He came alone to call the country in February this year, while kona and sønnene at three and six diaper again in Sicilia.
Emanuele Lombardo (41), a 173 cm høy mann with dark curls and a broad smile, won the temporary jobb on Meieriet at Ås. Hardt arbeid, definitely just for a short while, but a jobb, noe å put on the CV-one and a Norwegian personal identification number.
Every morning he went two hours by bus and train for å utføre the jobben, with When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town on one thigh and a Norwegian-Italian iPad app on the other. He had to turn opp every word. I … am … police … Bastian … and … is … one … vennlig … mann . About banquets dinner he went home the same veien and took opp ‘books again. For … it … seems … I … you … should … be … if … you … can .
Sweets learned Emanuele Lombardo our language. When Aftenposten they met him for the first time in slutten of June this year, he was already so stødig he led the most part, audiovisual conversation in Norwegian. About kveldene he talked on Skype with kona and kids if home in Italia, and he had ta seg together not stream cry when the youngest son asked:
– Pappa, why dro you? If you were not happy with Us?
– Giorgio, I can not be happy uten leaders. I have gone to a country other things for å lete banquets a better life. When I fins the right jobben, the leaders get hit.
The big sjansen
In November this year wrote Aftenposten: “Sor-Italia goes from it hurt to verre. The youth Drar. The economy stuper. “The whole Sør-Europe has labeled it lenge. Since 2010, almost 11,000 people – and that’s just from Italia, Spania and Portugal – Levert inn arbeidsrelaterte EEA registrations in Norway. Hjelpeorganisasjonene merker also økt pågang.
– I understand that people reiser, says Italian Fulvio Castellacci, leader by holders of technology, innovation and culture at the University of Oslo. Although he moved to Norway for almost 15 years ago. The siste years he slip stream lurk on whether it was a corr avgjørelse.
– The economic conditions faced will be only verre and verre, spesielt in the northeast, but also in sør. Sør receive less support av EU enn before, Unemployment grows and the long-term perspective is not utsiktene good, believe Castellaci.
brother had helped him å write and send 70 jobbsøknader. The 69 first motta core replied that he’re unable was assessed as aktuell this time.
From 2010 started raising the putter Tidene stream frame Emanuele Lombardo and kona Oriana hardt. First won the Italian rider with bachelor’s, master’s degree and doctorate in matvitenskap and Kommunikasjon beskjed: “We setter greatly appreciate jobben thou doest, but from reaching you can just get half salaries,.” He started his own farm, and noen months he served greit, other months too lite. Last year diaper kona offered a new contract as a biologist, but only if she was willing å get utbetalt-half av it she had before. Ekteparet so not services anymore a future for her small family in Sicily, and took one Tøff avgjørelse: Z move to a country other things.
It was natural that the diaper Norway. Emanuele Lombardo had already two brothers here. One came in 1995, the other in 2011. They helped him gjennom the difficult first moon countries as he did with our language and missed family. First he lived two months at the youngest, so at the ol dest, completely he tenkte “I can not sit on the shoulders of my brothers services anymore.”Meanwhile, Lombardo’s first gjennombrudd in Norway. Brother had helped him å write and send 70 jobbsøknader. The 69 first motta core replied that he’re unable was assessed as aktuell this time. But then answered Oslo municipality: Come on interview. We want to hear huh you have å si .
Emanuele Lombardo knew that this sjansen he could not brenne. This was muligheten he had forsaken kona and sønnene in all these countries the moon. In three quarter he sold egenskapene, idéene and løsningene its a Norwegian he had learned in a barnebok. If he had not clearly in Norwegian, he would not have turn itself vurdert. Sweets fikk Emanuele Lombardo one one-year position as Project Manager at Multi-Cultural Etablerersenter in Grorud district.
– Not just å flights to Frankfurt
Lombardo is not alone å forlate everything. From 2010, the number ‘arbeidsrelaterte EEA registrations “from Sør-Europe (Italia, Spania and Portugal) økt each year.
In 2010, the 1499 slike registrations by utgangen av November this year the figure was 2,469 (1142 spanjoler, 708 Italians and 619 Portuguese). But what type of immigrant labor wants the working class and sosialminister Robert Eriksson (FrP) seg? He setter seg by møtebordet office sitt and spin the authors aim at his head: What type of capacity for work come to Norway å trenge in the years to come?
– If the votes that we shall be 6,000,000 Norwegians bank in 2025, so exactly does that mean we have need for more fagarbeidere 90,000 enn today. Since we must consider regarding password security on two things: One is å bli nicer to stream qualify treating them as born and oppvokst in Norway å bli the workmen working life will etterspørre. The other is y get hit immigrant labor as a ballast, fagutdanning and at a brisk Maate can learn seg å understand Norwegian working life. And it may just as well be a good data engineer from India or ‘steingod »medisi ner from the United States as one from Europe.A with høy ICT kompetanse must not stand and serve hamburgers
Statsraaden believe that languages are quite terms of some critical for å succeed. The same think the organization is for economic co-operation and utvikling (OECD), which in a fresh report on Norwegian arbeidsinnvandring writes that Norway must become nicer to stream cente språkkurs for workmen and their ektefeller.
the organization is for economic co-operation and utvikling (OECD) has recently Gitt ut a report on Norway’s recruitment av immigrant labor to the country. The report Recruiting Immigrant Workers heter it amongst other things:
* Norway should become more proactive and identifisere nøkkelområder that the country can be a sterk competitor when it applies in stream attach to seg Are suitable workmen as sannsynlig gets available .
* Norway should make it easier for the International Regulations student å bli banquets to The studies are ferdige.
* Norway should strengthen the offer to immigrant labor and their families, and do NAVs offers more participatory.
* Norway must cut emissions sjansene for misbruk and reassess au pair its criteria.
– I hear suksesshistorier and motsatte, for example on data engineers as a jobber in the box in Rema. One of høy ICT kompetanse must not stand and serve hamburgers, he must bleed that he or she has his kompetanse. Therefore, this the government pave the way for immigrant labor coming faster inn in the jobs they etterspørres in, and we have already in next year ‘budget satt av funds for a nytt service office of majority is foreign workmen in Bergen. For we must InnSee that it is represents a challenge that they are not healthy enough inn, says Eriksson.
– Do you think sør-europeere see where lite arbeidsledighet it is in Norway, and am thinking that it is lett å get jobb here?
– If you have not kjennskap to Norwegian working life, yes. But many oppdager fort to the trenger languages and fagutdanning. I believe that people have a responsibility before they get hit: Whether a Nordmann fancy y jobbe in Germany is not just stream flights to Frankfurt and say: “Well the Germans must procure a jobb to meg.” You should søke jobber from home country sitt, oppsøke farms and selge his skills, the financing and the workplace sosialministeren.
The new leiligheten
Emanuele Lombardo just came. But he had obviously his brothers y parts seg on.
When he had received a grant jobben in Grorud district on plass, the family could follow lavatories. June 24 he picked them at Gardermoen in a borrowed car, five months banquets that he forlot them. When he sto utenfor arrivals hall he heard the youngest mann of asking his mother “where is papa? ‘, And veggene he shouted:’ Papa is here, just came out! ‘. Then they came to the row that three year old Giorgio, six year old Michele and kona Oriana, and all four ended in a tårevåt lump av one gjenforeningsklem on flyplassen.
One uke later he must show them leiligheten he leid on Rykkinn in Bærum. Utenfor are green areas and lekeapparater but kona most brugt on how it is inne.– It is a spesiell time of Us, with major changes. It is fascinating and Hardt at the same time. I must try å be sterk for the children. They do not quite understand huh as skjer, says Oriana Lombardo.
The first Uken in July Aftenposten with the inn in the 90-square-foot blokkleiligheten in the first etasje. It is slitt but airy, and the large living room looking rett ut to a cozy porch. Emanuele Lombardo tar in a drawer in the kitchen. A håndtak faller av. He hits ut his arms and says:
– It’s a start.
He takes the boys with the inn at soverommet with køyesengen. The begynner å leke gjemsel bak skyvedørene to klesskapet.
– I liker it, she says.
– It is bright and good plass. But teppene on soverommene is not bra, says she. In four days, they move inn. The missing furniture, kjøleskap, washing machine and mattresses, and husleien utgjør like myeloma as Emanuele Lombardo servant while he fortsatt just jobber 50 per cent by the municipality (100 prosent from 15 August). She must have jobb. Well.
Everything is on finn.no
Mye succeed for the family Lombardo from Sicilia the hetero østlandssommeren 2014. At finn.no get the contact with a lady who must empty the entire house sitt . They get the very most they trenger for å fylle opp leiligheten on Rykkin free.
In a annen annonse fins they gigantflatskjerm which cost 23,000 kroner new. Selgeren must ha 500 kroner. For a remarkable country Norway.In August begynner Michele in a innføringsklasse on Evje school. He does so big and brisk progress that he kjapt moved to a ‘usual’ class at Bryn one day in Uken. Giorgio get a seat in the child chin. But viktigst av Total: Oriana Lombardo jobb. Although she does not speak Norwegian doing Ullevål sykehus y fin plass a bachelor, doctorate, a four-year spesialiseringsskole in genetikk and seven years arbeidserfaring with genetikk in Italia. It is a six-month temporary position which goes ut in January. But it’s a start.
The trenger not services anymore slecting vekk grønnsaker or frukt in the shop because it costs for myeloma.
Better å go home
The Catholic Church hjelpeorganisasjon Caritas meetings are held often immigrant labor from Europe. Since organisasjonens information center for immigrant labor in Oslo opened their doors in 2011, Caritas hatt over 15,000 inquiries. Spanjoler, rumenere and Poles tops the list of regard users.
Both had universitetsutdannelse at Masters degree level set, but levde on his salaries, from McDonalds
– It’s putter times in Europe and well utdannede people come to Norway on jakt banquets arbeid. In harvest traff I have a couple of Spania. Both had universitetsutdannelse at Masters degree level set, but levde on his salaries, from McDonalds. It says a little about the problems faced in the home country when what is y foretrekke, says manager Sigrid Westeng Odden.
– Wha is nøkkelen into streams succeed?
– Språkkunnskaper and utdanningsnivå. It’s hard important that you briskly learn Norwegian. It exactly does that approach in Norwegian education also is terms of some critical. Language is nøkkelen into streams come seg inn on the labor in Norway. Mye avhenger av how prepared you are before you come. Whether you have sparepenger, and whether you get jobb and housing recovery. Many gets shuffled wrong about how difficult it is y get jobb here. For Tross statistical low arbeidsledighet exactly does that it’s not that it’s a åpent market. It is also many who gets surprised how expensive it is y live in Norway.
– Fails many?
– We thereby helps a lot with reality orientation, Yes. We also recommend many å go home. If you do not have jobb or a place to stay this time av year it is better river voyage tilbake. We thereby helps also people who gets coarse utnyttet. They have arbeidskontrakter, but they do not get salaries, or the utbetalingen they turn itself promised explains Westeng Odden.
– The entire course is in Norwegian
Emanuele Lombardo has not hatt slike opplevelser in Norway . He believes Norwegians are decent, hjelpsomme and imøtekommende. But it is one thing you must know whether Lombardo: If you propose noe for him, he suggests three things tilbake. Idéene his has no grenser, and he legger them up with a convincing kroppsspråk. He diaper your employment in Oslo municipality because he came seg gjennom intervjuet on stotrende Norwegian, but at most because he came to intervjuet with a Detailed Plan on how Multi-Cultural Etablerersenter could become better.
– This is the first time I’ve opplevd noe sånt, says mannen who hired him, seksjonsleder Jarle Stave Botnen.
Lombardo jobb is å learn opp people who want å start his own farm. November 5 Drar we å see him in front of “The pupils’ its on Ammerud. In Palermo it is 16 degrees and the sun, in Oslo, the three degrees and acidic. Bak desks in møterommet sitter 16 Men and women with different nasjonaliteter. Emanuele Lombardo says an audiovisual them:Seksjonsleder Jarle Stave Botnen in town Grorud is imponert at how healthy Emanuele Lombardo learned seg Norwegian.
– Emanuele is difficult creative and reflektert, in also calling for his forretningsteft and professional spisskompetanse, and is at all måter one ressurs for the joint project.
– What is the future of his ut ?
– He leads a project that is future-oriented, and they provide good services operation on a satsingsområde which can contribute to more wear strong holdings in Groruddalen, Oslo and the area around the capital. The main focus is the urban service economy or livelihood holdings candy to usual people can get good forutsetninger for å clear seg economically with sitt One-man, or liten farm, says Stave Botnen.
– How are norsken your ? The entire course is in Norwegian, in every fall something which resembles Norwegian.
– I’m talking, but find it difficult å understand corresponds mannen.
Lombardo eat brisk one Kvikk Lunch, beats prosjektoren in the roof and begynner y teach. He says “DAXI ‘instead of’ taxi ‘,’ onnskyld ‘instead of’ unnskyld ‘and’ chvart ‘instead of’ black ‘and when he stands firm and forget a word he keeps hendene ut from the ears and forms munnen as Munch’s “Scream”. Poengene his sinking all the same inn. Course participants’ notes on the blocks they have in front seg.
– Three things will be important when you start your own business. It is sales, sales and marketing. Not ran banquets money. La money løpe banquets deg, but remember: This is not about penger but about meaning, leaders should kjøre taxi or jobbe with hair extensions. And: Dere should never add, never add disappoint its clients in their, says Emanuele Lombardo before he begynner with Detailed increased for increased training.
When darkness comes, he starts on the long trip home to Rykkinn. Awaits Giorgio which is sliten banquets child chin, Michele who gets nicer and nicer in Norwegian and Oriana which often seems to him to be late home. Emanuele Lombardo reiser from east to west by public transport. Monthly pass is fairer enn å Procuring own car. Michele will they be Procuring a motor caravan, and took opp theme of nytt one evening before the diaper winter.– We must be forsiktige with penger, for I have just job in one year, so the danger.
– When should we Procuring tickets banquets one year, replied the son.
– Tickets?
– Yes, home to Italy.
Emanuele Lombardo so on eldstesønnen her and answered mildly: – Well, Norway is home.
Les also:
Italia: Youth Drar. The economy stuper.
Portugal: In Portugal’s youth is the bekmørkt
19.des. 2014 22:00


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