– We who work with news for children has been given some new tasks lately. And we struggle with that the normal channels are not the main source of children for information. They are most of social media.
It says journalist Kristin Granbo . She works in children news NRK Super Promotions has prepared the report “Children news: How can it survive the digital era?”.
– This past year we started making news on Instagram and snapchat. We also make a lot shorter formats of news stories our on-line. I thought it was interesting to look at what it does to our content whenever formats have become much smaller and shorter. The information we provide must necessarily be affected by it.
Security in a sentence
Granbo skepticism lay in that Supernytt also in new channels should be safe, explain and give children an understanding of the news. This applies to news that directly affect children and about children, or news that gets so much space in the media otherwise that children can understand the content. The aim is that children should not have to be afraid of what’s going on.
– We make news on the basis of that we shall take every child seriously. And so we will cover the issues children care about.
This is done in social media through even fewer characters and images than before. On Instagram, it will be down to a single sentence that will convey the news.
– We do not want the criteria should change. We will inform with words that children can understand and make news and the world a little less daunting by dragging it down to a level that they can identify with and understand, tells Granbo.
Confidence People in comment field
Editorial use so much time having contact with users. The journalists answer questions and moderate the comments field.
– There is a positive change, since we have direct contact with our target audience. In addition to coming with questions, they come with feedback we can use every single day. But it’s hard for us to be present 24 hours a day.
The biggest change in their children’s usage patterns when they go from TV to PCs, tablets and mobile, is that news goes from being an arena children sharing with adults to get some children consume on their own. This also affects journalists’ work.
– Children trying to get hold of us and use us as their trustees and grow people. We sense it in the way they formulate on. They rely very sure that we will give them answers to things. And to some extent they use us because they see news completely on their own, unlike before. We must therefore have an even greater presence.
– Is this a role you should have?
– I think that’s something the people here are asking themselves; if it is we who must do it. We note that there are some training and use of social media by being in the comments and correct them, and respond and indicate when they write something we will not be there. We do that a lot.
– The question of whether we as a public broadcaster to have the role or whether it is parents and teachers. I have not the answer. We spend a lot of time on it, so there will be an extra addition job.
Sophisticated users
From Supernytts comment fields can read a series of questions like “what consequences will this have for me? “Children are afraid of what concerns them. At the same time comment fields big commitment and there are many questions about how to help others. Children are otherwise different from adults when it comes to language.
– Children are very sophisticated users of social media. It moderated much parlance. Clergy and people commenting each other, that we do not have. But they are very humbled comments that we put in, and it goes on confidence in us. When we say that so we will not talk, so they regret very often. They say sorry and that they did not mean it and will not write like that again. We feel that we raise them slightly. And I have not had the same experience after working in the comment field with adults. They take most discussion further.
More content in shorter Affairs
The basis for the report Granbo has prepared a questionnaire she sent out to colleagues and editors around Europe. Here it emerges that currently supplies about half of all European journalists who make news for children, also news in social media. News bulletin on linear television is no longer the main focus.
– Everybody says they are creating more content than before. They produce more things to more platforms. They make network issues, but will also produce things for television and create Instagram and snapchat News. There is less content in each segment. I have not done any quantitative studies, but most people say that they quit matters earlier than before. But that’s the across the board, including in adult news.
– Most journalists see it as a challenge to compress the news more than we have done previously. We will get even more information when the news should be presented in just one sentence.
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The picture is possibly not as gloomy as it might sound like. The technology that has led to changes mean Granbo also has made it easier to work faster. In addition, it is the case that the audience will have brief cases, and then it is perhaps not surprising that there will be less time per case.
– Does the new formats something with which content is chosen out?
– It’s the little different thoughts around. Some of those who make news for children in Europe use different platforms to different news. They might choose a lighter news on Instagram than they would make in a television broadcast.
– Our line is that all matters will stand for itself. We do not use Instagram to tease a novelty in the television broadcast or online. We might as well put out a news about terror on Intagram, while we know that we have an approach where we bring out a message in a way that makes them not left with many questions. We believe that it should not change what we will choose.
Be there kids are
Most social media has an age limit of 13 years. Media Authority has recommended that young as 10 years old can have their own accounts, if the parents believe the children are mature enough to use them. NRK follows Media Authority advice, and with it a greater presence than public broadcasters in England and Germany.
In the report it emerges that this gives NRK an advantage, while BBC are barking after target audience and are afraid they will lose them even before the children are 13. In Germany, takes a right match for that broadcasters can use social media.
– We must follow through on those platforms where children are. We must have dialogue with our users. It differs in that respect not of how news for adults should be done. But social media is probably a key to where we need to deliver news to come as well.
However, there is not much evidence that television is moving away. Granbo think television will consist in a long time, although not necessarily at the time the news of children running today. Supernytt has already shifted send point from evening to morning. The reason is that teachers use the news in education, and they must be fresh.
– We will probably also come to having to update broadcast throughout the day, and make them available when children are actually interested in seeing them . We also know that children are very important users of Youtube, so we want to be there too.
Do not know what kids understand
The report has not seen news for children a brukerpersepktiv. Such an examination hope Granbo coming soon.
– This has little value if one does not also belong to those who actually see and read our news; Thus children. They must be asked about what they get out of these new formats, if there is enough content, if they are left with more questions after a news on Instagram than they did with a television case. I’ve been wanting to do something on it.