Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Senate accuses Apple of tax fraud - NRK

class=”publish-date” title=”21.05.2013, Cl. 13.43.”> 21/05/2013, at. 13.43.

NRK. com has previously told how it is possible for Apple to have huge sales and profits for products sold in Norway, and still do not pay taxes. Read more about it here.

Apple subtle global tax planning, based in Ireland, is now put under heavy scrutiny in the United States.

In a new report to the U.S. Senate claimed that Apple over four years slipped away 44 billion dollars from tax in the United States, the equivalent of over 250 billion.

According to the report, the investigation showed that the company by exploiting loopholes in the laws of both the United States and Ireland have avoided paying taxes to both countries for huge amounts.

But surveys should not have revealed that the company has committed an offense through their creative tax planning.

Overall, Apple has 145 billion dollars in cash (liquid assets), equivalent to 80 percent of the Norwegian state budget. 102 of these billions are located outside the United States.

READ ALSO: Therefore Apple crumble pay in taxes

– America’s biggest tax evader

– This appears to be the very definition of a tax hole, which technically is not in conflict with the law, but nevertheless contrary to the legislative intention, says committee chairman, Democrat Carl Levin.

Levin says that neither he nor other “‘ve ever seen anything like it.”

Republican John Mc Cain speaks even more in the clear, according to the Financial Times (requires login).

– Apple claims to be the American company that pays the most in taxes. However, the analysis of the size, the company is also among the largest skattesnyterne, says McCain.

In a Congressional hearing on Tuesday, the Apple CEO Tim Cook respond to the serious allegations against the company.

READ ALSO: – Even the biggest corporations have to pay taxes

Special Agreement with the Irish authorities

Ireland has a corporate tax of 12.5 percent, less than half of the level in Norway.

But the report that the U.S. Senate has been prepared, showing that Apple is not in Ireland relate to the same tax regime as other business sectors.

Through a special agreement with the Irish authorities will profit in the country only taxed at less than 2 percent, writes Senators Carl Levin and John McCain in the report.

Pay crumbs in taxes to Norway

NRK.no has previously told the story of how it is possible for Apple to have revenues of several billion in Norway, yet hardly pay taxes.

reason is that the proceeds sent to Ireland. All the money that Norwegian consumers pay for iPhones and iPads purchased in the Norwegian online store Apple.no, ending in a company in Ireland.

READ ALSO: Therefore Apple crumble pay in taxes

Apple has refused to say anything to NRK about how much revenue the company in Norway.

But calculations the Swedish research company Radar Ecosystem Specialists have done Broadcasting Corporation estimates that Apple had 3 billion in revenue in Norway last year.

Apple is known to have very good margins, and probably have huge surpluses in Norway.

company refuses to disclose how much revenue and profit company in each country ..

READ ALSO: Seals tax gaps for multinational corporations

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