Tuesday, October 18, 2016

New technology can reveal the fake fingerprints | ABC News – ABC News

Fingerprint is your personal imprint and very well suited for identification. But it is easy for the expert to forge fingerprints. With relatively simple methods, they can be copied from the smooth surfaces and transferred to plastic as silicone. A false fingerprint can thus be threaded on a finger in order to trick fingeravtrykksensoren.

Needed better security methods

such loopholes have to be sealed before fingeravtrykkgjenkjenning can be automated. Therefore, it is currently necessary to monitor the registration of fingerprints when it is used as the identifiseringsmetoder, such as at airports.

– There is a need for better methods to enhance the security, ” says Ctirad Sousedik by Biometrilaboratoriet at NTNU. Newer modern passports have registered the fingerprints digitally. This is compared with the image provided from the fingerprint sensor in the control.

Sousedik may now have found a solution to the security challenge. He has developed a software that detects 3D image of your finger. It will ensure that the fingerprint that is emitted is real, not a silikonforfalskning.

see also: Harald Marthinussen: “Bio-bank-ID can be fatal”

Penetrates deep below the surface

Biometrics is the measurement of biological patterns. The research field deals with the human, biological characteristics and patterns, such as fingerprints, iris, øreform, voice, gait, or how you type on the keyboard. There are many traits that are unique to just you, but it is still a big challenge to reveal the attempts of cheating. Sousediks research goes right in the centre of the major theme of the biometrifeltet for the time: to ensure that the biological patterns that are detected originate from the people, not fakes.

Especially when fingerprints attempt to trick the systems. This is simply because traditional fingeravtrykkssensorer detects a two-dimensional image, the surface of the fingerprint. Ctirad Sousedik has therefore developed a fingerprint reader that "looks" down into the deeper layers of the skin and creates a three-dimensional image of skin texture. The technology is called Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).

see also: the Police want to force a suspect to unlock cell phone

Additional benefits of 3D-fingerprint

– By penetrating under the skin, we can see several structures, such as sweat glands. It will not, of course, be possible to falsify. In this way we have the opportunity to offer a higher level of security on fingerprints as ID, ” says Sousedik.

The new technology has several advantages. Two-dimensional fingerprint readers are sensitive to both sweaty fingers or dry fingers.

– With a 3D-scanner to bypass the we issue, and it becomes easier to take good images of the fingerprint, explains Sousedik.

It also happens that people who do not want to be identified, files, or scratch up the fingerprint her and try to damage skin in order to hide the marks. With the 3D scanner plays minor role in how things are on the fingerens surface. The structures of the underhuden is visible no matter.

see also: – the Terrorists can slip through the border –

Relevant for border controls

today is the passport photo the main method, but most often it requires a manual passkontrollør that compare the person and the image.

Millions of people crosses the border crossings daily. It is easy to take the wrong for passkontrollørene when a see a face for the first time, and it will compare with a photo that may have been taken years ago, with more or less beard, glasses and hair.

When the method to ensure the 3D fingerprints are in place, is it possible to automate more of the checks at airports and other border crossings, and time and resources can be saved.

the Research project is happening in collaboration with The Federal Office for Information Security in Germany.

see also:

Some will steal from you

Stock hackermat of encryption

Faster flyplasskø with face detection


New technology may have revealed two new chambers in the Kheopspyramiden … – ABC News

on Thursday last week could the egyptian ministry of antiquities, report that they have found two “uvanligheter” in the construction of the 4500 year old pyramid.

Further studies should now determine the room’s purpose and size.

We are now able to confirm that there is “white space” hidden behind pyramidens northern and north-eastern façade. From here it can go at least a corridor into the pyramid, stated researchers from the Operation ScanPyramids in a press release.

see also: Uncovered a mysterious mass grave in the middle of Athens

New and gentle technology

With its 146 meters is considered Kheopspyramiden among the world’s seven wonders. From before, it has been found three chambers inside the pyramid.

Operation Scan Pyramids, which was initiated in October of last year, was taken to make a thorough investigation of several of Egypt’s pyramids with the help of radiography, drone photography, 3D reconstruction and laserskanning. Now it seems that the efforts have given results.

See how the scan is done in the video window at the top.

see also: Sensational discovery in Egypt’s pyramids

Experts doubt

What does as the experts on the apparent ground-breaking discovery?

Even if the discovery sounds as if it could be taken straight out of an Indiana Jones movie, select some to defualt it all, and believes that the findings are only a part of the pyramidens the frame.

the People who conduct this project are neither scientists or archaeologists. The pyramids were built up of short and long stones, which will give the space everywhere in the construction, ” says the director of the association for the Giza pyramidenes ekskavering, Zahi Hawass to the site Seeker.

I do not believe these discrepancies have anything with the new chambers to do. It’s simply just about how the pyramid was built, he adds.


New technology may have revealed two new chambers in the Kheopspyramiden … – ABC News

on Thursday last week could the egyptian ministry of antiquities, report that they have found two “uvanligheter” in the construction of the 4500 year old pyramid.

Further studies should now determine the room’s purpose and size.

We are now able to confirm that there is “white space” hidden behind pyramidens northern and north-eastern façade. From here it can go at least a corridor into the pyramid, stated researchers from the Operation ScanPyramids in a press release.

see also: Uncovered a mysterious mass grave in the middle of Athens

New and gentle technology

With its 146 meters is considered Kheopspyramiden among the world’s seven wonders. From before, it has been found three chambers inside the pyramid.

Operation Scan Pyramids, which was initiated in October of last year, was taken to make a thorough investigation of several of Egypt’s pyramids with the help of radiography, drone photography, 3D reconstruction and laserskanning. Now it seems that the efforts have given results.

See how the scan is done in the video window at the top.

see also: Sensational discovery in Egypt’s pyramids

Experts doubt

What does as the experts on the apparent ground-breaking discovery?

Even if the discovery sounds as if it could be taken straight out of an Indiana Jones movie, select some to defualt it all, and believes that the findings are only a part of the pyramidens the frame.

the People who conduct this project are neither scientists or archaeologists. The pyramids were built up of short and long stones, which will give the space everywhere in the construction, ” says the director of the association for the Giza pyramidenes ekskavering, Zahi Hawass to the site Seeker.

I do not believe these discrepancies have anything with the new chambers to do. It’s simply just about how the pyramid was built, he adds.


Monday, October 17, 2016

New technology may have revealed two new chambers in the Kheopspyramiden – ABC News

on Thursday last week could the egyptian ministry of antiquities, report that they have found two “uvanligheter” in the construction of the 4500 year old pyramid.

Further studies should now determine the room’s purpose and size.

We are now able to confirm that there is “white space” hidden behind pyramidens northern and north-eastern façade. From here it can go at least a corridor into the pyramid, stated researchers from the Operation ScanPyramids in a press release.

see also: Uncovered a mysterious mass grave in the middle of Athens

New and gentle technology

With its 146 meters is considered Kheopspyramiden among the world’s seven wonders. From before, it has been found three chambers inside the pyramid.

Operation Scan Pyramids, which was initiated in October of last year, was taken to make a thorough investigation of several of Egypt’s pyramids with the help of radiography, drone photography, 3D reconstruction and laserskanning. Now it seems that the efforts have given results.

See how the scan is done in the video window at the top.

see also: Sensational discovery in Egypt’s pyramids

Experts doubt

What does as the experts on the apparent ground-breaking discovery?

Even if the discovery sounds as if it could be taken straight out of an Indiana Jones movie, select some to defualt it all, and believes that the findings are only a part of the pyramidens the frame.

the People who conduct this project are neither scientists or archaeologists. The pyramids were built up of short and long stones, which will give the space everywhere in the construction, ” says the director of the association for the Giza pyramidenes ekskavering, Zahi Hawass to the site Seeker.

I do not believe these discrepancies have anything with the new chambers to do. It’s simply just about how the pyramid was built, he adds.


New technology can reveal the fake fingerprints – ABC News

Fingerprint is your personal imprint and very well suited for identification. But it is easy for the expert to forge fingerprints. With relatively simple methods, they can be copied from the smooth surfaces and transferred to plastic as silicone. A false fingerprint can thus be threaded on a finger in order to trick fingeravtrykksensoren.

Needed better security methods

such loopholes have to be sealed before fingeravtrykkgjenkjenning can be automated. Therefore, it is currently necessary to monitor the registration of fingerprints when it is used as the identifiseringsmetoder, such as at airports.

– There is a need for better methods to enhance the security, ” says Ctirad Sousedik by Biometrilaboratoriet at NTNU. Newer modern passports have registered the fingerprints digitally. This is compared with the image provided from the fingerprint sensor in the control.

Sousedik may now have found a solution to the security challenge. He has developed a software that detects 3D image of your finger. It will ensure that the fingerprint that is emitted is real, not a silikonforfalskning.

see also: Harald Marthinussen: “Bio-bank-ID can be fatal”

Penetrates deep below the surface

Biometrics is the measurement of biological patterns. The research field deals with the human, biological characteristics and patterns, such as fingerprints, iris, øreform, voice, gait, or how you type on the keyboard. There are many traits that are unique to just you, but it is still a big challenge to reveal the attempts of cheating. Sousediks research goes right in the centre of the major theme of the biometrifeltet for the time: to ensure that the biological patterns that are detected originate from the people, not fakes.

Especially when fingerprints attempt to trick the systems. This is simply because traditional fingeravtrykkssensorer detects a two-dimensional image, the surface of the fingerprint. Ctirad Sousedik has therefore developed a fingerprint reader that "looks" down into the deeper layers of the skin and creates a three-dimensional image of skin texture. The technology is called Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).

see also: the Police want to force a suspect to unlock cell phone

Additional benefits of 3D-fingerprint

– By penetrating under the skin, we can see several structures, such as sweat glands. It will not, of course, be possible to falsify. In this way we have the opportunity to offer a higher level of security on fingerprints as ID, ” says Sousedik.

The new technology has several advantages. Two-dimensional fingerprint readers are sensitive to both sweaty fingers or dry fingers.

– With a 3D-scanner to bypass the we issue, and it becomes easier to take good images of the fingerprint, explains Sousedik.

It also happens that people who do not want to be identified, files, or scratch up the fingerprint her and try to damage skin in order to hide the marks. With the 3D scanner plays minor role in how things are on the fingerens surface. The structures of the underhuden is visible no matter.

see also: – the Terrorists can slip through the border –

Relevant for border controls

today is the passport photo the main method, but most often it requires a manual passkontrollør that compare the person and the image.

Millions of people crosses the border crossings daily. It is easy to take the wrong for passkontrollørene when a see a face for the first time, and it will compare with a photo that may have been taken years ago, with more or less beard, glasses and hair.

When the method to ensure the 3D fingerprints are in place, is it possible to automate more of the checks at airports and other border crossings, and time and resources can be saved.

the Research project is happening in collaboration with The Federal Office for Information Security in Germany.

see also:

Some will steal from you

Stock hackermat of encryption

Faster flyplasskø with face detection


Friday, October 14, 2016

Such portalar to reveal dangerous truck – NRK

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Such portalar to reveal dangerous truck
We plan to build portalar to scan heavy vehicles. Even at the speed this technology take a three-dimensional image of the whole vogntoget and find out if it is varmgang in it. – We need to develop technology that makes us able to pick out


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Prohibit politicians smartklokker: Fear of Russian spying – ABC News

– There are restrictions on the use of mobile phones, smartklokker and other solutions with similar technology including under regjeringskonferanser, ” says head of communication Trude Måseide by the Prime minister’s office to ABC News.

It is the widespread hackingen especially from Russian intelligence that has been Britain’s prime minister Theresa Mays sikkerhetsrådgivere to prohibit the increasingly popular bells – as the technology containing the same as an advanced mobile phone in the toppolitiske meetings.

They fear the fact that spies can hack into a clockwise microphone, and thus listen in on sensitive conversations, according to The Telegraph.

also Read: – Hackers can steal personal information while you exercise

Beyonce on the governmental, conference

WATCH OUT: Former justice minister Michael Gove revealed for their regjeringskolleger that he likes popdronningen Beyonce. Photo: Stefan Wermuth / Reuters

Under the previous prime minister David Cameron spent several ministers such watch – among others, justice minister Michael Gove. It brought in last year to a somewhat embarrassing session:

When he was smugsjekke the email its under a kabinettmøte, the pressure he on the wrong key. Thus flowed the first verse of a Beyonce-song out in the room.

That would hardly have happened in Norway. Where is policy not to take such when you go in regjeringsmøter:

– We recommend to add electronic equipment left outside, ” says communications director Mona Strøm Arnøy in the Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmyndighet to ABC News.

see also: Russia called the United states hackinganklager “garbage”

Need to drop the Pokémon

the FBI has investigated the repeated hackingangrepene against the Democrats in the united STATES.

ENGAGED: Trine Skei Grande (V). Photo: Parliament Tv / NTB scanpix

President Barack Obama recently said straight out that it was Russia who stood behind, while presidential candidate Hillary Clinton believes the russians want to influence the choice in Donald Trump’s favor.

see also: Grande player Pokemon under Forsvarshøringen

the Ban means for the way that prime minister Erna Solberg (H) can’t play Pokémon in regjeringskonferanser, as it was revealed that the Left-leader Trine Skei Grande did when the Norwegian’s future was debated in the Parliament.

Read also: Grandes pokémon games go around the world


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Good times for the export of renewable-technology | ABC News – ABC News

According to Teknisk Ukeblad sold Norwegian companies in 2015 the goods and services in the field of renewable energy for over 11 billion abroad. That is an increase of 3 billion from the previous year, showing fresh figures from the export credit.

the Company Scatec Solars utbyggingsdel is the largest exporter of renewable technology. They develop and build out solar pv plants which they themselves own and operate. In 2015, exported the for 789 million. If you add services such as scatec’s subsidiaries in foreign countries deliver, total utenlandsomsetning close to 1.2 billion.

Turnover is driven by a continued strong growth in the development of new capacity in large-scale solparker globally, ” says Mikkel Tørud, cfo at Scatec Solar.

The past year, two major projects in Honduras and Jordan have been the most important for the company. Behind Scatec on the list of the largest fornybarleverandørene follow the Siem Offshore and the Peace. Olsen Ocean.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Good times for the export of renewable technology – ABC News

According to Teknisk Ukeblad sold Norwegian companies in 2015 the goods and services in the field of renewable energy for over 11 billion abroad. That is an increase of 3 billion from the previous year, showing fresh figures from the export credit.

the Company Scatec Solars utbyggingsdel is the largest exporter of renewable technology. They develop and build out solar pv plants which they themselves own and operate. In 2015, exported the for 789 million. If you add services such as scatec’s subsidiaries in foreign countries deliver, total utenlandsomsetning close to 1.2 billion.

Turnover is driven by a continued strong growth in the development of new capacity in large-scale solparker globally, ” says Mikkel Tørud, cfo at Scatec Solar.

The past year, two major projects in Honduras and Jordan have been the most important for the company. Behind Scatec on the list of the largest fornybarleverandørene follow the Siem Offshore and the Peace. Olsen Ocean.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Get answers to 7 common DAB myths – the NRK

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Get answers to 7 common DAB-myths
Many countries in Europe are betting on DAB as the future technology, many also have stated plans about how this will replace FM. 300 radio stations in Europe have therefore formed a digital radio-alliance, The European Digital Radio Alliance (EDRA). The BBC has …


Friday, October 7, 2016

Moving from oil to smartby-technology – NRK Rogaland – Local news … – NRK

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Moves from oil to smartby-technology – NRK Rogaland – Local news …
Three major companies in Stavanger, which in the past has worked against the oil industry, goes together to create one of your own smartby company. Thursday afternoon was EnablerHub …

and more »


Moving from oil to smartby-technology – NRK

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Moves from oil to smartby-technology
They are interested in our technology to find out where in the centre there is the most people gather. Then the driver of their driving there as to how it’s probably easiest to find a man who need traxi, tell Grepstad from UMS. And Kolumbus has made contact with us. They will

and more »


Thursday, October 6, 2016

– More to gain for local businesses – Sunnmørsposten

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

– More to gain for local businesses
The money will go to maritime companies which, together with oil companies to test out new technology. Otherwise, the Norwegian katapulk received a grant of nok 50 million. This is a pilot project together with SIVA, Innovation Norway and the Research council of norway.


Aiming for sensorhimmelen – Romsdals Budstikke

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Aims sensorhimmelen
Romsdals Budstikke
It has all that is associated with teknologibedriften Disruptive Technologies, who sits on the proprietary technology for the Internet of Things (IoT – the internet of things), that the whole world is now curious about. The company is now nomimert to the price TU Tech Award


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Research on environmentally friendly technologies get 71,5 million -it.no – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

the Climate and miljøminister Vidar Helgesen came with budsjettlekkasjen when he visited the department of chemistry at the University of Oslo on Wednesday afternoon. The government’s proposals for the national budget is being presented Thursday.

– When the whole of the transport sector can be developed in a more environmentally friendly direction, it becomes easier to reach the goals we have set ourselves for a lavutslippsamfunn in 2030, said the climate and miljøministeren to Uniforum .

READ ALSO: Eu klimaplan sets strict requirements for Norway

Researcher at the battery

At the department of chemistry at the University of Oslo is the researched on the development of the battery which will have a thousand times greater effect than the current battery. Helgesen became aware of it through a news report in the forskningstidsskriftet Apollon .

We searched on the new technique when this article appeared, ” says Helgesen to Uniforum.

– Therefore we found out that it was natural to present the new, fresh millions at this institute. Now it is time to find solutions that are relevant, and so must we in this country will be able to get to the new value creation based on research and development.

ALSO READ the piece: the Urban development in these times of transition


Vidar Helgesen said that he is going into detail on it when they later in October launches the report “Green competitiveness”.

On the visit to the University of Oslo said Helgesen that the transport sector must be if we are to reach the goals of a lavutslippsamfunn. He stated that personbilmarkedet has come a long way in developing electric vehicles. Now he will have the rest of the sector with in the development.

I think both on the number of heavy transport trucks and public transport. For that to happen, it is important that the cooperation between the research and utviklingsmiljøene and the business community. It is the reason that the government proposes 71,5 million to this research, told Vidar Helgesen, according to Uniforum.

READ ALSO: IN an article writes professor Dag Kittang: “Trondheim city council can stand up, as little trusted in the government’s environmental policy if it decides to locate the new exhibition centre on the Island instead of complying with their approved byutviklingsprinsipp.”


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Parisavtalen to take effect in year – NRK Nordland Local news, TV and … – NRK

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Parisavtalen to take effect in year – NRK Nordland Local news, CHANNELS …
today, it was clear that enough countries have signed Parisavtalen that it can enter into force shortly. Climate researcher says the Uk is currently facing a radical shift.

and more »


Parisavtalen to take effect in year – NRK

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Parisavtalen to take effect in year
How long can you wait on that technology will save us? – Not very long. We should have started a long time ago to cut emissions. Now we must support the politicians, our so that they dare to take tough decisions, think Vangelsten. He says it

and more »


Monday, October 3, 2016

Three steps toward self-propelled ships on the oceans | ABC News – ABC News

Ny-Ålesund:, you Set the captain and crew of the land, is it possible to construct the ships differently, let sensors and stordataløsninger assume the information was collected and develop a skipsintelligens that is able to make decisions for yourself.

– We believe it is possible to bring down the cost of transport by sea by 22 percent by implementing a transition to unmanned ships, endorsed president Mikael Mäkinen in skipskonstruksjons and motorgiganten Rolls-Royce Marine as business leaders, scientists, politicians and environmentalists recently discussed the the future, uk during the Ny-Ålesund-the symposium.

step by Step

Unmanned ships will be lighter in weight, have reduced wind resistance, and do not need the cartridge. Liquified natural gas (LNG) in combination with batteries replaces the heavy oil and diesel as fuel and also makes the future shipping traffic more environmentally friendly, think Rolls-Royce.

But it is far up there, and Mäkinen believe in a step-by-step development towards the self-propelled (autonomous) ships that take complicated decisions by themselves out on the open sea. Rolls Royces roadmap into the future suggests that the ocean-going unmanned ship is about 20 years ahead in time.

Before we get there, we must undergo three stages of development, ” says Mäkinen to the NTB. He leads the Rolls-Royce Marine, which has more than 5,000 employees in 35 countries., together with DNV GL and SINTEF has launched concepts for the unmanned uk.

In the first step reduced the staffing on board for the benefit of the support and control functions which can be controlled from the land. This is typically all that is happening in the engine room. Sensors that detect and report operating data may provide better analyses of maskindriften. Robots can perform physical work and adjustment.

Control center

In the second step is introduced unmanned ship where the crew controls the ship from a control center on land.

– the Machines taking over is not total. I think that the human element will be there for a long time. But the mariners will no longer be on board. They will be able to deliver their children to school, go to work in the control center and leave the kveldsskiftet to the other, instead of being several weeks at sea away from family, ” says Mäkinen.

Limited management

This reality is not far away, according to Rolls-Royce director. He suggests that we are in the course of 4-5 years, launching the first automated ships. They will operate in strictly defined areas with simple tasks.

– We will be able to see it in a bukserbåt that operates inside a harbor and know exactly what to do, or a ferry that does not have other tasks than to go from A to B, ” says Mäkinen.


It is only after this technology is developed and taken in use that we can go out on to the trend towards autonomous ocean-going vessels. It is much more difficult, complicated, and requires far more advanced solutions than the automotive industry tests out with their førerløse cars. It takes something close to artificial intelligence.

– In automated cars be programmed each and every decision. Then select the computer in the car which preprogrammed decision to be taken. It does not take its own independent decisions. There is it still far ahead, ” says Mäkinen.

Rapid development

Chairman of the board Kjersti Kleven of Kleven group emphasizes the opposite NTB that it is just as natural to discuss the unmanned ships to see on self-propelled vehicles.

– These technologies seem to go faster than we can imagine. A shift in technology, may be we will see pretty quickly. But I do not believe in any revolution over night. Shipping are a very regulated area. Not only must the technology work. But also all the infrastructure around must be adapted to the new technology. This is something the up and up, but very exciting ” says Kleven.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Three steps toward self-propelled ships on the oceans – ABC News

Ny-Ålesund:, you Set the captain and crew of the land, is it possible to construct the ships differently, let sensors and stordataløsninger assume the information was collected and develop a skipsintelligens that is able to make decisions for yourself.

– We believe it is possible to bring down the cost of transport by sea by 22 percent by implementing a transition to unmanned ships, endorsed president Mikael Mäkinen in skipskonstruksjons and motorgiganten Rolls-Royce Marine as business leaders, scientists, politicians and environmentalists recently discussed the the future, uk during the Ny-Ålesund-the symposium.

step by Step

Unmanned ships will be lighter in weight, have reduced wind resistance, and do not need the cartridge. Liquified natural gas (LNG) in combination with batteries replaces the heavy oil and diesel as fuel and also makes the future shipping traffic more environmentally friendly, think Rolls-Royce.

But it is far up there, and Mäkinen believe in a step-by-step development towards the self-propelled (autonomous) ships that take complicated decisions by themselves out on the open sea. Rolls Royces roadmap into the future suggests that the ocean-going unmanned ship is about 20 years ahead in time.

Before we get there, we must undergo three stages of development, ” says Mäkinen to the NTB. He leads the Rolls-Royce Marine, which has more than 5,000 employees in 35 countries., together with DNV GL and SINTEF has launched concepts for the unmanned uk.

In the first step reduced the staffing on board for the benefit of the support and control functions which can be controlled from the land. This is typically all that is happening in the engine room. Sensors that detect and report operating data may provide better analyses of maskindriften. Robots can perform physical work and adjustment.

Control center

In the second step is introduced unmanned ship where the crew controls the ship from a control center on land.

– the Machines taking over is not total. I think that the human element will be there for a long time. But the mariners will no longer be on board. They will be able to deliver their children to school, go to work in the control center and leave the kveldsskiftet to the other, instead of being several weeks at sea away from family, ” says Mäkinen.

Limited management

This reality is not far away, according to Rolls-Royce director. He suggests that we are in the course of 4-5 years, launching the first automated ships. They will operate in strictly defined areas with simple tasks.

– We will be able to see it in a bukserbåt that operates inside a harbor and know exactly what to do, or a ferry that does not have other tasks than to go from A to B, ” says Mäkinen.


It is only after this technology is developed and taken in use that we can go out on to the trend towards autonomous ocean-going vessels. It is much more difficult, complicated, and requires far more advanced solutions than the automotive industry tests out with their førerløse cars. It takes something close to artificial intelligence.

– In automated cars be programmed each and every decision. Then select the computer in the car which preprogrammed decision to be taken. It does not take its own independent decisions. There is it still far ahead, ” says Mäkinen.

Rapid development

Chairman of the board Kjersti Kleven of Kleven group emphasizes the opposite NTB that it is just as natural to discuss the unmanned ships to see on self-propelled vehicles.

– These technologies seem to go faster than we can imagine. A shift in technology, may be we will see pretty quickly. But I do not believe in any revolution over night. Shipping are a very regulated area. Not only must the technology work. But also all the infrastructure around must be adapted to the new technology. This is something the up and up, but very exciting ” says Kleven.


Norwegian technology to get up to speed on farming in the Iran – Hegnar Online

Companies AKVA group and the Aqualine will deliver technical equipment to the farms and cages, which provides a production capacity of 20,000 tons, writes the iranian news agency Tasnim.

Sandberg has the last week been on a visit in Iran, together with a large delegation from the aquaculture industry.

I think this has opened some doors, ” he says on the telephone to the NTB.

He says the iranians say they need both the technology and forvaltningskunnskap and that it is Norway, they are looking to get this in place.


By the side of to sell Iran technology to get up to speed on their own food production, efforts are made also to put in place arrangements which allows for the export of Norwegian seafood.

A challenge for Norwegian companies that want to trade with Iran, is that many european banks are anxious to associate themselves with iranian banks, which until January was subject to international sanctions.

I encourage Norwegian banks, especially DNB, to look at solutions to this, ” says Sandberg.

No objections

Fiskeriministeren says he has no qualms to open up for trade between Norway and Iran, a country criticised for human rights abuses, lack of democracy and is involved in several conflicts in the region.

I have full confidence that companies that enter into contracts in Iran, relate to the law and ethical rules, ” says Sandberg.

He says he has not taken up human rights with iranian politicians, but says that he has taken up that Iran waste of resources when so many highly educated women do not release to the community. (©NTB)
