Friday, February 27, 2015

Google announced porn top. Now change the opinion –

(Dagbladet): Google announced earlier this week that pornographic content published on the internet giant’s blog platform will not be publicly displayed from 23 March.

Now they have turned, reports CNN.

None of the current so-called blogs would be deleted, but they would not be available for public sight. Google announced that they will also keep strict monitoring and removing any violations of the new rules.

But a storm of inquiries apparently got Google to change my mind.

– We got tons of feedback, says Jessica Pelegio Google administration.

Pelegio says that it came negative notify people who “uses sexuality to express their identity.”

Would allow nudity

Google emphasized earlier that nudity would be allowed if this is of “charitable purpose, as in artistic and scientific endeavors.”

In 2013, tried the Yahoo-owned blog platform Tumblr to change their policies by hiding “voksensøk” from the search engine.

But this was changed back after complaints on social media.

Better information

Earlier this year it was announced that Google has agreed to provide its users with better information about how the company uses personal information.

The reason for the change is that the British Data Protection believes the information Google provides their users are vague, type NTB.

The backdrop is a survey supervisory authority started after Google in March 2012 merged information about their users across various services, like YouTube, Gmail, Google+ and the search engine.

Google has been fined by the authorities in both Spain and France for violations of privacy.


- Internet and Ipad destroys brain your kids – ABC News

Avoid digital media. They make you and your kids thick, stupid, aggressive, lonely, sick and unhappy. It believes German neuroscientist.

If children continue to use digital media as now we will in the future see more dementia and their life will be drastically shortened, believes the German neurologist Manfred Spitzer.

– Restrict use in children, it is the only demonstrably has a positive effect. Every day a child spending without digital media, won time, he said.

Children are dependent on digital media such as tablet in increasingly younger age, and use only increases.

Spitzer believes that the introduction of this in kindergartens and schools rather must be limited sharply, and that very young children can not use digital media and without being harmed by it.

Being addicted

We use ever more digital media and are logged constant. Meanwhile we introduce the use of the internet and digital “gadgets” in their children’s lives from the very small.

– It is dangerous, because children learn much faster than adults, and thus takes on all the negative aspects digital media faster, says Spitzer.

Last year he released the book “Digital Dementia – everything about how digital media affects you and your kids”, where he confronts digital media.

He believes young people lose the ability to think for themselves and are former dementia, because their brain is weakened by using the internet, smart phones and tablets.

– The brain shrinks because it no longer becomes full utilized, the pressure subjected to destroy nerve cells and newly formed cells do not survive because they are not in use. Digital dementia proves significantly through failure to harness and control mental abilities fully, knowledge about what just happened, where you are, and ultimately also who you are, he said.

Teacher much new

He says that the brain changes permanent by how it is used, and that where children previously learned to count, read and write on paper, an increasing use of data to teach them this weaken knowledge.

Not all look equally black on the use of digital aids. Four kindergartens in Asker, located in Borg zone, is on a Scandinavian project, Ilek River, where they use tablet active. Here the clear advantages of introducing the smallest to digital aids.

– Children learn in different ways, and we must maintain better everyday. Children in kindergarten will meet digital tools as a source of play, communication and retrieval of knowledge, says Fredrik Ekren between manager Borg zone kindergartens.

– We see that tablet inspires and awakens the curiosity among the children in a new way . It is a concrete, visual and dynamic medium that children communicate with and through and look much over.

– Using Tablet as a language tool, we give a new dimension in the development of language and knowledge. The tablet gives us better opportunities to let the children describe their own lives. There we learn adults much of which we can use further in the daily company of kids, he said.

User apps actively

Kindergartens use multiple applications that they believe strengthens children’s learning.

– The one called “Book Creator”, it is a digital book. The children take pictures from tours, adventure and other thrilling from the nursery and put words on their own experiences in the book. It gives us the opportunity to see children’s language development from pronunciation to sentence structure. Educationists and parents can follow their children’s progress by watching the digital book, tells Ekren.

Spitzer believes that language learning is impaired by the use of digital media.

– They are harmful to learning, and thus also for small children’s mental development. Learning letters by pressing a keyboard leads to poorer ability to recognize letters compared with writing practice with pencil. It has been observed in many studies. Manual writing means that we learn better, says Spitzer.

Spitzer tells how perception, thoughts, experiences, feelings and actions leaves called memory slots.

– Use of computers in early kindergarten age can lead to attention disorders. In childhood it can cause reading disorders. In school age, signs of increasing social isolation, and it is less physically active. This goes forward by US and later also German studies, he said.

Counter fingers

– In virtually all cultures, children learn to count using your fingers: They are always visible and available and can therefore always be associated with the number of things that will be counted, said Spitzer.

He stressed that this method has great significance for how we handle numbers.

– Studies have shown that the children in kindergarten who are good with their hands, later become adept in mathematics. It is thus training the fingers that improves math skills.

The hand also plays a role when one learns specific individual things, knowledge and numbers.

– Whoever want kids to be mathematicians or specialists in information technology, should also ensure finger rules than laptops in kindergarten. And whoever written language seriously, should rather go in for pencils than keyboards, he said.

– If you give children pocket calculators, they will forget how the rains in the head. It also applies to writing. A Chinese study showed that when the third graders learned how to write Chinese characters on a keyboard, they had forgotten more than fifty percent just two years later, he said.

Speaking aloud

Children in Asker also uses an application called “Puppet pals.” Here they experience to speak loudly through controlling shapes and create own adventure tied to the theme they take up in the nursery.

– They listen, look at each other, laughing, waiting their turn and are creative in interaction. And finally they see what they have created, which is both fun and educational in several areas, as we see it, says Fredrik Ekren.

He stressed that it is important to ensure the quality of applications and have adults actively participate with their children to achieve success with tablets in kindergarten.

– It is important to find a good balance between traditional methods, and to use technology as a supplement in education.

Being poor school

Spitzer says that research we see in the media like to show that students with computer results were better in math and reading than a student without a computer.

– Investigating the other hand these figures closely, comes another image appears. If one takes into account the influence from home, such as income, education, parental occupation and number of books in the household, and school, as class size, teacher training, and money to learning and teaching materials it turns out actually that a computer in the house leads to poorer school performance, and computers at school has no influence on school results.

He says that such studies have existed for more than fifteen years.

– But nobody takes them into consideration. Precisely those who are always telling us that we should learn from history – politicians and educators – do not follow their own solicitations.

The brain of an adult fundamentally different from a child’s developing brain. This simple fact is ignored by virtually all “experts” who express themselves on the topic of digital media in education sector. There is simply no one takes this into account.

Equally harmful as alcohol

The researcher says that one is dependent on the internet in the same way alcohol and nicotine.

– Non-drug-related addiction affects the same areas in the brain that drug addiction. Dependence appears in that one longs for the one is dependent, not control his behavior, you get withdrawal symptoms and have a high probability of falling back into the same behavior again.

He believes that digital media counteracts ability to self-control and therefore stress triggering. Stress can in turn lead to morbidity as overeating, obesity, aggression and loneliness.

– Whoever enters that such media should enter the nursery or primary school, must take this into account.

The opinions of his is often seen as radical.

– It is always hard to accept uncomfortable facts. In the Middle Ages got parents kids to calm down by giving them a cloth was soaked in a mixture of alcohol and opiates. This produced addiction and poor mental development. Digital media does the same. So in a few years, I hope people will say “you did what?” When a mother puts her child with an Ipad.

tendentious research dissemination

Spitzer believes there is no research that conclusively demonstrate that digital media is good, but that many shows that it is harmful.

– It is about lobbying. The biggest and richest companies in the world, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook wants to become richer by making our kids addicted to their products. Just as the tobacco industry lobbying managed to sow doubt about the harmful effects of tobacco had for decades, making informasjonstekonologiselskapene the same, only more efficiently.

He reminds that you almost never find objective information about data and education.

– Study after study shows that e-learning does not. Smartphones are a huge distraction, they prevent learning, but there is no one talking about.

Not everyone thinks Spitzer has the right in its black paint of digital media.

– Spitzer presents in his book what is emerging as a highly tendentious research dissemination, which only studies that claimed substantiate his opinion and politicized standpoint are highlighted. The fields and large studies looking at children and young people’s use of new media is completely absent, says Elisabeth Staksrud, teaching director and associate professor at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo.

– it shows active on the causal relationship between children’s use of the Internet and computer games, in a highly politicized context. Thus the book an expression of opinion from someone who is neither an expert on children or on media use, rather than an interesting scientific contributions, she states.

Smart logging off

Spitzer noticed why more people choose to unwind. It has become more common to turn off the phone and actually be present in the moment, and one can see a change where people are actually aware of their own mobile and internet use.

– It is definitely a good start . It is comforting to see that people are not completely ripped off, even the biggest lobbying in the world, when it comes to what is good for them and not.

He admits that there is something positive with digital media, but believes that the use must be restricted and controlled, and children should stay away to a far greater extent than today.

– Adults user informasjonstekonologi to get worked more efficiently by transferring more mental activity – brain work – to a machine. When children transfer the mental activity, they learn less. And when it happens on a large scale, in some places up to seven and a half hours per day, the mental development suffer. And if this continues over a long period of time and over a large extent, we must really worry us, says brain researcher.

Dear Parents spy: Why do not you trust your child?

Ole Vidar stock Instagram variant for children

– How would we react if all between 25 and 30 years should have similar rules?

This case was first published on


New technology does not always better answer – VG

New and improved DNA technology can solve old crimes, but it does not necessarily easier.

– For improved analysis technologies increases sensitivity, but with increased sensitivity also increases the uncertainty of the outcome is relevant deed, explains director Bente Mevåg at the NIPH.

VG seen on the 32 unsolved murder cases in Norway from the last 25 years. In several of these police have stated that they regularly have sent old material into new analysis because technology in this area has improved. It is not certain that the police should be overly optimistic to get breakthrough in the cases.

– When you get increased sensitivity can examine fewer cells. The challenge is then to link these cells to the crime. The requirements for all steps in the process – securing, processing, storage and analysis – will be stricter in line with the technology improves. One must brief avoid contaminating the samples with non-deed relevant cells from oneself, from the environment or from other samples, explains Mevåg.

Attorney: – Too many unsolved murders

 TITLE DIREKTMARKETING & # xD8; R: Bente Mev & # xE5; g NIPH.
Department: Bente Mevåg NIPH. Photo: Jan Petter Lynau , VG

Just what is a danger that can happen in many ways. For example, one with the cells at the scene before the crime took place, cells that have come your after action, but before track fuse cells that were administered during the actual track fuse, or you can even add cells in the laboratory, if the procedures for processing the samples are not good enough.

Still, in a laboratory more controlled environment than what one has the opportunity to have out in the field, at a crime scene.

Varying routines

Department Director at the Division of Forensic Sciences in Public Health also pointed another challenge by the use of DNA to solve old crimes; The once took one perhaps not the main precautions with the work at the scene as methods today require that one did.

– We did not know at the time that one must work as carefully as we today know that you have. One must facilitate to exploit biological traces at some point in the future, says Mevåg.

 DNA ANALYSIS: NIPH is responsible for & # xE5; analyze DNA in criminal cases in Norway.
DNA ANALYSIS: NIPH is responsible for analyzing DNA in criminal cases in Norway. Photo: Jan Petter Lynau , VG

She says it is a problem that not systematized treatment and storage of evidence. Mevåg gets support of former puritans investigator John Chr. Grøttum:

– It is variably how good the individual police districts are to take care of such things. And it can be crucial when to watch old criminal cases. At one time or another, you can get information which makes that one is dependent on having old material as possible to study, says Grøttum.

RESEARCH: – Norwegian investigators need national “murder manual”

It is known that DNA from cells can spill over from one object to another. This may happen if things are not stored in a proper manner. Therefore it is important routines that makes one minimizes such transfer opportunities. Without good practices can potentially get a situation where several years later makes new analyzes with new technology, and suddenly a murder weapon find DNA from a person who was not there initially. It may lead to the wrong person to be suspected of a murder.

Without good routines for storing evidence can also get a situation where you have no control on who at different times has handled the material.


CEO by Gena, a private institute for DNA analysis in Stavanger, Ragne Kristin farm is agreed that the procedures for taking care of evidence must be improved. She shows including the UK has a law that makes so long as a person is in prison, nothing is discarded.

– Then you can raise issues again. In Norway it is very casual. We have concrete examples of this are difficult, because the material does not exist anymore, says The farm and mention Viggo Kristiansen, who several times has been attempted resumed the «Baneheia» -saken, as one such example.

READ ALSO: Therefore no cases solved

In 2009, delivered a range a report to the Police Directorate (POD ) where the importance of this with good routines for storage was pointed. Still has thus six years after not introduced common procedures for this throughout police Norway. Now says POD VG that they have initiated a project aimed at raising the quality of the police investigation.

– In this work, various reports form an important work basis, says section manager Astrid Birgitte Borge.

Borge also explains that in connection with unsolved criminal cases the police can keep the biological trace material as long as it’s appropriate.

Monika case

Recently, a working group appointed by the Director of Public Prosecutions submit a report after the much talked Monika case in Hordaland. Where it was pointed out other challenges in relation to DNA in so-called “cold case” -saker. One of these was that there is limitations in taking care of DNA profiles one has collected from people in connection with specific criminal cases. Some work group believes “may create challenges for resumptions and” cold case “-saker.”

It is because one must get permission to take new samples of actual people.

BIG VG SPECIAL: 32 unsolved murder

 & lt; p & gt; D & # xD8; D: Monika Sviglinskaja (8) (picture) was found d & # XF8; d in the apartment p & # xE5; Sotra under mysterious circumstances three & # xE5; s side. & lt; / p & gt;

DEATH: Monika Sviglinskaja (8) (picture) was found dead home in the apartment at Sotra under mysterious circumstances three years ago.


This was the case in Monika case. When this was taken up again have to again ask the man who is now indicted in the case that he might take DNA samples from him. He agreed, but he was therefore not obliged to do so long as he was not already indicted in the case.

In Monika case should the DNA traces that existed from evidence actually been deleted, as the case per definition was closed and solved by the police. This was anyway – by chance – never done. Had you done that would have been unavailable for further investigation when the matter was taken up again.

The Working Group therefore proposes “that this change so that the choice of a dismissal grounds, should not be decisive in determining whether significant evidence is present when the case may later be resumed. It is believed that this will match the assessments made in relation to any creation of device that will work with unsolved serious matters (Cold cases). “

Touch Track

Although new technology creates new challenges will still, in many cases could get answers today, which one could not get before. It is Ragne Kristin Farmen by Gena convinced.

– New technology can obviously find old contamination of tracks, but the use of what we call low-level analysis allows one to a greater extent can investigate touch track, as skin cells, compared earlier, says The Farm.

Such traces are less DNA than bag-based, such as blood, saliva and sædflekker. Low-level analysis also provides the ability to get results from handbags in very small amounts.

– For example, a small drop of blood on a garment. Maybe they found nothing from the drop earlier, but now one can manage it, explaining Farmen.


 GENA-EDITORIAL: Ragne Kristin Farmen.
GENA-EDITORIAL: Ragne Kristin Farmen. Photo: Gena , GENA


Gena- manager believes developments in DNA technology will be continuous, on the grounds that the more knowledge we get the more we understand that we do not understand. She believes inter alia that in the future will be able to say more about when a track was deposited, which will be very useful to police.

– I also think one can find several properties via DNA. One can see personal traits as eye color and complexion. This is complex, but you have already come a piece. When one succeeds in this, one can use DNA to describe not only identify, says The Farm.

She illustrates with Pocket Mann case as an example:

– There were hundreds inside to questioning. It was guaranteed uncomfortable for many. Had for example been able to see what color the perpetrator had the eyes, one could have eliminated many of those who were questioning. It is a type of technology I think the police would be interested in.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Can Norway again become a leader in solar cells? – Aftenposten

The airport at Fornebu 1998. The undersigned was newly graduated engineer and had sought a job at a new factory that would make “solar components.” Now called ScanWafer AS factory was far away from some places I had been before, Glomfjord in Nordland, and even for the entrepreneur Alf Bjørseth matched it best to take job interview at Fornebu.

Over a cup of tea with lemon was I was told that solar was the futures industry. I knew so far already, that was why I had sought the job. The technology was called “multicrystalline silicon”, which was a well-known technology, but now would be the most cost effective, so why should they be able to compete even with the big ones. He said that Norway was ideal for such production because we had cheap energy and plentiful supply of cooling water. Finally said Bjørseth that we really ought to do in Norway was to create “monocrystalline silicon” because it required a lot more energy, but in return gave better and more efficient solar cells.

Alf Bjørseth is a very persuasive person and not long after I had pulled myself up by the roots and lived in scenic Meloy. Next door was the sister company SiNor started and quite right, here was made monocrystalline silicon.

The most perfect man has created

monocrystalline silicon or Czochralski Si, are, quite objectively , the most perfect we humans have managed to create. 4 billion atoms in a row, without any deviation. Large sausage-shaped “ingot” which is a single crystal from bottom to top, that is, the atoms are placed with the same pattern and the same distance throughout.

There are no “grain boundaries”, the boundary where two crystals having different directions meet, and no small displacements in the crystal that gives imperfect lines in the material, known as dislocations, which leads to much hassle for the electrons in the solar cell.

The silicon starting with To grow the crystal has a purity of 99.9999999 percent; contamination level corresponds to the amount of caffeine in a cup of decaffeinated coffee mixed with 10 tons of water. This product is the heart of all microelectronics, all computers, phones and gadgets we use. And it thus provides the best solar cells: Up to 22.5 percent of the energy in the light is converted to electricity in such panels.

In 2004, the solar industry really taken off, in Norway and internationally. It is still multicrystalline silicon apply. New, large factories are starting up in Glomfjord and in Porsgrunn, ScanWafer was REC, which also has production of all that is, from silicon feedstock to finished solar cells. It was harder with monocrystalline silicon: SiNor went bankrupt, but were resurrected under the name SiTech.

Much of the reason why it is not easy to break through with monocrystalline silicon, is that it is terribly difficult to make. The fact that we actually manage to produce these absolutely perfect crystals is our time really large industrial feats Silicon melted in a crucible made of quartz with a purity level that matches silicon using.

Then immerse a seed crystals, a stake in around one centimeter in diameter, perfectly carved from a crystal you have created earlier into the melt. The temperature is controlled extremely carefully while seed crystals are rotated and pulled out of the crucible. And presto! Hanging from seed crystals there is a new crystal, just perfect, which can be both long and thick (two meters high, 20 centimeters in diameter and 150 kg heavily) ..

Golden Age of Norwegian solar

2008 golden age for Norwegian solar manufacturers. REC was very, both at home and abroad. ELKEM was in full swing to build its solar silicon factory in Kristiansand. SiTech had also become part of the REC, and major developments were headed. Alf Bjørseth still had faith in monocrystalline silicon and started up now Norsun Årdal. But the world market is dominated by multicrystalline silicon.

Most of the new production coming from this technology, both in Norway and in the rest of the world. Some Chinese companies had begun to show themselves on the major exhibitions. I once asked a key person in the solar industry about what they thought about these, and the answer was that they came with, they knew what they were doing, but they were not worried about them yet.

key to Golden Age

multicrystalline silicon is basically a simpler technology than monocrystalline silicon. Compared with other materials, such as steel or aluminum for construction purposes, it has very few defects – grain boundaries and dislocations, which are absolutely necessary to get the properties needed to harvest electricity from light.

But here one does not attempt to achieve a perfectly material. The silicon is melted in a square støpedigel so, lower the temperature of the bottom of the crucible below the melting point. Sooner or later forcing one or more crystals forward where it suits them.

The essay continues below.

If you have used a hand warmer traveling some once, you’ve seen the phenomenon. Hand heaters are liquid inside a plastic case, with a small metal gizmo inside the liquid. If you break the metal thingy, solidifies suddenly liquid and turns into a hard lump – crystals – while head is hot. The phenomenon called supercooling. The temperature of the hand warmer is below the melting point, but since there are no sharp edges crystal growth can start, the liquid will remain liquid until abrupt changes of this metal spline, or until the temperature becomes so low that it is not possible to keep it in melt anymore. Then spurts crystals front and the liquid is solid! For multicrystalline silicon occurs when the temperature in the bottom of the crucible has been low enough – without having any control on exactly when this happens. After a while calms growth down, and you get stable growth of crystals upward in the crucible, the entire weld pool is converted into a lump (or, as it’s called, ingot) which consists of many crystals.

Since one has given up the material perfectly, one can also give up to get it completely clean. And the solar cells from multicrystalline silicon are inferior to those of monocrystalline, in such panels is converted up to 19.5 percent of the energy in light into electricity.

The end of the golden age

2012, everything goes doing well. Norwegian manufacturing jobs desperately to get back to the vision of cost in order to compete with the big Chinese producing multicrystalline silicon in huge quantities, and saturate the market completely. It is almost unbelievable that it is possible to cut production costs in Norway 30 percent almost overnight, but it is not enough, and REC declared bankrupt in Norway. Little brother Norsun are left to carry solar tab in Norway.

Today is still power and coolant cheap in Norway, and we still have top expertise in silicon and making crystals. English Crystals have made production after REC SiTech during business idea that we should do what we have competitive advantage in Norway, the rest must entrust to the rest of the world. No one has ventured on multicrystalline silicon again, after the collapse in 2012.

Expensive is cheap, but cheap is fast

The market is controlled by how much power you get for your money invested, and the simpler multi-process gives so much cheaper cells that compensate for that they can not extract as much power. Yet there are many who predict that monocrystalline silicon is going to take the lead and become more and more dominant in the coming years. The reason is, ironically, these being the cheapest option.

In order to retrieve solar to your house, it is not just the actual solar cell you need: you need a roof, wiring and other electronics, called inverter to create AC power, and glass and aluminum to protect and maintain the solar cells in place. All this costs money.

And since the solar cell has been so wonderfully cheap in recent years, it is this which constitutes the main cost of the entire system. When it pays to have solar cells that derives much energy per area, and prioritize cells that cost more, but perhaps provide 20 percent more energy, to save these expenses.

This is a difficult calculation that has many variables, and it is not good to say how the solution to the math will change as the industry matures.

However, there is another very important factor that must be mentioned, which perhaps explains why it is still multicrystalline silicon which is the fastest growing technology and which perhaps will be more and more important in the years and decades to come. Production Takt. A standard furnace for multicrystalline silicon produces about as much in a week as of monocrystalline in a month, and multicrystalline ingots weighing 800 kg against 150 for a CZ ingot. Productivity for mc can relatively easily be increased by increasing the surface area of ​​ingots. Recently it was shown off an ingot of 2 tons produced by a company in Taiwan.

Heaters for REC standing fallow at Porsgrunn, has well, although they were built for completely different sizes, the potential to nearly double yet again. For comparison, there is a physical limit to how big CZ crystals can be created before they simply become too heavy and fall down. Why is it possible that this factor becomes more important in the years ahead? The reason is that if solar cells will become an important energy source globally and become the tool we hope the work to limit climate change, energy production increased by a factor of between 100 and 1000 and 2050. Then you have to simply roll out massive amounts photovoltaics in the years ahead, and this requires a technology that can withstand a brutal upscaling.

Absolutely perfect or great production?

So what philosophy should choose: to make the product as perfect as possible, avoid all defects and get high efficiency at the lowest price, or learn to live with the problems and limitations imposed by a technology that enables us to produce fast?

In Norway, with all our expertise in silicon both industrial and research, it is probably wise to do both.

Published: 25.feb. 2015 9:46 p.m.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Viewing his wife for the first time in ten years – ABC News

Blind Allen Zderad (68) gets sight back partly using advanced technology. When he sees his wife again, it becomes tearful.

Allen Zderad crying. His wife Carmen crying. They hug each other. The American man has just gotten his first glimpse of her in ten years.

Zderad comes from Minnesota and have a disease that makes him gradually lost his vision over the past 20 years. There is no treatment for the disease Zderad have, and it has led to that he had put his career as a chemist on the shelf.

The last ten years he has been totally blind, according to a press release from the Mayo Clinic.

Read also: He looks for the first time in 20 years: – So pretty you are

– It’s unpolished, but it will work

It’s clinic that has helped the American to get vision back partly thanks to an implant.

The implant that helps Zderad to see again called Argus II. The system has been under development for 25 years, according Teknofil.

Allen Zderad is the first man in Minnesota who get such implants, and the 15th in the United States after the technology was approved by the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) two years ago.

The technology enables Minnesota man for the first time in ten years manage to distinguish human forms, outlines of objects, doorframes, chairs and tables.

– It’s unpolished, but meaningful. It will work, says Zderad even video from the Mayo Clinic.

He adds that it probably will require some training to master.

Read also: Blind Professor: – This “ring” can change my life

60 electrodes on the eye

Raymond Iezzi Jr., who works as a researcher at the Mayo Clinic, has installed 60 electrodes Zderads eyes, working together with a camera in his glasses and a small portable computer that man is wearing, according to NBC News.

Although the technology can not help him see details like facial features and the like, he manages to separate his wife from other people.

– It is simple. She is the most beautiful, says Zderad press release.

He also rejoices to see his ten grandchildren.

Read also: Soon also blind experience pictures


Attempted to stop mysterious drones over Paris – NRK

Lately French authorities registered a larger number of mysterious sightings.

Unmanned aerial vehicles have been observed in everything from nuclear power plants to the presidential palace.

Monday night was the drones first observed over the US embassy in Paris.

Later during nighttime were drones also seen at the Eiffel Tower and Place de la Concorde.

Attempted to stop them

– It can be a coordinated action, but for the time being we do not know, said a security source told French news agency AFP.

Another police sources say the agency that it has never before been observed so many drones over Paris on the same night.

The police have tried to find and identify those who controlled drones but no luck.

– We did everything we could to take those controlled drones, but we could not find them, says a source linked to the investigation.

Illegal flights over nuclear power plants

The last messages come as part of a series of such reports.

On January 20, flew a drone over the presidential palace in France – just a week after the terrorist attacks in the country.

A drone from a French manufacturer of such vehicles on display in front of a Je suis Charlie poster in the period after the terrorist attacks.

Photo: Ethan Miller / AFP

In October and November last year was around 20 drones observed at nuclear power plants in France.

Nor when the drivers found .

In France, it is illegal to fly civilian drones without clearance over areas as nuclear power plants. Of the area is the no-fly zones with a radius of 2.5 km and up to an altitude of 1000 meters.

Experts told AFP that such small drones can not do any harm if they plunge in nuclear power plants that are secured for much bigger accidents.

The French government has nevertheless allocated 1.1 million euros to develop systems to detect and stop such vehicles.

02.24.2015, at. 13.41


Monday, February 23, 2015

Moore’s Law holds some –

The most modern processors produced by Intel now are based on 14-nanometer technology. Generation goes by the name “Broadwell” and then manufacturing technology was adopted, it was delayed by several months.

Also read: Intel will put an end to cable chaos “(CW. en)

A new embarrassing delay, Intel hopes to avoid when the next generation processor production technology is used.

 Haswell processor (left) next to the new Broadwell processor.
Haswell processor (left) next to the new Broadwell processor. Photo: Intel

10 nanometers in 2016

The new 10-nanometer technology is expected around 2016. Timing is therefore a bit vague, but ahead of a large conference taking place in San Francisco this week, maintained a leading Intel researcher that the timetable now seems to hold.

The conference goes by the name ISSCC 2015, which stands for International Solid State Circuits Conference, and it is the international engineering and scientific organization IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) behind. IEEE has more than 400,000 members worldwide.

The conference in San Francisco is considered one of the most important academic gatherings related to semiconductor technology, but what is being discussed there is far more than just academic interest, writes US PC World.

At the conference, Intel Monday night US time participate in a panel discussion about the challenges that processor manufacturers precedes when they should go a step further, from 14- to 10-nanometer manufacturing technology.

The practical implication of this process for us electronics users will be silicon chips that drive computers, mobile phones, tablet computers, servers and much other data electronics, will be even faster and use even less power in the next generation.

– schedule hold

On a conference call with IT trade press prior to the conference pointed Intel senior Mark Bohr that the timetable seems to hold for the transition from 14- to 10-nanometer production technology around 2016 and further to 7-nanometer production technology around 2018.

And the most important Bohr message is that this can be done without the need to adopt new and more costly production technology than today, as technology based on ultraviolet laser beams.

The technology used to manufacture silicon chips is complicated, in which light rays are used to “break” the pieces from the silicon mass. It is a great challenge of dealing with light wavelengths to provide increasingly better processor chips.

If the industry collectively fail to continue the improvement process or fail to proceed without adopting much more expensive production technology, the result may be that the continuous performance improvement we’ve had over the last 50 years, may slow up, and that the industry is unable to keep pace with Moore’s Law.

Intel now has a pilot installation consistently manufacturing chips based on 10-nanometer technology, and according to Bohr goes production here 50 percent faster than in the current 14-nanometer process.

That’s good news for the PC market, writes PC World.

Gordon Moore, co-gr & # XFC; nder and former chairman of Intel.
Gordon Moore, co-founder and former chairman of Intel.

Moore’s Law

It was one of the founders of Intel, Gordon Moore, who came with the statement that was later standing as Moore’s Law. 50 years ago he predicted that production technology transistors would improve steadily with a doubling of processor density roughly every 18 months.

Later this often been interpreted as meaning that the processors are twice as fast – and often half as costly – for each new processor generation that pops up with a half to two years. David House at Intel specified this as a doubling of performance every 18 months as a result of the combination of more and faster transistors.

So far, the “law” showed to be correct to a great extent, but as processor chips steadily shrinking, there is a greater and greater technological challenge to continue developing at the same pace as before.

Intel now provides thus Moore’s Law the chance to work in another few years.

Intel promises much with fifth-generation Core i processors:
Better performance, longer battery life “(


Proud of applications – Power

The program with representatives from Sunndal Sparebank, Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce and Sunnyvale næringsselskap- Jonny Engdahl, Ninni Innvik, Lisbeth Thorsø and Per Helge Malvik, could Monday presenting four exciting speakers who come on this year Sunnyvale Conference on Tuesday 23 June.

* Ingebrigt Steen Jensen is Norwegian advertising man, sports director and writer. He helped to make the advertising agency JBR into a leading agency and founded Dinamo. He has also written the book “Ona guy” who is about motivation in organizations and businesses.

– He was married with one from Sunnyvale and know the area well. We look forward to welcoming him here, he is a committed man.

Expert and blogs

* Anita Krohn Traaseth is CEO of Innovation Norway and has extensive experience in management of innovation, restructuring, technology, strategy and entrepreneurship. She has written the book “Good enough for those bastards” and stands behind the blog Tint Guri.

– She speaks a language people understand, and she also shows how important it is to be adaptable, the committee said.

* Sigrun Vågeng was director of NHO for many years before she started as CEO of KS in 2009. She stopped there in 2013 after disagreements with the board. Today she is CEO. by National Institute for Consumer Research in addition to that she holds various directorships. She leads the government expert committee to review the Nav.

* Robert Hermansen was CEO of Major Norwegian Spitsbergen coal company in Svalbard from 1999 to 2008. After Svalbard he was Chairman of Troms Kraft, which he fratrådde shortly due. an offense he committed as Director of Major Norwegian.

– Hermansen, or Red Robert, went from being declared a genius to jailbird.

Major upheavals

The Committee declares that here they got a wide span of strong candidates who have a lot to offer and tell their message. The main theme of this year’s management and restructuring.

– Often the word restructuring associated with something negative, as cutbacks, but restructuring is necessary changes that must occur in a company. It is a theme that is real if it is good or bad times. Restructuring requires that employees and management work together, says Engdahl and Malvik. They believe the pace of restructuring is going to increase further.

– It is nice to be able to get impulses in such processes, the Committee notes stuck.

The Committee notes that many meetings revolves whether municipalities form of time and that Sunnyvale conference is relevant to this too.

– Municipalities shape is a major restructuring and is much about leadership, so the conference is in highest point reached degree appropriate for politicians and municipal administration, says Malvik .

It is the sixth consecutive year Sunnyvale conference is held, for the second consecutive year in connection with Lady Arbutthnot and Sunndal Culture.

– We repeat this year last year’s success, where we got good feedback, says Malvik.

It gets even several speakers during the conference, and these “goodies” comes back to the committee later. They promise at least an exciting, inspiring and motivating day the culture and encourage people to sign up through the internet page Day lasts from nine to four and is including food. The speakers will present on the premises all day, so it is possible to get a talk with them.


Dot by Dot: Progress or full breakdown of goods by rail? – Aftenposten

“Freight transport by rail should be doubled. And eventually tripled! “

It is not just the railways goals. That is what Norwegian governments over the past decade have worked to achieve.

Absolutely without success. For five consecutive years from 2008 Railway freight plunge. Millions of tons are moved to heavy transport on the way.

Therefore celebrated it as a small victory when NHO Logistics can document that the trend was reversed in 2014. As far.

article continues below the graphic

2014 was a small bright spot

After losing 90,000 containers, each of them 20 feet long and with the designation TEU, railways have approached the limit of shipping of 500,000 TEU a full year in 2014. A border railway has not been over since 2007.

– We eyes an improvement and it should government and parliament have praise, says Erling Sæther, director of nutrition policy NHO Logistics.

Yet danger of complete collapse

So why is it then that Else Marie Marskar, who leads the work of the Great Gods analysis in Norway, says the following in the last issue of Railway Magazine

“Without really focus on rail freight, there is a risk full collapse!”

This is point by point the situation of rail freight traffic which, according to the railway itself and the environmental movement can remove tens of thousands of heavy vehicles on Norwegian roads:

article continues below graphic

1) So much freight transported by rail Today

On long stretches are railway equal with heavy transport by road, and then some:

  • 92 percent of all goods between Narvik and Oslo yesterday by train (through Sweden !).
  • 72 percent of all goods between Oslo and Bodo go by train (in Norway).
  • Over 50 percent of all goods from Oslo to Bergen and Trondheim go by train.

Over Svinesund situation is completely different.

  • Five times as much cargo goes on road compared with train from Gothenburg / Malmo to Oslo.
  • 2500 heavy vehicles over Svinesund every day, almost two minutes around the clock.

2) Why is the railway on the defensive?

As Railway Magazine points out, the financial crisis a blow for all freight transport in Europe. Rail and sea transport takes longer to catch up lost ground than road. Otherwise boat lines works are goods to England sent by car!

The last two years have one or more of Norwegian railway lines have been closed a total of two months! Bergen Railway, Nordlandsbanen and Dovrebanen (Trondheim) are all old and vulnerable railways with frequent delays and cancellations.

Today the recipients must have item at a given time. If not, goods transportation almost dropped.

In the fight for space on the track is today abandoned freight compared to passenger. The slowing traffic. The new rail services in Norway is more about passenger than freight trains.

Of Norway’s four major freight terminals is Ganddal by Stavangers almost new, Alnabru in Oslo hopelessly outdistanced technologically, while Trondheim and Bergen desperately need new facilities, new places .

The terminals lacks offers for truck drivers, which døgnhvile seats and car wash.

A number of studies have been made to increase freight on rails. Proposals are systematically loaded.

Today’s 10,000 carriers by road, 1,000 at sea, eight railway. The last eight struggling to make money.

3) Therefore jerk trucks forward

shuttle runs faster way than court, although Oslo-Trondheim, where the train theoretically go much faster.

Trucks has proved to be a safer alternative, despite problems on Norwegian winter roads.

On ever new sections get extra large lorries green light 25 meters long and 60 tons heavy.

A growing number of foreign drivers and vehicles that operate in or to Norway pushing prices going down.

4) What is being done to improve conditions?

Jensen (FRP) chose to add the run for election in 2013 to Alnabru.

And, the Government has gear up plans for upgrade of Alnabru and speeded up efforts to placing new terminals in Bergen and Trondheim.

The Parliament has decided to increase appropriations for maintenance of the railway. Now decay taken again.

A large analysis work done now for a smarter coordination of transport by road, rail, sea and air, for the entire Oslo Fjord area. It is applicable with several terminals for transshipment, which in Vestby south of Oslo.

According railways to freight priority on Rørosbanen when Dovrebanen collapse.

There shall be established alternative transshipment points along the Bergen Railway, Dovrebanen and Nordlandsbanen.

It is necessary to establish common computer system for rail freight as all players to use.

Rail acquires freight terminals. Supporters hope that this will ensure equal competition between freight operators.

5) This suggests actors

There must be smarter solutions, not least for timber, metal, paper, chemical products, fish and other raw materials.

Today’s rail terminals are focused on containers and what is called cross docking seal goods. Something that makes goods on Norwegian railway today is dominated by 4-5 players, Schenker and Posten. They must become more attractive to other groups.

Bjørn Erik Kanstad, veteran of both Rail, Ofotbanen and private side, saying that electrification of Rørosbanen will provide environmental benefits, and cheaper rail transport.

Erling Sæther NHO says that it must be built crossing tracks for trains that are 600 meters long, to get more freight per train departure.

6) What is the potential for rail freight traffic?

Several studies have shown that freight rail can both doubles and triples in the coming years.

According to Else Marie Marskar traffic can be increased by 50 percent on Alnabru developed and there is a new terminal in Vestby.

According to the Research Council transport research over the last eight years could Norway have sent far more fish by train, if the railroad was more accessible, had more capacity and if Nordlandsbanen had automatically togstyring.

If all fresh farmed fish were sent by train for transshipment to car in Oslo, would the environmental impact of transport will be reduced by at least 40 percent.

7) Gods that thinks for itself – and tell

According to the Research Council transport research can five and ten billion saved annually with smarter logistics, by cutting down on delays, wastage and unnecessary transports.

Sensors attached to the goods makes it possible for the goods to even find the best transportation route and alert if the goods are. They also warn about something unfortunate happens, as the temperature rises or falls crates on the ground.

Also read about when Jensen let the run of the campaign to Alnabru: – Siv Jensen may have difficulty in meeting veiløftene as finance minister

Published: 22.feb. 2015 9:51 p.m.


Boko Haram brutal history – Bergens Tidende

There have arrived surprisingly strange on them most that the extreme group Boko Haram, which suggests that ein quite confused gang, now seems to have established itself as ein power factor over a broader area in Northeast Nigeria. But this hosepipes are entering a long tradition of Islamic movements in this area, and we must understand history deira in light of this tradition.

Islam came to the region around Lake Chad everything a thousand years ago. In the first period was the most kings and aristocrats dei large rika there who repent, but from 1500 century also had large parts of people become Muslims. True enough, it was Islam with a large element of pre-Islamic magic and rituals, and 1800 occurred an Islamic reform movement in pages under theologian Uthman dan Fodio (died 1817) who wanted ein practices more in line with the text.

Dei water fast forward, and collected large portion of area in a sultanates, Sokoto Empire, which ruled the 1800 century and also fanned Islam farther south to what is now Nigeria.

British colony

If so, then British took the area in 1903, did they are not major changes in governance. What was now EiT aristocracy in Sokoto and Emirates under them, and also in neighboring kingdom Bornu in Nordaust, lasted traditional ruler addicts goes further under British control.

Brit beat the Muslim north together with it before -islamske and åndetru but after fourth Christian south, adds a colony, Nigeria. But they built their board most the developed statsstrukturane in the north.

Under British rule Wash it off ein prosperous Muslim middle class, and in the first period after cause independent in 1960 there were Muslims in the north dominated Nigeria. But after quarter moved the economic and political center of gravity towards the sørlege Nigeria.

Bokstavtru Yan Izale

That led to new powers challenged the religious power of the traditional Muslim elite. In 1978 lasted hosepipes Yan Izale Danna by someone known religious scholar, Abubakar Gumi. Dei responded that Muslims lost power to the Christian south, but also itself requires reform of Islam more in line with the text words.

especially criticized dei dei people Sufi movements, which also predominated among dei traditional. Deira weekend cultivation was superstition, said Izale people.

Yan Izale was still primarily political. Gumi argued for example strongly to Muslim women out and polls to strengthen Muslims in rivalry to the south. Hosepipes had quite large oppslutnad, especially in students and members of a middle class fekk deteriorating living conditions. But Gumi lasted for one quarter criticized for standing too close to the Muslim military elite, and the swaggering out more radical student groups who supported Khomeini board in Iran ( Yan Shia ).

Magi and insurgencies: Maitatsine

Yan Izale lasted also weaken that so consistently time occurred a far more radical choosen around a wandering tiggarmunk, Muhammad Marwa. He had something religious training, but unite around him Arbeidslause, poor youths by attacking dei kingdom dei prosperous Muslims in towns of that copied the corrupt lifestyle of the West.

“God condemn dive” he said to all, and lasted known as Meistaren in condemnation, May tatsine . Message of her husband was radical: wristwatches, bilar, bicycles, buttons, everything was westerly and sin, those who used such was vantru.

He was not so bokstavtru Yan Izale, contrary he used both magic and changed Muslim bodord after Eige desire. His people should pray to the north and not towards Mecca. Hosepipes his led to major riots against dei rich both in home province his Bornu, but also in more prosperous Settlements as Kano. It was time EiT poverty rebellion and government fekk say part of the shoulder that it quickly got out of control, by allowing them struck down unnecessarily hard on all protest.

Around 5000 lost their lives. Maitatsine lasted kill in 1980, and after that døydde hosepipes, but it occurred several equivalent rebellion beyond the 1980s, with huge loss of life.

Boko Haram, the first version

Ten years later collected many in Bornu around the self-taught Salafist Muhammad Yusuf. Hosepipes his is similar much on Maitatsine uprising, not least in that it has the same social background in poor youths in towns of which subsisted during religious alms. Yusuf agitated in the same way against dei kingdom that had been west doctor, but was not so radical anti-modernists who Maitatsine.

Bilar and mobile phones, yes, technology in the total, was okay – it was westerly science that contradicted Quranic letter (that rain core of vaporization) which was wrong.

Dei surnamed himself Order of for Pulpit and jihad, colloquially lasted ho nedsetjande heit duck boko haram . Boko is the English book, and it is thus west medical books to be haram, forbidden. Yusuf said the Muslim community was corrupt and had reinskas by jihad .

Having collected support by conducting welfare between poor and agitate for reindeer Islamic practice, started him in 2009 action against police. Dei hit as hard back now as in 1980 and in extensive struggles lasted 700, among them Muhammad Yusuf, drepne. A hard utreinsking been followed, and they most Meinte that the group was gone with it.

Boko Haram Going back

Instead, it turned out that several had redda in exile, many also probably to neighboring Cameroon. Under leadership of Yusuf’s second commanding rande, Abubakar Shekau, came the back two years and started taking disability for killing Yusuf and prosecution afterwards. Dei angreip not just the police, but also banks, schools, university, and not least church for the Christian minority in the north.

Meir and more black also civilian targets frame, clearly seen to create chaos and fear. Not long after started in their first halshoggingane, first as part of internal finality, and the group lasted more and more beat.

In the past year, as the group managed to establish themselves and take control of or have’s influence in quite large area in Northeast Nigeria, using extreme brutality – as in abduction of school girls. Dei has been derided as would bandar. But they are also members of a tradition of conservative salafistisk, Islam. Dei attacking Christians who have moved into from Southern Nigeria, but most important goal deira Muslims who practice ein for liberal Islam, and especially the vantru state.

Criticism of federal state is ein tradition back to Yan Izala- reformists. But while they first want’s influence, nectar Boko Haram to recognize the state and will have s native caliphate. Socially, they, more associate Maitatsine tradition of rebellion from marginal youths with greater or lesser Islamic education groups at not being fewer.

Måndag 23 February organizes BT Commons debate on Boko Haram House of Literature in Bergen at. 19:00.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Tired of villain stamp – Dagens Næringsliv

He has had enough of the “soap opera-like” climate debate where the oil industry is always the villain. Shell top Ben van Beurden believes oil bosses have to get on the pitch and appear more charismatic.

The article is added to your reading list.

– The discussions which increasingly taking place in social media, get a baseline and soap opera-like character. You have heroes, and you have crooks, but in reality it is not like that. It is much more complex. Therefore we must go vote and be a part of this.

Shell CEO Ben van Beurden sitting at Holmenkollen Park Hotel and talking about climate and energy debate. Everything from CO 2 -kvotehandel renewable subsidies affecting industry fundamentally. This year the world attempt to agree on a binding international climate agreement at COP 21 meeting in Paris.

Like many in the industry, he is concerned about the level of knowledge in the outside world. The difference is that van Beurden goes high on the track.


Bad news for mobile users: – SIM giant was hacked by spies –

(Dagbladet): American and British spies have stolen krypteringsnøkler from the largest SIM kortprodusenten in the world, reports The Intercept.

Informasjonen strains of nettstedet from documents they have received a grant from the kjente NSA varsleren Edward Snowden.

– Installerte spy program

Datainnbruddet must be a joint Operasjon utført av people from the US National Security Agency and the British motparten, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

It is the nederlandbaserte firm Gemalto to turn itself ha utsatt for hacking. According to The Intercept produserer the annual two billion SIM cards and has ironically motto ‘Security to be Free “.

The hackers must have obtained seg approach to Gemaltos internal netværk as å install a spy program . They must Secondly it ha stolen krypteringsnøkler who bleed for river secrecy mobilkommunikasjon worldwide.

This could overvåke both light and data from a variety regard users uten å søke on the permission from telecom operators, governments of or politimyndigheter in countries affected brukerne coming from.

85 countries

Opplysningene strains according to The Intercept from a secret GCHQ document from 2010. 450 mobilnettverk in minst 85 country can be affected av theft.

Gemalto must not have ant noe on spionasjen but they reach satt in time a scrutiny.

– I am upset and very worried that this has hendt. The most important for meg is y understand exactly how the diaper made candy that we can do everything we can stream unngå it skjer again, says Vice-President Paul Beverly in Gemalto The Intercept.

– Poor nytt

Datasikkerhetseksperter reacts with forferdelse on nyheten on Gemalto-innbruddet.

– When you have nøklene, it lett å decrypt traffic. Nyheten on nøkkeltyveriet will send sjokkbølger gjennom whole sikkerhetsmiljøet, says Christopher Soghoian of the American Civil Liberties Union.

– This is bad prosjekt telefonsikkerheten. Veldig bad nytt, says kryptografisekspert Matthew Green at Johns Hopkins Information Security Institute to nettstedet.


- Everything that has anything with the Soviet Union to do, must be thrown on the fire – Aftenposten

Sofia Martsjenko there is a need to call a normal 20 year old. She is well underway with a degree in finance, and as a hobby baker she biscuits. She wants it once will grow to be her own business. Now she drinks hot chocolate and thinking a year ago.

– There was a perception among all students at the University that we had to go to Maidan. That it was now we had the chance to make a change, says Martsjenko.

The demonstrations on the Maidan in the center of Kiev began in earnest on 21 November 2013.

– Solidarity and Feeling trust between peoples was absolutely magical. It was truly a special feeling, says 20-year-old.

Ukraine had prolonged negotiations with the EU and the FTA, as the country’s former president Viktor Yanukovych, in November last year withdrew from the agreement. Instead, it became clear that the country had reached an agreement with Russia on cheaper oil and gas. This new line led to major demonstrations.

Bloody Week

The demonstrations continued for several months, but in February went something terribly wrong. After days of clashes between protesters and police, topped situation is February 20th when snipers shot and killed protesters in Institut Kaja street into Maidan. Altogether lost hundreds of lives in the demonstrations.

– My job was to make sure we got made and distributed enough food on the Maidan. When it started to become violent, I did not dare to be there anymore. We sat at home watching TV one night and day and followed, says Sofia Martsjenko.

– I helped many of my friends taped newspapers and magazines to the body, as a kind of shield against stroke. It was a scary time.

War in the East

In retrospect it spread a riot east of the country and on the peninsula of Crimea. On 21 March Crimea incorporated in Russia and prorussiske rebels gained control of major cities such as Donetsk and Luhansk. Altogether now over 5,000 people lost enlivens and over one million people have been displaced.

In the capital Kiev fences painted in flag colors. Over all hangs posters with patriotic slogans. Ukraine has become a polarized country.

– Today the situation is worse in Ukraine than it was a year ago, says Martsjenko when she sees full year.

– I knew it would be difficult , that it would cause problems on the road. But you need both sun and clouds to create a rainbow. I think we will soon see a rainbow over Ukraine, says 20-year-old.

And how would an ideal Ukraine set out for your part?

– Everything that has anything with the Soviet Union to do, must be thrown on the fire. We must invest in technology and education. I realize that it’s not easy, but I think we can see a change for the better for our children. I think certainly is possible.

Published: 19.feb. 2015 9:39 p.m.


- Tablets are becoming the new pacifier – ABC News

If the child is upset, it may be tempting to find the tablet. But scientists fear that much use of tablet can affect children’s ability to regulate their own emotions.

– Being a parent can be very difficult, but Tablet should not be the solution to peace, says child and adolescent psychiatrist Melanie Huynh Ekholdt by child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient Vest in Oslo.

Huynh is concerned that children need contact with other people – face to face.

– Children should explore, talk and be physical together. That’s how the brain develops. Children do not need lots of other stimuli, she says.

Believes tablet should have three boundary

Huynh is very clear in his view of children and tablets. In her opinion, there is no reason why children should get help to get started with tablets until they are three years old.

– Use of tablets will cause your child miss important development. They learn that settles down with a screen. The tablet becomes the new pacifier or favorite blanket, she says.

Read also:

How much time your kids spend in front of the screen?

Children are jealous of mobile

Negative impact?

Mobile devices are everywhere, and it is common that small children use them often. Yet we know little about what impact their use has on the small.

In a new research from Boston University Medical Center, researchers ask what extensive use of tablet to do with restless children.

Will it go beyond the child’s ability to develop empathy, social skills and problem solving?

– Not a new debate

– I’m not a neuroscientist, so I can not comment on medical grounds. But I can speak as kindergarten teacher and media scholar, this debate is not new, says Barbro Hardersen, project manager for Media Authority “Safe Use”.

The project work for the safe use of digital media for children and young people.

– If the tablet should be graded away, apply censorship when all types of screens? Concerns about the media “automatic” damages children appeared both as cinema and television came. When television came, there was a fear for children’s eyes. But television was not forbidden, says Hardersen.

Hardersen believes that there is no need for state age limits in relation to children and the use of tablets.

– Parents know their own children. If they need something that can calm the child down, so they do. Need child a trip into the wild, so they go for a walk out. I think that it is more problematic to just take the board away from the kids, and believe that this will give children a good upbringing. In addition, children’s rights cf. CRC. They are entitled to information, and tablets and media is a central and user friendly platform for information for children today, she says.

Read also:

iPad is worth gold for the kids!

– Play with your child 15 minutes every day

Use the afternoon with your child

Vicious Circle

Melanie Ekholdt Huynh is concerned that communication between parents and children should not be disturbed by a screen.

– When a child in need of comfort, it is important to connect with other people. It might not be so nice for parents to experience the tablet easier calms the child down than they even manage with physical contact and voice, she said.

Children and youth psychiatrist says that families can quickly end up in a vicious circle.

– Children are addicted tablet, and parents feel bad. It’s hard enough being a parent, though one should not struggle with this as well, she says.

Read also: Optometrists warn that much time in front of small screens can damage eyesight

– Learning to stand in difficult emotions

According to Huynh it turns too often that there are children who are already struggling a bit like sitting most front of a screen.

– But where does it start really? Gets kids troubled because they spend much time on a tablet, or they spend lots of time on tablets because they are troubled? Vulnerable children should be challenged and learn to stand in the difficult feelings with her parents, she says.

Read also: The good samtalenSå many friends should your child have!

– Possible weaning

Have tablet taken too much space in everyday life, says Huynh that it is entirely possible to accustom the child off.

– The first two or three weeks it may be difficult, it will be like with weaning from breast or pacifier. But it is an investment. Both children and parents get the better, and many feel that the child both fall asleep easier and eating better, says Huynh.

Barbro Hardersen agree that nothing can replace contact between people, face to face.

– But sometimes we have such few finished dinner, and then I see nothing wrong in a few minutes on the tablet with a good app. Maybe it inspires common song? So maybe we can go out on the sled ride at the weekend when everyone has free, says Hardersen.

– Thinking then that the trip will be a compensation for a did not get done during the week?

– No. I think it is more useful to look at everything we do, for example during a month. We should not feel guilty for the kids watching some Postman Pat or playing a game. Think about your own use as an adult. Are you “addicted”, or you need a breather? We all need breaks in everyday life, and they can be both with and without technology. There is no talk of tablet use all day, but maybe five to ten minutes, she says.

What is addiction?

She believes addiction concept is a serious medical diagnosis.

– Certainly creates games and tablet dedication and enthusiasm, but what is addiction? I’ve never heard that some censor away a book that your child is engrossed, because the child may become dependent, says Hardersen.

– We will obviously take seriously if there is one and two year olds who use tablets too much. But there are exceptional cases. So young children often wanders from activity to activity, she said. Hardersen thinks it is great with debate, for there are many who are struggling with issues surrounding children’s Internet use.

– But then there are also many who have found good routines and got it into everyday life in a good way. Maybe there is talk of tablet use one hour a week, or 20 minutes in the morning. The main thing is that there is balance in everything we do, she says.

Read also:

20 fun apps for children up 5 years

Supre children Apps

Hardersen says there are several Nordic and Norwegian studies showing that tablet can promote social interaction, and be supportive to learning.

– It is also Playful and children take media experiences with the kindergarten and other play arenas in retrospect, says Hardersen.

She tells of a nursery where the adults found a great sandcastle in kindergarten sandbox. Barna explained that it was not a sandcastle, but Minecraft building (building a computer game, journ.anm.).

– This requires that the adults have an attitude and ability to pick up references from today’s media culture in children’s play. Addressing some kids are already familiar with and interested in, is a superb way to work with problem solving and social skills, suggests Hardersen as a response to the US survey.

– It is the responsibility of adults to follow their children’s common references today and they are different than when they went to kindergarten. Removes one common references by prohibiting media access, can easily fall off children. It is serious, she says.

– Brutally deny

– I think it’s brutal whether a child should not be able to use tablet at all until they are three years. Today it is a large part of society, and the tablet is a great gateway to become a digital citizen, something everyone today must be trained to be. I think that tablet is no more problematic than other media. The child takes the an active role by pressing and get “reply”.

– You may want to sit with your child and pushing, play and hear sounds. It is social training, and does not preclude contact face to face. I think it’s a bit random though it is a book or a tablet. Children and adults do this together and complement each other fine. But it is important that we reflect on what their children are doing, and that we try out apps before we give the tablet to the children, says Hardersen.

– Many people think that the use of tablets is about to hang out with in the past?

– Tablet children can learn anytime otherwise . As a professor of education said, is kindergartens obliged to teach kids digital literacy. When they get enough in kindergarten, and does not need to be on a tablet with parents too. Parents are often tired, and it becomes difficult not to. Tablets are comfortable, answer Huynh.

– Adults should talk

Children and youth psychiatrist believes that children who have reached three years can practice to get a balanced relationship with tablets. And Internet use should be with their parents.

– Children should preferably start with a joint exploration of online world with close adults, says Huynh.

About parents feel that it is difficult to regulate Internet use, says Huynh that it is important that adults are talking.

– Take it up with partner, friends or grandparents. Use the adults who know you and your child, such as kindergarten teacher or nurse, she says.
