The battle for the photographers’ attention is going to be about other things than the applicant. It’s going to be about much more than cameras, and even market the war on cameras is going to apply something completely different than SLR vs mirror fixed.
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Mirrorless cameras are not new. Interchangeable lenses existed long before someone made a SLR increases. Leica, perhaps foto history’s most legendary producer, has made mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses since 1930. Strictly speaking, mirrors a physical obstacle that both may delay timer and steal some of the light. But producers have been successful in refining the technology so that SLR has been outstanding tools.
For 10-15 years ago everyone was talking photo enthusiasts of the Crossroads film / digital. There were those who hoped that the digital “should go over,” just as there were some who thought the Internet was going to be a flop. Today no one doubts that digital is the main technology to produce images but the foto schools are evoking thoughts still wet. Side by side with the digital world, it is still allowed to cultivate the photochemical craft.
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Today fighting SLRs alongside mirrorless about the public’s favor. There are mirrorless cameras with image sensors larger than what many call “broadsheet” (36 x 24 mm, traditionally called småbildeformat or slightly misleading 35mm format) in technical cameras. For these uses the photographer liked a big computer screen as “seek”. Sony and Leica stock mirrorless digital cameras with image sensors in småbildeformat, while Canon, Nikon and Sony stock SLRs same format. Some of Sony’s cameras have eg. same image sensor construction that some of Nikon. There is no difference in image quality if these have mirror or not. SLR is not in itself a quality factor.
When some enthusiasts today discussing SLR vs mirror resolved, it is still a siding. SLR Cameras coming to live well beside mirrorless cameras in the future. But even if a few years there are few SLRs to choose from, it is not the mirror that is the explanation. It’s more about mechanics versus electronics.
A digital camera with mechanics is really an anachronism. Mobile cameras show us that mechanics is unnecessary to shoot, process photos, look at the results, communicate with them and publish them.
Today’s SLRs are in many ways just like film based cameras for 20-30-40 years ago , before digital cameras came into common sales. It’s only image sensor and storage method which is substantially changed. The other members of SLRs mainly of 50-100 year old technology. And as is often the case with old and proven technology, it turns out that the regrettably very good, although the time is about to run away from it.
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The big paradigm shift will – also in the photo world – act that electronics displaces mechanics. And in our little searching centered duck pond, it is easy to draw attention to mirror increases versus electronic viewfinder. This is where the distinction is most conspicuous. For while it is impossible to make a good optical viewfinder without mechanics, it is equally difficult to make a good speilløs searches without electronics.
Electronics costs a lot to develop, and as long as the mechanical SLR offers proven technology that have long been paid and earned, the development costs and risk by introducing the all-new, keeping the prices of electronic cameras up. But it does not last as long. When the audience has accepted cameras with few or no vital mechanical components, electronics will win that it is much cheaper to mass produce, and because it makes it possible to blow up the boundaries mechanics have built. In an online search, you can read more information about settings, sharpness and exposure than in a mirror increases, or you can choose to only see the image composing. Seeking The image can also be enlarged, especially in cameras with small image sensors, which would otherwise limit the viewfinder image with mirror increases.
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We also see that electronic cameras are smaller, lighter and have much higher performance than mechanical. Although we still call them “mirrorless”.
Completely free of mechanics we are still not. Even mobile cameras need a minimum of mechanics to focus. Fix focus mobiles is as passé as disposable cameras with fixed-focus, and although SLR lenses without focusing possibility actually exists, no one would think of buying a system camera that can not be used to focus. With current technology needed mechanics to move lens elements for changing the focal point. Although achievements which “omnifokus” moving lens elements to focus repeatedly before images are combined to a new image where either the entire image is in focus, or to a screen where you can select different focus points while watching them.
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The optic is a physical necessity for general photography, but also benefits from the electronics. It is already usual to compensate for optical error with electronic imaging camera. If you thought it was just cheap cameras that do this, you should catch that Hasselblad already for ca. 10 years ago to its studio cameras began to construct optics were corrected that way. Nowadays it is more common than the optical error corrected solely with glass, and it applies to all cameras with built in electronics. That is almost all.
Since current cameras in many ways be described as computers with image characteristics, is of course the software in the camera’s computer important. More and more of photographic possibilities offered by advanced software, and more and more software is built into the cameras. While internal software to analog cameras in the beginning limited himself to read by the light meter and control the shutter mechanics, it was already beginning essential for the entire imaging process in digital cameras. Today handle cameras’ processors (there are often several) program routines that interpret light contrast, color composition, highlighting the sharpness and resolution, controls focusing, corrects optical and digital errors, manages display and viewfinder display, and not least – give photographers extending information.
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On colloquially spoken still of “raw” image files, and then it’s like to RAW files we are talking about. But in reality, they are also a result of a wide range of analogue and digital processes in the camera’s computer. It provides just as little sense to speak of unprocessed image files that run free cars. The more computing power cameras get, and the more sophisticated program routines engineers manage to develop the more advanced imaging manufacturers will offer.
Several manufacturers already offer cameras where you can download your own programs used much like a smartphone. Hybrids between “real cameras” and smart phones are nothing new. And since the camera is a computer with photo opportunities, we have not yet seen the limits of how computing can change the shooting. Make it easier, make it more sophisticated, or perhaps more complicated? We all know that not everything you put into a computer necessarily a good thing.
We still think that the most important changes with electronic cameras will be about communication. The ability to communicate – wirelessly and as a basic function – is the main reason why mobile has now become the most used camera. It is hardly realistic to believe that “traditional” cameras is going to regain the hegemony. But they can – and must – be significantly better to communicate with the outside world.
With a few exceptions, today’s cameras still ridiculously small functional if you want to add images to a website, social media, send them to another computer, or archive images with backup. In return, they have many advantages for the photographer’s ability to compose, expose, follow motifs and quality assure their pictures. Physical handling, intuitive control of shooting settings (often with mechanics), not to mention the possibility of using optics with special properties of different designs – features mobile cameras are woefully bad at.
Yet it is a fact that more and more advances in photography is mobile centered. Both bracelets mobiles and tablets are image centered from scratch, and as well Apple as the major behind Android and Windows mobile cameras – Samsung, Sony, LG, Google, Microsoft and more – open constantly for new ways to use imaging technology. And if they do, it is a teenager who get an idea and put together an app during school hours.
When we ask the producers why they do not make it as easy to communicate with “ordinary cameras” as with mobiles, we get evasive answers. We believe they are simply at a loss, and that the thought of throwing himself into the mobile market is scary for most of them. But both Sony, Samsung and Panasonic have long made and sold mobiles and even traditional Leica user friendly and powerful software to communicate between the mobile and camera. With WiFi / WLAN.
The direct communication – between camera and network with all its services – still require access to the mobile Internet. We know that several mobile manufacturers want to find an alternative standard regardless of the SIM card, thus breaking the telecom operators’ clammy grip on wireless communications. We think it also comes to camera manufacturers, and that at least some of the producers will see opportunities in letting “real cameras” be equally good to communicate as any other computer.
Anything else would the be pointless when everything still are electronic and digital.
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