Sunday, May 31, 2015

- It is the Nordic countries that are developing technology –

To ensure that those who have paid for IntraFish protected against non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a security system to stop electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Oil Analyst: This is the oil industry’s biggest threat – Dagens Næringsliv


Og Norge påskynder utviklingen, mener analysesjef for råvarer Bjarne Schieldrop i SEB.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

- Fremveksten av elektriske biler er den absolutte trusselen for oljeprodusenter og oljeeksportører, sier analysesjef for råvarer Bjarne Schieldrop i SEB til DN.

Dette begrunner han med at den høye prisen for olje hittil har kunnet rettferdiggjøres av det fossile drivstoffets unike posisjon i transportsektoren.

Dersom elbiler blir virkelig utbredt på global basis, vil ikke oljen lenger være den foretrukne energikilden. Det vil etterlate oljen på samme nivå som andre energikilder, forklarer Schieldrop.

- Oljen er i dag mye, mye dyrere enn kull og gass fordi oljen er unik i transportsektoren. Hvis elektriske biler blir like billige og praktiske som bensinbiler, ville olje bare være energi – den vil ikke være et unikt transport-drivstoff, sier analytikeren og utdyper:

- Er ikke oljen unik i transportsektoren lenger, vil den heller ikke ha en unik pris.

Raskt tempo

Utviklingen av batteridrevne biler kan komme til å skyte fart i et høyt tempo, mener Schieldrop.

- Man er fortsatt veldig konservative med konsumvekstanslagene for 2015, til tross for at global økonomi går i riktig retning og oljeprisen er heftig redusert, sier Schieldrop.

- Silisium og batterirevolusjonen var eksempelvis noe man ikke kunne forutse, mener analytikeren.

- Så dette kan med andre ord gå rasende fort?

- Ja, teknologiutviklingen kan gjøre et hopp. Vi vet ikke om det skjer eller når det skjer, men vet at det arbeides intenst med forskning og utvikling av nye og bedre batterier, sier han og legger til:

- Gitt at Norge er en oljenasjon, er det litt rart å se Norge subsidierer elektriske biler – og således påskynder et potensielt hopp i teknologiutviklingen som vil kunne redusere den fremtidige verdien av oljen og Norges oljeinntekter. Det er bra for globalt og lokalt miljø, men ikke nødvendigvis så bra for norsk økonomi, sier Schieldrop.


Oljevirksomhet har i flere tiår gitt tusenvis av nordmenn trygge og godt betalte jobber. Nå som oljeinvesteringene faller, setter det spor i arbeidsledighetsstatistikken.

At Norge premierer elbileiere, mener råvareanalytikeren er et paradoks når man tar i betraktning hvor stor andel oljeeksport utgjør av inntektene våre.

- Det er en viss form for konflikt om man har en stor forretning som eksportør av olje og i tillegg er ekstremt sterk symportør i spillet for å utvikle denne teknologien – som potensielt sett kan redusere olje fra unik transport fuel, til kun energi på linje med kull og gass.

Administrerende direktør Stig Skjøstad i NAF. Foto: Gunnar Lier

- Norge har et ansvar

Administrerende direktør Stig Skjøstad i Norges Automobilforbund har tidligere advart om at markedet for elbiler i Norge kan rase sammen dersom de økonomiske fordelene ved å velge elbiler forsvinner.

Han er ikke enig med Schieldrop om at det oppstår konflikt når Norge gir elbileiere økonomiske fordeler.

- Det han prøver å si høres ut som et gufs fra fortiden, mener Skjøstad.

Han sier til DN at Norge har et særlig ansvar for å gå foran og finne ny energi og teknologi med tanke på å løse mobiliteten til samfunnene i fremtiden, nettopp fordi vi selv har stått for store deler av skadelige utslipp gjennom petroleumsvirksomhet.

- Vi er et av verdens rikeste land, og har bygget rikdommen på å bidra til klimautslipp på kloden gjennom oljeproduksjon. Nå må vi bruke en del av rikdommen på å finne nye løsninger for fremtiden, mener han.

- Det påligger Norge et stort ansvar å gå foran å vise vei for det internasjonale samfunnet. Da blir slike utspill som å kjøre bil i sladrespeil, sier Skjøstad.

- Men har ikke Schieldrop et poeng når han sier det er rart at Norge som en oljenasjon subsidierer elektriske biler?

- Jeg ser på det på en annen måte: Vi må også finne nye bein å stå på når oljen tar slutt. Vi er helt avhengig av ny teknologi dersom Norge skal overleve i fremtiden. Da har du to valg: enten kan du begynne å gjøre det mens du fremdeles har olje å leve av, eller du kan vente til den tar slutt. Det er best å skifte tak på huset når solen skinner, mener Skjøstad.

Les også: Her er aldersgrensen arbeidsgiverne ikke helt liker

Seadrill tar markedet på sengen

Foreslår forsikring mot boligprisfall

- Den ekstra ferieuken blir sett på som et rent gode


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

- Closed technology is off the shelf –

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Fearing an NRK with a broken back – journalist

We are concerned. Worried public’s behalf for NRK’s ​​future in Hedmark. The background is the downsizing of NRK staff in Hedmark and the reduction of regional office in Elverum to a local office. And we, it’s NRK veterans, all with long careers in Hedmark.

We have no illusions about to overturn decisions to reduce NRK’s ​​activities in one of the country’s counties. We have no illusions that everything was better before, although much was obviously there. But we have no illusions that NRK Hedmark listeners, viewers and readers hereafter will get the same service and coverage as before. That is what worries us. NRK is left with a broken back in Hedmark.

Whatever new technology – which crew to cover such a large county Hedmark journalism. Listeners and viewers must now rely on a lower news and cultural offerings of the county than in the past, and a poorer service than NRK gives in most other counties. This also goes beyond Hedmark visibility at national level. Hedmark is a sparsely populated county in comparison with, for example, the counties around the Oslo Fjord. But listeners and viewers, both here and there to pay the same license and should therefore be entitled to the same service.

Therefore we are surprised that politicians in Hedmark, both at the municipal and county have sat peep in the boat during the process leading to the reduction in NRK Hedmark. They have not understood the consequences, or have not NRK longer mattered in the media in Hedmark? If the latter is the case, there is even greater cause for concern. What contingency obligations NRK in Oslo? What if, for instance, comes a new great flood? Or will we see that the complex predator conflict in Hedmark be covered by journalists from Oslo or Lillehammer who do not have the ballast as the local reporters have?

In NRK preamble states that NRK should reflect the geographic diversity of Norway and have a good local service and local presence. Recently selected NRK to reopen a separate district for Finnmark after years of merging with Troms. As emphasized Broadcasting, with many fine words, just that it is done to give the population of Finnmark a better media offers and give the county a larger space in the national news. Should not the same arguments also apply to Hedmark?

There are veterans privilege to recall how it was before. Ever since NRK Hedmark was established with a private house in Elverum in 1981, the office has been designated as a pioneering office and part of NRK’s ​​spine. District Office was the first who started to use computer tools both in program production and technical service. NRK Hedmark was a driving force to establish wireless transmit opportunities throughout the county, traffic messaging RDS for live broadcasts (even for BBC with 20 million listeners!), For building up local music archive, and for high news production for the nationwide network of radio and TV. Just to mention a few. Yes, this is the past. But it created a culture at a forward office is now described further away.

Veterans are often rebuffed that “this is progress, this is our future”, just as that development is something that drifts in a trencher and just to be accepted. No, development and future of an institution shaped by the decisions that are taken. And the decisions that the broadcast management has now taken for NRK Hedmark pointing unfortunately only one road into the future. What’s next, what happens next year?

Ivar Hagen, Inger Foxton, Øyvind Bæk, Aase Dahling, Tore Andresen, Magnar Nøtåsen, Knut Skaaraas, Randi Hagebakken, Bjorn Furuheim, Jan Fredrik Klemmetvold Ivan Hagen, Per Dahling, Randi Hansen, Odd Henrik Johnsen and Bjorn Anders Sorli


Friday, May 22, 2015

Both Apple and Google coming soon with great news! – Your side

Your page The next few weeks will be exciting to be interested technology.

28. May open Google I / O; the company develops conference, where it traditionally presented a good news section on the first keynote lecture.

And June 8 yesterday Apple CEO Tim Cook on stage to present their news this summer.

For just a month ago, Microsoft had its corresponding event, Build, which they partly presented the new browser Edge, ability to use your cell phone as a PC, and more.

But what can we expect from Google and Apple?

As usual rumor mill in full swing ahead of these arrangementenene.

Google: Android M

Although only around ten percent of the Android user base running Lollipop, the latest version of Android, it seems that the next version will be revealed on May 28th.

In one of the sessions during the conference, Android M mentioned, although it has now been removed from the program, according to The Verge.

What M will stand for is not known, but since Google has a tradition naming Android versions after desserts and goodies, there may be a words like Marshmallow, M & amp; M, Marzipan, Marmalade, Muffin, Macaroon, Milkshake or the like.

Among the news it may seem that Android will be more suitable to use at work (possibly with differentiate work Life), an improved warning system (one of the sessions entitled “Notifications, interruption and Volumes: Coming Attractions”) and even more functionality for voice recognition.

Google Android TV / Auto / Wear / Home

We also see the program that there are several sessions about Android TV. The other day we tested the first Android TV product, Nexus Player and Google seems to want to carry more of the team with a view to develop apps and games to TV version of Android.


TV ANDROID: Nexus Player running Android TV, including offers games, download apps and a precise voice search function.

There are also several sessions discusses Google Cast; technology that allows you to send media content from mobile phones, tablets and PC wirelessly.

READ ALSO: Ten handsome Chromecast tips

Several TV manufacturers have started selling TVs with Android TV as embedded operating systems, including Sony and Philips.

Also Google Auto will be discussed in a few sessions at Google I / O; Android version that can be used in cars.

(Photo: HUAWEI)

PEN: Many people seem Huawei Watch is the prettiest Android clockwise until now, but it is not yet to purchase.

We are not surprised if it comes news related to Android Wear. Apple has now released its smart watch, Apple Watch, which both we and others believe is the best smart clockwise until now. Possibly we will also see the next edition of Motorola’s sleek smart clock, Moto 360.

On the program we also talk about the smart thermostat Nest, which Google acquired early in 2014 for three billion dollars. Therefore, it can quickly get news related to Android Home, which is designed to connect the devices you have at home so that the entire home becomes smarter.

Google: New Image Service

Google social networking, Google+, has never been a great success, although many of those who use the service are very satisfied with it.

One of the things that makes Google+ extra good, the embedded picture feature Photos. According to Bloomberg, this will now become an independent image service, which can suddenly compete with services like Flickr – which recently received a major upgrade.


SUPER EFFECTS: Google bildetjenste automatically creates super effects on any of the photos you take with you having to lift a finger.

Google’s image service has much embedded “magic.” Firstly, it can automatically backup all the pictures you take, and it automatically creates super effects, album of trips you have been on, and more without having to lift a finger.

Google: Project Tango

And maybe we’ll see what these guys have spent the past year:

Apple: New Music Service

BEATS: Beats’ music service has including a nifty feature to create a sentence and then get music to match.

One year ago Apple used three billion US dollars to buy Beats, and now the stage is set for a relaunch of Beats-flow service.

Whether the name is retained or replaced in favor of Apple Music remains to be seen, but there is little doubt that Apple is now rolling up his sleeves to recapture music market against players like Spotify, Tidal, Rdio and the other, which in recent years has taken over more and more of the digital music sales.

Spotify, with over 60 million users (of which approximately 15 million paying) tremble enough little pants these days.

– with a database of nearly one millard credit card numbers that everyone will be a button away To start a flow subscriptions with Apple, this market conquered very quickly.

Especially since some rumors has it that Apple has managed to negotiate a lower monthly fee than the competition.

READ ALSO: Spotify with video and jogging music

Apple: New Apple TV

Apple TV has always been considered a “hobby project” by Apple, but when Android TV is now about to make its way into the living room, it’s time to press the accelerator pedal.

According to MacRumours are talking about a giant upgrade, with large increase of storage (now: 8GB), embedded support for both Siri and App Store, and the ability to manage the rest of your home via Apple HomeKit solution, which can compared with Android Home cited above.

Apple should also have allied themselves with a number of American TV channels, ABC, CBS, Fox and ESPN, to offer a complete online TV package for all Apple devices for a fixed monthly sum. This is probably so, which will primarily be applicable to those with residence in the United States.

READ ALSO: Ten Tips to you with Apple TV

Apple: iOS 9 / OS X

Apple’s developer conference has traditionally showcased the next versions of iOS and OS X, and it made hardly any exceptions there for years.

Just what news will be in these operating systems is not so much rumors, but for us Norwegians expect continents we voice control feature Siri also understands Norwegian in the next round, since it already understands Swedish and Danish.


COMING THIS YEAR: According to the Apple website will Norwegians have the opportunity to buy Apple Watch during the year.

And that means everything should be set for that Apple Watch also can be launched in Norway in the autumn, which is traditionally the time of launch of new iOS versions. On Apple’s website, it is at least established that at coming to Norway during 2015.

We expect, however, not launching any new iPhone at WWDC; it is usually done on a separate launch over the summer. However, it has happened that new hardware has been showcased – in 2013 we got such a taste of the cylindrical Mac Pro and new Macbook Air computers.

Apparently are working on a larger version of the iPad ( 12 “), so maybe we get a little sneak peek at it.

We at DinSide will of course make sure to keep up with the news from both Google, Apple and others in the coming weeks.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

3D technology will provide new experience of farming –

To ensure that those who have paid for IntraFish protected against non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a security system to stop electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Monday, May 11, 2015

Researching tomorrow’s technology – Varden

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Forsker på framtidens teknologi
Hold deg oppdatert på nyheter fra Telemark! Følg Varden på Facebook du også! Tenk deg at kalenderen viser pluss minus år 1950 og at oppgaven er å utvikle noe man aner kan komme til å bli en realitet i én eller annen form en gang, nemlig det som etter …

og mer »


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Do you also this mobile mistake? – TV 2

Most walks around with mobile constantly, and this makes it easy to snap photos and shoot video of mostly one experiences during a day. The downside is the quality of what is being attached to the memory.

NOT LIKE THAT! The vertical filming will not be a success when it should be played on the PC.

Black bands on page

A common mistake is that the user holds the phone vertically. On mobile it is straightforward to play elevation film, because you can just turn your screen. But if one is to see the movie on a TV or computer screen, it is pure grief. In many player, for example, it must be on a black filter on both sides of the film.

Height Filming is simply not okay, says blogger and editor Allison Andreassen.

T in tips for filming with mobile:

1. Puss lens.
Grease, dirt and grime accumulates often on lens for mobile phones. Wipe it before you get started.

2. Film width format.
Mobile will be in your hands when you shoot, it should not stand upright. Too many people forget to do this, with the result that the video comes in height format which is not adapted to the width of the tablet, PCs or TV format.

3. Be strict with record button.
Each recording should be no more than 10-15 seconds. Then it becomes easier to edit clips together.

4. Delete bad recording immediately.
When you get fewer admission to handle when you are editing.

5. Use your mobile camera conscious.
Best results when clips together can tell a little story. Follow an event or a situation. For example, on the beach, you can film clips during packaging of swimwear and beach toys, head to the beach, and the first bathroom. Then you get a little story that hangs together.

6. Use simple editor.
Splice and iMovie are two editing programs that can be downloaded as apps.

7. Save on the effects.
Editor has various transition effects that can be inserted between clips, but this should be used very carefully. Use those who make the least attention.

8. Feel free to use music from your own music library.
Music can set the mood and lift a movie. But use an entire song on film can get problems getting video film approved on YouTube for viewing on mobile devices such as tablet computers and mobile phones. Portions of songs always go smoothly.

9. Create a handsome movie clip, not a boring film.
Film should be no more than 1-5 minutes long. The shorter, the better.

10. Share with others. Share
film on Facebook, YouTube and other social media to get feedback. See how other films and copies. When you see faster how to be even better.

Get more tips from Allison Andreassen Kobbabloggen.

– I get completely itch when I see people in movies portrait. It’s almost so I dread to 17 May. Then there will be thousands upon thousands of people and shoot kids in trains, but they do it in a format that is not suited to showcase the mobile, pad or television, he said to TV 2

Trashy film

He believes video clips in height format is the same as a broken video: It can not be used for the future.

According to Andreassen is the cause of altitude filming that people are used to hold phone vertically when talking. He believes mobile producers should placed video in widescreen format by default.

Head of Bureau in Coxit and social media expert, Magnus Brøyn encourages people to have a more conscious of filming.

– People like movies vertically has long been ridiculed in social media. If someone posts a standalone video, you hear that one suffers from “Vertical Video Syndrome” and made fun of.

But now newer social services, as Meerkat and Periscope – in addition to snapchat – made that people must shoot standing when they use these apps – and then confusion will be further strengthened.

Asking people to be aware

– People must simply imagine a little more about. There is enough light to film alone because it is easier to keep your mobile the way. But if one films which are displayed on a screen – larger than the iphone and ipad, then you have to shoot lying. There are probably many who forget themselves, and are surprised when they play confirmand speech on the TV screen. In such settings must always filming lying, says Brøyn to TV 2

He recalls that there is a reason why PC and TV screens have the shape they have.

– Filmmakers have gone from 4: 3 in aspect ratio to 16: 9 and there is a reason for it. For even if you fine can play it alone movie on your PC, or show it on TV, for there is no experience great when the image consists primarily of heaven and pant legs.

Solicitation of tipsere

In TV 2 we get every day in video tipsere filmed on mobile phones from small and large events. And quite often it is unfortunately filmed vertically.

Editorial Director Olav Haugan on has a clear call to potential tipsere:

– It is always best filming lying words in landscape format. Just look at your TV! Movies you “standing” we need to add a filter on every page that takes attention away from the actual film. When it becomes harder for us to use your movie, says Haugan.

This year’s film Summer Norwegian cinemas.

Truls Svendsen won the audience award for the second consecutive year.


Friday, May 8, 2015

Tung start on onshore technology –

To ensure that those who have paid for IntraFish protected against non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a security system to stop electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Notifications time limits per person on the Internet: – Nonsense, says Norwegian expert –

(Dagbladet): – I think one should be careful not to laugh at this, but it’s hard to let be, says Torgeir Waterhouse, director of Internet and new media in ICT Norway, Dagbladet.

Eight percent of the total power consumption in the UK, go to the Internet. This weekend the Sunday Times wrote that an academic estimates that in the coming years to ration internet usage so that you and I get time restrictions on Internet access.

– Only for attention

How much time we get depends on how much we pay, says scholar Andrew Ellis at Aston University, who was quoted by media across the UK this weekend.

– I think that this is a statement to get attention. Just nonsense. Perhaps it is to increase awareness about electricity use our, or there is a journalist who has been overzealous in the interpretation of a report or quotes his Waterhouse says to Dagbladet.

But academician-Ellis does not seem joking.

The Telegraph writes that demand doubles every four years, and that the power consumed by including video surfing on smart phones, laptops and TVs.

– Internet already use at least eight percent of Britain’s total consumption of electricity – as much as three nuclear power plants – and demand increases, says Ellis to Sunday Times.

– There is growing so fast that in theory we can use all the power in the UK by 2035. We are not able to make all the extra power, so we need to reduce the supply – maybe by measuring users so that they pay for what they use, he said.

– Not at all

CIO says it sounds like scholar has invented a silly math calculation, and mean it do not add up.

So this is not something we need to worry about, nor here in Norway?

– Absolutely not. Had it been real, the answer would obviously been to ensure access to more power. We also know that the devices we use today are increasingly using less power. Had it been some realism in his statements, he would still not be able to solve the problem of rationing Internet usage, which is about participation in society.

– There is much else one could either rationed elsewhere first, he says.

– Not worried

Waterhouse in ICT Norway believes there is no reason for concern. In fact, he stated, when he hears the statements of academic, to be discussed during a big meeting in the venerable science society The Royal Society in London this week.

According to The Telegraph, the academics discuss what is referred to as “a potentially catastrophic capacity hazard”.

– The only differences in Internet usage in our 2035 is going to be of the same genre as the difference from how we used the web 20 years ago, until now. But I’m not worried. I think we should be confident that it will be developed more and more products based on renewable energy equipment that make their own energy. There goes the right way, he said.

Andrew Lord in British BT Group, agrees academician-Ellis-spoken about their rationing.

– This is the first time we’ve had to worry about that optical fiber cables actually fills up. We could expanded network by adding more cables, but the economy does not go up, and it can increase power consumption, he says the Telegraph.


Monday, May 4, 2015

Will adopt new technology into new hatcheries –

To ensure that those who have paid for IntraFish protected against non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a security system to stop electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Sunday, May 3, 2015

These “robots” will be able to move suspicious objects –

(Dagbladet): New technology will make it possible to move vehicles that contradict or seem suspicious, without people present.

Since 2012, The Autonomous Vehicle Emergency Recovery Tool (AVERT) has been under development.

See how AVERT works in video in the upper case.

In March could project presenting a prototype of the technology they hope will revolutionize police and security services of whole world.

Five countries interested

– There were five European countries present when we demonstrated how it worked. We also countries outside Europe that have shown interest AVERT. We are going to hold several presentations during the year, says project coordinator Richard May told Dagbladet.

He can not yet tell which countries we are talking about.

The idea is that it should be possible to carry out vehicle that contradict or seem suspicious, from exposed positions.

It can mean anything from enclosed areas, tunnels, low bridges and parking garages.

Should reduce terror danger

Because “robots” are so small, the vehicle can be moved at almost any location.

The aim is to reduce or eliminate both infrastructure and human damages, arising out of terror.

– The technology will replace the manual and will be an additional technology for police services who need to remove objects from the danger zones, said Richard May.

“AVERT can independently remove blocked cars that are not really available. Because of remote operation, that they are self-propelled and that they have sensors on itself, giving it a completely new feature that can work side by side with today’s technology, thereby enhancing the bomb team’s response time and security, “they write on its website.

According to Popular Science can robots using LIDAR, remote sensing technique, measure the location of the vehicle. That way it will be possible to obtain information on any obstacles and which routes will be most appropriate.

Part of EU-program

The project previously funded by the EU as one of its Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. The program was terminated in 2013, and should contribute to making the EU the foremost research area in the world.

– It has taken a little over three years from the initial concept and research phase we could keep the presentation in March. Now we will work towards production, says May.


Friday, May 1, 2015

These “robots” will be able to move suspicious objects –

(Dagbladet): New technology will make it possible to move vehicles that contradict or seem suspicious, without people present.

Since 2012, The Autonomous Vehicle Emergency Recovery Tool (AVERT) has been under development.

See how AVERT works in video in the upper case.

In March could project presenting a prototype of the technology they hope will revolutionize police and security services of whole world.

Five countries interested

– There were five European countries present when we demonstrated how it worked. We also countries outside Europe that have shown interest AVERT. We are going to hold several presentations during the year, says project coordinator Richard May told Dagbladet.

He can not yet tell which countries we are talking about.

The idea is that it should be possible to carry out vehicle that contradict or seem suspicious, from exposed positions.

It can mean anything from enclosed areas, tunnels, low bridges and parking garages.

Should reduce terror danger

Because “robots” are so small, the vehicle can be moved at almost any location.

The aim is to reduce or eliminate both infrastructure and human damages, arising out of terror.

– The technology will replace the manual and will be an additional technology for police services who need to remove objects from the danger zones, said Richard May.

“AVERT can independently remove blocked cars that are not really available. Because of remote operation, that they are self-propelled and that they have sensors on itself, giving it a completely new feature that can work side by side with today’s technology, thereby enhancing the bomb team’s response time and security, “they write on its website.

According to Popular Science can robots using LIDAR, remote sensing technique, measure the location of the vehicle. That way it will be possible to obtain information on any obstacles and which routes will be most appropriate.

Part of EU-program

The project previously funded by the EU as one of its Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. The program was terminated in 2013, and should contribute to making the EU the foremost research area in the world.

– It has taken a little over three years from the initial concept and research phase we could keep the presentation in March. Now we will work towards production, says May.
