solving tomorrow’s problems NRK Elias Skoglund player lot and hope to be able to find new things with the technology when he learns even more. Photo: Ola Bjørlo the Beach … Selma Kjos selected the subject because she thought it sounded exciting out with technology in practice. – I have always been …
develop technology world-class Sunnmørsposten Unattended Here is the unmanned craft that was used during the demonstration of the world’s first test site for autonomous ship yesterday. The six metres long and 1.7 tonnes of heavy boat made of Marine Robotics was “discovered” by the positioning system, though …
For that community to keep pace with the development, we as politicians have to be more forward-looking when we should create a policy for today and tomorrow. So do we in the Progress party.
Therefore, I think it’s pretty hopeless when the other parties are based on the current fleet of vehicles when they shall adopt the environmental charges for the future. We are going to have to relate to reality. Even though it was set a new record in the nybilsalg in the year, still running the vast majority of us around in an older car, bought used.
By further increasing the total taxation level for motorists, it is not those who can afford to buy a new car that suffer the most are hit the hardest. There are people with a normal economy, who cannot afford to buy a new car.
This goes beyond the young people in the establishment phase, which imposed even more expenses because they have to use the car to drive your kids to school, or kindergarten for the day to go up.
It is namely so that the majority of the Norwegian population live outside the city, with poorly developed public transport facilities. These are completely dependent on the car to get around.
the Post is open for comments Thursday to the clock 23.
We as politicians should ensure that people choose a more environmentally friendly car by the nybilkjøp, not punish those who must purchase seats by imposing them even more fees.
the Advantage is that a car bought new today, will eventually end up like leather in a few years. When will the oldest cars scrapped in favour of a safer, more environmentally friendly and modern seats that will release less CO2. This is the natural development of the Norwegian vehicle fleets. For me it is a riddle that the other parties will take the motorists who have the least.
From 1990 to 2010, CO2 emissions per mile is cut in half from 300 grams of CO2 per kilometer, figures from Opplysningsrådet for road traffic. Since the conservative party came into government in 2013 were CO2 emissions to 120 grams, now we’re down 93.
The next years, the focus is massively on hydrogenbiler in Norway. Figures from SINTEF shows that it can be as much as 130.000 hydrogenbiler on the roads in Norway in 2030, if it can be adapted for it. The automakers have already come up with several models, and more are about to come.
the Norwegian Parliament has resolved that it should be rolled out a lot of hydrogenstasjoner, and it will help to ensure that more people will choose a hydrogenbil.
Emissions from a hydrogenbil is clean water that can be drunk! What do you do then with the politikerstyrte charges that will take motorists? Therefore believe the Progress that it is time to press the brake.
We will see that today’s vehicle fleet is slowly but surely being phased out for something more environmentally friendly. Then it is quite weird to use the current fleet when we shall lay up for the future taxes.
the Car is here to stay, so let those with an older car get a little bit of time to buy something more environmentally friendly in the long term. Society is moving steadily in a more environmentally friendly direction, and that we as politicians should do is to provide carrots in the form of avgiftslette on new cars to get up to speed on the process.
see also:
Siv Jensen with requirements for credit
Listhaug to get more to return voluntarily
the Police grows with the progress party in government
This bus is running without a driver NRK Autonomous transport is sure to revolutionize the way we travel. It means that there is going to be a market for this type of technology in the future, ” says Svein-Olav Torø in Innovation Kongsberg. Nonetheless, technology to be developed further before …
– We need to think again together Sunnmørsposten Jacobs pointed out that today’s technology is evolving so quickly, that it becomes difficult to do things alone. – It is very important to get collaboration across the organization. A need to get away "silos" where a struggle on IT avdeligen sitting, management …
Fiskeriminister Per Sandberg has with him a business delegation with 60 participants within the seafood, industry, and maritime companies to Tehran this week. The goal is to open for the Norwegian export industry.
From Ålesund to Iran with the Sandberg
- We have exported our products indirectly to Iran in many years. Now we want to look at what opportunities we have to directly export in the long term, ” says managing director Vidar Aasestrand with Polyform in Ålesund.
Read more
– With the repeal of the sanctions we are facing a unique opportunity. It’s not every day a market with 80 million people open themselves overnight, ” says fiskeriminister Per Sandberg.
Norway is the world’s second largest sjømateksportør and export 36 million sjømatmåltider each day to 140 different countries.
the Managing director Vidar Aasestrand with Polyform in Ålesund, Sandberg Iran-travel.
the World’s fastest growing market
With our ambitions, it is, nevertheless, that we are constantly working to develop new markets. Although we do not sell a lot of fish to Iran today, there is great potential. Each iraner eat only eight kilos of fish a year, but Iran is the world’s fastest growing market for processed fish, says Sandberg.
Fiskeriministeren have faith that Iran can provide opportunities for the export of both seafood and technology.
– the Norwegian fish farming industry is world leading and we are experiencing increasing interest in our solutions. Iran is clear that they want growth in the private aquaculture industry and this can provide opportunities for the Norwegian supplier industry. Besides, it will strengthen market access for Norwegian seafood that we also offer expertise and technology to build their own industry, ” says fiskeriminister Per Sandberg.
It was funny to hear about this offer through the Campaign and not directly from the Stu (Bjørnstad, ceo of Cxense, ed. anm.), says ceo Rolv Erik Ryssdal in Schibsted.
It was in connection with capital markets day to Schibsted in London that the Norwegian it-company Cxense released the news that they will set their technology available for Schibsted, and it will Cxense ceo, Ståle Bjørnstad do free in six months.
Read also: the Norwegian IT-company will give the Schibsted newspapers free emergencies
- if you Set up this correctly and personaliserer a part of the front page based on each user’s lesermønster, you will get the traffic by several tens of percentages. There are some ad impressions, and if we, through personalization, also can make on VG nett’s gratislesere to VG Plus subscribers, so is it good? I’m not saying that the VG makes it bad, but with our solution they can do it much better, ” said Bjørnstad to the Campaign yesterday.
Ready with a private test version At Tuesday’s investor day it came out that Schibsted succeed well in the market for the payment digitally. The company’s online newspapers approaching already 500.000 digital subscribers and has grown in the number of subscribers with 37 per cent annually. If he jumps at the offer from Cxense is uncertain.
- This is something we’ll come back when we know a little bit more what they’re thinking, but we believe in personalization, ” says Ryssdal.
On yesterday’s presentations, it was talked about personalization as one of the major trends on the media market right now without anyone in the Schibsted management would be specific on what this may mean for some of the nation’s largest online newspapers such as VG and Aftenposten or Swedish Aftonbladet. But the Campaign says Ryssdal:
” I think we are quite ready to launch a test version of this pretty soon based on the login we have through the Spid. It gives us insight into usage patterns and preferences. This is we are ready to experiment with soon, ” says Ryssdal.
Read also: – the Remaining three-four years with cuts for the media houses.
Expensive technology-race But at the same time with the Cxense now offers the Norwegian media group, with a market capitalisation of over 50 billion, the ability to tailor the news to your users, continues Schibsted to burn off large sums of money to develop their new digital ecosystem. In this ecosystem opens it up for more relevant ads that move seamlessly across Our many web pages, a new publishing and a common innloggingsystem, known as the Spid.
media group do not go out with specific sums on how much money used on this beyond saying that technology and group expenses related to, for example, the head office and the overheads (is also called overhead cost, ed.anm.) collected will be between 650-700 million in the year.
Analysts Campaign spoke with at capital markets day, estimated konsernkostnadene to around 350 million in the year, so that the pure tekonologiutvikling in the form of people, licenses, software, servers, and locations including London and Barcelona thus located at a hefty 300-350 million a year.
- it Is easier to build yourself than to buy the various components on the market?
It goes on about a “build or buy” and there is ongoing discussion and when the question is what is it that is the absolute core of what you do and what is less core. Where we have ongoing discussions. The stock exchanges of AppNexus, we have realized that we are going to build, while publiseringsplattformen Schibsted Media Platform we believe we are a part of the core area our and something we should do yourself, ” says Ryssdal.
- does not rule out cooperation Without commenting on the numbers, ” says Ryssdal that the personalization is located inside the total utviklingsløpet to Schibsted.
- do you Have a clear plan on what to do or is it trial and error?
we get a little bit back to, but it is clear that there will be some experimentation here.
And then it can be an opportunity to use the Cxense?
and we come back to, but we should not rule out a few things, ” says Schibsted-boss.
It was funny to hear about this offer through the Campaign and not directly from the Stu (Bjørnstad, ceo of Cxense, ed. anm.), says ceo Rolv Erik Ryssdal in Schibsted.
It was in connection with capital markets day to Schibsted in London that the Norwegian it-company Cxense released the news that they will set their technology available for Schibsted, and it will Cxense ceo, Ståle Bjørnstad do free in six months.
Read also: the Norwegian IT-company will give the Schibsted newspapers free emergencies
- if you Set up this correctly and personaliserer a part of the front page based on each user’s lesermønster, you will get the traffic by several tens of percentages. There are some ad impressions, and if we, through personalization, also can make on VG nett’s gratislesere to VG Plus subscribers, so is it good? I’m not saying that the VG makes it bad, but with our solution they can do it much better, ” said Bjørnstad to the Campaign yesterday.
Ready with a private test version At Tuesday’s investor day it came out that Schibsted succeed well in the market for the payment digitally. The company’s online newspapers approaching already 500.000 digital subscribers and has grown in the number of subscribers with 37 per cent annually. If he jumps at the offer from Cxense is uncertain.
- This is something we’ll come back when we know a little bit more what they’re thinking, but we believe in personalization, ” says Ryssdal.
On yesterday’s presentations, it was talked about personalization as one of the major trends on the media market right now without anyone in the Schibsted management would be specific on what this may mean for some of the nation’s largest online newspapers such as VG and Aftenposten or Swedish Aftonbladet. But the Campaign says Ryssdal:
” I think we are quite ready to launch a test version of this pretty soon based on the login we have through the Spid. It gives us insight into usage patterns and preferences. This is we are ready to experiment with soon, ” says Ryssdal.
Read also: – the Remaining three-four years with cuts for the media houses.
Expensive technology-race But at the same time with the Cxense now offers the Norwegian media group, with a market capitalisation of over 50 billion, the ability to tailor the news to your users, continues Schibsted to burn off large sums of money to develop their new digital ecosystem. In this ecosystem opens it up for more relevant ads that move seamlessly across Our many web pages, a new publishing and a common innloggingsystem, known as the Spid.
media group do not go out with specific sums on how much money used on this beyond saying that technology and group expenses related to, for example, the head office and the overheads (is also called overhead cost, ed.anm.) collected will be between 650-700 million in the year.
Analysts Campaign spoke with at capital markets day, estimated konsernkostnadene to around 350 million in the year, so that the pure tekonologiutvikling in the form of people, licenses, software, servers, and locations including London and Barcelona thus located at a hefty 300-350 million a year.
- it Is easier to build yourself than to buy the various components on the market?
It goes on about a “build or buy” and there is ongoing discussion and when the question is what is it that is the absolute core of what you do and what is less core. Where we have ongoing discussions. The stock exchanges of AppNexus, we have realized that we are going to build, while publiseringsplattformen Schibsted Media Platform we believe we are a part of the core area our and something we should do yourself, ” says Ryssdal.
- does not rule out cooperation Without commenting on the numbers, ” says Ryssdal that the personalization is located inside the total utviklingsløpet to Schibsted.
- do you Have a clear plan on what to do or is it trial and error?
we get a little bit back to, but it is clear that there will be some experimentation here.
And then it can be an opportunity to use the Cxense?
and we come back to, but we should not rule out a few things, ” says Schibsted-boss.
Fiskeriminister Per Sandberg has with him a business delegation with 60 participants within the seafood, industry, and maritime companies to Tehran this week. The goal is to open for the Norwegian export industry.
– With the repeal of the sanctions we are facing a unique opportunity. It’s not every day a market with 80 million people open themselves overnight, ” says fiskeriminister Per Sandberg.
Norway is the world’s second largest sjømateksportør and export 36 million sjømatmåltider each day to 140 different countries.
the World’s fastest growing market
With our ambitions, it is, nevertheless, that we are constantly working to develop new markets. Although we do not sell a lot of fish to Iran today, there is great potential. Each iraner eat only eight kilos of fish a year, but Iran is the world’s fastest growing market for processed fish, says Sandberg.
Fiskeriministeren have faith that Iran can provide opportunities for the export of both seafood and technology.
– the Norwegian fish farming industry is world leading and we are experiencing increasing interest in our solutions. Iran is clear that they want growth in the private aquaculture industry and this can provide opportunities for the Norwegian supplier industry. Besides, it will strengthen market access for Norwegian seafood that we also offer expertise and technology to build their own industry, ” says fiskeriminister Per Sandberg.
It is more than doubtful whether the Rec Silicon manages to cough up 169 million dollars to defend its holding in the chinese joint. It means that Rec Silicon can lose the rights to the market-leading FBR technology to the chinese.
Published: 27.09.2016 — 11:27
the Article is added to your reading list.
Rec Silicon’s shares have halved in value in the year. Silisiumprisen has collapsed and the stock market fear a verdiødeleggende kriseemisjon.
Follow the development on the Oslo stock Exchange on DN Investor.
If that isn’t enough. The investment firm Carnegie believes that Rec Silicon is in danger of losing the rights to its own FBR technology. FBR stands for ” fluidized bed reactor and is a market-leading technology, Rec has developed for production of superrent silicon. Technology has for years provided Rec Silicon is a leading cost position, but now, the company is in danger of losing technology to the chinese.
“the Company states that without a solution on the handelskrigen, as this will make the Rec Silicon unable to pay their remaining installments, the equity ratio of the chinese jointventure company will be diluted accordingly. To put it another way, the company has lost control of the FBR technology since the state-owned, the chinese partner will own the majority of shares in the jointventure company,” writes Carnegie.
It was in February 2014 Rec Silicon heralding a cooperation with a chinese company to build a silicon factory in China. The new factory in China was estimated to cost 1.4 billion dollars. There is money Rec Silicon had not, and the solution was instead a fattigmannsløsning involving a joint venture with a chinese company and only limited investment obligations for the Rec. As part of the agreement was the rights to the FBR technology transferred to the chinese jointventure company.
Given a 50 per cent utilisation rate at the Moses Lake facility in the united STATES and a silisiumpris at 14 dollars per pound next year, estimates the Carnegie that Rec Silicon will be short between 120 and 140 million dollars next year. It is prior to the scheduled payment of 169 million dollars to defend its ownership in the chinese jointventure company.
he who does not know the smell of the issue here, need to take a trip to the doctor to get examined the sense of smell.
Came on the job updated! DN Express gives you the main markedsnyhetene right in your inbox. the register here.
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“We remain sellers of Rec Silicon and reducing our price target on the new information. Investors can risk a new egenkapitalemisjon, not only to participate in the chinese jointventure company, but in order to keep the company afloat if the current market conditions should persist,” writes Carnegie.
also Read:
Hermanrud properly hæla in Rec Silicon
the Generator dumped the Rec before Hermanrud-notice
We have decided to send this material to new research. It has been 20 years, and a lot has happened in the development of such surveys, tells påtaleansvarlig Yngve Skovly in Espås-matter to TV 2.
After that Espås-the case was taken up in the TV 2 program the Site Norway, have the police
received over 200 new tips. The most interesting tips will be followed up with questioning and further investigation.
Trude Espås was 20 years old when she was reported missing 8. august 20 years ago. Eleven days later she was found raped and murdered in a grove just outside Geiranger centre.
the Company, which is the leading manufacturer of fenders and buoys, is one of three from Møre and Romsdal in a delegation of 60 Norwegian manufacturers of seafood, suppliers of technology, expertise and equipment to the farming and maritime businesses, who next week travel to Iran. From Møre and Romsdal also raises the Stranda Prolog from Averøy and Caspian Nor from Sunndal.
Sandberg successors
- After the government lifted the sanctions against Iran, is a whole new market open for Norwegian businesses. Iran has a very active business, and a great need for new technology. In many of the areas where the Iranian authorities and businesses investing heavily, can Norwegian companies bid on the latest technologies and the best expertise, says in a press release from Innovation Norway. Companies traveling together with fiskeriminister Per Sandberg, Norwegian state secretary Dilek Ayhan, Sjømatrådet, the Norwegian shipowners ‘ association and Innovation Norway to Tehran.
Norway exporting fish to 140 countries, but it is important to constantly develop new markets. Currently, we sell small fish to Iran, but the potential can be big. We are facing a unique opportunity with the repeal of the sanctions. It’s not every day a market with 80 million people open themselves overnight, ” says fiskeriminister Per Sandberg, who heads the delegation.
Iran is clear in that they want growth in the private aquaculture industry and this can provide opportunities for the Norwegian supplier industry, ” says fiskeriministeren.
Look at the opportunities for direct export
the Managing director Vidar Aasestrand in Polyform tells us that he is with, as the only thing from the company.
We have exported our products indirectly to Iran for many years, among other things, through the deliveries of the fenders to the Båtservice. Mandal-the company submits the SAR boats to Iran, he says.
- With your visit, we want to look at what opportunities we have for direct export on the slightly longer term, mainly related to fish farming and fisheries, he adds.
- Norwegian solutions
Inger Solberg, director of sustainability at Innovation Norway points out that Norway has world-leading competence in fish farming.
– to use the Norwegian experience, knowledge and technology, we can contribute to the development of the term that provides the least possible harmful impact and at the same time ensuring good returns over time. Iranian businesses want Norwegian solutions to their challenges.
Norway’s sjømatråd and Innovation Norway organises seminars on collaboration around the seafood and aquaculture, with visits to the fish farm, bearbeidingsanlegg and points of sale for top quality seafood. There will also be meetings between Norwegian and iranian representatives of the maritime industry. The events begin on the 27. and lasts until the 30th. september.
the Company, which is the leading manufacturer of fendeler and buoys, is one of three from Møre and Romsdal in a delegation of 60 Norwegian manufacturers of seafood, suppliers of technology, expertise and equipment to the farming and maritime businesses, who next week travel to Iran. From Møre and Romsdal also raises the Stranda Prolog from Averøy and Caspian Nor from Sunndal.
Sandberg successors
- After the government lifted the sanctions against Iran, is a whole new market open for Norwegian businesses. Iran has a very active business, and a great need for new technology. In many of the areas where the Iranian authorities and businesses investing heavily, can Norwegian companies bid on the latest technologies and the best expertise, says in a press release from Innovation Norway. Companies traveling together with fiskeriminister Per Sandberg, Norwegian state secretary Dilek Ayhan, Sjømatrådet, the Norwegian shipowners ‘ association and Innovation Norway to Tehran.
Norway exporting fish to 140 countries, but it is important to constantly develop new markets. Currently, we sell small fish to Iran, but the potential can be big. We are facing a unique opportunity with the repeal of the sanctions. It’s not every day a market with 80 million people open themselves overnight, ” says fiskeriminister Per Sandberg, who heads the delegation.
Iran is clear in that they want growth in the private aquaculture industry and this can provide opportunities for the Norwegian supplier industry, ” says fiskeriministeren.
Look at the opportunities for direct export
the Managing director Vidar Aasestrand in Polyform tells us that he is with, as the only thing from the company.
We have exported our products indirectly to Iran for many years, among other things, through the deliveries of the fenders to the Båtservice. Mandal-the company submits the SAR boats to Iran, he says.
- With your visit, we want to look at what opportunities we have for direct export on the slightly longer term, mainly related to fish farming and fisheries, he adds.
- Norwegian solutions
Inger Solberg, director of sustainability at Innovation Norway points out that Norway has world-leading competence in fish farming.
– to use the Norwegian experience, knowledge and technology, we can contribute to the development of the term that provides the least possible harmful impact and at the same time ensuring good returns over time. Iranian businesses want Norwegian solutions to their challenges.
Norway’s sjømatråd and Innovation Norway organises seminars on collaboration around the seafood and aquaculture, with visits to the fish farm, bearbeidingsanlegg and points of sale for top quality seafood. There will also be meetings between Norwegian and iranian representatives of the maritime industry. The events begin on the 27. and lasts until the 30th. september.
Aftenbladet has previously called Eigerøy of the Silicon Island. A handful of high-tech companies located here. Now, the goal is to make Navtor to number one in the world in the course of a few years.
It began in 1946 with the Robertson Radio Electronics. The legacy of Torleif Robertson currently consists of a handful of technology companies. They have had different ownership and different names over the years, but Egersund has a technology environment that extends 70 years back in time.
If one name shall be drawn up in addition to Robertson, then it is probably Tor A. Svanes. In the 1980s he started the company C-Map. The success was noticed and a few years ago was C-Map acquired by american Jeppesen, which have flyfabrikanten Boeing as the owner. Eventually the frame was too tight, something that consumed the patience of the C-Map-founders from Egersund. In 2011, ” said Svanes thank you. So did several other key personnel. Their new company got the name Navtor. Management consists of Svanes and Bjørn Åge Hjøllo. The capital found at Smedvig.
the MN-faculty’s administration Titan.the university of search editor/deskansvarlig.
if you Have experience from nettdesk, social media, journalism, passionate about the dissemination of research results and have a great interest for science and technology?
Then the post of editor/deskansvarlig on Titan.the university of right for you. Titan.the university of oslo.en is a news – and bloggkanal for research, education and innovation in science and technology from the University of Oslo.
the Goal is to give all the new knowledge within our areas of expertise on a popular scientific and engaging way. We believe that the proliferation of this type of new knowledge will make the community better.
Titan.the university of oslo.en was launched in December 2015 and has already contributed strongly to visualize all of our exciting activities. Now we are seeking a person who can lift this further.
the Position is a two year temporary job from January 2017, with the possibility for extension.
Daily responsibility for the nettdesk, including editing, quality assurance, slant of articles
Spread, social media, traditional media and other channels
Follow-up of freelancers, studentskribenter and bloggers
Writing research articles
Translate the articles to English
Close cooperation with the others in the Titan editorial team, researchers and management at the university of Oslo: Science and technology
Experience from news reporting and nettdesk, preferably from a media house
Have a good pen and experience as a journalist – preferably within research
up to Date on the development of digital news channels
Enterprising, creative, committed, structured and collaborative
Higher education from university or university college, a minimum of the equivalent of bachelor’s level. Experience from the work area can replace utdanningskravet
We offer
An interesting and challenging position with good development opportunities and a good working environment at a very well run and active faculty
Good welfare schemes, including training in working hours, see overview of the welfare system:
Membership in the Norwegian public service pension fund
Remuneration in the span 512 700 – 567 100 ( SHOES 1434 Counselor)
Titan.the university of oslo.en be edited by the communications department at the university of Oslo: Science and technology.
Editor Gunhild Haugnes tel: 97526462
Seksjonssjef Julie Øybø tel: +47 22858602
Questions vdr. the recruitment process, please contact Olaf Sund
the MN-faculty’s administration Titan.the university of search editor/deskansvarlig.
if you Have experience from nettdesk, social media, journalism, passionate about the dissemination of research results and have a great interest for science and technology?
Then the post of editor/deskansvarlig on Titan.the university of right for you. Titan.the university of oslo.en is a news – and bloggkanal for research, education and innovation in science and technology from the University of Oslo.
the Goal is to give all the new knowledge within our areas of expertise on a popular scientific and engaging way. We believe that the proliferation of this type of new knowledge will make the community better.
Titan.the university of oslo.en was launched in December 2015 and has already contributed strongly to visualize all of our exciting activities. Now we are seeking a person who can lift this further.
the Position is a two year temporary job from January 2017, with the possibility for extension.
Daily responsibility for the nettdesk, including editing, quality assurance, slant of articles
Spread, social media, traditional media and other channels
Follow-up of freelancers, studentskribenter and bloggers
Writing research articles
Translate the articles to English
Close cooperation with the others in the Titan editorial team, researchers and management at the university of Oslo: Science and technology
Experience from news reporting and nettdesk, preferably from a media house
Have a good pen and experience as a journalist – preferably within research
up to Date on the development of digital news channels
Enterprising, creative, committed, structured and collaborative
Higher education from university or university college, a minimum of the equivalent of bachelor’s level. Experience from the work area can replace utdanningskravet
We offer
An interesting and challenging position with good development opportunities and a good working environment at a very well run and active faculty
Good welfare schemes, including training in working hours, see overview of the welfare system:
Membership in the Norwegian public service pension fund
Remuneration in the span 512 700 – 567 100 ( SHOES 1434 Counselor)
Titan.the university of oslo.en be edited by the communications department at the university of Oslo: Science and technology.
Editor Gunhild Haugnes tel: 97526462
Seksjonssjef Julie Øybø tel: +47 22858602
Questions vdr. the recruitment process, please contact Olaf Sund
Norway’s deep fjords and high mountains makes the country a natural place to develop hydroelectric power: The first known dam was built in 1028 – in the viking age, according to Leif Lia, professor at Ntnu’s Department of hydraulic and environmental engineering.
The modern era within the Norwegian hydropower began around the last turn. Hammerfest turned on the lights with power from its own municipal power plant in 1891. In the 1920′s had all of Norway’s cities and 60 per cent of the population access to electricity, ranging from hydro-power.
today, approximately 96 percent of the electricity in Norway is from hydroelectric power generated by more than 200 energy companies, many of them small and local. Norway is the world’s sixth largest producer of hydroelectric power.
the Business world is full of fallen giants, companies like Nokia and Kodak, which was once very successful, but that dwindled away to nothing. Victims of bad decisions or problems with managing the transition to the new technology.
It is easy to look back on these disasters and wonder how the management could not foresee the technological changes that they were facing. In both Nokia and kodak’s case knew the companies what would come.
Kodak had actually developed a digital camera as far back as in 1975. But with 90 per cent of filmsalget and 85 per cent of the kamerasalget in the united STATES, it was difficult for the leaders to see any reason that they should change strategies. Nokia had also developed a smartphone as early as in 1996, but the management saw no reason to go away from the very profitable core business, the sale of traditional mobile phones, before it was too late.
see also: This mistake of doing too many car owners
Will help companies
An NTNU researcher takes a closer look at how Norway’s kraftbransje should be able to cope with markedsutfordringene from renewable energy, and changed consumer behavior:
Rikke Stoud Platou, a phd candidate at the research school in innovation, says Norway’s 100-year-old kraftbransje face the same type of fundamental changes that Nokia and Kodak both faced. Platous doktorgradsforskning is about to try to help the power industry to avoid Nokia and kodak’s fate.
the Secret behind the success she believes is something called “organizational ambidekstri”, or the ability to do two things at once. You must be able to continue to do what you already do well, while at the same time is able to exploit future opportunities.
– How should the existing, stable companies like those in the power industry, deal with the technological shift? ask Platou. – Especially when it is such a strong contrast between what they are accustomed to, and what they can expect in the future?
see also: Smarter with smart home
(the Case continues below)
Now consumers from all over Europe to pay a premium in order to guarantee that the power they buy is from renewable resources. It has made the Norwegian hydropower especially popular in Germany. Here seen Hunderfossen power station in the river gudbrandsdalslågen. Photo: Paul Kleiven / Scanpix
Changes in energilandskapet
Large or small, local or regional: Norges more than 200 energy companies face a landscape of change, ” says Platou. Renewable energy, sometimes offered by individuals rather than by a power plant or a facility, is a major impetus for change, she believes. Digitization, whether from smart meters, smart grids or other digital offerings will also drive major changes in the way consumers use energy and the way companies offer it.
People change their behaviour when it comes to the use of electricity, either by putting solar panels on the roofs or buying new, smart appliances, says Platou.
the electricity market will change dramatically in 2019 when all the households in Norway the plan is to have smart meters. Today, most electric meters that they can read as rarely as four times a year, which is not far from frequent enough to reflect actual changes in electricity prices.
With smart meters, consumers will be able to see how much power they consume daily. They can also regulate the use, so that, for example, can take advantage of lower electricity prices at certain times of the day.
the Smart grid will also create challenges. It is a distribution network that can regulate and control the variation in the power from the renewable energy that is either generated from a wind farm or from solar cells on the roof, and who thus are dependent on the weather.
– This will increase the complex’s image, says Platou. For example, an app on your phone tell you when to turn on the dishwasher, so that you can take advantage of the lowest electricity prices.
see also: NVE will have more expensive electricity in the afternoon
Risky to just do as you’ve done
another challenge that e-work in Norway are facing is that they have long been protected in a regulated industry. It all began to change with deregulation in the 1990s, and now consumers from all over Europe to pay a premium in order to guarantee that the power they buy is from renewable resources. It has made the Norwegian hydropower especially popular in Germany.
– In the countryside it is risky to just do what you always have done, think Of.
She points out that the whole energy industry is used to invest in projects where it can take a long time before they begin to pay off, perhaps as long as 50-60 years.
But is it sensible to make investment decisions about the network today, for example? Well, both yes and no, ” she says. – We still need this infrastructure, but for how long? Customers change quickly behaviour and maybe they don’t need, want or expect to pay for a service they perceive as unnecessary. This creates both uncertainty and complexity.
(the Case continues below)
most People will gain more control over its consumption. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / Scanpix
A company that will succeed must be able to maintain a core business at the same time as it takes in technological changes.
Two activities must coexist, ” she says. – It is all about finding the perfect balance between separation and integration.
see also: America’s christmas lights use more energy than a developing country
to Separate and integrate
Companies can meet this challenge by making sure that the traditional branch of the business and the new branch operates independently (separation). But they also need to integrate the two branches.
A way to do this might be to create a insentivsystem so that managers ‘rewards are based on success for both branches, and thus create the integration,” she says. It creates also a sense that “if you win, I win too”.
In this context is a nøkkelfunn from study her the importance senior management.
It is important about the transition to succeed, ” she says. – It is important to take decisions about the strategic direction, and how it interprets the future.
Life where no one could believe … NRK In addition to the experience of life in the ocean depths, the exhibition shows some of the possibilities that the use of the new technology in the context of research. Asgeir Johan Sørensen is a professor at the Institutt for marin teknikk and director of the AMOS (Center for …
Life where no one could believe … NRK In addition to the experience of life in the ocean depths, the exhibition shows some of the possibilities that the use of the new technology in the context of research. Asgeir Johan Sørensen is a professor at the Institutt for marin teknikk and director of the AMOS (Center for …
We are facing the biggest revolution for life since life’s beginnings. In the four billion years life has been reserved for the organic sphere, but now we are in the process of creating the first inorganic livsformen. Life is about to break out in the inorganic sphere, says Yuval Noah Harari has a phd in history from the University of Oxford and now teaches the subject at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
the Earth will be populated by some who are more different from us than we are from chimps
Yuval Noah Hararis book “Sapiens” has been the top selling saksprosaboken internationally in both 2014 and 2015.
Here, he’s pointing out that while in the past we have changed the world around us, we change the now, for the first time man.
About a couple of hundred years is the earth populated by some who are more different from us than we are from chimpanzees, ” says the historian who does not believe the cars and the gadgets will keep the position as the future of gigantindustri – it really big in the future will be bodies, brains and minds, he believes.
Harari avfeier the classic cautionary tales from Hollywood, where man and machine wars against each other, but rather a fusion. It does not mean that there are “dangers” in sight. Harari warns that one can create many different communities, and calls for a political process in connection with artificial intelligence.
For the first time in history we have not any idea about how human society or the human body for that matter, will look in fifty to a hundred years, ” he says.
the Labor market is one of the areas that is likely to go through major changes. And where are the people?
- Where the industrial revolution created the working class, we risk to create a class of the most useless, warns Harari.
Press play in the videoruten above to play the interview with dr. Yuval Noah Harari.
We are facing the biggest revolution for life since life’s beginnings. In the four billion years life has been reserved for the organic sphere, but now we are in the process of creating the first inorganic livsformen. Life is about to break out in the inorganic sphere, says Yuval Noah Harari has a phd in history from the University of Oxford and now teaches the subject at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
the Earth will be populated by some who are more different from us than we are from chimps
Yuval Noah Hararis book “Sapiens” has been the top selling saksprosaboken internationally in both 2014 and 2015.
Here, he’s pointing out that while in the past we have changed the world around us, we change the now, for the first time man.
About a couple of hundred years is the earth populated by some who are more different from us than we are from chimpanzees, ” says the historian who does not believe the cars and the gadgets will keep the position as the future of gigantindustri – it really big in the future will be bodies, brains and minds, he believes.
Harari avfeier the classic cautionary tales from Hollywood, where man and machine wars against each other, but rather a fusion. It does not mean that there are “dangers” in sight. Harari warns that one can create many different communities, and calls for a political process in connection with artificial intelligence.
For the first time in history we have not any idea about how human society or the human body for that matter, will look in fifty to a hundred years, ” he says.
the Labor market is one of the areas that is likely to go through major changes. And where are the people?
- Where the industrial revolution created the working class, we risk to create a class of the most useless, warns Harari.
Press play in the videoruten above to play the interview with dr. Yuval Noah Harari.