Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Listen to Alexander Graham Bell's message to the future -

(Dagbladet): Researchers have access to a 128 years old recordings by inventor Alexander Graham Bell. Simply by using new technology, researchers Carl Haber and Earl Cornelll Berkley Lab made it possible to hear the voice of telephone oppfinnerenfor very first time, reports the website

method was first used in experimental particle physics, but scientists proved that it can also be used to brush the dust off the old record.

Audio recording contains mostly litany of numbers, but at the end he says, witness, hear my voice, Alexander Graham Bell.

Graham Bell lived from 1847 to 1922 and his research on speech and hearing led him to eksprementere on speech and hearing aids.

He skøkte patent for the first telephone in 1876 and demonstrated the first time that year.

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