Tuesday, June 10, 2014

U.S. and Iran møttes for talks in Geneva – Dagbladet.no

United States and Iran met Monday to direct talks in Geneva on Iran’s controversial nuclear program.

Talks began Monday and was scheduled to continue on Tuesday. According to the Iranian delegation was the first chat session constructive.

– Dialogue with the United States took place in a positive atmosphere, said delegation leader Abbas Araqchi after talks Monday night.

U.S. State Department said before the meeting that the goal was to “bring some realism to the table” in negotiations on the nuclear program.

United States and other Western countries fear that Iran will abuse the technology to develop nuclear weapons. Iran itself denies that the country is planning this.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

- Give people freedom and they will astound you – Sunnmørsposten

According to Shannon Deegan, many years director of Google, innovering embedded in everything I do.

– It is of course tempting to continue with what they have always done, or just take small steps forward . But then one is guaranteed to be obsolete. In the technology changes happening revolutionary, not evolutionary, he said.

Deegan believes it is important to have a culture where it is allowed to fail.

– It is also important to give employees a voice, and to listen to them. It must also be embedded throughout the organization that innovations are expected and supported the.


InnoTown second day came Deegan with advice not to build too much and too stivbeinte organizational structures .

– be rather agile and flexible, and so the organization can easily respond to the opportunities that arise. He also highlighted the leaders their role.

– Do not create managers with governance resources. Leaders must lead by example and where they are creative in their own work – not just manage, he pointed out.


An environment characterized by collaboration, communication and sharing of ideas is important to promote innovation.

– And bring natural meeting places where ideas are shared basis. There are no meetings that the good ideas coming, said Deegan.

Last year Google two million applications for 4,000 positions.

– We are looking for people with passion. We also want the people is himself, then there will be more fun.

Read more from InnoTown in the Friday paper. Try: Sunnmørsposten as ePaper

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fears oil will remain untouched – Today’s Market

High development costs threaten the profitability of Norwegian oil discoveries. Ane Baldishol Brevig (28) hope she has a job until she retires.

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energy gap Lake glisten green in the ocean outside Kristiansund . The drilling rig “Transocean Arctic” is lonely out in the Norwegian Sea. Drilling Engineer Ane Baldishol Brevig (28) in the German oil and gas company VNG is one of hundreds of people stationed on the rig.

– I find it disturbing that the costs on the Norwegian continental shelf increases. At the same time, I feel pretty confident that I will have a job in the oil industry for 40 years, says Brevig from Oslo.

She is with the drilling of Arrow found outside Kristiansund, where VNG hit the mark in April with a finding that may contain up to 170 million barrels of oil equivalent. The area is full of oil. The question is whether it is being extracted.

Opposition to new electricity meters – Today’s Market

Both experts and Inspectorate are hesitant to collect all of Norway’s electricity readings in one database.

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Josef Noll, professor of Networks and Distributed Systems at the University of Oslo, warns about the risks of automatic power measurement.

– If you collect information from all the electricity meters every hour or every minute and collect this in a database, it will be like an encyclopedia of our habits, says Noll.

Wednesday DN wrote about the first major deployment of automatic power measurement (AMS) in Norway. 140,000 Bright customers in Stavanger will be offered AMS towards the end of the year.

Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has asked Statnett to create a centralized database – Elhub.no – where hourly readings from all of Norway’s 2.8 million households to save.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Looking development support abroad – Agderposten

Looking development aid abroad

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NSA collected millions of head shots – NRK

Det viser dokumenter fra 2011, som er lekket av Edward Snowden til New York Times.

Bildene skal ha blitt hentet fra eposter, tekstmeldinger, sosiale medier og videosamtaler.

De skal deretter ha blitt kryssjekket mot andre databaser for å forbedre ansiktsgjenkjennelsesprogrammene til NSA.

Blant bildene NSA samlet inn skal det også være bilder av flypassasjerer og bilder hentet fra ID-kort i andre land.

Les også: The Guardian: – NSA samler inn mange millioner SMS-meldinger
Les også: NSA: Litt mer enn «ren gjetning» nok for å overvåke telefondata

Fanger opp bilder fra samtaler

NSA sier selv at de ikke har hatt tilgang til bilder fra amerikanske pass eller førerkort, men nekter å kommentere om de har hentet inn bilder av utlendinger som har søkt om visum til USA.

– Vi ville ikke ha gjort jobben vår om vi ikke kontinuerlig hadde jobbet med å forbedre presisjonen i etterretningen vår, der målet er å hindre utenlandske etterretningsmål i å kamuflere seg eller å planlegge angrep mot USA og landets allierte, sier NSA-talskvinnen Vanee Vines.

Ifølge avisen kan bilder fanges opp fra samtaler på sosiale medier, men NSA vil heller ikke kommentere om de også henter inn vanlige bilder fra Facebook og andre sosiale nettsteder.

Bakgrunn: Dette har Snowden avslørt

Klarte ikke å kjenne igjen Osama bin Laden

Dokumentene beskriver også problemene med teknologien bak ansiktsgjenkjennelser, som går under navnet «Tundra Freeze» innad i NSA.

I rapporten står det blant annet at programmet ikke hadde klart å identifisere et bilde av Osama bin Laden, mens det klarte å kjenne igjen en person som hadde hår på ett bilde, og var skallet på et annet.

Dokumentene tyder likevel på at NSA håper teknologien skal kunne revolusjonere måten de identifiserer folk på, skriver New York Times.

Det er ikke kjent hvor mange mennesker som har ansiktet sitt i NSAs arkiv som følge av praksisen, og amerikansk lov gir ingen spesifikk beskyttelse av ansiktsbilder.

– Vil se alt og identifisere alle

– Selv om det oppfattes som en sofistikert teknologi, innrømmer selv NSA at det er utsatt for feil, sier Mike Rispoli i organisasjonen Privacy International til BBC.

– Ikke bare blir vår mest personlige informasjon samlet inn, lagret og analysert, men det blir gjort ved hjelp av mangelfulle systemer hvor det ikke er noen juridiske rammer eller garantier, sier han.

NSA har allerede klart å utvikle et program som klarer å sammenligne omgivelsene på et vanlig bilde med satellittbilder.

– Denne siste avsløringen viser at etterretningsbyråene vil se alt og identifisere alle. Enhver nasjonal database er en skattekiste for etterretningsbyråer, både innenlands og utenlands, sier Rispoli.

NSA prøver ifølge dokumentene å få tilgang til slike databaser i Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia og Iran.

Trappet opp etter terrorforsøk

Arbeidet med digital ansiktsgjenkjenning skal ha blitt trappet opp etter to konkrete terrorforsøk i 2009 og 2010.

Den første hendelsen skal ha vært den såkalte «trusebomberen», Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

Nigerianeren forsøkte å detonere et sprenglegeme han hadde gjemt i underbuksa på et fly på vei til Detroit i 2009.

Den andre hendelsen inntraff i mai året, da Faisal Shahzad forsøkte å sprenge en bil på Times Square i New York.

The Guardian avslørte i februar at NSA og britiske GCH samlet inn bilder fra webkameraer gjennom Yahoo.

Les også: Snowden: – Jeg var en spion
Les også: Amerikansk dommer sier NSAs telefonovervåkning trolig er ulovlig

Monday, June 2, 2014

Packed with technology – ABC News

much space and advanced technology enters the Nissan compact car category with the Pulsar in the fall.

compact car class, completely dominated by the VW Golf, both in Norway and in the rest of Europe, and arguably the most car for the money. The best of them looks good, runs good, offering high security, decent space and numerous driver assistance systems.

crammed with equipment

In this landscape launches its Nissan Pulsar, having been absent in Europe’s most important car class for many years. In order to compete clots Nissan car with driver support including blind spot warning, Lane departure warning, parking assistance, 360 degree video surveillance (which means that the car can be seen in bird’s eye view), emergency braking in byfart and motion sensors that pick up if something were getting into the car’s driving range while backing .

Unfortunately, not all of this standard when Pulsar introduced in Norway in the autumn.

See also: So extreme, an old Ford classic be

With length of 4.39 meters, Pulsar significantly shorter than the Skoda Octavia (4.65 m), slightly shorter than the Mazda 3 (4.46 m) and about as long as the Ford Focus (4.35 m) and Opel Astra (4.41 m). Toyota Auris (4.27 m) and VW Golf (4.25 m) shorter than the newcomer.

Nissan claim whatever to have packed the car better than the competition and are therefore to be offer best interior space.

being built in Spain

Pulsar will be built at Nissan’s manufacturing plant in Barcelona, ​​the same technical basis as the two recently launched models Qashqai and X-Trail. The platform has the most in common with alliance partner Renault.

engine range starts at 1.2 l/115 hp (B) and 1.5 l/110 hp (D), the latter from Renault.

See also: Electric vehicles are even cheaper

Central model

Pulsar is a crucial model for Nissan, hoping to overtake Toyota and become the best-selling Asian car brand in Europe during 2016. most recent figures from the European bilprodusentorganisasjonen ACEA shows that at the beginning of May was 4.1 percent for Toyota of car sales in the EU / EFTA area, the Nissan’s 3.8 percent.

Micra was Nissan’s previous compact in Europe. Sales of this was discontinued in 2006 due to declining interest. Pulsar name first appeared on a Nissan model in 1978.

Bet 200 new jobs – Todays Business

Hydro requesting state sponsoring a new research center in Rogaland 1.8 billion. In return promise aluminum giant 200 new industrial jobs. Process Operator Jan Inge Sørensen (48) is tired of knowing “the knife at his throat.”

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KARMØY PROJECT The flames are out of furnace in Hydro’s aluminum plant in Rogaland. Down on the concrete floor drips scorching aluminum at 750 degrees. The staff of Rogaland, including Jan Inge Sorensen (48), has seen many of his colleagues disappear in recent years.

After several years with downsizing and cost cutting, Hydro around 200 new employees if the company manages to establish a full-scale research center in Rogaland. It is much appreciated by the employees, who lost 600 of about 1300 employees in the period 2008-2011.

– It has been quite frustrating working here in recent years. I felt that I had the knife at his throat, says Sorensen (48), a process operator in the rolling mill.

A large, empty gravel space is all that is left of the old Soderberg plant, which was closed in 2009. On this plot Hydro wants to build a research facility to develop a new energy efficient technology in aluminum production.