Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Now think he new golden age for Ford – Romsdals Budstikke

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Nå tror han på ny gullalder for Ford
Romsdals Budstikke
Ikke minst fordi vi om ikke så veldig lenge kan levere biler med firehjulstrekk. En elhybrid kommer også. 2015 har vært et år vi i Ford har sett fram til. Ny S-Max er en annen stor nyhet. Målet må være å komme over ti prosent igjen i


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Siv Jensen: – The economy will not return to normal – ABC News

– We’re going to a new normal, says Finance Jensen on the Norwegian economy. She looks own Norwegian currency and interest rate policy as important instrument.

GARDERMOEN (ABC NEWS): FRP leader could almost have been replaced by his SV predecessor Kristin Halvorsen when she Tuesday urged to shift from oil economy to a green economy.

It happened at the Norwegian agricultural organizations annual conference Food and Agriculture going on today and tomorrow. There, Jensen more emphasis on the fundamentals, with falling oil prices and bleak prospects in the industry than on agriculture economy.

– There is no crisis. The situation is completely different than during the financial crisis in 2008, said Jensen, who alerted restructuring:

– We will not return to normal. We’re going to another normal!

Turn to green or not?

– Restructuring must take place in the individual company. But it is essential to create favorable conditions for innovation and the development of expertise. Economic policy must support a greener mainland economy, said Progress Finance.

Last week flinched Conservative trade minister Monica Mæland decided to do the same offshore: She said no to move state support from oil innovation to wind and Another green technology.

– Is not that contrary to what you say about the transition to green innovation, Siv Jensen?

– No. Because oil and gas industry is going to be an important part of Norwegian industry in the coming decades. We will not turn off the switch. Predictability in the framework also for the oil industry is incredibly important, says finance minister to ABC News.

– To twist support is not tantamount to turn off?

– If the goal was to shut down the part of the Norwegian business, so we also had removed all remedies. It is not the goal of this government.

Read Monica Mæland will not twist state support from oil to wind

Custom currency very useful

Jensen entered utilities Norway has to make it through this period of sharp decline in oil revenues and major economic problems in neighboring countries.

Custom exchange rate and interest rate setting is one of them finance minister emphasized.

– For competitive industry is an advantage that the krone has depreciated. Then it is easier to win contracts. The depreciation also provides better conditions for firms that face competition from abroad on the home market, she said to the assembly of directors and directors of agricultural cooperatives companies and Bondelagets people.

– Norges Bank has cut its key interest rate. And floating exchange rate helps to facilitate the restructuring that we must through, turn Jensen stuck.

At the Parliament, however, the two major parties, the Conservatives and Labour, for decades wanted into the EU and thus take over the euro as Norwegian currency.

– How important do you consider that Norway has an independent currency, and not in the government partner Right want, euro membership?

– There is no target for this government to discuss euro cooperation. It is now a time so they dampers we have in the economy must get real when restructuring occurs. Monetary policy is one of the means through Norges Bank’s determination of interest rates. The second is the exchange rate.

– Monetary policy is the first line defense. It has now entered into force. That’s good, because it gave effects. So there is no doubt that changes in the exchange rate means much to the competitiveness of Norwegian industry, says Jensen.


How will the world cope with climate change –

(Dagbladet): Every year prepares researchers at the University of Notre Dame, Global Adaptation Index, over the various countries’ ability to cope with future climate change, revealing simultaneously which countries are the most vulnerable.

Norway tops the list of countries that are best able to address climate change, followed by New Zealand, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

The country that comes very worst is Chad on 178. place on the list. Of the ten countries that performed poorly in the indexing, eight of them African countries. The other two countries shared 170. space, Haiti and Afghanistan.

– Caused by rich countries

Countries are assessed based vulnerability and preparedness. Weddesigner Jon Whiting at The Eco Experts in the UK has prepared several maps, based on figures from the Global Adaptation Index, to raise awareness about climate change.

– We produced these maps to emphasize that despite the fact that climate change is largely caused by the rich countries with advanced technology, it is the poorest countries that will be hardest hit, says Whiting in an e-mail Dagbladet.

Exo Experts is a London-based firm that provides comparison of prices on solar panels for UK customers.

Whiting hope maps can cause people to become more aware of Africa and Asia vulnerability and lack of preparedness to adapt to climate change.

– Hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts and floods are a real threat to these countries, and these threats are further compounded by the lack of national strategies to counteract the effect of them, he says.

He believes Norway, despite the fact that they top the list, must not rest on our laurels.

– Climate change will continue to have a significant impact on land and Norway must continue to prepare for this, he said.

Pacific State under water

Some countries are not on list, on the grounds that there is not enough data available to assess their vulnerability and preparedness. The island nation of Kiribati is one of them. Scientists have estimated that stillehavstaten going to be under water by 2050 if climate change continues as now.

The country’s president, Anote Tong, has asked the world for help.

– We must build a dike to protect the population, but we do not have the resources. The international community has a moral responsibility, and those who can, must help, said Tong NTB September.

More and more residents have been forced to move because the water has destroyed their homes. More and more asking the authorities for help.

In September last year, Tong with Greenpeace to Svalbard to see how climate change contributes to the melting of the Arctic.

– When ice melts, it also runs in our direction. The water washes over our coast, our homes, into our lives and into our existence. Climate change is a global process, said Tong.

Warns costs

UN Environment Programme (UNEP) warned in December that it will be far more expensive for developing countries to adapt to climate change. In a report, it is clear that the costs in the worst case could reach 500 billion dollars a year (around 3900 billion Norwegian kroner).

On the climate summit in Copenhagen in 2009 decided industrialized countries that from 2020, providing $ 100 billion annually from public and private sources, so poor countries can protect themselves against drought, floods and extreme weather.

The money will also contribute to a shift from polluting power sources such as coal and oil to clean energy.

UNEP estimates that the costs can be three times as large as originally anticipated. Around 2050, need be 200-300 billion dollars annually and at worst $ 500 billion, writes UN agency report, according to NTB.


Would prohibit Snapchat, Whatsapp and FaceTime – Aftenposten

– The attacks in Paris once again shows the extent of the terrorist threat we face, and the need to have robust security services that can keep our citizenry safe, said David Cameron in a speech on Monday.

The British Prime Minister blowing now dust off a controversial bill that would give security authorities new opportunities to use monitoring and electronic tracks to prevent crime and terrorism.

move comes less than a week after the terrorist attack on satire magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, and is part of the election campaign ahead of the British general election in May.

Can affect popular messaging

In recent years, encrypted messaging has become increasingly widespread. Using so-called end-to-end encryption ensures these programs that only the sender and receiver have access to content. It has created headaches for security services worldwide, because encryption is often so effective that even the secret services can not.

Three years ago it created headlines when the Russian security police FSB wanted to ban Gmail, Hotmail and Skype, precisely because these services impossible did Russian surveillance.

Now follow David Cameron after with a bill, according to The Independent can affect popular services Whatsapp, iMessage, FaceTime and Snapchat.

– Will we allow communication methods between people who even in a crisis situation and with authorized arrest warrant can not be tapped, he asks rhetorically in the speech.

Expanded powers to the security services have long been a main issue for Cameron and the Conservative Party. The bill as it now brushed the dust off, previously rejected by liberal Democrats, included in the current coalition government. For them, the opposition to the law has become a flagship initiative – and it is thus full strife within the government about the controversial topic.

Camerons hope is to win parliamentary elections in May, escape government partner, and eventually end up with a political majority for the bill.

In his speech said Cameron that bill should include both monitoring of signal data, ie information about who is calling whom and where the phone is located, as well as opportunities to intercept the communication. He points out that the UK already have good laws and control mechanisms for security authorities surveillance, and that the new bill primarily about being able to apply these laws on content that is encrypted.

– What is important in the future is to be sure that we can obtain this information when people use increasingly modern communication methods, says Cameron.

– This is a problem also in Norway

According to Professor Inger Marie Sunde at the Police Academy, the use of encrypted communications on the web also a problem for Norwegian police authorities.

– In Norway the police allowed to eavesdrop phones under strict conditions. But if communication is encrypted, it will not have anything with bugging, since they fail to interpret the encrypted data anyway, she says and continues:

– Thus it is so encryption severe restrictions on the tools and capabilities police already have, and it’s a problem, she said.

In 2009, assessed the government-appointed Method Supervisory police’s use of so-called “hidden coercion” and “communication control”, which in reality is Authority for monitoring criminals.

In the public report dealt problems with encrypted information inbound. Despite that data sampling is seen as “integrity-violating” the Committee believes that it should be opened for the use of the method on strict conditions:

“Data reading can alternatively be targeted so the police for example only be permitted to use the procedure to obtain information that the police can already access, but in a way that is not hampered by technical protection devices in the current computer system using encryption. “

The committee came up with suggestions for a number of new amendments, which are now under consideration by the Ministry of Justice.

– Will frame many innocent

The British bill that apparently will prohibit all encryption security authorities do not have access to decode, might have serious consequences for ordinary people.

– Such prohibition may affect many citizens, but is not necessarily as accurate to the criminal . Extremists had shown themselves to be adept at exploiting new technology, says Sunde.

Professor Gisle Hannemyr at the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo is more than agree that the bill is unlikely to be effective.

– This is an improper action. It reveals a willingness to impose totalitarian methods that do not belong in a democratic society I want to stay in, he said.

He stressed that internet communications are essentially equally openly available as send a postcard. Therefore, companies and a number of players a great need to encrypt their information for competitors, criminals and any spies.

– No faith that the law adopted

– By prohibiting encryptions not approved by the authorities, will make it an offense to protect their communications. I have no faith that the law is adopted, it is going to get too many opponents, says Hannemyr and continues:

– Privacy has not yet engaged so many because people feel that it is not concern them. However, if these the new bill affects popular services Snapchat and iMessage, people will find that it affects them directly. And it can create resistance.

In the early 1990s tried NSA to offer the state-approved encryption Clipper Chip to the civilian market. Here there was a backdoor in encryption, which meant that the government could monitor communications when needed. Hannemyr comparing this initiative with the British bill.

– There was never any of this because of massive resistance. An argument against was that criminals could easily take a detour to the second encryption services for not being detected. How is it now too. If someone wants to communicate completely hidden, so they’re going to do it in the future too. A possible consequence is that those who really have something to hide resort to pre-agreed codes and messages in images like no other fail to detect, he said.

Published: 13.jan. 2015 10:44 p.m.


NVE says no to one billion expansion of wind farm – Dagens Næringsliv


Avslår søknaden om å bygge et havbasert vindkraftanlegg til over fem milliarder kroner på Siragrunnen på Sørvestlandet.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Norges Vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE) har i dag avslått søknaden om å bygge en vindkraftpark på Siragrunnen på grensen mellom Vest-Agder og Rogaland.

Planen fra Havgul Clean Energy var å installere rundt 30 vindmøller med en samlet installert effekt på 200 MW og med en forventet årlig produksjon på 780 GWh. Samlet investering er anslått til 550 millioner euro eller fem milliarder kroner.

Ikke rasjonelt

I vedtaket heter det at NVE har lagt vekt på negative virkninger for blant annet naturmangfold, fiskeri og landskap og at disse virkningen er usikre, men ikke store nok til å avslå søknaden alene. NVE har også tatt hensyn til at vindkraftverket kan gi vesentlige positive virkninger for industri- og teknologiutvikling. Samtidig peker NVE på at størrelsen på disse fordelene er usikre. “NVE mener at prosjektet ikke er samfunnsmessig rasjonelt når de positive og negative virkningene blir sett i lys av de store utbyggingskostnadene”, skriver NVE.

NVE skriver i bakgrunnen for vetaket at “selv om NVE konkluderer med at søknaden bør avslås, vil vi understreke at det ved en tyngre vekting av argumentet om teknologi-  og industriutvikling kan være grunnlag for å gi konsesjon. Dette kan i noe grad være et politisk spørsmål, knyttet til blant annet regional omstilling og fremtidige satsingsområder for norsk industrinæring”.

Skudd for baugen

Planen var at selskapet Amon, med entreprenørselskapet Kruse Smith som største eier (58 prosent) skulle stå for bygging av fundamenter og installasjon av vindmøllene – i tett samarbeid med tyske Siemens.

-Vi er selvfølgelig svært skuffet over avslaget. Det er et skudd for baugen, sier prosjektleder i Amon, Kjell Rune Nakkestad.

- Her har vi en mulighet til å skape noe virkelig stort – med utbyggingen av Siragrunnen som det første steget ut i verden med nye teknologiske løsninger for bygging av vinkraftverk til havs.

- Hva gjør dere nå?

- Vi vil lese avslaget nøye og vil nok vurdere en anke, sier han.


- Vi er både skuffet og overrasket, sier Harald Dirdal, daglig leder for Siragrunnen Vindpark AS.

- Spesielt fordi vi mener det ikke finnes faglige miljøargumenter som er tunge nok til å si nei, noe jo også NVE selv bekrefter i vedtaket.

Lars Haltbrekken, leder for Naturvernforbundet, mener vedtaket er en seier for naturen på Sørvestlandet.


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Neste oljeslag kan stå om Skagerrak

Fiskere kjemper mot vindmøller  


This is HF + – Hitra Freya

From today we do absolutely everything contents in the local newspaper Hitra-Frøya available digitally, so you can choose whether you want to read the best local news in good, familiar paper newspaper or digital mobile, tablet or computer.

  • Subscribers service has included in the subscription.
  • Other can buy access through day pass (24 hours).

At the launch, we also offer to test HF + a whole month for just a penny.

Getting started here

Register and get password

Common to all who read HF + articles, is that you must enter a first time and get the team a username / password. Then the system recognizes you as a subscriber or daily pass-buying and you get immediate access to all the cases.

Instructions and more information about pricing / login, please consult our customer service pages here

Local News digital

Paper Avisa is and will remain an important part of the local newspaper’s offerings, but in our digital media time does not stand alone. Journalism and everyday is no longer like that Hitra-Frøya always able or willing to wait until Tuesday or Friday newspaper newspaper to bring a novelty to our subscribers.

It is both a novelty the turnover rate, about public expectations and that we journalists must utilize capabilities of modern technology for the benefit of the readers. More than before follow news and important local journalism online and mobile. Why we invest heavily in developing us further digitally.

Therefore we are now ready with a service we call HF +.

The familiar from paper newspaper

HF + becomes including the news, reportages, the critical journalism and public material about ØYVÆRING you know from paper newspaper today. But where we had to wait until the paper newsprint times, now becomes a part of the cases made available to you through our digital channels as soon as we have them ready. Other issues we build out with content paper newspaper did not accommodate.

And just to have said it too; online newspaper our should have as much free content as before.

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You will find HF + articles on permanent seats online newspaper HF + is included in your subscription. The only thing you need to do is register once to get generated password. Then the system recognizes you as a subscriber and you get immediate access to all the cases.

Whether you have subscription or day pass, that includes access also ePaper. EPaper is the online full version of the paper newspaper, with all major and minor news, announcements, advertisements, crosswords, etc., where you can “flip” through the pages on the computer screen. Inklludert in this are also newspaper archive, where you can digitally browse previously released newspapers.

When we from today offers HF +, it means therefore that we are entering a new part of the local newspaper’s history. HF + is even more of Hitra and. Simply.


Monday, January 12, 2015

You’re just clicks away from the ski piste – Trønder-Avisa offers ski enthusiasts trøndere detailed maps of ski trails in the county, both online and in the app. Here you will find everything about preparation, weather conditions and lubrication tips in your nearest ski runs.

– This is a very user service, and good to have before one embarks on tour of the ski tracks, says Hallstein Bøgseth, teacher in cross Steinkjer High School. He says that trail maps with preparation updates works well for Henningsvola and Steinkjerskistadion, and that the information is to rely on.

Always updated

In Nord-Trøndelag there are 14 different trails you can follow on the skilø Map showing ski slopes are adorned with different color boxes that tells you how many days or hours have elapsed since trail machine groomed trail. This is possible because the 700 trail machines throughout Norway are equipped with GPS, and portal collaborates with approximately 300 different Løypelag and 7500 trails.

– We have worked for nearly seven years to develop ski trails .no and the corresponding GPS technology. We want to give cross-country skier an even rawer experience both in turn – and smear tips on the same network visits, says CEO Jacilla and appgründer Anders Bjørnsgaard. The goal is almost full cross coverage in Norway.

Being hooked

This quickly became a popular offering, and the site had over one million users through last season. Last Sunday could website reported that they had 57,206 user.

ski trails are also available as app, so you can take with you the latest updates right in your pocket. The app will give you a list of names and length of all trails in proximity to you. You can also save your favorite tracks and see where the trail you are.

– This one can surely become hooked on, it is very easy to use. I can take with me fresh updates on tour and see how trail machine is on the trail, telling Bøgseth, who is also coach Henning SL. Bøgseth rejoice the new technology, and look forward to further developments.

The app is developed Jacilla and collaborates with skigiganten Swix.


The battle for the premium market: BMW rounded two million vehicles for the first time – E24

BMW-gruppen, we inkluderer BMW, Mini og passerte and Rolls-Royce in 2014 to Millioner Levering , for første gang. Totalt ble det fra disse solgt 2,117,965 biler merkene, noe we atte Pros er mer enn for earrings.

Two biathletes doping taken – ABC News

Alexander Loginov is one of the two biathletes who will be doping taken, according TV 2. Photo: NTB Scanpix

The International Biathlon Union (IBU) confirms Monday that Ukrainian Sergei Sednev and Russian Alexander Loginov has tested positive for doping.

Sednev positive sample was prepared in Italian Anterselva 22 January 2013, while Loginov was revealed on the basis of a sample taken in Ostersund in November the same year.

writes IBU in a press release, NRK reported.

Both admitted to having doped themselves, and they have thus given up the right to get the B sample analyzed.

This weekend notified IBU president Anders Besseberg new doping scandals were coming up.

– Because of new technology so we have developed new test methods that we can now test retest, and because of these tests, we found positive doping tests, said Besseberg NRK.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Five exciting PC News –

Your page This week, the annual CES held in Las Vegas, and tradition are many new products launched.

Though – it has not been very many announcements of mobile phones and tablets. Where it seems that most of the major manufacturers have chosen to wait until mobile fair in Barcelona, ​​Mobile World Congress, taking place in early March.

On the PC front, there have been several news at the show . Common to most is that they come with the new Broadwell processors from Intel, which is more power-efficient and makes fewer demands on cooling. It enables PCs can be made even slightly thinner and lighter than before.

Buying Guide: How to choose the PC

Instead of listing them up all together, we have chosen to pull out five products we seem shines a little extra.

Dell XPS 13

First is Dell, which has launched what it claims is the world’s smallest 13.3-inch PC. 13-inch has become the most common size in the slightly more upmarket ultrabook segment, although the screen is not completely borderless, measuring edges around the screen only 5.2 mm, which makes it almost feels edgeless when you use it. The weight is also very low – only 1.18 kg (1.27 kg with a touch screen).

Well so startling is that the XPS 13 will offer up to 15 hours of battery life before it must be connected to the mains again ( applies Core i5 version with full HD screen).

PC comes in several configurations – from Core i3 to Core i7 (Broadwell) and can also be configured with a monitor with 3200×1800 resolution. The machine is expected for sale in Norway on January 20 and the price starts at 12,490 for the cheapest version (Core i3, 4GB RAM).

Worth mentioning is also “big brother” XPS 15 – a 15-inch supplied with 4K touchscreen as standard. It causes a starting price of 13,790 dollars.

Asus Transformer Book Chi

Asus also showcased three PCs in Transformer Book series, plus two phones – Zenphone 2 and Zenphone Zoom; the latter with 3x optical zoom.

Big Brother Transformer Book Chi T300 is the world’s thinnest laptop where the keyboard can be removed completely. As with previous devices Transformer Series T300 therefore also be used as a tablet, and without keyboard tray measures just 7.6 mm above the waist, while the total thickness of the keyboard is provided to 16.5 mm. Weight-wise, we are talking 720 g + 725 g respectively monitor and keyboard.

screen on the T300 IPS type and measures 12 inches across the diagonal, with a resolution of 2560×1440 which indicates a pixel density of 235 per empty – very sharp PC to be.

Chi machines should be silent and T300 offers eight hours of battery life. Unlike the first Transformer units, which ran Android, it is Windows 8.1 that comes preinstalled. The machine is available in several configurations with two different Core M processors (5Y10 and 5Y71), 64 / 128GB storage, and 4 / 8GB memory work.

Launched are also two minor issues in T100 (10.1 “) and T90 (8 “).

Acer Chromebook 15

Many seem abruptly 13 inches is too small, and until now has not Chromebook been available in larger sizes than 13.3 inches. It is changed when Acer now release their Chromebook 15 – as the name implies (at least to some extent) this machine has a 15.6 inch screen with full HD resolution, which is quite powerful expensive compared with other Chromebook computers.

As with other Chromebook computers are kept, however the price well down, thanks to small hardware requirements. Though – also Chromebook 15 comes with Intel Brodwell processors, either as Core i3 or Celeron.

The storage space is modest with 16 / 32GB configuration, 2 / 4GB memory and screen resolution either in full HD or 1366×768. As with other Chromebook computers can also 100GB of storage in Google cloud for two years without charge.

Battery life is rated at eight hours and machine weighs 2.2 kg. Otherwise it has a USB3 and USB2 connector, SD card reader, 802.11ac support, Bluetooth 4.0 and HDMI output.

Chrome 15 comes to Europe in February and will cost from about 2,500 kroner.

ALSO READ: Pros and cons of Chromebooks

HP Mini Machines

Modest price tag also has HP’s new Mini Machines; “Desktop” computers can be connected to the TV in the living room or to an external monitor or two. They measure approximately 5 cm in height and weighs just over a pound. They are not intended for heavy use, but may be good enough web browsing and such.

HP Stream Mini is the most affordable edition. It starts at $ 180 US (about 1,400 million) and offers a 1,4GHz Celeron processor, 2GB memory and 32GB of storage.

But it also has support for both wired (Gigabit ) and wireless networks, 4 USB ports, HDMI and DisplayPort, SD card reader, Bluetooth and 3.5mm audio output. Moreover, you get both with the keyboard and mouse, as well as 200GB of storage at Microsoft in two years.

HP Pavillon Mini is something powerful, with 1,7GHz processor, 4GB memory and 500GB hard drive, where you can also configure it up with Core i3 / i5 processor, 8GB memory and 1TB of storage. Besides the white and comes with a wireless keyboard. Here the price starts at $ 320, or 2500 respectively.

According it is only the latter that comes to Norway, then with a retail price of approximately 3.500 million.

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon

Lenovo computers have long been associated with good quality, and the company this year may report that 100 million ThinkPad notebooks have been sold.

Also read a recent test of the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 Pro

The company calls X1 Carbon world’s lightest 14-inch “pro portable” and “Carbon” indicates that the machine is constructed of carbon fiber, with a stated emphasis on 1.31 kg, 100 grams lighter than its predecessor. The thickness is also 1,77cm.

The screen should be very bright, according to Lenovo and has a resolution of Full HD – 1920×1080. SSD is PCIe type, which should provide up to 80 percent better performance than traditional SSDs.

Inside machine comes with Intel’s new Broadwell processors, Intel HD GT2 graphics and the battery will now hold nearly 11 hours of normal use. The small steering knob Lenovo is known for is still present, but mouse buttons are located above the trackpad.

Thinkpad series will moreover also several other new models, some of them boasting higher screen resolution and Intel Real Sense ? -webkamera, also found on Dell’s new tablet.

The case was originally published on DinSides Read here.

Equal Dagbladet on Facebook.


Five exciting PCs from CES –

Your page This week, the annual CES held in Las Vegas, and tradition are many new products launched.

Though – it has not been very many announcements of mobile phones and tablets. Where it seems that most of the major manufacturers have chosen to wait until mobile fair in Barcelona, ​​Mobile World Congress, taking place in early March.

On the PC front, there have been several news at the show . Common to most is that they come with the new Broadwell processors from Intel, which is more power-efficient and makes fewer demands on cooling. It enables PCs can be made even slightly thinner and lighter than before.

Buying Guide: How to choose the PC

Instead of listing them up all together, we have chosen to pull out five products we seem shines a little extra.

Dell XPS 13

First is Dell, which has launched what it claims is the world’s smallest 13.3-inch PC. 13-inch has become the most common size in the slightly more upmarket ultrabook segment, although the screen is not completely borderless, measuring edges around the screen only 5.2 mm, which makes it almost feels edgeless when you use it. The weight is also very low – only 1.18 kg (1.27 kg with a touch screen).

Well so startling is that the XPS 13 will offer up to 15 hours of battery life before it must be connected to the mains again ( applies Core i5 version with full HD screen).

PC comes in several configurations – from Core i3 to Core i7 (Broadwell) and can also be configured with a monitor with 3200×1800 resolution. The machine is expected for sale in Norway on January 20 and the price starts at 12,490 for the cheapest version (Core i3, 4GB RAM).

Worth mentioning is also “big brother” XPS 15 – a 15-inch supplied with 4K touchscreen as standard. It causes a starting price of 13,790 dollars.

Asus Transformer Book Chi

Asus also showcased three PCs in Transformer Book series, plus two phones – Zenphone 2 and Zenphone Zoom; the latter with 3x optical zoom.

Big Brother Transformer Book Chi T300 is the world’s thinnest laptop where the keyboard can be removed completely. As with previous devices Transformer Series T300 therefore also be used as a tablet, and without keyboard tray measures just 7.6 mm above the waist, while the total thickness of the keyboard is provided to 16.5 mm. Weight-wise, we are talking 720 g + 725 g respectively monitor and keyboard.

screen on the T300 IPS type and measures 12 inches across the diagonal, with a resolution of 2560×1440 which indicates a pixel density of 235 per empty – very sharp PC to be.

Chi machines should be silent and T300 offers eight hours of battery life. Unlike the first Transformer units, which ran Android, it is Windows 8.1 that comes preinstalled. The machine is available in several configurations with two different Core M processors (5Y10 and 5Y71), 64 / 128GB storage, and 4 / 8GB memory work.

Launched are also two minor issues in T100 (10.1 “) and T90 (8 “).

Acer Chromebook 15

Many seem abruptly 13 inches is too small, and until now has not Chromebook been available in larger sizes than 13.3 inches. It is changed when Acer now release their Chromebook 15 – as the name implies (at least to some extent) this machine has a 15.6 inch screen with full HD resolution, which is quite powerful expensive compared with other Chromebook computers.

As with other Chromebook computers are kept, however the price well down, thanks to small hardware requirements. Though – also Chromebook 15 comes with Intel Brodwell processors, either as Core i3 or Celeron.

The storage space is modest with 16 / 32GB configuration, 2 / 4GB memory and screen resolution either in full HD or 1366×768. As with other Chromebook computers can also 100GB of storage in Google cloud for two years without charge.

Battery life is rated at eight hours and machine weighs 2.2 kg. Otherwise it has a USB3 and USB2 connector, SD card reader, 802.11ac support, Bluetooth 4.0 and HDMI output.

Chrome 15 comes to Europe in February and will cost from about 2,500 kroner.

ALSO READ: Pros and cons of Chromebooks

HP Mini Machines

Modest price tag also has HP’s new Mini Machines; “Desktop” computers can be connected to the TV in the living room or to an external monitor or two. They measure approximately 5 cm in height and weighs just over a pound. They are not intended for heavy use, but may be good enough web browsing and such.

HP Stream Mini is the most affordable edition. It starts at $ 180 US (about 1,400 million) and offers a 1,4GHz Celeron processor, 2GB memory and 32GB of storage.

But it also has support for both wired (Gigabit ) and wireless networks, 4 USB ports, HDMI and DisplayPort, SD card reader, Bluetooth and 3.5mm audio output. Moreover, you get both with the keyboard and mouse, as well as 200GB of storage at Microsoft in two years.

HP Pavillon Mini is something powerful, with 1,7GHz processor, 4GB memory and 500GB hard drive, where you can also configure it up with Core i3 / i5 processor, 8GB memory and 1TB of storage. Besides the white and comes with a wireless keyboard. Here the price starts at $ 320, or 2500 respectively.

According it is only the latter that comes to Norway, then with a retail price of approximately 3.500 million.

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon

Lenovo computers have long been associated with good quality, and the company this year may report that 100 million ThinkPad notebooks have been sold.

Also read a recent test of the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 Pro

The company calls X1 Carbon world’s lightest 14-inch “pro portable” and “Carbon” indicates that the machine is constructed of carbon fiber, with a stated emphasis on 1.31 kg, 100 grams lighter than its predecessor. The thickness is also 1,77cm.

The screen should be very bright, according to Lenovo and has a resolution of Full HD – 1920×1080. SSD is PCIe type, which should provide up to 80 percent better performance than traditional SSDs.

Inside machine comes with Intel’s new Broadwell processors, Intel HD GT2 graphics and the battery will now hold nearly 11 hours of normal use. The small steering knob Lenovo is known for is still present, but mouse buttons are located above the trackpad.

Thinkpad series will moreover also several other new models, some of them boasting higher screen resolution and Intel Real Sense ? -webkamera, also found on Dell’s new tablet.

The case was originally published on DinSides Read here.

Equal Dagbladet on Facebook.


The percentage of poor is reduced by two thirds – Aftenposten

– We can be quite satisfied with the results of the MDGs, in the sense that the proportion living in extreme poverty in developing countries has declined.

To summarize the American professor Jeffrey D. Sachs UN work he has been an important architect. Around the time of the millennium, the UN adopted its Millennium Development Goals (Millennium Development Goals).

Eradicating extreme poverty is the first of eight specific Millennium Development Goals.

2015 end year for efforts to achieve the MDGs. Sachs on Wednesday fund company Skagen New Year conference seven days into final round.

Lower proportion of poor

Sachs coater his little satisfaction with World Bank figures:

  • In 1990 lived 43 percent of the population in developing countries in extreme poverty.
  • In 2011, the proportion dropped to 17 percent.
  • He expects the percentage is below 15 percent when figures 2015 are clear.

– This reduction in poverty is historic, and the MDGs have played a role, he said.

China moving world

Sachs believes that the tremendous economic development in China is the most “dramatic” part of the story of poverty reduction.

– In addition, technological innovations and technical progress undoubtedly been an important driver reduction in poverty, he said.

He concludes that the big picture gives grounds to be satisfied.

Mixed by country

However, if a Looking at individual countries, the picture is much more mixed.

– Many countries have not achieved the goals for poverty reduction. Africa has lagged behind, but has had a much better period after 2000 than before 2000. Poverty in Africa has come down from 58 percent of the population in 2000 to an estimated 40 percent now. There has been good progress, but not enough, says Sachs.

His message is that war, conflict and environmental problems have impeded progress in many of the poorest countries. In addition varies countries’ own powers and abilities to carry out reforms.

The international efforts and cooperation has also varied and influenced the results much.

– It has for example been high efforts and progress within the public health, while there has been much less in education, says Sachs.

Africa lags behind

– Africa has been the world’s poorest region for hundreds of years and it has been the most exploited continent for centuries. It has the hardest physical environment in the world with diseases and a complex tropical natural environment, says Sachs.

He still believes there is good news that growth has picked up and that economic policy is enhanced .

- But poverty is high, population growth is high and vulnerability to climate change is great. So if you put together these fragments, so the situation is still complicated, he said.

Cues to develop Africa, according to Sachs: Massive investment in health and education, voluntary and rapid decline in the birthrate and large investments in infrastructure.

All this is possible. If we get this in place, Africa’s development continue to improve, he concludes.

Difference in people

In his homeland the US have differences between rich and poor increased dramatically in recent years. Global picture is more nuanced

– The differences between countries are reduced, while inequality within countries has increased. Poor countries have averaged reduced the gap to rich countries. Meanwhile, inequality in the United States reached a historic peak, measured for example by developments in the income share of the 1 percent that have the highest incomes, says Sachs.

He mentions China as another example where the differences have increased greatly in tandem with economic progress.

– A growth that only comes top revenue to good is not sustainable. It is not this kind of growth we are looking for!

Read also:

Published: 11.jan. 2015 6:53 p.m.


Over 100 base stations knocked out of Nina – BergensAvisen

Most faulting caused power failures and tracking errors of power failure. In addition, some of the corrective first be implemented after trees and other loose objects are cleared away, said Telenor in a statement.

According to NRK 6500 without landline, 10,000 broadband, and a total of 190 mobile base stations are out of operation.

The consequences Sunday morning is particularly great especially in coastal municipalities in Hordaland.

– We have Now over 100 base stations that are out and about 10-15 municipalities are particularly affected by violations of more than a technology, ie both mobile and fixed telephony and in some cases internet. Worst affected are still Austvold where large parts is the customer base is affected in both mobile, landline and internet, says Director of Coverage Bjørn Amundsen of Telenor Norway.

Tele company states that they have been well prepared for the storm, and that through the weekend had extra preparedness.

– Yet there are many factors we can not do anything, including power outage, not to mention trees that hurricane felled various locations in the county. In addition, we depend on ferries, that the roads are open and the wind is sufficiently subsided before we can send our people to be incapacitated fix, says Amundsen.


Besseberg alerts positive samples – ABC News

Anders Besseberg alerts that next week will get the names of several dopingtatte biathletes after the old samples are analyzed again with new methods. Photo: Vegard Grøtt, NTB scanpix

Anders Besseberg, president of the International Biathlon Union (IBU), says to NRK that the next week comes a press release naming dopingtatte biathletes.

– Because of new technology it developed new test methods that we can now test retest, and in these tests we have found positive doping tests, says Besseberg NRK.

He will not say anything about the championship samples originated from or which nations they dopingtatte athletes come from.

– I can not go into details now, but we have positive samples, and there is talk of athletes from several nations , he said.

IBU president will not answer whether Norwegians are among the dopingtatte.

– I would recommend that you wait for the press release arrives. I can not go into this now, he says to NRK reporter.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Covers Indians back – Dagens Næringsliv

India’s new prime minister Narendra Modi will convince expatriate Indians to return, to ensure competence to modernize the country.

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It is believed that around 25 million Indians are residing abroad. Many have turned up as entrepreneurs, academics and health professionals in the US, Europe and Asia.

They sit on expertise and experience that India needs if the prime minister to succeed with the modernization of the country.

– The whole world looks at India with immense hope and optimism. Rich and poor countries look towards India. There was a time that skilled Indians left their homeland for the benefit of land far from home to find new opportunities. Now wait India on you with open arms, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a speech aimed at expatriate Indians on Thursday.


Ferjefri E39 will build region – Romsdals Budstikke

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Ferjefri E39 skal bygge regionen
Romsdals Budstikke
Å få realisert dem, betyr at vi må ha ressurser inn for å få dekke investeringene. Samtidig må vi ha teknologi og gode planer, slik at de blir gode prosjekt når de skal gjennomføres. Det er viktig at vi nå samkjører oss og har full trøkk på dette. Vi


Friday, January 9, 2015

Focusing on oil and gas technology – Today’s Business

Acquisition Fund Verdane has quickly sold technology companies for more than two billion. Now wagering fund partly technology to the oil and gas industry.

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– You must have the courage to sit on investments in a few years. It will be rough the next few years, says Verdane head Lars B. Thoresen.

Acquisition Fund Verdane have celebrated New Year with selling four companies for more than SEK 2.3 billion. The latest sales, the Finnish health technology CRF Health, parked even all sales records for Verdane After the DN understand sales will fetch around 1.4 billion to Verd Anes funds. This probably means more than four times the amount invested for the funds investors, among them state Argentum, KLP and Reciprocal and co-investors who Andresen-family Ferd. Buyer British Vitruvian Partners funds.

Verdane- There is considerable appetite in the market for technology companies that have strong growth or who earn good money. CRF do both, says Verdane Capital CEO Lars B. Thoresen.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cruiser into big contract – Dagens Næringsliv

Telenor Eide MCP in Arendal will over the next five years ensure guests with cruise giant Carnival can use their mobile phones on board.

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– It is our far the biggest contract some time, says Frode Støldal, CEO of Maritime Communications Partner (MCP) in Arendal the contract over five years with Carnival.

Maritime Communications Partner (MCP) MCP will install and operate mobile communication in 33 vessels and thus provide that 130,000 passengers and crew daily can use their mobile phones to talk, text messages and data via satellite on board. The gross value of the contract is for the DN understand at around a billion over the next five years. But it will depend on passenger mobile use and distribution of earnings between MCP and Carnival.

– I can not say much about it beyond that our business model is that we own the equipment aboard and share revenue with the company, says Støldal .

MCP was established in the wake of Ericsson’s closure in Grimstad just after the millennium. Six engineers with former general manager Trygve Sten Gustavsen spearheaded got financial support from, among others, senior shipowner Andreas KL Ugland (89). In 2004 Telenor an owner and later bought all the shares. Until 2010 the MCP with substantial losses (totaling 92 million before tax from the start), but from 2011 to 2013 shows the accounts significant improvement in earnings. In 2013 the surplus was 64 million before tax. Turnover has increased from 190 million in 2010 to 366 million in 2013.


Would not call it crisis – Haugesund Avis

  ECONOMY: SR-bank today unveils Business Barometer for Southern and Western Norway. 600 enterprises in Hordaland, Rogaland and Agder participated in the survey, where one of the main findings is that companies look “quite like” on the prospects for their own business.

The problem is that oil prices have dropped significantly after the investigation was conducted in the period from September to early December. When OPEC Thursday November 27 decided not to cut oil production, raging oil price of a few hours with an additional six dollars.

From a peak of $ 115 a barrel last summer, prices yesterday, Wednesday 7. January and vaket around $ 50.

 Bank admits that oil prices fell in the wake of the investigation has led to increased uncertainty about developments in the business in 2015.

 - People were characterized

  – Is not economic barometer bit outdated now, regional general manager Runar Skarstein?

– No, I will not say. I think people were affected by oil price decline for many months before they answered this.

He also shows the reduced rate of investment, as was predicted long before oil prices began their downward trend.

Enterprise Survey, as it stands, displays a number of bright spots. For example, enterprises more employees and increased sales. The various branches also had similar views on expectations for years.

The study also shows that increased uncertainty already at the time reflected in more muted investments in 2015. On the plus side will export businesses who benefit greatly from the currency situation.

Economic Barometer also points out that government spending provides tailwind and steerage.

 Lowest since 2009

 A few days ago came Hordaland with its own industry barometer, the county, Nav, NHO and Innovation Norway is behind. Hordaland is somewhat less affected by oil decline than Rogaland.

Nevertheless, the neighboring county to the north that the turbulence in the oil industry has left its mark on the business community in Oslo, where expectations are the lowest since the financial crisis.

With the exception of trade, falling expectations in all industries in Hordaland county writes in a press release.

 Yesterday was regional director in SR-Bank present during Skagen New Year conference in Oslo. Where was the world’s most significant economist, according to the New York Post, economics professor Jeffrey D. Sachs of Columbia University Earth Institute, one of the speakers.

Sachs, which has been an advisor to the UN Secretary General, is concerned climate, and is quoted as saying that Norway must allow oil and gas lie, and use technology for other purposes.

While pointing Skarstein that the cyclical barometer for Southern and Western Norway shows that business here is more than just oil.
 During Skagen conference in Oslo yesterday, he was witness to foreigners headed that we in Norway call this “crisis”, a situation any other country wish they had normal situation.

 Two-division erased

 Asked what he sees as the big picture here west in January 2015, according Skarstein to dichotomy we’ve seen in the Norwegian economy in almost ten years, where the oil and gas industry has accelerated from rest of the economy, both in terms of rate of investment, hiring and compensation. This is about to be reversed.

– Something that is equally important; By magic has traditional, capital-intensive export-oriented Norwegian industry has become much more competitive. Ten years wage growth in the Norwegian economy has now made that industry that does not belong to the oil and gas sector has been little competitive. This part of our economy, which despite everything we have part of our region, have much greater faith in the prospects than they had just a half years ago.

Skarstein is still not assured that it gets so into eternity. When one has with large size currency and oil to do, things can change quickly.

– But I do not think we should use the word crisis before we can justify the word. And so we will of course have an understanding of those who are affected by structural changes and unemployment. On a human level, this is very tough for the individual.

– From a macro perspective, it may be a bit scruffy, but I do not think we should use the word crisis before we can look at housing prices, unemployment and that type of thing, which affects the individual harder than what we see today.


Today press clippings – Dagens Næringsliv


Her får du avisene på 1-2-3.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

MØRKEST SIDEN FINANSKRISEN. Én av åtte norske bedrifter planlegger nedbemanninger, ifølge DNs konjukturbarometer. Stemningen er på sitt laveste siden finanskrisen. (DN side 6-7)

VENTER 50 DOLLAR I TI ÅR. Investor Jan Haudemann-Andersen tror oljeprisen vil holde seg rundt 50 dollar fatet på grunn av overskuddsproduksjon. -Det kan fort bli ti år med lav oljepris rundt 50 dollar fatet. Jeg tror det, sier han. (DN side 8-9)

DETTE ER VILT. Norgessjef i National Oilwell Varco, Tor Henning Ramford, beskriver oljeprisnedgangen som «vill», og mener situasjonen er dramatisk for hele oljeserviceindustrien. (DN side 11)

STORKUNDE HAR MISTET RYTMEN. I mange år har norske riggeiere, redere og utstyrsleverandører flokket seg rundt Petrobras. DNB Markets advarer investorene nå om høy motpartsrisiko i Brasil. (FA side 16-17)

DET VIL BLI BRUTALT. Med en oljepris på 40- og 50-tallet vil omstillingen av norsk oljebransje bli brattere og mer dramatisk enn man tidligere har ventet, ifølge Norgessjef i Teekay, Ingvild Sæther. (FA side 18-19)

SELGER TEKNOLOGI, GÅR FOR OLJE. Oppkjøpsfondet Verdane har på kort tid solgt teknologiselskaper for mer enn to milliarder kroner. Nå satser fondet på olje- og gassindustrien. (DN side 16)

JAPAN STARTER NY FINANSKRISE. Hedgefondforvalter Kyle Bass tror Japans ekstremt ekspansive pengepolitikk vil lede verden inn i en dyp finansiell krise. (FA side 4-5)

LAV OLJEPRIS GIR TANKFEST I 2015. Stortankmarkedet kan bli årets lyspunkt og pengemaskin i shipping for tålmodige skipsredere, ifølge RS Platou. (FA side 12)


Necessary cleaning sjau – Dagens Næringsliv

Oil service companies think one lavpriskur can be good, if it does not last too long. Industry Minister Monica Mæland (H) provided.

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An oil as Wednesday dipped below 50 dollars a barrel formed a dark backdrop for Industry Minister Monica Mæland annual meeting with suppliers of oil and gas.

– When the price drops so dramatically that 50 percent of three- four months so it leads to a restructuring. It is painful because it happens so suddenly, but I think in the long term is healthy with a restructuring, assuming that the exchange rate moves up again, says Ingvild Sæther, who is CEO of Teekay Shipping Norway.

Industry Minister himself look not only clouds in the sky.

– The picture is not all doom and gloom, but there are grounds for concern. There comes a restructuring that has been notified and necessary. But it feels hard and brutal to some, says Mæland. She stressed the need for Norway develops more legs to stand on.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Pending $ 50 for ten years – Dagens Næringsliv

Investor January Haudemann-Andersen (56) think oil prices will remain at around $ 50 a barrel because it produced too much oil.

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While oil prices tilted below 50 dollars a barrel Wednesday, was private investor January Haudemann-Andersen spectator during the annual Skagen conference in Oslo. He does not fancy the prospect. In a coffee break, he draws a gloomy prognosis on a notepad he refers to DN. He believes in an oil around $ 50 a barrel for years. Haudemann-Andersen predictions stands in sharp contrast to among others economics professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, who in yesterday DN said he believes oil prices will return to $ 100 a barrel within three years.

Jan Haudemann-Andersen- It’s just to see what happened last oil price collapsed, says Haudemann-Andersen and draws a parallel to price collapse in 1986.

From 1975 to 1986, oil prices rose by 600 percent. From 1986 the oil price halved in a short time and remained at around $ 20 a barrel for over 15 years. He believes the market is out of equilibrium again. Oil prices have been high for long. This has led to rapid technological development which now provides for large supply of oil.

– It may soon be ten years of low oil prices at around $ 50 a barrel. I think so.
