Monday, May 6, 2013

Creating online sports museum - NRK

Unique sports history project:
Mads Langnesgrunnen (Photo: Gunnar Sandvik / Manager)

Curator Mads Langnesgrunnen the Romsdal Museum, here with skiing history in your hands. Romsdalsmuseet to collect sports history from all Romsdal municipalities and collect them on-line.

Photo: Gunnar Sandvik / NRK

A unique work in Norway begins at Romsdalsmuseet. All organized sports history in Romsdal be collected, such as creating an online sports museum.

Published 05/06/2013 10:05 p.m..

– We do not know much about what was the first organized sport activity or the very first sports event. But we know that the NIF was launched in 1861, says Mads Langnesgrunnen the Romsdal Museum.

– It’s 152 years ago, and we know that romsdalingane takes for trends rather quickly. So we must assume that it came sporting event in Romsdal Molde pretty quickly.

Langnesgrunnen is curator at the famous museum in Molde. No, he and Romsdal Museum received 250,000 kroner of Norwegian Cultural Council.

Reason: They shall gather all history from organized sports in Romsdal. Finally, it should be an online museum.

the longer term will also extend to the whole county and hopefully a national sports museum online.

Not interested in privately run from 1855

And it is thus only the organized part of the sport they want to get in.

– If people are running and jogging, going hiking or throwing the ball to himself so it is not that we should take for us. That is what has happened in the direction of sports teams, soccer clubs, athletics game, handball clubs and others, says Langnesgrunnen to NRK.

Romsdal Museum in Molde (Photo: Gunnar Sandvik / NRK Møre og Romsdal)

Romsdal Museum in Molde hoping for support for the project from industry players in Romsdal.

Photo: Gunnar Sandvik / NRK Møre og Romsdal

There are many books, from the sports teams themselves and writer on sport in Romsdal.

– Is not the work already done?

– Ay, it is made very much. But what we want is to collect all under one umbrella.

– Many of jubileumsskrifta and books written and given out by a sports Aukra or a football team in Rauma, given were either out in small quantities. We will have gathered all these things, digitize it and pass it on a public website.

To search business actors

initiative for this venture came in 2009, before the work began in 2011. In addition to funding from the Norwegian Cultural Council hopes Langnesgrunnen and museum from corporate support.

– We will now go out and search support from some industry players here in Romsdal. When we hopefully get button where we will announce a project position. Then there will be a project staff member will contact sports of various kinds.

– We will also talk with key people in the sports movement in Romsdal. One of our goals is to address the people who still live and have stories to tell from of old, says one engaged Langnesgrunnen.

From before Romsdalsmuseet old stock, with among other newspapers from rundtom in Romsdal. After much work, the goal of a common platform – the first in Norway.

– one of the reasons that we have support from the Norwegian Council is that it has done little of such period. Therefore, there is a transfer value. Other county can emulate a system that we’ve made and finally you get a total sports history for all of Norway, concludes conservator.

The start will take place by the end of August this year, if all goes as planned.

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