– It’s a milestone, and a follow-up of research permits we have had until now, says Fisheries Minister Per Sandberg (FRP) to Dagbladet.
The industry has for years struggled with major problems with disease, lice and escapes. Especially the last two are a great threat to the Norwegian wild salmon, and the origin of one of the greatest environmental conflicts in Norway today.
READ ALSO: Catches plunges in “the world’s best salmon river” – now fear they Sandberg growth plan
Seagoing cage
Government target for Norwegian Livestock will increase fivefold by 2050, but not unconditionally. The Fisheries Minister has been clear that the industry must overcome his problems before he will allow growth.
One of the techniques, these new development licenses. They only on condition that the applicant comes up with brand new technology before they get new licenses.
SalMars concept is an entirely new type of pen that can be used much further out to sea – and which it is hoped will decrease the danger of pollution, lice and escape harms fjords.
The solution, according to companies in which a “slack rooted submergible cage with a solid structure that floats stably in havnære areas with depths of 100 to 200 meters, where the aqua biological conditions are optimal for breeding the fish’s premises”
The purpose with ocean netpens is that it can be put to use in new and more exposed sites.
“Ocean Farming have using proven design principles from the oil industry, combined with a thorough knowledge of aquaculture, developed a new type of aquaculture facility for Fisheries Directorate, represents innovation,” writes Fisheries about the project, which the company itself invests NOK 690 million in.
Seven other applicants
Several other companies have also filed applications for development permits. Among other things, proposes company Nordlaks concept Havfarm while AkvaDesign proposes a type of closed tanks at sea, NRK writes.
– There are seven other companies with applications to the Directorate of Fisheries, each of which is interesting. When you then additionally get free establishment on land of hatcheries and correlate this with the new production areas (the government has proposed to divide the coast in regions with a traffic light system which is determined by the amount of lice journ.anm), I have very great faith this, says Sandberg.
He has previously said to Dagbladet he believes the threat of sea lice and escapes in the industry can be story about two to three years, and strongly believe that the industry itself takes responsibility for cleaning up.
In order to encourage companies to seek shared development concessions out free to begin with. Since – if the company is successful with the project – getting the offer to purchase licenses for 10 million Norwegian krones.
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