Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Uber provides private chauffeur with a tap on your mobile - ABC News

of taxi trouble abroad? This app is your driver minutes away.

short, Uber works like this: You fish out your mobile. It tells you where you are. You press book car and a few minutes later rolls a black car with driver over to you, open the back door and you enter.

Klikk.no have tested the service in Paris. It is also in Stockholm and twenty other cities. The company is one of the fastest growing in the world right now and has received two billion to grow. It works great.

was tired of looking for cab

idea for Uber came when the commander of the company Travis Kalanic arrived late for a lecture in Paris five years ago because he could not get a cab. Now he has two billion dollars to roll out taxi limo service Uber worldwide.

– This is an industry that needed renovation. We turn everything upside down and create a new market for the transport of people. The quality is higher than what you’re used to, says Kalanic.

See also: – Children under four years of age should ride rear-facing also the taxi

Taxi Companies and organizations around the world are outraged. The company has three full-time lawyers, and they have engaged a number of law firms to answer all the legal complaints they are getting into.

– This is a service people want because the taxi is not working well enough, says Travis. He will not stop. On the contrary. He plans to deliver anything through the app as well. He has already begun to deliver Christmas trees and flowers. He has put in place loan unimaginable variety billion to 200,000 new drivers can buy a new car via Uber and start driving for them. In Silicon Valley spoken about that Uber is going to be the next Amazon.

See also: has gone furthest of all in the world

Simple can be ingeniously

Some ideas are so simple that they are difficult to understand. Mobile Apps Uber is one such service. Yes, it’s like Taxi. But in a whole new way.

Firstly, there is a very good app, you enter your credit card so you do not need to worry about payment when you are promoting. You have your receipt on mail as you step out of the car. It finds out where you are and show on the map where the nearest cars are. Nice if you’re in a new city and not some addresses.

Anyone who has traveled some have been cheated by a taxi driver. Here you are not. Payment is via company and everything is logged on a map. You can send a message to the driver if you want to explain the way or say that you have forgotten something in the taxi.

See also: The ten most common travel mistakes

cars are black and ironed. You can choose between black Toyota Prius, black or black Mercedes van. In Norway, we are already used to that taxis are Mercedes E-class, but we still like the feel of a private driver as the personal service provides. The drivers slipping quietly around town. The price is not at all shocking. It costs 35 euros with the Prius and 50 euros by limo from the airport to the center of Paris. A taxi costs 40-50 euros fast.

From Stockholm Arlanda to the center costs 650 crowns with Mercedes. It normally costs four to five hundred for a fixed price at Taxi.

See also: Got paid to drive a taxi with Jens

Uber has more competitors

established a number of competitors to Uber. The cars of American hoisting characterized with pink mustaches (yup, you read that correctly). Here’s the concept more towards ordering a friend with a car.

Hailo is the europesike variant of Uber. Hailo has yellow cabs and also tries to establish itself worldwide using Japanese inverstorpenger.

yet uber leader. It just works. It’s a bit like taxi for those who like Macs.

See also:

To work pickpockets

Quiz: Do you know what the airports called?

To get fastest through security

The case was originally written for Kvinneguiden and published on klikk.no

This car is not like any other - TV 2

– En litt småjålete familiebil som matcher naboens BMW …

Sett tv2.no som startside.

Mange av stasjonsvognene på markedet kan oppleves som litt kjedelige, forutsigbare og like. Det gjør ofte ikke den helt store forskjellen om du velger den ene eller den andre.

Om du ikke velger en Citroën C4 Picasso da. Da får du en helt annerledes bil.

C4 Picasso er bilen som ikke ligner på noe andre. Vi snakker ikke bare om det utvendige. Også innvendig har Citroën-ingeniørene gått sine egne veier.

Vi forventer – ut fra lange tradisjoner – at Citroën skal være en annerledes bil. De prøvde i noen å lange lit mer alminnelige biler. Da ble det ramaskrik. Vil bare VIL at de skal være annerledes.

Men vi kjøper de allikevel ikke. Hvorfor ikke det? Fordi de er annerledes … Forstå det den som kan.

Les vår test av Citroën DS4 her

Hva er dette?

Foto: Benny Christensen

Dette er den helt nye Picasso en som kom nå i høst. Den finnes i to utgaver. Lang og kort, hvorav den lange heter: Grand og har sju sitteplasser.

Bilen vi nå kjører er den korte og byr på fem sitteplasser. Den er utstyrt med en 1,6-liters dieselmotor på 115 hk, som vi kjenner fra blant andre Volvo, Ford, Peugeot og Mini.

C4 Picasso koster fra 266.800 kroner, men testbilen som er i en svært velutstyrt Exclusive-utgave kommer på 339.200 kroner + utstyr som skinn, panorama glasstak, xenon lys, park assist og metalliclakk osv. Dette gjør at prislappen havner på tett oppunder 390.000 kroner.

Da har man til gjengjeld en svært hyggelig bil med “rubb og stubb”. som rett og slett er litt småjålete og som matcher naboens BMW når det gjelder duppeditter …

Hvordan er den å kjøre?

Foto: Benny Christensen

Med en frontrute på hele to kvadratmeter og glasstak, oppleves bilen som svært luftig. Plassen er raus, setene – som er utstyrt med massasje – er svært gode og bilen går svært stille.

Motor og girkasse spiller godt sammen og utgjør både en god og fornuftig kombinasjon. Innvendig oppleves bilen som svært moderne. Så moderne at man må bruke litt tid på å sette seg inn i alle funksjoner. Det krever faktisk litt tilvenning og erfaring inntil det sitter, men man venner seg fort til det.

Det som overrasker litt er kjøreegenskapene. Bilen krenger en del selv om farten ikke er veldig høy gjennom svingene. Det hadde vært helt greit det, om den hadde hentet det inn igjen på komfortsiden. Det gjør den dessverre ikke helt. Her hadde vi ventet det litt bedre.

Det virker nesten som Citroën har forsøkt å gi den litt sporty kjøreegenskaper uten helt å ha klart det – og de har dermed tuklet det til på komforten i samme slengen.

Styringen oppleves som presis og det er lenge siden vi har kjørt en bil med så gode lys.

Brukt Citroën C4: – Du skal slite med å finne bedre bil til mindre penger

Hvordan er plassen?

Foto: Benny Christensen

Som allerede nevnt er forsetene er veldig godt sted å være.

Bilen er bare 4,4 meter lang, men Citroën har vært flinke med møbleringen om bord. Baksetene kan felles ned (etter litt plunder …) og du få et helt flatt bagasjeromsgulv. Bra!

Bra er det også at baksetene kan skyves i lengderetningen. Det gir god fleksibilitet i forhold til bagasjeplassen. Dette gjør at bagasjerommet svelger unna mellom 537 og 630-liter. Det er det ikke mange som matcher.

Det som er litt synd et at de tre separate baksetene er små og smale. Voksne sitter ikke godt her over tid. Man får en litt rar knevinkel og dårlig med lårstøtte.

Barn derimot, har god plass. Det er jo tross alt de som sitter der mest. De vil nok også like panoramataket og justeringsmulighetene man har her. Slikt er alltid litt spennende.

Åpningsvinkelen på bakdørene er god og to barneseter her vil ikke være noe problem. Atkomsten er lett og plassen raus.

Citroën C4 Grand Picasso: Eierne skryter den opp i skyene

Går den bra?

Foto: Benny Christensen

Det er vel grunn til å kanskje anta at de som er i markedet for å kjøpe en slik bil har fokus på helt andre egenskaper – slik som design, det praktiske, utstyret, imaget – enn antall sekunder bilen bruker fra 0- 100 km/t?

Om du allikevel skulle lure, tar det 11,8 sekunder – mens toppfarten er minst like lite interessante 189 km/t. Med 1,6-liter dieselen med 114 hk / 270 Nm under panseret.

Bilen oppleves som både harmonisk, rask nok og sterk nok med denne drivlinja. 6-trinns girkassa er også lettsjaltet og fin.

Den kan – om dette ikke faller i smak – leveres med både større og mindre alternativer i både bensin og diesel.

Vurderer du automat, fikser Citroën det også, men prøvekjør nøye før du bestemmer deg. De har nemlig fått en del “pepper” for automatkassa si.

Men med tanke på kombinasjonen ytelser, pris og forbruk / utslipp så seiler drivlinja i testbilen opp som en svært god og fornuftig kandidat.

Forbruket er oppgitt til bare 0,40 l/mil ved blandet kjøring, så grådig ved dieselpumpa kan ingen beskylde den for å være.

Dette er en av de tøffeste konkurrentene

Finest utenpå eller inni?

Foto: Benny Christensen

Nye C4 Picasso er en bil som tolker stasjonsvognsegmentet på en ny og frisk måte, det liker vi. Det trengs definitive noen friske pust innimellom alle de konservative.

Den har et utseende som ikke ligner noen annen bil. Bred grill som integrerer Citroën-logoen og et lampearrangement som kanskje er mer spesielt enn direkte pent.

Den gedigne frontruta som glir over i et glasstak, gir også bilen særpreg, både fra utsiden og innsiden.

Heller ikke inni er den noen annen bil lik. Det hel-digitale instrumenthuset er senterplassert, mens alle betjeningselementene er samlet rundt en touchskjerm midt på dashbordet og på rattet.

Moderne og sikkert litt kult, men ikke direkte intuitivt. Men man venner seg fort til det – så la ikke det være noen brems for et eventuelt kjøp.

Vi opplevde under testperioden at bryteren til den innvendige gardinen til panoramataket kilte seg fast og at vi ikke fikk kjørt gardinen fram og tilbake. Ikke noen stor sak. Vi opplevde også at styringen til valg av layouten på deler av det digitale instrumentpanelet var ustabilt. Ingen krise det heller – men ikke direkte betryggende …

Alt i alt har Citroën gjort en god jobb med innpakkingen her både utenpå og innvendig. Og det er fristende å gi hjemmeseier til både det utvendige og innvendige her.

Citroën DS3: Fransk og forførerisk

… og hva er konklusjonen?

Foto: Benny Christensen

Les vår test av Citroëns største bil

Citroën C4 Picasso er nok først og fremst et valg for de som vil skille seg litt ut. Ikke i form av en BMW eller Audi – men med et mer personlig bilvalg.

Men også du som vurderer en VW Golf, Ford Focus eller Toyota Auris som stasjonsvogn, vil garantert finne mange verdifulle og fornuftige egenskaper under det litt kontroversielle skallet.

Den krever som nevnt innledningsvis litt tilvenning, men det er en spennende og litt annerledes bil med mange gode iboende egenskaper – og noen få ikke fullt så gode.

Pluss: En praktisk, morsom og litt annerledes bil. Prisgunstig.

Minus: Kanskje FOR annerledes for enkelte, samt litt tvilsom annenhåndsverdi.

Bil: Citroën Modell: C4 Picasso Motor: 1,6-liter diesel Effekt: 115 hk / 270 0–100 km/t: 11,8 sek. Toppfart: 189 km/t Pris fra: 266.800,- Pris testbil: 388.000,-

Les også: Dette er en skikkelig Citroën-klassiker

Tablet users' main complaints - Computerworld

This is the main complaint points from tablet users.

users of Apple’s iPad Air tablet and Amazon’s Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 “tablet is dissatisfied with the stability of the browsers that come with portable tablets.

users of Microsoft Surface 2 tablet complain primarily of poor selection of great apps.

This is presented in a review of user messages that are received by the U.S. site Fixya.

See also: TEST: The difficulty iPad elections

site specializes in providing user-based tips and solutions to problems ranging from cars, computers and a lot of other technology to horticulture, sports and outdoor activities.

browsers crash

Statistics are compiled on the basis of user messages indicate that the browser issues are at the top of the complaint list from users of Air iPad and Kindle Fire HDX tablet.

For iPad users’ part, there is dissatisfaction with the Safari browser crashes too much, while four users have similar complaints of Amazon’s Silk browser, reports U.S. PC World.

iPad mini users have Safari crash on second place in his complaint list.

See also: TEST: Microsoft Surface 2 – Updated and smarter Land

Nearly 30 percent of the reported problems with the iPad Air and 25 percent of the problems reported by Kindle Fire users are dealing with, respectively, Safari and Silk.

From the owners of iPad Mini with Retina display comes to 20 percent of the complaints problems with the Safari browser.

Troubleshooting answer from Fixya is that Safari users seem to encounter problems primarily when they open sites that use Adobe’s Flash Player. There have many tabs open at once can also create problems, it says.

Apple has never given his support for Flash Player on iOS operating system, but it does not mean that Safari is expected to crash when opening a Flash Player website.

See also: Nokia with new RT tablet and the new flagship phone

Fixya recommend that iPad users timber Safari history and cookies on a regular basis.

The same advice given to users of the Kindle Fire HDX users who use Amazon’s Silk browser.

Where is kvalitetsappene

other hand, has no website no solution to the problem that Surface 2 users have the top of his complaint list, lack of kvalitetsapper to Surface 2 25 percent of the complaints were about this.

On the other hand, it seems that Land 2 users are satisfied with the browser that comes with Windows RT 8.1: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

Fixya report in its entirety can be read here.

Android tablet is not featured in the December report, but in the October report, it was mentioned that 35 percent of the complaints from users of the general Android devices was about random crashes while using the tablet.

IT trouble irritates - Siste.no

690,000 workers reports that this happens often. The biggest problems are in the banking and financial sector.

IT solutions is thus both a source of efficiency and also big productivity in Norwegian working life.

  • See also: Ethics and IT Hand in Hand

Xtra personnel employment survey suggests that disturbing many workers are struggling with IT systems.

62.7 percent say they get workday interrupted by IT trouble sometimes or often, of which again says 25.7 percent said it happens often.

This corresponds thus respectively 1,680,000 and 690,000 Norwegian workers (according SBBs Labour Force Survey, Q4 2012).

  • Read also: Denied Facebook at work

– study shows how important IT has become in our modern workday. IT tools are now used to perform most work processes in virtually every industry, and then leads the IT trouble to productivity, says Hanne says Zimmermann, CEO of Xtra personnel.

– why it’s important to be both properly staffed on the support page and have good solutions to quickly get up with IT solutions after an interruption.

  • See also: Forms A-team against computer crime

study shows that the highest number of employees in banking and finance who receive workday interrupted by IT problems.

full 86 percent of this industry say they often (38.9 percent) or sometimes (47.2 percent) is forced to stop work.

This is by far the highest proportion often among the various sectors.

– The number of banking and financial sector is shockingly high. There is obviously barely employees who do not experience IT trouble on a regular basis, says Zimmermann.

– I am amazed at the numbers because this is an industry that early adopted IT as a tool and work processes. It may, however, be such that many complex systems also increases the likelihood of experiencing IT-related outages.

  • See also: Quitting job to follow dream

Also the staff in IT-/telekom- and technology sector report frequent disruption to the working day due to IT trouble.

80.3 percent of the staff here says that IT trouble doing that they often or sometimes have to interrupt your work.

came out best health care in the private sector where only 50 per cent experience IT-related work interruptions.

– Interrupted work due to IT trouble one can also imagine due to lack of IT skills among employees, more than a system failure. However, these figures show that the industries where IT expertise is the highest that stands out negatively, says Zimmermann.

  • Read also: How to stop hackers

Looking at the differences between the sectors, the public worst.

68 percent experiencing regular stops in the working day due to IT-related problems, compared with 60 percent in private.

It is the government that is most IT trouble, with 80.6 percent frequently or occasionally experience disruptions due to IT trouble. (ANB)

Monday, December 30, 2013

How to hacker NSA into computers worldwide - Bergens Tidende

It’s Spiegel that tells the story of the NSA elite hacker group TAO.

NSA department, which has existed since 1997, breaks into computers around the world and make ‘back doors’ in machines with them they will spy on. Rear doors are security holes that the user of a machine do not know, and that can be utilized in hacking.

information NSA obtain, can be used to, among other anti-terror efforts or good old-fashioned espionage.

Spiegel article is based on documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden, who has previously revealed massive surveillance under the auspices of the U.S. and British secret services.

Exploiting vulnerabilities in Windows

NSA describes itself that the program is about “getting hold of it as it is impossible to obtain.” And that TAO has access to some of the most difficult goals NSA trying on.

Spiegel also reveals that they use vulnerabilities in large companies such as American Microsoft, Dell and Cisco, as well as Chinese Huawei to carry out attacks.

An example of a weakness in Microsoft’s operating system Windows that utilizes the NSA, the following:

It is quite common to bring up a pop-up window when that happens something wrong with your computer. Then you can report what’s wrong. If you do, you make your way into your computer much easier for the NSA. For if the NSA is curious about you and entered your IP address in their system, they will get the message when you send an error of this report.

In Snowden document describes these reports as a great way to get passive access to the computer.

Passive access does not mean that the NSA can actively do things on the computer, but that they know everything that the computer does on the internet.

And as Spiegel writes – this passive access may reveal security holes on your computer, such as the NSA in turn can use to get active access it by hacking.

tips on this matter? Contact reporter here to e-mail, send to our encrypted alert portal or send regular mail and style to Arild Færaas.

Are internet users

NSA also sends out emails with links to virus infected sites. But according to an internal NSA documents have spam a success rate of less than 1 percent.

Another key element in the hacking operation to the NSA’s network of routers and servers they control. In addition to their own routers and servers, they have also been infiltrated others that allow NSA hackers to control computers.

In this way the NSA track the people they’re watching, including when they leave traces as e-mail addresses of other computers than they usually use. When one of the NSA-controlled routers or servers detects a specific email address, then go “alarm”.

Then NSA determine which web internet user tries to go to, and in addition to sending the person to the side, the machine will be connected to a NSA server. This sends spyware (malware) that is adapted to the known security holes on your computer.

Although this does not always work, according to an internal NSA document that when this is done in connection with such Linkedin pages is the success rate of over 50 percent.

Opens physical mail

more physical method that NSA uses, but they also get the help of hacking is to ensure that physical packages harbors stop them before they are redirected. If someone they’re ordering computer equipment, NSA may even physically adapt the equipment, install “back doors” so that they will have access to devices via the internet.

This is described as one of the most effective methods of surgery hacker department TAO has.

NSA has also infiltrated European telecommunications companies and managed to get access to e-mails sent using BlackBerry phones, formerly known as eavesdropping secure. According Spiegel it using a long TAO operation that it was possible.

Another method is called Computer Network Exploitation – use of computer networks. The goal is to gain control of some of the devices that make it possible to get further access to the network. It can be such as computers, mobile phones, firewalls, routers, servers and industrial control systems such as the U.S. and Israel managed with Stuxnet operation against Iran.

Spying on cables

As known from previous Snowden leaks spying both the Americans and the British in cables that cross the Atlantic and the Pacific. But the Spiegel article also revealed that underwater cables between Europe and North Africa and the Gulf states might be tapped.

cables moving on to Malaysia and Thailand and is owned by both French and Italian telecommunications operators.

ALSO READ: – Scary that people do not care monitoring

Simply by using the methods described above, NSA managed to hack into the telecommunications operators so that they could see how the technical infrastructure looks like. There do not appear in the Spiegel article on the NSA physically connect on and can eavesdrop cables today.

But the document also states that they are planning more operations to get more information on this and other cable systems.

NSA has only this comment to Spiegel about the case:

– TAO is in the forefront to ensure that NSA can defend the nation and our allies. The work is centered around utilizing data networks to support our foreign intelligence collection.

Attacker hard drives

You can also read the Spiegel article about the 50-page brochure NSA employees can browse to obtain various monitoring equipment.

There comes among other things that the NSA has equipment that attack the hard drives from the U.S. companies Western Digital, Seagate and Maxtor, and the South Korean Samsung.

Spiegel says that there is nothing in the documents to suggest that the companies themselves collaborating with the NSA. The companies also refuses even that they do it.

TAO stands for Tailored Access Operations can directly be translated with tailored access operations.

department is housed in several locations in the U.S., but has its headquarters in San Antonio, Texas.

In 2010, they conducted 279 operations around the world.

TAO Group is also closely related to hacking operations in quantum program that SVT revealed that Sweden also helps.

National Security Agency (NSA) is the largest of America’s 16 intelligence agencies.

Confirmed two years ago they had over 30,000 employees only at the headquarters in Maryland.

NSA also has a number of facilities for the collection and analysis of other countries, including the UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Germany.

headed by General Keith B. Alexander.

U.S. spends 310 billion a year, or about 35 million hours to drive civilian intelligence.

The 25 main 2,014-car news - Aftenposten

There has clearly been a shift in the new car market in recent years. A quick peek in the Norwegian Road registration statistics (as at November 2013) tells us that SUVs and compact class cars (Golf-class) are increasing in popularity, while the interest of the middle class cars (Passat, Avensis, etc.) decreases.

VW Golf is the most selling car with over 6900 sold so far this year. Toyota Auris follows in second place with 4,500 sold, while 4,200 Norwegians have been tempted by SUV Mazda CX-5. It stands fourth.

Bestsellers mellomklassebil Skoda Octavia seventh (3278 sold), followed by the VW Passat on the eleventh (2818 sold).

Yes we el gloves

Perhaps most importantly, is going on under the hood. More and significantly better environmental cars have been conservative Norwegians to choose again. At the moment electric Nissan Leaf the third best-selling car in 2013, while the Tesla Model S have been among the best selling past three months.

Things In other words, not quite as they were. And by all accounts, it continues in the same direction in the years to come.

Here are the 25 most important 2014 news (sorted alphabetically):

Audi A3 e-tron

Unlike the first e-tron models from Audi, the upcoming A3 e-tron electric but not a plug-in hybrid that can run up to five mil on pure electric power alone.

In addition to the electric motor has the A3 e-tron one one 1.4-liter gasoline turbo engine and dobbelklutsj machine. It provides a total output of 204 horsepower and 350 Newton meters. 0-100 km / h in 7.6 seconds is not bad for a car that has a given consumption of 0.15 liters / mil.

A3 e-tron coming summer. Expected price is around 300 000.

BMW i8

BMW i8 is also a rechargeable hybrid, where much of the technique comes from the small electric cars like the BMW i3 launching. i8 is a sports car, and performance is not the pushover. The electric motor that produces 97 horsepower, drag around the front wheels, while a tuned 1.5-liter gasoline turbo engine at 231 horsepower sent to the ground via the rear wheels. in addition it has a 35-horse electric motor behind which is used to start up the engine to recharge, and to cover up for turbo lag in the turbo engine. A total of 360 hp in a car in just 1490 kg.

Declared consumption is 0.25 l / mil. High price range.


BMW is launching several new models next year including 2 Series, M3 and M4, and it will also be talking about a 4-Series Gran Coupe. Most interesting from a Norwegian perspective is perhaps the BMW X4. A concept of the car was showcased at the Auto Show in Shanghai earlier this year. It looks like a smaller version of the BMW X6 denigrated and work and retrieve platform and lines from the X3 and 3 Series GT.

Ford Ecosport

OPET 2014 Ford also comes with a brand new small SUV called the EcoSport. Like other Ford models can also EcoSport is available with Ford’s new 1.0-liter EcoBoost engine. It probably means that costs are relatively favorable. The prices of competitors Peugeot 2008 and Renault Captur starts respectively 199,900 and 204,900 respectively.

The tiny three-cylinder EcoBoost turbo engine and 125 horses can compete fine with a 1.6-liter petrol engine and will manage up to 16 kilometers on a liter. EcoSport has 20 centimeter ground clearance and be fine tackle water depths of half a meter. Cargo volume is 346 liters.

Ford Mondeo

In Frankfurt, Ford plug-in hybrid C-Max Energi and the new Ford Mondeo hybrid (in the U.S.). C-MAX Energi has a two-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine with Atkinson combustion cycle. Along with the electric motor gives it a total of 190 hp. We were in place and were running news.

rechargeable battery of 7.6 kWh to provide an electric range of up to 40 km and emissions according to EU standard of approx. 50 g / km. The powertrain is the same in the Mondeo hybrid, but without rechargeable battery. Here is the objective that the European version will come under 0.45 l / mil in the EU mix.

Hybrid powertrain works fine, seamless power development and very easy to drive with automatic transmission. Besides accelerating the car apparently very well and we are looking forward to testing the new Mondeo when it shows up in Norway.

Ford Mustang

Brand new Ford Mustang was recently showcased. Maybe not a very important news, but we are talking after all about a legendary muscle car for the first time be sold in Europe through the Ford dealer network. The company believes it will strengthen the Mustang presence here ..

New is also the Mustang now comes with a four-cylinder, 2.3-liter Ecoboost engine with over 300 hp. Downsizing makes the Mustang one thus more adapted to the European market. There is also talk of both diesel and hybrid version. There is some uncertainty about whether it actually comes to Europe by 2014′s end.

Honda Civic Tourer

March next year, new Honda Civic that station wagon. Honda provide a luggage space is 624 liters from the floor and up to the windows, which are class-leading compared to konkurrentene.Legger one down the back of the rear seats are in place throughout 1668 liters, according to Honda.

Honda Civic Tourer comes with either the highly efficient and powerful 1.6 i-DTEC diesel engine or gasoline engine 1.8 i-VTEC.

Kia Soul

Kia Soul comes in all likelihood finally to Norway. The small, somewhat square crossover certainly has character, Kia promises that it houses both practical solutions, modern equipment and material bedree comfort and handling than the outgoing model.

Besides, one helektrisk model with a range of 200 kilometers. Soul EV comes with an engine that delivers 81.4 kW and a torque of 285 Nm

Mazda MX-5

less important car in the large context, we will simply not away the world’s best-selling roadster, the Mazda MX-5. Mazda has neither released the information or images of the small sports car to be launched in 2014. MX-5 is a fantastic fun car, and the new are guaranteed at least the same compartment. Mazda has done a lot right in their latest models, so we eagerly await.

Lexus LF-NX

Currently we only put pictures of concept. The production model will what we know to be quite similar concept, but is likely to be somewhat less extreme in alignment than LF-NX concept.

Lexus Norway has high expectations for compact Lexus SUV and think it is a sales winner. What kind of engine model will have Lexus can not say much about, but the powertrain in the IS 300h gives a good idea.

Mercedes-Benz GLA

More SUV. Soon Mercedes launches their new small SUV, GLA. Cheapest version GLA 200 (petrol engine) with 156 hp and 250 Nm. It will have a starting price of 375,000 dollars. When you get a front-wheel drive GLA with a reported consumption of 0.59 liters per mil and CO2 emissions of 137-139 g / km.

Diesel variant 200 CDI will cost 390,000 crowns. When you get an engine that delivers 136 hp and 300 Nm, with a reported consumption of 0.43 to 0.45 liters per mil and a CO2 emission told 114 to 119 g / km.

Mercedes expects the GLA 200 CDI 4Matic with-wheel drive becomes bestseller in Norway. It will cost 455,000 crowns with automatic transmission.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class

One of our favorite mid-range comparisons, and new C-Class was recently showcased. Mercedes do much good for the time, we got experience in including new E-class, so we are eagerly awaiting what they have achieved with the new C-Class.

We can hope that more efficient engines might provide more favorable prices on the Norwegian market.

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV

Another SUV, this time with a hybrid powertrain. Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is already in place in Norway, but is officially a 2014 model. Outlander is sold in buckets here in Norway, and it is hardly less popular as PHV. Declared consumption is 0.19 l / mil.

The independent organization EuroNCAP has crash tested Outlander Plug-in Hybrid EV and achieved five stars which is the top score.

The rechargeable SUV will cost from 434,900 kroner in Norway.

Nissan Qashqai

One of Norway’s best-selling SUV / crossovers in recent years, Nissan Qashqai, the new. Outstanding technology, new crossover design and improved driving performance, according to Nissan constitute the backbone of the new Qashqai.

Nissan Qashqai has allowed the current owners to the design news. 5000 images from Qashqai owners of the representing technology innovation, is the basis for the design of the car. New Qashqai is the first model built on the new Nissan / Renault module platform, called CMF. Overall, it grows two inches in length, being slightly wider and somewhat lower.

engine range in the new Qashqai consist of two diesel and two petrol engines. The two diesels we know from before – 1.5 dCi with 110 hp and 1.6 dCi with 130 hp.

A 1.6-liter gasoline turbo engine of 150 hp is new Qashqai context. But perhaps most intriguing in terms of Norwegian tax rules is the new petrol turbo engine with 1.2 liter displacement and 115 horsepower.

Nissan also launching a brand new gearbox called Xtronic. Automatic box is for what we can understand variable (CVT), but has simulated shifting. This transmission is available with the 1.6 dCi engine.

price starts at 247,900 crowns with smaller engine and front-wheel drive.

Nissan X-Trail

Nissan X-Trail came to Europe in 2001, and have since been upgraded. Now comes the final in the new version. It is available as a seven-seater and has certain elements of the concept Hi-Cross was shown in Geneva last year. As it should be, it can be run by drawing on only two wheels, 4WD or auto mode.

come with new electronic systems like Active Ride Control, which adapts the car’s drive mode to the driving conditions and Interactive Engine Break a kind of extended Brake Assist and Active Trace Control to help prevent understeer.

price and launch date, Nissan has not yet revealed.

Peugeot 308 stv

As mentiond in the preamble increases Compact cars gaining in popularity, especially station wagons, where engineers in recent years has conjured up space on the mid level. We’ve just driven test new Peugeot 308, and before long shown wagon version 308 SW.

After running 308, we can very likely say that SW is comfortable, modern engines and a very neat iinteriør. Price and facts are not yet available.

Renault Zoe

Renault has embraced the electric wave, and they do it with small car Zoe. The small electric car has an electric motor of 89 horsepower and front wheel drive. The weight is solid 1468 kg, so it takes 13.5 seconds to accelerate from 0-100 km / h The Norwegian importer promises to release more info on Zoe in January.

Skoda Yeti

Four years have passed since the Skoda launched their kompakt-SUV/crossover, Yeti. but at a time when SUV has sold like hot cakes, have not the sale of the Yeti been something to cheer for. Limited interior space and a somewhat peculiar appearance should probably take some of the blame for it.

In 2014 comes a new Yeti with a clearly more harmonious exterior. Space conditions, it appears that potential Yeti customers have to live with. But it is maybe okay for the Norwegian importer promises that the price reductions.

Skoda Octavia Scout

We do not know much about the Octavia Scout, but we know it is coming. We recently voted the best in class Octavia wagon, and we will believe Scout version is just as good.

Higher ground clearance and rugged offroad decoration makes the harsh and improve congestion. When it comes to Norway is uncertain.

Porsche Macan

has received a lot of coverage to Porsche Macan recently. Porsche held long cards close to the chest, but now it’s finally official, new Macan.

As with the Cayenne and Panamera Turbo is the version that gets the Hvass recommended. It comes with a 3.6-liter V6 twin turbo 400 hp, and will do 0-100 km / h in 4.6 seconds. Then follows S version with a twin turbocharged V6 3.0-liter 340 hp. It should be good for 0-100 km / h in 5.2 seconds.

In addition, a S Diesel. It has a 3.0-liter V6 turbodiesel 258 hp. 0-100 km / h is rated at 6.1 seconds (with Sport Chrono Package). Consumption is stated to be opposition of hinged 0.63 and 0.61 liters per mil, with CO2 emissions between 164 and 159 g / km depending on equipment level.

Prices start at 796,000 crowns with 211-horsepower diesel engine.

Subaru WRX STI

Subaru WRX launches in the U.S. with a 2.5-liter boxer turbo engine that produces nearly 270 hp and 350 Nm. It does not come to Europe or Norway, but the slightly smaller WRX STI’s sharp come. It will be first shown at the Detroit show in January.

Not exactly a very important car this either, it is not likely to make a big impression on the sales statistics, but the state as a fun car to drive is the greater.

Suzuki IV-4

Norgesbil is the term we tend to use when Suzuki presents a new car. The new SUV iv-4, we are tempted to do it again. Rumour would have it that the small SUV should first launched in 2015, but rumors on the vast internet suggests that it comes on the road in 2014.

wheel drive is of course in place. A system known from Suzuki S-Cross.

Volvo XC90

Volvo’s big SUV, the XC90, has long since expired, but late in 2014 comes a brand new XC90, which may gander, brake and steer itself. XC90 is Volvo’s first car built on the brand new SPA platform. That means new engines and opportunities for electric / hybrid on the run.

Volvo has not released images of the XC90 in writing, but the car will be THE CASE Volvo have distinctive aspects of the concept car XC Coupe.

VW E-Golf

E-Golf is expected to Norway the second quarter of next year. The specified range is better than the BMW i3 and Ford Focus Electric, but about on par with the Nissan Leaf.

The maximum torque is 270 Nm. As with other electric cars, the response is immediate, and e-Golf will manage 0-100 km / h in 10.4 seconds. Top speed is electronically locked at 140 km / h The range is given as 190 km.

VW Passat

There is not much info to find about upcoming Passat, but we know that there is a new Passat, and we know that it will eventually come as plug-in hybrid and that it be built at VW’s modular MQB platform.


a new Passat can we expect whatever class leading space, engine technology, handling and modern equipment. It is rumored the way for a whole new DSG automatic transmission with ten steps.

See also:

Now comes the bestseller

Audi will create 11 new models

Here are the top 10 family cars

article was written and published on Klikk.no

Playing on Spell Mann - Hallingdølen

by scena “for å døy»: Stein Torleif Bjella er til nominert rate spellemannsprisar med Plata «Heim for a døy.”

class=”element-home-section-marker” src=”http://hallingdolen.no/css/icon_magnifier_16.gif” Stein Torleif Bjella er til sjølv nominert rate Spellemannsprisar . No. er debt klart at han skal OPP by scena uansett.

Publisert: 30.12.13 10:31 Oppdatert: 30.12.13 10:31

Spellemannsprisen blir i delt AR UT i Stavanger 18. Januar. By programmet Star namn Som Morten Harket, Lars Vaular, Gabrielle, Kvelertak, Envy, CLMD, Ask Embla, Eyolf Dale Og Tommy Tee.

No. er debt klart at også Stein Torleif Bjella kjem. Han er i nominert klassene årets tekstforfattar Og for viser.

How to hacker NSA into computers worldwide - Aftenposten

It’s Spiegel that tells the story of the NSA elite hacker group TAO (see fact box).

NSA department, which has existed since 1997, breaks into computers around the world and make ‘back doors’ in machines with them they will spy on. Rear doors are security holes that the user of a machine do not know, and that can be utilized in hacking.

information NSA obtain, can be used to, among other anti-terror efforts or good old-fashioned espionage.

Spiegel article is based on documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden, who has previously revealed massive surveillance under the auspices of the U.S. and British secret services.

Exploiting vulnerabilities in Windows

NSA describes itself that the program is about “getting hold of it as it is impossible to obtain.” And that TAO has access to some of the most difficult goals NSA trying on.

Spiegel also reveals that they use vulnerabilities in large companies such as American Microsoft, Dell and Cisco, as well as Chinese Huawei to carry out attacks.

An example of a weakness in Microsoft’s operating system Windows by NSA utilize are:

It is quite common to bring up a pop-up window when that happens something wrong with your computer. Then you can report what’s wrong. If you do, you make your way into your computer much easier for the NSA. For if the NSA is curious about you and entered your IP address in their system, they will get the message when you send an error of this report.

In Snowden document describes these reports as a great way to get passive access to the computer.

Passive access does not mean that the NSA can actively do things on the computer, but that they know everything that the computer does on the internet.

And as Spiegel writes – this passive access may reveal security holes on your computer, such as the NSA in turn can use to get active access it by hacking.

tips on this matter? Contact reporter here to e-mail, send to our encrypted alert portal or send regular mail and style to Arild Færaas.

Are internet users

NSA also sends out emails with links to virus infected sites. But according to an internal NSA documents have spam a success rate of less than 1 percent.

Another key element in the hacking operation to the NSA’s network of routers and servers they control. In addition to their own routers and servers, they have also been infiltrated others that allow NSA hackers to control computers.

In this way the NSA track the people they’re watching, including when they leave traces as e-mail addresses of other computers than they usually use. When one of the NSA-controlled routers or servers detects a specific email address, then go “alarm”.

Then NSA determine which web internet user tries to go to, and in addition to sending the person to the side, the machine will be connected to a NSA server. This sends spyware (malware) that is adapted to the known security holes on your computer.

Although this does not always work, according to an internal NSA document that when this is done in connection with such Linkedin pages is the success rate of over 50 percent.

Opens physical mail

more physical method that NSA uses, but they also get the help of hacking is to ensure that physical packages harbors stop them before they are redirected. If someone they’re ordering computer equipment, NSA may even physically adapt the equipment, install “back doors” so that they will have access to devices via the internet.

This is described as one of the most effective methods of surgery hacker department TAO has.

NSA has also infiltrated European telecommunications companies and managed to get access to e-mails sent using BlackBerry phones, formerly known as eavesdropping secure. According Spiegel it using a long TAO operation that it was possible.

Another method is called Computer Network Exploitation – use of computer networks. The goal is to gain control of some of the devices that make it possible to get further access to the network. It can be such as computers, mobile phones, firewalls, routers, servers and industrial control systems such as the U.S. and Israel managed with Stuxnet operation against Iran.

Spying on cables

As known from previous Snowden leaks spying both the Americans and the British in cables that cross the Atlantic and the Pacific. But the Spiegel article also revealed that underwater cables between Europe and North Africa and the Gulf states might be tapped.

cables moving on to Malaysia and Thailand and is owned by both French and Italian telecommunications operators.

ALSO READ: These countries can monitor your network and phone usage

Simply by using the methods described above, NSA managed to hack into the telecommunications operators so that they could see how the technical infrastructure looks like. There do not appear in the Spiegel article on the NSA physically connect on and can eavesdrop cables today.

But the document also states that they are planning more operations to get more information on this and other cable systems.

NSA has only this comment to Spiegel about the case:

– TAO is in the forefront to ensure that NSA can defend the nation and our allies. The work is centered around utilizing data networks to support our foreign intelligence collection.

Attacker hard drives

You can also read the Spiegel article about the 50-page brochure NSA employees can browse to obtain various monitoring equipment.

There comes among other things that the NSA has equipment that attack the hard drives from the U.S. companies Western Digital, Seagate and Maxtor, and the South Korean Samsung.

Spiegel says that there is nothing in the documents to suggest that the companies themselves collaborating with the NSA. The companies also refuses even that they do it.

This year's top-selling mobile - Adresseavisen

Publisert: 30 desember 2013 10:47 Sist oppdatert: 30 desember 2013 10:47

forsiden / Kultur

  • FrodeSingsaas
  • Mobil: 926 41 668
Folkekjær: Samsung Galaxy S4 ble lansert med brask og bram på et PR-jippo i New York City tidligere i år. Straks etter så strømmet nordmenn til butikkene for å skaffe seg smartmobilen.

Folkekjær: Samsung Galaxy S4 ble lansert med brask og bram på et PR-jippo i New York City tidligere i år. Straks etter så strømmet nordmenn til butikkene for å skaffe seg smartmobilen.

Du trodde kanskje at iPhone var den soleklare vinneren. Tallene viser derimot at nordmenn elsker Samsung Galaxy S4.

Nytt på HBO Nordic i 2014

Vikings, Bitten, Flemming, pirat-action i Black Flag, Matthew McConaughey og Woody Harrelson som Loisianna-detektiver i True Detectives og mye, mye mer.

Satte seerrekord med Grevinnen og Hovmesteren

Hele 1 759 000 TV-seere fulgte klassikeren «Grevinnen og hovmesteren» på lille julaften.

De 10 mest populære iPhone -appene i 2013

Gjett hvilken app som var den mest populære i året som snart er forbi? Her er et hint: masse godteri.

Vant 20 000 kroner

Forsinket julegave til Melhus-band under Juleblues

Spansk storeslem i Decanter

Det engelske vinmagasinet Decanter har satt opp sin liste over de 50 beste vinene lansert i 2013. Fem av de ti beste kommer fra Spania, deriblant vinneren.

Orgel-milliard, matslakt og rockemuseum på flysamband

Kultursakene som fikk deg til å sperre opp øynene i 2013.

Dette kan du gjøre i helga

Vi viser vei til helgens kulturarrangementer.

- Han sa den magiske setningen

Margaret Berger gir healer æren for comebacket.

Ikke lenger like stor: Apples iPhone 5S ser ut til å henge litt etter i år - og det til tross for en massiv iOS-oppdatering.

Ikke lenger like stor: Apples iPhone 5S ser ut til å henge litt etter i år – og det til tross for en massiv iOS-oppdatering.

Apple og iOS er kanskje størst når det kommer til både kjendisfaktor og antall apper du kan laste ned til produktene deres. Men ferske tall fra det norske nettstedet DinSide viser at Apples dager som produktleder kan være talte. I alle fall når det kommer til Norge. For nordmenn har i 2013 virkelig kastet sin elsk på den sør-koreanske mobil -og TV-produsenten Samsung.

De fire største aktørene i bransjen, Elkjøp, Expert, Komplett.no og MPX.no har offentliggjort salgstallene for 2013. Kjeden Expert er den eneste av de fire som har solgt mest av iPhone 5 / iPhone 5S. Både Elkjøp, Komplett og MPX har Samsung Galaxy S4 som sin klare vinner. Bemerkelsesverdig nok så henger også Samsung Galaxy S3 med på lasset ennå. Både Elkjøp og Expert har den 18 måneder gamle telefonen med på topp 3 -listene sine.

Her er Topp 3 -listene til de respektive butikkene:


1. Samsung Galaxy S4

2. iPhone 5

3. Samsung Galaxy S3


1. iPhone 5 /5S

2. Samsung Galaxy S4

3. Samsung Galaxy S3


1. Samsung Galaxy S4

2. Samsung Galaxy S4 Active

3. Sony Xperia Go


1. Samsung Galaxy S4

2. Samsung Galaxy S4 Active

3. Sony Xperia Go

NB! Dette er lister som viser produkter som er kjøpt av forbrukerne på butikkene og ikke innkjøp av butikkene.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

We have tried Snow Lizard SLXTREME 4 - ABC News

Tor Strand Tor Strand er redaktør i ABC Nyheter. 90548980 tor@abcnyheter.no

Vi har prøvd Snow Lizard SLXTREME 4 Se hva vi syns om produktet som gjør iPhonen din robust. http://www.abcnyheter.no/files/imagecache/normal/2013-52/snowextreme680.jpg


680 384

Snow Lizard tåler snø og fuktighet, men hvor god er den ellers? (Foto: Berit B. Njarga)

Se hva vi syns om produktet som gjør iPhonen din robust.

Å ha en mobiltelefon som tåler å være med på tur kan være praktisk, men det er ikke alltid de ekstra robuste mobiltelefonene er like praktiske i hverdagen, til helt vanlig mobilbruk. Snow Lizard skal gi deg muligheten til å bruke iPhone til hverdags – og gjøre den om til en ekstremversjon etter behov. Høres ut som en vinn vinn-situasjon, men er det for godt til å være sant?  

>> Den perfekte julegave til alle med en smartmobil?

Slik fungerer Snow Lizard

Snow Lizard SLXTREME 4 er et slags cover, som skal gjøre at iPhonen din takler blant annet snø, fukt, støt og vann til to meters dybde. I tillegg har produktet innebygd batteri og solcellepanel, som skal kunne gi telefonen din ekstra batterikapasitet etter behov. Denne varianten passer til iPhone 4 og 4S, men produsenten har også en versjon til iPhone 5.  

Vi har ikke testet produktet fullt ut, men gjort en vurdering av hvor praktisk det er å bruke ute, og om den ser ut til å gjøre at iPhonen tåler litt ekstra.

Produktet med iPhone 4S inni, har vært i bruk i cirka 5 minusgrader, i løssnø, i et par timer. For å vurdere om den har noe for seg, har vi gjort følgende:

  • Akt, herjet i snøen og trynet (ufrivillig) på isen med mobiltelefonen i lomma.
  • Sluppet mobilen fra cirka 1,5 meters høyde ned på bakken, for å se om den tåler lettere støt.
  • Prøvd ut telefon med Snow Lizard-coveret på, til å sende sms og ringe med.
  • Forsøkt å bruke solcellepanelet til lading.
  • Her er våre erfaringer etter bruk i snø og kuldegrader:



    Pris: Cirka 800 kroner (Foto: Produsenten)Pris: Cirka 800 kroner (Foto: Produsenten)

    Både og

    Snow Lizard-coveret med telefon inni er litt massiv i bruk, og oppleves som ganske tung og klumpete, ikke minst hvis man skal ha den i en jakke- eller bukselomme. I en ryggsekk går det derimot greit. Å bruke mobilskjermen går problemfritt, helt til man skal skrive sms, som i utgangspunktet fungerer bra, bortsett fra når man skal bruke taster som er nærmest kantene av telefonen. Da er det litt vanskelig å komme til, selv for en med små hender.

    Når vi ringer med Snow Lizard på telefonen, blir det veldig dårlig lyd under samtalen, og vi sliter til tider med å høre personen i andre enden. Heller ikke Hjem-knappen fungerer spesielt godt, den blir veldig hard å trykke inn.

    Tåler trøkk

    Snow Lizard-coveret virker både tett og støtsikker. Etter å ha rullet mobiltelefonen i snø, sluppet den ned fra rundt 1,5 meters avstand på hard is og rullet rundt i snøen med den i lomma, ser den like fin ut. Det samme gjør iPhonen som er inni, og man ser ingen tegn til fukt. Vi har tidligere testet Gooper DryBag, her kan du lese vår dom over produktet. Vi har derimot ikke sjekket om mobilen kan brukes under vann med Snow Lizard, slik produktet skal gi mulighet til. Derimot har vi forsøkt å benytte oss av solcellepanelet, som viste seg å være utfordrende under norske lysforhold i desember. Vi fikk bekreftet at ladelyset ble tent den lille tiden vi fikk lagt produktet i direkte sollys, men sola forsvant såpass fort bak tretoppene at det var det hele. Antakelig vil dette fungere bedre på påskefjellet, når solen står litt høyere på himmelen. Erfaringsmessig har iPhone en tendens til å slå seg av når det blir kaldt, noe finske PCWorld tidligere har slått fast i en test. Allerede ved 5 minusgrader begynte iPhone 4S å få trøbbel. Vi har selv samme erfaring med iPhone-bruk i kulda, men da vi var ute i rundt 5 minus med samme iPhone inni Snow Lizard-coveret, fikk mobilen ingen kuldeproblemer.


    Etter å ha prøvd ut Snow Lizard SLXTREME 4 er vår vurdering følgende: Er du mest glad i å bruke en vanlig mobiltelefon, iPhone i dette tilfellet, men har behov for at telefonen skal tåle litt ekstra i ny og ne, for eksempel på ski- eller fjellturer, er dette et helt greit alternativ. Mobilen fungerer ikke optimalt, men gir deg kanskje det du trenger mest når du er på tur: At telefonen tåler å bli våt, og takler ekstra hardhendt behandling. Er du derimot på tur hele tiden, ville vi nok heller gått for en av de robuste eller vanntette mobiltelefonene som fins på markedet.

    Her kan du lese tester av fire av disse:

  • Sony Xperia Z Ultra
  • Samsung Galaxy 4S Active
  • Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2
  • Cat B15

Bond layer in Møre og Romsdal want young people to stream acquisition farms - Nation

Despite good recruitment in recent years the share of young farmers has fallen sharply in the western region. The average age is 51 years, and many of the farmers are without an obvious candidate to take over the farm.

– Many could probably plan to leave the farm to the next generation, but it is not therefore clear that the next generation is ready to take over. They may be well established in other occupations or living elsewhere, says Per Eldar Nakken NRK.no.

neck is hired to lead the three-year project “Continued farming” that Møre og Romsdal Farmers Union began on 1 December. The project aims to contribute to the operation of the farm instead of closure when current farmer nearing retirement, according to a message on the Bond Team.

– The primary target group is farmers who are nearing the end of their farming career and it is not clarified generational. The aim is to contribute to the continuation of the operation through the dialogue and mapping of possible route choices and process further. It will also be necessary to provide the same to farmers in good time to clarify the way forward to a new generation, says in Nakken message.

See also: Twice as many farmers in Klepp gives away the farm

Recent figures show that there are 900 dairy farmers and the 2,800 farms in operation in the county. By comparison, approximately 2000 dairy farms and 4,500 farms twelve years ago, and the high proportion of older farmers may lead to the closure rate is even higher.

neck do not think it is possible to save all the threatened closure farms.

– Can we save a few, it is worth the effort in the project. To prevent the number of farms are becoming fewer, are not realistic. You can not stop technological progress, he says to NRK.

One of his contributions can be challenging attitude that a farm that belonged to the family for many generations, can not be sold out of the family. Here is the project leader prepared to discuss the various options and record new ideas. To get in touch with farmers in the target group, is therefore one of the most important tasks Nakken now at the start of the project.

Per Eldar Nakken has extensive background in agriculture in Møre and Romsdal, both from Valentine, who landbrukssjef in Fræna and from positions at Innovation Norway, the County and the county.

Get the technology of female labor migrants than 80 percent are men. - E24

Women make up a very small part of the share of foreign workers in both IT and oil and gas industries and elsewhere in the industry.

according to figures from the UDI of the approved initial work permits for skilled workers in both 2012 and 2013.

proportion of women is lowest in communications and information, with only 14 percent. While in mining and quarrying is the proportion of women at 24 percent.

The majority of women from China, Russia and the United States on the list of work in industry, mining and quarrying. Meanwhile, the communication and information sector, mostly women from India.

Also read: Only eight percent of women in the IT industry with the development

Equality between women and men

Professor Gillian Warner Søderholm have found that the countries that have done the most to promote equality in the workplace, has access to far more talent than countries that are lagging behind on gender equality.

BI researcher has extracted data on cultural values ??from nen international GLOBE study, which covers 62 countries and is based on responses from over 17,000 employees. Based on the charted the relationships between cultural values ??and the degree of equality between men and women.

study shows that the Scandinavian countries are more concerned than others to plan workplace to reduce risk and uncertainty.

In addition, they have made efforts to promote gender equality. Such countries also ensures promoting economic opportunities for women.

Also read: Only 10 techno ladies top 500

need a national strategy

CEO of Global Forums, Bjørn Christian Nørbech, says he does not know well these statistics, but he is concerned about immigration in general and believe that Norway must have a national strategy to attract skilled workers from abroad.

– We tend to promote Norway as a tourist country, and not so much as an attractive country to work in. We must prepare for an aging population and that there will be a need for more workers in other sectors. One can not sit passively and hope that more people will come here to work, but create a strategy for labor, says Nørbech.

– Who should develop such a strategy?

– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Labour and Industry and the Ministry of Education is working on various initiatives related to foreign workers in Norway. Labour has probably the most to say, and they have recently commissioned a report by the OECD to assess needs, says Nørbech to technical magazines.

Read also: The four key trends for engineers 2020

Would missing Labor in 2021

Nørbech refers to a report from the Economic Forum, which shows that Norway is one of the countries that will need a lot of manpower coming years. The report “Global Talent 2021″ from Oxford Economics is based on 352 interviews with HR managers and surveys in 46 countries.

The greatest labor shortage is predicted to come in including Taiwan, Japan, Poland, Italy, Germany and the UK. While countries such as India, Indonesia, Colombia, Brazil and South Africa will have a surplus of skilled and trained manpower.

Nørbech who works with expats – knowledge workers who have moved to Norway in connection with the job. His impression is that many of them know very little about Norway when they get here.

– But there will eventually be a lot of positive forward, such that those who moved here because of work thrives because of good pay, flexibility, that it is a safe and stable society. More emphasizes that people are friendly here, and there is less competition and sharp elbows.

Nørbech says that especially family life and flexibility is perceived as very positive by migrant workers.

Also read: By 2030, one in four highly trained in the world come from India

Focus on Diversity

Lars Jacob Hiim, director for employment in NHO, says he does not know the particular problems in recruiting female expertise from abroad.

– The key for businesses is the competence of the individual employee. The industries mentioned in the statistics has a skewed gender distribution in Norway. It reflected enough to some extent in recruitment from abroad, says Hiim to TU.

He thinks it is an advantage for businesses to focus on diversity in all dimensions.

Read also: Hit the business community that Norwegian students go

case was originally published on tu.no

We want your arguments and opinions are welcome. Be objective and compassion. Many people read what you write. Make the debate to a better experience for both them and yourself.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

No route messages by SMS - Namdalsavisa

FosenNamsos Sea and Kystekspressens service for notification of weather settings, delays or other traffic alerts via sms and e-mail has been out of service since 3 Christmas Day. It does not look like they could be restarted again.

companies are now working together with the new supplier to call up a temporary website where traffic reports will be posted and a new permanent website where traffic messaging via SMS and e-mail will be again operational.

Meanwhile, the company will send messages to the media, which will be published consecutively in the NA’s website.

– We are working to get the temporary website in place as quickly as possible and hope it can be operational before year end. FosenNamsos Marine and Coastal Express will post information on this page when traffic messaging service is again available. All customers who still require this service must register again. said CEO Grete Fuglem Tennås in a statement.

Once the page is up information will be posted here www.fosennamsos.no

7 things you must do with your new phone - DinSide

WHAT NOW? You opened up your new smartphone, but what's next? Here are some tips from us! (Photo: Ole Petter Stokke Baugerød)

WHAT NOW? You opened up your new smartphone, but what’s next? Here are some tips from us! (Photo: Ole Petter Stokke Baugerød)


DinSide Did you get a brand new smartphone of Santa Claus this year? Or have you bought one for the money you got?

Here is a checklist every new smart phone owners should undergo when they start up phones for the first time, whether it is perfectly iPhone, Android or Windows Phone.

Read also: Here is this year’s best mobiles

Secure your phone with a password:

We can not stress it enough times, but it is the key factor that you secure your phone with a passcode lock or password.

That way you ensure that unauthorized access to both the phone and its contents, and for many may particularly the latter being critical.

(Photo: KIRSTI Østvang)

(Photo: KIRSTI Østvang)

  • On your Android phone, go to Settings> Security> Screen
  • On your iPhone, go to Settings> General> Passcode Lock
  • Windows Phone, go to Settings> Lock Screen> Password

  • Read also: How mobile battery last longer

    Apply one tracking service:

    At least as important as using passwords. This would be glad to have done if you ever lose or have your phone stolen.

    With a tracking service will be able to track it down, lock it or remotely wipe data from a distance. The iPhone is the “Find My iPhone” that apply, while Android has including “Android Enhetsbehaling.” Windows Phone users have “Find My Phone”.

    Read also:
    To ensure the iPhone against theft
    Securing Android phone against theft

    Turn off annoying sounds:

    Ringtones and other warning sounds can be both handsome and necessary, but not always. They can also be of great irritation to those around you. Therefore a thorough review of the audio settings on your phone.

    The first thing I do when I set up a new phone is to turn off the clicking sound of the keyboard. Others around me should be able to live with an incoming text message now and then, but to torment them every time I enter text, is unnecessary.

  • To turn off keyboard clicking on an Android phone, go to settings of your keyboard.
  • The iPhone made it through Settings> Sounds> Keyboard Tapping .
  • In Windows Phone go to Settings> Ringtones + sounds> Keystrokes.

  • Read also: Make the font bigger on mobile

    Turn on automatic uploading of images:

    To connect your phone to your PC to back up your photos is simple, but it’s still a hassle to do the job manually. Fortunately, there are ways to automatically backup your photos in the cloud on completely cable free.

  • Do you have iPhone, you can use iCloud for this purpose. Just go to Settings> iCloud> Photo and turn on “My Photostream”.
  • you use Windows Phone, you can use SkyDrive. Just go to Settings> Backup> Images .
  • Do you have an Android phone, you can use the app to Google+, which often included as standard. Go to settings and turn on a feature called “Auto Store”.

  • Read more: How to transfer photos from mobile to PC

    Watch mobile data usage:

    Some mobile subscriptions gives you free use of the data, but it is always wise to make sure how much mobile data you use, so you avoid the high bills.

    There are apps that help you with it, such as Onavo Count (iPhone, Android), Data Usage (iPhone) and 3G Watchdog (Android).

    Android also has a built-in tool. Go into the settings for “Wireless & networks” and look for an alternative for consumption. You can get an overview of data usage and set up alerts that ensure you do not exceed the limits you set up.

    Windows Phone has a similar feature called “Data Sense”.

    See also: Monitor the amount of data traffic using

    Check for updates:

    New phones often come with a new version of an operating system, but within they’ve got their new phone in their own hands, it may already be a new system update.

    You may want to check for, then such a service can offer new features and fixes security holes and other bugs. On all phones do this from the Settings menu.

    may also want to check for updates to pre-installed apps, as you sometimes do not get access to new features without having the latest version of an app .

    Read also:
    To update your iPhone
    Updating Android

    Download any apps

    Once you have spent some time getting familiar with the built-in apps, head to your nearest app store where you can pick up all sorts of types of new applications, be it games, apps for watching movies, apps that help you get in better shape and so on.

    For tredjepartsappene for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone, respectively Android Market, App Store or Windows Store. If you need some tips on what apps you should check out, you can see some of our recommendations in these articles:

  • 10 apps for all smart phones
  • Useful apps for students
  • Five games that trims the brain
  • The apps that keep track of passwords

  • Have an Android phone, you can install apps by the way, in a very smart way


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Hundreds of these should be able to bounce and roll around on Mars - ABC News

Hundreds of these should be able to bounce and roll around on Mars See video of what could be NASA’s next Mars-rover.

It looks like a failed attempt to look up an igloo tent is perhaps NASA’s next Mars-rover.

Super Ball Bot called the strange robot.

It represents a step away from the classical, rigid robots, the so-called “tensegrity robots,” writes the American space agency on its website.

construction consists of thin rods and cables, and NASA is now looking for that hundreds of such small, robust and cheap robots can explore celestial objects with demanding conditions.

See also: Gaia spacecraft will create 3D map of the galaxy


Tensigrity can be translated into Norwegian as voltage integrity, and the term was first used by the inventor Buckminster Fuller in the 1960s.

principle is that the rods in construction held together in a web of cables that are in tension, with no stiff interconnects.

Because of the particular structure, all the members being subjected to a uniform load, which makes the structure extremely solid, despite its low weight, and vaklvorne appearance.

See also: To build robots without coding


NASA believes such a structure suitable for landing on planets and moons.

They can be sent to the planet from a spacecraft and cushion the fall by bouncing on the surface, without parachutes and landing rockets.

core in the middle of the structure, which contains instruments and hardware, protected by tensigrity structure, says NASA scientist Vytas SunSpiral (it’s actually his real name) to the site IEEE Spectrum.

To avoid the extremely complex, energy-intensive and risky operations that are necessary to land the classic robots on the surface, and certainly save NASA employees in the control room for a great deal of stress.

Super Ball Bot will then be able to change shape, to roll off towards whatever it will investigate.

VIDEO ANIMATION: How will the moon in 2014


NASA envisions that dozens, perhaps hundreds of small robots of this type can bounce and roll around on the surface.

with reduced cost and risk may also have the opportunity to examine the bodies which we know less about the condition of the surface, making use of expensive single robots risky.

It allows for examination of very inhospitable places, like Saturns moon Titan, writes NASA.

to obtain such a structure to behave as you want, however, is not easy. Researchers are experimenting now with different types of computer programs to control it.

Among other tests to the algorithms that will give the robot the ability to develop their own behavior, and computer programs inspired by neuroscience.

See also:

Laser broadband provides six times faster communication

NASA fremtidsfly use much less fuel

VIDEO: Three-year solar activity in three minutes

Researchers should check whether algae can be sauefôr - NRK

– Bruk av lokalprodusert proteinrikt fôr vil kunne være mer bærekraftig og miljøvennlig enn import av soya fra Brasil. Det kan dessuten redusere klimagassutslipp i form av metangass fra kjøttproduksjon, sier forsker Ingrid Bay-Larsen ved Nordlandsforskning.

Hun leder prosjektet som er et samarbeid mellom Norlandsforskning og forskningsmiljøer i Danmark, Sveits og Spania.

Etter utbruddet av kugalskap i Storbritannia i 1990-årene ble det forbudt å bruke protein fra drøvtyggere og fisk i fôr til drøvtyggere.

  • Les også:Frykter for avlinger etter tørke

Dermed ble norsk kjøttproduksjon avhengig av importert soya. Det er blitt stadig vanskeligere å få tak i soya som ikke er genmodifisert og dermed forbudt i Norge.

Ett av målene med forskningsprosjektet er å måle hvordan alger og belgvekster påvirker produksjonen av metangass i nylig ferdigstilte testkamre.

Forskerne skal også undersøke hvilken virkning ulike sorter belgvekster og alger har på tilvekst hos lam, på parasitter hos sauen og på utslipp av metangass, som er et stort klimaproblem i dag.


Well, safe New Year! - Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad

prohibition of stick rockets and restrictions on the use of fireworks in several major cities, has reduced the number of injuries and fires.

Yet there is still much senseless use. Careless and improper use of fireworks can cause both serious eye damage, and cause fires.

With little snow in most parts of the country, the risk of fires extra large this year.

But with planning and a little extra vigilance can the risk of accidents and damage easily reduced.

  • Also read: Would prohibit private fireworks in Oslo

prohibition against private launch of stick rockets, introduced in 2008, had an immediate positive effect: the number of eye injuries down from 21 in 2007 to 10 in 2008.

– New Year’s Eve is a party night for both large and small, but if you are not careful, you can take the party to an abrupt and ugly end, says Mari says Bræin Faaberg, Information Manager at Codan Forsikring.

– It is important that the responsible adult who is responsible for the handling of fireworks, and the rest of the family keep a safe distance.

This year it also introduced new rules for the sale of fireworks. There are now 18-year age limit for the purchase and use of most types of fireworks. For the least dangerous articles, such as stars, the age limit is 12 years.

Many fall for the temptation to buy cheap and different fireworks on tours abroad.

However, it is strictly forbidden for individuals to import fireworks, and it is strict penalties for illegal imports.

It is also prohibited to launch rockets on New Year’s Eve. Rockets / flares should only be used if you are in an emergency situation.

  • Read also: – Too many injuries

Find suitable place before the party begins, make sure that fireworks are placed firmly and fired in a direction that does not put people and buildings at risk.

Also, be aware of wind conditions. Blowing the powerful, the rockets blaze far away and not be as high as they should.

Alcohol and fireworks hear certainly not together.

Decide early evening who will be responsible for launch.

They should wait with the champagne rockets are launched … (ANB)

Friday, December 27, 2013

To utilize the heat deep underground - E24

Svalbard associated with darkness, cold and permafrost. But only a few hundred meters below the ground is a different story.

That Big Norwegian gladly exploit heating, and perhaps also to generate electricity.

Recently it became clear that Research gives 118 million to various projects in energy research. A portion of the pot goes to the mining company’s assessment of opportunities for exploiting so-called deep geothermal energy in Svalbard.

project is a collaboration with Christian Michelsen Research in Bergen and Research Norsar, working in geophysics.

See also: Replacing coal and diesel with solar cells on Svalbard

Not as on the mainland

Project Malte Jochmann.Foto: Painted Jochmann Technology Magazine Project Malte Jochmann.Foto: Painted Jochmann Technology Magazine

Project Malte Jochmann in Major Norwegian can tell that Svalbard has a unique geological profile, which makes use of geothermal energy for an opportunity.

– The project’s funny because Svalbard is so special. We have permafrost, but not as far below ground temperatures go up much. Not so on the mainland, said Jochmann to TU.

Below ground there are chances for finding limestone with hot water left in the cave systems. Do you get access to this water can be pumped up and used to heat buildings, both at Svea and Longyearbyen.

Also read: Will extract oil from coal in Svalbard

up to 80 degrees

– What we know is that one can expect 30-35 degrees at 1000 meters. If there are limestone here, then one has air cavity with hot water. I come from Munich, where one exploits the warm waters of the cave systems 1000-2000 meters below ground.

Johcmann says that there are hot springs on Svalbard, such as the one shown in the picture, but they are so far away from the roads and that it is not possible to utilize the heat from these.

First and foremost, geothermal energy going to heat buildings, but there may also be opportunities for power production.

– If you find an area with heating at 75-80 degrees, we can start talking about producing electricity, says Jochmann.

Read also: Ready to pump CO2 Svalbard

Collects information

Now scientists are facing a great job of gathering information.

– First we gather all the data that exists. So we’ll try to install gauges in wells previously drilled to test CO2 storage. So we hope to find a rock with a high geothermal radiant, and info about the differences in the geothermal radiant, says Jochmann.

old test wells are drilled approx. 800 meters down, but it’s a thrill how far down they stick, because some of the wells may have collapsed.

(The article continues below the image)

Topography Model of Adventdalen. Using the existing brothers , Nnen which it is hoped can be used to examine the bedrock for geothermal energy. Topography Model of Adventdalen. with the existing wells which it is hoped can be used to examine the bedrock for geothermal energy.

most sinful

Also Kirsti Central Tender, Senior Scientist at Christian Michelsen Research, is excited about the project.

– There is a special project because Svalbard is the place in Norway where most violated CO2 emissions, both for heating and electricity. And the place has a vulnerable nature. Therefore, it is important to sweep his own door. Based on the data we have, it appears that there is relatively high temperatures.

She thinks it’s just good that coal company Store Norwegian focusing on green technology.

– The world goes on, the company wants to develop, and they have knowledge of the reason of Svalbard. Here one obtains resources from the ground, just in a slightly different form.

Kirsti Midttømme hope you can put in place a full-scale plant in the future. It will then be Norway’s first.

– Nowhere in Norway is current as animals, so this might be a Niche in Svalbard. We’d love to have demonstrated a deep geothermal plant in Norway.

See also:

Ready to pump CO2 in Svalbard The bulb remains lit during a power outage

Halden reactor threatened with closure

Will brake hurricanes with havvindturbiner

case was originally published on tu.no

We want your arguments and opinions are welcome. Be objective and compassion. Many people read what you write. Make the debate to a better experience for both them and yourself.

Harde reaksjoner mot RSA - Computerworld

One of the world’s most respected security expert Mikko Hypponen, chief research somer in Finnish F-Secure, reported Monday regrets that speaks to the RSA Conference in the spring. This was in protest against the disclosure of too close relationships between EMC-owned RSA and NSA.

Last weekend exploded the news that the prestigious security actor RSA had been paid 65 million from the North American Security NSA to insert a module with NSA backdoor in RSA security package delivers.

This package is used extensively in safety-oriented companies. Several modules are de-facto safety.

Also read: Does NSA backdoor acquired by RSA

– I do not expect that other speakers will cancel participation in the RSA Conference. Most speakers are North Americans, so why should they bother with monitoring that is not directed against them, but against everyone else. Monitoring operations run by North American intelligence agencies are directed against foreigners, Hypponen writes in an open letter canceling the boss of EMC and commander in the security division of EMC, according to the news service for Computerworld.

Hypponen has been an expert speaker for eight RSA conferences in the U.S., Japan and Europe. The slightly bitter tone reflects the tone of the reaction from a large, international security environment.

Weak rejection

It does not help that RSA rejects accusations. A company that sells security make it the basis of trust. They can therefore not place himself in a role where trust can be questioned.

See also: RSA hit by security breach

So far, nor answer from RSA without prejudice and rejection applies only parts of the allegations. Whether this is because the declaration is churned through an internal legal verbal compiler or RSA has something to hide is uncertain. Unclear is nevertheless large enough for the world’s security experts are neither impressed or convinced.

– RSA response to the allegations are round and ignoring direct more of the big, important elements of the allegations that have come. It has not helped that the security environment in any way have regained confidence in the company, says Carl Livitt, director of security consulting with advisors in Bishop Fox.

Thus, there is room for doubt and tillitstap.

Unique meeting

RSA Conferences are special in the sense that they have functioned more as collegiate conferences than pure product and solution conferences. Colleagues from highly competitive companies have put the competition aside a heavy academic conference. The aim of the RSA Conference has been more to discuss challenges and share solutions relating to IT systems.

See also: Nordic invading RSA Conference

When heavyweights like Hypponen protest, it is thus little more than the problem of finding a speaker to one or another industry conference. It frames the unique professional in the event itself.

RSA Conference in question in this round takes place in late February. Other speakers come from Microsoft, Juniper Networks, Cisco, McAfee, Symantec and Hewlett-Packard. Several of these companies are near the trench warfare the rest of the year, but kept its “Christmas Peace” under RSA conference.

Also read: 1024-bit encryption jacks