
Ein part words and orddefinisjonar in Nynorskordboka can become oppfatta as nedsetjande. No ryddar Helene Urdland-Karlsen (left), Christian-Emil Ore and Bjørghild Kjelsvik opp in ordboka. (Photo: Yngve Vogt)
Saman with Language Council is the University of Oslo started ein skikkeleg ryddesjau the river right opp gammaldagse and politically incorrect words in Nynorskordboka, at the same time as ordboka must become in accordance with the will of the new rettskrivinga frå August 2012.
– Ordbøker eldest recovery. Sjølv on Nynorskordboka ikkje has Noka spesiell heeled and berre is 25 years gammal, inneheld ho allereie ein part utdaterte words and definisjonar, victorious Christian-Emil Ore.
He is leiar for Eining for digital Dokumentasjon at the University of Oslo and ansvarleg the språkteknologiske part av ordbokrevisjonen.
Upassande words and definisjonar
-1980s reagerte none of Torbjørn Egners sjørøvarvise on hottentottar and Astrid Lindgren s story of negro king in ‘books about Pippi Longstocking. Tidsånda is ei anna today.
No to ordboka tilpassast modern språkbruk.
– Today gives many clear uttrykk to dei opplever the nedsetjande and miserable å bli omtala as negro or answers things. We must ikkje late like candy words ikkje finst.
– Words like negro must definerast and omtalast, but when afrikanarar and other opplever word negative, we must highlight desse Orda as nedsetjande, triumphant ordbokredaktør Bjørghild Kjelsvik the Institute of Linguistic and Scandinavian studies at the University of Oslo.
Other doeme on upassande innslag is bush hu (definert as’ sørafrikansk stuttvaksen negro tribe ‘) and negerarbeid (Lågt AKTA, slitsamt’ work). Reply Thing is definert as ‘person with svart hair and dark andletsfarge’.
Slavehandlar is definert as a ‘person who is to do with the (negro) slavar; person as propellants rid of the slave trade’.
– But it’s doe no skilnad about slavane is kvite or answered? authors Kjelsvik.
word sambo Ligg sparsely an
Sambo is definert as ‘avkom av negro and mulatt or negro and indianar’.
Ordbokredaktørane also goes laus at the botanical word negro millet, which tidlegare Blei Bruka av afrikanarar and answered in the United States.
– Hirsen finst of heile verda, but the word negro millet is utdatert.
word Bantu, definert as a major ethnic group in Africa Sør of Ekvator, get All the same stand, sjølv on word-et vert oppfatta negative in South Africa.
– It gets Bantu Consume much like ein in Norwegian brukte it PROMOTING STRONG nedsetjande the word nigger. Bantu is eit greitt words in Norwegian. Språkforskarar snakkar on bantuspråk in Africa. Derimot we will probably remove the word bantuneger, triumphant Ore.
100 years banquets Ivar AasenStorting said yes to both Nynorskordboka and Bokmålsordboka in 1974. 40 årsverk and 12 seinare came Nynorskordboka ut in 1986. This was actually the country’s first ordbok in nynorsk, more than hundred years banquets Ivar Aasen ordbok that all ordforklaringane was in Danish.
Fram to 1986 fanst the berre enklare glossaries utan ordforklaringar and e mengd political rettskrivingsvedtak. No kjem the first full stone wall innhaldsrevisjonen.
Ordbokredaktørane ønskjer dessutan the same oppryddinga in Bokmålsordboka. It is krydra with many av dei same utdaterte and strange Orda as Nynorskordboka.
– Ordbøkene is sjølve Pilar in eit well skriftspråk because dei gives lett tilgjengeleg Information about the our language. We ønskjer ikkje y control språkbruken but ordboka be spegle samtida. Doe gets the viktig y lower bevisst on kva to be with and quality we need utelate.
– Ordutvalet and forklaringane should be involved so slitesterke that dei can Halde seg dei past ten to fifteen AaRa. It is utfordrande, medgir ordbok editor Helene Urdland-Karlsen at Institute for Linguistic and Nordic study.
Eitt av dei Orda ho ikkje is sure to be with is flatskjerm. The word can be involved utdatert allereie on nokre years.
– We can ikkje ha with døgnfluger. Monster Master and mordarsneglar are also words like brisk gets away frå active bruk.
språkforskarane are in doubt about kva word dei must ha, can dei sjekke in nynorskkorpuset, ei digital and søkbar collection av all kinds nynorske tekstar, frå utgreiingar and sakprosa to skjønnlitteratur and newspapers, 90 Millionär word saman.
Dei oldest tekstane is frå 1870-spoken. Berre sidan October of last year, it added inn EIN million new word in the database.
– Carcass is ein Dokumentasjon av ordbruken and ein føresetnad for eit vitskapleg ordbokarbeid. Here we catch opp bruken audiovisual word in full breidd.
Dei sjekkar also ordbruken online and in the National Library bokhylla.no.
Tek item nokre rare words
Språkforskarane must also clear opp in words like ikkje longer demands is bruk. Eit av Orda to kastast ut is afroditt, definert as eit ‘individual with forkrøpla kjønnsorgan’.
– No biologar brukar word. Dei has ikkje eingong høyrt on afrodittar. Today gets the word Bruka berre in kryssord.
Eit anna avlagt words annonseakvisitør. No heiter the annonseseljar. But ikkje all utdaterte words, ut.
– Sjølv on Nynorskordboka be involved ei bruksordbok must ho also involved inngang to old to literature and old uttrykksmåtar. Certain words like ikkje is vanleg bruk today must because dei vert synergy of old skjønnlitterære verk.
old ballads finst Blåmann and moor for afrikanar or maurar. Eit anna example, the word Veile (lower miserable), which is barely brukt other hives enn in diktet ‘The prince Songen’ av Per Sivle.
– Slike word is greitt y could beat opp in ordboka and kjem no with the Nynorskordboka for the first gong, triumphant Kjelsvik.
Verda has endra seg
Informasjonsalderen also endra seg mykje sidan 1986 ikkje LEAST technology.
– The nyttar ikkje y talk about computer operator, computer holders and computer terminal today. Dessert Orda is quite simply ikkje in levande bruk longer demands for ikkje y talk about holkortoperatør, awnings Helene Urdland-Karlsen.
Nokre av omtalane proportion of women and men is also ikkje tidsriktige. Definisjonen audiovisual word hushjelp, “kvinne which is tilsett for y gjere husarbeid ‘must at dømes become kjønnsnøytral.
Nynorskordboka may also oppdaterast on ekteskap. Ekteskap is definert as ‘cohabitation operation between mann and kvinne …’. Today’s ekteskapslov is kjønnsnøytral: Definisjonen must difor endrast to ‘cohabitation operation between the two personar …’.
Words like gutegalen must also omdefinerast: it is ikkje longer demands candy to berre JENTER is “guttegærne”. Also Gutar be involved would inform Gutar.
Modern løysingNynorskordboka have ein modern relasjonsdatabase in botnen.
– In the long term ønskjer we å lage ein nettportal that ein can go inn in all utgåvene av both Nynorskordboka and Bokmålsordboka and willingly Riksmålsordboken and other old to ordbøker too.
– Då you can samanlikne and sjå the historic utviklinga in Norwegian about fleire decade, awnings Ore.

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