Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Copper media can stop fire in electric vehicle batteries - Technology Magazine

But in Norway it is almost impossible stream off an electric car firewalls.

Electric cars, firewalls

  • Per October 2013 it was sold a total of 140,997 electric cars in the world.
  • Nissan Leaf stands for av-half the total electric car sales. It is produsert together 87,000 Nissan Leaf on October 2013.
  • For sammenlikning it produsert 13,000 Tesla model S as of October 2013.
  • Three av these have tatt guy. The utgjør one prosentandel of 0.023. Any of the above is forårsaket av an accident.
  • On cars with forbrenningsmotor oppstår the firewalls in one prosent for an accident.
  • Source: electricdrive.org / spiegel.de

    Electric Vehicle Batteries and spenning

  • battery in an electric car is usually integrert in the car rammeverk and therefore well protected mot damage in case of an kollisjon.
  • battery can have one spenning the opp to 700V, short-circuit power will be extreme so it’s all grunn to aktsomhet in case of an kollisjon.
  • Touch av energized share with spenning than 50 V could endanger life.
  • various things electric cars may have batteries with Ulik technology and Kjemi. Older electric cars usually have a battery pack, which consists of tradisjonelle car batteries with low spenning (lead acid batteries). Newer electric cars have battery packs with lithium technology.
  • Lithium batteries can store energy myeloma in a lite volume management, and thus give økt kjørelengde. But eventuell firewalls in a lithium battery can be tricky stream off. Brannvesenet must often concentrate their fore on stream kjøle down the battery with large amounts of water inntil spray to cool off av seg themselves.
  • Source: National vegvesen

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    the slukkemidlene we tilgjengelig in Norway it is impossible prinsippet stream off an electric car firewalls.

    – Brannvesenet want one able to exert kjøle down and check the spray to cool vast amounts of water. But they will not be able to turn off the spray to cool, says Jostein Ween grave sjefingeniør at the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning.

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    Brann vedlikeholder seg self

    More and more Norwegians kjøper seg electric car. In November, three out of the ten most kjøpte Bilene in Norway electric vehicles. It utgjorde ten prosent av nybilsalget in this country.

    – It is not noe basis upon for å si electric cars brenner back more than other cars, but when electric cars first brenner, it’s a completely one else jobb authorized for the stream control spray to cool enn it is petrol and dieselbranner the spray to cool off using the once brannvesenet arrive the scene, says the grave.

    As a Tesla Model S tok guy utenfor Seattle in the early introduction of October this year, explained to Tesla Elon Musk sjef to spray to cool due to a metallgjenstand as punkterte battery cells under the car. Brannvesenet had major problems with the stream spray to cool off, because, according to Musk punkterte metallveggene at The batteries.

    – The challenges when it brenner in electric cars is to spray to cool can be virtually impossible stream off before the energy in battericellene is utladet. Dessuten often used lithium batteries with anode material as frigir Oxygen Therapy System above a certain temperature. It innebærer to spray to cool vedlikeholder segment itself. The only brannvesenet can do is when y kjøle down the battery vast amounts of water to the temperature of the battery is normal and there is no danger of heat SPRs segment to the rest of the battery, explains tomb.

    This leads to bruk av usually extinguishing do not have the same effect on elbilbranner that the firewalls in petrol or diesel.

    – It may just dempe flammene as oppstår when spray to cool the spredd segment to other shares av car financing tomb

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    finnes extinguisher

    finnes however spesialmiddel to stream off this type branner, opplyser Kjell Kjensli in seksjon for utrykning in Brann and rescue Government service in Oslo.

    – It’s a kobberbasert brann closure means utviklet av the American defense, he explains.

    To Despite the fact that the remedy which heter Copper Powder Navy 125S, is on the market do not Kjensli it will become tatt in bruk in Norway.

    – It’s an incredibly expensive agent. Since the problem of elbilbranner not as big here in Norway, it will hardly become current with an agent such things here, â € he said.

    Kjensli bekrefter to elbilbranner is utfordrende for brannvesenet arriving spray to cool.

    – Part av The batteries avgir Oxygen Therapy System when they become oppvarmet, since it may be difficult noe y spray to cool off. Whether you do not get kjølt it well enough down, the antenna on the helpf, says he.

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    Can not be turned off: With the extinguishing media figures we have tilgjengelig in Norway, it is not possible to stream off an electric car firewalls, it can only be controlled, according sjefingeniør Jostein Ween grave. Photo: AP

    Ukjent in Norway

    Copper Powder Navy 125S is not a helpf means but it is lite kjent.

    – I’ve Nev. heard of it before. But on a shortlist of the sort agent, I expect to brannstasjonene in the largest byene Skiers’ Lounge will have in the future, says Secretary-General Snorre Sletvold in Norwegian electric car association.

    the remedy finnes in powder form and is utviklet for å deal with difficult lithium and lithium aluminum branner. The powder kveler spray to cool and acts as a heat conductor for Reducing the extreme heat. At the same time Skaper a copper-litiumaluminiumshinne not Brennbar or antennelig and cutter approach to Oxygen Therapy System fullstendig.

    The Norwegian Society Alf Lea & Co. tar inn and distributes copper powder in Norway. The powder is produsert av U.S. AMEREX, Alabama.

    General Manager, Frank Jarle Fjellving, says slukningsmiddelet is more or less bleed to skip.

    – As far as I know it is not tested on electric cars. But it is an excellent extinguishing agent on litiumbranner, so I do not exclude that it could fungert there and. It comes litt depends on how the battery is Immersed in the car, says he.

    Fjellving financing is not selges myeloma av the remedy in this country.

    – But it is probably amongst other things, the size of apparatene. The veier over 20 kilos and is thus too large river could kalles hand extinguishers, says he.

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