Monday, August 31, 2015

Who the hell is interested in mirrors? – Journalist

The battle for the photographers’ attention is going to be about other things than the applicant. It’s going to be about much more than cameras, and even market the war on cameras is going to apply something completely different than SLR vs mirror fixed.

Read also: 5 things that make it a better photographer

Mirrorless cameras are not new. Interchangeable lenses existed long before someone made a SLR increases. Leica, perhaps foto history’s most legendary producer, has made mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses since 1930. Strictly speaking, mirrors a physical obstacle that both may delay timer and steal some of the light. But producers have been successful in refining the technology so that SLR has been outstanding tools.

For 10-15 years ago everyone was talking photo enthusiasts of the Crossroads film / digital. There were those who hoped that the digital “should go over,” just as there were some who thought the Internet was going to be a flop. Today no one doubts that digital is the main technology to produce images but the foto schools are evoking thoughts still wet. Side by side with the digital world, it is still allowed to cultivate the photochemical craft.

Read also: What Hasse Blades make mistakes like Leica makes right

Today fighting SLRs alongside mirrorless about the public’s favor. There are mirrorless cameras with image sensors larger than what many call “broadsheet” (36 x 24 mm, traditionally called småbildeformat or slightly misleading 35mm format) in technical cameras. For these uses the photographer liked a big computer screen as “seek”. Sony and Leica stock mirrorless digital cameras with image sensors in småbildeformat, while Canon, Nikon and Sony stock SLRs same format. Some of Sony’s cameras have eg. same image sensor construction that some of Nikon. There is no difference in image quality if these have mirror or not. SLR is not in itself a quality factor.

Photo: Sherman Geronimo-Tan / Creative Commons

When some enthusiasts today discussing SLR vs mirror resolved, it is still a siding. SLR Cameras coming to live well beside mirrorless cameras in the future. But even if a few years there are few SLRs to choose from, it is not the mirror that is the explanation. It’s more about mechanics versus electronics.


A digital camera with mechanics is really an anachronism. Mobile cameras show us that mechanics is unnecessary to shoot, process photos, look at the results, communicate with them and publish them.

Today’s SLRs are in many ways just like film based cameras for 20-30-40 years ago , before digital cameras came into common sales. It’s only image sensor and storage method which is substantially changed. The other members of SLRs mainly of 50-100 year old technology. And as is often the case with old and proven technology, it turns out that the regrettably very good, although the time is about to run away from it.

Read also: Guide: How to take better Panoramic images Part 1

The big paradigm shift will – also in the photo world – act that electronics displaces mechanics. And in our little searching centered duck pond, it is easy to draw attention to mirror increases versus electronic viewfinder. This is where the distinction is most conspicuous. For while it is impossible to make a good optical viewfinder without mechanics, it is equally difficult to make a good speilløs searches without electronics.

Electronics costs a lot to develop, and as long as the mechanical SLR offers proven technology that have long been paid and earned, the development costs and risk by introducing the all-new, keeping the prices of electronic cameras up. But it does not last as long. When the audience has accepted cameras with few or no vital mechanical components, electronics will win that it is much cheaper to mass produce, and because it makes it possible to blow up the boundaries mechanics have built. In an online search, you can read more information about settings, sharpness and exposure than in a mirror increases, or you can choose to only see the image composing. Seeking The image can also be enlarged, especially in cameras with small image sensors, which would otherwise limit the viewfinder image with mirror increases.

Read also: When someone steals your photos

Photo: LG

We also see that electronic cameras are smaller, lighter and have much higher performance than mechanical. Although we still call them “mirrorless”.


Completely free of mechanics we are still not. Even mobile cameras need a minimum of mechanics to focus. Fix focus mobiles is as passé as disposable cameras with fixed-focus, and although SLR lenses without focusing possibility actually exists, no one would think of buying a system camera that can not be used to focus. With current technology needed mechanics to move lens elements for changing the focal point. Although achievements which “omnifokus” moving lens elements to focus repeatedly before images are combined to a new image where either the entire image is in focus, or to a screen where you can select different focus points while watching them.

Read also: 10 Tips to not lose photos

The optic is a physical necessity for general photography, but also benefits from the electronics. It is already usual to compensate for optical error with electronic imaging camera. If you thought it was just cheap cameras that do this, you should catch that Hasselblad already for ca. 10 years ago to its studio cameras began to construct optics were corrected that way. Nowadays it is more common than the optical error corrected solely with glass, and it applies to all cameras with built in electronics. That is almost all.


Since current cameras in many ways be described as computers with image characteristics, is of course the software in the camera’s computer important. More and more of photographic possibilities offered by advanced software, and more and more software is built into the cameras. While internal software to analog cameras in the beginning limited himself to read by the light meter and control the shutter mechanics, it was already beginning essential for the entire imaging process in digital cameras. Today handle cameras’ processors (there are often several) program routines that interpret light contrast, color composition, highlighting the sharpness and resolution, controls focusing, corrects optical and digital errors, manages display and viewfinder display, and not least – give photographers extending information.

Read also: Five Tips for sports photography

On colloquially spoken still of “raw” image files, and then it’s like to RAW files we are talking about. But in reality, they are also a result of a wide range of analogue and digital processes in the camera’s computer. It provides just as little sense to speak of unprocessed image files that run free cars. The more computing power cameras get, and the more sophisticated program routines engineers manage to develop the more advanced imaging manufacturers will offer.

Several manufacturers already offer cameras where you can download your own programs used much like a smartphone. Hybrids between “real cameras” and smart phones are nothing new. And since the camera is a computer with photo opportunities, we have not yet seen the limits of how computing can change the shooting. Make it easier, make it more sophisticated, or perhaps more complicated? We all know that not everything you put into a computer necessarily a good thing.


We still think that the most important changes with electronic cameras will be about communication. The ability to communicate – wirelessly and as a basic function – is the main reason why mobile has now become the most used camera. It is hardly realistic to believe that “traditional” cameras is going to regain the hegemony. But they can – and must – be significantly better to communicate with the outside world.

With a few exceptions, today’s cameras still ridiculously small functional if you want to add images to a website, social media, send them to another computer, or archive images with backup. In return, they have many advantages for the photographer’s ability to compose, expose, follow motifs and quality assure their pictures. Physical handling, intuitive control of shooting settings (often with mechanics), not to mention the possibility of using optics with special properties of different designs – features mobile cameras are woefully bad at.

Photo: Alleran 917 / Creative Commons

Yet it is a fact that more and more advances in photography is mobile centered. Both bracelets mobiles and tablets are image centered from scratch, and as well Apple as the major behind Android and Windows mobile cameras – Samsung, Sony, LG, Google, Microsoft and more – open constantly for new ways to use imaging technology. And if they do, it is a teenager who get an idea and put together an app during school hours.

When we ask the producers why they do not make it as easy to communicate with “ordinary cameras” as with mobiles, we get evasive answers. We believe they are simply at a loss, and that the thought of throwing himself into the mobile market is scary for most of them. But both Sony, Samsung and Panasonic have long made and sold mobiles and even traditional Leica user friendly and powerful software to communicate between the mobile and camera. With WiFi / WLAN.

The direct communication – between camera and network with all its services – still require access to the mobile Internet. We know that several mobile manufacturers want to find an alternative standard regardless of the SIM card, thus breaking the telecom operators’ clammy grip on wireless communications. We think it also comes to camera manufacturers, and that at least some of the producers will see opportunities in letting “real cameras” be equally good to communicate as any other computer.

Anything else would the be pointless when everything still are electronic and digital.

More articles about photography can be found at


Replacing century-old technology – NRK

Transport Minister Ketil Solvik Olsen stood for the opening when the country’s first railway line with new signaling system was opened Monday.

East line has been test-stretch for the new signaling system, called ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) and has now become the country’s most modern railway line.

Signal Fault currently accounts for about fifty percent of all train delays in Norway, but with the new system there will be improvements, according to project manager Jernbaneverket Jarle Rasmussen.

Today was the new system adopted “for real”, accompanied by brass music.

– This is a great celebration of something that means a lot for railroads . To get upgraded technology in signaling matter to travel everyday life for people, said Transport Minister Ketil Solvik Olsen (FRP).

According to Olsen, it interrupts people will notice the best. Or lack thereof. For there is a difference when you replace a system that uses more than a century old technology, says Olsen.

– The fact that lokførererne now get information into your fingertips matters for operational stability, but also we can utilize railway more effectively in the future.

The stretch on the eastern line has a price tag of 1.2 billion, and is a huge and time-consuming system to roll out. Fully developed, it is not until around the year 2030.


- Det er dette oljeselskapene er villige til å bruke penger på – Dagens Næringsliv


Det lille teknologiselskapet Vissim i Horten har signert storkontrakt med Statoil.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Etter en årrekke med Statoil som største kunde, har det lille teknologiselskapet Vissim i Horten fått fornyet tillit. For kort tid siden signerte selskapene en kontrakt på fire pluss ti år som vil gi selskapet en inntekt på 15 millioner kroner i året. Totalt kan kontrakten være på 210 millioner kroner. Selskapet skal levere systemer for havovervåkning og beredskap for Statoils rigger i Nordsjøen.

Selskapet fikk også overvåkningkontrakten for Johan Sverdrup-plattformen tidligere i sommer.

– Jeg har signert mange kontrakter i årenes løp, men svært sjelden en kontrakt med en slik varighet, sier styreleder Ditlef De Vibe som tidliegre var direktør for Christian Sveaas-eide Kistefos.

Ikke som planlagt
Vissim har utviklet teknologi og tjenester knyttet til overvåkning av havområdene offshore. Det inkluderer antikollisjonssystemer og radarteknologi som kan avdekke oljeutslipp. Selskapet har både BP, Talisman, Shell, Transocean, Odfjell og Diamond Offshore på kundelisten, og driver også med havovervåking utenfor kysten av en rekke andre land, blant annet i Asia.

I 2011 betalte Skagerak Venture Capital (eier nå 43,7 prosent) og tidligere Kistefos-direktør Ditlef de Vibe (eier 8,6 prosent) 35 millioner kroner da de kjøpte seg inn i selskapet. Den gangen, for snaut fire år siden, lovet De Vibe en omsetning på 100 millioner i 2011 og 400 millioner etter fire år.

– Jeg skal ikke legge skjul på at det ikke har materialisert seg slik vi håpet og trodde den gangen. Men vi passerte 100 millioner for første gang ifjor. En forklaring er at vi i dag har lagt mer vekt på software og tjenester enn vi gjorde i 2011. Det betyr også at kontraktene for Vissims del blir mindre, sier De Vibe.

Flyttet arbeidsplasser
Kraftig kutt i oljeselskapenes og operatørenes investeringsbudsjetter, gjør også at markedet er blitt langt tøffere.

– I dag er det blitt slik at dersom du som underleverandør ikke kan bidra til at operatørene kan få en mer effektiv produksjon, ja da havner du bak i køen. Det er dette oljeselskapene er villige til å bruke penger på i slike tider som vi har nå. Og kostnadskravene har gjort at vi har valgt å flytte mye av vår support- og utviklingsavdeling til Slovakia der vi nå har 20 ansatte. Dermed kan vi opprettholde kapasiteten samtidig som kostnadene er redusert med nesten en tredjedel, sier De Vibe.

Selskapet har nå 20 ansatte i Slovakia og har samtidig redusert staben i Norge.  

– Det er tøffe tider overalt. Men det betyr ikke at det ikke finnes muligheter. Vi er med i flere anbudsrunder, blant annet i Asia. Og så har vi altså den nye kontrakten med Statoil i bunnen som gir oss en sikker inntekt i mange år fremover. Den kontrakten, samt en kontrakt vi inngikk med BP i Aserbajdsjan ifjor, viser også at vi har gode løsninger og er godt posisjonert, sier han.

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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Unemployment rising? – Erna must show estimates, require Jonas –

– They’ve got updated figures in connection with the national budget, and these numbers should they share, it will provide a better basis for discussion on measures, says Støre told Dagbladet.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg message to those who are in danger of losing their jobs or who have already been unemployed, is: “Do not be discouraged, it is of use to you in future employment.”

Requires more

Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre believes there is not enough, and reiterated that the government has come late in the process with measures to combat unemployment, and with too little.

– I share the Prime Minister’s message to those who lose their jobs, they must not lose heart. Norway has many challenges, and more than ever before we need to ensure work for all.

But it is too simple. The message must be translated into action, says Støre told Dagbladet.

– So far the government has come up with too little, too late. It rhymes with the projections for unemployment have been too low at every turn. Now warns prime minister steps, and we are open to them.

But I remind you that the Labor Party in the budget proposal for this year suggested a founder boost of 250 million and not just a plan, and several training measures for unemployed.

Introduce green technology

When Erna talking about measures for the shipbuilding industry, I remind our suggestion of spring, where we presented a plan for development of the ferry fleet. None of our suggestions about subsidies to industries or firms, but will be a support to introduce green technology, says Støre.

– According to Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen has not been given to you that the replacement of the ferries are Started?

What we are talking about, is in a different scale. We want a forward schedule for the renewal of the fleet along the coast. We also suggest that the counties should be able to phase in new technology as quickly as possible, says Støre.


Saturday, August 29, 2015

People can get SMS notifications on terror – Dagens Næringsliv


Myndighetene undersøker muligheten for å sende folk varsel via SMS ved terror eller andre alvorlige hendelser her i landet.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Om kort tid gir trolig Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet oppgaven med å se på planer for dette til Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (DSB), melder NRK.

Statsråd Anders Anundsen (Frp) understreker at det å gi riktig informasjon tidlig kan redde liv.

– Det er viktig at vi tenker nytt og følger bedre med i den teknologiske utviklingen. Det er viktig å utnytte muligheten for å kunne gi presis informasjon direkte til personer i et bestemt område, enten det dreier seg om terror, ulykker eller andre større hendelser hvor det er viktig med rask og presis informasjon, sier justis- og beredskapsministeren.

Ifølge avdelingsleder Jørn A. Moholdt i DSB er det knyttet utfordringer til personvern, språk, sikkerhet og hvem som skal få tilgang til hele mobilnettet.

SMS-varsling er prøvd ut i mindre skala blant annet under øvelsen Harbour Ex15 i Oslo og under Blinkfestivalen i Sandnes tidligere i år. I tillegg har flere kommuner prøvd ut varsling til sine innbyggere. (©NTB)

Se også justisministerens skrytevideo:



Friday, August 28, 2015

Stor etterspørsel etter norsk teknologi –

To ensure that those who have paid for IntraFish protected against non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a security system to stop electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Will give new life to old over header – NRK

While data and projectors have replaced overhead, will now artists Astor Andersen and Kari Prestegaard get hold of several of the header.

In November, the two with the Cultural Rucksack in Sandefjord, and their project called Overhead .

– We have the desire to adopt old technology, play with light and shadow and allowing pupils to experience this amazing analog technology, says Prestegaard.

HOUND AWAY: Kari Prestegaard think it says a lot of header and dust away in nooks and crannies in schools and offices. Now she asks to borrow some of these.

Photo: Anette D. Stenholt / NRK

Students will examine, among other household plastic, and the point is to play and finding a work of art.

– Clear plastic will create shadows, and in the plastic there are some text and colors that can be very exciting when it comes up on the wall. We will create small worlds from what we find. Crumpled plastic wrap can for example be a cloud or a forest. It’s your imagination is the limit here, says Prestegaard and continues:

– We will use old technology to innovate, and show students that it is possible to do something outside of a screen.

The project ends with an exhibition in late November where kids get to show off what they’ve been through. But to achieve this, they rely on to borrow over header from schools or businesses that may not use their anymore.


Friday, August 21, 2015

- It is a historical mistake not to take this very seriously –

(Dagbladet): Today let Labor (Labor) presented its own measures against unemployment, and Jonas Gahr Støre was no favor government efforts.

– This is essentially in a local election battle, and we want to show how we can have an alternative to government policy, which we believe is passive and in arrears, said Minister during today’s press conference.

– Very severe

He stressed that they do not hold the government responsible for that oil prices have fallen, and that some Norwegian companies therefore have new and unique challenges.

– But we believe that the government show that they are in arrears when they says that this has gone faster than they had thought, says Støre.

He pointed out that Treasury Siv Jensen previously projected unemployment rate for 2015 is far lower than it has been. Siv Jensen has previously answered this claim that there are big differences between the estimates of SSB and Nav, and that there are large differences from one municipality to another.

– Unemployment has also increased, and the is very, very serious. Whether it is 118,000, 120,000 or 130,000, we as politicians see the individual people who are in the queue, says Støre.

– Failure to take this very seriously, is a historic mistake. Norway should think that we are being tested, for unemployment is on the rise, and the countries around us have experienced that unemployment has risen to a level where it clamped fast. We must think that we have the ability to prevent this from happening with us, particularly in relation to young people.

Three goals

Minister accuses again the government to spend large parts of their financial position to tax cuts.

– Even reports Finance Minister has ordered, showing how little accurate this policy, says Støre.

Labour’s alternative measures are geared towards three objectives:

• Measures for those who lose their jobs, especially aimed at youth. Labor will partly make it possible for young people on unemployment benefits to complete high school. In addition, they put money on the table for more study, apprenticeships, vocational school sites and placements.

• Measures for businesses in vulnerable sectors as they retain the technical expertise in a transition period. Among other things, use 35 million dollars to initiate a program for the transfer of competence from the supplier industry to other sectors.

• Will contribute to the development of new technologies to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and undertake among another to provide a billion annually to public development around the major cities for ten years. In addition, they will invest 250 million dollars on the state to match private investors contributing in the early stages of entrepreneurial business.

– More concretely

Some of the proposals have Ap previously held in its alternative budget , some are new.

– What distinguishes these measures from the government doing to combat unemployment?

– There is much more concrete facing young people who lose their jobs, says Labor’s fiscal spokeswoman Marianne Marthinsen to Dagbladet.

– When it comes to industrial initiatives, we add a general appreciation of quite a number of the measures are targeted at industries that are now struggling. In addition, we are very specific on this concerning entrepreneurial support, says Marthinsen.

She admits that some of the major lines reminiscent of the coalition parties strategies.

– Yes, all for restructuring and the attainment of jobs and provide funding for research. But the difference is all that we have freedom of action to prioritize these things because we are not focusing on large tax cuts, says Marthinsen.

– We are going to propose a device in the tax system that we believe are reasonable .

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Putin’s new weapon frightens the Americans and NATO. They numb … – Aftenposten

Russian Supported rebels have adopted new electronic methods of warfare in Ukraine that shock the Americans and NATO.

– Wow! These guys have done things we’ve never seen.

US commander in Europe, General Benn Hodges, got a scary surprise when he summer was briefed by US officers about the war in Ukraine.

Hundreds of US officers now training Ukrainian soldiers. But Americans learn at least as much of Ukrainians – on what modern Russian warfare means.

– No Americans have been under Russian artillery or rocket fire, or experienced Russian electronic warfare, jamming and mapping. It Ukrainians. We have learned a lot from them, said Hodges of the American Defense News.

Lammer all communications

Russia’s electronic warfare been so effective and devastating in eastern Ukraine that also would have been fatal for Americans, NATO or Norwegian forces.

The Russian-supported forces in eastern Ukraine fails systematically to paralyze communication means the Ukrainian soldiers are using.

Mobile phones and any system that uses GPS, is almost useless when the Ukrainian soldiers in combat.

The Russian equipment destroying Ukrainians command and control at the front, making it difficult to set goals and provide positions.

– We have learned a lot of Ukrainians, said Hodges.

Also drones that OSCE observers use to follow the war in Ukraine, turned out the Russian-supported rebel high-tech equipment.

deer systems unusable

– The Americans and NATO have tried against insurgent groups in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is quite another Ukrainians face in eastern Ukraine, said Lt. Col. Palle Ydstebø at National Defence College. – This is the first time in recent times some meetings the best Russians has to offer.

Russia has conducted a vigorous modernization after the war against Georgia in 2008.

– The time it was much that did not work, says Ydstebø.

He notes that most new, modern military systems and precision weapons using GPS, whether for navigation, communication or control of artillery systems.

– Do you have a counterpart that the Russians, who are able to knock out GPS signals, and your equipment does not have protection, so all this is practically useless, says Ydstebø.

– NATO and the US had a large military technological edge. Has the Russian advances in electronic warfare offset this win?

– The Russians have gone into some of its latest and most modern equipment at a Ukrainian military force that has been plagued by corruption, incompetence and mismanagement in 20 years.

An electronic war machine

Putin’s modernized army has adopted a number of new weapons systems in recent years.

An example is “Borisoglebsk 2″. The equipment is named after two Orthodox saints, one of which was killed by Norwegian Vikings, according to Russian legends.

Borisoglebsk units consists of nine vehicles that preys on signals and cripples mobile traffic, satellite communication and systems for radio navigation.

The range is extended, the accuracy has improved, and the electronic war machine scans lightning fast frequencies to discover where your opponent communicate.

More images from social media in Ukraine shows that this type of equipment must be in Rebel possession.

Concern Pentagon and Brussels

American politicians believe the war on terror and domination by the Soviet Union has led the United States have not followed the developments.

– We still leading, but this lead decreases quickly, said Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Framework earlier this winter.

Americans’ concerns are also discussed in the state-controlled Russian media. This type of case beats a good position among the Russians.

Meanwhile, fears several NATO countries that increased US presence may lead to NATO being drawn into, something that is very little interest in most European capitals.

The Americans have admitted that it has encountered significant problems when NATO forces have trained together in the Baltics.

In spring 2014 showed exercises with Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and American soldiers serious weaknesses. Although all the various NATO countries used the American-produced Harris radios, they used different encryption systems. To communicate, they had to turn off encryption, so that they become an even easier prey for electronic warriors.

Combat aircraft vulnerable to electronic warfare

The new Norwegian fighter planes based on sovereign technology. But this summer started discussion on the withstand Russian electronic warfare.

Russians – and the Chinese – great advances in electronic warfare can be a major challenge for the largest military investment.

Norway to buy 52 new F-35 fighter planes to 68 billion.

In summer running a debate on combat aircraft super modern weapons systems for largely based high technology that can be susceptible to electronic warfare.

A report that was leaked from the Pentagon showed that fighter came out badly in the melee against much older fighter where F-35 could not take advantage of their superior technology.

“Can China and Russia destroy the US F-35 in struggle, “wrote the US magazine National Interest.

” There is reason to wonder how effective F-35s bag of tricks becomes in the future, “asked the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Technological head start in danger

The British newspaper Independent wrote recently that the Chinese and Russians are developing new radars that make them “invisible” US combat planes are visible.

During the winter started US defense authorities with the new, comprehensive analysis of electronic warfare.

Ukrainians in turn has left its older Russian combat aircraft on the ground. The insurgents’ electronic warfare combined with missile systems did the Ukrainian air force almost impossible to use in the war.

Published: 13.aug. 2015 9:32 p.m.


Audi viser konkurrent til Model X –

Dinside Audi viser derfor fram en ny helelektrisk SUV på den kommende bilutstillingen i Frankfurt i september, en bil som kommer på markedet i 2018.

Bilen kalles en SUV, og skal plassere seg mellom dagens Q5 og Q7, men ser likevel mer ut som en crossover, med sin lave taklinje.

Om navnet blir Q6 er foreløpig ikke bekreftet, men at den går inn satsingen som Audi kaller e-tron er klart.

Bilen er designet fra bunnen av som en elbil, og blir utstyrt med litium-ion batterier som ligger under kupeen for å senke tyngdepunktet. Disse batteriene skal samlet mate tre forskjellige elmotorer, hvor den ene er koblet til framakselen og to andre til bakhjulene.

For å bidra til økt aerodynamikk har Audi utstyrt bilen med flere karosserielementer som kan trimmes og justeres, deriblant spoiler over bakluka og difuser under fangeren bak

Innvendig har bilen et helt nytt interiør som ikke likner det vi ser på dagens produksjonsmodeller.

Her finner vi blant annet flere oled-skjermer, og andre nyheter.

Audi forteller at bilen skal få sportslige kjøreegenskaper, og at erfaring fra R8 e-tron har dannet mye av grunnlaget.

Og når alt annet er sagt, Audi vil etter alt å dømme ikke lansere en bil med måkeving-dører.

Flere detaljer blir sluppet på bilmessen i Frankfurt andre uka i september.

Saken ble opprinnelig publisert på Dinside Les her.


They have over 1.5 million accommodations – now betting on Airbnb job rating – Dagens Næringsliv


1000 bedrifter har opprettet egne Airbnb-kontoer den siste måneden. Nå skal norske forretningsreisende lokkes til å booke privatboliger fremfor hotellrom.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

- Hvis du reiser på businessreise til en utenlandsk by og tar med familien, kan det være hyggelig å føle seg litt mer «hjemme» enn på et hotellrom.

Danske Aja Guldhammer, som er Airbnb-sjef for Norden og Nederland, tror det nye konseptet deres vil bli tatt godt imot av næringslivet.

Den siste måneden har Airbnb (Air-bed-and-breakfast) i USA testet ut løsninger som gjør det enklere for ansatte å individuelt eller i grupper velge Airbnb som overnattingsmulighet på forretningsreiser.

Og dét har vært populært:

Bare det første døgnet registrerte 500 bedrifter seg i systemet deres. Nå er tallet oppe i 1000 bedrifter fra 35 land – og øker daglig. Blant de største kundene så langt er Google og en rekke andre Fortune 1000-selskaper.

Global løsning

- Mange jobbreisende booker via Airbnb allerede, og de har gjort det lenge. Men det er først nå vi har lansert en global løsning, der arbeidsgivere blir belastet for overnattingene og utvalgte medarbeidere får tilgang til et eget administrasjonsverktøy med oversikt over reisene til selskapets utsendte, sier Aja Guldhammer til DN.

På Airbnbs markedsplass er det registrert mer enn 1,5 millioner overnattingssteder over hele verden, der privatpersoner leier ut hele eller deler av eget hjem. Flere tusen av dem er i Oslo.

Airbnb ble startet i 2008 av de tre gründerne Nathan Blecharczyk (31), Joe Gebbia (33) og Brian Chesky (33) fordi de trengte tilskudd til å betale husleien. De skjønte at de var på sporet av noe stort da de la ut tre luftmadrasser til leie på nettet – og ble nedringt.

I dag er Airbnb big business, og i kraftig vekst.

Les hele historien om Airbnb-gründerne her: Romraketten

Kombinerer jobb og fritid

- Tror du flere bedrifter nå vil velge privatleiligheter fremfor hoteller når de sender ansatte på jobbreiser?

- Vi vet at mange allerede gjør det, og vi ønsker å være et alternativ til hoteller. Jeg har inntrykk av at en del businessreisende velger oss hvis de skal være i en by i flere dager, mens de velger et hotellrom for et kortere opphold, sier Guldhammer.

Et gjennomsnittlig Airbnb-opphold for jobbreisende varer i 6,8 dager, noe som tyder på at mange kombinerer jobb og fritid – og legger inn et helgeopphold på starten eller slutten av reisen.

Aja Guldhammer benytter seg selv av Airbnb-leiligheter når hun farter rundt i jobbsammenheng.

- Jeg har gjort det i Oslo, og jeg har gjort det andre steder i verden. Jeg føler at det blir mer personlig enn et hotellrom, dessuten opplever man mye mer og blir kjent med omgivelsene på en annen måte, sier hun.

I dag kan du booke et overnattingssted via Airbnb i 34.000 byer i 190 land. Her finnes det et vell av muligheter, enten du ønsker et råbillig krypinn eller en ultraluksuriøs penthouse-leilighet – eller kanskje et slott.

- Vi tror også at mange bedrifter vil velge Airbnb hvis de skal holde et seminar i utlandet eller reise på en felles jobbtur. I stedet for å booke 10-15 hotellrom, kan de booke en stor villa gjennom oss. Mer personlig blir det også, i stedet for å være på et hotell, sier Aja Guldhammer.

- Mindre vilje til å ta risiko

Hun sier at Airbnb ikke har noe uttalt mål om hvor mange norske bedrifter som skal opprette konto hos Airbnb.

- Men vi håper selvfølgelig at Airbnb også blir populært blant norske bedrifter, sier hun.

Direktør Virke Reise utland, Sverre McSeveny-Åril, synes ikke det er unaturlig at en aktør som Airbnb nå også har en ambisjon om å nå ut til bedriftskundene.

- På privatmarkedet har vi de siste årene sett at delingsøkonomien har vært på fremmarsj, og at selskaper som kobler private utleiere og kunder har vokst frem som mer betydningsfulle aktører enn tidligere, sier han til DN.

Men det blir sannsynligvis vanskeligere for slike formidlere å treffe like godt med produktene sine i forretningsmarkedet, tror han.

- Forretningsreisende har gjerne mindre vilje til å ta risikoen som ligger i å satse på slik innkvartering på forretningsreise.

Virke-direktøren peker på at reisebransjen er en bransje som er vant til å tilpasse seg utvikling som følge av ny teknologi og nye markedsaktører.

- Man er i bransjen imidlertid opptatt av at konkurransebetingelsene er de samme for de ulike aktørene i markedet, og at de samme spillereglene gjelder for denne typen aktører som for næringen generelt, sier McSeveny-Åril.

Les også: De takket nei til tilbudet hans og gikk glipp av 2,5 milliarder dollar

Rom i herberget  

Dekker ikke Airbnb-tyveri  


Thursday, August 20, 2015

- Under the industry’s dignity – Campaign

Navn: Rune Røiseland.

Stilling: Daglig leder i Ordkraft (Kristiansand).

Årets ferie: En lang jakt etter lune kroker, stor fisk og gode måltider rundt i Sør-Norge. Med andre ord ganske aktivt.

Den perfekte sommermaten: Vanskelig å slå blodfersk grilla pir med pepper og maldonsalt, på en holme sammen med gode venner og et par tre pils.

- Tenk deg at du arrangerte en utflukt i sommer og inviterer tre gjester. Hvem tar du med og hvor går ferden?

- I sommer måtte det vær min svoger i Stavanger, svigerfar på Austevoll og Jennifer Warnes. Svoger fordi han fortjener noen dager på tur, svigerfar fordi han vet hvor stortorsken står og Warnes så hun kan synge Cohen i bakgrunnen når vi sitter ved bålet ut over kvelden.

- Har du lest flest nyheter i sommer via Facebook-profilen din eller på

- VG på mobilen er stadig effektivt.

- Hvordan står det til med lineær-tv-seingen?

- Jeg så det meste av ett program om Austevoll på NRK Sommeråpent. Men det var riktig nok i opptak. Teller det?

- Hva gjør du for å holde deg oppdatert på den teknologiske utviklingen i jobben din?

- Stoler fullt og helt på min gode kollega Randi.

- Du får 100 millioner kroner til fordeling på høstens medie- og kulturbudsjett. Hvem får pengene?

- De pengene ville bli godt utnyttet om de ble fordelt på kompetansesentrene rundt om i landet. For eksempel SØRF i Kristiansand. De gjør en veldig bra jobb for de som ikke får direkte adgang til de store kulturscenene, men som vil opp ut og fra gutterommet!

- Hvilket terningkast gir du medieminister Thorhild Widvey?

- Hun er veldig anonym, så jeg ville lagt terningen med tre-siden opp.

- Hva er det første du tenker på når du hører Content Marketing?

- Tanken om konsekvent kommunikasjon er jo god…

- Hvem eller hva irriterer deg aller mest i den norske medie- og kommunikasjonsbransjen?

- Nå vil jeg være helt seriøs: Det må være alle som ikke er åpne om hvem de jobber for. Manglende åpenhet er et demokratisk problem når det jobbes for å påvirke Storting og regjering, og burde være under bransjens verdighet i 2015!

- Norske nettaviser fyller 20 år i år. Hva har vært høydepunktet og hva har vært den største skuffelsen?

- Med nettavisene fikk vi jo en umiddelbar tilgjengelighet til nytt og nyttig, men så har det blitt mye overfladisk skumming av verden etter hvert. Om det så skulle forbli med denne evinnelige klikkjakten og content markedsføringen, har vi ikke mye tilbake etter å ha pakka sammen store deler av vår fantastiske avisflora på bare 20 år… 

- Hvilket medie- eller kommunikasjonsselskap kunne du tenke deg å lede og hvorfor?

- Jeg kan egentlig ikke tenke meg noe annet enn Ordkraft. Passe stort miljø, flinke kolleger og mange opplevelse av å gjøre en forskjell.


Labor will increase its efforts against unemployment – Romsdals Budstikke

– Labor will have a more determined effort against the growing unemployment rate than the government says parliament Else-May Botten.

Along with County Mayor Jon Aasen (A) and the Labour Party ordførerkandidat in Molde, Frank Ove Sæther presented she yesterday a comprehensive stimulus package party launches.


– We will fight the growing unemployment, supporting the restructuring of enterprises and contribute to the development of new technologies that can reduce local pollution and Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions, says Else May Botten.

She claims that Conservatives and Frp- government uses maneuver errors.

– They underestimate the rise in unemployment and is in arrears with measures to address the situation in the Norwegian economy, argues Else-May Botten.

Norwegian shipyard

– We will use the public role as purchaser to contribute to the development of new technologies, and create activity at Norwegian yards. We will help in the transition phase to cover the extra costs by using new technology in ferry service. Initially we put 50 million to this, says Else-May Botten.

She notes that the maritime industry is particularly affected by the drawdown in activity in the offshore sector.


– Several offshore service vessels are laid up, and employees in several enterprises have been laid off or dismissed. In addition, deliveries of vessels at Norwegian yards postponed. There is reason to believe that unemployment and the challenges of the industry will rise through 2015, says Else-May Botten.

She believes a far more determined efforts to reach several targets simultaneously.

– We propose measures along three tracks: We will implement measures for those who lose their jobs. We will use the agency to implement measures that businesses in vulnerable sectors, such as supply and maritime sectors, retain expertise in the restructuring period. And we will strengthen long-term measures to stimulate green restructuring and new jobs in all business sectors. We will rust Norway for the future and contribute in a major joint effort to bring down greenhouse gas emissions, and cutting the road towards a low-emission, said Else-May Botten.

Support for research and innovation for the development of new products based on biological raw materials, are included here.

– We will add 50 million NOK extra Innovation Norway this initiative, says Else-May Botten.

Youth unemployment

She also notes that the Labour proposes a number of measures to combat the increasing youth unemployment, focusing on strengthening skills.

– We will use 541.6 million to carry out the measures. said Else-May Botten.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Strong demand for Norwegian technology –

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Russian technology stuns the enemy – Aftenposten

Russian Supported rebels have adopted new electronic methods of warfare in Ukraine that shock the Americans and NATO.

– Wow! These guys have done things we’ve never seen.

US commander in Europe, General Benn Hodges, got a scary surprise when he summer was briefed by US officers about the war in Ukraine.

Hundreds of US officers now training Ukrainian soldiers. But Americans learn at least as much of Ukrainians – on what modern Russian warfare means.

– No Americans have been under Russian artillery or rocket fire, or experienced Russian electronic warfare, jamming and mapping. It Ukrainians. We have learned a lot from them, said Hodges of the American Defense News.

Lammer all communications

Russia’s electronic warfare been so effective and devastating in eastern Ukraine that also would have been fatal for Americans, NATO or Norwegian forces.

The Russian-supported forces in eastern Ukraine fails systematically to paralyze communication means the Ukrainian soldiers are using.

Mobile phones and any system that uses GPS, is almost useless when the Ukrainian soldiers in combat.

The Russian equipment destroying Ukrainians command and control at the front, making it difficult to set goals and provide positions.

– We have learned a lot of Ukrainians, said Hodges.

Also drones that OSCE observers use to follow the war in Ukraine, turned out the Russian-supported rebel high-tech equipment.

deer systems unusable

– The Americans and NATO have tried against insurgent groups in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is quite another Ukrainians face in eastern Ukraine, said Lt. Col. Palle Ydstebø at National Defence College. – This is the first time in recent times some meetings the best Russians has to offer.

Russia has conducted a vigorous modernization after the war against Georgia in 2008.

– The time it was much that did not work, says Ydstebø.

He notes that most new, modern military systems and precision weapons using GPS, whether for navigation, communication or control of artillery systems.

– Do you have a counterpart that the Russians, who are able to knock out GPS signals, and your equipment does not have protection, so all this is practically useless, says Ydstebø.

– NATO and the US had a large military technological edge. Has the Russian advances in electronic warfare offset this win?

– The Russians have gone into some of its latest and most modern equipment at a Ukrainian military force that has been plagued by corruption, incompetence and mismanagement in 20 years.

An electronic war machine

Putin’s modernized army has adopted a number of new weapons systems in recent years.

An example is “Borisoglebsk 2″. The equipment is named after two Orthodox saints, one of which was killed by Norwegian Vikings, according to Russian legends.

Borisoglebsk units consists of nine vehicles that preys on signals and cripples mobile traffic, satellite communication and systems for radio navigation.

The range is extended, the accuracy has improved, and the electronic war machine scans lightning fast frequencies to discover where your opponent communicate.

More images from social media in Ukraine shows that this type of equipment must be in Rebel possession.

Concern Pentagon and Brussels

American politicians believe the war on terror and domination by the Soviet Union has led the United States have not followed the developments.

– We still leading, but this lead decreases quickly, said Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Framework earlier this winter.

Americans’ concerns are also discussed in the state-controlled Russian media. This type of case beats a good position among the Russians.

Meanwhile, fears several NATO countries that increased US presence may lead to NATO being drawn into, something that is very little interest in most European capitals.

The Americans have admitted that it has encountered significant problems when NATO forces have trained together in the Baltics.

In spring 2014 showed exercises with Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and American soldiers serious weaknesses. Although all the various NATO countries used the American-produced Harris radios, they used different encryption systems. To communicate, they had to turn off encryption, so that they become an even easier prey for electronic warriors.

Combat aircraft vulnerable to electronic warfare

The new Norwegian fighter planes based on sovereign technology. But this summer started discussion on the withstand Russian electronic warfare.

Russians – and the Chinese – great advances in electronic warfare can be a major challenge for the largest military investment.

Norway to buy 52 new F-35 fighter planes to 68 billion.

In summer running a debate on combat aircraft super modern weapons systems for largely based high technology that can be susceptible to electronic warfare.

A report that was leaked from the Pentagon showed that fighter came out badly in the melee against much older fighter where F-35 could not take advantage of their superior technology.

“Can China and Russia destroy the US F-35 in struggle, “wrote the US magazine National Interest.

” There is reason to wonder how effective F-35s bag of tricks becomes in the future, “asked the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Technological head start in danger

The British newspaper Independent wrote recently that the Chinese and Russians are developing new radars that make them “invisible” US combat planes are visible.

During the winter started US defense authorities with the new, comprehensive analysis of electronic warfare.

Ukrainians in turn has left its older Russian combat aircraft on the ground. The insurgents’ electronic warfare combined with missile systems did the Ukrainian air force almost impossible to use in the war.

Published: 13.aug. 2015 9:32 p.m.
