Saturday, December 7, 2013

Microsoft encrypts all mot NSA - Computerworld

In an action against a data breach from the government introduces a strong encryption to prevent data from being tapped. Almost all types of data collections Microsoft have to be encrypted, ie rendered illegible for those who do not have a key – which Microsoft and customers usually have. New legal measures taken to protect data. And many will appreciate that more of the code to Microsoft software to be opened up so that it is possible for qualified customers to check them for possible backdoors as thugs or anxious watchers can use.

A legal message

In a blog on Technet pages Microsoft says Brad Smith, General Counsel of Microsoft, the measures stems from the same concerns for privacy as customers. The aim of the new protection measures is that if there is to be inspected, it shall be by judicial order, not by the whim of the authorities when it suits them to pick up a load of data that can be useful.

In other words, the same balance between privacy and the right to surveillance that is in most other countries, including Norway. Enough to calm tempers a bit. But it is not the only measures that are underway.

Frenetic motkamp

This comes as part of an image where several of the biggest players most of us relate to the Internet runs a frenetic construction of countermeasures. The countermeasures are directed at authority data resources using backdoors, detours and cracker techniques to break into computers by private providers and snoop around and get data at will.

newspaper USA Today wrote Tuesday that giants like Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter are spending huge resources to combat the NSA and their Overå king resources. The money goes to the new safety authority influence (lobbying) and pure marketing and public relations initiatives to reduce the damage from monitoring scandals over the past half year.

Large U.S. companies rightly fear of billions in investments in cloud services and the other will go down the drain because customers lose confidence in them and the security they can provide.

Taper billion

Already in August reported U.S. corporate decline in sales of data storage services online. From the start of the last surveillance scandal in June, the concerns of the North American economy commentators that this reputation loss would lead to a omsetningstap which would limit the economic recovery.

In the U.S., the behavior changed with the users, who despite assurances that they are not monitored have actually been in the undertow because of the enormous amounts of random data that is retrieved by our suppliers. Online Banking has decreased, as have online shopping. Both frame heavy investments made by banks and merchants.

New Security

These range from new encryption measures to changed the login procedures. New privacy settings should be able to provide better control over fine-tuning their customer accounts. Google started using the internal front public data cable to transfer data between its data centers to avoid bottling. Your browsing goes via encrypted SSL channel by default.

Rumors that encryption standards are built with backdoors, or probed by the NSA, means that new encryption measures adopted, as the internal keys replaced in random pattern. This makes it harder to crack, and whether encryption should be broken, the effect is short-lived.

effort is believed to be part of the giant investment in cyber-security, which implies a growth area where the 390 billion used in years. This is expected to go on the ceiling and pass 550 billion in 2017.

Microsoft in Norway refers to blog article from Brad Smith, and will not comment on it further.

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