Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
New technology shows how it is most lice – NRK
Dei nye datamodellane syner kor laksesmolt og sjøaure har størst risiko for å bli angripen av lus, skriv Havforskingsinstituttet på sine nettsider.
Ørjan Karlsen er ansvarleg for den nasjonale overvakinga av lakselus, og forklarer korleis modellane deira fungerer.
– Vi hentar og brukar data frå oppdrettsnæringa. Dei rapporterer inn kvar veke kor mykje lakselus dei har i anlegget, samt kor mykje fisk dei har i merdane. Vi matar inn tal og data over straumane i fjorden eller området der anlegget ligg.
Feltarbeid og modellar samsvarar
For å verifisera utrekningane, har forskarane det siste året jobba med å drive feltarbeid på dei stadene som modellane seier det er mykje lakselus.
Her undersøker dei villfisk for lakselus, og kan no slå fast at feltarbeidet viser godt samsvar med modellane.
– Vi er førebels godt nøgde. Vi har hatt fokus på å verifisere modellane våre, og vi har reist ut til områda som ifølgje våre utrekningar har mykje lakselus. Feltarbeidet har stadfesta dette, forklarer Karlsen.
Truleg auka dødstal
Resultata av feltarbeida så langt syner at mykje lus truleg har auka dødstala på utvandrande laksesmolt i fleire område. Det gjeld Hardangerfjorden, Nordhordland, ytre del av Sognefjorden, Storfjorden, Romsdalsfjorden og Norfolda.
Når det gjeld sjøaure, oppheld den seg i fjordane og langs kysten heile sommaren, og den er difor ekstra utsett om mengda med lakselus aukar i sommarmånadane.
Havforskingsinstituttet trur det også for sjøauren har vore auka dødstal på grunn av lakselusen. Det gjeld for områda Hardangerfjorden, Nordhordland, Storfjorden, Voldsfjorden, enkelte fjordarmar i Romsdalsfjorden, Norfolda, Sagfjorden og Altafjorden.
Vil laga varslingsmodell
Karlsen håpar dei no også kan få laga ein varslingsmodell som fungerer godt.
– Målet er at modellane blir til pålitelege spreiingskart over smittsam lus som syner risikoen for luseinfeksjon hjå vill laksefisk.
Utviklinga av modellen som no vert testa ut har vore under utarbeiding ved Havforskingsinstituttet i mange år. Framleis står att det verifisering og kalibrering.
– Vi har utvikla modellen og dataa våre sidan tidleg 2000-tal. Vi veit i dag at lakselusen kan driva langt, ti mil er fullt mogleg. Der straumane samlast, det er der vi finn høg førekomst av lus.
Ein endeleg rapport for overvakinga av lakselus i 2015 er klar ved årsskiftet. Arbeidet blir gjort i samarbeid med Norsk institutt for naturforsking og UNI Research Miljø.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Such is the new Office 2016. –
At irregular intervals, it pops up a new Office suite from Microsoft. Now it’s Office 2013 that are replaced by Office 2016.
In other words some years ago Microsoft came with a proper overhaul of the Office suite, consisting of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Excel.
And when Microsoft first overhaul Office package, it affects many people’s everyday lives. According to Wikipedia spend over a billion people one or another version of Office!
Rent vs. purchase?
In June 2011, Microsoft changed the way we pay for the Office package. When they switched from a model where you purchased and owned software to a solution where you subscribe to the same software and pay a monthly sum.
This lease model is called Office 365, while the program you rent actually now called Office 2016 . Do you subscribe to Office 2016 can download the new version immediately. Have you turned on automatic updates, you will find that it is already downloaded and installed.
As a private person you can choose to pay 59.99 million a month for use on one PC (1 TB storage OneDrive is included) or 84.99 kroner for Office 365 Home that allows you to install Office on five PCs you can get up to 1TB of free online storage on OneDrive for up to five users.
In addition, you can still choose to purchase an Office suite for an inheritance, even if the websites of Microsoft not push these elections particularly hard.
Buying Office in 2016?
Among the versions of Office you can buy, is a student version (1199 million), a Home & amp; Business Version (2299 million), or Office Professional (4599 million). The prices we have quoted in brackets apply to Office 2013.
Rents means that Office 365 will cost you 1,020 kroner per year. What you should select (buy or rent) depends somewhat on your needs. Are you a family with five users will Office 365 Home be a logical choice. If you only he one easy installation, and often skip a version or two in the future, so it may be that you should buy a version. By renting, you get new versions of the Office suite when these are released.
What is really new?
When we read through Microsoft’s own list for news in Office 2016, you get impression that it has not happened so very much.
Office suite has after all been in existence for 18 years and there are obviously limits to how creative you can be. However, there are still the news section it is worth noting.
Since Office 2013 was launched online services have taken off. Now it’s “cloud” that apply. Everything should preferably be stored in the cloud somewhere.
More cloud
In Word this is reflected in that it is easier to see what others are doing and writing in a document several together to create . You’ll actually be able to see what he writes and you will see the mouse cursor. These capabilities will admittedly only be available for OneDrive for Business or whether the document is stored on a SharePoint server.
But there are also some other smånyheter that will delight avid Word users. Personal pleases us that it finally appears that Microsoft has managed to fix the way you put images into a Word document. Now you can move the image around freely and there are actually stuck where you place it. When you need it pops up help lines that make you get placed things in a way that it is aligned and in harmony with other elements. Previously images jumped helplessly and randomly around in a document and mostly been a nightmare.
In Word, it is also easier to insert pictures and video from the Web. Now simply select the Insert & gt; Video on the Internet.
Reading mode in Word
On browsers we read mode which can be useful when reading long texts. Now also Word got such a feature, where you can read without being disturbed. Feature found behind tab View – & gt; Reading Mode.
“Save as” is also becoming a little more streamlined. There are no major changes, but it is among other things become a little easier to save directly to OneDrive.
A big novelty in Word is that you actually can now edit PDFs directly in Word. How this is done is that Word converts PDF to an editable Word file. After you’ve made your changes, you can save it as a PDF again.
Smånytt Outlook
In Outlook it’s been easier to attach documents. It was not very difficult, but are now listed your recently used documents / files automatically when you press the “Attach File” button. It has also become easier to share and allow collaboration on files that you send via Outlook. Now we’re talking about files that “live” on OneDrive or on a SharePoint server.
Outlook has also received support for the display mode which lend themselves better on small screens. Outlook will put a smaller footprint on small units – if you want. Earlier Outlook by default downloaded a month with email. Now you can choose shorter intervals so that you only download messages of recent date.
Shortcut to functions
Microsoft has kept the “ribbon” (ribbon) -navigeringen as they introduced with Windows 2010. The many people have strong opinions about. These tapes replaced the drop down lists.
In Office 2016, Microsoft has added a smart improvement in English called “Tell me …” or “Tell me …” as it is translated in the Norwegian version. Here you can easily search for the function you are looking for. A few experiments reveal that it actually seems to work pretty well.
The time of endless search for the correct tape and proper functioning can thus be over.
Converts matte formulas
New in Office 2016 is also that you can now write math formulas with a pen or finger on a finger-controlled display, and Office “translates” your formula to printed letters.
This is a feature that has been available in OneNote, but now are available in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Smart spread – and insight
The search engine Bing, in Norway at least, been no great success. But this could change with Windows 10 and Office 2016.
Office 2016 has been a feature called “Smart Lookup”. The feature has been available in Word and Outlook, but will now be available also in Excel and PowerPoint. Smart Lookup searches sources like Bing and Wikipedia. The results are presented in a tab on the right side of the document you’re working on. In English called this feature “Insights” and is in Norwegian translated to “Insights”. Insight had perhaps been a better translation?
Excel for nerds
The news in Excel is news only an Excel geek could love. Here we talk about new features for predicting future value of historically based numerical values.
In addition, new and updated capabilities for connecting to external data sources, upgraded models for data modeling and an easier access to the so-called Business Intelligence functions.
Excel are also functions for easier to visualize data in a table and make the data in a table into easily understandable graphs.
A better Office suite?
Office 2016 is no revolution. Although a new Office suite from Microsoft is always big news, so absent the big news in Office 2016.
We would argue that if we had secretly upgraded Office 2013 to Office 2016 with 100 people, then had 85 of them have not noticed it. It is thus known, safe and good to go from Office 2013 to Office 2016. Some might have noticed that the design has gotten a little more color and that the interface looks a little more modern.
Office 2016 nevertheless not entirely without news. For us it is “Tell me …” feature is perhaps the biggest news. We never liked ribbon layout to Microsoft because it has not been particularly effective. With a funksjonssøk as “Tell me …”, so it will be easier to find the features you’re looking for – and more easily find and discover features you did not know existed in the Office package.
In Outlook we miss some of the features we In for cleanup, deleting, moving and spam tagging. In, these tools are readily available with understandable explanations of what happens when you use these features. In Outlook, this kind of a little more hidden and not as intuitive to use in the daily battle against a crowded inbox.
Should you upgrade?
The question many are asking is whether they should upgrade to the new Office package.
Are you Office 365 customer, you do not think about it – To get Office 2016 automatically. Have you purchased a single version of Office 2013 there should be some very special features of Office 2016 that you need if you choose to upgrade.
Even you who have Office 2010 should think about. Especially if you are an occasional user of Office package.
Are you unsure of what Office 2016 built –
carrier simply download a trial version, then they get even seen whether it’s worth an update.
Please note that it is the trial version of Office 2016 we used when we wrote this article and that there may be changes in the final version – which initially was available yesterday (Tuesday, 09.22).
Taken for the murder of Kristina (15) – after DNA results 30 years later –
(Dagbladet): Mid bright day a Sunday in July 1985 went 15 year old Kristina Wesselman a trip from the family home in the rural Chicago suburb of Glen Ellyn to act.
The morning after she was found raped and killed.
After large and wide police investigation has murder and rape has been an unresolved matter, so-called cold case for more than 30 years.
Among other combed police pawnbrokers in “miles around” to check whether the 15-year-old pearl earrings could be exchanged against money.
Now think police that the case finally finally solved thanks to DNA technology.
Last Friday was a 62 year-old man arrested at his home in Champaign, Illinois, just over 200 kilometers from where Kristina Wesselmann was found dead on 22 July 1985.
He refused any form of knowledge of the murder and claimed he had never set foot in Glen Ellyn when he was prepared for incarceration Monday and charged with murder and rape.
Such cases have no statute of limitations in the United States.
Analyzed DNA 15 years after
In 1985 DNA technology in its early startup that technical evidence in criminal cases.
But US law enforcement made a nidtidig job of conserving all traces of the murdered 15-year-old.
In 2000, experts through the material with newly developed DNA tracing and found a DNA traces in semen remains from likfunnet 15 years earlier.
It was checked out and stored in a national DNA bank, but without matching hits – before 10 September 2015.
Released by rape atonement
62 -year-old had then given DNA sample in connection with an assault case in which he was sentenced to one year suspended sentence.
The hit struck straight into the sædsporene from the year-old case, and the next day the man was arrested.
No matter what the trial brings: the day 15 year old Kristina Wesselmann disappeared, was the then-32-year-old, now murder accused 62-year-old recently released on parole after serving a six-year long sentence for kidnapping and rape of a 27 year old woman.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
They develop world class technology – Varden
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Telenor downsizes with 170 people – ABC News
Telenor will also continue to reduce the use of external consultants, which means that contracts with about 85 consultants will be terminated
The decision on downsizing became known at a town hall meeting today, Wednesday.
5. October, people who lead want out, get notified.
See also: Telenor call off the merger in Denmark
– The justification from management is that one should rationalize says Group representative for NITO, Harald Stavn, in a statement to ABC News.
NITO and the other trade unions in the company has been informed about the process.
– We realize there is a need for To make things faster and more efficiently, but it seems the time is challenging now that the oil industry and the whole supply industry are queuing to evict people, says Stavn.
– We believe there is such a large vacancy in the market that Telenor should
waited, he adds.
See also: Telenor customers’ computer use has doubled
Stavn believes most affected To get good severance packages or enjoy Telenor special arrangements for seniors over 58 years. Those after it becomes redundant, will receive assistance to seek jobs elsewhere in the group.
See also: Hundreds lose their job in Aker Solutions
We do note that ABC News is owned by the Home, which is wholly owned by Telenor Group.
Telenor downsizes with 130 people in technology-their division – ABC News
Telenor management will cut a further 130 jobs. It happens in the Technology division, which operates with the operation and development.
The decision on downsizing became known at a town hall meeting today, Wednesday.
5. October, people who lead want out, get notified.
See also: Telenor call off the merger in Denmark
– The justification from management is that one should rationalize says Group representative for NITO, Harald Stavn, in a statement to ABC News.
NITO and the other trade unions in the company has been informed about the process.
– We realize there is a need for To make things faster and more efficiently, but it seems the time is challenging now that the oil industry and the whole supply industry are queuing to evict people, says Stavn.
– We believe there is such a large vacancy in the market that Telenor should
waited, he adds.
See also: Telenor customers’ computer use has doubled
Stavn believes most affected To get good severance packages or enjoy Telenor special arrangements for seniors over 58 years. Those after it becomes redundant, will receive assistance to seek jobs elsewhere in the group.
See also: Hundreds lose their job in Aker Solutions
We do note that ABC News is owned by the Home, which is wholly owned by Telenor Group.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
NOAH will apply for a patent for CO2-capture technology – NRK
Siden mai 2013 har avfallshåndteringsselskapet NOAH testet en egen teknologi for å fange CO₂.
I NOAH sitt forsøk blir CO₂ fanget og brukt som syre for å stabilisere det basiske og farlige avfallet, flyveaske. Prosessen gjør at det farlige avfallet blir til en tørr masse som ifølge selskapet ikke vil gi miljøutslipp til vann, luft eller grunn ved deponering.
Testanlegget står ved sementfabrikken Norcem i Brevik. Klimagassen er fanget fra industrirøykgassen fra fabrikkpipene.
Vil teste annet avfall
– Det er to unike sider ved vår testing. For det første klarer vi å fange CO₂ og omvandle den. Det andre er at vi bruker klimagassen til å stabilisere farlig avfall på en effektiv og god måte, sier prosjektsjef i NOAH Egil Solheim.
Testingen ble avslutta 1. september. Denne uka ble resultatene lagt fram for Miljødirektoratet og Norsk Industri.
– Vi vil også se om vi kan bruke andre basiske stoffer enn flyveaske i denne prosessen. Det kan være restavfall fra industrien som ikke nødvendigvis er farlig, men som må deponeres, forteller Solheim.
Flyveaske er asken som fanges i skorsteinene etter forbrenning av husholdningsavfall. Flyveasken er sterkt basisk og inneholder 1–3 % tungmetaller.
Gruvene i Brevik er aktuelle
NOAHs anlegg er ett av totalt fire CO₂-fangst forsøk på Norcem i Brevik. Norcem har også et testanlegg i Tyskland.
Noen av forsøkene har ikke resultatene klare. Men, prosjektleder for CO₂-forsøkene i Brevik Anne -Margrethe Bjerge kan fortelle at Aker Solutions anlegg viser gode resultatet.
– Denne prosessen kan fange opp til femti prosent av klimagassen i røykgassen. Det kan betyr opp til 400 000 tonn CO₂ årlig, forteller Bjerge.
Utfordringen med Aker Solutions og andre CO₂ -fangst forsøk er hvor klimagassen kan lagres.
– Med vår løsning er spørsmålet rundt lagring allerede løst ved at klimagassen blir omgjort til en annen kjemisk forbindelse, kalsiumkarbonat. Vi har derfor ikke behov for lagre CO₂, men det nye kjemiske stoffet. Det er stabilisert slik at det ikke vil forurense omgivelsene, forklarer Solheim i NOAH.
For Aker Solution sin metode er for eksempel ikke gruvene i Brevik et alternativ for deponering, men for NOAHs metode kan de være aktuelle.
– Ja, den stabiliserte massen er fullt ut egnet for deponering i nedlagte gruver, sier han.
BMW’s new rechargeable SUV: Have never experienced makan to response – ABC News
Much of the rechargeable hybrids in the Norwegian automotive market right now. Several models have long waiting lists, while a number of new ones are coming in.
One of them is the plug-in hybrid version of the BMW X5. It’s called xDrive 40e and is initially available in Norway from 16th October. But already now, the interest is very high.
– We have never experienced more advance orders in some of our largest and most exclusive models for new BMW X5 xDrive 40e, said Christian Gottschalk, marketing and communications manager of BMW Group Norway.
Price Sensation
This vehicle type comes relatively favorable throughout the Norwegian tax system. X5 is no exception. In May, the price of the new model unveiled; from $ 809.900 million. A few weeks later, BMW launched an additional model version with lower engine power, and starting price of “only” 766,000 kroner.
– We checked immediately great response after prices were launched. The combination of new technology and a favorable price level makes many more both considering and actually purchased X5 xDrive 40e quite a while before it can test run, says Gottschalk, in a press release.
Read more: One of the main trends in the automotive market right now
90 percent men
– Our goal for 2016 is to sell 500 copies of the BMW X5 xDrive40e. With the great advance interest, we hope of course to go over this too, says Christian Gottschalk.
A survey from 2014 conducted by Sentio on behalf of Nationen, show that one in three Norwegians wants a PHV next time they are going to buy a car.
Figures from BMW Norway show that new BMW X5 xDrive40e attracts new buyers. The average age of those who have pre-ordered car is 48 years, it is significantly lower than for BMW in general.
As much as 90 percent of the customers are men and over half of them have chosen black color of the car. Occupational groups that recur are doctors, lawyers and managers.
This got 15 Norwegians in “Christmas”
313 hp
BMW X5 xDrive40e comes with all-wheel drive system xDrive in combination with a plug-in hybrid system called eDrive . The result should give sporting properties and luxury, combined with energy efficiency and very low emissions and fuel consumption.
The powertrain consists of a four-cylinder petrol engine with BMW TwinPower Turbo Technology and a synchronous electric motor that together provide 313 horsepower. Fuel consumption is barely low as 0,33l / mil with a CO2 emission of 77 grams / km. The car manages 0 to 100 km / h in just 6.8 seconds. Low-power version has the same fuel consumption and emissions, 279 horsepower and does 0 to 100 km / h in 7.5 seconds.
The car was sold out, but here appeared it up!
31 km at Power
With Auto eDrive button in the center console, you can choose whether to run in AUTO, MAX eDrive or saving mode. With Auto eDrive controlled powertrain seamlessly between electric power alone and gasoline engine. With MAX eDrive driving BMW X5 xDrive40e solely on electric power, resulting in zero emissions. Reach only electricity is provided to 31 km.
To save space, the battery is located under the luggage compartment floor, this can accommodate from 500 to 1720 liters.
BMW Remote app allows controlling battery charge status, find public charging stations and check mileage history via a smartphone. Heating and ventilation functions can also be controlled remotely via the app.
New Mercedes SUV was sold out – in one day
This may be pure family car-heist
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Harald (90) has reported the weather for 75 years – NRK
He is the weather observers held on the longest of all. Only 15 years old he started with the daily tominuttersjobben. In 1940 he took over the then ten year old weather station at the Barony Rosendal, when the old weather observer Barony gardener, died in an accident.
– I can not believe it’s been so long
– Since then, the weather station in Rosendal been in my garden here at Mel, next to the Barony. It is unbelievable that it’s been so long, but one day we went with him the other. When I first started with it, then I just hold on, says Harald.
Yesterday, it was the day 75 years ago he took over the responsibility job. Home on the kitchen table is old precipitation diaries, where Harald with neatly scripture have noted down rainfalls over the years.
– I have enough not measured absolutely every day, but 99 percent, he estimates.
It would mean that the 90-year-old sent from approximately 27.120 rainfall reports.
Reports on sms
The first years were the measurement results for Rosendal noted down on a card, but after a short time he went over to notebooks. In recent years, technology has taken over.
– When I fell a little and had to get help to send it on like sms or whatever they call it. On the Internet. I do not understand that, I said Harald.
Listen reportage from then NRK Marte Rommetveit visited 90-year-old:
Outside windows hangs four thermometers. But even if the man of the house has Norwegian record in weather rating, claiming 90-year-old that he is not particularly interested in the weather.
– I’m more concerned with temperature than precipitation, he said.
– Is it sad to give up now?
– Yes, it will I say. But when one has reached my age, I have to be prepared that it will now be completed soon. That suits us well to wind up now while I still live, says Harald.
Honoured by the employer
Although the main character himself does not like so much attention, he got last week visit of Ted Torfors at the Department for observation services at Meteorological Institute. When the company took the flowers, book and many praised the 90-year-old.
– I wanted to give a personal thanks to Harald, who has been my favorite observer. I was particularly impressed when he as 85-year-old learned to send daily figures on sms, says Torfors to local newspaper Grenda.
In October the neighbor takes in January Eik over the job of reporting rainfall from Rosendal. In total Meteorological Institute 300 weather observers around Norway.
Less ice increases the need for new technology – FiskeribladetFiskaren
Research Director Geir Homes deliver Thursday a report to the Minister of Fisheries Elisabeth Aspaker about what IMR need in the future to collect marine data.
-The ice-free waters we shall monitor has increased with the size of the North Sea over the last 12 years. We must acquire knowledge about this entire marine ecosystem. For that we need new vessels, new instrumentation and a strengthened long-term cooperation with offshore industries, says Homes in a message on the department’s website.
He has this list of priorities for new investment:
- New oceangoing research vessel to replace Håkon Mosby
- New midsize coastal research for northern areas
- Develop monitoring network of new platforms (buoys, rigs, observatories, sliders and satellites) and local infrastructure along the coast (such as fish farming) and utilize the latest in sensor technology
- Develop biophysical models with dataassimilering which continuously receives all available information
- Establish long-term cooperation with ocean-going fishing vessels for monitoring of fish stocks.
The Minister of Fisheries commissioned the report on the need for future infrastructure in autumn 2014. The master plan for marine research states that the government will follow up this work.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Therefore, it is no wonder that the Syrians have smartphone –
The sour comments in social media has gained Thumbs and retweets. They may be in distress when most people have smart phones?
Jørgen Carling is a researcher at the International Peace Research Institute (PRIO) and has worked with international migration for over ten years and is internationally recognized for his work. He notes that the Syrians are relatively wealthy.
– Resembling more of Norwegian life
– Everyday life in Syria before the war are more similar to the Norwegian refugees than perhaps we are used to from other places. Syrians who come are the relatively wealthy compared to many of the other refugees who have arrived earlier, for example, from sub-Saharan Africa or Afghanistan.
It does not mean they are less genuine refugees, he said.
– We often have a picture of refugees as very poor people who are struggling themselves off in torn clothes. Sometimes we react to that the mental image is not correct. But war affects the countries with high and low and medium prosperity and living standards and Syria is a country in the middle of the bed there, and it means that it is common with smartphones.
The need for contact with both those in the home country and relatives in Europe, is an important factor.
– From the Balkans, we know about Syrians who have traveled through the countries on their own. Just that they bring smartphones, making them less dependent on human smugglers because they are better able to find your own way.
For big help
– Otherwise we know also from poorer countries in sub-Saharan Africa for example, that technology is very important for migrants, communicating with relatives at home and in Europe. Even poor venturing towards Europe will prioritize spending money on a phone, it is something that can help them very much underway, says Carling.
– A slightly different things, but why run not they?
– They have no way to run. They will not be released through the crucial border crossings.
– And then there’s talk that they can ride with others. Right now there are exceptions conditions in Austria and Hungary makes you have set the common rules slightly to the side, but if as usual Austrian picks up a refugee family in Hungary and runs them to Austria so that they could seek asylum there, you risk to be prosecuted as a human smuggler.
The same could happen on the border in northern Norway, he says.
– Norwegians from Finnmark who meet refugees in Russia and bring them into the cars back to Norway, they risk being accused of human smuggling. Therefore refugees buy bikes and ride over itself, the Russians do not allow pedestrians across the border, says Carling.
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