Thursday, November 20, 2014

Technology Risk –

To ensure that those who have paid for Intra Fish are protected from non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a safety system to stop the electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Search what you want – Moss Avis

  It became clear after a press conference Wednesday morning.

  In the long-awaited concept study (KVU) points Horten and Jeloy outside Moss out as landing points for bridge and tunnel. A railroad is not market, it is stated. Any bridge, which in the long term is considered a better option than the tunnel can be completed in 2026, according to the report.

 Gisle Haakonsen, the action group ‘Action No to fjord crossing via Jeloy “very disappointed.

 - Recommendation is anything but what we hoped and thought. But what we feared happened: At the national community interests would outweigh the former, says Haakonsen to Moss Avis.

  See the full press conference here : (The article continues below the video)

 Can cost 60 billion

 The report can be further reading:

  “It recommended further investigation and planning of a fixed road corridor Moss-Horten. A fast connection provides the greatest benefit to road users and contributors to the region enlargement. Horten and Jeloy stand out as landing points for bridge or tunnel from traffic impacts and factors related to soil conditions, technology, costs, and opportunities for limited space conflicts. “

 The concept of bridge between Moss and Horten can reduce the travel time between E6 and E18 with 35-40 minutes.

 To avoid lasting impact on the landscape of large protected areas in southern Jeloy and Horten, it is assumed that the bridge be in tunnel or culvert at landfall. Estimated construction costs for this solution is 35-60 billion.

 The concept of tunnel between Moss and Horten gives about the same time gain bridge for travel between E6 and E18. In this concept there is no opportunity for cross central in Horten, and travel the road between Moss and Horten gets longer, ca. 30 km.

 A tunnel excludes, however, cyclists and pedestrians. Estimated construction costs for the tunnel is between 15 to 25 billion, which makes this concept come economically better off than the bridge.

 - Will be conflicts

 What is clear is that it needs further investigation before deciding whether to go with a bridge or tunnel between Moss and Horten. But it is clear and evident that bridge emerging as the best option – in the long term.

 - Choice of bridge or tunnel must be based on an overall balance of the above conditions. In the long term the option to bridge that significantly improve the socio-economic analysis, the report said.

 It confirms the project manager Anders Jordbakke the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

 He says that a bridge between Moss and Horten provides better opportunities for public transport and cycling and for linking urban areas closer together than the tunnel.

  In the short term, it is recommended that Highway 19 is developed with a high frequency and most environmentally friendly ferry offers as outlined in the concept K1 Improved ferry deals. This assumes that highway 19 through Moss developed as recommended in KVU for highway systems in Moss and Rygge.

 - And so it will not be possible to avoid some space conflicts in such large projects, says Jordbakke.

 Furthermore, it says this in Practice:

  “is considering the construction of new Highway 23 bridge over the Oslo Fjord as a better solution than the new race in Oslofjordtunnelen.”

 No train

 When it comes to rail so you do not see that the market can justify an investment in the order of 40-50 billion.

 In the longer term, it may be appropriate to consider a Oslofjord Crossing over Hurum in the continuing effort to develop the railway.

 - We are committed to a relatively rapid decision-making. Now we presents this to the minister, said Director of Roads Terje Moe Gustavsen at today’s press conference.

 That’s Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen receiving the recommendations are now presenting.

 - I know that many have been waiting for this and it would mean a lot to many. Now the report is sent on local consultation and the first round of quality assurance. Then we go more into politics. What is interesting is that the social benefit show to be great, regardless solution. We are talking about two fjord crossings.

 Content moss mayor

 Mayor Moss, Tage Pettersen, is pleased with the recommendation for a firm connection between Moss and Horten.

 - Even those who have been concerned Landscape has prevailed, this is a win-win-win for all of us. Here all sounds and be allowed to contribute in the future, and I am glad that ferry service will be strengthened. We are concerned that the public option must be taken into account, and this is important to focus on

  Rearview mayor Inger-Lise Skartlien summarizes it as follows:

 - What they are saying is that they recommend that the bridge Moss-Horten should be further investigated and that the short-term solution is more and more environmentally friendly ferries. It should be made artificial islands off Moss and Horten to conserve landscapes, and I am pleased on behalf of Rygge and Moss. When it comes to the bridge from Hurum Emmerstad in vestby this option is out, in favor of the proposal to bridge over Håøya.

  John Ødbehr Mayor vestby, is satisfied with the proposal:

 - I am glad that we are unable to bridge over Emmerstad and believe that the final result will bridge Moss-Horten and one tunnel to.

 Colleague and Frogn Mayor Thor Westby is a bridge over Håøya, but do not believe it.

 - No, I think we end up with the bridge Moss-Horten and one tunnel in Frogner.

  Here’s the overview of the various crossing options

  Read more about the new Oslofjord connection to our theme pages


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jeloy-Horten stand out – Tønsberg Blad

  OSLO: It could be called one of the decade’s most important transport policy recommendations is now ready for publication.

 Facebook button come here

 Mayor Tage Pettersen says that he has never been away for cards that have been sitting so close that when it comes KVU’en and the new crossing of the Oslo Fjord.

  – I’m really a little little nervous, says the mayor of Moss adds that on the basis of the few signals he has received so it can look bright for his part.

 Tage Pettersen has always wanted a solution south of Moss.

 Another is in place Jørn Wille in Nei til fjord crossing over Jeloy.

  – Our agenda is that Jeloy saved and that the spirit of landscape protection is maintained.

 What happens now is that the mayors first to enter and get familiar with the plan for the new inlet connection. This starts at 08:30.

 The report is written by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration on behalf of the Ministry of Transport and Helen Holm and Anders Jordbakke was early space with document all waiting.

 Moss newspaper following the case consecutively and will also send live video from the press conference at 09.30 am. At the press conference will veidirektør Terje Moe Gustavsen and project manager Anders Jordbakke answer questions.

 After this obtain reactions to what is presented.


 The press conference starts:

 The document we have received at the hands show that Horten and Jeloy stand out as landing points for bridge and tunnel. A railroad is not market, it is stated.

  This is read:

  “It recommended further investigation and planning of a fixed road corridor Moss-Horten. A fast connection provides the greatest benefit to road users and contributors to the region enlargement. Horten and Jeloy stand out as landing points for bridge or tunnel from traffic impacts and factors related to soil conditions, technology, costs, and opportunities for limited space conflicts. “

 It is Anders Jordbakke now account for selection. He says Bru Moss-Horten provides better opportunities for public transport and cycling and for linking urban areas closer together than the tunnel.

 In the short term, it is recommended that Highway 19 is developed with a high frequency and most environmentally friendly ferry offers as outlined in the concept K1 Improved ferry deals. This assumes that highway 19 through Moss developed as recommended in KVU for highway systems in Moss and Rygge.

 - And so it will not be possible to avoid some space conflicts in such large projects, says Jordbakke.

 No train

 When it comes to rail so you do not see that the market can justify an investment in the order of 40-50 billion.

 In the longer term, it may be appropriate to consider a Oslofjord Crossing over Hurum in the continuing effort to develop the railway.

 Veidirektør Terje Moe Gustavsen: – We are committed to a relatively rapid decision-making. Now we presents this to the minister.

 That’s Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen receiving the recommendations are now presenting.

 Bridge or tunnel?

 Moss Avis has on several occasions discussed the options and challenges; it will be a bridge over the bay, tunnel or maybe both? Or still recommended ferry operation?

 Should we plan for the future fjord crossing with or without rail and is the area by Larkollen or Drøbak recommended on this side of the bay for future solution? And what are the consequences for cultural and residential areas?

  READ ALSO: Here’s the overview of the various crossing options


Lice, technology and adverse regulatory arrangements –

To ensure that those who have paid for Intra Fish are protected from non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a safety system to stop the electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Technology students missing internships – Haugesund Avis

  Haugesund / KARMØY: Monday 17 November will second-year students at Haugaland, Karmsund and Åkrehamn high schools into businesses on the first of two practice periods that are part of the teaching in depth study project this school year.

Each of the periods of three weeks. Training Consultant Peder MOSDAL says that it is particularly students in industrial technology it has become harder to obtain internships to.

This think he can be that it is now harder times in the engineering industry. Whatever he is pleased that 50 companies have agreed, although some have reduced the number of seats. Some have not responded. Dem set training consultant now rely on.

In all, the 119 technological students at Haugaland and Åkrahamn. MOSDAL still missing up to 22 of these students.

– These are students who are going out and searching apprenticeships in the spring. Periods of practical training is an opportunity for both companies and students to get to know each other. Meanwhile assumes no companies any obligation by saying yes to internships during the school year, emphasizes MOSDAL.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

- One emissions – and it’s the end of any involved party – Todays Business


Jeremy Oppenheim Klimaøkononom conducting ment mÅ spørre seg ment hvorfor town boron etter olje i Arktis.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

Jeremy Oppenheim Klimaøkonom var forrige uke i Norge hefty urn snakke New Climate Economy- rapporten han har forfattet hefty FN meds Norske politikere, og på Zerokonferansen delta.

Han er ikke videre imponert over utviklingen klimavennlig Norsk næringsliv, og han Stiller spørsmål ved den oljetunge investeringsstrategien til oljefondet.

I tilllegg conducting tunnel oljeindustrien mÅ vurdere ohms risikoen VED Ga inn i Arktis er verdt debt.

– Det er ingen tvil ohms at debt finnes olje i Arktis. Det er ingen Heller tvil ohms at den er lokale miljørisikoen veldig Hoy. Debt er et av de mest ugjestfrie omgivelsene i werden, this seg ment mÅ spørre hvorfor Views conducting life at critical stop utbytte ressursene HER meds debt mest avanserte Somme finnes AV technology, Nar debt finnes this mange andre energimuligheter, Sier tunnel.

Han conducting oljeselskapene tar en er med på denne thumping risiko Nar two typen prosjekter.

– Det critical stop til i caught ETT utslipp Arktis hefty drepe selskap ETT. ETT utslipp – OGG debt slutten er på ethvert selskap som er involvert, Sier tunnel.

Han aim at utslippet til fra-Macondo katastrofen i Mexicogulfen nesten hélé beyond BP.

Han har dessuten stort Heathrow by utviklingen fornybar av energi, OGG conducting dermed would oljeforbruket kommer til å is annerledes UTG ohms Noen AR, Uten debt would betyr would werden ikke critical stop bruke Noah olje og Gass.

The Rasmus Hansson fra Miljøpartiet two grønne kjemper wholesale ganske ensom Kamp i Stortinget hefty stoppe utbyggingen av oljefelt denies.

– Na mÅ determined oljepolitiske Norge Hore Noah Oppenheim Sier debt. Debt er et en Norsk oljepolitikk varsel hefty doze sisters stadig rarere UTG fra utlandet. Er Norge debt søkkrike landet snakker høyest av alle som om climate ogg miljø but i doze town boron verdens mest sårbare ogg spektakulære naturområder. Debt blir i stadig mindre grad forstått werden rundt av oss, Sier tunnel.

– Oppenheim er som ingen hvem Retro Pixel Racers. Han satt Sammen meds Stoltenberg i-Fn utvalget Somme nettopp ga UTG rapporten ohm Store Økonomiske mulighetene i en klimavennlig utvikling, Sier tunnel.

Miljøpartiet fremmet på verdens miljødag i AR et forslag om å stanse letingen etter mer olje . Forslaget fikk støtte fra SV.

også Pros:

– av Norge burde is hélé spekteret investeringsmuligheter

Conducting økonomer velger blindveier

Over Forbløffet Norsk treghet

And by highlighting FALL Dollar har ingenting if, but …

– Ufattelig imponerende

Oljeprisene stupor


Monday, November 17, 2014

See if the goods are “fake” – ABC News

EKTE ELLER FAKE? Snart mener NEC å kunne gi deg svaret på det spørsmålet. Foto: NEC

NECs nye teknologi vil avsløre juksemakerne.

Kan en Louis Vuitton-veske på et marked i utlandet som selges til 1/5 av den norske prisen virkelig være ekte?

Nettopp det vil NEC nå gi deg svaret på.

Les også: Disse piratvarene stoppes i tollen

Tar bilde

Med det japanske selskapets nye teknologi fester man et makroobjektiv (som kan ta skarpe nærbilder av veldig små ting) på mobilkameraet og knipser et bilde. Deretter sammenlignes det mot en database over «fingeravtrykk» på originale produkter.

For selv om piratkopiene kan være skremmende nære originalen, vil det alltid kunne avsløres i detaljene om produktet er ekte vare eller ei.


NEC kaller de små detaljene «object fingerprints», enten det dreier seg om glidelåser, sømmer eller andre ting. Teknologien kan også brukes for å identifisere veldig små skruer og lignende.

Les også: Plagiarusprisen – årets mest skamløse kopier

Selskapet håper å ha teknologien produksjonsklar allerede i april, men dette er neppe noe som blir tilgjengelig i kommersielt salg for mannen i gata.

Ifølge Wall Street Journal har flere forhandlerkjeder allerede meldt sin interesse, slik at de blant annet kan unngå å bli lurt av kopiprodukter.


The oil can be unprofitable – Today’s Business

Amerikansk skiferolje camp Bli med ulønnsom Dagens oljepris. But store forskjeller preger produksjonen på den amerikanske landjorden.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

Oljeprodusentene trenger i snitt 73 dollar per fat hefty tjene penger på skiferolje i USA, ifølge analyseselskapet Baird Equity Research.

I morgentimene i New York Igar blue and fat amerikansk lettolje handlet hefty 74.4 dollar.

Det internasjonale energibyrået (IEA) tror fallet camp fortsette frem til neste Sommer. Det tror ikke prisene town komme tilbake til toppnivåene meds debt første, skriver byrået i en markedsoppdatering fredag.

– Det blir stadig mer tydelig at life begynt har på et nytt kapittel i oljemarkedene, skriver IEA. 731150.jpg


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

NTNU-ere developer tool that knows what you like – Universitetsavisa

– If we want to create a local newspaper for Trondheim, we can only highlight Trondheim on the map, so. And voila, we get up all the news that is written about Trondheim in the last day.

With a map and a marker that could be moved in both geography and size, showed postdoctoral Jon Espen Ingvaldsen how the NTNU-developed technology can be used to retrieve news written about different places and different themes using a quick search.

Ingvaldsen working with big data analysis and personalization of news, it is to customize our offer to each reader, so you always get the news that is relevant to what you are interested in.

– Technology with commercial interests

Ingvaldsen lecture was held under Nxt Media Conference Scandic Hotel Lerkendal Wednesday. Nxt Media Conference is a collaborative project including between NTNU and Polaris Media, which owns, among others Adresseavisen. The conference focuses on media relevant technology, and several startup companies from NTNU stood on the stand at the conference.

In the same speech also showed scientist Professor Jon Atle Gulla how the Smart Media project at NTNU through both linguistic formulas and semantics is to index news, give them a grade, and then connect them to the readers who fits this character.

The information collected both at the user’s history is analyzed through logs online, and that you put together users in groups. The latter means that if a user, for example, read the same news as another user, you may find that this user is also interested in what the other users have read before.

The research is a continuation of recommendation systems major players already practicing today.

– We know that on Netflix are two of the three films and series seen as a result of the recommendation, 38 percent of news items on Google News is read after being recommended to the reader, and 35 percent of sales on occurs because the products are recommended for customers. So this is a technology with great commercial interest, says Ginny.

Recommend News

The special work done at NTNU, is that working in recommending news for different browsers mobile. Ginny says that there are several problems with this type of recommendation, than it is to recommend movies and books to customers.

– News has several characteristics, including that they produced all the time, and that they have a novelty value that is valid for a specific period of time, they quickly become irrelevant. This stand clear of books and movies, which are objects that are more tidfaste, says Ginny.

The technology makes when you enter the mobile to read the news, you can get a number of articles tailored to your interests, preferences and where you are located in the country.

On its website writes Smart Media that they are about to create a separate open database for Norwegian news, so that others may develop technologies the same direction.


Great opportunities for cod and technology –

To ensure that those who have paid for Intra Fish are protected from non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a safety system to stop the electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Great opportunities for cod and technology –

To ensure that those who have paid for Intra Fish are protected from non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a safety system to stop the electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Norwegian TV technology shattered all on the stock exchange – Romsdals Budstikke

Oslo (NTB): Da Oslo Borse stengte mandag var teknologiselskapet Vizrt Over Half milliard en mer verdt kroner. Selskapet bidro tills at UKA hovedindeksen startet opp til 0.66 prosent poeng 591.57.

Vizrt-kursen skjøt i været da et Svensk oppkjøpsfond the inn bud på 2,5 milliarder hefty debt Norske kroner teknologiselskapet, som blant Annet leverer-TV grafikk til CNN, Al Jazeera TV ogg 2. To prosentvis økning på 29.29 prosent tilsier would selskapets Verdi steg med en over Half milliard kroner i løpet Noen av mandag timer.

Mest omsatt, derimot var som vanlig Statoil. Bare ETT av selskapene – Norsk Hydro (opp prosent 0.08) – by topp-fem-Listen over two mest omsatte selskapene var ikke petroleumsrelatert. Statoil (+0,66 prosent) blue etterfulgt av Seadrill (+0,93), DNO (+15,10) OGG subsea 7 (+3,57).

For oljeprisen derimot, Somme mandag lenge This UTG til å følge denier positive utviklingen i markedet, debtors ikke like positivt UTG. Nordsjøoljen blue omsatt hefty 83.12 Dollar fatet mandag ettermiddag Noe som er samme som da Niva børsen apnet. Prisen beings fat amerikansk lettolje KCNA løpet i av Dagen til 77.98 dollar.

I Europa satte også two ledende børsene kursen oppover fra ukestart. London FTSE-100 INDEKS var opp 0.41 prosent, like better doze DAX-indeksens oppgang i Frankfurt. I var Paris CAC 40 0.58 prosent opp. (© NTB)

Politiutrykning til frustrert sjakkspiller

Oslo (NTB): Oslo-politiet rykket mandag kveld UTG etter å ha non fatt melding om skriking fra en leilighet. Skrikene viste segue komme fra en sjakkspiller som var med misfornøyd Cine egne prestasjoner.

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Norwegian TV technology shattered all on the stock exchange – Romsdals Budstikke

Oslo (NTB): Da Oslo Borse stengte mandag var teknologiselskapet Vizrt Over Half milliard en mer verdt kroner. Selskapet bidro tills at UKA hovedindeksen startet opp til 0.66 prosent poeng 591.57.

Vizrt-kursen skjøt i været da et Svensk oppkjøpsfond the inn bud på 2,5 milliarder hefty debt Norske kroner teknologiselskapet, som blant Annet leverer-TV grafikk til CNN, Al Jazeera TV ogg 2. To prosentvis økning på 29.29 prosent tilsier would selskapets Verdi steg med en over Half milliard kroner i løpet Noen av mandag timer.

Mest omsatt, derimot var som vanlig Statoil. Bare ETT av selskapene – Norsk Hydro (opp prosent 0.08) – by topp-fem-Listen over two mest omsatte selskapene var ikke petroleumsrelatert. Statoil (+0,66 prosent) blue etterfulgt av Seadrill (+0,93), DNO (+15,10) OGG subsea 7 (+3,57).

For oljeprisen derimot, Somme mandag lenge This UTG til å følge denier positive utviklingen i markedet, debtors ikke like positivt UTG. Nordsjøoljen blue omsatt hefty 83.12 Dollar fatet mandag ettermiddag Noe som er samme som da Niva børsen apnet. Prisen beings fat amerikansk lettolje KCNA løpet i av Dagen til 77.98 dollar.

I Europa satte også two ledende børsene kursen oppover fra ukestart. London FTSE-100 INDEKS var opp 0.41 prosent, like better doze DAX-indeksens oppgang i Frankfurt. I var Paris CAC 40 0.58 prosent opp. (© NTB)

Politiutrykning til frustrert sjakkspiller

Oslo (NTB): Oslo-politiet rykket mandag kveld UTG etter å ha non fatt melding om skriking fra en leilighet. Skrikene viste segue komme fra en sjakkspiller som var med misfornøyd Cine egne prestasjoner.

“).addClass(“ui-effects-wrapper”).css({fontSize:”100%”,background:”transparent”,border:”none”,margin:0,padding:0}),i={width:t.width(),height:t.height()},s=document.activeElement;try{}catch(o){s=document.body}return t.wrap(r),(t[0]===s||e.contains(t[0],s))&&e(s).focus(),r=t.parent(),t.css(“position”)===”static”?(r.css({position:”relative”}),t.css({position:”relative”})):(e.extend(n,{position:t.css(“position”),zIndex:t.css(“z-index”)}),e.each(["top","left","bottom","right"],function(e,r){n[r]=t.css(r),isNaN(parseInt(n[r],10))&&(n[r]=”auto”)}),t.css({position:”relative”,top:0,left:0,right:”auto”,bottom:”auto”})),t.css(i),r.css(n).show()},removeWrapper:function(t){var n = document.activeElement; return t.parent().is(“.ui-effects-wrapper”)&&(t.parent().replaceWith(t),(t[0]===n||e.contains(t[0],n))&&e(n).focus()),t},setTransition:function(t,n,r,i){return i = i || {}, e.each (n, function (e, n) {var s = t.cssUnit (n); s [0] & gt; 0 & amp; & amp; (i [n] = s [0 ] * r + s [1])}), i}}), e.fn.extend ({effect: function () {function (n) {function u () {e.isFunction (i) & amp; & amp ; (r [0]), e.isFunction (n) & amp; & amp; n ()} var r = e (this), i = t.complete, s = t.mode; ( ( “: hidden”)? s === “Hide”: s === “Show”)? u (): (r [0], t, u)} var t=i.apply(this,arguments),r=t.mode,s=t.queue,o=e.effects.effect[t.effect],u=!o&&n&&e.effects[t.effect];return||!o&&!u?r?this[r](t.duration,t.complete):this.each(function(){t.complete&&}):o?s===!1?this.each(a):this.queue(s||”fx”,a),{options:t,duration:t.duration,callback:t.complete,mode:t.mode})},,show:function(e){if(s(e))return this._show.apply (this, Arguments); var t = i.apply (this, Arguments); return t.mode = “show”, (this, t)}, _ Hide: e.fn. Hide, hide: function (e) {if (s (e)) return this._hide.apply (this, Arguments); var t = i.apply (this, Arguments); return t.mode = “hide”, this (this, t)}, __ Toggle: e.fn.toggle, Toggle: function (t) {if (s (t) || t == typeof “Boolean” e.isFunction || (t)) return this .__ toggle.apply (this, Arguments); var n = i.apply (this, Arguments); return n.mode = “Toggle”, (this, n)}, cssUnit: function (t ) {var n = this.css (t), r = []; return e.each(["em","px","%","pt"],function(e,t){n.indexOf(t)>0&&(r=[parseFloat(n),t])}),r}})}(),function(){var t = {}; e.each (["Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint", "Expo"], function (e, n) {t [n] = function (t) {return Math .pow (t, e + 2)}}), e.extend (t, {Sine: function (e) {return 1-Math.cos (e * Math.PI / 2)}, Circ: function (e) {return 1-Math.sqrt (1-e * e)}, springy: function (e) {return e === === 0 || 1 and? e: -Math.pow (2,8 * (e -1)) * Math.sin (((e-1) * 80-7.5) * Math.PI / 15)}, Back: function (e) {return e * e * (3 * E-2)}, Bounce: function (e) {var t,n=4;while(e1&&b.splice.apply(b,[1,0].concat(b.splice(w,c+1))),r.dequeue()}})(jQuery);(function(e,t){e.effects.effect.clip=function(t,n){var r=e(this),i=["position","top","bottom","left","right","height","width"],s=e.effects.setMode(r,t.mode||”hide”),o=s===”show”,u=t.direction||”vertical”,a=u===”vertical”,f=a?”height”:”width”,l=a?”top”:”left”,c={},h,p,d;,i),,h=e.effects.createWrapper(r).css({overflow:”hidden”}),p=r[0].tagName===”IMG”?h:r,d=p[f](),o&&(p.css(f,0),p.css(l,d/2)),c[f]=o?d:0,c[l]=o?0:d/2,p.animate(c,{queue:!1,duration:t.duration,easing:t.easing,complete:function(){o||r.hide(),e.effects.restore(r,i),e.effects.removeWrapper(r),n()}})}})(jQuery);(function(e,t){e.effects.effect.drop=function(t,n){var r=e(this),i=["position","top","bottom","left","right","opacity","height","width"],s=e.effects.setMode(r,t.mode||”hide”),o=s===”show”,u=t.direction||”left”,a=u===”up”||u===”down”?”top”:”left”,f=u===”up”||u===”left”?”pos”:”neg”,l={opacity:o?1:0},c;,i),,e.effects.createWrapper(r),c=t.distance||r[a==="top"?"outerHeight":"outerWidth"](!0)/2,o&&r.css(“opacity”,0).css(a,f===”pos”?-c:c),l[a]=(o?f===”pos”?”+=”:”-=”:f===”pos”?”-=”:”+=”)+c,r.animate(l,{queue:!1,duration:t.duration,easing:t.easing,complete:function(){s===”hide”&&r.hide(),e.effects.restore(r,i),e.effects.removeWrapper(r),n()}})}})(jQuery);(function(e,t){e.effects.effect.explode=function(t,n){function while () {c.push (this), c.length === r * i & amp; & amp; b ()} function b () {s.css ({visibility: “visible”}), and (c). revamped (), u || s.hide (), n ()} var r=t.pieces?Math.round(Math.sqrt(t.pieces)):3,i=r,s=e(this),o=e.effects.setMode(s,t.mode||”hide”),u=o===”show”,“visibility”,”hidden”).offset(),f=Math.ceil(s.outerWidth()/i),l=Math.ceil(s.outerHeight()/r),c=[],h,p,d,v,m,g;for(h=0;h

“).css({position:”absolute”,visibility:”visible”,left:-p*f,top:-h*l}).parent().addClass(“ui-effects-explode”).css({position:”absolute”,overflow:”hidden”,width:f,height:l,left:d+(u?m*f:0),top:v+(u?g*l:0),opacity:u?0:1}).animate({left:d+(u?0:m*f),top:v+(u?0:g*l),opacity:u?1:0},t.duration||500,t.easing,y)}}})(jQuery);(function(e,t){e.effects.effect.fade=function(t,n){var r=e(this),i=e.effects.setMode(r,t.mode||”toggle”);r.animate({opacity:i},{queue:!1,duration:t.duration,easing:t.easing,complete:n})}})(jQuery);(function(e,t){e.effects.effect.fold=function(t,n){var r=e(this),i=["position","top","bottom","left","right","height","width"],s=e.effects.setMode(r,t.mode||”hide”),o=s===”show”,u=s===”hide”,a=t.size||15,f=/([0-9]+)%/.exec(a),l=!!t.horizFirst,c=o!==l,h=c?["width","height"]:["height","width"],p=t.duration/2,d,v,m={},g={};,i),,d=e.effects.createWrapper(r).css({overflow:”hidden”}),v=c?[d.width(),d.height()]:[d.height(),d.width()],f&&(a=parseInt(f[1],10)/100*v[u?0:1]),o&&d.css(l?{height:0,width:a}:{height:a,width:0}),m[h[0]]=o?v[0]:a,g[h[1]]=o?v[1]:0,d.animate(m,p,t.easing).animate(g,p,t.easing,function(){u&&r.hide(),e.effects.restore(r,i),e.effects.removeWrapper(r),n()})}})(jQuery);(function(e,t){e.effects.effect.highlight=function(t,n){var r=e(this),i=["backgroundImage","backgroundColor","opacity"],s=e.effects.setMode(r,t.mode||”show”),o={backgroundColor:r.css(“backgroundColor”)};s===”hide”&&(o.opacity=0),,i),{backgroundImage:”none”,backgroundColor:t.color||”#ffff99″}).animate(o,{queue:!1,duration:t.duration,easing:t.easing,complete:function(){s===”hide”&&r.hide(),e.effects.restore(r,i),n()}})}})(jQuery);(function(e,t){e.effects.effect.pulsate=function(t,n){var r=e(this),i=e.effects.setMode(r,t.mode||”show”),s=i===”show”,o=i===”hide”,u=s||i===”hide”,a=(t.times||5)*2+(u?1:0),f=t.duration/a,l=0,c=r.queue(),h=c.length,p;if(s||!“:visible”))r.css(“opacity”,0).show(),l=1;for(p=1;p


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Have sending flat, lacks novelty – NRK

Da skredalarmen gikk ved fjellet Mannen i Romsdalen, flokket flere titalls journalister fra alle landets redaksjoner til Rauma. Fjernsyn og nettaviser livestreamet døgnet rundt fra dalen. Sett i lys av både nye og tradisjonelle nyhetsverdier, er det naturlig.

Konkurransen om å være først med det siste er selve ryggraden i det journalistiske virket. Teknologiske nyvinninger har alltid vært et sentralt ledd i denne kampen. Den redaksjonen som har best, og nyest, teknologi, vinner både publikum og profesjonell anseelse. For fjernsynsmediet er dette særlig viktig, da de lever av bilder, men ettersom Internett nå er med på å jevne ut konkurransen, gjelder dette også for nettavisene.

Krig live fra hotellrommet

Dette er det mange eksempler på i historien. Da CNN satt igjen i Bagdad som eneste TV-stasjon under USAs invasjon av Irak i 1991, var den da lille og ubetydelige nyhetskanalen den eneste som hadde tilgang til kringkastingsvennlig teknologi. Hæren hadde skrudd av satellitt-telefonien, men CNNs team hadde lokalisert og okkupert den eneste telefonlinjen som gikk ut av Irak. Det var kort sagt en situasjon med veldig mye nyheter å rapportere, og svært begrensede midler til å få dem ut. Den gammeldagse, analoge teknologien gjorde Peter Arnett i stand til å rapportere krigen live fra sitt hotellrom, og var med på å etablere CNN som verdens ledende nyhetsorganisasjon.

Livesendinger, selv om de ikke alltid er like journalistisk informative, er viktig i TV-mediet fordi fjernsynets største fordel er opplevd nærhet. «Live» betyr også objektivitet, autentisitet og umiddelbarhet – klassiske idealer innen journalistikken som øker mediets profesjonelle anseelse.

Journalisten som vitne

Særlig de regulære nyhetssendingene er flinke til å koble direkte til åstedet. Selv om reporteren ikke nødvendigvis har noe nytt å fortelle, eller i det hele tatt vet mer enn redaksjonssjefen hjemme, er tilstedeværelsen i seg selv viktig for troverdigheten i den journalistiske formidlingen. Journalisten er selv vitne, og teknologien tillater også oss, publikum, å være vitne.

FØLG DEBATTEN: Ytring på Twitter

Livemaraton – bevitnelse i langformat – er en subsjanger som har utviklet seg i journalistikken, særlig etter hvert som streamingteknologien har bedret seg. Men selv om teknologien nå tillater livesendinger fra de mest utilgjengelige steder, er ikke formatet nytt. NRK var selv blant de første i verden til å ta i bruk dette formatet, med sine 10-timers lange daglige livesendinger fra Kings Bay-debatten i Stortinget i 1963, kun tre år etter kanalen startet med ordinære sendinger.


Det er kanskje ikke så rart at utenlandsk media i sin dekning av det ventede raset fant det relevant å nevne NRKs seneste sjangerutvinning innen fjernsynet: Slow TV. Livesendingen fra fjellet som kanskje snart raser bærer helt klart noen av de samme elementene som ved-, båt-, tog- og strikkemaratonene til statskanalen, om enn med noe høyere journalistiske skuldre.

I tillegg har Mannen-dekningen noe av det samme kuriosa-preget, med smak av ruralisme og utkantsnostalgisme. I norske nyhetsmedier er verden utenfor byen enten avkoblende, snodig eller direkte farlig. Ettersom Mannen-saken inneholder alle disse elementene, er det heller ikke rart den var journalistisk tiltrekkende. Særlig for de i byen.

Mens vi venter

Maratonsendingene er for så vidt et veletablert format, som særlig kommer til sin rett når dramatiske ting skjer. Det beste eksempelet i nyere tid er kanskje den chilenske gruveulykken i 2010, hvor TV-seere over hele verden fulgte med i 69

døgn på det som til slutt var en vellykket og følelsesladet redningsaksjon. Det vanligste med slike massive, live-sendte mediebegivenheter er altså at noe dramatisk allerede har skjedd. Livemaraton er vanligvis etterdekningen av en opprivende hendelse – som terrorangrepet i New York i 2001.

Mediedekningen av fjellet Mannen, som ennå ikke har rast ut, er det motsatte. Det er livedekning i påvente av breaking news. Det er en teknologi som venter på et bruksområde.

Nyhetsverdien som lå i CNNs eksklusive livedekning av Irak-invasjonen i 1991 ble på mange måter forsterket av mangelen på teknologi. I dag gir teknologien så ubegrensede muligheter at det også påvirker nyhetsverdiene – ved å senke terskelen for hva som utgjør breaking news. Teknologiske investeringer gir kun gevinst gjennom anvendelse. Og da kan selv en stein som ikke faller bli til en nyhet.


New technology can alert virus and algae –

To ensure that those who have paid for Intra Fish are protected from non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a safety system to stop the electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Lice, technology and adverse regulatory regimes –

To ensure that those who have paid for Intra Fish are protected from non-subscribers will get free access to news and other materials, we have created a safety system to stop the electronic distribution of articles from IntraFish. Read more


Monday, November 3, 2014

Facebook create secure login for anonymous users –

(Dagbladet): Facebook has received much criticism for its privacy practices through time.

Therefore, it surprised many when the company today could state that they provide anonymous web users an opportunity to remain anonymous also on Facebook.

They have created a special link adapted to the Tor network, writes The Guardian.

– To Use

Tor (short for Tor Onion Router) is the name of the software and infrastructure used by many to achieve anonymity and bypass censorship on the Internet.

– It is important for us that Facebook can provide methods for the safe use of our website, writes Alec Muffet, who works with security for Facebook, in a post on the social networking site.

Users must still log in using his own name, and will not be anonymous on the web, but this login ensures that they can protect their identity and geographical location for others.

This may be particularly relevant for activists in countries with strict censorship and repressive regimes.

Do not load correctly

People who have downloaded Tor software has indeed able to use Facebook until now, but according to The Verge has not since always been loaded properly and sometimes not at all .

Now users of the Tor network using url https: //facebookcorewwwi.onion/ for secure login on Facebook.

This is the first time a website with a CA certificate has offered secure login for Tor users.

Facebook has recently announced several measures to increase security and anonymity to users, which make it possible to login with your Facebook profile anonymous third-party applications. Previously, such a log made it possible for the developers of the app to collect information about you.
