Saturday, April 27, 2013

Apple stores Siri calls for two years -

Apple has for the first time revealed how long they take care of the sound recordings of your voice when you speak with the digital assistant, Siri. The magic number appears to be two years which is probably longer than most of us had thought.

Completely anonymous

Before you fly off the handle and accuse the U.S. company of violating privacy and misuse of your most intimate sound clips, they have a few things to say about how they use the data.

process is as follows:

  • You pick up the phone, press and hold the home button and talk to Siri. The request will be submitted to Apple’s servers where it is analyzed and stored.
  • On your phone, you’ll get a response from Siri, but Apple’s server happens far more things.
  • voice data will be registered and have their own unique code. The code is completely separate from the Apple ID and your UDID number to the phone, but connects with Siri-ologist, who remain completely anonymous.
  • Once an audio file has been six months old lost all forms of identification code, even if the audio file is still being kept intact.
  • Audio clip

  • can later be taken care of in another 18 months.

Will Improve Service

reason that Apple stores data so long is that they’re working to make BuyNow more accurately and to understand the commands of the users easier and faster.

If you would delete all of the data Apple has collected from your iPhone, you just need to turn off Siri on your phone, and the files will be deleted from Apple’s servers.

What do you think of the practice? Apple Goes too far, or is it okay as long as anonymous? Discuss like in the comments below.

Even if you do not speak Norwegian to Siri, she can still be useful in Norway:
How can siri guide you around in Norway »

(Source: Wired via Gizmodo)

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