Lighted mobile screens may disappear from concert venues, according to Pitchfork.
According to music magazine, Apple has now received patent on technology that among other things can be used to block calls from taking photographs or filming during concerts.
Thus, the future look bleak for those who want to share concerts on platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter or Facbook.
According to Pitchfork should Apple have filed a patent application on technology already in 2009.
the patent allows the use of technology where mobile cameras capture infrared signals which can both be used to get information about nearby objects, such as in a museum, but which can also be used to disable the phone’s photo features.
According to The New York Times, the technology can easily be used to disable the camera during concerts by artists emit infrared signals from the stage.
The newspaper writes that the technology can slow the extent of sharing of recordings that violate copyrights.
The prime minister went to the enterprise could Hareid Group in conjunction with reisa where she will visit areas in the country which is hit too by unemployment. On the agenda at Hareid Wednesday stood restructuring and investment in green industry.
The Company has about half of omsetnaden from the maritime industry, but would like to develop several legs to stand on. Supply of solar panels are among priority areas and they have nyleg started up a new company who work with this.
Largely self-provided
The group on Raffelneset is about to adopt a new administration building with solar panels on the roof. Experience with built New Year dei to build knowledge in the enterprise could about solar related facilities dei will willow – both to individuals and businesses.
The building is at times self provided with Straum but need refills from anna force nighttime and during cold periods.
New building Prime Minister Erna Solberg diaper frying received by mayor Anders Riise, Hareid Group Director Ronald Dyrhol and big cigar in the group, Bjorn Bjåstad, då dei arrived at 11:30 o’clock.
Bad for equal rules
CEO Ronald Dyrhol new agents allow Heita to ask the Prime Minister about better conditions on solar Marknaden – or rather put – Likar terms.
– as the situation is today, we compete not on equal terms. There are constraints on what opportunities will we have, påpeiker Dyrhol.
Ifølgje current rules need new buildings have 60 percent of the energy showered from renewables. The new building of 7,500 square meters and 1600 square meters of solar cells on the roof, exceeding this by a clear margin. To benefit built as today, the enterprise could Vore addicted ein exemption from the municipality.
For the rules are such that buildings over 1,000 square meters must have wading stretcher heat and tilrettelaggjast for other energy forms one electricity. There is ein rule Dyrhol believes should be changed, for an opening up ein marketability dei would like ein bit off.
automation Hareid Group has gone for automation. It explains warehouse manager Knut Egil Hasund about ein new storage system. In the have they as many items of 12 square meters, which they previously trengde 130 square meters. – utrulig effectively påpeiker Hasund. Photo: Marius Rosbach
responsive Solberg
Prime Minister Erna Solberg was responsive to desired and will over indicate fleirtalet on Parliament that it should be how things work that matters most, and not what technology helpful.
– Eg believes we should have ein discussion about this. No, it turns out that we might have been somewhat too skeptical about Norway is the country for solar energy. it shows dei course that they can. there are results which counts, and not what technology a user to get it. I do hope that these DOMA may be to create an understanding of EiT such a view, says Solberg Sunnmørsposten.
– And dare ein bet on solar energy in western Norway, it should be a part second capitals ein can bet, påpeiker Solberg.
Solberg fortalde that she generally fekk feedback from the business community about that there were tough times, but this was something they had managed to comet through previously.
– what concretely is that companies ask?
– Firms calls for less bureaucracy and that we have rules that are good at restructuring, says Solberg and showed among other things that the schemes which GIEK (Guarantee Institute for export credits) also must have also possibility heit to be flexible at times.
tough times it is also for the locally eigde electro group with broadcast 560 employees. Hareid Group has about doubled omsetnaden over the past five years. But for the first time in many years had they last note with EiT negative result.
Group with firm namnet Hare Electrical, has instead of click lit up ein solid eigenkapital the last few years.
Nedlagde workplaces
Hareid between municipalities that have received dei powerful presumptuous bangs with the closure of Hjørungavåg factory to Rolls-Royce. Previous wick came Decision that Ekornes is discontinued Stressles production in Hareid. To seed constitute these closures broadcast 270 workplaces.
For saman 135 persons were registered as unemployed in Hareid previous month. It involves giving and unemployment at 4.9 percent and places Hareid poured into the top between municipalities with a high degree of availability heit og Romsdal. Berre Herøy had higher registered unemployment by previous list with 5.2 percent vacant.
* En stab som skal støtte regjeringen og Regjeringens kriseråd i krisehåndtering i fredstid. KSE er faglig og administrativt underlagt Rednings- og beredskapsavdelingen i Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet.
* KSE bistår med kapasiteter i form av infrastruktur, teknologi, lokaler og personell. KSE har ansvar for egnede krisehåndteringslokaler i Regjeringskvartalet som er tilrettelagt med nødvendig teknisk infrastruktur som tele-, data-, sambands- og informasjonssystemer.
* Under en krise kan KSE bidra med kompetanse i form av rådgivning og faglig bistand for samordning og sentral krisehåndtering. Dette omfatter støtte til analyser, utarbeidelse av overordnede situasjonsrapporter og etablering av felles situasjonsforståelse, som grunnlag for strategiske beslutninger.
* En intern rapport utarbeidet av KSE etter terroranslaget 22. juli 2011 viste at apparatet for krisehåndtering sviktet på flere områder.
* I 22. julikommisjonens rapport står det at «evnen til å erkjenne risiko og ta lærdom av øvelser har vært for liten»:
– Det er en påminnelse om at erkjennelse ikke er å forstå, det er å handle. Man kan ikke vise til at det bare er en øvelse, det er ikke godt nok. Det kan være det reelle som skjer neste gang, sier avdelingsdirektør Einar Lunde i Nkom.
– Man kan ikke vise til at det bare er en øvelse, det er ikke godt nok. Det kan være det reelle som skjer neste gang. Det er det som ligger mellom øvelsene, som er det viktigste, sier avdelingsdirektør Einar Lunde i Nasjonal Kommunikasjonsmyndighet (Nkom) til ABC Nyheter.
Et cyberangrep anses som den største reelle trusselen mot Norge. Slås ekom og kraft ut, vil det ramme så å si alt av samfunnets funksjoner.
ABC Nyheter skrev tirsdag om de store svakhetene i beredskapen som ble avdekket under NCEK15. Mye sviktet under øvelsen.
Men Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet, som er ansvarlig for Krisestøtteenheten (KSE) i regjeringen, deltok ikke på NCEK15.
Det får de kritikk fra både Samferdselsdepartementet (SD) og Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM) for. Det fremgår av en fersk evalueringsrapport fra cyberangrepet.
BAKGRUNN: Beredskapen sviktet under cyberangrep
– Må delta i øvelser
I rapporten står det:
* De som har nøkkelroller under en krise selv må delta i øvelser. Realismen i møtene i SDs kriseråd ble ikke god nok når JD ikke var med, og man fikk ikke øvd nok på samordning.
* I det aktuelle scenariet ville det vært naturlig at Forsvarsdepartementet (FD) og JD med underliggende myndigheter deltok aktivt i øvelsen.
* NSM poengterer at deltakelse fra JD var savnet for at myndighetsforumet skulle øves realistisk.
– Det var dumt for øvelsen, sier Einar Lunde i Nkom, som var ansvarlig for NCEK15.
Øvelsen ble avholdt i desember i fjor. Både kraftforsyningen og ekom ble slått ut etter at den fiktive staten Slavistad utførte et rettet cyberangrep på sentral norsk infrastuktur – der blant annet Telenor gikk ned for telling.
I evalueringsrapporten, som ABC Nyheter har fått tilgang på, står det:
«Alle deltakere i øvelsen har et samfunnsansvar. Sett i lyset av konklusjonene fra 22. juli-kommisjonen, der en observasjon var at «evnen til å erkjenne risiko og ta lærdom av øvelser har vært for liten», må nødvendig ledelsesforankring og involvering være obligatorisk for fremtidige øvelser av dette formatet.»
– Samme problem 22. juli
MÅ FORVENTE ANGREP: – Private aktører er ikke underlagt sikkerhetsloven. Dette ikke særnorsk, men mer og mer kritisk infrastruktur er på private hender. Først nå er det begynt å sige inn hos myndigheter, sier Einar Lunde, avdelingsdirektør i Nasjonal Kommunikasjonsmyndighet. Foto: Nkom
– Det er en påminnelse om at erkjennelse ikke er å forstå, det er å handle. Man kan ikke vise til at det bare er en øvelse, det er ikke godt nok. Det kan være det reelle som skjer neste gang. Det er det som ligger mellom øvelsene, som er det viktigste, sier Einar Lunde i Nkom.
Øvelsen avdekket at informasjonen fra toppen og ned sviktet. En årsak er at private aktører – som kontrollerer kritisk infrastruktur – ikke er underlagt sikkerhetsloven og kan gis gradert informasjon. Det samme skjedde under terrorangrepene 22. juli:
«Ikke minst fikk den brede deltakelsen som konsekvens at ikke alle saker kunne tas opp i kriserådet, selv om de hørte naturlig hjemme der, fordi de omfattet gradert informasjon som bare et fåtall av deltakerne var sikkerhetsklarert til å kunne få kjennskap til», står det i 22. julikommisjonens rapport.
Men dette ble igjen et problem:
SÅRBARE: – Svikter Telenors kjernenett, får det alvorlige konsekvenser for de aller fleste samfunnsområder i Norge, var en av konsekvensene Olav Lysne (til venstre) i Sårbarhetsutvalget gjorde justis- og beredskapsminister Anders Anundsen (Frp) oppmerksom på tre dager før den store cyberøvelsen JD ikke prioriterte. Der var nettopp dette et scenario. Foto: JD
– Private aktører er ikke underlagt sikkerhetsloven. Dette ikke særnorsk, men mer og mer kritisk infrastruktur er på private hender. Først nå er det begynt å sige inn hos myndigheter. Vi må forholde oss til private aktører. I cyberdomenet går alt veldig fort. Du må håndter situasjonen der og da, sier Einar Lunde.
Les også: Frykter russisk hybridkrig mot Norge
Ny øvelse til høsten
Justis- og beredskapsdepartemerntet har gitt Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (DSB) i oppdrag å arrangere en stor nasjonal IKT-øvelse senere i høst, SNØ15. Den skal sette Norge bedre i stand til å håndtere et større IKT-angrep som rammer på tvers av sektorer, og ha fokus på konkret håndtering av konsekvenser som følge av angrep.
Ifølge oppdragsbrevet fra JD til DSB skal SNØ15 bygge på erfaringene fra Nkom-øvelsen.
Einar Lunde sier:
– Det er en skuffelse om vi på IKT16-øvelsen ikke har forbedret læringspunktene.
JD kjente ikke til evalueringsrapporten
ABC Nyheter har sendt kritikken reist av både Samferdselsdepartementet og
KRITISERER: – Realismen i møtene i SDs kriseråd ble ikke god nok når Justisdepartementet ikke var med, og man fikk ikke øvd nok på samordning, skrev Einar Solvik Olsens (til høyre) (Frp) samferdselsdepartement. Her fra VIP-delen av øvelsen. Foto: Nkom
Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmyndighet til Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet. De var ikke kjent med rapporten, og trengte flere dager på å sette seg inn i den.
På spørsmål om hvorfor ikke JD – som har en nøkkelrolle i nasjonal kriseledelse – involverte seg i en to dagers øvelse der et høyst realistisk scenario for et cyberangrep ble øvd på – forklarer statssekretær Gjermund Hagesæter (Frp) i en epost at Krisestøtteenheten deltok som observatør.
– Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet deltok begge dager på øvelsen, og var en sentral støttespiller gjennom hele planleggingsarbeidet. Videre var Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap med i planleggingen og gjennomføringen for å ta med erfaringer fra denne øvelsen inn i planleggingen av nasjonal IKT-øvelse 2016, skriver han.
NSM poengterer altså at JD var savnet i rapporten.
– Deltar neste gang
Videre skriver Hagesæter:
– Det er viktig å understreke at øvelsen var spesielt tilrettelagt for de som har ansvaret for den kritiske infrastrukturen innen ekom- og kraftsektoren. Kontakt med de andre enhetene i justissektoren (Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste, lokalt politi osv.) var naturlig med i det scenariet som ble spilt. Dette ble også simulert under øvelsen og loggført tidlig i spillet, og deretter flere ganger underveis etter hvert som bildet ble enda mer alvorlig, skriver Hagesæter.
Han visere videre til at det til høsten skal gjennomføres en ny nasjonal IKT-øvelse for første gang.
– Hensikten med øvelsen er å sette Norge i bedre stand til å håndtere et større IKT-angrep som rammer på tvers av sektorer. JD deltar i planleggingen og gjennomføringen av øvelsen. Som del av øvelsen har JD også igangsatt et arbeid for å utarbeide et nasjonalt rammeverk for digital hendelseshåndtering. Formålet er blant annet å avklare og tydeliggjøre innsatsen mellom relevante aktører ved digital hendelseshåndtering.
The development of new welfare technology would become the new oil. It would create many new jobs for oil downturn, while the new technology would make it easier for seniors to cope with everyday life and stay longer in their own homes.
But research by Iris in Stavanger shows that gadgets and solutions that would make life easier not sell.
– the problem is that municipalities often do not really know what they want. They often have not the skills nor that it takes to figure this out, said lead researcher Martin Gjelsvik.
– Thinking too little on users
They have talked with eleven enterprises in cluster cooperation Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, and the message is clear; they can not sell their technology. But it is not just the municipalities to buy into their errors.
– Many of the companies we looked at are brand new businesses that have an idea, a technology, also they are very concerned that the technology will seem. But they think too little of the users, and how they should be involved in this in daily life.
And the mayor of Stavanger, Christine Sagen Helgø, are aware that they have a job to do.
– We must dare to think again in the procurement process, she said.
she notes that by concentrating on becoming a so-called smartby hope to become better at including adopting welfare technology.
Martin Gjelsvik by Iris and Health Minister Bent Høie talking about the possibilities of welfare technology.
Photo: Gunnar Morsund / NRK
A new leg to stand on
despite the fact that it is slow to roll out then anyway Health Minister Bent Høie convinced that welfare technology is the thing to bet on.
– I’m an optimist, I think this will be one of the new legs we stand on in Norway. Health is emerging as one of the four major industries that focus much on, says Høie.
He still think there is something to go on when it comes to getting the technology out to users.
– We need greater collaboration [...] so that they work better to use the technology, but also see more on how technology should respond to the needs that are out there.
Gjelsvik dare not estimate how much it might mean in terms of money, but he believes in the possibilities.
– We see established businesses that have been directed towards the oil that now turns toward this. And we clearly see sprouts of a new industry in the region and it is positive.
Welfare Technology can be anything from phones and fall sensors to clock calendars that provide dementia better overview of the time and date.
Flytter inn i framtiden Romsdals Budstikke Virtual reality (VR)-teknologien er på full fart inn i boligbransjen. Nordbohus i Molde er etter eget utsagn den første husleverandøren som tilbyr kundene sine å utforske de forskjellige hustypene i 3D- versjon med VR-briller. Med VR-briller får man se …
The man was deported last year, but was upheld by the Oslo District Court the same year in its appeal the decision. Last week the High Court Justice upheld the expulsion order is valid and that man constitutes a sufficiently serious threat to public safety that he be expelled.
The Court of Appeal has emphasized that the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) believes that the efforts to professor was likely to contribute to the development of a new type of Chinese long-distance missile.
the scholar’s lawyer, Arild bumblebee, told Khronos that judgment the verdict will be appealed and that his client believes the judgment is incorrect in several respects.
– in particular he reacts against it to help publish theses and / or dissertations in open international publications head may be in violation of export regulations, or characterized as the export of technology, informs Bumblebee.
German-Iranian research on management and control systems for overlydsraketter and cooperated with several Chinese scholars since he came to the University of Agder in 2009.
Bandak, owned by two investment funds managed by Herkules Capital, is bankrupt. It writes DN.
The group has been mainly subcontracted to the oil and gas industry. In Ålesund the company represented by Bandak Engineering AS. The company was previously Liaaen Technology AS, until it was acquired by Bandak in 2010.
– It is true that Bandak Group has filed for bankruptcy, but the aim is that our subsidiaries in Oslo, Alesund, Floro, Stavanger and in Malaysia will be continued. It is thus only 90 of 355 employees who are directly affected, says CEO of Bandak Group, Per Gunnar Borhaug to the site.
According to a press release on Bandak Group’s website, there are about 60 employees in Aalesund.
the trustee attorney Tom Hugo Ottesen law firm Kvale has spoken to DN.
– It’s this kind of businesses that makes fall in oil prices and subsequent market decline strongest, said lawyer Tom Hugo Ottesen law firm Kvale .
Make that more than 27,000 others – equal on Facebook
Do not allow further operations
in a press release from company it emerges that it is filed for bankruptcy for the parent company in Bandak Group and Bandak Risør AS.
Again, it is emphasized that the intention is that the operation of the remaining subsidiaries, Bandak Lunde, Bandak Engineering in Alesund, ITM Floro and Stavanger, and Bandak Malaysia continued.
Furthermore, an explanation of why owners, Herkules Private Equity Fund III and a few minoritetsaksjonerer, have not succeeded in improving the economic situation in the companies:
– it’s on several occasions been supplied fresh capital to the parent company, and the owners have converted gjeød to equity. However, after an extensive process of selskaperts largest creditors, DNB and landlords, it nevertheless come to a conclusion that the economic situation of the parent company and one of its subsidiaries do not allow operation of the current structure.
The group today 355 employees in total. About 90 employees will be affected by the bankruptcy.
– We have worked hard to find a solution that preserves as many jobs as possible. We crave bankruptcy in Bandak Risø and the parent company with a heavy heart, but are happy that we have found solutions that we are able to continue the operations of the remaining subsidiaries, despite the very challenging times in the Norwegian oil and offshore industries. The most important thing now is that employees who lose their jobs are taken care of in a good way, and that we can find good solutions for customers and suppliers that will be affected, says CEO Per Gunnar Borhaug.
Taper significant amounts
Morten Blix in Hercules, who had ownership of 90 percent of Bandak Group, tells that the background is the dramatic fall in oil prices.
– Hercules has put much money into group, so we lose significant the Amount background is the dramatic fall in oil prices and the impact it has had on the general demand in the group and especially for those who are heavily oriented towards the subsea market. It applies yes Bandak Risør who then filed for bankruptcy, while the other companies, we believe there should be a basis for continued operation, and there is an intention that these should live on and find new owners, says Blix.
He says Bandak ITM in Stavanger and Floro is acquired by a newly created holding company, established for this purpose.
– and we know there are several stakeholders in the other companies, except I can go so much into it.
– I think it’s a little paradoxical that it wants to remove VAT from elsykler when still want to keep sales tax on ordinary bicycles, says mayor of Søgne, Astrid Hilde.
Many key players, including the Cyclists’ Association, has recently worked for the elsykler to get VAT exemption.
The Mayor in Søgne, Astrid Hilde (Ap). (Archive).
Photo: Thomas Sommerset / NRK
– On tråsykkel uses one common muscle energy, and it has no emissions, unlike electric bicycle that requires some energy.
– If one should choose to subsidize the mode of transport with minimum emissions there tråsykkelen who should lose VAT, says Hilde.
Big sale of elsykler
sales of electric bicycles has exploded in recent years, and this year it is expected that it will be sold approximately 40,000 elsykler in Norway.
Secretary General of the Cyclists’ Association, Morgan Andersson, are among those vying for a VAT exemption on elsykler.
– We believe it is a good initiative that more people will choose to buy electric bicycle, he said.
he believes it has a symbolic value to provide state support for new technology.
– VAT exemption can also help us to reach more new groups. Getting more transport cyclists and to get more seniors to get up on my bike again using electric bicycle, says Andersson.
is proposed to remove the VAT on such electric bicycles. (Archive).
Photo: Bjørn Ruud / NRK
From car to electric bicycle
He understands Søgne-mayor paradox of removing VAT on electric bicycle, but not on tråsykkel.
Due to the large sale of ordinary bicycles believes Andersson it is unrealistic to get an exemption from VAT on these.
– electric bicycle is a new technology that needs a boost. And it is a measure to get more across from car to bicycle, says Andersson.
If a proposed sales tax exemption on tråsykkel come on the political agenda, the Cyclists’ Association support the proposal. So far hope the electric bicycle can be to replace the car.
There are Søgne mayor skeptical about going. She says there are no research results that show that people choose electric bicycle of car.
– But it is a public health aspect with both electric bicycle and bike properly. We must encourage more bikes, and then there is a paradox that one chooses to prioritize elsyklene over conventional bikes, says Hilde.
The registration has started for this year’s international conference for basic education. The program begins to take shape, many exciting speakers come. Will you?
Author: Runo Isaksen.
Published: 06/27/2016
IKG16 being held in Bergen on 8 and 9 November. (Ill.foto: SIU)
For the second consecutive year invites SIU to a separate international conference for basic education. This year’s conference will be held in Bergen 8. – 9. November 2016.
Click here for more information, program and registration.
Democracy and Diversity
From Columbia University in New York has invited Felisa Tibbitts to talk about democracy, citizenship and diversity. How international cooperation can help to educate children and young people in these values?
Felisa Tibbitts going IKG16. (Photo: Columbia University)
Tibbitts is an expert on human rights in education. In 1999 she created “Human Rights Education Associates’ (HREA), later she established the” Human Rights in Education Program “at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Future school
OECD Miho Tagum going IKG16 to reflect on the future school, which will have to cope with rapid changes and a more diverse student body. Future school will have to put even more emphasis on skills like understanding of democracy and tolerance. Can international cooperation may be a way for schools to meet these challenges.
Miho Tagum is an expert on trends in education field. She knows Norwegian reality well, and wrote, among other OECD country report on Norway.
Partnership for School Development
The school development and social development requires cooperation and innovation. We invite speakers who have succeeded in using international cooperation as a means of regional development.
For IKG16 comes among others Ingunn Marie Bakken, principal at Leikanger school, and Claus Røynesdal, Presenter Sogn Regional Council.
Today’s challenges
“the future of knowledge nation Norway created in kindergartens and basic education.”
“Education is the key to the development of an inclusive knowledge society”.
These are quotes from the white Paper “Technical – specialization – Understanding: a renewal of the Knowledge” (2016).
the message portrays a backdrop that we know well: Society in rapid changes, new technologies and new forms of communication, globalization and an increasingly diverse Norwegian society.
On IKG16 we grab hold of the challenges of our time, and ask: How can international cooperation as a tool to meet and master these challenges?
Who is IKG16 for?
the target groups include national, regional and local school authorities, education policy institutions and stakeholders at all levels, school and kindergarten managers, educators, counselors, teachers , labor, NGOs and all others working on education and training.
See also: IKG16: International cooperation: A tool to meet challenges of our time (28.4.2016)
(Dagbladet): In 2012 came Gjørv Commission with its discouraging report on Norwegian police, how they handled terror on July 22 and what should be done to prevent something similar happening again. The main conclusions were that the attack on the government quarter could have been prevented through effective implementation of already adopted security measures. The perpetrator could have been stopped earlier on 22 July. A faster police action was genuinely possible, and authorities failed ability to protect people on Utøya.
The report launched Commission a number of measures the police should impose. Dagbladet has looked at the Commission’s claims against what has actually been done five years after Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people before he was arrested.
– Ambition Plan
On 17 August 2012 , four days after Bech Gjørv presented his report, Odd Reidar Humlegård (55) ordered into position as the new chief of police Directorate (POD).
the new police director was put in charge of implementing a comprehensive reform , gearing up cops and clean up errors and omissions. Today he believes that he has largely succeeded in this. According to police director is implemented in 1049 minor and major emergency police after 22 July 2011.
– I have taken to me criticism, and I think the agency has done well. Now we have the all-time ambition plan for Norwegian police, said Odd Reidar Humlegård Dagbladet.
Police Director sitting in open plan offices with other POD peaks on the seventh floor of the Directorate 9654 square meters large, brand new headquarters center in Majorstua Oslo. He moved here last fall, along with its 229 permanent staff, and specifies that the construction was completed both on time and on budget. To get into the building must go through a lock system on the ground floor. Security measures are stringent. On top of the building – a few steps up from the director’s room – there is a large roof terrace with views across the capital.
– Other outcomes
Humlegårdsvägen believes criticism Gjørv came with, before he started in the job, was in its place.
– the overall system criticism from Gjørv Commission is about culture, leadership and attitudes are easy to join. I agree. I think we’ve had for poor implementation force and risk awareness, and poor results-oriented leadership, cooperation and ICT management, he says. But after nearly four years as director is no longer this reality, he said.
– We have made a significant boost in key areas of what is rightly criticized by 22 July. Had all this been in place then, on July 22 had a different outcome. There is no doubt, he said.
To answer police director Humlegårdsvägen on what they have done with the most key action points from Gjørv Commission:
* Could have been prevented
Gjørv: the attack on the government quarter 22/07 could have been prevented through effective implementation of already adopted safeguards.
Humlegårdsvägen: – you can never be 100 percent prepared for terror or crisis, and the next event is different than the previous one. After 22/7 is focused largely on preventing the police, but there has been little theme in public.
highrises: Eight people were killed in bomb attack in the government quarter. Photo: Luca Kleve-Ruud / Samfoto more
– Prevention is higher on the agenda, says Humlegårdsvägen who believes in thinking about what could potentially happen in little Norway has changed, also with the police.
the police are working closely with local security services than ever, it is created radikaliseringskontakter and preventive contacts in all police districts.
– Those who still wonder if we have a better preparedness and better ability to handle such situations now than five years ago, has not been joined by what we have done. There is no doubt, he says. But emergency work is ongoing work that we never completely finished. The next event will look different.
* Could be stopped
Gjørv: the government’s ability to protect people on Utøya failed. A faster police action was genuinely possible. The perpetrator could have been stopped earlier 22/7.
Humlegårdsvägen: – Now works national alarm. Communication system emergency network is established in the country and police operations centers are strengthened. It is carried out staff training in all districts. Had this been established before July 22, the outcome would have been different.
Utøya: 69 people – most young people – lost their lives here on July 22 for nearly five years ago. Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB scanpix more
– If we had a functioning emergency network, which we have today had the resources found each other on July 22. A major problem that day was precisely that communications did not work, says Humlegårdsvägen.
Moreover, he tells of a new app for the police; “My mission.” It logs into missions, shows patrol position on your phone or tablet and displays other patrol position, and where the mission is.
– If we had «My assignment application” on July 22, 2011 would be the resources found each other . We had not had misunderstanding with attendance place, said police director.
It was turned national alarm in Norway day after 22 July. The Swedes beat the national alarm before Norwegian police, according Gjørv Commission.
– Today the national alarm, and used steadily. There should be a PC in the corner with a pull over longer, says Humlegårdsvägen.
Other examples of improvements is the creation of a special situation center for POD, strengthening emergency troop both dbbet terms of personnel and materiel, more shooting training among emergency responders, as well as an overall increase of 1,300 police officers across the country, said police director.
* risk Acknowledgement
Gjørv: the ability to recognize risk and learn from exercises has been too small.
Humlegårdsvägen: risk Recognizing was poor before July 22, but the mindset of the police is different today. We know what can happen, even here in little Norway. Such an event, we have with us in our work every day.
* Co
Gjørv: The ability to coordinate and interact has been inadequate.
iNTERACTION: the police was criticized for its lack of cooperation in Gjørv report. Photo: Per Anner Holm / Aftenposten / NTB scanpix more
Humlegårdsvägen: – PLIVO, “Ongoing life-threatening violence” procedure, is introduced. There is a collaboration agreement between the police, health and fire at larger operations. It requires closer cooperation and communication between the emergency services at the place where the police should take greater risks in order to gain control of the offender and should facilitate that the other emergency services to enter to start lifesaving work earlier. More joint training and joint emergency communication network with the other emergency services strengthens the operational cooperation in emergencies and daily events. Cooperation with other agencies is also essential in the preventive work.
* Responsibility
Gjørv: Management’s ability and willingness to clarify responsibilities, establish goals and take measures to achieve results has been inadequate.
Humlegårdsvägen: – There are some that have drawn in Gjørv Commission conclusions about management, culture and attitudes in a direction that has made this criticism bit unrecognizable to many. It has in some quarters been given expression that the criticism directed at the police in general, land and sea, that had nothing on July 22 to do generally have bad attitudes. It knows I’m not again. Norwegian police are generally characterized by positive attitudes and culture. In their daily work. Ability risk knowledge, capability and results-oriented management is a daily and continuous work.
-Tydelig responsibility, clearer objectives, priorities and implementation are central to the work of leadership and culture. New national management team contributes to better involvement, shared situational awareness and more similar task solutions in the police.
* Response Time
Gjørv: Inadequate clearly scorecard system of police tasks, resource and manpower planning, resourcing and reporting. Clear requirements for response time.
Humlegårdsvägen: – Performance requirements are established in rural areas by 22 July. Scorecard System and systems for resource and manpower planning effort is being made in parallel with the rearmament of the police IT systems, but is not the goal.
* POD must take responsibility
Gjørv: POD must take responsibility for coordination, efficiency and more uniform solutions in police Norway to ensure robust police districts, capacity operations center, equipment and experience.
pOLICE REFORM: the number of police districts were in year reduced from 27 to 12. It is the police headquarters in Gurgaon which is now part of the Inland police. Photo: Henrik Skoltefossen / NTB scanpix more
Humlegårdsvägen: With the neighborhood police reform, the number of police districts has been reduced from 27 to 12 districts. They are more similar organized and will provide better and more equal police services across the country. In parallel operation centers strengthened by allowing it to be at least two people on the job at all times on all operations centers. Operation centers will be further reorganized in connection with the establishment of new police districts.
– POD is substantially strengthened to follow up on this criticism. A number of projects have been initiated to establish more uniform solutions, better sharing of experience and more equal police services across the country, says Humlegårdsvägen.
* IT boost
Gjørv: POD must establish a clear, comprehensive ICT strategy for the police. Here requires Gjørv fast and efficient implementation. Establish a computer system that informs surgery centers who are at work and what kind of capabilities that are available in real time.
Humlegårdsvägen: – Criticism of the ICT sector in the police is justified and well known in the police. There is a considerable lag of many years. It will require significant resources and is a long term effort that must be given high priority. Work on digitization strategy finalized in early fall.
– Some measures have been implemented, such as the introduction of a “My mission” -application that all service people can download to your phone and service vehicle tablets. It tells where the mission is, where service person is and where other service cars, which are logged in the system is located, said police director.
* Office Alarm
Gjørv: Establish solutions for effective notification between districts and rapid mobilization of their own crews.
Humlegårdsvägen: Police alarm and warning system (PAV) comprising national alarm is established and used steadily. According Humlegårdsvägen will operative tjenestemenn- and women be armed and ready in under an hour.
* New systems to patrol
Gjørv: Each patrol must get access to technology for written and visual information sharing and training systems that give them greater ability to solve tasks, acting in coordination and exchange of information between levels in the police.
Humlegårdsvägen: patrols equipped with tablet has access to police central systems. But here there is a great potential which is now mapped through our new digitization strategy.
– Old systems must be replaced for better operational solutions and meet the criticism in this area application “My mission” is a first step road information sharing and operational cooperation, said police director.
* More shooting training
Gjørv: Increase competence response personnel in category 3 and 4 (IP3 and IP4) .
Humlegårdsvägen: – persons with IP3 expertise has increased. They train 103 hours a year. IP4-crew coach 48 hours a year, here exercise time increased from 40 hours.
* Preparedness Center
Gjørv: Plans for emergency response center must be carried out.
Humlegårdsvägen: – the pilot project on the creation of an emergency center either on old landfill on Grønmo in Oslo or at Taradrud Ski underway. This work is led by Ministry of Justice. The project requires careful planning to get good solutions for a facility to be used for several decades, says Humlegårdsvägen. Cost about 3 billion.
* Robust helicopter service
Gjørv: Establish a robust helicopter service in the Oslo police? And collaborating organizations to ensure police transport elsewhere.
WANT MORE: Oslo police own a helicopter and hire another. Police wants three new and slightly larger helicopters. Attorney Anundsen told Dagbladet that a clarification will come sometime after the summer. Photo: Paul Kleven / Scanpix more
Humlegårdsvägen: – Oslo police now owns a helicopter and hire another. These two helicopters have over 10,000 hours flying police wants three new helicopters, and POD await clarification from the Justice Department if it will be allocated money for this. It will do so in state budgets. Police have after 22/7 has strengthened helicopter readiness through a new cooperation agreement with the military on the use of helicopters from Rygge in Østfold and Bardufoss in Troms who will be ready for the police within an hour if necessary. They can help with transport and fire support. POD wants new, upcoming rescue helicopters for JRCC can be exploited by the police.
* Operation Centres
Gjørv: Strength operation centers.
Humlegårdsvägen: Yes, all the operational centers now have at least two people at work, and not just one. Larger operations centers must have at least four. This will be further strengthened through the creation of the 12 new police districts.
Can article be better? Have you found an error we should know about?
There are many years ago Director of Roads stated that now there must be an end to the deep, expensive and flammable undersea tunnel projects, nor invest in modern bridge technology. He also initiated a major investment in educations bridge engineers at the University of Trondheim.
The management of our roads department has long worked in the opposite direction and planning undersea tunnels of Halsa-Todal Fjord Langfjorden-Hafast, not to mention Møre axis (Berg and Dahl-path). Now they have been forced to give up all together, except Møre axis, in favor of bridge options. One has already squandered a lot of millions due to backward technology and mindset.
But have they learned anything? Oh no! Nor have they taken into account the fact all tunnel accidents, with associated long closures and unstable opening of tunnels in recent years. Not fully reflect the our security or increased greenhouse emissions by the deep tunnels. They are not interested in safeguarding bikers or pedestrians, or protect passengers’ health against dangerous exhaust, particulate matter and the risk of fire in tunnels. At the weekend 25/6 killed 35 bus passengers in a bus fire in China, and it was not in a tunnel, but imagine choirs much worse it had gone in a tunnel at 16 km, and a total depth of 430 m. We have had several fires with buses tunnel in Norway, and here try again vegsjefen and assert that Møre axis is only 350m long, he must have forgotten that it goes over the ocean and up to Julsundbroa. A misstatement of 80 m and it is additionally 130m deeper than NPRA own proposal to tunnel from Molde to sack, and who also was 3 km shorter.
So talking vegsjefen about concepts and selection of these, yeah choice fell course at the worst concept in relation to the cost / benefit, it says in the quality assurance for Molde Ålesund on page 46. I have also had discussions with Reinertsen why not there was something about the benefits of Sack Fast when road authority proposed tunnels, when option in Felleskjøpet via backpack and bridge option Vågstranda also lasted the shortest route to the Southeast, in addition to being the shortest route between Kristiansand and Trondheim, he was silent, but admitted to having talked about it. He lasted enough pressure to refrain from mentioning the benefits, it was the one commissioned to Møre axis, so growth by approximately 50% greater earnings, and 4-5 billion. spared an additional bridge should not come Sack Wired to good cost / benefit is not interesting for the leaders on roads department. Man operates a aloud game with manipulation and misinformation. Also one of vegetate best project managers have set many challengers questions about the old technology you represent. It is also well known that most of the roads department actually supports Sack Fast, also retired executives, but most dare not come forward. For follow the results for employees, although I have gone against the same way politically while I was employed in the same agency, and prevailed both times, but the pipeline was also I prone to dismissal threats.
Can you tell me how many there are in Møre og Romsdal who want 90km of tunnels roundtrip between Molde and Ålesund? There are no drivers, no tourists, no transport, no sick lists, not the soft road users, not commuters, they can not afford the expensive tolls, and they never come to a halt, operation and maintenance are here so extremely expensive that here it becomes payment forever, it is also calculated in a similar dream projects.
to run Molde Ålesund round trip will be the same as running Oppdølsstranda tunnel at 7.43 km 12 times, or Innfjordtunellen at 6.6 kilometers 13 times. Has great difficulty understanding that anyone at all can vouch for such a tragic solution, but time and again it is taken in defense of newspapers, politicians and management at our local roads department. In addition you making chaos in and out of Molde, while you deny that most people today are coming by car with Vestnes-ferry actually not going to Molde, even roads department even helped to add up to a good and safe analysis credibility is entirely absent in relation to the roads department, it may even seem like the same also applies to the Authority, the project is currently also omitted from the Norwegian Transport Plan, and it probably never will come back. Think time also has come EXIT Møre Axis family. E39 is for and take care of a main road through the county, and throughout Western and Trøndelag, none of these need a costly flammable and unstable detour with tunnels through Molde and under Tautra. This road is only to create advantages for a few political activists and roads department managers with self-constructed advantages, not the users of E39.
Sack Fast focusing on security, bridges and roads in the day, and by far the fastest and most beautiful road through the county, an attraction in the middle of Gullruten between Geiranger-Trollstigen and the Atlantic road, and with accessibility for bikers and pedestrians. And in addition to ferry freely E39, it will also be ferry freely to the Southeast, for all of North og Romsdal! Which vegsjefen never willing to comment. It will also increase the availability of new hospital on Hjelset in from the south, the opposite of the Møre axis will do. Sack Real is by far the best option compared to the cost / benefit, mobility, stable opening and without unstable tunnels. I urge all opponents to work on this. For more info, see Facebook Send suggestions for submission of Møre axis before July 6, 2016 (effective Molde, by July 1, others).
Greeting Jon Ingar oak.
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You can find meaningful substance in northwestern debate – Rbnetts new opinion portal
Last weekend it became known that there was breach between the two parties and that all Altibox customers were in danger of losing all of the TV 2 channels from Monday night this week. This deadline was, however, extended, and negotiations continued while customers could watch the channels as usual.
On Friday night, a new distribution agreement signed.
– We have had long, tough but constructive negotiations. Now we are very happy that we have reached an agreement which provides the basis for a close cooperation with Altibox in the years ahead, says Kjetil Nilsen, director of distribution and technology in TV 2.
Chief Director Nils Arne Bakke Altibox says both parties are satisfied with the agreement.
Many people have heard about it. But may not have quite been able to take it over him yet – and far less prepared for what happens when the process of turning off FM network starting from the end of.
– Only here in Norway will radio in as many as 2.2 million cars simply be silent. Not so much as a sound will come from your speakers if you try to tune into a radio frequency. It says Benny Christensen bilekspert in
More stable and less jarring with DAB +
– The radio has collected Norwegians for many decades and is still important for very many. Whether it is in the living room, the kitchen or in the car, says Benny, who is keen radio listener when he drives a car.
But radio is challenged daily by other digital media, and younger listeners goes increasingly over to online streaming services. To develop radio in line with listeners requires a technology that gives more listening choice.
– New DAB networks make listening easier, the sound is more stable, without harshness and provides more opportunities. One must also not longer build hundreds of new radio transmitters to create a new channel, explains Benny on.
Four out of five car radios are useless
Not only in Norway
– but Norway is the only country in the world that introduces this?
– Many say so, but it is not entirely correct. Norway is one of many countries that the transition to digital radio. More than 40 countries worldwide have DAB broadcasts already. While several countries in Europe also considering whether to implement a phase-out of the FM network, explains automotive experts.
– But not all cars have DAB radio as standard?
– The votes. In Norway there are more than 2 million cars with DAB radio. It becomes a challenge for the radios are going to be quiet.
– So I would urge anyone who does not know to what extent they are affected by this, to put a little into it now, says Benny .
How can you “renew” used car
Do upgraded
– How do you do that?
– All cars with a FM or DAB radio (not DAB +) upgradeable to DAB + using an adapter.
– Here, there are many types, in several price ranges to choose from. Some are visible with power from the cigarette lighter and a separate panel. Some, usually the more expensive, is completely invisible. Where is the connection behind the car’s original radio.
– Or you can simply replace the entire radio. The latter is perhaps most relevant in older cars without radio factory, but with standard “radio hole” in the dashboard or center console.
– And if you’re not sure whether you have FM, DAB or DAB + radio, what do you do then?
– It’s easy to investigate. Taking radio channels that NRK Sport and NRK P13, yes then you already have DAB + in the car, explains Benny.
– There goes the right way. Since 1990, greenhouse gas emissions in the EU declined by more than 24 percent, says section Elin Okstad by Environment Directorate to NRK.
A new report shows that greenhouse gas emissions in the EU is now at its lowest level since 1990. the figures come from the EU’s annual greenhouse gas accounts reported to the UN.
because the figures will take some time to collect and process, extend the series up until 2014. This is the newest figures now available. 2015 figures are expected to fall.
– EU as a whole has reduced emissions much. It is partly due to economic restructuring in some countries that previously contaminated lot, for example countries in the Eastern bloc, says Okstad.
An important step to achieve climate targets
the reduction is more accurate at 4.1 percent compared to the previous year, equivalent to 185 million tons of CO₂ equivalents. Since 1990, emissions decreased by 1.383 billion tons, and lay on 4.282 billion tons in 2014.
The trend is partly due to an increasing proportion of renewable energy, energy efficiency and use of less carbon-intensive fuels. A milder climate has also given less need for heating in households.
But not all sectors have been equally good. Emissions from road transport increased for example with 124 million tonnes for the period from 1990 to 2014 and seven million tons for 2013-2014. Emissions from international transport in air and at sea have increased significantly.
– This is an important step towards climate targets for 2030 and 2050. Now we need to focus even more on technology and innovation so that we become less dependent on fossil fuels, says Hans Bruyninckx in the European environment agency, responsible for the report.
today provides hydroelectric power for 96-98 percent of Norwegian electricity. Here Rein Fors dam at Skonseng i Rana.
Photo: John Petter Reinertsen
Norway laggards
Although the EU as a whole is on track, it is difficult to say the same about Norway. Okstad has controlled the figures until the end of 2015.
– After a slight decline from 2013 to 2014, the emissions were up again last year. About the same applies to the EU, we will not answer until later.
In 2015 totaled 53.9 million CO₂ equivalents from Norwegian territory – 0.8 million tons more than the previous year.
Although we have a high percentage of renewable energy in this country, have the cuts that have been made in various sectors in Norway equalized by an increasing amount of emissions from oil and gas production.
– the goal is a 40 percent reduction in emissions by 2030. for some sectors, such as transport and agriculture, this must be said to be an ambitious goal requiring major cuts to reach the goal, says Okstad.
«Don’t drink and drive» er gammelt nytt. Nå er det «Don’t walk and text» som gjelder.
Kanskje er det på tide at disse skiltene ser dagens lys?
En undersøkelse fra Ericsson gjengitt på nettstedet teccrunch i fjor viser at nærmere 2,6 milliarder mennesker i verden eier en smarttelefon. I 2020 kan tallet være oppe i nærmere seks milliarder. Dette kan dermed føre til flere uoppmerksomme fotgjengere rundt om i verden -og kanskje også flere ulykker. Det ønsker hovedstaden i Seoul nå å forsøke å sette en stopper for. Tidligere denne uken satte de opp sine første skilt som advarer fotgjengere mot å se på smarttelefonene sine mens de beveger seg i trafikken, skriver Al Jazeera.
Ifølge sørkoreanske myndigheter har antallet smarttelefonrelaterte ulykker i landet blitt fordoblet på kun fem år, og til rundt 1000 ulykker årlig.
– Antallet ulykker øker fordi mange fotgjengere bruker smarttelefonene sine mens de går, så vi bestemte oss for å sette opp skilt som advarer folk, sier Kang Jin-Dong, sjef vegvesenet i Seoul til TV-kanalen.
Han opplyser at nærmere 250 av disse skiltene skal settes opp i løpet av året.
Les også: Hvilken mobil har det beste kameraet på markedet?
Sprer seg – men ikke til Norge
BILLEDLIG: «Show, don’t tell», er det uttrykk som heter. Dette prøver Seoul seg på når det gjelder trafikksikkerheten til fotgjengere i hovedstaden.
Foto: Ed Jones, Afp
Seoul er derimot ikke først ut mot å advare smarttelefonbrukere i trafikken. I Tyskland har trafikklys i bakken ved fotgjengerfeltene dukket opp for å advare menneskene som går og ser ned på telefonen sin, rett før de krysser en vei. Trafikkskilt har også blitt satt opp i Stockholm, mens de i Kina og Belgia har laget egne fotgjengerfiler som mennesker som ønsker å se på telefonen sin mens de rusler.
Det ser imidlertid ut til at slike skilt lar vente på seg her til lands, ifølge Statens Vegvesen.
– Det oppstår sikkert flere farlige situasjoner nå som flere går med hodet ned i mobiltelefonen mens de går, men vi har ikke diskutert denne typen virkemidler her i Norge. Regelverket knyttet til skilt og oppmerking i Norge er dessuten ganske strengt, så slike løsninger er nok ikke det første vi tyr til for å bøte på problemet, sier avdelingsdirektør for trafikksikkerhet, Guro Ranes til VG.
A number of the world’s automakers are working intensively with technology that effectively can make the cars completely self-executing. Here there is an ongoing real race, which naturally does not become less demanding of the technology giant Google has also signed up.
They have long tested self-driving cars home in the United States and can be a tough competitor for the established automotive, if they decide to not only invest in technology part of this.
See also: you can drop the wheel – 100 km / h
Transition Period
There is already sold several car models, which in practice could be entirely self-executing, among them Tesla Model S and the new Mercedes E-class. But unlike legislation, makes you have placed barriers which in practice means that the driver must have control of the car.
This is still only talking about a transitional period. The completely self-driving cars are coming, and then it can also be talk about big changes inside the cars.
See also: This may be the world’s first completely self-driving car
(article continues below)
The steering wheel is both unnecessary and in the way when the car will drive itself, therefore Rinspeed gone for a retractable solution in this concept car.
Retractable wheel
Among the equipment then becomes quite redundant, is one of the most important car today: Namely the wheel. Several automakers are working on solutions where the wheel will be retractable. It can be extracted and used when or if needed. But in everyday use, it is integrated into the dashboard, so that frees up space in front of the driver.
The concept car ethos from Rinspeed (pictures) is one example of how it can be done.
The bottom line is to clean up most of the interior and exploit the extra space you then can get.
See also: fear many want sex in self-driving cars
dropped wheel completely
Traditionally, automotive been very conservative when it comes to changes like this. But here too, the trend instantly. It is enough to mention Tesla huge inforskjerm center console which attracted enormous attention when it arrived.
Now, a number of car manufacturers come after similar solutions.
Here is also Google into. They have completely dropped the wheel of his famous pod car. It can quickly make that many carmakers hanging on, if only as the fear of working for traditional and old-fashioned.
There is hardly overnight but developments go fast and for automotive applies more than ever time to hang out with the bends. With or without steering wheel.
See also:
Here parked Mercedes-news all by itself
How will Google catch pedestrians – with “fly paper”
Volvo: -Teslas autopilot is dangerous
Rådmannen filmed behind the wheel – now he gets criticism of UP
– Two days ago was the first plane our painted in the company colors and logo in the United States. August 6th, handed over the machine to FlyViking. In September, we aim to have our first regular scheduled flights in Norway, says Ole Giæver jr. with ill-concealed pride.
The aircraft is a Dash 8103 series, leased from a company in Calgary, Canada. If Giæver dream come true can it get more across the North Atlantic with FlyVikings logo on the fuselage.
He is accompanied by experienced former pilots including SAS, Norwegian and Wideroe, all of which are employed in key positions in Tromsø company.
Will compete on routes provided
first plane is now almost ready to be put into traffic in Norway.
Photo: Private
– And which city gets the honor to receive you on the maiden voyage?
– Because we are located in Tromsø is not unnatural that the first trip runs northeasterly, Finnmark, responding heather Varings.
Giæver will not be too cocksure, but NRK know Tromsø- Hammerfest be the first flight for the new company.
– We will compete on all routes provided in Norway. If passengers want to use us and the operation becomes profitable, procures we more aircraft, he said.
FlyViking has acquired Air Operator Certificate (AOC), which means they can fly up to 19 passengers. The next goal is to upgrade the AOC to 39 passengers.
Should the stock exchange
– we will dance with them who will. We should compete on price and have the best technological equipment, also for passengers who get charged their computers during the flight, says Ole Giæver jr.
Photo: Øystein Antonsen / nrk
Through companies Giæver Invest and Giæver Holding Ole Giæver majority stake in the airline to 76 percent. Fishing boat Reder Ola Olsen in Havøysund owns 20 percent, while the rest are distributed among five other shareholders.
– If everything goes as we think it will be a new issue a bit later, say Giæver, and suggests 200 million respectively.
– we’re going on an exchange, but must first prove that we are a solid company with a solid concept, he said.
– Where do you money from?
– It’s money I have. I sold the town hall in Lyngseidet to the municipality, also I have bought and own several properties in Tromsø and home in Lyngen.
The 62-year-old millionaire and investor has 35 years experience as pilot in Widerøe, the last 30 years as captain.
He is founder and chairman of both companies. Viking Air Norway, which is the parent company of FlyViking, was established on 9 April 2015 while he had his last working day in Widerøe. It happened after a dispute with the airline, where he was refused to fly, but got their paychecks paid.
– Employees with the right skills
Giæver’m sure FlyViking has employees with the right skills to achieve the goals the company has set itself.
– We are equally qualified as our upcoming competitors, he said.
One of them is Stein Terje Dahl, who is appointed CEO. He has five years behind him as chief of Widerøe. January Kristensen operative responsible, and has previously worked for Arctic Air, Cato Air and Norwegian.
Ole Holdø’s training manager, with 30 years of experience as a pilot and instructor in Widerøe. Ulf Larsstuvold been appointed chief pilot with 30 years experience as captain in Widerøe. Svein Sandve has previously worked as chief technology officer of Air and has got the same job in FlyViking, while Petter Ottesen’s compliance manager.