Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Publicly New and recommendations: Giants look at Goodtech technology – Manager

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Dagens nyhetsklipp
Nordea tar ut Protector Forsikring fra sin ukesportefølje – inn kommer Subsea 7. DNB tar inn Wilh Wilhelmsen ASA, mens Arctic Fund tar inn Orkla, mens Weifa går ut.

Telenor-sjef Sigve Brekke påpeker at taleinntektene nå reduseres kraftig og at selskapet må omstilles fra å være en tradisjonell telekom-operatør til å bli den foretrukne leverandøren av digitale tjenester til selskapets kunder. (DN).

Odin-analytiker Dan Erik Glover anbefaler kjøp av Subsea 7, Høegh LNG, Vestas og First Solar (FA)

Oslo Børs ser på Sandnes Sparebanks rapportering etter varsel om tapsbombe før helgen. Styreleder Harald Espedal uttalte til DN sist uke at misligholdet hadde vært kjent for han i flere uker da markedet ble meddelt de nye tapene. (DN).

Nordea øker kursmålet i Det Norske til NOK 77 (70) – kjøpsanbefalingen opprettholdes.

Den sparkede North Energy sjefen Erik Karlstrøm vant ikke frem med sine krav om sluttpakke og å få avskjeden kjent grunnløs mot sin gamle arbeidsgiver. I stedet fremhever retten at Karlstrøm har vist svak dømmekraft, opptrådt klanderverdig og vært skyldig i kvalifiserte feilvurderinger og grove pliktbrudd. Karlstrøm vant imidlertid frem i kravet om skattekompensasjon og pensjon. (DN)

Statoil betaler 5,5 milliarder kroner for halvparten av havvindparken Arkona. Irene Rummelhoff, Statoils konserndirektør for fornybar energi, sier at havvind fortsatt er avhengig av subsidier for å bli utbygd, men at utbygging vil skje uten subsidier om fem til ti år. Statoil planlegger ytterligere investeringer innen segmentet. (DN)

Apple mister raskt markedsandeler for Smartphones. For et par siden var andelen 20,9 prosent, nå tilsier prognosene 14,4 prosent. Kun Apple av de fem store forventes å ha fallende salg i antall enheter i 2016. (DN).

Nordea reduserer kursmålet i Norwegian Property til NOK 10,5 (11) – kjøpsanbefaling opprettholdes. Banken mener Net Asset Value per aksjer er på NOK 12,2.

Webjørn Barstad i Havfisk tror torskekvotene for 2017 skal være ned 10 prosent etter at kvotene har vært høye en stund. Selskapet er derfor forsiktig med å bestille nye fartøy. (FA)

Fire kinesiske selskap som står for 37 prosent av aluminiumsproduksjonen i landet besøkte i forrige uke Norge for å se på Goodtechs energigjenvinningsteknologi som selskapet har brukt 15 år på å utvikle. Den skal kunne redusere energiforbruket med 10 prosent i de kullfyrte aluminiumsverkene. Etter møtet i Norge tok Goodtech kineserne med til Dubai Aliminium for å se på testpiloten. Goodtechs Veroslav Sedlak som også er selskapets tredje største aksjonær startet i sin tid arbeidet med teknologien og sier at suksess med teknologien kan bety store tall. (FA).

De kinesiske myndigheter prøver nå å bremse spekulasjonen i råvarer. Innføringer av begrensninger i aksjehandel har gjort at innenlandske investorer har flyttet kapital til råvarespekulasjon med følge at sterk økning i kontraktshandel og oppgang i priser. Råvarebørsene må nå øke transaksjonskostnadene og marginer samt sette grenser for daglig på handel på visse type kontrakter. (Financial Times).

Tomra økte inntektene i 1.kvartal med 22 prosent fra samme periode i fjor. Justert for gunstig valutautvikling økte topplinjen med 12 prosent. Selskapet leverte resultat langt bedre enn markedets forventninger (E24).

Next varslet i morges om bransjens første ordre på biometriske smart cards. Leveransen ventes starte i tredje kvartal og har initielt en verdi på NOK 12 millioner.

Lik NA24 her og få flere ferske økonominyheter!


Monday, April 25, 2016

New technology in Båtsfjord – pump the fish ashore – NRK Finnmark – Local … – NRK

One of the plants that have undergone a complete restructuring is Norway Seafoods Båtsfjord in Finnmark.

A total of 20 million invested to secure raw materials in the future.

Båtsfjord, who is fishing capital of Finnmark, delivers annually some 60 million fish dinners on the table.

transporting fish on the assembly line, avoids reception using truck and vessel with fish.

Photo: Bård Wormdal

– A relief

Now, during the peak of the cod fishery is the line to deliver. The fish is pumped ashore and capacity at Norway Seafoods Båtsfjord has increased many fold.

– It means a lot that we get delivered. It is a relief for us, and that we have to do it on board, says Knut-Jarle Johansen, fishing in Båtsfjord.

The trucks e as good as gone. The same vessel and discharge back and forth that can harm fish.

facility to Norway Seafoods sent fish on a conveyor line already from the dock.

Photo: Bård Wormdal

Fast process

Reception has been both buying station and production line. The fish are sent on a transport line from the quay to be raw material ready for filet hall.

– We can buy fish, store in tanks, and can send fish into production next day, says Alexei Kichaikin, assistant operations manager.

For smaller boats have Båtsfjord-now taken care of the old receipt, which still has big tanks and truck.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

New technology in Båtsfjord – pump the fish ashore – NRK Finnmark – Local … – NRK

One of the plants that have undergone a complete restructuring is Norway Seafoods Båtsfjord in Finnmark.

A total of 20 million invested to secure raw materials in the future.

Båtsfjord, who is fishing capital of Finnmark, delivers annually some 60 million fish dinners on the table.

transporting fish on the assembly line, avoids reception using truck and vessel with fish.

Photo: Bård Wormdal

– A relief

Now, during the peak of the cod fishery is the line to deliver. The fish is pumped ashore and capacity at Norway Seafoods Båtsfjord has increased many fold.

– It means a lot that we get delivered. It is a relief for us, and that we have to do it on board, says Knut-Jarle Johansen, fishing in Båtsfjord.

The trucks e as good as gone. The same vessel and discharge back and forth that can harm fish.

facility to Norway Seafoods sent fish on a conveyor line already from the dock.

Photo: Bård Wormdal

Fast process

Reception has been both buying station and production line. The fish are sent on a transport line from the quay to be raw material ready for filet hall.

– We can buy fish, store in tanks, and can send fish into production next day, says Alexei Kichaikin, assistant operations manager.

For smaller boats have Båtsfjord-now taken care of the old receipt, which still has big tanks and truck.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

New technology will reduce costs in the Barents Sea – Romsdals Budstikke

Under the Barents Sea Conference in Hammerfest Tuesday launched Statoil’s technology director Margaret Øvrum a new concept for drilling at shallow depths in the Barents Sea.

On some projects, costs can be reduced by up to 30 percent, the company claims.

– The advantage of the new design is that we can get easier and quicker out in horizontal drilling. That means we may have fewer wells and reach over wider areas, say Øvrum said. (© NTB)


Sunday, April 17, 2016

New technology in Båtsfjord – pump the fish ashore – NRK

One of the plants that have undergone a complete restructuring is Norway Seafoods Båtsfjord in Finnmark.

A total of 20 million invested to secure raw materials in the future.

Båtsfjord, who is fishing capital of Finnmark, delivers annually some 60 million fish dinners on the table.

When transporting fish on the assembly line, avoids reception using truck and vessel with fish.

Photo: Bård Wormdal

– A relief

Now, during the peak of the cod fishery is the line to deliver. The fish is pumped ashore and capacity at Norway Seafoods Båtsfjord has increased many fold.

– It means a lot that we get delivered. It is a relief for us, and that we have to do it on board, says Knut-Jarle Johansen, fishing in Båtsfjord.

The trucks e as good as gone. The same vessel and discharge back and forth that can harm fish.

On the plant to Norway Seafoods sent fish on a conveyor line already from the dock.

Photo: Bård Wormdal

Fast process

Reception has been both buying station and production line. The fish are sent on a transport line from the quay to be raw material ready for filet hall.

– We can buy fish, store in tanks, and can send fish into production next day, says Alexei Kichaikin, assistant operations manager.

For smaller boats have Båtsfjord-now taken care of the old receipt, which still has big tanks and truck.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Brown water in the center and Myra – Future Requirements

Brown water after vannavstenging in certain downtown streets.

Kristiansund municipality said on its website Tuesday morning that it would be vannavstenging in Johan P Clausen street, Police Bendixens street and Ivar Aasen street Tuesday from kl. 9:30 and a piece throughout the day. This will cause brown water by applying for closure.

The reason for the closure is working with wiring. Municipality estimates the water will be reconnected within two to six hours.

Readers have tipped Future Demands for brown water in the taps in the center and Myra, even after letting it run for up to ten minutes .

Engineer for water in Kristiansund municipality, Per Erik Husby, points out that the water is safe.

– This is normal after vannavstenging. The water may be brown in color, or get air in it and a gray color, says Husby.

It may according Husby take time to get shiny water again. It is not uncommon to let cold water run over ten minutes before one gets shiny water.

– My top tip is to tap water in the basement, that is as close intake as possible and preferably before the hot water tank.

Husby emphasizes that water is not dangerous, and that you do not get sick if you have drunk it.

– if the brown water was going to persist into the evening and tomorrow, I recommend calling service office, 71 57 40 00, says Husby.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Profitable technology – NRK

– First I start by taking the temperature, so I take the pulse and oxygen saturation, says Rigmor Strande.

She has COPD, and check their health condition twice a day . The results are sent automatically to the district.

In the district’s response center sits a nurse and can monitor patients’ blood pressure and temperature from day to day. If anything is abnormal, they take contact with the patient.

Photo: Thomas Marthinsen / NRK

Strande live in Old Oslo is one of four districts which since 2014 has been involved in the project welfare technology in the city.

Good results

Now, a quantitative study that the introduction of welfare technology patients with chronic disease in St.Hanshaugen, Old Oslo, saws and Grünerløkka produce significant savings.

After six months had home care 34 percent fewer visits. Meanwhile, time spent inside in each patient was reduced by 60 percent.

– I have not had visits from home care for half a year. And now I have not actually had pneumonia at eighteen months, says Strande.

172 users in districts and 95 hospital patients are examined. After half a year had Lovisenberg 32 percent fewer hospitalizations, and number of overnight stays decreased by 39 percent.

A pill box like this sends an alarm to the home if you forget to take your medicine for a second time.

Photo: Heidi Fjørtoft Klokk / NRK

Much money saving

Converted in monetary ears spared district 59 172 per year per user, the hospital saved 5676 NOK user even 444 million.

Intro International and Architecture and design in Oslo also made a qualitative study in which 12 users and two relatives were interviewed. Several of users experience a sense of empowerment, but the reason could the report be that those who participate in the pilot project have been closely monitoring.

Health Minister Bent Høie believes the use of technology can be a good fit for some patient groups, such that health services have more time to other groups who have greater needs.

Rigmor Strande is no doubt that the project has been good for her.

– I am very grateful for this because it has helped me a lot. I no longer have so much anxiety, because I myself have followed with the disease.

Technology is good help

Maria Helseth Greve is project manager Gamle Oslo and says that many patients with welfare technology understand more of their own illness.

Photo: Thomas Marthinsen / NRK

It is an experience more have done, says project in Gamle Oslo, Maria Helseth Greve.

– users understand more of their own illness and we get good feedback.

Some patient groups experiencing other hand overview of the disease as stressful, says Greve.

– We have examples of it, especially patients who have reached a phase where the disease is more serious.

She believes technology is important, but believes it is as much about how to use it.

– You must see at who benefits from it, and to which good mapping. Now we’ve tried a lot and learned a lot along the way.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

From “Baywatch” to Silicon Beach – ABC News

Santa Monica in Los Angeles for many associated with palm trees and beaches, tanned bodies and “Baywatch.”

But during the last years of Santa Monica and Venice become a gathering place for the technology industry and a sunny alternative to San Francisco’s Silicon Valley.

Major technology companies like Facebook, Google and Snapchat has opened offices here. They have been joined by hundreds of smaller companies that GumGum and tech entrepreneurs have renamed the city along Southern California’s Pacific Coast to Silicon Beach.

See also: “disturb me and I kill you “

– Bigger fish in a smaller pond

DogVacay located in Santa Monica and is a kind Airbnb for pets. Actor Will Smith was so impressed when he made use of their services, he decided to invest in the company.

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Share-founder and CEO of DogVacay Aaron Hirschorn walking the Rocky and Maggie close its offices in Santa Monica, California. Photo: AFP

37-year-old Aaron Hirschhorn is one of the firm’s founders. AFP news agency says he has never looked back after that he decided to move southward from San Francisco.

– Here I am a bigger fish in a smaller pond. I do not compete with Facebook or Google when I will recruit engineers. It is a very knit community of tech-savvy here, and the network is huge.

See also: Will let women sunbathe topless at Venice Beach

Several leaves San Francisco

San Francisco Silicon Valley was the site of one of history’s truly great technological revolutions when the world got the first real PC from Apple Computer. Apple was one of the first and largest forces in Silicon Valley and the area leads the world technological development.

But rising commercial rates in the San Francisco area has become an important reason why many startups that DogVacay and Service Technologies Inc has decided to move to Los Angeles.

– It is expensive for a company to expand in San Francisco, says 35 years old Michael Schneider told AFP. He is the founder of the service Service Technologies Inc, a call center that seeks to resolve disputes between consumers and businesses.

– You must obtain at least 50 percent more for the same, he adds. In his view, San Francisco could lose status as the world’s technological center.

See also: These are the places you easily find new friends

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Michael Schneider in Services offices in Beverly Hills, California. Photo: AFP Photo / Frederic J. Brown

Local success stories in the billions

Santa Monica is known as tomorrow’s Silicon Valley and technology -boomen is the last five years been fed by local success stories. Including Snapchat which is valued at 16 billion dollars and date app Tinder is worth $ 3 billion.

This is of course not gone Hollywood celebrities unnoticed. More, actor Ashton Kutcher, has done as Will Smith and invested in various new companies.

Among the hottest today Dollar Shave Club in Santa Monica, which sells razors and other grooming products. The network company Scopely has with its mobile gaming has grown solid 600 percent during the past 10 months.

See also: Guadeloupe – The butterfly in the Caribbean

Another quality of life

Michael Schneiders company Service Technologies Inc has traded for three million US dollars since he started nine months ago. He believes Los Angeles holds a different quality of life than if he were still living in San Francisco.

– Los Angeles weather, a completely different change of pace and you get away from a very one-way environment in San Francisco where everyone just talk only about technology.

(article continues below)

The employees of Rivalry Games in full swing working on MuckerLab in Santa Monica. Photo: AP Photo / Jae C. Hong

Michael Jones recently started Wishbone, a trend-app targeting teenagers. He believes San Francisco probably unlikely to lose its status just yet.

– Can we have 10 companies that each has a turnover of 1 billion here? I think it’s possible, but I’m not sure whether Los Angeles will be able 50. Anyway I think the LA scene might grow extremely large.

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Experience the best of South Africa on a long weekend

Wild, beautiful and tourist-empty


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Historically landing unmanned rocket –

On the fifth attempt was successful entrepreneur billionaire Elon Musk and SpaceX to land their Falcon 9 rocket on an unmanned platform in the Atlantic Ocean.

Previous attempts to land the unmanned rocket at an unmanned drone ships have ended in crash landing or other accident . Friday night Norwegian time managed the main stage of the rocket finally slowing controlled and land precisely in standing position on the platform.

– Rocket country rather than making a hole in the ship or fall over. This was really encouraging, said Musk to those present reporters at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The rocket SpaceX sent up was loaded with supplies to the International Space Station ISS. The goal of testing is reuse and recycling of rockets. With current technology, the remains of spent rockets discarded, resulting each year in the loss of millions of dollars for the missile industry.

In December he Musks company for the first time to land the unmanned rocket’s standing on solid ground, but first Friday they managed to land at sea.



- Brussels-terrorists could have been stopped – ABC News

The Russian messenger to NATO Headquarters, Aleksandr Grushko, confirmed Friday that a multinational technology project could have stopped Brussels terrorists.

The plan was just this airport have been equipped with advanced technology for tracing explosives in large crowds. In a joint project – STANDEX (Stand-off Detection of Explosives) – was the airport at NATO headquarters designated as pilot area.

But the cooperation between NATO countries and Russia were called off after Ukraine crisis when NATO called off all cooperation.

– the project could largely have helped to prevent such situations as the one at Brussels’ airport and metro, being Grushko Friday cited in the Putin-friendly channel Russia today.

on the basis of russian technology developed it should have been possible to track and analyze micro particles in the air, and thus identify explosives and who had them.

According to unnamed sources should already have tried out system successfully on a subway station in Paris in October 2013. in a press release from NATO, dated October 30, 2013, also referred to the project in very positive terms.

– the system would have made it possible to hide identify Brussels-terrorists at the moment they arrived at the terminal, said the Russian diplomat.

the plan was one inside STANDEX project initially deploy the system by public transportation as subway stations, airports and train stations, writes


Friday, April 8, 2016

This has been a problem for Facebook –

Users share less than before.

You are not alone if you’ve noticed that there are fewer status updates and posts on Facebook and more sponsored content updates from companies and videos.

Solid drop
that’s partly because Facebook wants to have it so, but also for the reason that users share less than they did before, according to new figures from the Information.

In a survey, the British newspaper performed, the number fell posts by 5.5 percent in the period from mid 2014 to mid 2015.

date for actual status updates. In the same period, the number of status updates have fallen by 21 percent. So far this year, the decline was 15 percent.

See also: Facebook has gotten into something that sounds impossible.

information sharing
This kind of information sharing was the kind of Facebook was founded on, and remains an important reason why users use the service.

According to the information Facebook has created a group to find out what it takes for users to begin to share personal posts again. Commenting on The Information try Facebook to hush the problem.

“People continue to share much with Facebook and the overall level of sharing has not only continued to be strong, but at the same level as before.”

How often share posts and status updates on Facebook?

the Information,


Facebooks reality check – VG

LOS ANGELES (AP) Today, earnest start of the technology that will let you experience anything, anywhere. Only nausea stands in the way.

In the cult film “The Matrix” controls the robots world while man lives in a virtual reality they do not know is “illegitimate”.

“What is real? How do you define what is real? If you talk about what you can feel, taste and see, then it’s “real” only signals your brain has interpreted, “says one of the protagonists Morpheus in the movie.

Morpheus asks the main character Neo choose between a red and blue pill. The blue pill allows Neo remain in Matrix-world illusions, while the red release you into the true reality.

Chief Scientist Michael Abrash VR company Oculus referred to “The Matrix” on Facebook conference F8 last year. The film’s message is that he got to realize VR endless possibilities.

Not least Plato idélære about human perception of reality.

– I do not offer you a choice today. For whatever pill you choose, we same way, said Abrash.

Facebook furthest forward

2016 is the big year for VR – virtual reality – computer technology that allows users to be completely enclosed in another world. The largest technology companies are queuing up to launch equipment in the months ahead, but ahead of the Facebook.

Monday began sending of their long-awaited VR glasses Oculus Rift. Norway was one of the few countries that were offered advance of the product. Those who have not pre-ordered should plan on waiting until the summer since the first edition is sold out.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg bought VR company Oculus 12 billion in 2014. He believes VR is the platform for the future digital development and that most of us still can not fathom how it will change our lives.

the days ahead will be decisive for Facebook. Delivers billion investment as expected and the audience happy?

Do not believe in VR porn

So what can the glasses used if you book a couple of days? The games industry has is the arsenal of games ready. Porn industry is betting that VR will be their lifebuoy after net ruined the traditional revenue model. Also learning programs and meeting facilities will be available, with the film and television industry in heels.

Interestingly Palmer Luckey, Oculus’23-year-old developer, believes porn users do not have powerful enough PCs to enjoy the technology.

Requires powerful PC

for the enjoyment of VR today must have a PC with very powerful and expensive graphics card that provides adequate solution. Serious gamers usually have potent PCs. The regular porn users however have hardware of different quality.

To put it in perspective: Graphics manufacturer Nvidia has estimated that only about 13 million of the world’s 1.43 billion PCs are compatible waveform with VR.

Do you have a Mac, you can just forget it, if you want to bet on Oculus.

According to Luckey is Apple’s current machines are not even close to being good enough for VR.

There are already user-friendly headset that can connect to mobile, including from Samsung. But these are some distance away from the user experience to the glasses to come.

See also: “These five technology trends coming in 2016″

According Oculus CEO Luckey also challenges VR’s perception of time. Some can play a game for 12 hours without getting tired or have a clear perception of how long they have played.

Zuckerberg believes it will take ten years before VR is the technology most of us have taken in use.


One of the biggest challenges is nausea, especially in games with a lot of movement. The mismatch between the eyes see and what the body experiences makes users seasickness.

The nausea has been one of VR big problems from the outset, and something both game developers and eyeglass manufacturers are working hard to fix. Oculus will mark content with motion degree, so that people who are especially prone to seasickness know what they’re going to.

To bring down the price is also crucial. Today Oculus glasses costing six thousand crowns. The products ready for the market in årligger slightly above and below this sum.

But what exactly is a few thousand kroner for escapist entertainment anytime?


Fighting to the finish line first with new technology – received NOK 17 million in … – Varden

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Kjemper for å komme først i mål med ny teknologi – fikk 17 millioner kroner i
Bare i Grenland er det 1500 trafokiosker. I bryteren i trafokioskene er det SF6-gass som miljømyndigheter helst vil erstatte med klimavennlige alternativ: ABB i Skien vil erstatte gassen med luft, og på høgskolen på Kjølnes jobber forskere og studenter

og mer »


Varmepumpas theory and practice – SIFO

A new study has examined the installation of air-to-air heat pumps in Norwegian and Danish households.

Scandinavian cooperation

Researchers from the Norwegian Building Research Institute in Denmark, together with SIFO researchers Nina Heidenstrom and Gunnar Vittersø published article “Selling and inst alling heat pumps – and influencing household practices “in the journal Building Research & amp; Information. The article points out that the expected power savings often absent when installing energy efficient technology. Heat is thus an example of technology that will reduce the costs of heating, but who often do not have the expected impact on costs.

Out of sight?

Interviews with Scandinavian players that sell and install heat pumps, is the starting point for the analysis. The researchers behind the study have aimed to understand the role of sellers and installers can have in terms of the difference between the power savings that households expect and the actual energy consumption after installation of the heat pump.

The decision on where the pump should be placed one example of practices that affect electricity savings. For households – especially for women – it’s often about aesthetics and noise. People will simply not the heat pump should vote. One professional who is interviewed in the study say that people will hide the heat pump as well as possible and that this may reduce effectiveness. Meanwhile, installers often great understanding that households do not want noise in the living room. Another example is that consumers often are not familiar with the technology before and set the heat pump failure.

sellers and installers

Earlier studies have emphasized on how households use the air conditioner. The new study focuses on how heat pump technology integrated into homes ¬- and the role of seller and installer player. It is especially the seller and installer’s handling of the matter of comfort, use and practical integration of the pump in homes as the Danish and Norwegian researchers are looking into. Researchers in the study want to put the spotlight on how the theory of use of heat pumps must be linked to the knowledge of practical use of pumps.

The study shows that to emphasize that the technology is effective, is not enough to top savings in power consumption. The researchers discuss including how various players in the sales area can get new roles to help actually energy using air-to-air heat pumps. The study proposes inter alia that education and information about the proper use of the heat pump becomes a mandatory part of the installation.

Photo: Hannah & amp; Noah / Flickr
