New MacBook models, the new Mac Pro and brand new iOS.
Tonight Apple launch is underway. We expect including a brand new version of iOS for iPhone and iPad. The launch streamed live on Apple’s own pages, via “open standards”, but it requires that you have Mac and Safari browser.
Tim Cook opens showet.Foto: Apple Hooray, we work for Apple.Foto: Apple Next Month’s App Store 5 år.Foto: Apple Screen Shot 2013-06-10 at 7 PM. Mavericks offers much spennende.Foto: AppleApple CEO Tim Cook welcomes WWDC on stage.
As usual start opening address easily, with information about Apple’s retail concepts and a little bragging. Especially a brand new Apple Store in Berlin devoted much attention.
First, a bit of bragging
A video from the opening of the shop in Berlin show several city draws – and of course the Apple store.
App-store is five years old in July. Tim Cook says that the app store has changed the world. The 50 billion apps have been downloaded since launch.
store has the 375 000 own apps for the iPad. Cook kicks the Android camp when he points out that “the other” has only a few hundred apps specifically for tablets.
Earnings from the App Store should be as high as three times earnings from app stores in all the other platforms, says Apple’s CEO.
App developers get the floor
The developers behind a product called Anki has come on stage and shows off motoring on a large mat on the stage floor.
vehicles controlled from the Apple iPad over Bluetooth Low Energy Mode.
Tim Cook is back on stage. He explains that they would like showcased several apps, but it is not time for that.
now spoken Mac
entire 72 million Macs in use today, explains Tim Cook. Mac has grown by 100 percent over the past five years, compared with PCs that have only increased by 18 percent, according to Cook.
many as 35 percent of Mac users use the latest version of the operating system OS X. Apple boss takes the opportunity to bully a slightly småtreige for the adoption of Windows 8
Tim Cook replaced by Boris Sofman, and shall talk of OS X. It complained that Apple has used up cat variations in its operating system.
joked that Apple should enter the name “Sea Lion”. After a bit here and there revealed the real name, OS X Mavericks .
OS X Mavericks is the name of the latest operating system to Apple.Foto: Apple You can tag all your files, so you can find them enklere.Foto: Apple There are much better support for multiple skjermer.Foto: Apple OS X Mavericks will be much faster by smarter allocation of memory. Apple boasts a surprising amount of ressursbruk.Foto: Apple Bookmark bulk of Safari has been a real overhaling.Foto: Apple Now you can respond alerts directly in the pop-up vinduet.Foto: Apple iCloud Keychain will put all your passwords in the cloud, encrypted and secured. This way, you can access all your passwords wherever you are. . Photo: AppleNew features in Mavericks
Among the news OS X Mavericks are tabbed navigation in disk utility Finder.
Sofman also takes the veil of tagging of files in the file system, and far better support for multi-monitor use. Finally, you can use two monitors simultaneously on your Mac, without being disturbed when you maximize a window.
will now be demonstrated.
For example, many Finder windows up, you can merge them as tabs in a single window.
For those of you who do not have a Mac, it should be possible to stream the launch via
Now Sofman show off how multiscreen works in the new OS X Mavericks.
Finally you can have full screen apps on multiple monitors simultaneously. App menu Mission Control will also have new features for multi-monitor use.
, Apple TV, you can use it as another monitor to your layout. The little box is now fully integrated with OS X Mavericks.
Now showing Sofman forward a number of new technologies that are new in OS X. Among them are energy saving features.
A total new OS X use significantly less CPU resources than previous editions. It will provide much better battery life.
Improved memory handling, OS X also. Mavericks will be up to 1.4 times more responsive than the previous version of OS X. This is done by the operating system all the way compresses the contents of memory, so you get access to more space.
See also: Apple has showcased its new operating system (
New in Safari browser
Apple upgraded Safari. Now it should be far less resource intensive, and each tab has its own process in the operating system.
New Safari should be significantly faster than both Chrome and Firefox, according to Apple’s lists.
folded for demonstration of smooth scrolling in Safari and e-mail client.
Sofman has opened a website that shows the periodic table in the form of a fierce three-dimensional animation. The performance meter on the right side of the screen shows that Safari uses about 50 percent of the computer’s performance.
to provide longer battery life ends Safari to work as soon as it is placed in the background.
iCloud Keychain
Now Apple take care of your passwords and accounts. Everything is done in iCloud Keychain.
The new feature will suggest the account name and password for yourself in your browser, so you do not have to remember your details. It can also fill in your credit card information for you.
Back to the new OS X.
Notifications should now be on the lock screen and apps are updated in the background.
We have also seen a new calendar.
– No virtual cows were injured during the production of this calendar, explains Sofman.
– No virtual cows had to die for this calendar
The new calendar has flat graphic design.
Before tonight’s launch rumors went heavy on the leather imitations and aluminum imitations would end. It seems that the rumors were correct. Calendar app is in fact virtually no graphics and very minimalist.
can now use Apple Maps from OS X. You can select locations, and transfer them directly to your phone or your iPad.
Apple bragging about how good the new flyover features in Apple Maps looks like a large, high-resolution Mac screen.
Apple’s new calendaring graphic resembling very much the Google calendar solution, but seems to have far more features built-in. You can for example add planning together with the information in the calendar. When the calendar will also keep track of how long it will take to get there.
Apple’s iBooks has received updates. Now you can for example add notes to the books you read. You can select text with the virtual cursor, and you can have reminders on the side of it.
The new Air models are ready today and will be cheaper than they were tidligere.Foto: AppleBrand New Macbook Air
Phil Schiller takes the stage, and to talk about a brand new MacBook Air based on Intel’s Haswell architecture, with far more energy efficient solutions. Battery duration will range all day.
Battery life on the 11-inch model has gone from five hours to eleven hours.
The new MacBook Air supports the latest WiFi standard, AC. Along with the launches a brand new Apple AirPort Extreme Series for AC standard.
The new Air will be on sale as early as today.
New Mac Pro Shiny, round and lekker.Foto: Apple To see the new Mac Pro will print. Apple has sent out a number of push messages since iCloud was lansert.Foto: apple
New Mac Pro
Now it’s actually also a new Mac Pro. An update of the Macintosh series has been eagerly awaited for a small eternity. Apple should have worked hard to come up with a Mac Pro for the next ten years.
A promotional video shows a large, black beast of an Apple Mac Pro.
The new Mac is upgraded from end to end. It will have 2.5 times as powerful graphics solution that today’s Mac Pro. It also supports resolutions up to 4K.
Oi! It was not that big anyway. On a picture of it next to the old Mac Pro one, it looks like an outright dwarf. Size is only one-eighth of the old.
It has one handle so you can lift the little dynamo straight up.
The new Mac Pro one coming later this year. Apple have recently talked about manufacturing in the U.S., and the new Mac Pro one will be produced in the United States.
See also: This is Apple’s new Mac (
iWork for iCloud allows you to edit and create documents and spreadsheets directly to your browser, no matter whether you use Windows or OS X.Foto: apple
iWork for iCloud
Tim Cook takes the stage, and will talk more about iCloud.
Apple has all the 300 million users of iTunes in the Cloud. The 240 million users of Apple’s use of Game Center features that allow them to connect to each other in the game.
Now producer showcase how iCloud is integrated into the Office suite iWork.
iWork can now be run directly from the browser whether on a Mac or a PC.
You can pull documents coming from Microsoft Office directly into the browser, and edit it directly in the word processor Pages for iCloud.
Presentations from Keynote can also be run directly in your browser.
Apple shows off Windows 8 during a launch (!). Now iWork for iCloud demonstrated the competitor’s operating system.
– We support course Safari best, so all sites supports Safari best explained from the stage.
600 million iOS devices sold as langt.Foto: apple
It’s time for iOS
Tim Cook is back on stage, and brags that Apple has sold all 600 million iOS devices. Apple users to use their phones as much as 50 percent more than users of other operating systems.
Apple’s statistics show that the iPad has 82 percent of the market for tablets.
– Satisfied customers are what we care about. Fully 97 percent of our customers are happy. It is nearly 25 percent better than Android, says Tim Cook.
now pointing Apple boss that Apple users usually have the latest version of the operating system that belongs to the product. Again a kick to the Android world, where both producers and users sitting on a wide range of completely different versions.
– This is why we are so excited to work with new versions of iOS. Just because we can affect so many, explains Tim Cook.
New color palette and clean lines in iOS 7.Foto: apple Game Center has been given a proper overhaul. . Photo: Apple “Look how delicious it is!”. Photo: Apple Weather app gets a proper gjennomgang.Foto: Apple The calendar looks nice and minimalist ut.Foto: AppleNew iOS 7 is released
now unveiled iOS7.
rumors were right. A promotional video showing the new iOS seems to be completely free of imitations of leather, aluminum and other things from around the world.
The new design is flat. Most stylish looks out, and it ends on shadowing and other things we know so well from the current iOS.
That does not mean it’s the end effects. New is such transparency. You can draw menus on the screen, and still partially see what is behind.
phone uses the accelerometer to move the icons in the app menu when you look at them, making it almost look as if you look out through a window.
scene pointed out again that both wood and green felt is awaken from the new iOS.
is demotid, and a clock and a weather app will be demonstrated, before we head into calendar, which much like the one they just showed up for OS X Mavericks.
Message section is also new. You can swipe in and out of your inbox from the edges of the screen.
from one to the other – now you can have multiple pages in folders under the application list.
The operating system appears to be based on swiping now. You can swipe messages in Inbox to delete them.
A brand new notification center is also in place, which seems to have far more information in it than the old one. It is also available from the lock screen.
Control Center lets you take control of functions airplay and wifi. At the very bottom of tabs in Safari can find iCloud tabs from your other Apple enheter.Foto: AppleControl Center
A new shortcut to quick settings have been named Control Center. The memories of a very extended version of the top menu on many Android phones.
iOS 7, Apple enabled multitasking for all the appvarianter. Previously most people would lie down to sleep every time you walked out of the app. It shall not do any more.
The new multitasking should not come at the expense of battery life. There was an argument Apple previously used to give all applications the ability to run in the background.
the new multitasking can draw from app to app by swiping across the screen.
Safari in iOS 7
A joint search box in the top serves as both the search tool and URL fields for Safari. Here you can search everything between heaven and earth, or just type in a URL.
Tab view in the new Safari looks much like Apple’s old cover flow in iTunes. You can scroll between pages you have advancing at a very fast and intuitive way.
Multitasking works still partially in the old way. You double-click the Home button. You’ll get previews of all your apps on the screen and you can swipe between different previews.
The new camera has four cameras in one package, with live filters that you can get directly to the screen while taking a bilde.Foto: Apple The new bildeappen automatically organizes your photos, where you can “zoom out” to see the images fit to gether. You can share photos directly from bildeappen via Airshare, coming to all iOS 7 compatible enheter.Foto: Apple Siri has received a graphical overhaul, and has been widely smartere.Foto: Apple You can choose the music in the car through Siri and displayed on bilskjermen.Foto: Apple How to see new iTunes ut.Foto: AppleNew camera features
Swipe is repeated here too. You can swipe between a host of different effects and filters in the new camera app.
Along with it comes a brand new gallery app, that will organize your photos in a far better way.
The new organization has called Apple Moments. This organization is automatic. You do not have to do anything yourself.
way this is done is by the phone user information is added to the pictures automatically. This is not unlike what Samsung is doing with its latest top model Galaxy S4.
mobile arranges itself Photo taken on particular locations or special occasions. Once inside the gallery, you can go into a new photo-editing mode. You can for example add the filters you forgot when you took the picture.
Another novelty is shared photo streams (Photo Stream) on iCloud. Thus, many put up pictures of the same image stream.
iTunes Radio certainly was not just a rumor. All new in iOS 7.Foto: AppleSiri
Voice Recognition Siri has of course also been polished in the new OS. Brand new voices and graphics are with. Siri can now also be male.
You can also control a wide range of new features through Siri.
Completely new is a special car mode named iOS in the Car. It is with Siri. Apple can now provide full integration with iOS right on the car’s entertainment system, controlled via Siri.
New App Store
Apple now has apps categorized by age group. You can also search for apps that are spe cific to the place you are at. Thus, for example. retrieve official apps for places you in an easy way.
Now updated Moreover apps completely automatically, so you do not have to see notifications for App Store icon.
iTunes Radio is launched
A brand new version of the music player are also included.
Where Apple launches iTunes Radio streaming service that has been rumored about for an eternity.
iTunes Radio has pre-programmed radio stations, but you can also create your own.
Simply by searching the artist you know, takes iTunes Radio based on your search query, and create playlists of things that are similar. It all looks very much like radio varieties like Pandora or Spotify radio feature.
stations are synchronized however TVES of Apple products, whether laptop or desktop, through your iCloud. You can buy songs directly from the playback. iTunes Radio is also free of advertising.
disappointment wonder, however, in the background for us Northerners. iTunes Radio is only available in the U.S. at launch.
Beta version today
New iOS is available for those with a developer account and iPhone already. It will support iPhone 4 and later. In time, it will also come for the iPad models.
This has been one of the most densely packed keynote we’ve seen from Apple so far, but now rounds Tim Cook of the stage.
keynote is finished, and it is also our live blog above. We’ll be back with lanseringssak and full overview of the new features in iOS 7 in a short time. Thanks for the party.
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