Monday, November 30, 2015

Bill Gates: – Norway is one of the countries showing leadership –

PARIS (Dagbladet): – Norway is always generous and helping the poorest countries. To prevent poor are the worst off of climate change, is a goal we share, said Microsoft founder Bill Gates to the Norwegian press after the launch of a new climate initiative named Missions Innovation.

The initiative is supported by 28 countries, including Norway, USA, India and France and involves a doubling of investment in clean energy.

– Critical combination

Meanwhile, Bill Gates has joined forces with some 20 investors in a separate, independent initiative, to establish a fund for renewable energy. The group will invest billions of dollars to get more risky new technologies to market.

– This combination is critical. The basic research is supported by the authorities as soon as it is ready for market, the people who are willing to take risks, join and help further, he said.


In his speech, During the launch, in front of the delegation members and a large press turnout, thanked US President Barack Obama Bill Gates for his contributions.

Gates says that the new measure makes him more optimistic, although the commitments that are going to come out of the climate summit in Paris not will be enough to meet the politically approved two-degree target.

– Without innovation would not have been an optimist. Then it would become difficult to ask developing countries to pay the high price to be clean. Then we can eventually reach that goal, he said.

– But because of the private and public initiative we’ve seen today, I believe that we should be able to solve this dilemaaet with clean energy versus development.

Dobler contribution

The aim is that the participating countries over a five year period minimum, double the government contribution to the research and development of environmentally friendly energy, writes climate and Environment Tine Sundtoft and petroleum and energy Tord Lien in an article on NRK Freedom.

For Norway includes support for renewable energy, energy transfer and energy efficiency and CO2 management, as well as demonstration and testing new technology.

Erna Solberg announced earlier today that Norway will double its efforts in this area until 2020.

– If we are to reach the 2-degree target, it must be developed and implemented new climate-friendly energy technology on a scale that the world does not previously seen before, said Solberg told reporters in Paris earlier today.

– Takes Leadership

Norway have over the last three years on average allocated 1.1 billion over the MPE budget to research and innovation in green energy. These appropriations should therefore be increased to 2.2 billion within the next five years.

Gates believes the commitment Norway made of doubling efforts in clean energy is “great.”

– It really shows that Norway is one of the countries taking leadership to solve these problems, he said.


“No Limits” crushed all opponents in knowledge tournament – NRK

– It is absolutely fantastic. I am almost in tears. There has been some fighting intense weeks of hard work and a lot of practice, says Ingard Wara from Tromsø.

This weekend 46 teams from Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands and Denmark gathered in Mo i Rana to participate in the Scandinavian final of the world’s largest knowledge tournament, First Lego League. The goal is to increase interest in technology and science in children and young people.

Created «No Limits» Tromso won the Scandinavian finals and are now ready for global finale in the United States in April 2016.

team also secured marketing award, 2nd place in the Research Award and nomination for technology award. No Limits is a team with one girl and six boys between 10 and 13 years. The team has 3 supervisors, and have been doing FLL since 2014.

Several teams from the north

This year’s theme was the future of waste management. “No Limits” has researched how it should be more fun for people to deliver their trash. They also created the prototype of an app called “Skrotbekjemperen.”

Since mid-September, 902 teams from 49 Scandinavian cities working with FLL mission is threefold with challenges in science, technology and cooperation. In November, it held regional finals where 46 Scandinavian teams qualified for Mo i Rana. With all 24 teams from Norway were chances for wins at home.

From Troms attended also made “Trash Killers” from Lyngsdalen school Furuflaten, and “Team GOLE” from Seljestad school in Harstad.

In Finnmark participated teams “Green team” from Elvebakken school in Alta, “Adults no adgang- HR” from Hammerfest Robotics in Hammerfest and “White Foxes» Vadsø school in Kirkenes.

Science and technology in practice

FIRST Lego League, in close cooperation with Statoil, wants to arouse interest in science through real issues that can inspire children and young people. Therefore contains knowledge tournament both professional and personal development through cooperative and practical learning. The idea is that early awareness of science and technology can contribute to a choice of education in this direction. How will tomorrow’s engineers ensured.

– FIRST Lego League is about to arouse interest in research, science and technology among young people in Norway. Today we have witnessed amazing effort, inner glow, and not least willingness to learn among participants. We hope the event inspires so we ensure tomorrow’s engineers and scientists, says sponsorship manager in Statoil, Cathrine INSTEBØ.


- Need a telecommunications network in addition to Telenor –

If Telenor’s core network collapses, it will have serious consequences for Norwegian society.

Several actors must therefore be able to offer a nationwide core network, concludes that Digital vulnerability choice.

The committee, Monday presented its conclusions on Norway’s digital vulnerability, says it needs more players on the field that can offer a nationwide core network.

– Telenor’s core network can be put out of action by human error, routine failure, sabotage, terrorism or disloyal. The total amount of social values ​​this network carrier, is unacceptably high, says the chairman and ICT professor at the University of Oslo, Olav Lysne.

The committee, which was appointed in June last year, tasked with charting society’s digital vulnerability.

– The Commission therefore recommends that at least one player to have a nationwide core network at the same level as Telenor, says Brighten further.


PROPOSES ADDITIONAL CORE NETWORK: Digital vulnerability selection has mapped society's digital vulnerability. The committee consists of Professor Olav Lysne (chairman), researcher Janne Hagen, professor Fredrik Manne, advisor Åke Holmgren, lawyer Eva Jarbekk,  Director Einar Lunde, Professor Kristian Gjøsteen, Sofie Nystrom, and Kristine Beitland. The Commission's report was presented to Justice and Public Security Monday morning. Photo: Haakon Mosvold Larsen, NTB Scanpix.

PROPOSES ADDITIONAL CORE NETWORK: Digital vulnerability selection has mapped society’s digital vulnerability. The committee consists of Professor Olav Lysne (chairman), researcher Janne Hagen, professor Fredrik Manne, advisor Åke Holmgren, lawyer Eva Jarbekk, Director Einar Lunde, Professor Kristian Gjøsteen, Sofie Nystrom, and Kristine Beitland. The Commission’s report was presented to Justice and Public Security Monday morning. Photo: Haakon Mosvold Larsen, NTB Scanpix.

Equal Dagbladet on Facebook.


- Need a telecommunications network in addition to Telenor –

If Telenor’s core network collapses, it will have serious consequences for Norwegian society.

Several actors must therefore be able to offer a nationwide core network, concludes that Digital vulnerability choice.

The committee, Monday presented its conclusions on Norway’s digital vulnerability, says it needs more players on the field that can offer a nationwide core network.

– Telenor’s core network can be put out of action by human error, routine failure, sabotage, terrorism or disloyal. The total amount of social values ​​this network carrier, is unacceptably high, says the chairman and ICT professor at the University of Oslo, Olav Lysne.

The committee, which was appointed in June last year, tasked with charting society’s digital vulnerability.

– The Commission therefore recommends that at least one player to have a nationwide core network at the same level as Telenor, says Brighten further.


PROPOSES ADDITIONAL CORE NETWORK: Digital vulnerability selection has mapped society's digital vulnerability. The committee consists of Professor Olav Lysne (chairman), researcher Janne Hagen, professor Fredrik Manne, advisor Åke Holmgren, lawyer Eva Jarbekk,  Director Einar Lunde, Professor Kristian Gjøsteen, Sofie Nystrom, and Kristine Beitland. The Commission's report was presented to Justice and Public Security Monday morning. Photo: Haakon Mosvold Larsen, NTB Scanpix.

PROPOSES ADDITIONAL CORE NETWORK: Digital vulnerability selection has mapped society’s digital vulnerability. The committee consists of Professor Olav Lysne (chairman), researcher Janne Hagen, professor Fredrik Manne, advisor Åke Holmgren, lawyer Eva Jarbekk, Director Einar Lunde, Professor Kristian Gjøsteen, Sofie Nystrom, and Kristine Beitland. The Commission’s report was presented to Justice and Public Security Monday morning. Photo: Haakon Mosvold Larsen, NTB Scanpix.

Equal Dagbladet on Facebook.


- Build up expertise in Norway – NRK

It is the energy and environment committee of the Parliament as this veka diaper samd to set clear environmental standards for new buildings. This means more investment in battery ferries and ferries with low soil emissions of greenhouse gases.

Rolf Fiskerstrand synest it is very gratifying that the politicians go on to impose such requirements.

Clear recitals

– Eg is impressed and pleased, and applauded the Committee set such demands. Dei implies that the future ferry fleet gets undergraduate emissions of, among other CO₂. Thus it also becomes clear guidelines for it to be developed new technology that makes it become more environmentally venlege ferries will operate on Norwegian liaison to come.

Fiskerstrand Rosar also environmental committee for not just focusing on highway lines, but also on county lines and see that there is a need for money here, too.

Once your claim is approaching EiT zero emission think Fiskerstrand it causes a rotation in Norwegian shipbuilding, and involves building up new skills.

New technology

Gas ferries was an innovation – no waiting new technology .

Photo: Fjord1

– It is known that gas ferries, of Norwegian technology, is a great gain that have reduced green house gases powerful victory Fiskerstrand who can show that six of these are built in Sula.

He says that these ferries diaper built precisely because it became invest in new technology and environmental requirements in mind. After quartz becomes battery technology and hybrid technology on board the ferries.

In the forefront

– We must ensure that Norway joins and develops, so we can remain foremost in the world. But då we must retain the knowledge and technology in this country. Therefore, we must ensure that the ferries and the like are built in this country, and export finished products rather than knowledge.

According Fiskerstrand makes it that jobs in this country are preserved and built up.

– It makes sure we are foremost in the world with such technology, ein technology that the world is ready to buy from.


The girls broke all and won the technology award – NRK

– We got applause, we do every time, says participant Izabella S. Mikkelsen for presentations.

Made “Adults not admitted – HR” from Hammerfest ended with first place in technology award . They are a purely girls teams with 4 girls between 9 and 11 years. The team has three supervisors, affiliated Hammerfest Robotics and has been doing FLL since 2015.

This weekend 46 teams from Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands and Denmark gathered in Mo i Rana to participate in the Scandinavian final of the world’s largest knowledge tournament, FIRST LEGO League. The goal is to increase interest in technology and science in children and adolescents. Created from Hammerfest received 1st place in technology award.

In the finals competed 665 children and young people about pricing in marketing, teamwork, technology and research as well as in the prestigious robot competition, where teams steered a separate layer robot LEGO through an obstacle course.

Several teams from the north

This year’s theme was the future of waste management. From Finnmark also participated teams “Green team” from Elvebakken school in Alta and “White Foxes» Vadsø school in Kirkenes.

From Troms attended also made “Trash Killers” from Lyngsdalen school Furuflaten, “No Limits” from Hamna in Tromsø and “Team GOLE” from Seljestad school in Harstad.

The winner of the title FIRST Lego League Champions, No Limits from Hamna school in Tromso.

Photo: Raymond Engmark

Securing tomorrow’s scientists

There was No Limits from Tromsø who received title FIRST Lego League Champions, and secured his place in the global finals in St. Louis in the United States in April 2016.

Since mid-September, participants worked with FLL mission is threefold with challenges in science, technology and cooperation. In November, it held regional finals where 46 Scandinavian teams qualified for Mo i Rana.

– FIRST Lego League is about to arouse interest in research, science and technology among young people in Norway. Today we have witnessed amazing effort, inner glow, and not least willingness to learn among participants. We hope the event inspires so we ensure tomorrow’s engineers and scientists, says sponsorship manager in Statoil, Cathrine INSTEBØ.



Sunday, November 29, 2015

The girls broke all and won the technology award – NRK

– We got applause, we do every time, says participant Izabella S. Mikkelsen for presentations.

Made “Adults not admitted – HR” from Hammerfest ended with first place in technology award . They are a purely girls teams with 4 girls between 9 and 11 years. The team has three supervisors, affiliated Hammerfest Robotics and has been doing FLL since 2015.

This weekend 46 teams from Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands and Denmark gathered in Mo i Rana to participate in the Scandinavian final of the world’s largest knowledge tournament, FIRST LEGO League. The goal is to increase interest in technology and science in children and adolescents. Created from Hammerfest received 1st place in technology award.

In the finals competed 665 children and young people about pricing in marketing, teamwork, technology and research as well as in the prestigious robot competition, where teams steered a separate layer robot LEGO through an obstacle course.

Several teams from the north

This year’s theme was the future of waste management. From Finnmark also participated teams “Green team” from Elvebakken school in Alta and “White Foxes» Vadsø school in Kirkenes.

From Troms attended also made “Trash Killers” from Lyngsdalen school Furuflaten, “No Limits” from Hamna in Tromsø and “Team GOLE” from Seljestad school in Harstad.

The winner of the title FIRST Lego League Champions, No Limits from Hamna school in Tromso.

Photo: Raymond Engmark

Securing tomorrow’s scientists

There was No Limits from Tromsø who received title FIRST Lego League Champions, and secured his place in the global finals in St. Louis in the United States in April 2016.

Since mid-September, participants worked with FLL mission is threefold with challenges in science, technology and cooperation. In November, it held regional finals where 46 Scandinavian teams qualified for Mo i Rana.

– FIRST Lego League is about to arouse interest in research, science and technology among young people in Norway. Today we have witnessed amazing effort, inner glow, and not least willingness to learn among participants. We hope the event inspires so we ensure tomorrow’s engineers and scientists, says sponsorship manager in Statoil, Cathrine INSTEBØ.



Saturday, November 28, 2015

- Build up expertise in Norway – NRK

It is the energy and environment committee of the Parliament as this veka diaper samd to set clear environmental standards for new buildings. This means more investment in battery ferries and ferries with low soil emissions of greenhouse gases.

Rolf Fiskerstrand synest it is very gratifying that the politicians go on to impose such requirements.

Clear recitals

– Eg is impressed and pleased, and applauded the Committee set such demands. Dei implies that the future ferry fleet gets undergraduate emissions of, among other CO₂. Thus it also becomes clear guidelines for it to be developed new technology that makes it become more environmentally venlege ferries will operate on Norwegian liaison to come.

Fiskerstrand Rosar also environmental committee for not just focusing on highway lines, but also on county lines and see that there is a need for money here, too.

Once your claim is approaching EiT zero emission think Fiskerstrand it causes a rotation in Norwegian shipbuilding, and involves building up new skills.

New technology

Gas ferries was an innovation – no waiting new technology .

Photo: Fjord1

– It is known that gas ferries, of Norwegian technology, is a great gain that have reduced green house gases powerful victory Fiskerstrand who can show that six of these are built in Sula.

He says that these ferries diaper built precisely because it became invest in new technology and environmental requirements in mind. After quartz becomes battery technology and hybrid technology on board the ferries.

In the forefront

– We must ensure that Norway joins and develops, so we can remain foremost in the world. But då we must retain the knowledge and technology in this country. Therefore, we must ensure that the ferries and the like are built in this country, and export finished products rather than knowledge.

According Fiskerstrand makes it that jobs in this country are preserved and built up.

– It makes sure we are foremost in the world with such technology, ein technology that the world is ready to buy from.


“No Limits” crushed all opponents in knowledge tournament – NRK

– It is absolutely fantastic. I am almost in tears. There has been some fighting intense weeks of hard work and a lot of practice, says Ingard Wara from Tromsø.

This weekend 46 teams from Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands and Denmark gathered in Mo i Rana to participate in the Scandinavian final of the world’s largest knowledge tournament, First Lego League. The goal is to increase interest in technology and science in children and young people.

Created «No Limits» Tromso won the Scandinavian finals and are now ready for global finale in the United States in April 2016.

team also secured marketing award, 2nd place in the Research Award and nomination for technology award. No Limits is a team with one girl and six boys between 10 and 13 years. The team has 3 supervisors, and have been doing FLL since 2014.

Several teams from the north

This year’s theme was the future of waste management. “No Limits” has researched how it should be more fun for people to deliver their trash. They also created the prototype of an app called “Skrotbekjemperen.”

Since mid-September, 902 teams from 49 Scandinavian cities working with FLL mission is threefold with challenges in science, technology and cooperation. In November, it held regional finals where 46 Scandinavian teams qualified for Mo i Rana. With all 24 teams from Norway were chances for wins at home.

From Troms attended also made “Trash Killers” from Lyngsdalen school Furuflaten, and “Team GOLE” from Seljestad school in Harstad.

In Finnmark participated teams “Green team” from Elvebakken school in Alta, “Adults no adgang- HR” from Hammerfest Robotics in Hammerfest and “White Foxes» Vadsø school in Kirkenes.

Science and technology in practice

FIRST Lego League, in close cooperation with Statoil, wants to arouse interest in science through real issues that can inspire children and young people. Therefore contains knowledge tournament both professional and personal development through cooperative and practical learning. The idea is that early awareness of science and technology can contribute to a choice of education in this direction. How will tomorrow’s engineers ensured.

– FIRST Lego League is about to arouse interest in research, science and technology among young people in Norway. Today we have witnessed amazing effort, inner glow, and not least willingness to learn among participants. We hope the event inspires so we ensure tomorrow’s engineers and scientists, says sponsorship manager in Statoil, Cathrine INSTEBØ.


Tesla gives full throttle to obtain new customer group on the hook –

(Financial Newspaper): There is no doubt that Tesla appeals to men, and benefits such as zero to one hundred in three seconds, direktørbil appearance and a car packed with technical refinements have been cited endlessly, Finance writes newspaper.

– It’s the press who should be blamed for that Tesla has become a mannebil. It is you who have cited these characteristics by car, says director of Tesla in Norway, Pål Simonsen, told the newspaper.

– At Tesla is a family car with seating for five children, three children seats in the rear, bicycles, strollers and shopping bags, are not as well communicated. This is what we now need to do something with. Tesla is as much a car for women as for men, but then we have to be where the women are, whether it is at home on the couch or at a mall. The characteristics of the car, like a women and family car’ve been there the whole time, he points out.

According to Secretary General of the Norwegian EV Association, Christina Bu, the women today 25 percent of electric car sales in Norway . 59 percent are men, and the rest are businesses.


In Denmark, Tesla sales almost gone overnight when authorities removed the incentive schemes. It does not scare Bu.

– I am convinced that electric cars are the future. In Norway, sales have gained momentum on himself because of incentives, and Tesla will have a lot of credit for development. Had it not been for Tesla, would not evolution passed so quickly for the others either. And Volkswagen shows it clearly now, after discharge scandal; They have twisted the focus on electrical engineering, says she said.

– It is in this economy. The price of the car is one thing, but one must also include expenses such tolls and fuel in math, says Bu, and argues that Tesla in addition, less depreciation than other vehicles.

It is not marketing director at LeasePlan Norway, Marius Paus, totally agree.

– We expect that Tesla get the same value loss as comparable vehicles with combustion engines. That is more expensive BMW, Mercedes, Audi and Porsche. Especially Tesla’s introduction of all-wheel drive means that we believe in a lower depreciation now than when the model was launched, he said.

Private Economist in Sparebank 1SMN, Change The Reitetinden, has previously been critical of Financial newspaper. He pulled it emerged that many people buy a much more expensive car than they otherwise would, and that they signed the depreciation of the car.

– There are many Tesla owners get a surprise. There are probably many who have had a great driving experience, but who is going to pay dearly when they make up accounts in a few years, he told the newspaper.

More news:

Tesla is recalling all sold Model S cars
Porsche sales in Norway has doubled in recent weeks
Tesla experiencing complaint storm


Friday, November 27, 2015

IK16: Internationalization in restructuring – SIU

Increased international competition, mergers of institutions, refugee crisis and virtual mobility are some of the challenges Norwegian institutions are facing. The theme of IK16 is Internationalization in restructuring.

By: Frey Katrine Myrhol.

Published: 11/24/2015

Norwegian universities and colleges are facing changes in society that will have meaning for internationalization efforts on institutions. Some of the moves that IK16 will examine are:

  • Increased competition with other institutions in the world to recruit students and researchers
  • Greater demands for relevance and collaboration with social partners programs
  • Physical mobility vs. virtual tools: What impact will new technologies that Mooc and webinar get ahead, and how can they be used in the best way in international cooperation?
  • Refugee crisis: Requirements for adaptability in the institutions
  • Challenging structural and mergers of institutions
  • Increased demands for quality in education and research

Enroll conference

 IK16 takes place p & # xE5; University of Stavanger 9th-10th of March. (Photo: Paul Sigve Amundsen / SIU)

IK16 takes place at the University of Stavanger 9. -10.mars. (Photo: Paul Sigve Amundsen / SIU)

The goal of internationalization conference is to provide professional updating on trends and key topics of internationalization, and creating contact with their peers . The conference is the most important meeting place for everyone interested in the internationalization of higher education.

IK16 takes place in Stavanger 9.-10. in March 2016, where the University of Stavanger (UiS) is host.

On SIU’s website you can see the program, get practical information about the conference and register for the IK16. You register before 21 December and get a discount on the conference fee.

Join arrangement since for IK16 on Facebook, where SIU will also post updates for the conference.

Speakers and presenter

Former news anchor and foreign reporter in TV2, Thomas Henschien, will be master of ceremonies at IK16. These are among the exciting speakers at the conference:

Andrée Sursock: Senior Adviser in the European University Association (EUA), Brussels. Author of the report Trends, which analyzes a decade of political changes in higher education in Europe. In his speech will Sursock including talk about trends and the use of technology in international cooperation.

Alastair Creelman: Researcher at Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden. Creelman posts will be about internationalization at home and virtual mobility for teachers and students.

Frank Ziegel: Director of CHE Centre for Higher Education and professor at The University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrück, Germany. Ziegel posts will deal with the constraints as a tool for comparing institutions, including U-Multi Rank. What lies behind rankings, and there are other options?


Too cumbersome to pay for journalism – journalist

Unfortunately, the media houses’ payment just another example of how technology can be a brake and threatening for income model if not used wisely.

We have seen the same in most contexts in which IT has been introduced to streamline information, production, distribution or payment.

Of course it is not the technology itself that is the problem but the people who implement it, especially when technology is set to solve problems that are not ripe, or that is in step with the rest of the organization and / or community / market.

As a consultant and journalist with media technology as a specialty in many years I have both been jointly responsible for premature solutions and seen up close how productivity and economy can fail when the technology is set to resolve major tasks for early and when the human factor is behind with the technology (or vice versa ).

Also the digital design agency Netlife Research is concerned that it is too difficult for people to buy editorial content. There you can read about here: – The media are digging their own grave with complicated payment

When we only had newspapers on paper, we had the same interface for all to subscribe. Certainly, we had to obtain forward one phone number for each subscription (but it was usually easy, with mailbox full of flyers who asked us to call), but a quick phone was enough that the newspaper came at the door immediately afterward. Giro payment, possibly via bank worked fine – especially if we managed to count us through KID-numbers.

Purchased we newspapers in counter, we got the present in the same outlets, and the interface was payment at checkout. For more exotic newspapers we might have to Narvesen at the train station. This was relatively easy to use technology, it was slow, but was understood by most people, and not least – it was designed to make it easy to buy and pay, and to please, do not fret.

This is where digital media have failed, and I shall in this section ignore the setbacks and advances the digital medium itself has been through.

To purchase a digital newspaper, we must have a computer ( Step 1), sign us in (Step 2), find the subscription address (step 3), fill in a form reminiscent of the first page of the tax return (step 4), locate the code chip or code card for online banking (step 5), enter the password online bank (step 6), fill out payment information on bank card (step 7), wait for the response to fill numbers from the code chip / token (step 8), and often wait for email with a link to verify the email address (step 9). It is also the exception being able to buy a single newspaper let alone an article.

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date that we constantly have to sign us in again, remembering passwords and usernames, and occasionally find that we still can not access. For something we already paid for. We’ve purchased access to a service, not on a specific computer or mobile, but the service itself.

Yet we must go around with log data available, and if we are gods forbid change computers or mobile or upgrade the software on it, then slams media companies often even punishes us with new login procedures.

What to do with mistrust readers who know they have paid, could possibly Franz Kafka explained us, if he had lived long enough to experience the digital media miracle. When the newspaper was a call away, it was never mistrust that greeted us, but friendly and service willing customer service representatives who always robbed us the burden and solve the problems on the newspaper’s behalf.

For my own part, I can add that even for us digital enthusiasts who are raving about the night about the opportunities technology offers, are incentives to renounce printed newspaper absent.

Later we for a moment as if digital media form and content in itself is problematic, as is still the relationship with major customers – readers – strained. For several years now, readers learned that there are those who must bear the costs for poor and low-use technology, and weak customer service.

What’s worse is, readers have learned that there are advertisers who are media primary customers, not readers. As secondary clients, we disloyal, demanding and little willing to pay. Finally, it is media themselves who must pay for this.

Sadly, it is more willing to work and skilled journalists than ever that could make the digital media and style you significant and exciting than ever before in history.


NRK journalists teaches children netiquette – journalist

– We who work with news for children has been given some new tasks lately. And we struggle with that the normal channels are not the main source of children for information. They are most of social media.

It says journalist Kristin Granbo . She works in children news NRK Super Promotions has prepared the report “Children news: How can it survive the digital era?”.

– This past year we started making news on Instagram and snapchat. We also make a lot shorter formats of news stories our on-line. I thought it was interesting to look at what it does to our content whenever formats have become much smaller and shorter. The information we provide must necessarily be affected by it.

Security in a sentence

Granbo skepticism lay in that Supernytt also in new channels should be safe, explain and give children an understanding of the news. This applies to news that directly affect children and about children, or news that gets so much space in the media otherwise that children can understand the content. The aim is that children should not have to be afraid of what’s going on.

– We make news on the basis of that we shall take every child seriously. And so we will cover the issues children care about.

This is done in social media through even fewer characters and images than before. On Instagram, it will be down to a single sentence that will convey the news.

– We do not want the criteria should change. We will inform with words that children can understand and make news and the world a little less daunting by dragging it down to a level that they can identify with and understand, tells Granbo.

Confidence People in comment field

Editorial use so much time having contact with users. The journalists answer questions and moderate the comments field.

– There is a positive change, since we have direct contact with our target audience. In addition to coming with questions, they come with feedback we can use every single day. But it’s hard for us to be present 24 hours a day.

The biggest change in their children’s usage patterns when they go from TV to PCs, tablets and mobile, is that news goes from being an arena children sharing with adults to get some children consume on their own. This also affects journalists’ work.

– Children trying to get hold of us and use us as their trustees and grow people. We sense it in the way they formulate on. They rely very sure that we will give them answers to things. And to some extent they use us because they see news completely on their own, unlike before. We must therefore have an even greater presence.

– Is this a role you should have?

– I think that’s something the people here are asking themselves; if it is we who must do it. We note that there are some training and use of social media by being in the comments and correct them, and respond and indicate when they write something we will not be there. We do that a lot.

– The question of whether we as a public broadcaster to have the role or whether it is parents and teachers. I have not the answer. We spend a lot of time on it, so there will be an extra addition job.

Sophisticated users

From Supernytts comment fields can read a series of questions like “what consequences will this have for me? “Children are afraid of what concerns them. At the same time comment fields big commitment and there are many questions about how to help others. Children are otherwise different from adults when it comes to language.

– Children are very sophisticated users of social media. It moderated much parlance. Clergy and people commenting each other, that we do not have. But they are very humbled comments that we put in, and it goes on confidence in us. When we say that so we will not talk, so they regret very often. They say sorry and that they did not mean it and will not write like that again. We feel that we raise them slightly. And I have not had the same experience after working in the comment field with adults. They take most discussion further.

More content in shorter Affairs

The basis for the report Granbo has prepared a questionnaire she sent out to colleagues and editors around Europe. Here it emerges that currently supplies about half of all European journalists who make news for children, also news in social media. News bulletin on linear television is no longer the main focus.

– Everybody says they are creating more content than before. They produce more things to more platforms. They make network issues, but will also produce things for television and create Instagram and snapchat News. There is less content in each segment. I have not done any quantitative studies, but most people say that they quit matters earlier than before. But that’s the across the board, including in adult news.

– Most journalists see it as a challenge to compress the news more than we have done previously. We will get even more information when the news should be presented in just one sentence.

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The picture is possibly not as gloomy as it might sound like. The technology that has led to changes mean Granbo also has made it easier to work faster. In addition, it is the case that the audience will have brief cases, and then it is perhaps not surprising that there will be less time per case.

– Does the new formats something with which content is chosen out?

It’s the little different thoughts around. Some of those who make news for children in Europe use different platforms to different news. They might choose a lighter news on Instagram than they would make in a television broadcast.

– Our line is that all matters will stand for itself. We do not use Instagram to tease a novelty in the television broadcast or online. We might as well put out a news about terror on Intagram, while we know that we have an approach where we bring out a message in a way that makes them not left with many questions. We believe that it should not change what we will choose.

Be there kids are

Most social media has an age limit of 13 years. Media Authority has recommended that young as 10 years old can have their own accounts, if the parents believe the children are mature enough to use them. NRK follows Media Authority advice, and with it a greater presence than public broadcasters in England and Germany.

In the report it emerges that this gives NRK an advantage, while BBC are barking after target audience and are afraid they will lose them even before the children are 13. In Germany, takes a right match for that broadcasters can use social media.

– We must follow through on those platforms where children are. We must have dialogue with our users. It differs in that respect not of how news for adults should be done. But social media is probably a key to where we need to deliver news to come as well.

However, there is not much evidence that television is moving away. Granbo think television will consist in a long time, although not necessarily at the time the news of children running today. Supernytt has already shifted send point from evening to morning. The reason is that teachers use the news in education, and they must be fresh.

– We will probably also come to having to update broadcast throughout the day, and make them available when children are actually interested in seeing them . We also know that children are very important users of Youtube, so we want to be there too.

Do not know what kids understand

The report has not seen news for children a brukerpersepktiv. Such an examination hope Granbo coming soon.

– This has little value if one does not also belong to those who actually see and read our news; Thus children. They must be asked about what they get out of these new formats, if there is enough content, if they are left with more questions after a news on Instagram than they did with a television case. I’ve been wanting to do something on it.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Four climate challenges the industry can face – NRK

The last 30 years there has been a steady increase in temperature in the North Atlantic. Together, the temperature rise in the Barents Sea since the early 1980s has been approximately 0.8 degrees, which has led to a number of marine species have moved further to the north.

Mette Sørensen at the University of Nordland.

Photo: Martin Steinholt / NRK

– we see this year’s historic high temperatures, and it is high seawater temperatures, said Professor Mette Sørensen at the section of Aquaculture at the University of Nordland.

If greenhouse gas emissions continue at their current pace, the temperature in the Barents Sea will increase by as much as nine degrees by the end of this century. But even just one or two degrees increase would have serious consequences for marine animals – and those who work with animals in the sea, says Sørensen.

She highlights the following points to questions about how climate change could impact the aquaculture industry in the future – an industry which had a turnover of 44.3 billion kroner whole in 2014:

1. More lus

The temperature rise causes the wildlife develops faster. Not only the fish will grow faster – also parasites like lice will evolve with increased speed, according to Sorensen.

Today it is used for various types of drugs in the fight against lice, which each year cost the industry a lot of money. Nofima estimates that luseproblematikken cost industry 3-4000000000 in 2014. In addition, costs resulting from lost growth and poorer feed conversion.

– Those who engaged in farming struggling today with major challenges in lusesida and we know that the growth of lice is very temperature dependent. 20-30 years, we will hopefully come up with some new funds into the fight, but I think we will never be able to get rid of the problem completely, says Sørensen.

2. Increased use of chemicals

The sale of assets against lice in Norwegian aquaculture increased in 2014, reflecting the problem of resistance in sea lice. FHI describes consumption of salmon lice agents remained high since 2009.

The drugs can have fatal consequences for life around fish farms, which a research has shown.

– We hope as delousing in future does not involve the use of more or new chemicals. This is a great burden for people working in the industry who worry about environmental consequences, not to mention those who will manage these funds.

3. More disease

Higher temperatures can introduce diseases that have previously not been a problem in this country. It can happen while changes in salinity, in that more freshwater flows into the sea, making fish more susceptible to disease through stress.

– The industry is struggling now with a parasite called amøbesykdom. This is so far is a new disease in Norway, but that has long been known from other parts of the world, says the professor.

4. More extreme places new demands on plants

In the future expected increase in extreme weather. Under extreme weather “Nina” escaped more than 150,000 salmon and rainbow trout. Scientific Advisory Committee for Atlantic Salmon Management has previously considered escaped farmed salmon to be one of the most serious non-stabilized impact factors on wild salmon.

– More storms may require new technology, and that technology must be designed to To withstand more storms to prevent escapes.

Sorensen adds that this is an area that the industry is actively working today, so that in the future have structures that can withstand more than today.

– I also believe that in forward time the plants will be located in other areas, and not so close to the shore as today.

– Important food resource

The professor is also clear that we need aquaculture in forward time, as a result of a growing world population and corresponding increased need for food.

– More and more food must be collected from the sea. I hope the industry continues to focus on research and innovation, such as addressing the challenges ahead. And I think it will do, says Sørensen.

To see the aquaculture industry even at forward time

Chief Information Officer Øyvind André Haram in Seafood Norway.

Photo: Siv Dolmen / FHL

Chief Information Officer Øyvind André Haram in Seafood Norway say they have not yet noticed huge climate change.

– It is said that the weather gets hotter, but what we have seen and measurements we have made in recent years, shows that local variations are greater in a year than the long term, he said.

He thinks while warmer temperatures can cause algal blooms.

– It can also provide opportunities to serve other type of species, but also challenges for the we doing today. Salmon like for example, temperatures above 18 degrees.

– Do you fear more problems with sea lice as a result of higher temperatures?

– There is certainly something you’re watching, but it is not certain that the relationships are as clear as you think. In the fall, for example, sea temperatures in northern Norway a little higher than the average in the two preceding years, while lice levels are half of what they were for two to three years ago. There is no telling what the real consequences are.

– Not excessively

He believes that one must listen to the climatologists say and rely on it.

– We have in many ways taken account of challenges in terms of the technical part. Where we have already acted us demands that are on the table now. They take into account changes, for example through NYTEK scheme, which involves the need to have equipment that allows for 50-årsstormer.

Selda puts things in perspective
