Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Ryssdal will start with personalized news – Campaign

It was funny to hear about this offer through the Campaign and not directly from the Stu (Bjørnstad, ceo of Cxense, ed. anm.), says ceo Rolv Erik Ryssdal in Schibsted.

It was in connection with capital markets day to Schibsted in London that the Norwegian it-company Cxense released the news that they will set their technology available for Schibsted, and it will Cxense ceo, Ståle Bjørnstad do free in six months.

Read also: the Norwegian IT-company will give the Schibsted newspapers free emergencies

- if you Set up this correctly and personaliserer a part of the front page based on each user’s lesermønster, you will get the traffic by several tens of percentages. There are some ad impressions, and if we, through personalization, also can make on VG nett’s gratislesere to VG Plus subscribers, so is it good? I’m not saying that the VG makes it bad, but with our solution they can do it much better, ” said Bjørnstad to the Campaign yesterday.

Ready with a private test version
At Tuesday’s investor day it came out that Schibsted succeed well in the market for the payment digitally. The company’s online newspapers approaching already 500.000 digital subscribers and has grown in the number of subscribers with 37 per cent annually. If he jumps at the offer from Cxense is uncertain.

- This is something we’ll come back when we know a little bit more what they’re thinking, but we believe in personalization, ” says Ryssdal.

On yesterday’s presentations, it was talked about personalization as one of the major trends on the media market right now without anyone in the Schibsted management would be specific on what this may mean for some of the nation’s largest online newspapers such as VG and Aftenposten or Swedish Aftonbladet. But the Campaign says Ryssdal:

” I think we are quite ready to launch a test version of this pretty soon based on the login we have through the Spid. It gives us insight into usage patterns and preferences. This is we are ready to experiment with soon, ” says Ryssdal.

Read also: – the Remaining three-four years with cuts for the media houses.

Expensive technology-race
But at the same time with the Cxense now offers the Norwegian media group, with a market capitalisation of over 50 billion, the ability to tailor the news to your users, continues Schibsted to burn off large sums of money to develop their new digital ecosystem. In this ecosystem opens it up for more relevant ads that move seamlessly across Our many web pages, a new publishing and a common innloggingsystem, known as the Spid.

media group do not go out with specific sums on how much money used on this beyond saying that technology and group expenses related to, for example, the head office and the overheads (is also called overhead cost, ed.anm.) collected will be between 650-700 million in the year.

Analysts Campaign spoke with at capital markets day, estimated konsernkostnadene to around 350 million in the year, so that the pure tekonologiutvikling in the form of people, licenses, software, servers, and locations including London and Barcelona thus located at a hefty 300-350 million a year.

- it Is easier to build yourself than to buy the various components on the market?

It goes on about a “build or buy” and there is ongoing discussion and when the question is what is it that is the absolute core of what you do and what is less core. Where we have ongoing discussions. The stock exchanges of AppNexus, we have realized that we are going to build, while publiseringsplattformen Schibsted Media Platform we believe we are a part of the core area our and something we should do yourself, ” says Ryssdal.

- does not rule out cooperation
Without commenting on the numbers, ” says Ryssdal that the personalization is located inside the total utviklingsløpet to Schibsted.

- do you Have a clear plan on what to do or is it trial and error?

we get a little bit back to, but it is clear that there will be some experimentation here.

And then it can be an opportunity to use the Cxense?

and we come back to, but we should not rule out a few things, ” says Schibsted-boss.


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