Wednesday, August 31, 2016

- We treat them largely as criminals – Dagens Næringsliv

Delingsøkonomi er et vidt og også kritisert begrep.

Én av definisjonene er plattformsystemer som lar enkelt­mennesker gjøre nytte av ubrukte ressurser ved å dele/selge dem.

En ressurs kan være alt fra tid og kunnskap til en seng eller en drill.

Betegnelsen fanger likevel ikke opp skillet mellom kommersielt og idealistiske motiverte tjenester.

Forskjellen kan eksemplifiseres i forskjellen på en app som lar folk kjøre med hverandre til jobb, og Uber, som er en kommersiell drosjelignende tjeneste.

Man kan alternativt snakke om en formidlingsøkonomi og en delingsøkonomi, der det første begrepet favner videre, mens delingsøkonomi bare favner det som faktisk er deling og ikke leie eller salg.

Kilder: The Yale Law Journal, The Guardian, Agenda, Dagens Næringsliv

Vis mer

– Selv om vi politikere er flinke til å snakke om innovasjon, er det for mange som ikke har peiling på teknologien. Og vi liker innovasjon når det bare gagner eksisterende bedrifter, sier Heidi Nordby Lunde (H).

Innen februar neste år skal et utvalg oppnevnt av regjeringen være ferdig med å utrede delingsøkonomien i Norge. I mellomtiden kommer stadig nye konflikter til overflaten i gråsonene som har oppstått når ny teknologi møter gamle lover og forskrifter.

På Majorstuen forsøker et sameie å få tvangssolgt leiligheten til en mann i 30-årene som har leid ut halve året via Airbnb, en sak DN omtalte 9. august

Tre sjåfører for Uber-konkurrenten Haxi ble i slutten av juni frifunnet for brudd på yrkestransportloven helt opp til Høyesterett.

DN skrev tidligere i dag om hvordan avskiltingen av Uber-sjåfører i Norge fortsetter. Over 60 sjåfører nå er avskiltet, til tross for at det foreløpig ikke foreligger noen rettskraftig dom som slår fast hvorvidt det å kjøre for Uber utgjør piratvirksomet.

DNs Delingsøkonomikonferanse arrangeres onsdag. Følg DNGründer på Facebook og Twitter for oppdateringer og nyheter.

Bilen Kim Haagensen (32) brukte som Uber-sjåfør ble avskiltet i tre måneder rundt jul. Leiebilen ble betalt av Uber, men Haagensen er ikke Uber-sjåfør lenger. Foto: Per Thrana.


Lunde, som var kommunikasjonsrådgiver i delingsøkonomitjenesten Nimber før hun ble stortingspolitiker, argumenterer for at kriminaliseringen av Uber må ta slutt:

– Vi behandler dem langt på vei som kriminelle. Det må vi slutte med, sier Lunde.

LO: Pirattaxivirksomhet

– Slik som lovverket er i dag oppfatter vi Uber som pirattaxivirksomhet, sier sekretær Trude Tinnlund i LO.

Sekretær Trude Tinnlund i LO. Foto: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Hun sitter i det regjeringsutnevnte delingsøkonomiutvalget. Samtidig legger hun til at «LO alltid har vært tilhenger av ny teknologi».

– Man skal ikke ytre mye skeptisk før man blir beskyldt for å ville forby og være imot innovasjon, sier Tinnlund.

Og fortsetter:

– Det er på tide med litt edruelighet i debatten. Vi kan ikke la festtalene tilsløre utfordringene delingsøkonomien gir.

Blant utfordringene Tinnlund trekker frem er:

  • Måten globale selskaper skatteplanlegger og flytter overskudd ut av landet det opptjenes i

– Det er ingen på Bermuda som bygger vei og skole i Norge, sier Tinnlund.

  • Arbeidernes rettigheter kan svekkes.

– Uber hevder du er din egen arbeidsgiver. Hvilken påvirkning har du på vilkårene Uber krever? En arbeider som tvinges til å registrere seg som selvstendig for å få jobb har ikke store forhandlingsmuligheter mot et stort konsern. Vi må ta den viktige diskusjonen.

  • I påvente av regulering er reglene ulike

– Er det noen som mener Uber skal være fritatt for skatter, avgifter og regler i Norge, mens taxinæringen ikke er det, spør Tinnlund retorisk.

– Jeg skjønner godt at de synes det er urettferdig

At man er sent ute med å regulere blir en hemsko både for de nye og gamle selskaper, ifølge stortingsrepresentant Lunde.

–  Taxiselskapene har kjøreplikt og taksameterplikt. Uavhengig av om det er lønnsomt å ha biler på stasjonene, er de forpliktet til å gjøre det. Jeg skjønner godt at de synes det er urettferdig at de må, mens Uber slipper. Derfor må vi regulere så man får like vilkår, sier Lunde.

Heidi Nordby Lunde på DNs Delingsøkonomikonferansen 2016. Foto: Fredrik Bjerknes


– Ikke svart økonomi

– Vi snakker om delingsøkonomien som svarte bransjer. Det er ikke det, sier Lunde.

I dag finnes det en lang rekke fritaksgrenser som har gjort det mulig å leie ut bilen, hytta, rommet eller drillen et par ganger uten at du må bruke en søvnløss natt på å få alt inn i selvangivelsen (se faktaboks). Det samme gjelder småjobber.

Tanken har vært at gevinsten av å hente inn skatt på disse små biinntektene har vært mindre enn tapet av tid og papirmølle man må igjennom.

Les mer: Derfor kan delingsøkonomien fjerne dine skattefritak

– Dette er et politisk villet skatteregime. Det er dyrt for myndighetene å opprettholde byråkratiet det vik kreve en familie må ha et arbeidsgiverforhold om de hjelper naboen med snømåking, sier Lunde.

Eller snarere, det ville vært dyrt. For digitalisering kan gjøre det enklere å rapportere inntekter, som igjen kan bidra til at delingsøkonomien hvitvasker bransjer, hevder Lunde.

– Skal vi skattelegge fra kroner én, eller få en felles grense på tvers av det som i dag er en rekke særunntak? Det er en bedre diksusjon å ta enn å kalle det piratøkomoni eller svart økonomi, sier Lunde.

NHH-professor: Tre argumenter for at delingsøkonomien er et gode

Les også: Over 60 Uber-sjåfører avskiltet i Norge

Les også: Selskaper i delingsøkonomien forsøker å alliere seg, men ikke alle er enige i at de alle kjemper samme sak


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Kirkenes Mayor requires EU travel ban for Russia’s richest man – ABC News

– I’m tired of seeing that nothing is being done with these huge sulfur emissions, said Mayor Rune Rafaelsen (Ap) in Sør-Varanger to Bellona.

In the decade after decades nickel plant in the Russian towns of Nikel, Zapolyarny and Mochegorsk spewed sulfur fumes added vegetation deserted on the Kola Peninsula – but polluted rough on the Norwegian side of the border. There is no distance great.

Behind the nickel plant, which also produces palladium for the benefit of electric cars and mobile phones, stands oligarch who, according to Bloomberg is Russia’s richest, Vladimir Potanin.

There are Potanin Rafaelsen will frame so he finally does something about emissions.

– Norway must publicly declare that Vladimir Potanin is the main threat to the Arctic environment: Norilsk Nickel is the largest source of emissions of sulfur dioxide and heavy metals in the Arctic environment, says Rafaelsen.

– why should not Potanin allowed to travel to Europe until smelters in Nikel is environmentally safe, he adds.

See also: Bellona: Russian emissions in north straight up

– the only thing that isnt

Rafaelsen was in his time to pull off the action “Stop dødsskyan”, including Others with Thomas Nilsen, who is now editor of BarentsObserver.

Nilsen joins requirement from Rafaelsen.

He has followed the controversy over nickel works as an activist for 25 years ago and as a reporter now.

SULPHUR billionaire Vladimir Potanin, here in a photo from 2007, earning big money polluting the Arctic by producing nickel and palladium, which is used to EVs. Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP / NTB scanpix

– I think that economic sanctions against Potanin and company Norilsk Nickel is the only thing that can help to do something about environmental problems. Everything else has been tried. Travel ban and the freezing of funds of the EU, both capital and properties, should go hand in hand, says Thomas Nilsen told ABC News.

He says that the company OAO GMK Norilsk Nickel accounts for a third of the world’s total production of nickel and a significant proportion of copper and palladium. Nickel and palladium are used among others for electric cars and mobiles. Operations are conducted on the Kola Peninsula near the border with Norway, and in Norilsk in Siberia.

Nickel Group served over 10 billion the first half of this year, reports the Barents Observer.

also read: Cleaner air in Europe makes the Arctic warmer

Russia: – the emissions greatly reduced

Norwegian authorities granted many years ago 300 million to purification measures at the nickel plant in Nikel, despite that the owner thus wallowing in money. – The company has never made use of the money, Nilsen however tell.

– It is not screwed in a screw in Nikel compared to how it looked 25 years ago, he adds.

embassy of Russia in Oslo writes more uplifting questions from ABC News, the measures taken have reduced emissions significantly during the last 10-15 years. A program for technological restructuring to be implemented, will reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 28 percent by 2018 compared with 2014.

– It is true that sulfur emissions are reduced, confirms Thomas Nilsen.

– the reason is that until 1994, imported nickel ore from Norilsk in Siberia. The ore contained three times as much sulfur as the local ore on the Kola Peninsula. Therefore, emissions were three times higher until 1994 than they are today, he adds.

That emissions should be reduced by 28 per cent to 2018, has Nilsen no faith in.

– it takes no technical modernizations suggesting that it’s going to happen, he says.

According to Nilsen happens company albeit over a new technology at a pellet plant in Zapolyarni two mil east of Nikel.

– there one has made pellets with a method where you have used sulfur in the ore. Now they use electricity. Thus, emissions of sulfur thence be greatly reduced. But sulfur does not disappear. It moves you to the smelter in Nickel, where the pellets are melted, he explains.

Pollution see no limit:

Here is the map showing how close Nikel is South- Varanger and Kirkenes.


Minister does not rule out the Lofoten guidelines to their own party – NRK

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) clarified Monday that the Conservatives still want to go in for oil exploration in the disputed waters off Senja, Lofoten and Vesterålen when the party goes to elections next fall.

What Labor would fall on under its national congress in April next year, is currently unclear. The party went on for an impact assessment of areas in 2013, but the case splitter party. Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre will not suggest the party will continue its standpoint in the next parliamentary term.

– It is up to the program work and the Congress to decide, says Støre said.

Can set guidelines

Minister does not rule out that he will come with guidelines opposite party when approaching congress, as his predecessor Jens Stoltenberg did before the congress in 2013. Stoltenberg went then out and the flag is clear that he believed the party should go in for an impact assessment, despite considerable disagreement in the party.

– Now I think it is important that the party will discuss these questions. I will follow the debate, so we will see when approaching if I come with some restrictions. I exclude it not, says Støre.

– Have you already taken a personal standpoint?

– I stand well on the standpoint we have today, said Minister.

– High and predictable levels of activity

– Prime Minister Erna Solberg says oil exploration in Lofoten and Vesterålen is important for value creation in Norway, a time when the oil industry is struggling. Do you agree with her?

– Labor is too high and predictable level of activity on the Norwegian continental shelf, while we take our environmental and climate commitments seriously. Now we are heading towards the 24th licensing round, and there will be a continuation of the policy that has been in this area for now.

– So we have to take decisions on individual waters seriously, so we taking into account both environmental and potential new exploration areas. For Norwegian oil and gas industry has the opportunity to produce lower emissions than elsewhere in the world, and they have the opportunity to come with new technology, including in the capture and storage, which can be crucial to efforts to combat climate change, he said.


Drammen Municipality builds up its editorial – journalist

Last week announced Drammen municipality a newly created position as editor of a new multimedia newsroom. This arouses interest in journalist circles, where many are looking for new jobs as a result of extensive downsizing in the industry. While getting the debate over dismantling of journalism and strengthening of informasjonsstabene in public and in large enterprises sustain it.

“Drammen Municipality wants to be even better at telling good stories and with them spread important information to local inhabitants. We have therefore decided to establish a multimedia newsroom, “the ad text.

Have sparked debate

Both Dagsavisen future and Drammens Tidende has discussed the matter, which has led to debate about commitment and about the use of this type of editorial concepts. Commenting before the weekend wrote political editor Karianne Braathen in DT that the municipality plans “reminiscent of cozy, local propaganda”. She raises the question of storytelling with journalistic slant is a municipal task.

The initiative originally came from Mayor of Drammen, Osmund Kaldheim . HR and development director and deputy city manager Kirsti Aas Olsen writes this in a response to criticism from DT:

“This is about the need to reach their users, citizens and employees. To do this, you must also municipality professionalize our way of informing on. “

Will build teams

Aas Olsen believes it is the first time a Norwegian municipality uses the job title editor. The plans entail editorial manager must build a team with two or three reporters, one cut or technician and one graphic designer or art director.

The HR director says that it has flowed on with inquiries from interested applicants since ad were posted on the municipality’s website and on last Thursday.

– Very many have contacted. Enquiries have been great. Although I have spoken to between 10 and 15 who have called and expressed interest in the job as managing editor, says Aas Olsen to journalist Monday.

Before then, Drammen Municipality a press manager with a communications team of four people. But the municipality would like to provide a more comprehensive, tailored service to Drammen. Opportunities inherent in modern technology will be key in multimedia newsroom to be built up.

Editorial experience

In hopes of getting competent candidates calling for municipal applicants with experience of leading a journalistic editorial, as editorial director, duty officer or reportage leader. But really regret Aas Olsen little on the use of this type of traditional editorial professional titles in the announcement.

– We see that the use of such concepts has given us inadvertent attention. For we are not talking about a free and independent press with its own editor. We will not hunt for the truth in line with journalistic principles. What we at this time are looking for a media manager in a multimedia department that will produce text, pictures and movies.

HR Director stressed that the municipality is fully aware of roles between management and independent editor-controlled media. The purpose is not to be critical journalists in the industry or to obstruct their work, she said.

All Platforms

The new municipal newsroom – or multimedia department – will work on all available platforms, both print, online and in social media.

– employees will deliver content for both intranet and external communications with citizens and businesses.

– the plan is therefore to expand with more employees?

– Yes, there will be built a drafting which gives us the opportunity to reach both citizens and employees. We need to strengthen skills related to it to inform. Therefore, we can also just as easily call this a modern information department.

Many of jobbjakt

That there is great interest among journalists to work in Norwegian municipalities also showed case published earlier in summer, about the announcement of a position as a communications consultant in Bergen municipality. Close to 200 applicants enrolled, of which around 50 journalists.

Read more about the case here


Drammen Municipality builds up its editorial – journalist

Last week announced Drammen municipality a newly created position as editor of a new multimedia newsroom. This arouses interest in journalist circles, where many are looking for new jobs as a result of extensive downsizing in the industry. While getting the debate over dismantling of journalism and strengthening of informasjonsstabene in public and in large enterprises sustain it.

“Drammen Municipality wants to be even better at telling good stories and with them spread important information to local inhabitants. We have therefore decided to establish a multimedia newsroom, “the ad text.

Have sparked debate

Both Dagsavisen future and Drammens Tidende has discussed the matter, which has led to debate about commitment and about the use of this type of editorial concepts. Commenting before the weekend wrote political editor Karianne Braathen in DT that the municipality plans “reminiscent of cozy, local propaganda”. She raises the question of storytelling with journalistic slant is a municipal task.

The initiative originally came from Mayor of Drammen, Osmund Kaldheim . HR and development director and deputy city manager Kirsti Aas Olsen writes this in a response to criticism from DT:

“This is about the need to reach their users, citizens and employees. To do this, you must also municipality professionalize our way of informing on. “

Will build teams

Aas Olsen believes it is the first time a Norwegian municipality uses the job title editor. The plans entail editorial manager must build a team with two or three reporters, one cut or technician and one graphic designer or art director.

The HR director says that it has flowed on with inquiries from interested applicants since ad were posted on the municipality’s website and on last Thursday.

– Very many have contacted. Enquiries have been great. Although I have spoken to between 10 and 15 who have called and expressed interest in the job as managing editor, says Aas Olsen to journalist Monday.

Before then, Drammen Municipality a press manager with a communications team of four people. But the municipality would like to provide a more comprehensive, tailored service to Drammen. Opportunities inherent in modern technology will be key in multimedia newsroom to be built up.

Editorial experience

In hopes of getting competent candidates calling for municipal applicants with experience of leading a journalistic editorial, as editorial director, duty officer or reportage leader. But really regret Aas Olsen little on the use of this type of traditional editorial professional titles in the announcement.

– We see that the use of such concepts has given us inadvertent attention. For we are not talking about a free and independent press with its own editor. We will not hunt for the truth in line with journalistic principles. What we at this time are looking for a media manager in a multimedia department that will produce text, pictures and movies.

HR Director stressed that the municipality is fully aware of roles between management and independent editor-controlled media. The purpose is not to be critical journalists in the industry or to obstruct their work, she said.

All Platforms

The new municipal newsroom – or multimedia department – will work on all available platforms, both print, online and in social media.

– employees will deliver content for both intranet and external communications with citizens and businesses.

– the plan is therefore to expand with more employees?

– Yes, there will be built a drafting which gives us the opportunity to reach both citizens and employees. We need to strengthen skills related to it to inform. Therefore, we can also just as easily call this a modern information department.

Many of jobbjakt

That there is great interest among journalists to work in Norwegian municipalities also showed case published earlier in summer, about the announcement of a position as a communications consultant in Bergen municipality. Close to 200 applicants enrolled, of which around 50 journalists.

Read more about the case here


Monday, August 29, 2016

Here is one of fall’s biggest news in Norway – ABC News

Hyundai is a car manufacturer with big ambitions. From the first not too innovative models captured Norwegian soil in 1992 to current models, we are talking light-years difference. Both in terms of design and technology.

Yet not sales just ripped through the roof here at home. But these days Announces Hyundai a long-awaited vehicle that could change that. Quite as drastic as well.

300 bought it – unseen

We are talking namely about the all-new Hyundai Ioniq. A car that they certainly would like to have a bit earlier on the market. But it comes in any case well, when it is now in place in Norway.

Over 300 Norwegian customers have so far purchased the car – without having seen it except in pictures.

Ioniq is an electric vehicle. Most have well been joined what electrical cars has meant for car sales in Norway in recent years. It has taken off. But Ioniq is also more than than EV. More on that further down in the article.

The first thing that has driven the much anticipated newcomer in electric version here at home, our own Broom Benny. Here is his report after a test drive in the rain, dense Oslo traffic.

See also: For some it extra profitable to run electric vehicle

Hyundai  Ioniq (2)

The electric car Hyundai Inoiq is 4.5 meters long, offers five seats and good range.

Tough competitors

– the first thing I notice when I put myself into is that the seats are good, and it’s easy to find a good sitting position. Now coming straight into this from a Toyota Land Cruiser with diesel engines, is also the total silence well noticeable when driving off.

– The car has an incredibly precise and good steering response, which clearly hinting towards it sporty. The suspension is also very fast, but not so that it goes beyond comfort. The space is good, the 4.5 meter long vehicle is a five-seater and thus a full-fledged family car with a trunk of 350 liters.

– It’s easy to think of the Toyota Prius and the electric car Nissan Leaf as the nearest competition. The slightly out of design, size and place of origin on the planet. But Hyundai Ioniq is also a clear alternative to the consolidated brother Kia Soul Electric (It’s Hyundai which owns Kia) and bestselling VW e-Golf.

See also: New electric car will get boost sales in Norway

28-mile range and favorable price

– the battery in Ioniq is 28 Kw and it has a range of 280 km, summer. Charging time is 6.6 hours. Electric drive unit delivers 88 kW, or 120 horsepower if we stick to the old and familiar concepts. One can choose between three driving modes. Eco, Normal and Sport. On sport makes it from 0-100 km / h in about 10 seconds. That’s okay, but no race car we do not talk about.

– Designed for both exterior and interior is modern and clean. Dog without city on the very large antics. Despite the fact that this is called a prototype car, ie a kind of production test car, it works well screwed together and properly in all respects. Hyundai has worked extensively with wind resistance and it has a Cw value of 0.24 discount.

– Ioniq has a starting price of 239,900 kroner. I believe that in addition should choose “Technology Package” that involves most of the modern safety equipment, such as filskiftvarsel, adaptive cruise control, etc.. The comprehensive package costs 20,000 kroner. Do you have leather upholstery, it costs 10,000 kroner. So does the sunroof glass. A “full package-car” comes at under 280,000 kroner, so the price should definitely be competitive.

See also: For some it extra profitable to run electric vehicle

(article continues below)

Hyundai  Ioniq (3)

Much equipment and modern lines inside the Hyundai Inoiq.

Rechargeable hybrid until spring

But Ioniq also comes in a second edition. Later in the spring next year launched the namely that PHV too. Ie with gasoline motor, a rechargeable battery pack and electric motor. It can then be run as a pure electric vehicle on short trips, so taking the internal combustion engine over when it runs low on power.

Rechargeable hybrids are in demand like never before, so it will certainly be another welcome news for the country’s Hyundai dealers .

See also:

These signs can be found at only 23 cars in Norway

Folk car brand beaten all the major quality survey

This luxury car can not we buy

Father and son (18) built the car in record time

the thing is originally published at


Here is one of fall’s biggest news in Norway – ABC News

Hyundai is a car manufacturer with big ambitions. From the first not too innovative models captured Norwegian soil in 1992 to current models, we are talking light-years difference. Both in terms of design and technology.

Yet not sales just ripped through the roof here at home. But these days Announces Hyundai a long-awaited vehicle that could change that. Quite as drastic as well.

300 bought it – unseen

We are talking namely about the all-new Hyundai Ioniq. A car that they certainly would like to have a bit earlier on the market. But it comes in any case well, when it is now in place in Norway.

Over 300 Norwegian customers have so far purchased the car – without having seen it except in pictures.

Ioniq is an electric vehicle. Most have well been joined what electrical cars has meant for car sales in Norway in recent years. It has taken off. But Ioniq is also more than than EV. More on that further down in the article.

The first thing that has driven the much anticipated newcomer in electric version here at home, our own Broom Benny. Here is his report after a test drive in the rain, dense Oslo traffic.

See also: For some it extra profitable to run electric vehicle

Hyundai  Ioniq (2)

The electric car Hyundai Inoiq is 4.5 meters long, offers five seats and good range.

Tough competitors

– the first thing I notice when I put myself into is that the seats are good, and it’s easy to find a good sitting position. Now coming straight into this from a Toyota Land Cruiser with diesel engines, is also the total silence well noticeable when driving off.

– The car has an incredibly precise and good steering response, which clearly hinting towards it sporty. The suspension is also very fast, but not so that it goes beyond comfort. The space is good, the 4.5 meter long vehicle is a five-seater and thus a full-fledged family car with a trunk of 350 liters.

– It’s easy to think of the Toyota Prius and the electric car Nissan Leaf as the nearest competition. The slightly out of design, size and place of origin on the planet. But Hyundai Ioniq is also a clear alternative to the consolidated brother Kia Soul Electric (It’s Hyundai which owns Kia) and bestselling VW e-Golf.

See also: New electric car will get boost sales in Norway

28-mile range and favorable price

– the battery in Ioniq is 28 Kw and it has a range of 280 km, summer. Charging time is 6.6 hours. Electric drive unit delivers 88 kW, or 120 horsepower if we stick to the old and familiar concepts. One can choose between three driving modes. Eco, Normal and Sport. On sport makes it from 0-100 km / h in about 10 seconds. That’s okay, but no race car we do not talk about.

– Designed for both exterior and interior is modern and clean. Dog without city on the very large antics. Despite the fact that this is called a prototype car, ie a kind of production test car, it works well screwed together and properly in all respects. Hyundai has worked extensively with wind resistance and it has a Cw value of 0.24 discount.

– Ioniq has a starting price of 239,900 kroner. I believe that in addition should choose “Technology Package” that involves most of the modern safety equipment, such as filskiftvarsel, adaptive cruise control, etc.. The comprehensive package costs 20,000 kroner. Do you have leather upholstery, it costs 10,000 kroner. So does the sunroof glass. A “full package-car” comes at under 280,000 kroner, so the price should definitely be competitive.

See also: For some it extra profitable to run electric vehicle

(article continues below)

Hyundai  Ioniq (3)

Much equipment and modern lines inside the Hyundai Inoiq.

Rechargeable hybrid until spring

But Ioniq also comes in a second edition. Later in the spring next year launched the namely that PHV too. Ie with gasoline motor, a rechargeable battery pack and electric motor. It can then be run as a pure electric vehicle on short trips, so taking the internal combustion engine over when it runs low on power.

Rechargeable hybrids are in demand like never before, so it will certainly be another welcome news for the country’s Hyundai dealers .

See also:

These signs can be found at only 23 cars in Norway

Folk car brand beaten all the major quality survey

This luxury car can not we buy

Father and son (18) built the car in record time

the thing is originally published at


The woman has been covered psychologist for over four years. This is the end – because … –

(Dagbladet): The woman has for years been covered psychologist from Finland over the phone, so she is entitled to as a Norwegian citizen. This is the end – because she and psychologist uses the wrong type of phone.

Health Economics Administration – Helfo – refuses namely to cover her expenses while she uses Skype telephony.

Do not Skype and e -mail

the background to the case is that Helfo nine times last year received applications for reimbursement of expenses that the woman claimed to psychological assistance by telephone. The woman has been treated by a psychologist since 2011. But when she switched from phone to Skype telephony she no.

– This is a completely incomprehensible decision. Helfo and Directorate of Health can not possibly understand what Skype is, says lawyer Olav Lægreid law firm Legalis Dagbladet.

He has represented the woman in the complaint.

All sides agree that the woman was entitled to recover psychological help from another EEA country. All parties also agreed that she had the right to be reimbursed the treatment even though it took place over the phone.

But because the woman at some point walked over to Skype telephony, has Helfo now refused to cover the costs of the treatment. In its decision printer advisers:

– (…) It follows from the circular to the National Insurance Act §5-7 that psychotherapy using other communication tools than letters and phone – like skype, email or the like, are not covered by the provision.

Thus, enter Helfo, it is only normal telephone and letter sent by mail – no Skype phone or email – which may be used.

– Roughly unreasonable

– the health bureaucrats stumbled in the understanding of the facts. They should want new technology welcomed, not thwart the said attorney Lægreid.

Where regular phone calls going over the telecommunications network takes place Skype calls over the Internet. Skype also allows you to see the caller.

– For my client is just that an important point. That she and the psychologist can see each other has given her greater benefit from the consultations, said Lægreid.

He appealed HELFO decision – but have been rejected. Attorney Lægreid alleges in its complaint that Skype just is conducting a phone call with audio and video – and in practice therefore is the same as the phone.

Lægreid shows that the woman has received treatment since 2011 and it appears to be arbitrary and grossly unfair that Helfo change practices throughout five years out of treatment. He also points out that this funding should be technology neutral and do not apply to certain types of telephones, but not others.

– I question whether Helfo simply do not know what Skype is, says Lægreid.

in connection with the appeal, he ended a Skype telephone of that kind to show what the woman has used – without it helped.

Safety Reasons

Director Steinar Mathisen Health Directorate told Dagbladet that there are security reasons why it is not possible to obtain reimbursement for psychological help via Skype.

– Skype does not meet safety requirements to exchange health information. It is also the reason why you can not use email, says Mathisen.

– This is about privacy security and data security. It’s safer with regular telephone, where it is harder to overhear and hacking into the line.

At the same time use the health authorities also normal letters, rather than email. In the postal service is a number of people guaranteed to be stopped by letter, nevertheless considered this format to be safer.

KNOTS ON LINE: Lawyer Lægreid has also submitted your USB phone to Helfo to emphasize the minimal differences between telephony and Skype. Photo: Change Vella / Dagbladet more

– We consider traditional telephone and ordinary letter to be safer. Modern mobile phones are harder to intercept than unencrypted communication via the Internet. And we assume of course that a common, enclosed letter remains closed throughout the supply chain to be received, it is forbidden to open and read other people’s mail, says Mathisen.

– It’s also forbidden to hack IP phone lines, just as it is forbidden to open other people’s letters?

– it is enough surely. But this is about the safety legislators have set when it comes to digital dissemination of health information, says Mathisen.

More effectively

Mathisen says that the Directorate that innovations will be able to streamline treatments.

– GPs now communicate digitally with their patients, but it is a profession scheme that is far ahead when it comes to use of innovations. Psychologists have not been so far ahead in that area, he said.

So far it has not been discussed specifically adopting new forms of communication by treatment with a psychologist specialist. And in this particular case, it is the hook on the door for reimbursement for treatment via Skype.

– Via Skype it probably is. It does not meet the requirements, says Mathisen.

Director Siv Hvidsten in HELFO department complaint, appeal and regulations writes in an email to Dagbladet that Helfo has rejected the appeal from the current legislation.

– it says that Skype can not be used as a communication tool by treatment with a psychologist. It’s Directorate of Health which administers the regulations.

– Direct error

Lawyer Lægreid react to health bureaucrats’ presentation:

– It is directly wrong when Directorate in this case refers to that they can not accept unencrypted communication via the Internet. Skype is just encrypted communications. This is expressed directly by the support pages to Microsoft. It says also that the encryption standard that Skype uses is the same as that used by the US government to protect sensitive information, claims Lægreid.

Agency would not comment on this.

– I will remind also remind you that there is nothing in the Directorate of Health circular on why Skype is not covered. Moreover, not the agency, either in circular or in the appeal, explained why Skype has a lower level of security than regular telephony. This is a brand new and quite original grounds. Directorate now claims also that the legislator has put this restriction. It is an undeniable that their justification follows a circular and not by the law, says lawyer Lægreid.

Bs Høie for help

– The refusal of our appeal has cost my client thousands of kronor and will also in future cost her dearly in treatment costs, says a stated lawyer Olav Lægreid.

– She has found it necessary – in spite of the refusal – to continue psychologist processing via Skype, because the way to communicate is much better for her, says Lægreid.

He is now asking the Minister of health to intervene.

– it is important to emphasize that Skype does not entail additional expenses for the public. There is no case telephony, but only the psychologist’s use of time, which is covered by the public. I will appeal to health and Human Services Bent Høie about getting updated regulations.

Equal Dagbladet on Facebook


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Robot ensures Eirik contact with school and friends – ABC News

– It resembles not so very, says classmate Ulrik Ambrosius Mortensen, something Eric Sander Viken even completely agree.

But the newly charm troll in white plastic, filled with technology, beats obviously depends in fellow gang . Eirik’s “Avatar” or deputy gets both Virginia and amicable bank. It is built for rough treatment so it can withstand a normal day at the fifth step in Hvalstad school in Asker.

(article continues below)

Eirik  Sander Viken g & # xE5; r p & # xE5;  Hvalstad school and has cerebral palsy.

Eric Sander Viken goes on Hvalstad school and has cerebral palsy. Around 10 weeks each year he’s gone from teaching. Then he through a training schedule to keep the disease at bay. But this little robot, who invented and built in Norway, will now become the mechanical version of Eric while he is away. The robot streams audio and video from the classroom to a phone. It also has a loudspeaker that allows Eirik can ask questions and chat with friends during recess. Photo: Tore Meek / NTB scanpix

AV1 has eyes and mouth that conceals camera, microphone and speakers. Via a tablet can Eirik see, hear and talk with classmates when he is on the rehabilitation center in Hamar. 9-year-old has cerebral palsy and is in training two to three weeks at a time up to three times a year.

– I want it not only with the school, but also that friends take AV1 with the birthdays and other activities when Eric is gone. Then he’s a little sad that he’ll miss things mum says Kirstin Sander Viken.

– So far we have only had email contact with the school. He has equally good, but to get direct contact with the class will be sublime, she said.

See also: Robot will attend school for sick children

Costly help

Eirik has been testing the robot free. But most parents of sick and disabled children must until further pay for such a solution yourself. It costs just under 3,000 crowns a month to rent the robot, or 18,000 for a full year, said general manager Karen Dolva company No Isolation, which has taken up the robot.

Longstanding illness can also buy it.

But both Dolva and Eirik’s mom hopes children who need it can access the robot via aids centers.

See also: Three days after she got the idea said Karen up job

Health and Human Services Bent Høie (H) visited No Isolation recently and was impressed by what they have accomplished with the robot.

– Many children who are long past from school and friend environment due to illness, experiencing loneliness and may have challenges to come back afterwards. This corresponds robot well, says he said.

But even if he sees the usefulness of the robot, can not Høie say whether or when parents with sick children can get it for free. He points out that aids centers are labor minister’s responsibility, but points out that such aids can also be purchased by schools or hospitals.

– In our system is it that when new tools are tested and deemed useful, then set the disposal. It must Nav consider in this context, says Høie.

Just for Sick Children

robot AV1  is designed and manufactured by the Norwegian  company No Isolation.

robot AV1 is designed and manufactured by the Norwegian company No Isolation. It should make it possible for sick children to be present in the classroom when they are in hospital or at home. The robot streams audio and video to a phone and allows your child to ask questions to the teacher. Photo: Tore Meek / NTB scanpix

AV1 is the first robot of its kind designed specifically for sick children. Dolva saying it was unacceptable to set up a video transfer to the classroom, says Karen Dolva.

– Almost all children polled found it difficult. In some cases, they have no hair, it may be they have wires on them, or they are faded. One day you’re at home or in hospital is never right day to be on the show, stating Dolva.

At the same time it was important to have a physical object that represents the child and friends can relate to and take around, rather than a static display that does not make any sense of the person behind, she explains about the process of developing AV1.

Health Minister is concerned that the development of innovations in the health sector is based on the users ‘and patients’ needs so robotmakerne made.

– It is precisely this kind of businesses that we need in Norway come, says Høie.

See also: robots occupies your home


- Drones will constitute the entire industry – NRK

The Ministry of Transport recently raised a number of ministries and supervision to idedrodling about drones in Norway.

The Ministry wrote in the notice:

State Secretary Tom Cato Karlsen

Photo: Trond Western / NRK

“only the imagination limits what one can imagine that a drone can be used, whether in areas such as information retrieval, transport of goods or kommunikasjonsrele.”

– We will create a regulatory framework that allows the drones can more easily become an industry, said State secretary in the Ministry of Transport Tom Cato Karlsen to NRK after the meeting.

the state will always be fast

Karlsen is clear that they now want to do what they can for the drone industry will grow up.

– We will be at the forefront of this development. It is a professional market and we will facilitate the industry, which we believe is a growth industry, he said.

Although the government is now trying to pave the way for an upcoming drone industry, the companies that already operate with drones skeptical about whether it is possible to keep up with developments.

Ole Jorgen Seeland, entrepreneur behind the drone hustle.

Photo: Private

– It’s great that the government now wants to help, but I’m afraid that the Ministry will always lag behind. When a law is in place, so the technology is again developed and need new legislation, says Ole Jørgen Seeland, entrepreneur behind the drone hustle.

Anders Martinsen, leader of the trade association for unmanned aircraft, UAS Norway believes the state needs help to keep up with developments.

– We choose to believe that this idemøtet going partly on the basis of our eight month long initiative for a national effort to look at the regulatory framework, but also on an awareness campaign yesterday on the use of drones, says Martinsen.

Will include businesses

the Ministry of Transport believes his side that they are early national legislation compared to other countries.

After the state now has had his idemøte will transport ministry involve companies that deal with drones.

There are Martinsen UAS Norway happy and happily up to amend legislation he believes should be better.

– We believe that the Civil aviation Authority with its new legislation has made it easier, but still difficult for parts of the industry to understand which part of the law that they should place themselves in, he said.

all believe in the future

Although the players have different opinions about a lot, all agreed that Norway has great potential when it comes to drones.

– I think Norway has it takes in the development and use of drones, said Mr Karlsen.

Also Martinsen UAS Norway have great faith in the industry he represents.

– About a predictable regulatory framework is in place along with a good framework from politkere, I think we will see increased investment increase in drone industry.


Friday, August 26, 2016

Developing technology for unmanned ships –

Aftenbladet har tidligere kalt Eigerøy for Silicon Island. En håndfull høyteknologiske selskaper holder til her. Nå er målet å gjøre Navtor til nummer én i verden i løpet av et par år.

Det begynte i 1946 med Robertson Radio Elektro. Arven etter Torleif Robertson består i dag av en håndfull teknologibedrifter. De har hatt ulike eier og ulike navn opp gjennom åra, men Egersund har altså et teknologimiljø som strekker seg 70 år tilbake i tid.

Hvis ett navn skal trekkes fram i tillegg til Robertson, så er det trolig Tor A. Svanes. På 1980-tallet startet han selskapet C-Map. Suksessen ble lagt merke til og for noen år siden ble C-Map kjøpt opp av amerikanske Jeppesen som igjen har flyfabrikanten Boeing som eier. Etterhvert ble rammen for stramme, noe som tæret på tålmodigheten til C-Map-gründerne fra Egersund. I 2011 sa Svanes takk for seg. Det samme gjorde flere andre nøkkelpersoner. Deres nye selskap fikk navnet Navtor. Ledelsen består av Svanes og Bjørn Åge Hjøllo. Kapitalen fant de hos Smedvig.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Want sheriff’s office on wheels – NRK

In October it becomes clear how many sheriff’s office being made down. Songstad victory that police the vehicles en will rust acting as a office, so valet slepp to travel back to the office, that will follow-on assignment.

– This host poured crucial. Police have been mainly poor to utilize technology. Forward core we to mobile solutions that makes the police can be a lot more on wheels out in the communities, victory Songstad.

Office disappearances

It is not for others: Outside the main that office Going to disappear as part of neighborhood police reformers. Wednesday was the Reformation theme for EiT meeting between Western Police District and all municipalities in Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane.

– It is important that we no get to the more mobile way of working so that innbyggarane in sparsely populated areas Sogn og Fjordane and Hordaland actually feel that they have more police services than ever before, victory Songstad.

Ordførarane shared

Ordføraren in Balestrand, who was at the meeting, calculates not that the municipality his will retain sheriff office.

Fear fOR Police Station ITS Harald Offerdal (Ap) is mayor of Balestrand.

Photo: Noralv Pedersen / NRK

– Eg is pessimistic. The rhetoric is the same as We have utilized EiT mayor petition nokre years ago, but whether they are able to carry it out superbly dei neighborhood police principles they lay the basis, it is eg uncertain, says Harald Offerdal.

He believes there are small municipalities that are tapa rob.

– we see this already. In Balestrand we have had such that ordinary people have Vore nøydde to perform police tasks , and so shall we do not have it, victory Offerdal.

in Aurland in Sogn mayor Noralv Distad more positive.

– From Aurland municipality we are ready. We are well divorce to go into this process. This is a reform which is very important for our innbyggarar.

He assumes that the police also in the future to have occupational town in Aurland.

READY fOR REFORM: But mayor Noralv Distad (H) is aware that the tourist municipality Aurland and must receive occupational city police also in the future.

Photo: Noralv Pedersen / NRK

– It has context that we have very large tourist traffic. We Flåmsbana and we have a of the largest to cruisehamnene country. That means we not only add capita talet to reason, we must see the total image. And då is clear that there must be teneste town in Aurland, victory Distad.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Now these mirrors will soon be history – ABC News

The cars are constantly being developed and now also the door mirrors soon be history. They have done their job well over the years, and made sure to prevent countless accidents.

But for picture sign and constructors are mirrors most irritation. They can often lead to loss of some visual impact, and designers like them why not. It does not help the matter that mirror helps poorer aerodynamics, which in turn contributes to higher fuel consumption.

For car owners is they do not always just fun. How many mirrors have not been lost in the narrow face situations, in car parks, garages or car washes?

See also: See what Skoda has taken on with the top model

can be placed anywhere

the problem has been that the law has dictated exterior mirrors in all countries, but now Japan has approved the use of cameras and video display instead of exterior mirrors. Today’s cameras can be placed anywhere, and thus provide a better overview of blind spots.

They can adjust itself by light, reflections and dark, and with its more “hidden” locations offer the superior aerodynamics compared to the old mirrors, and thus less consumption.

See also: they’ll give us a car without steering wheel and pedals

New players on the field

Many people have been waiting for this breakthrough. Countless subcontractors now working with various camera-based monitoring systems, and it is expected that the EU follow suit later this year, while the United States is likely to do so in 2018.

The new rules mean that new players coming on path, as the German giant Bosch. They make not ordinary mirror, but will become a serious player in camera-based monitors.

Thus, it lasts not long before the first car without side mirrors come. Tesla is among those who have shown this concept models, they are guaranteed a result of more.

See also:

Soon this a great and important news

Here was very much wrong – at once

Now you know the car how long you have to wait for the green

NAF: Vital that children the orientation

the case was originally published on


Will lift the music industry with new technology – NRK

Norway is a leading country in digital culture use and 84 percent of Norwegians have a smartphone. Thus, the supply of such music very big.

– A motor

– I want Trondheim Norwegian technology capital should be an engine for the creative industries that can create jobs and become a new industry in Norway, says Linda Hofstad Helleland NRK.

in Trondheim received Minister of culture meet festival and concert organizers, copywriters and a booking agency to get new input.

– We should live by something in the future as well, not just oil and salmon. Within the creative industries can be created many new jobs. Because we are far ahead in terms of digitization, it is not only the Norwegian market as buyers, but the whole world, she said.

Helleland shows not least to the Bergen artist Kygo who have achieved great commercial success worldwide.

– It’s absolutely amazing, and he got the also sing during the conclusion of the summer Olympics in Rio, says culture minister.

Kygo had the honor of closing the summer Olympics in Rio along with artist Julia Michaels.


Tmpo in Trondheim

Kygo have received good help from the center brackets in Bergen and Trondheim there Tmpo assisting artists. Counselor in Tmpo, Thomas Ryjord, want a boost for these centers.

– Kygo have had much advantage of Brak in Bergen, just as Highasakite, Ida Jenshus and other Trøndelag artists have had the benefit and enjoyment of Tmpo. Highasakite is the Norwegian band who has been longest on the Norwegian charts thanks to streaming. We are far ahead of digitization, but this is research on and more work. Technology and music industry must go together, think Ryjord.

Commercial operators

Robin Jenssen own production company Design Music in Trondheim. He also directs a company in Stockholm that has sold millions of records in Asia. Jenssen believes we must become better at producing neck music with commercial success in Norway.

– In Sweden, the 10-15 years ahead of us on just that. The commercial operators are forward spoke, instead they are taken down. Look at the taxi industry that has an app called Uber. There you have a direct communication between the driver and the consumer. Here we must also think within the music industry, says Jenssen.

Robin Jenssen also want NTNU and the technological network they will be able to find ways to stream Norwegian artist.

– Thus revenues ending up in Norway and not abroad, he said.

Linda Hofstad Helleland met many actors of creative industries in Trondheim.

Photo: Grete Thobroe / NRK


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Now you know the car how long you have to wait for the green | ABC News – ABC News

Most automakers are working on systems that will make vehicles “smarter” and assist the driver in a number of areas.

Here it partly about self-driving technology. That cars simply takes over driving and makes sure to get you home safely. In addition, a number of features that are intended to ensure better traffic flow.

User 4G

It turns out that there is much that is needed to prevent queues. One means is to give cars the ability to “talk” together. If they can exchange information about queues and sudden traffic incidents, we can save time and avoid many unfortunate situations.

One example of this is something Audi has worked with for several years. Traffic Technology Services (TTS) is now ready for launch and will initially be tested on the A4, A4 Allroad and Q7, in the United States.

TTS uses the car’s built-in 4G internet to continuously receive signals from traffic lights . This will be done in some selected cities, Audi has so far not told anything about how many US cities that have the necessary technology installed to support the system. But here we are working from several sources simultaneously.

See also: They’ll give us a car without steering wheel and pedals

(case continues below)

Audi -  Technology (2)

connected cars means a completely new information flow in traffic. Both know that they can send and receive information from external parties, but not least by then they can “talk” together.

Getting on many more models

Furthermore, it is in the plans to integrate this into the vehicle’s navigation and start / stop system. This will both provide better fuel economy and shorter travel times, especially during peak hours.

It is not clear how quickly TTS will come to Europe, but Audi stresses that the technology is ready. It’s just a matter of how quickly infrastructure can come up.

It is expected that this will also be made available on a number of other models from the Volkswagen Group soon.

See also: this is the most sold car

The most important thing since the assembly line

While this happens, a number of automobile manufacturers closer to have completely self-driving cars. Spearheads so far is new Mercedes E-Class, and Model S and Model X from Tesla. But a number of competitors are not far away.

Ford has for example just announced that it will roll out a self-driving car in large numbers, within five years. Ambitions are solid: Ford believes even that this is the main thing that has happened since Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile by introducing assembly line, thus making automobile production cheaper and far more efficient than before.

Read also:

Requires “black box” in self-driving cars

Now Tesla owners monetize your car

See what’s unique about the bus?

Come on one of Norway’s most popular car models

the case was initially published on


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Now you know the car how long you have to wait for the green | ABC News – ABC News

Most automakers are working on systems that will make vehicles “smarter” and assist the driver in a number of areas.

Here it partly about self-driving technology. That cars simply takes over driving and makes sure to get you home safely. In addition, a number of features that are intended to ensure better traffic flow.

User 4G

It turns out that there is much that is needed to prevent queues. One means is to give cars the ability to “talk” together. If they can exchange information about queues and sudden traffic incidents, we can save time and avoid many unfortunate situations.

One example of this is something Audi has worked with for several years. Traffic Technology Services (TTS) is now ready for launch and will initially be tested on the A4, A4 Allroad and Q7, in the United States.

TTS uses the car’s built-in 4G internet to continuously receive signals from traffic lights . This will be done in some selected cities, Audi has so far not told anything about how many US cities that have the necessary technology installed to support the system. But here we are working from several sources simultaneously.

See also: They’ll give us a car without steering wheel and pedals

(case continues below)

Audi -  Technology (2)

connected cars means a completely new information flow in traffic. Both know that they can send and receive information from external parties, but not least by then they can “talk” together.

Getting on many more models

Furthermore, it is in the plans to integrate this into the vehicle’s navigation and start / stop system. This will both provide better fuel economy and shorter travel times, especially during peak hours.

It is not clear how quickly TTS will come to Europe, but Audi stresses that the technology is ready. It’s just a matter of how quickly infrastructure can come up.

It is expected that this will also be made available on a number of other models from the Volkswagen Group soon.

See also: this is the most sold car

The most important thing since the assembly line

While this happens, a number of automobile manufacturers closer to have completely self-driving cars. Spearheads so far is new Mercedes E-Class, and Model S and Model X from Tesla. But a number of competitors are not far away.

Ford has for example just announced that it will roll out a self-driving car in large numbers, within five years. Ambitions are solid: Ford believes even that this is the main thing that has happened since Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile by introducing assembly line, thus making automobile production cheaper and far more efficient than before.

Read also:

Requires “black box” in self-driving cars

Now Tesla owners monetize your car

See what’s unique about the bus?

Come on one of Norway’s most popular car models

the case was initially published on


Now you know the car how long you have to wait for the green – ABC News

Most automakers are working on systems that will make vehicles “smarter” and assist the driver in a number of areas.

Here it partly about self-driving technology. That cars simply takes over driving and makes sure to get you home safely. In addition, a number of features that are intended to ensure better traffic flow.

User 4G

It turns out that there is much that is needed to prevent queues. One means is to give cars the ability to “talk” together. If they can exchange information about queues and sudden traffic incidents, we can save time and avoid many unfortunate situations.

One example of this is something Audi has worked with for several years. Traffic Technology Services (TTS) is now ready for launch and will initially be tested on the A4, A4 Allroad and Q7, in the United States.

TTS uses the car’s built-in 4G internet to continuously receive signals from traffic lights . This will be done in some selected cities, Audi has so far not told anything about how many US cities that have the necessary technology installed to support the system. But here we are working from several sources simultaneously.

See also: They’ll give us a car without steering wheel and pedals

(case continues below)

Audi -  Technology (2)

connected cars means a completely new information flow in traffic. Both know that they can send and receive information from external parties, but not least by then they can “talk” together.

Getting on many more models

Furthermore, it is in the plans to integrate this into the vehicle’s navigation and start / stop system. This will both provide better fuel economy and shorter travel times, especially during peak hours.

It is not clear how quickly TTS will come to Europe, but Audi stresses that the technology is ready. It’s just a matter of how quickly infrastructure can come up.

It is expected that this will also be made available on a number of other models from the Volkswagen Group soon.

See also: this is the most sold car

The most important thing since the assembly line

While this happens, a number of automobile manufacturers closer to have completely self-driving cars. Spearheads so far is new Mercedes E-Class, and Model S and Model X from Tesla. But a number of competitors are not far away.

Ford has for example just announced that it will roll out a self-driving car in large numbers, within five years. Ambitions are solid: Ford believes even that this is the main thing that has happened since Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile by introducing assembly line, thus making automobile production cheaper and far more efficient than before.

Read also:

Requires “black box” in self-driving cars

Now Tesla owners monetize your car

See what’s unique about the bus?

Come on one of Norway’s most popular car models

the case was initially published on
