Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Military technology to solve document riddle – NRK

On the shelves at NTNU Gunnerus Library says more ancient manuscripts and books that contain information that has not been possible to uncover the past.

Now Emilio Catelli, a research fellow at the Institute of Chemistry at NTNU, examine these texts as part of his doctoral work in collaboration with Gunnerus Library and Lise Lyngsnes Rand Berg, professor of biomedical optics and photonics at NTNU. It was NTNU and SINTEF’s research journal Gemini who first publicized case.

One of the first Catelli has examined an old pergamentbit located in a separate mount at the library. Parchment is a half side of the NTNU think is a parish that was created by monks in the 1400s. They do not know where the other half side is, or whether it comes from the book still exist.

– our main objective is to analyze the variety of pigments in the document for better understand how precious it is. In addition, it can tell us a lot about the creator’s abilities, says Catelli NRK.

Gentle Survey

The method Catelli will mainly make use of, called hyperspectral imaging. It is a method that uses a camera that scans the object and is able to distinguish between 160 different colors at a resolution of 1600 pixels. The advantage of such a method is that it protects the document for printing and load, and risk of destroying fragile pergamentbiter is minimal.

Emilio Catelli and Lise Randeberg

Photo: Synne Merete Mæle / Gemini

– This method scans the document without the need to touch it or expose it to light for an extended period. Hyperspectral imaging has been used on manuscripts before, but it’s not a big field. It was first used very recently, explaining Catelli.

– Hyperspectral imaging has proven to be a very suitable method for researching art. The method was originally developed for military use, including monitoring of aircraft. In the fields of medical diagnostics, food, archeology and environmental monitoring is also used hyperspectral imaging, says Lise Lyngsnes Randeberg to Gemini. Randeberg even used method to characterize bruises.

Can help library

In addition to analyzing pigments, can Catelli project help the library to preserve documents better.

– We examine what we call “state of conservation”, where we look for chemical changes in the documents, explaining Catelli. This survey tells Gunnerus Library for document needs treatment.

Catelli next project of the doctoral work he performs along with fellow Kidane Fanta Gebremariam, is investigating one of the pages in a book which previously belonged writer Sigrid Undset. Book now stands at Gunnerus Library and keeps secrets Catelli will try to uncover.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

New technology frightens older nurses – NRK

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses technologies for collecting, storing, processing, transmission and presentation of information.

ICT is also commonly referred to as just information technology (IT), and previously was the concept of electronic data processing (EDB) widespread.

Examples of ICT equipment that users have the most contact with, the smart phones, tablet PCs or other monitors where they receive or retrieve information they want or need.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

New technology wonder tag holders in the trap – ABC News

A tags in Sydney believe that the coast is clear, and no one sees what he is doing. What he does not know is that the railway company has adopted new technology to stop tagging.

View video at the top of the article.

Seconds later storms plainclothes police into the carriage , put him down, and take him to jail.

The new system called Mousetrap and sniffer literally out taggers. A sensor in the carriage serves as an electronic nose, and turn out when it detects paint fumes from tagging.

The RU will be notified and can see live images of the atrocity. Simultaneously tracking the train car and alerts the police and security personnel nearby.

So storms plainclothes police into arresting and tag holders.


Monday, June 22, 2015

New technology makes trucks “transparent” – can save lives – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Most people who have sat behind a steering wheel has most likely experienced ending up behind a slow truck and wanted to recover quickly by.

Trucks is broad and blocks much of the view of those who end up behind.

Now technology giant Samsung has come with a solution that can make all the trucks “transparent.”

Safer overtaking

The company has applied for permission to begin work on installing wireless cameras in front of the trucks that send pictures to a monitor mounted behind.

Tekonoligen allows drivers behind trucks look accommodating traffic before trying their hand at a passing.

– The displays will give the driver behind the truck an overview of the traffic situation in front of the trailer, even in the dark, writes Samsung.

Hoping for implementation

Samsung hopes that the technology will be implemented and that it comes to save lives in traffic.

The question is only whether the truck industry wants to invest in the project.

– The next step will be to perform similar tests to comply with the various national protocols, and get necessary permits and approvals, type Samsung.

In 2014 lost 147 people lives in 135 fatal accidents on Norwegian roads, according to figures from Statistics Norway (SSB).


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Here comes the Navy’s largest ships ever – BergensAvisen

Saturday thanks naval logistics vessels KNM Valkyrien for himself, after 21 years of long and faithful service.

Since 1994, the vessel participated in sculpin operations and exercises both nationally and internationally.

Among others had KNM Valkyrien role as command vessels in NATO demining force in 2012 and 2014.

– A small state like Norway must never allow themselves to believe that we get outside help if we do not deliver something back. Navy should keep long-term efforts to build up Norway’s credibility in NATO, said deputy commander of the Navy, flag Commander Nils Andreas Stensønes in a press release.

Saturday was the final, and the vessel which replaces KNM Valkyrie becomes Navy’s Ever. KNM Maud, as the vessel is called, will have as its primary purpose to support maritime forces with resupply.

– The Navy has recently been through a technological generational and KNM Maud’s last example of why Norway has one of Europe’s most modern navies, said Commander Bjørn-Ove Stikholmen in the press release.

KNM Maud is under construction at Deawoo its shipyard in South Korea.

– It is challenging to monitor both the design and construction process at the world’s second-largest shipyard. There is naturally a completely different culture in South Korea than our own, and our engineers have really honed both in cultural and technology. But both dialogue and cooperation is good, and the project is proceeding according to plan, says Stikholmen.

Read more about: News


With this hodepryden helps marine mammals scientists ashore – NRK

Mange hundre marine pattedyr har over årenes løp hatt slike sendere på seg.

Foto: Norwegian Polar Institute

Dataene fra sjødyrene har blitt brukt til å lære masse nytt både om klimaet, verdenshavene og biologien til disse dyrene, ifølge seniorforsker Christian Lydersen ved Norsk Polarinstitutt

Han forteller at denne teknologien og måten å samle inn data på også vil fortsette inn i fremtiden.

– Dataene overføres i nær real-time, og vil blant annet gi oss bedre klimamodeller.

Nylig ble informasjonen som har blitt samlet inn så langt fritt tilgjengelig på en ny nettside ved navn MEOP (Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole).

Portalen beskrives som en av verdens største oseanografiske databaser for polarhavene, og gir hittil ukjente detaljer om noen av de barskeste miljøene på planeten.

Viktig informasjon

Professor Michael A. Fedak ved Scottish Oceans Institute forteller at MEOP er en samlebetegnelse for flere samarbeidsprosjekter der målsettingen blant annet har vært å oppnå bedre forståelse for pattedyrenes adferd i havet og de oseaniske forholdene de ferdes i.

– Gjennom prosjektet har vi hentet inn svært viktig informasjon fra områder som vi tidligere har visst lite om, sier Fedak til NRK.

– Lav pris

Seniorforsker Christian Lydersen ved Norsk Polarinstitutt.

Foto: Privat

Prosjektet startet så tidlig som i år 2000, og de første satellittsenderne ble utviklet ved St Andrews-universitetet etter ønske fra Norsk Polarinstitutt (NP), som ville teste om det gikk an å samle inn oseanografiske data ved å bruke marine pattedyr.

– Vi gjorde da et studie hvor vi brukte hvithval på Svalbard som forsøksdyr og det virket utmerket, sier Christian Lydersen til NRK.

Han forteller at prosjektet har gitt forskerne masse data fra vanskelig tilgjengelige havområder til «særdeles lav pris».

– Et forskningsskip som er ute på havet og samler inn data på tradisjonelt vis koster fra 100.000 og oppover i døgnleie og er stort sett ute om sommeren og i isfrie farvann, forklarer han.

Ti land er med

Senderne har blitt utviklet over tid.

Foto: Norwegian Polar Institute

Senderne har siden den gang blitt videreutviklet, og prosjektet fikk i 2007–2008 navnet MEOP.

– Her var det med ti land og det ble ledet av forskerkollega Kit Kovacs fra NP, sier Lydersen.

Foruten Norge, var både Frankrike, Storbritannia, Australia, Tyskland, USA, Grønland, Brasil, Canada og Sør-Afrika med, ifølge forskeren

– Her ble marine pattedyr på nordlige og sørlige halvkule instrumentert med disse senderne.

–​ Disse dyrene er eksperter på å finne konsentrasjoner av mat. Dette er ofte i områder hvor ulike vannmasser møtes, som også er områder av stor interesse for oseanografer.

– Viktige data

Professor Michael A. Fedak er ikke i tvil om at dataene som samles inn er viktige.

– Klimaet endrer seg, og havene er viktige brikker for å forstå disse endringene. Polarhavene er spesielt viktig, men ikke så godt undersøkt siden dataene er vanskelig tilgjengelig. Så dyrene er med på å fylle kunnskapsgapet.

Dataene som disse dyrene har samlet inn kan bli viktig også for klimaforskningen.

Foto: University of St Andrews / Lars Boehme


Saturday, June 20, 2015

This is the year’s best car interiors – ABC News

Volvo is right now in what is perhaps the most exciting phase in the company’s history.

  that the financial crisis swept across the automotive industry, it soon became clear that
 the company owns Ford would get rid of Volvo. It led to a very
 uncertain period, where the biggest pessimists feared that Volvo right and
 simply would disappear as an independent brand.

First completely proprietary

  was however not. While the established automotive was characterized by
 turmoil and anything but wanting to take on new challenges, so Chinese
  Geely opportunity to snap up Volvo to properly crisis price.

  took over in 2010. And when we coils until 2015, they have just launched
  what is the first totally proprietary Volvo in a few decades. Geely
 has invested heavily in developing an entirely new platform, as SUV
 XC90 is the first car out on.

Volvo XC90 is one of the st & # XF8; first and most spacious SUV needle & # xE5; market, here it including seven full seats. Volvo XC90 is one of the largest and most spacious SUV’s on the market, here it including seven full seats.

Soon Volvos come also from China

Special prehistory

  it’s a lot about technology, but also focus on design and interior. And
 Lately, Volvo now has a prestigious prize for.

Their new XC90 has in fact just received the award for best interior design in 2015.

  received Volvo’s head of interior design, Robin Page, the price for the Year
 interior designer. This was presented during Automotive Interiors Expo 2015

Here you can see who won the award last year

Come from Bentley

  Geely took over Volvo, they had focused on the Swedes would get most
 possible “autonomy”. Geely would add little touched the daily
 operation, therefore it caused a sensation when the CEO Li Shufu back
 2013 came with a very clear statement:

These seats are Swedish! These seats are Swedish!

– There
 shortcomings exist at Volvo. The cars have a too Scandinavian touch, said
 Shufu – and made it clear that it was particularly Volvo interiors he
  was happy with.

And this was not
 just chat. Shufu also acted quickly, and retrieved just Robin Page.
 He certainly can not the new kid in interior design. Page has worked with
 both Jaguar, Rolls-Royce and Bugatti. Volvo he came from the position
 as head of interior design at Bentley.

class bestseller

  I am honored this award. Interior-Design XC90 represents
  a paradigm shift at Volvo. In Volvo, we focus on creating a
 uncompromising luxury feeling. This includes using natural
 materials such as wood, leather and crystal, in a way that adds
 driving feel both calm and relaxation, says Page itself.

Robin Page joined Volvo from his job as responsible for Interior & # XF8; clean with Bentley. Robin Page joined Volvo from his job as responsible for the interiors of Bentley.

  he can also enjoy the XC90 interior has received thumbs up
 almost all tests so far. Volvo shows here that they dare to go a little
 roads other than the German premium manufacturers that they would like to
 compete against.

Here at home
 receipt been formidable. Volvo sold over 1000 XC90 before the car at
  all were in the country, and this is going to be class sovereign
 best-selling car in 2015.

We have tested the new XC90 – simply dice 6!

gear lever in crystal, it is among the details of the new Volvo XC90. gear lever in crystal, it is among the details of the new Volvo XC90.

Used XC90, you get it under 100,000 kroner


Monday, June 15, 2015

This must be able – journalist

If your goal is to be more than just a reactionary player in the media industry must embrace technology. Here is an attempt to define digital literacy. Maybe points create discussion and mind game.

We at THINK recently held a presentation about why getting more women into technology is good business. Among the audience was over 100 media leaders. The story we told is easy. We stand in the middle of a technological revolution that will soon affect all the industries. Should you be a driver in our industry you must learn to love technology.

But rather than drive for innovation itself, the media industry – especially the traditional media – in the process of being eaten up by technology companies’ continual disruption avbåde content, business model and technology.

Male Heavy

When it does not help that the gender balance in technological positions is critical skewed. Only one of four technology positions are filled by a woman. Of these, only 24% managers.

ICT Norway estimates that Norway 10 years will need to obsess over 12,000 new jobs. They are difficult to obsess about almost half of the workforce is deselected.

If you also know that monoculture is bad for innovation and product development, we have to work actively to recruit and develop women in tech right from primary school. This is not just a feminist, it is a good business case.

When working with the presentation we had many interesting discussions with skilled professionals about what is required, one should possess a leading company position. This resulted in seven points which we believe covers the main areas understand the concept of digital literacy.

Here are 7 competencies that are essential in the media industry right now:

• Journalistic understanding

Content is king but technology is dictator. Do you work with editorial or other digital service: feel the essence of what you’re selling and know what must at all times Kurata, whether VG or Finn.no. In a news context, imagine how matter and browsing experience can be lifted using technology a wonderful example is the New York Times his travel reportage with Hurtigruten.

• User experience (UX)

Users’ demands and expectations are high and they changed a great pace. They expect seamless and personalized services. In the product development process, the goal is to create etdesign that frees users from thinking even when they use your product. The team should have done all the thinking in advance. It should be intuitive, simple and delicious. Here it is allowed to let his inspiration of Steve Jobs’ vision to Apple`s products.

• The building blocks

The building blocks for products, which codes the software and hardware.

Take the time to form a basic understanding of how your products are developed and the process behind them. And obtaining enough tech knowledge to effectively communicate with developers. Not only does the process easier and faster, but your insight enables you to identify new opportunities for implementing functions. Do not be afraid to ask questions if there is anything you do not understand. Just remember to listen well to answer.

• Insight and Analysis

We live in a data-driven world. Everything should be tagged, monitored, analyzed and adjusted. Much user data can seem overwhelming. Formulate clever hypotheses and test your assumptions continually. Be sure to set and measure the correct KPI`er and always be on guard after seeing new pattern. Follow the model “build-test-measure-iterate-repeat.”

• Commercialization

The ability to commercialize the product.

We have a million services to choose from. To convince people to use your product over another is difficult. In a freemium-dominated world, it is also an art to get them to pay for it. A / B test pricing strategies, know and sell the value of your product and ensure continuous product development to retain and attract new paying users.

Read more about VG Camilla Bjorn journalist

• Creating organic growth

Social media has created a profusion of new challenges for media industry but it has also become one of our most powerful tool. Users will increasingly newsflow via social media and it is therefore essential to have a solid understanding of the trends and strategies that apply to optimize traffic driving, range and organic life of service. These changes constantly with new rules and platforms. Stay tuned and talk to people in the industry so that you always have up-to-date.

• Organization and culture

Company and organizations must be rigged so as to smoothly may change or combine expert areas quickly to increase performance and product quality. Innovative devices must be formed in larger organizations and have the freedom to experiment. Even a strong brand must have the courage to drop “unfinished” products so that you can validate, adjust or kill ideas quickly and cost effectively.

With these seven areas of competence, we will also come with a call simultaneously: Let’s stop talking about this as digital literacy. In the 21st century this is what we are talking about now competence. Sentence.

Camilla Bjorn Isabelle Ringnes and Louise Fuchs – THINK – Tech Network for Women


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Lien: – Technology is key to restructuring in the oil sector – Dagens Næringsliv


Olje- og energiminister Tord Lien mener teknologi og forskning er nøkkelen til omstilling i oljenæringen i tiden fremover.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Olje- og energiminister Tord Lien mener teknologi og forskning er nøkkelen til omstilling i oljenæringen i tiden fremover.

Det sier han til TDN Finans tirsdag etter et møte med aktører i næringslivet om omstilling.

-Jeg ser ingen muligheter uten omstilling i olje- og oljeservicenæringen. De er nødt til å jobbe bedre og smartere for at vi skal være en energieksportør i generasjoner fremover, sier Lien.

Han mener at hovedansvaret for omstillingen ligger hos leverandørindustrien og hos operatørene, men at myndighetene også kan bidra, blant annet med satsing på forskning og utvikling, både av fornybar energi og petroleum.

-Mesteparten av svaret for omstillingen i oljenæringen ligger i teknologi og forskning. Vi trenger ny utvikling og ny teknologi, sier Lien.

Viktigste regjeringen kan bidra med

Han mener styrkingen av denne satsingen er det viktigste i regjeringen kan bidra med.

-I tillegg er det avgjørende med stabilitet og langsiktighet i rammevilkårene slik at industrien tør satse i Norge. Vi trenger dessuten tilgang på ny arealer, som også gjør at de store selskapene som har løftekraft både finansielt og teknologisk, tør fortsette å satse i Norge, sier oljeministeren.

Han trekker samtidig frem fornybar energi som viktig for Norge i fremtiden.

-Både Hydro og Alcoa jobber nå sammen med myndighetene for å redusere kraftbruk og klimagassforbruk fra sin produksjon i Norge. Det er et kjempeviktig arbeid som får stor støtte fra myndighetene. En stor fordel i Norge er at vi gjennom vannkraft har tilgang på ren fornybar energi som samtidig gjør at mulig å bygge svært effektive kraftsystem, sier Lien.

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Asia i dag: God for 195 milliarder: «Livet mitt er blitt verre»
Fete marginer på gourmetkjøtt
Tror «trøstespising» kan være forklaringen


Sunday, June 7, 2015

New technology finds lung tumors – ABC News


Utviklingen av det nye bronkoskopet har
skjedd ved avdeling Medisinsk teknologi i SINTEF, i samarbeid med St.
Olavs Hospital (Lungeavdelingen og Medisinsk Teknikk). I dette miljøet
har forskerne jobbet tett med legene ved St. Olavs Hospital i en
årrekke. Det har resultert i flere medisinske nyvinninger – alle
innenfor det som kalles bildestyrt diagnostikk og terapi. De ulike
løsningene som er utviklet, gir legene tredimensjonale bilder av
kroppens indre mens de opererer eller gjennomfører undersøkelser. I
hovedsak benyttes ultralyd i kombinasjon med CT-bilder, men MR er også en viktig kilde til de tredimensjonale “kartene”.

På en bronkoskopistue ved St. Olavs hospital står et legeteam i tett
dialog med en forsker. I en sykeseng ved siden av ligger en pasient som
denne dagen står i sentrum for arbeidet med utviklingen av en teknologi
som vil redde liv. Pasienten har en svulst i venstre lunge – og nå skal
legene finne ut om den er godartet – eller ikke.

Navigerer i 3D

Mens pasienten får satt lokal anestesi og forberedes til
undersøkelsen, diskuterer legene et sett CT-bilder som er tatt
tidligere. Nå skal disse kobles opp mot et helt nytt verktøy som gjør
det mulig for legene å finne frem til svulsten med langt større
nøyaktighet enn før. Det vil  øke muligheten for sikrere og raskere
diagnose, samt tidligere behandling.

– Lungene våre er svært komplekse organer. Man kan sammenlikne
bronkiene med et tre, som forgreiner seg utallige ganger. Først deler
selve luftrøret seg i to i øverste del av brystkassen vår. Deretter
deler de to forgreningene seg i to – hele 23 ganger på hver side,
forklarer lege Håkon Olav Leira, som nylig har tatt doktorgrad på
bildestyrt bronkoskopi.

Dette gjør det nesten umulig å finne en sti gjennom luftveiene til
stedet legene skal ta prøver. I dag er suksessraten på mellom 5 og 30
prosent i de tilfellene hvor legene ikke kan se svulsten. Likevel må de
inn og å ta en biopsi ved mistanke om kreft eller andre sykdommer.

Saken fortsetter under bildet

 Forsker Erlend Hofstad og lege Håkon Olav Leira inspiserer kartet over pasientens lunger. Foto: Thor Nielsen.

Forsker Erlend Hofstad og lege Håkon Olav Leira inspiserer kartet over pasientens lunger. Foto: Thor Nielsen.

Systemet kan da vise hvor bronkoskopet befinner seg i CT-bildene.
Sensoren er under 1 mm tykk og et svakt magnetisk felt som omslutter
pasienten, registrerer hvor sensoren befinner seg. Både retning og
posisjonen inne i pasienten blir avbildet på en skjerm, slik at legen
til enhver tid vet hvor utstyret befinner seg. 

Vellykket test

En drøy time senere kan teamet avslutte undersøkelsen. På fjerde
forsøk har bioingeniøren fått prøvene hun ønsket seg. Teamleder Tore
Amundsen er fornøyd med innsatsen til både medisinere og forskere:

– Bra jobba, dette fiksa vi fint, sier han til gjengen ved spakene,
før han takker sin pasient for innsatsen. Bronkoskopi er smertefritt,
men ikke uten ubehag. Frivillige pasienter er helt nødvendige for at
forskerne skal kunne realisere sine ideer, og etter anstrengelsene
trenger pasienten hvile.

Saken fortsetter under bildet.

Cytotekniker og bioingeniør Tora Almås leter etter mulige kreftceller i lymfevevet. De fargerike vevsprøvene vil avsløre om pasientens svulst er ondartet eller ikke. Foto: Thor Nielssen.

og bioingeniør Tora Almås leter etter mulige kreftceller i lymfevevet.
De fargerike vevsprøvene vil avsløre om pasientens svulst er ondartet
eller ikke. Foto: Thor Nielssen.

For et navigasjonssystem utviklet av forskere og ingeniører ved
SINTEF og leger ved St. Olavs Hospital, gir legene tredimensjonale
bilder av veien inn i pasientens lunger mens undersøkelsen pågår. Om alt
går etter planen klarer de snart å lokalisere svulsten med
millimeterpresisjon, ved hjelp av sivilingeniør og forsker Erlend
Fagertun Hofstad som co-pilot ved dataskjermen.

Kamera, kart og kompass

Verktøyet som forskerne nå skal teste er et såkalt bronkoskop. En
lang og blyanttykk slange som føres ned i luftveiene og ut i lungenes
kanaler. Den er utstyrt med kamera og
en liten tang inni, slik at man kan ta vevsprøver.  Det som gjør det
nye bronkoskopet spesielt, er at det er utstyrt med en posisjonssensor i
tillegg. Det gjør at legene til enhver tid kan se hvor i vevet og
kanalene bronkoskopet beveger seg. Samtidig får de et tredimensjonalt
skjermbilde av det totale "landskapet" inne i lungene, som er tatt i
forkant. Slik vet de akkurat hvor de befinner seg.

– Utfordringen er å få systemet til å forstå at bildene som
bronkoskopet tar inne i pasienten, og  CT-bildene vi har tatt på
forhånd, er en og samme sak. Disse må passe sammen som hånd i hanske for
at vi skal få den nøyaktigheten dette arbeidet krever.  Og det må skje
raskt. Siden pasienten er lokalt bedøvet men våken, har vi begrenset med
tid å løse oppgaven på, sier utvikler Erlend Hofstad.

En av de tingene som gjør dette vanskelig, er at lungene er bevegelig
vev. Både pasientens bevegelser som oppstår når han puster og
bevegelsene til selve bronkoskopet gjør at vevet endrer form under
undersøkelsen. Derfor må utstyret både ta bilder under veis, og koble
disse med informasjonen fra CT undersøkelsen som er gjort på forhånd.
Kart og terreng må stemme.

Famler i blinde uten hjelp

Inne i undersøkelsesrommet stiger temperaturen: Pasienten hoster, og
bildene på dataskjermen viser at pasienten har fått en blødning nederst i

– Pasienter som går på blodfortynnende medisiner kan være vanskelige å
undersøke, fordi de blør lettere enn andre pasienter, forklarer lege
Håkon Olav Leira, og legger til at dette viser en av utfordringene
legene ofte står overfor: Bildene fra bronkoskopet er utydelige fordi
blodet hindrer sikten til kameraet.

– I slike situasjoner er det en kjempefordel at vi kan manøvrere etter
posisjonssensoren og 3D-kartet som vi har utviklet i samarbeid med
forskerne ved SINTEF har. Ellers hadde vi famlet i blinde.

Så stanser blødningen av seg selv. Alt er igjen under kontroll, og
legen finner snart veien videre gjennom pasientens bronkier ved hjelp av
skjermbildene og stødig håndverk. Snart er det klart for å ta prøver av
den tre cm store svulsten i pasientens venstre lunge.


Utstyret som denne dagen viser vei i pasientens indre, består av en
rekke avanserte regnemodeller som er utviklet av ingeniører ved SINTEF
sin avdeling for medisinsk teknologi. I praksis fungerer GPS-systemet
slik at man først tilpasser CT-bildene til pasienten, gjennom en såkalt
registreringsprosedyre der man forteller datamaskinen at bildene av
pasienten skal være samstemte med den fysiske pasienten.
Posisjonssensoren registrerer  deretter bevegelsene og posisjonen til sensoren som sitter på tuppen av bronkoskopet.


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Green ferries provide growth – Romsdals Budstikke

Norwegian shipyard and large parts of the maritime environment struggling. Fall in oil prices and the decline in the oil industry crash of jobs along the coast. Many shipyards have failing or no upcoming backlog, and unemployment rises.

We can not sit quietly and watch. Therefore, Labor put forward a proposal in Parliament that will help to ensure that the order books again be filled with the construction of environmentally friendly boats and ferries adopting modern technology. We believe the government must use its ordering power to set environmental standards in ferry tenders and facilitating greater use of climate-friendly technologies in short sea shipping. We have therefore proposed that we now have a solution for that public tenders for new ferries accelerated in time.

Norwegian shipyards and equipment suppliers is a world leader in the development of new technology shipping and Norwegian shipowners is equally good as orderers. Labor believes a key part of the government’s response to the challenge that the shipbuilding industry is currently facing, should be to encourage greater use of new technologies in the shipping industry. One area where the government exerts great control in ferry transport, where public procurement forms the basis for technology development in industry.

Use of electric motor in ferry transport has many positive effects, particularly on climate. A recent report prepared by DNV GL commissioned by Energy Norway points to 52 ferry crossings that may be relevant for electrification. The report suggests that CO2 emissions can be reduced by as much as 155 000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The environmental benefit of reducing the emissions by more climate-friendly transport of people and goods along the sea is great.

Measures to increase the technology content in ships ordered to Norwegian ferry transport and short sea shipping would therefore be a Kinder to the environment, jobs and technology. It will contribute to increasing activity in the Norwegian maritime cluster, so we can take care of and develop important skills while securing and creating jobs. Norwegian maritime industry is well placed to take a global position in environmental technology for shipping. We must build on.

For the Norwegian maritime industry to retain its lead in the development and launch of new, green solutions, it is important that there is a commercial market for this type of technology. The public procurement role provides opportunities to contribute to technological and market developments. Tendering and contract models must invite innovation, and tendering processes must be long enough period that it is possible to develop technology that is not off the shelf.

This is where the Labour Party differs from government. Where the government sits silent and will wait and see on that new technology will come, will Labor assume an active role. How we contribute to the green restructuring through the development of modern, climate-friendly technology. But not least, we are facilitating to retain and create jobs along the coast. It is good for the economy, for people and for the climate.


Green ferries provide growth – Romsdals Budstikke

Norwegian shipyard and large parts of the maritime environment struggling. Fall in oil prices and the decline in the oil industry crash of jobs along the coast. Many shipyards have failing or no upcoming backlog, and unemployment rises.

We can not sit quietly and watch. Therefore, Labor put forward a proposal in Parliament that will help to ensure that the order books again be filled with the construction of environmentally friendly boats and ferries adopting modern technology. We believe the government must use its ordering power to set environmental standards in ferry tenders and facilitating greater use of climate-friendly technologies in short sea shipping. We have therefore proposed that we now have a solution for that public tenders for new ferries accelerated in time.

Norwegian shipyards and equipment suppliers is a world leader in the development of new technology shipping and Norwegian shipowners is equally good as orderers. Labor believes a key part of the government’s response to the challenge that the shipbuilding industry is currently facing, should be to encourage greater use of new technologies in the shipping industry. One area where the government exerts great control in ferry transport, where public procurement forms the basis for technology development in industry.

Use of electric motor in ferry transport has many positive effects, particularly on climate. A recent report prepared by DNV GL commissioned by Energy Norway points to 52 ferry crossings that may be relevant for electrification. The report suggests that CO2 emissions can be reduced by as much as 155 000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The environmental benefit of reducing the emissions by more climate-friendly transport of people and goods along the sea is great.

Measures to increase the technology content in ships ordered to Norwegian ferry transport and short sea shipping would therefore be a Kinder to the environment, jobs and technology. It will contribute to increasing activity in the Norwegian maritime cluster, so we can take care of and develop important skills while securing and creating jobs. Norwegian maritime industry is well placed to take a global position in environmental technology for shipping. We must build on.

For the Norwegian maritime industry to retain its lead in the development and launch of new, green solutions, it is important that there is a commercial market for this type of technology. The public procurement role provides opportunities to contribute to technological and market developments. Tendering and contract models must invite innovation, and tendering processes must be long enough period that it is possible to develop technology that is not off the shelf.

This is where the Labour Party differs from government. Where the government sits silent and will wait and see on that new technology will come, will Labor assume an active role. How we contribute to the green restructuring through the development of modern, climate-friendly technology. But not least, we are facilitating to retain and create jobs along the coast. It is good for the economy, for people and for the climate.
