Commissioner for environment and transport in Oslo, Guri Melby (V) went earlier this year and demanded an amendment to provide Oslo municipality’s right to introduce environmental requirements for the taxi industry. City council proposed to introduce zero-emission requirements for taxis in Oslo in 2023. Ministry went against the proposal because they believed Oslo had statutory authority to set such a requirement.
On Tuesday of last week got Left and SV in Parliament endorsed to request an amendment. The resolution reads as follows:
“Parliament asks government ensure counties opportunity to impose zero and low emission for new taxis through § 11 vocational traffic Act.”
This means that the counties themselves should be able to decide whether they want to set environmental standards for the taxi industry. In that case it will be up to local politicians to decide whether they will take advantage of this opportunity.
– Klin impossible
Taxi drivers in Oslo from the start of the discussion has been critical to the environmental requirements. Glenn Tuxen, taxi owner in Oslo Taxi A / S, and country director of Norwegian Taxi Association, believes that the claims are totally unrealistic.
– The industry eventually says that it is a straightforward solution, it is I do not doubt . But today it is totally unrealistic for me that has 22 hour operation per day. How should I get the car to go the 22 hours, when I have to charge it? It is absolutely impossible for the blade. I would so clearly save on fuel if I can, but the way it is now I have not opportunity, he explains.
Guri Melby says that Oslo has pledged to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and To reach that goal must be stronger measures. She points out that a cab has 5-6 times higher emissions than a conventional car, and that it will not be talking about an immediate restructuring.
– We will add up to a gradual phasing and set stronger claims every year for a decade. The reason we do so gradually that taxi owners will have the opportunity to adapt, she said.
Will be influencing automotive
Tuxen cares neither for a major upheaval in the near future. But he can see for himself that in many cases can be problematic to implement.
– We need to think a bit, we have a responsibility to transport the disabled, schoolchildren, and so on. Show me the maxi taxi which runs on electricity then? Team cars first, then we will come after, believes Tuxen.
Melby on its side believes that such measures will help to contribute to the zero emission taxis actually being made.
– There are the a question of whether we should lie behind until technology comes. Norway’s entire electric vehicle policy has been crucial for the development we have had until now, and if anyone ordering taxi will have zero emission, we’ll be happy that we can make an impact automotive. We see the well that technology is developing rapidly, so I think it is likely that there are cars available in five years. Therefore I am glad that Parliament has now adopted this says Melby.

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