Monday, October 17, 2016

New technology may have revealed two new chambers in the Kheopspyramiden – ABC News

on Thursday last week could the egyptian ministry of antiquities, report that they have found two “uvanligheter” in the construction of the 4500 year old pyramid.

Further studies should now determine the room’s purpose and size.

We are now able to confirm that there is “white space” hidden behind pyramidens northern and north-eastern façade. From here it can go at least a corridor into the pyramid, stated researchers from the Operation ScanPyramids in a press release.

see also: Uncovered a mysterious mass grave in the middle of Athens

New and gentle technology

With its 146 meters is considered Kheopspyramiden among the world’s seven wonders. From before, it has been found three chambers inside the pyramid.

Operation Scan Pyramids, which was initiated in October of last year, was taken to make a thorough investigation of several of Egypt’s pyramids with the help of radiography, drone photography, 3D reconstruction and laserskanning. Now it seems that the efforts have given results.

See how the scan is done in the video window at the top.

see also: Sensational discovery in Egypt’s pyramids

Experts doubt

What does as the experts on the apparent ground-breaking discovery?

Even if the discovery sounds as if it could be taken straight out of an Indiana Jones movie, select some to defualt it all, and believes that the findings are only a part of the pyramidens the frame.

the People who conduct this project are neither scientists or archaeologists. The pyramids were built up of short and long stones, which will give the space everywhere in the construction, ” says the director of the association for the Giza pyramidenes ekskavering, Zahi Hawass to the site Seeker.

I do not believe these discrepancies have anything with the new chambers to do. It’s simply just about how the pyramid was built, he adds.


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