seg innen hjemmehjelptjenesten.
Strukturerer hverdagene
Etter hvert vil den samme teknologien bli installert i boliger til andre pasientgrupper, blant annet innen rus og psykiatri. Velferdsteknologien åpner også for å gjøre beboere i stand til å måle både blodtrykk og oksygenopptak i egen bolig, overvåket av helsepersonell via webkamera.
- Mange brukere innen rus og psykiatri har behov for å strukturere hverdagen sin. For mange av disse er det ganske krevende å skulle forlate hjemmet sitt for å oppsøke et legekontor for å utføre disse testene. Det å kunne gjøre dette på egen hånd mens de har en samtale med helsepersonell forenkler hverdagen deres, sier ergoterapeut Tulle Koefoed.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
How can technology facilitate health care – Aftenposten
- Hverdagen vår er blitt mye enklere, teknologien medfører også en større trygghet for pasientene, sier sykepleier Cecilie Eknes.
Østsiden sykehjem utenfor Gamlebyen i Fredrikstad sto ferdig i juni i år, og er de første til å ta i bruk velferdsteknologi i kommunen.
- Sykepleierne er utstyrt med hver sin mobiltelefon. Via denne får vi meldinger om ulike alarmer som utløses fra rommene, for eksempelvis hvis en pasient har falt. Det ville ikke blitt fanget opp like raskt uten denne teknologien, sier Eknes.
Sensorstyrte rom
I tillegg til vanlig snoralarm på soverom og bad, er sengene til pasientene utstyrt med ulike sensorer.
- Hvis en pasient skal på toalettet om natten, vil en sensor registrere at vedkommende står opp. I det pasienten reiser seg opp, vil lyset automatisk slå seg på inne på badet. Mange av fallene skjer nettopp mens brukerne leter etter lysbryteren, det unngår vi nå, sier Lillian Rosten, virksomhetsleder ved Østsiden sykehjem.
Rommene er også utstyrt med vandrealarmer. Hvis en beboer bestemmer seg for å forlate rommet på natten, får de ansatte automatisk en melding om dette på sine mobiltelefoner.
- Vi har også sensorer som forteller oss når Fru Olsen eller Herr Hansen forlater sengen om natten og når de er tilbake. Hvis det går lenger enn ti minutter får vi beskjed, da kan det ha skjedd noe. Vi har også lydsensorer i taket, hvis en beboer skulle falle. Disse vil oppfatte rop fra pasienten, sier Rosten.
1. desember starter Fredrikstad også uttestingen av sensorer som blant annet via ultralyd kan registrere tilstanden på beboere som har falt i sine omsorgsboliger.
Omfordeler ressursene
- Dette betyr kanskje ikke de store besparelsene i kroner og øre, men det betyr mye i form av omfordeling av ressursene. De ansatte kan jobbe smartere nå de er på jobb, sier Ulf Harry Evensen, IKT rådgiver innen velferdsteknologi i Fredrikstad kommune.
I dag er over 30 prosent av alle trygghetsalarmer som utløses til hjemmehelsetjenesten tekniske eller falske alarmer.
- Mange av brukerne er kontaktsøkende, eller de utløser alarmen for å etterspørre en tjeneste. Uansett så rykker vi ut. Nå kan vi via toveiskommunikasjon med brukerne undersøke hva alarmen gjelder. Det personlige møte blir ikke borte, men kanskje det kan samkjøres med et planlagt besøk, avhengig av hva det gjelder, sier Evensen.
Han understreker at den nye teknologien ikke skal erstatte den personlige kontakten mellom helsevesenet og brukerne. Derimot handler det om å frigjøre ressurser.
– Det blir blant annet lettere å danne seg en oversikt over situasjonen før vi rykker ut, sier han.
Nå får også omsorgsleilighetene elektroniske dører.
- I dag håndterer hjemmesykepleier nøkler til over 1000 boligenheter. Målinger har vist at denne nøkkelhåndteringen i tid utgjør åtte årsverk eller 5,6 millioner kroner. Hvis noe uforutsett skjer, og det skjer et bytte mellom to kolleger, så må de tilbake sin base for å hente nøkler. Elektroniske låser gjør at hjemmehjelptjenesten kan låse opp dørene ved hjelp av mobiltelefonen, sier Evensen.
I desember starter utrullingen av smartteknologi i 500 omsorgsboliger i Fredrikstad, spesialtilpasset hver bruker, alt fra vandrealarm, automatisk lys og varmestyring, kameraovervåking, toveiskommunikasjon med hjemmehjelptjenesten og andre tekniske løsninger som skal bedre tryggheten til beboerne.
Holmen eldresenter i sentrum av Fredrikstad har kommet lengst. Hver gang en beboer skal forlate leiligheten, vil en skjerm på veggen ved ytterdøren gi et varsel til beboeren hvis enten kjøleskapsdøren eller et vindu står åpent. Det samme varselet kan også sendes til enten pårørende elle hjemmehjelptjenesten.
- Hvis en beboer nettopp har hatt besøk av hjemmehjelptjenesten, og skulle falle og bli liggende, så hadde vedkommende i verste fall ikke blitt funnet før dagen etter. Nå vil disse sensorene sørge for at dette blir fanget opp raskt, sier Tone Myrvold, som har mange år bak seg innen hjemmehjelptjenesten.
Strukturerer hverdagene
Etter hvert vil den samme teknologien bli installert i boliger til andre pasientgrupper, blant annet innen rus og psykiatri. Velferdsteknologien åpner også for å gjøre beboere i stand til å måle både blodtrykk og oksygenopptak i egen bolig, overvåket av helsepersonell via webkamera.
- Mange brukere innen rus og psykiatri har behov for å strukturere hverdagen sin. For mange av disse er det ganske krevende å skulle forlate hjemmet sitt for å oppsøke et legekontor for å utføre disse testene. Det å kunne gjøre dette på egen hånd mens de har en samtale med helsepersonell forenkler hverdagen deres, sier ergoterapeut Tulle Koefoed.
Will be exhibiting oil technology at the climate summit in Paris – NRK
– We will simply show how to run water, oil and toxins in, through a barrel or container, and get clean water out the other side, says managing director of Telemark Technologies, Torgeir Straand.
He is proud to bring technology from Telemark to the climate summit in Paris.
The managing director of Telemark Technologies, Torgeir Straand looks forward to showcasing its technology in Paris. Photo: Fredrik Hasse Leased / NRK
– It’s really fun to see that this arouses interest in Paris.
See also: Entrepreneur: – A gift to the environment
Get Norwegian businesses get to be with
Marianne Tonning Kinnari leader of green growth in Innovation Norway says there are only a handful of Norwegian companies that are joining the conference in Paris.
– These are companies that have a technology that is relevant to the green shift. Common to all is that they have a business model that focuses on sustainability.
She thinks it’s a unique opportunity for companies that are selected to participate in the summit.
– Here are the participants from around the world gathered. There are representatives from industry and government present, and it will be a unique opportunity to network, says Kinnari.
Bet international
She is supported by Torgeir Straand, who believe there is a potential for the technology his abroad, and look forward to meeting big companies he can collaborate with in the future.
– That was the message we got when Petroleum and Energy Tord Lien was visiting in September that it is important to get the message about the technology out of the technology park in Notodden, and out in the world.
Straand says it’s important to promote itself internationally since a increasing share of products from the company are sold abroad.
– We see that next year more than half of what we deliver is exported out of the country. Previously we delivered locally to the oil industry in Norway.
Better technology
The main reason why it becomes more export of technology from Telemark is quality, says Straand.
– We have simply been better, we have experience from Norway showing that it works locally and when we dare to take it out into the world. And we have already received orders from several companies.
Straand says Telemark Technologies has utilized the expertise of an oil industry in crisis.
– We use availability from the oil industry, to create new environmental technology that the world has not seen before. Ironically make people from the oil industry now technology to clean up after oil, concludes Straand.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Removes charge of news – Dagens Næringsliv
Thorhild Widvey
Regjeringen sender offisiell søknad om nullmoms på nyhetsmedier til Brussel.
Publisert: 01.12.2015 — 09:21 Oppdatert: 01.12.2015 — 15:14
Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.
Fritaket vil bli iverksatt så snart ESA har godkjent ordningen og nødvendig forskrift er fastsatt, skriver Kulturdepartementet i en pressemelding.
I dag har bare papiraviser merverdiavgiftsfritak, gjerne kalt momsfritak.
Kommer nyhetene i elektronisk form, regnes de i dag som elektroniske tjenester med 25 prosent moms.
Lang kamp
Men norske medieorganisasjoner har kjempet i årevis for å utvide momsfritaket til også å gjelde på digitale plattformer.
Under forrige finansminister, Sigbjørn Johnsen (Ap), var dette helt umulig å få gjennomslag for. Først etter at Ap forlot regjeringskontorene, har partiet endret mening i dette spørsmålet.
Drahjelp fra mediekrise
Krisen i mediene, som følge av den digitale transformasjonen der lesere og annonsører forsvinner fra papir over til digitale nyhetsmedier, har nok bidratt til å overbevise den sittende regjeringen.
- Vi vil likebehandle nyheter på papir og i elektronisk form, og fremme nyhetsformidling og samfunnsdebatt. Det bør derfor være nullmoms uavhengig av hvilken teknologi som benyttes for å formidle dette innholdet, sier finansminister Siv Jensen i pressemeldingen.
Papir, pc, mobil, radio, tv
Fritaket vil gjelde alle nyheter, både på papir, pc, mobile enheter, radio og tv, heter det.
Dermed kan også nyhetskanaler som TV 2 Nyhetskanalen og VGTV omfattes. Men det er bare inntekter fra salg av innhold til seerne som vil bli fritatt for moms.
Reklame vil fortsatt ha merverdiavgift.
- Det avgiftsmessige skillet mellom papiraviser og elektroniske nyhetsmedier har i en årrekke vært et vesentlig hinder for innovasjon og utvikling i mediebransjen. Når vi nå fjerner dette hinderet sørger regjeringen for at mediebransjen kan utvikle og tilby fremtidsrettede medieprodukter til brukerne, uavhengig av plattform, sier kulturminister Thorhild Widvey.
I notifikasjonen legger regjeringen opp til at fritaket skal omfatte tjenester som inneholder en bred dekning av nyhets- og aktualitetsstoff som er rettet mot allmenheten.
Papir faller
Blant dem som gleder seg, er landets største mediekonsern Schibsted.
Bratt fall i inntektene fra papiravisene har medført kutt i flere Schibsted-aviser. Den siste meldingen kom fra VG, som skal kutte 40 stillinger.
Også Dagbladet gjennomfører store kutt.
Med momsfritak blir omleggging til digitale forretningsmodeller enda mer attraktivt.
Det betyr at nyhetstjenester som i hovedsak gjelder kun én sektor eller er rettet mot kun én interesse eller bransje, ikke vil være fritatt, heter det.
I de to departementene forventes det at behandlingen av den formelle notifikasjonen ikke vil ta lang tid i ESA.
Opprinnelig var meningen at ordningen skulle tre i kraft fra nyttår. Nå er planen at iverksettelse skjer 1. mars 2016.
Fare for demokratiet
Selve notifikasjonen er skrevet på engelsk, og oppsummerer utfordringene ved dagens regime der bare papiraviser har null moms (zero rated VAT), slik:
«As newspaper circulations have fallen and the digitization of the news media services has increased a larger share of the news consumption falls outside of the scope of the zero rated VAT. Norwegian authorities argue that this development has the following negative effects:
1) Reduced demand and use of news services with negative effects on public debate and democracy.
2) Distortion of competition between different distribution platforms. 3) Obstacles for development of digital news media services.
3) Obstacles for development of digital news media services. »
Hele notifikasjonen kan du lese på regjeringens nettsider.
Lese mer om medier, nett, teknologi? Følg @DN_Etterbors og @bjorneckblad på Twitter
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Skarpt fall for NRK
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Today opens emergency network in Norway – NRK
- 11. September this year was the new radio network fully developed in the country. The aim is that there should be a nationwide digital radio communications for emergency – safety agencies, and is among the government’s initiatives in the civil protection.
- The decision to initiate the first stage of the new emergency network was made in 2006, and Parliament allocated 900 million. NOK to development.
- In the Parliament’s decision in 2011 established governance framework for the development of stage 2 (the rest of mainland Norway) to 3.9 billion and the cost framework to 4.7 billion. We assume final cost of the development stages 1 and adopted management / cost limits for development step 2, then implementation of the development of a nationwide Nødnett be realized with a final cost between 5.6 and 6, 4 billion.
The main objective is that the digital network will provide fire departments, health agencies, police and PST opportunity to communicate directly with each other in a crisis – or terrorist situation.
- In 22 . July Commission report states that many of the communication problems we experienced when terror struck Norway, occurred in encounters between different communications solutions.
- The plan is that the network will have to be developed throughout Norway by 2015.
- The emergency network is already in use in the central eastern Norway.
(Sources: BBC, DNK, DSB, )