Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Unclear TV revolution from Microsoft - Aftenposten

When a small group of Microsoft employees for Thirteen years ago suggested making a game machine for their bosses, they were hunted almost to the door. In a firm that was used to create user applications and operating systems, it was pretty fast established that a gaming machine was a risky project.

Energetic Steve Ballmer literally yelled that this was going to lose the company a lot of money to the group that presented the original plan in 2000, but the project was finally realized. Some had probably set out a long term plan for the Xbox machine that involved far more than just gaming experiences.

Multimedia Machine

Your Microsoft has come today. In recent years, the Xbox – with the current hardware Xbox 360 acted increasingly less about games and more and more about entertainment.

figures from Microsoft in the U.S. shows that more people are now using Xbox 360 to things other than gaming.

In the U.S. it is understandable, which has made a solid grip to ensure a variety of entertainment on their machine. In addition to music via Xbox Music and movie rentals via Zune has a number of TV, movie and sports manufacturers launched their products to Xbox 360

Has the Xbox in the U.S. you can watch sports from ESPN, NHL and NBA, you can watch TV shows from HBO and other major TV companies, movies from Netflix and competitive flow services, as well as play with a wide variety of other entertainment applications.

In Norway, the sample only a fraction of what is offered in the United States.

Games Xbox machine has been gradually phased out. Today’s Xbox wants to be an entertainment machine, the device that will rule over your living room. Appropriately enough, the new machine titled Xbox One.

Outdated media photo

TV watching was the main focus during yesterday’s live presentation of Xbox One of the United States.

There is something old-fashioned over the philosophy of Microsoft, where they talked about the TV as the heart of the home.

Here are a few who forget to pay attention in class. Young adults today have barely enough a relationship with TV sets anymore. The time when TV was the family’s focal point was over ten years ago, today young people consume content via tablets and computers.

need to have a TV in the center of the living room as a window onto the world have disappeared.

modern TV is just a receiver for a signal from another device, the ability to watch live TV on a game console – one of the main arguments for Microsoft yesterday – is an outdated and irrelevant selling point for much of the audience to the machine.


Sony introduced a few months ago Playstation 4 as a machine designed for gaming with simpler architecture for developers and focus on everything from large commercial titles to narrow indie games. Sony’s presentation spoke to the players and developers with solid gaming experiences and good development conditions in focus.

Microsoft fails to hit someone with his presentation and introduced instead a set-top box where the games seemed like an uninspired afterthought.

Microsoft’s long-term goal is to sneak into a gaming console in the home and then gradually turn it into an entertainment box has come so far that they finally dare to put the game out of order when they present the future of Xbox.

Microsoft promises increased gambling focus on the upcoming E3 show in Los Angeles in June, but yesterday’s clinical and boring presentation of a product with outdated focus on watching TV instead of playing was unsettling. Right now there is no doubt that the Playstation 4 wire with a sturdy horse’s head among all those who eagerly await a new generation of game machines.

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