Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Adds the map data on the cheap - Technology Magazine

But so far no raw Authority.

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Lions Environment Minister Bård Vegard Solhjell drummed along to a small press conference with the working title “Release of map data” on Tuesday afternoon.

But he could not follow up when he and refresh Minister Rigmor Aasrud ??arranged a meeting with Geodata today.

New Strategy

they released some words for a new strategy for the pricing of data from the Authority.

This is material that is expensive today, as the agency is required to earn their own money in addition to allocations from the state budget.

But price policy comes into conflict with the government’s main strategy that the data collected by the public shall be available for free.

purpose of such open data is to contribute to innovation and the digital value creation by thought leaders gain access to the vast Megd of information that government agencies are sitting on.

Solhjell has previously announced that he chews hard on the changes in the rules.

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Lose money

IT company Geodata snekrer map solutions for municipalities and oil sector and has flagged its high requirements that must also map data onto the market at a predictable price.

– Preferably free, but at least to completely different prices than today, says CEO Geir Hansen to TU.

He illustrated the consequences of maps pricing in a blog earlier this year.

reveals that app developers lose money on an otherwise great business because the Authority requires a paid each time a mobile user bring up the map, pan and zoom. This pricing is called “click charge”.

Authority earns scant 44 million each year on such mediation services, as it is called.


government put forward its proposal for a revised najonalbudsjett 7 May, Environment Minister a new plan ready for the Norwegian Mapping Authority budgets.

– We have launched a program to free map data and the plan should be clear about the summer, explained Solhjell on current hits with Geodata.

Initially he releases no data, but provides a foretaste.

This is free:

  • Standard map series format in 1:50.000, with continuous updates.
  • Road and address data.

cost 10 million for the agency for the rest of the year, and the money allocated in the revised national budget.

SIGNAL: Geodata Geir Hansen (right) had to settle for signals of affordable map data in the Tuesday’s meeting with Environment Minister Bård Vegard Solhjell and Authority Chief Anne Cathrine Frøstrup. Photo: Espen Zachariassen

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No raw data

annual amount shall then be allocated to an increasing pace of upcoming budget – if the current government parties continue after the election.

But yet this is not the raw data?

– No, this is not raw data, but a signal that we have started a process that will take several years, says Solhjell to TU.

Better prices

next step is to look at price models. Director Anne Cathrine Frøstrup the Norwegian Mapping Authority also attended the meeting Tuesday. She could tell that the Authority is working on new pricing models that will provide predictable prices.

She has set the deadline for the New Year.

There was no clear promises, but Frøstrup went far in suggesting that the hated tax will click away.

Geodata Chief Hansen is positive in their comments.

– It is a right step in when this is on the agenda, and when to get a plan. But still the question is not about clicks fee clarified, he points out. He believes it is important that the government now intends to predictable Oris.

IT industry is hesitant.

– These signals are environmentally lions Minister attached to the mast. The details must be available before the election. Now the question is what is going to be in the plan – if it actually gets free access to the raw data. It’s probably a little early to hoist the flag, says director Liv Freihow in ICT Norway.

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So so: Geodata was used as reference for the government’s plans for the free map data. The company made this montage for Technical Ukeblad readers to show what we can and can not. The upper map is the gift package, while industry wants more detail, as in the lower map. Photo: Geodata / Installation

Will put tracks

general election is only a few months away, gives partibarometerne increasingly signaled a change of government.

why it was urgent for Solhjell putting political mark in this case. The party has after all secured party free map data.

same time increasing pressure internationally, since the EU is working on the same issue.

Parliament will soon consider the revised rules in the so-called re-use directive.

Here is the general rule that government agencies should not charge for access to their data for each case. They will only be able to calculate a so-called marginal cost – that they should have his costs of making available the data, once and for all, that the data property.

Missing data data

bit odd with this case is insufficient evidence on which gains free map data actually.

Among the most recent reports, we find a report Gartner uttarbeidet for Danish Digitizing Agency in 2009 on the innovation value of map data.

report from Vox Publica helped establish the Norwegian Data Hotel, where a growing number of agencies contribute their raw data in machine-readable format.

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