Thursday, January 28, 2016

Expects more use of rank payment and new technology – SIU

The use of new technologies and rank payment of European institutions will also probably increase during dei nearest years, according ein new report.

By: Frey Katrine Myrhol.

Published: 01/27/2016

According to the report Trends 2015 meiner seventy percent of European institutions that internationalization is the most important development trend dei five recent years. In the last Trends report from 2010, the internationalization ranked as the third most important developments.

– This result can sjåast the context of globalization and rank payment. Everyone in the education sector realize no that you can not have quality without internationalization. Eit of the main features we see in Europe is more strategic partnerships that aim to position the institutions globally, says senior adviser at the European University Association (EUA) and author of Trends 2015 Andree Sursock.


Andrée Sursock is hiring at IK16. – The revolution in information and communication technology has not yet been fully exploited by all European institutions, she says. Photo: EUA

Andrée Sursock is hiring on Internationalization Conference 2016. The theme of the conference is’ Internationalisation of restructuring. ”

Well partner out of rank payment

Because of global competition and more cooperation, the international rank payment become increasingly important for the strategy work at the institutions.

According to the report meiner 33 percent of those who responded that rank payment is very important, up ten percent from 2010.

– 56 percent win rank payment affects valet deira international partnarar. Dei Discover facility and a increased pressure from governments, who wish that at least ein of the country’s institutions are among dei 500 best. Some governments finance even this student mobility to institutions that do not have high up enough up the rankings, win Sursock.

According to the report collects and institutional information from the rankings in a very common greater extent than previously and have adding that follows actively and responds to them.

A revolution in new technologies

Course One of the main findings from Trends is the use of new technologies and e-learning, which is expected to increase in within the next few years . Berre 21 percent of facilities use Massive Online Open Courses (Mooc) and other types of e-learning today, but also planning 29 percent using such tools.

– There is Inga doubt that the institutions are thinking of Mooc as a tool in deira international strategy to reach out to a wide audience and position themselves globally. But I think Mooc phenomenon is only tip of the iceberg. Revolution innan information and communication technology has not yet been fully exploited by all European institutions, victory Sursock.

According to The New Media Consortium and EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, it is likely that computer games, methods and elements from computer games (gamification) , learning analysis, 3D printing technology you can wear, will affect graduate education in within the next five years.

Trends 2015

451 European institutions have responded in survey

The report shows how the institutions perceive developments in learning and teaching

The full report can be downloaded from the website of The European University Association (

Establishes new positions

New technologies affect learning and teaching, but, the quality assurance and the institutions their governance.

– Institutions establishes no new positions as Rector for Information Technology. New technology is ein large investment that they need to know what they are doing and take options off dei right.

– It is needed and developing e-learning and learning centers. When students tek with the smart phones and a laptop into the classroom, and they have direct access to information in the pipeline in the teaching, it affects the learning method. Teachers need to know how technology can be used to support the learning process for students, Sursock victory.


- The trick is to connect technology, capital and people –

<p>Petter Dragesund, partner i Pareto Securities</p>

Petter Dragesund, partner i Pareto Securities


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

New technology led police to the boy – NRK

Police confirmed late Wednesday night that their investigation led them to the boy, who will be a student at a secondary school in Kristiansand.

The boy from Kristiansand area has explained to the police that it was he who entered the anonymous bomb threat at the social media Jodel.

The threat was directed at the mall Sandens, located right in the center of Kristiansand.

– New technology and skills in the police led us to boy. Man is perhaps not as anonymous as you think on the internet, says chief of staff Bård Austad in Agder police

Furthermore, he explains that the boy, who is criminally sane, was questioned on Instead he was arrested, but that he was taken to the police station in Kristiansand.

The boy has not been in contact with police before. He testified that the threat was not reel but police are still working to find out why he put forward the the mall.

Chief of Staff Bård Austad in Agder Police want an end to such threats, which is time consuming for police and scares people.

Photo: Thomas Sommerset / NRK

– Several similar threats lately

Earlier Wednesday, the police said that the most likely revolved around boy pranks. At the same time they emphasized that such threats are taken seriously.

According to Austad the police have been several similar cases in recent months.

Now wants police to put an end to serious threats to social media.

– We use many people on such matters, says chief of staff at Agder Police, Bård Austad and stresses;

– We can not have it so. It scares people and forcing police to unnecessary use of resources.

According to Austad Company shall Jodel and police have cooperated well during the investigation, but he stressed that the police’s own investigations led them to the boy.

PST switched

Centre Manager at Sandens Svein Olav Birkeland was briefed by police Wednesday morning.

Photo: NRK

The management of purchasing center Sandens informed the employees about the threat, and have all day followed police advice.

– We have an emergency plan that we strive for in Olav Thon Group and the we relate to, says director Svein Olav Birkeland.

Police Security Service (PST) and the local police received tips about the threat Tuesday afternoon. It was quickly removed from Jodel, where many others reacted strongly on the content.

– Bomb threat we are familiar with, and in such cases we contribute with information if we have anything, said senior advisor Martin Bernsen in PST to NRK Wednesday morning.

Police ushered in full investigation of the anonymous bomb threat Sandens mall in Kristiansand.

Photo: Mohsen Bokai / NRK


Friday, January 22, 2016

Technology- and service enters Seafood Norway –

The industry responsible for the development and delivery of technology and services to the seafood industry has over the last decade doubled its value creation. These are companies that are becoming increasingly important for the development of the Norwegian seafood industry. Seafood Norway is building up a new member services for this group businesses, according to a press release.

The mouthpiece
– Seafood Norway is the largest and leading organization in fisheries and aquaculture. We are working for good conditions for the whole industry and we see an increasing need to see the entire value chain in context. For the organization, it is therefore natural to grow in parallel with the industry evolves, and it is gratifying that several companies have approached us with the desire to become members, says chairman Inger-Marie barring in the press release.

Norwegian seafood exports set new records and the expected significant growth in coming years. The technology sector is extremely important to enable this. By virtue of their own business gets technology- and service companies also increasingly significant in terms of employment and value creation along the coast and in other parts of the country, writes Seafood Norway.

World Leading
Norwegian technology and service businesses have over the years contributed significantly to the seafood industry’s overall growth and have acquired Norwegian industry a leading international position in seafood technology and service. Several of the companies have significant export of proprietary solutions and services, says Sperre.

– We see a further professionalization and development of new solutions in this sector of industry that will help strengthen Norway’s world-leading position in technology, expertise in fisheries and aquaculture, she says.

New cluster
Companies that have joined the Seafood Norway are among others AKVA group ASA, Aqualine AS, Marine Construction AS, Aquastructures AS, AQS AS, service boat AS, Norse Aqua AS, Nortechs Aqua AS and Stingray Marine Solutions AS.

Seafood Norway expands organizational unit with a separate cluster for technology and service to safeguard the interests of the new member companies. Through the work of the cluster’s goal is to ensure favorable conditions and increase understanding of the potential inherent in the technology and service companies in the seafood industry.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Bru technology can be exported – Sunnmørsposten

It believes chairman Gunvor Ulstein in fastlandsdsambandet Hafast.

The technology from the North Sea can be used in a 3,000-meter-long suspension bridge in one span between Hareid and Sula.

Alternatively, the bridge built with two spans and flytebru.

Bra with E39 decision

– As the first transport project built on such technology, it can be a new export from Norway, believes chairman. She presented the status of Hafast under Møre bench conference and gave verbal flowers to the current government that has determined the course for the new E39, namely the one that goes about Hareid.

– We need to put the shovel in the ground in 2020. When we must have it in the National Transport Plan (NTP) 2018-2029, said Gunvor Ulstein.

Møre Axis is pan completed

Hafast is one of three large fjord crossing project along E39 in More og Romsdal. Chairman Erik Berg in Møre axis, which will tie together the southern slopes of the northern side of Romsdalsfjord, stated that this is a pot finished project with known technology, which is ready to be entered in the next decades NTP.

– More Axis will connect a major residential and employment region and triggers the 1200 mill. per year for businesses, says Berg, who is also clear that this project must be included in forthcoming NTP.

Nordmøre complement

The third major infrastructure project is Halsafjord Sambandet Nordmøre, somstyreleder Ola E. Rognskog.

– It is difficult to get all three projects in the course of 12 years. The government’s ambition ferjefri E39 will be completed Paap 20 years. When in a hurry all the projects, said Helge Orten (H), which still poured the Møre axis and Hafast should come first.

Great importance

execution of these projects will get insanely great importance for industrial development in the county, said Ortenberg.

Jenny Klinge (Sp) stressed that there are three projects that will compete. All frequencies is important for promoting greater activity in Møre and Romsdal.

-Ambisjoinen must be that all three transport projects must be included in løpegt of 20 years, said Klinge.


Bru technology can be exported – Sunnmørsposten

It believes chairman Gunvor Ulstein in fastlandsdsambandet Hafast.

The technology from the North Sea can be used in a 3,000-meter-long suspension bridge in one span between Hareid and Sula.

Alternatively, the bridge built with two spans and flytebru.

Bra with E39 decision

– As the first transport project built on such technology, it can be a new export from Norway, believes chairman. She presented the status of Hafast under Møre bench conference and gave verbal flowers to the current government that has determined the course for the new E39, namely the one that goes about Hareid.

– We need to put the shovel in the ground in 2020. When we must have it in the National Transport Plan (NTP) 2018-2029, said Gunvor Ulstein.

Møre Axis is pan completed

Hafast is one of three large fjord crossing project along E39 in More og Romsdal. Chairman Erik Berg in Møre axis, which will tie together the southern slopes of the northern side of Romsdalsfjord, stated that this is a pot finished project with known technology, which is ready to be entered in the next decades NTP.

– More Axis will connect a major residential and employment region and triggers the 1200 mill. per year for businesses, says Berg, who is also clear that this project must be included in forthcoming NTP.

Nordmøre complement

The third major infrastructure project is Halsafjord Sambandet Nordmøre, somstyreleder Ola E. Rognskog.

– It is difficult to get all three projects in the course of 12 years. The government’s ambition ferjefri E39 will be completed Paap 20 years. When in a hurry all the projects, said Helge Orten (H), which still poured the Møre axis and Hafast should come first.

Great importance

execution of these projects will get insanely great importance for industrial development in the county, said Ortenberg.

Jenny Klinge (Sp) stressed that there are three projects that will compete. All frequencies is important for promoting greater activity in Møre and Romsdal.

-Ambisjoinen must be that all three transport projects must be included in løpegt of 20 years, said Klinge.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

New fitness trend: – Now uses “all” technology when exercising – Romsdals Budstikke

– Come on, come on, come on.

Spinning Instructor Ann-Louise Maurstad urges efforts at No 1 Fitness in Ann Arbor. Around her treading 12 people persistently on the pedals, while sweat. Half of them are carefully monitoring the screen in front. It shows their pulse, and what level they should be at.

– I thought I gave it all before. But after I started with the transmitter, then I realized that I did not, said Ismayil Tetik.

He is supported by Alice Seim.

– The transmitter can I see where I am, and how much I burn. Now I can not cheat anymore, and I get much better effect of the training, says Seim.

– An explosion

Previously, training technology reserved for the special interests and active athletes. Not so anymore. Now technology at full speed into the fitness industry – both in saltimer and individually.

– There has been an explosion in recent years. Now use “all” technology when they exercise, both young and old, beginners and special interests, says Trygve Amundsen, CEO of Nr1 Fitness.

Amundsen estimates that ten percent used pulse belts on spinning their hours for a year page.

– Now 40-50 percent pulse belts, says Amundsen.

Sharp increase

That training technology is in the wind, also appear on the sales of pulse belts, pulse watches, activity ties. Sales of so-called “wearables” has soared in recent years and is estimated to sell for 288 billion in 2019, according to IHS Technology. This is confirmed in a report in the online magazine Business Insider.

Training Technology ranks also at the top of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) annual list of fitness trends.

Also in Norway marks the trend.

– All sporting goods stores are reporting a sharp rise in sales of fitness technology, says Bård Kristiansen, CEO of Sports Industry AS.

For example, reports Polar on a sales increase of 30 percent in 2015. Most they sell the M400, a training watch that also records activity, and activity band Loop. Also A360, an activity watch that measures your pulse on your wrist is popular.

– Previously was training bells really geared towards super active and elite sport. Now we see an increased focus on a healthier lifestyle and a broader interest in our products, says Morten Dyrberg, responsible for Polar in the region.

According to Business Insider, the smart bells carry the main weight of the sales increase in the future.

– Not to trust

There are several reasons why such technology takes off, according to leaders in the industry.

– It gives us the opportunity to gain immediate and ongoing feedback on their efforts. Meanwhile, the technology becoming more advanced and user-friendly, says Trygve Amundsen.

According to Henning Holm, product director of Evo Fitness, it is still much to be gained from technology which measures the effect of strength training.

– It is easy to Track where much one runner, but it’s not so easy with strength training. Those who manage to crack the code on this, to be rich, says Holm.

– But what types of wearables do we really need?

– The most important thing is that people exercising. However, one should choose one thing, it’s a heart rate monitor. Then you’ll get much bigger idea of ​​what training does to you. The subjective feeling of ours is not always to be trusted. We think we are tired before we really are. Especially on those tough sessions, Holm says.

– It’s as if a thousand ants crawling on me!

– Measures not so much

Bjorn Maaseide, Norway boss in Bet Elixia, agrees.

– Some are motivated to exercise by measuring everything, others are not. I’m in that category where I do not measure so much. But as exerciser I think the wrist is a good investment, says Maaseide.

Bård Kristiasen, CEO of Sports Industry AS, think training technologies have an important positive effect.

– For me training become more enjoyable with all gadgets. That, I think there are too many. I also think it causes many exercising more, says Bård Kristiansen.

Brands interest

On No 1 Fitness goes spinning hour late. After class, all with the transmitter, receive an email with the outcome of the hour.

Gro Heggelund has gotten much better control after she started with the transmitter three months ago.

– It turned out that I was too high in pulse earlier. Now that I have more control, I manage to hold out longer on longer and harder hours, says Hegge Lund, who also has an activity ties.

– It motivates me to move me more, she says.


Friday, January 15, 2016

Technology- and service enters Seafood Norway –

The industry responsible for the development and delivery of technology and services to the seafood industry has over the last decade doubled its value creation. These are companies that are becoming increasingly important for the development of the Norwegian seafood industry. Seafood Norway is building up a new member services for this group businesses, according to a press release.

The mouthpiece
– Seafood Norway is the largest and leading organization in fisheries and aquaculture. We are working for good conditions for the whole industry and we see an increasing need to see the entire value chain in context. For the organization, it is therefore natural to grow in parallel with the industry evolves, and it is gratifying that several companies have approached us with the desire to become members, says chairman Inger-Marie barring in the press release.

Norwegian seafood exports set new records and the expected significant growth in coming years. The technology sector is extremely important to enable this. By virtue of their own business gets technology- and service companies also increasingly significant in terms of employment and value creation along the coast and in other parts of the country, writes Seafood Norway.

World Leading
Norwegian technology and service businesses have over the years contributed significantly to the seafood industry’s overall growth and have acquired Norwegian industry a leading international position in seafood technology and service. Several of the companies have significant export of proprietary solutions and services, says Sperre.

– We see a further professionalization and development of new solutions in this sector of industry that will help strengthen Norway’s world-leading position in technology, expertise in fisheries and aquaculture, she says.

New cluster
Companies that have joined the Seafood Norway are among others AKVA group ASA, Aqualine AS, Marine Construction AS, Aquastructures AS, AQS AS, service boat AS, Norse Aqua AS, Nortechs Aqua AS and Stingray Marine Solutions AS.

Seafood Norway expands organizational unit with a separate cluster for technology and service to safeguard the interests of the new member companies. Through the work of the cluster’s goal is to ensure favorable conditions and increase understanding of the potential inherent in the technology and service companies in the seafood industry.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

These training beaches are in this year – ABC News

The American College of Sports Medicine adds every year a list of the most important training beaches for the coming year.

list for the 2016 looks like this:

  • Technology you wear (wrist watches, etc.)
  • Body Weight training
  • Interval training with high intensity
  • Strength
  • Trained and experienced training experts
  • Training with personal trainer
  • Functional training
  • Training programs for older
  • Training for weight loss
  • Yoga

Many people find it helpful to see how far they run, and how hard they train in terms of calorie consumption and heart rate curves. This trend we come according to ACSM to see a lot of in the future.

– Portable technology is something that has progress everywhere in society, so it is only natural that there has been a trend in fitness. Watches and similar motivating for very many because it is easy to compare sessions, both with himself and others, says Rune Solheim, personal trainer and manager at Mykjemeir Asker.

A heart rate monitor can serve as a fine tool if you are concerned about heart rate zones, restitution, GPS and logging of your training. Anyway it’s not something you need to be active.

– It’s a nice tool to assess training volume and intensity, and correct if necessary, says Solheim.

Also read: – Proper training should be printed as medicine

Two trends retains top 3 position

Exercise with own body weight and høyintensitetstrening is in the top three this year as last year. Two trends that seem to retain the popularity for a long time.

– This is training that is easy to get to, and everyone can see that it works. You can do it pretty much everywhere and do not need to have very long sessions, he said.

There is no doubt that the training beaches progresses, and each year there are new training methods. It made a lot of technological developments, such as pulse sensors and GPS in socks – which means that the technology can be high on the list in the coming years.

– I think that technology will have an ever greater space within training . Also will it always worked, continue to be popular in the future. I believe and hope, however, that there will be more focus on the situation and the overall load of training.

Training with personal trainer has recently become more common, and is among this year’s trends.

– As long as the quality continues to improve, this will continue to be popular in the future. But an uncertain economy will probably lead to fluctuations, says Solheim.

See also: – No bigger muscles by eating or drinking protein after exercise

Short and intensive

Time Effective training has been in the wind for a while and is going to be a trend also in 2016, says Kine Stensrud, project for classes in SATS Elixia .

Many people experience the famous time squeeze. Shorter sessions, which provides high power, is therefore a good solution which gives a surplus of energy in a hectic schedule.

– Efficient and high-intensity interval training in both strength and endurance – often with own body weight – will be trendy next year. With us is a 30-minute interval training on the treadmill in demand like never before.


Functional strength and base training will also be popular. This is training that will make you stronger and better able to cope with everyday tasks and activities.

– These lessons contain elements of traditional strength training, gymnastics and gymnastics, and dynamic mobility training, says Stensrud.

Yoga and flexibility training will we see more of, and training that provides great transfer value to other exercise. Both challenging physical yoga and quiet, meditative yoga is popular, according Stensrud.

– We also focus on training that will make you better in other activity or sport you are doing. For example, yoga for those who want more out of their strength training, for example by increasing the movement path in squat, or work injury prevention for runners.


New fitness trend: – Now uses “all” technology when exercising – Romsdals Budstikke

– Come on, come on, come on.

Spinning Instructor Ann-Louise Maurstad urges efforts at No 1 Fitness in Ann Arbor. Around her treading 12 people persistently on the pedals, while sweat. Half of them are carefully monitoring the screen in front. It shows their pulse, and what level they should be at.

– I thought I gave it all before. But after I started with the transmitter, then I realized that I did not, said Ismayil Tetik.

He is supported by Alice Seim.

– The transmitter can I see where I am, and how much I burn. Now I can not cheat anymore, and I get much better effect of the training, says Seim.

– An explosion

Previously, training technology reserved for the special interests and active athletes. Not so anymore. Now technology at full speed into the fitness industry – both in saltimer and individually.

– There has been an explosion in recent years. Now use “all” technology when they exercise, both young and old, beginners and special interests, says Trygve Amundsen, CEO of Nr1 Fitness.

Amundsen estimates that ten percent used pulse belts on spinning their hours for a year page.

– Now 40-50 percent pulse belts, says Amundsen.

Sharp increase

That training technology is in the wind, also appear on the sales of pulse belts, pulse watches, activity ties. Sales of so-called “wearables” has soared in recent years and is estimated to sell for 288 billion in 2019, according to IHS Technology. This is confirmed in a report in the online magazine Business Insider.

Training Technology ranks also at the top of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) annual list of fitness trends.

Also in Norway marks the trend.

– All sporting goods stores are reporting a sharp rise in sales of fitness technology, says Bård Kristiansen, CEO of Sports Industry AS.

For example, reports Polar on a sales increase of 30 percent in 2015. Most they sell the M400, a training watch that also records activity, and activity band Loop. Also A360, an activity watch that measures your pulse on your wrist is popular.

– Previously was training bells really geared towards super active and elite sport. Now we see an increased focus on a healthier lifestyle and a broader interest in our products, says Morten Dyrberg, responsible for Polar in the region.

According to Business Insider, the smart bells carry the main weight of the sales increase in the future.

– Not to trust

There are several reasons why such technology takes off, according to leaders in the industry.

– It gives us the opportunity to gain immediate and ongoing feedback on their efforts. Meanwhile, the technology becoming more advanced and user-friendly, says Trygve Amundsen.

According to Henning Holm, product director of Evo Fitness, it is still much to be gained from technology which measures the effect of strength training.

– It is easy to Track where much one runner, but it’s not so easy with strength training. Those who manage to crack the code on this, to be rich, says Holm.

– But what types of wearables do we really need?

– The most important thing is that people exercising. However, one should choose one thing, it’s a heart rate monitor. Then you’ll get much bigger idea of ​​what training does to you. The subjective feeling of ours is not always to be trusted. We think we are tired before we really are. Especially on those tough sessions, Holm says.

– It’s as if a thousand ants crawling on me!

– Measures not so much

Bjorn Maaseide, Norway boss in Bet Elixia, agrees.

– Some are motivated to exercise by measuring everything, others are not. I’m in that category where I do not measure so much. But as exerciser I think the wrist is a good investment, says Maaseide.

Bård Kristiasen, CEO of Sports Industry AS, think training technologies have an important positive effect.

– For me training become more enjoyable with all gadgets. That, I think there are too many. I also think it causes many exercising more, says Bård Kristiansen.

Brands interest

On No 1 Fitness goes spinning hour late. After class, all with the transmitter, receive an email with the outcome of the hour.

Gro Heggelund has gotten much better control after she started with the transmitter three months ago.

– It turned out that I was too high in pulse earlier. Now that I have more control, I manage to hold out longer on longer and harder hours, says Hegge Lund, who also has an activity ties.

– It motivates me to move me more, she says.


Friday, January 8, 2016

Will save millions with narrower highway – NRK

The state veiselskapet New Roads AS will be responsible for the construction of 500 km highway the next 20 years.

The company has been commissioned to make the most of the money that is allocated to the various road projects. Therefore they will now consider whether they should go in for a common standard on upcoming highways.

– We’re going to look at what we would call “new ways normalvei.” In this connection we peeks to Sweden to see how they do it there. We see that they are doing things a little differently than us, says Director of Technology and development strategy, Anette Aanesland.

Will consider narrower way

While highways in Norway varies in width depending on how congested the various sections is, operates Sweden only one width. It is 21 meters.

– In Sweden built the smaller roads in stretches with higher traffic, says Aanesland.

The new drives will look at whether today road widths in Norway respectively 20 and 23 meters, can be replaced by one width as in Sweden.

Will investigate the consequences

According Aanesland there is a lot of money to save this.

Director for technology and development strategy in New Roads AS Anette Aanesland says veiselskapet focus on road safety. They do not want to make changes that something will come at the expense of it.

Photo: Svein Sundsdal / NRK

Director of New Roads AS, Finn Aasmund Hobbesland says that there are examples of a common road width of 21 meters can work well.

Photo: Sundsdal, Svein / NRK

Before New Roads decide whether they will go into a common road width, the consequences of such choices should be evaluated.

– We do not want to do anything that goes beyond traffic safety. It is very important for us, says Aanesland.

Sweden has also not lighting on all routes with heavy traffic. There are also some new drives will take a closer look at. If there is anything they want to enter in its “normalvei”, is according Aanesland too early to say anything about.

Director of New Roads AS, Find Aasmund Hobbesland, believes there are examples of a common road width 21 meters can work well.

– The highway between Grimstad and Kristiansand has a width of 21 meters. I think everyone feels that it is a good road to drive on, he said.

The new drives have included the planned new E18 between Tvedestrand and Arendal. According Hobbesland be the construction of this road start to fall.


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Technological revolution threatens jobs – NRK

The technology is changing our jobs faster than ever before. Many believe we are facing a new industrial revolution, the development now goes so quickly that many jobs will disappear.

Confederation (NHO) take forecasts seriously. Today sees the start of the NHO Annual Conference “The new working life ‘.

Målfrid Baik is regional director of NHO Finnmark.

Photo: Sunniva Sollied Møller / nrk

– The technological development is ongoing and faster than you think. Therefore it is important to have looking towards the future, and this conference is a step in the right direction, says Målfrid Baik.

After an extensive career in business in Northern Norway, started Baik in new job as regional director of NHO Finnmark 1 January. Future jobs is one of the themes that are very important for the new director.

Dramatic predictions

Future Employment:

Calculations performed by the research institute Oxford Martin School comes with dramatic predictions about how modern technology could replace humans in a variety of jobs, according to NHO on their website.

  • Approximately 47 percent of all jobs in America today have a high probability of being automated away within 20 years (Frey and Osborne, 2013).
  • The corresponding figures for Norway is 33 percent (SSB).

Technology Changes will affect all sectors and occupations, but it is particularly jobs without formal educational requirements scientists believe will be replaced by technology.

Statistics Norway estimates that we in 2030 will have a surplus of 147,000 people with compulsory schooling as their highest education.

In Finnmark has over a third of the population only elementary school as their highest education. On a national basis this applies to 1,130,197 people.

The future need today’s young

Technology Changes will affect all sectors and occupations, but it is particularly jobs without formal educational requirements scientists believe will be replaced by technology.

Målfrid Baik is not worried about the level of education neither Finnmark or Norway. She notes that NHO has an ongoing collaboration with educational institutions and LO:

– We are talking about the future of labor. Therefore, it is incredibly important for today’s young people get the right guidance, information and inspiration to educational choices that will benefit forward-Norway.

In Norway 1 130,197 people only elementary school as their highest education (2014).

Photo: Frank May / NTB scanpix

When Baik talking about educational choices, it is not only higher education she thinks about.

– We have to get better to front vocational training. Skilled workers are an important driving force for development in Finnmark, she says.

Focuses on opportunities

Statistics Norway estimates that we in 2030 will have a surplus of 147,000 people with completed elementary school as their highest education. Without restructuring, many people fall outside the future labor market.

The newly appointed regional director of NHO nevertheless choose to focus on the possibilities:

– The technological developments also provide great opportunities and we must facilitate value creation and new jobs. The development will take its course whether we want it or not. If we are not with it, we will, at worst, fail to realize the potential we have in Finnmark and in Norway, believes Baik.

The need for new skills

In the years coming labor markets will increasingly be characterized by digitalization and automation.

Sparebank 1 Northern Norway, also called Rødbanken in Tromso.

Photo: Jørn Inge Johansen / NRK

Sparebank 1 Northern Norway these days goodbye with 150 employees who have applied for severance packages. The need for bank officials is not what it once was. Robots have taken over many of the tasks.

– We are glad that so many have chosen to take severance package. The way people now use our services, means that we need to be fewer employees in the group, says Geir Håvard Hansen, communications manager of Sparebank 1 Northern Norway.

– same time, we need additional expertise and now we get the opportunity to recruit the new skills in the areas where we need it, says kommunikasjonssefen.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Ålesund can earn tens of millions of selling two letters – VG

In 1996 bought IT entrepreneur André Eidskrem (45) from Aalesund domain for under $ 5,000. Now he’s hoping to sell it for several million dollars.

This is the story of IT entrepreneur who started a company to pay your student loan, struck in Belarus and China, and received a data giant in Silicon Valley hook.

Monday 11 January will receive André Eidskrem from Aalesund know how much someone is willing to give the Internet address This is the date of a domain auction in Los Angeles. The preliminary bid lies inside is at $ 600,000, ie five million Norwegian kroner. But this is below the minimum threshold, which is currently a secret sum.

The reason for the hype is marketing value.

– The short domains are easy to remember and communicate, and is often very aptly, says Torgeir Waterhouse, Internet Editor of ICT Norway.

How was Erik app millionaire: – There was little waste

Science Fiction

– will in any case be sold for a million dollar amounts. It is very gratifying, says Eidskrem VG.

– What would you say if someone told you this back in 1996?

– I must have seen it as science fiction.

He has been an entrepreneur since 1990. At that time he was a student at the School of Bergen, and started their own company in order to finance their studies. In the years since, has Eidskrem been part of a tremendous development of the Internet.

In 1996 he bought by an American.

Domain contrary: Trine Grung purchased other net names and chained to itself

– The time there was an awful lot of money to spend $ 5,000 on a domain , when it usually cost ten US dollars to register one, says Eidskrem.

Sold in decades

The idea of ​​ was to gather information on all Norwegian cities under one domain, for example by and com. It Ålesunds-based data company IntraHouse delivered content to the pages, while Eidskrem is general manager and owner of the domain.

Gisle Hannemyr, internet expert and lecturer at the Institute of Informatics at the University of Oslo, praised the farsighted choice.

– The Internet’s childhood did you buy domains for just a few dollars. I never understood that one could become rich on this, but it was obviously someone who did. Both domains with two or three letters and words in the dictionary was sold out when I checked in 1997, he says to VG.

Hannemyr adding that it is disputed how important it is to domain names, since many uses google or other search engines to locate network services.

You got? Routes spent NOK 24,000 on domain worth 5000

Will sell to get bigger

It would prove that Eidskrem two letters were extra valuable also in Belarus.

– Right after I bought the domain, I was contacted by a Russian oil company that would have the domain. ISO code (for example “.com” in Norway, editor.) For Belarus is precisely city. Thus, I started a company in Belarus as well.

So it took off in China, where the letters b and y should be readily available on the keyboard. Simultaneously Engine for VG and other online newspapers in Norway.

In 2007 Ålesunds firm IT company Cisco, one of the largest companies in Silicon Valley, as a customer. Now they will launch an international mobile platform for data giant, and need the money the domain can provide.

See also: Sex sells well as the domain name
