Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What's new in Google Play -

“We’ve changed a few things here,” reads the welcome message.

Google announced a new version of the app store Play for a couple of weeks ago, and now also Norwegian Android users have access to it. For most people, the new design to be the highlight, but I also made some changes behind the scenes to make the store more secure.

New Google Play will now also be able to download if you visit the app store on your Android mobile. Close and restart the app again if you only see the old version.

See also: Google Play the new

Photo: Google Play Photo: Google Play

more transparent lists

When you open the new Google Play you are now greeted with “We’ve changed a few things here,” without any further explanation than the eye can see. It is first and foremost about the way apps appear in the lists. At Home you get two large app icons in width, while the “best,” “most lucrative,” “new,” and “popular” apps appear one after another in a vertical list. You can also easily add apps to your own wish list, so you can recall them later. A separate icon for this are now if you click through one of Android apps.

We look at foreign sites that should have been a top menu including “music,” “books,” and “Movies & TV” as well, but these services are still closed for Norwegian users. Have Telenor operator, however their chosen apps appear in this menu along with a button for play. The categories include “Editors’ Choice”.

interface by the way also got a “make-over” with cleaner menus, text and layout.

A secure application store

Another novelty is that apps no longer run updates outside of Google Play’s own update mechanism. Facebook, for example, has just adapted to their app can be updated directly, but barring Google for now, reports TechRadar.

Several applications require new permissions associated with new updates, and past this has been difficult to detect the users. Now when you update an app brings up a list of the permissions it requires, with new additions clearly marked. Examples of permissions can be GPS location, storage, services that cost money (“send tektsmelding”) and the like.

What do you think about the new release of Google Play? Comment in the forum!

Also read: Facebook will “own” your mobile

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